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Aidalla, Kaye I.

Readings in Philippine History




I. Discuss your stand about the controversy based from the evidences and
justifications about the Pigafetta, Albo, Legazpi accounts.
 My position on the controversy between Pigafetta, Albo, and Legazpi
narratives based on evidence and justification is that I agree with
them that the first mass was held in Masao, and the evidence from the
name of the place was persuasive to me. Navarrette: The name of the
location where Magellan landed in the Pacific Ocean, according to
all primary accounts, was Masao or something similar. The location is
given as 90 degrees north latitude by some sources and 9 2/3 degrees
north latitude by others. The latitude location excludes Limasawa and
boosts Masao's claim because it is ten degrees closer. Another strong
case for Navarrette is that the path from Cebu to Butuan is almost
identical to the one now used by motor vessels.

II. Write an essay of your analysis and interpretation of the three accounts using
the questions found on the first column as guide. Do not forget to cite other
sources, if you have used any.
 The uprising of Filipino soldiers and workmen at the Cavite arsenal is a
key event that must be recorded in history prior to the Philippine
Revolution in 1896 and the proclamation of the country's
independence in 1898. On January 20, 1872, the Cavite Mutiny
occurred, when troops and workers assassinated the Spanish official in
charge of the arsenal. According to Montero and Izquierdo's report,
the Filipinos were refused the privilege, which was the root of the
Cavite Mutiny. Other factors they cited included the Spanish
Revolution, which overthrew the secular throne, filthy propaganda
spread by an unrestrained press, democratic, liberal, and republican
books and pamphlets reaching the Philippines, and, most importantly,
the presence of native clergy who, out of animosity toward the
Spanish friars, "conspired and supported" the rebels and enemies of
Spain. The author's message, in my opinion, allows us to be more
aware of our history. According to the author, studying history is critical
in order to find solutions that will be needed in future generations. The
events surrounding the Cavite Mutiny in history lead to the emergence
of nationalism and, eventually, the eruption of the Philippine
Revolution in 1896. I agreed to Gov. Gen. Rafael Izquierdo's official
report because he exaggerated the incident and used it to accuse
the native clergy, who were at the time prominent in the secularization
movement. After reading other historians' interpretations of the
accounts and other sources related to the Cavite Mutiny, I found that
Governor-General Rafael Izquierdo y Gutiérrez's account is the most
similar to my own analysis, because Izquierdo's report was more
detailed kapag paguusapan ang Cavite Mutiny ng mga Filipino
patungkol sa Spanish Sovereignty. And it's part of a larger plot that
spans the archipelago with the purpose of removing Spanish
sovereignty. The accounts were used to support and refute their claims
based on the primary source they obtained and the gap between it
and other accounts. People will have a greater grasp and awareness
of the historical events that transpired in the Philippines as a result of
these texts in modern times. They'll also utilize the data to investigate
difficulties or unanswered questions concerning the Philippines' past.
This is noteworthy in the history of the Philippines.

III. Do you think Rizal retracted? List down the pros and cons on the effect of this
issue on Rizal’s heroism. Explain the historical significance of this controversy.
Propose an ideal/action on how this controversy may be addressed.
 In my perspective, Rizal did not retract, despite the fact that many
people said he did based on their own thoughts and evidence, and
there is still no proof or justification that Rizal retracted, which would
put an end to the discussion. The following are the advantages and
disadvantages of the issue of Rizal heroism: The issue of Rizal heroism
includes advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that
Rizal's national heroism will be bolstered, and future generations will
remember him. Those who are aware of Rizal's limitations have the
advantage of being able to back up their claims with proof and
justification. And, because others lack a definitive reason for Rizal's
dilemma, they will continue to regard him as a hero who sacrificed his
life for the Filipino people's freedom, despite the fact that he did not
use violence because he did not want to harm innocent people or fail
the peaceful. The disadvantage of bringing up the topic of Rizal's
heroism is that it will stimulate people to look into what he did to
acquire the title of hero. Furthermore, due to proof and reason offered
by other authors, Rizal's status as a national hero might be revoked in
an instant. In today's world, the topic is still pertinent. It is true that the
Philippines have a number of government officials that fail to follow
through on their pledges. Rizal, on the other hand, had done a lot
before resigning. The most important aspect of Rizal's life to examine is
his contributions to the country and how he sacrificed himself for the
Filipino people. Rizal's retraction tarnished his reputation, but he did not
compromise his convictions, in my opinion. No human being is perfect,
and they may be forced to compromise some of their values for the
benefit of their own well-being under specific circumstances. In Rizal's
instance, he retreated for his own sake, but this pales in comparison to
his accomplishments and contributions to the country. To tackle the
issue, I aim to advise people to examine not just Rizal's retraction, but
also Rizal's achievements in fighting the Filipinos. I'll also teach them
about Rizal's achievements and instill in them the belief that Rizal
deserves of being our hero. Others, on the other hand, have closed
minds and refuse to change their ideas regarding Rizal's status as a
national hero. There are no perfect persons in the world, yet we may
call Rizal our hero when we consider the positive aspects of his

IV. For The First Cry Issues and Controversies: Why do you think is this important to
be discussed? What is the impact of this to you? How do you think can this
issue be resolved?
 This, in my opinion, should be discussed because it leads to a better
knowledge of historical events' conflicts and concerns. People can
gain knowledge that allows them to comprehend and analyze when
the first cry occurred, including the day, month, and year. According
to the marker, "the first scream of the oppressed people against the
Spanish country, strengthened by the use of armaments." The
Katipunan, led by Andres Bonifacio, made this statement of revolution,
which was backed up by the tearing of their cedula. As a result of the
impact of these texts, we earned freedom from strangers. I also
learned about historical events that I could use to teach or enlighten
the iab about at the moment. This problem, I feel, can be resolved if
we consider the positive sides of the papers, which struggle for our
country's freedom from the Spanish and other foreigners. Also,
educate people about the historical events depicted in The First Cry.


Significance of Rizal’s Retraction – Casa’s Blog (

The Two Faces of the 1872 Cavite Mutiny - National Historical Commission of the Philippines

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