Student Home Remote Learning Survey

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Distance Learning Survey - Students

This survey asks you about your education experiences during the COVID-19 crisis and switch
to home/remote teaching. It is an anonymous survey so please be honest in your responses. No
one at your school will know how you personally responded to this survey.

The results of this survey will be available to your school to inform their efforts to improve the
effectiveness of home/ remote teaching during this unprecedented crisis.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact or go to
our website:

Only take this survey if you are in 6th through 12th grade.

If you have an urgent need, please contact your school.

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Which school district do you attend?

What is your race/ethnicity? (select all that apply)

o African American
o Asian
o Native American
o Hispanic/Latinx
o White
o Other ________________________________________________

What grade level are you in?

o 6th
o 7th
o 8th
o 9th
o 10th
o 11th
o 12th

What format is your school giving home/remote learning to you?

o Online
o Print materials
o Both Online and print materials

Do you have internet access at home?

o Yes
o No
o Yes, but it does not work very well.

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Do you have access to a computer or device (other than a smartphone) that you can use to
complete your school work?
o Yes
o No
o Yes, but it is does not work very well.
o Yes, but other people have to use it when I need it.

Across all your classes, what is the amount of time your district or school expects you to be
spending doing home/remote learning each day?
o Less than 1 hour
o About an hour
o 90 minutes
o 2-3 hours
o 3-4 hours
o More than 4 hours
o I am not sure

Has your school provided you clear instructions for how to access the instructional materials for
your classes?
o No
o Somewhat
o Yes

Are your teachers available to you when you need help?

o No
o Somewhat
o Yes

Are you keeping up with your school work as much as you were before the COVID-19 crisis?
o No
o Somewhat
o Yes

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Are you learning as much as you were before the COVID-19 crisis?
o No
o Somewhat
o Yes

Does your teacher's feedback support you in your home/remote learning?

o No
o Somewhat
o Yes

Are your teachers providing you several different ways to demonstrate your learning?
o No
o Somewhat
o Yes

Are you satisfied with the home/remote learning education provided to you?
o No
o Somewhat
o Yes

What else could your school do to help or support you with home/remote learning during the
COVID-19 crisis?

Please describe one thing one of your teachers has done in your home/remote learning that has
motivated you or you found engaging.

Thank you for participating in this survey!

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