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Brandon Webb – LIFF festival

For LIFF 2022 we received 5459 feature and short
 Early bird deadline - 1st March 2022
film submissions from 121 countries for our four
 Regular deadline - 29th June 2022 programme sections for new films: Official
Selection for narrative features; Cinema Versa for
 Late deadline - 1st August 2022 documentary features and shorts; Fanomenon for
fantasy genre features and shorts; and Leeds Short
 Notification date - 31 August 2022 Film Awards with seven competition categories
and £6000 in cash prizes.
 LIFF 2022 dates - 2 to 17 November 2022

A rough outline of my idea is a slasher style of horror which will have a killer and 3 or 4 survivors
depending on the casting who are in a park or forest depending on locations I choose to use. One
survivor will be thought as dead within the first 5 minutes but comes back and saves the rest of the
group. This will be the first step on my idea and over the next few weeks I will be developing it.

The only rules the competition has is making it at a short film or feature film of your choice and if
wanted you can submit multiple projects. A short film must be under 45 minutes where as a feature
film must be over 45 minutes. However, if I was to participate in the screen dance submissions it
would have to be under the 20 minutes mark.

The target audience I feel like my project will bring in will be 16-24 year olds. I feel like this is because
where it’s influenced from a video game this game has had a big part of this age group over the last
few years. I also feel like other ages will watch it but it will mostly impact people around that age due
to the fact they know the basics to the film. They could also just enjoy it in general even knowing
nothing about this video game. It will be a different than normal horror due to the storyline and what
will be done on the script.

The following part below is my production schedule

Dates. What to do. done.
24th January 2022 Context
31st January 2022 Feedback 1-2-1 with teacher
Target audience weekly blog
7th February 2022 Feedback 1-2-1 conventions
(research and test shoots)
weekly blog
14th February 2022 Feedback 1-2-1 character
research weekly blog
Half term
28th February 2022 Carry on research
Feedback+ 1-2-1
Planning start weekly blog
London trip stay home work
7th march 2022 Feedback 1-2-1 script
storyboards etc
14th march Pitch work
21st march Planning and pitch
28th march Filming
4th April Filming possible editing
Easter holidays
25th April Filming and editing
2nd may Re-shoots if needed
9th may Viewing of productions
Start evaluations
16th may Finish evaluation
23rd may Marking week
Half term
6th June If needed come In to get
next grade or stop from

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