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NECROMASTER DRAGON Huge Dregon, Neutra Evil Armor Class 20 IN: Hit Points 195 ( Speed 40 ft, fy 20 fe, swim Challenge 15 (13,009 Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air nd water. Legendary Resistance (3/Day).f the dragon fails 2 saving thiow, it can choose fo sucteed intend, Necromantic Salva f the Necromaster Dragon kills @ Creature with a bite attack or its breeth attack that Creature taises es a zombie 14 rounds later under the Neeromester Dragon's comrl Actions ‘Muttiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence Icthen makes three attacks: one with its bite and (wo with ite claws Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 fe, one target. Hit: (2410 + 6) piercing damage plus (1412}poison damage. (Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +11 10 hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hie: (246 + 6) sashing damage. Tail Melee Weapon Attack: ~11 to hit, reach 15 fe, one target. Hit (288 + 6) bludgeoning damage. Frighiful Presence. Each creature of the dragon's choice that ie within 120 feat of the dragon and aware of = ‘must succeed on aC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become fiigntened for 1 minute. A creature can cepest the saving throw at the end af ecch of te tume, ending the effect on itself on asuccess. Ifa creature's saving. throw is successful or the effect ends fori, the cresture is immune to the dragon’: Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. ‘NecroPoison Cloud (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales 2 cloud of poison in 2 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make aDC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 54 (1248) poison damage on a failed save, or halfas much damage on a successful one. Undead in this cloud regan &¢6 hitpoints. The cloud stays in the air for one round before cispersing, 2 creature ends their turn or enters the cloud for the first fine they must succeed the caving threw or take the amaze Legendary Actions The Thunderbreak Regent can take 3 legendary actions, cheazing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at atime and only af tne end of snother creature's turn. Thunderbreak Regent regainz spent legendery actione at the start of their Move The Tnunderbreak Regent is able to move up Bite. (Costs 2 Actions). The Tuunderbreak Regent sttempts « quickolt action, Wing Attack (Costs 3 Actions). The Thunderbresk Regent beats its four wings. Each creature within 10 f of the dragon must succeed an 2 DC 2 Desterty saving throw or take 20 (4d6 = 8) bludgeoning Gamage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half ts flying speed DREADMALKIN ‘rv Ges20 fans 451084 20) Speed oe SR DE CON INT WS GHA 413) 1864) 1562). 165) 1140) 94 ‘aap rmuniies Palco (Condon annie Ponened,Fighened, ‘eres pcs Perception & sees Menace rere racking the Drescinan hve Fesarag unless hey Fate =v aly wt SA xed Fett Sage reduces he sour. ‘ploneswalkers. che Dreacmelun brings & ‘ausng a own esto expo te resol ‘causes the soul spark ofthe planeswalker to be ever be brought buck not even hough ee of Mihet Actions Cine Weis Weapon krack 8 Sorte b(t) Sasg come DreaDHORDE TWIN Maio Unde, Neo Eo RrorGass 18 Neale sig trade 28) SR O&K CON INT WIS GHA 16 63) 14 (2) 18 64) (3) 10460) 1060) ore mace r= Conitonbrurrtin Posed Serer Ouran Speen Percepson 10 ges Under Lappe pen Change € (219050) Tain hie wn Sa afanthe Dreads Tin ‘ser hs edarage om aac ls Gam Dresdhorce Ton er irc Acton heree te Dacor ractng trek ansccians stack sevon che Fine Gresthode Twn choses to ten verze tbe ath SCF the tonere ey mee teenage eda or fom sinc ht On arene Te Drestorée Tun cei oun image a plaesualcs the Dresrore Ten BrcstheaeTeinaraar a0 pois by ence ‘sow tend apie the eer ey ot Sisnpe ts ndeat foriude bp doy ts ‘uses ne soul spar of he plnesuairo be severe srougne beck et even shoagrene ane of het Temple hen the Dest Horde Twin duces Syreaning dere om the stack may eens Saeco armen sega teat Actions “Matatck Toe Dred sce Twn acl ce snr toesh ‘sflvone target bi? (18 + 3) Steshing domage Car Mie eau VEE) 142) 20665) 16H) THE) FO) oe epimers ‘Sos S passe Perception 10 ee pase ‘tren Cuarig ones oie Coe Gmecrntateneteereoie ‘Srectereil ena ley cary tnd ‘ple ard boing sou aa pet afte Breer ree ray nt sept Er) Fenn oj conga vcneene oa useoine Sei acme ee Gaucofaumroe hing ue rah (Greg feel sagas overage oso, ‘at nae and se adage ee ey ‘Hows ole ag pele ard magic ect Dicer orgs ne named ceere | Ges under eee of Longe pe es Sage Ta ae see Seat hose taal ney he esr Giese vaste alowirg ows spel pepsed Soe teeea eaten eo “Sa ei to apa aot ron eget a es Secaoptnne Actions Mutamce 6 Gearing Crane ss we lain se emanates ro sen fa spe ietiian a) etna donare Aras) chug £4) Ciearrg Ove Seo Coal Paab crmne eae chaps Sho Lng es 11 ‘irae heer ove ee ec owalaicas te srdwderurdte Ceing Grose A cee cn efor cnre een ETERNAL SKYLORD ‘Medium Undead, Neutral Evi ‘Armor Cass 17 ‘HitPoints 123(1408 + 70) Speed 30% STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1562) 13 G1) 206-5) 16(+3) 1169) BC) Saving brows Wis 3 Damage resistances Cold Fire Damage immunities Paison Condition Immunities Poisoned Senses Derlvision 6Uft passive Perception 10 Urguages Uncerstance Al Language: le Sooke In Life Bur Cait Ses ‘Ghalenge § (3500 ¥P) Etemal Fortitude If damage reduces the Etemal Skylord | je Onitpoints semust make a Consttution saving throw with 2 OC of S= the camage then unieze the raclant or from acrtieal hit On a success the Eternal Skyoed takes no camage Spark Harvester The Eternal Skylord deals double rs with weapon etscks. fhe swat te O nt points ‘he Eeetal Sylora le ‘self by causing its head to explode, the eterna may not atempt ts uncead Fortitude. By doing this Causes the sou/spatkof re planesualeer 10 D2 harvested A creature tills by thie method can never be Brought back not even though the use ofa nish spell ‘Amass Avens vy Eernl Soldier suramoned by the Esernal Sylord are aven Eternals ana nave a fy speed of of Speleastng. Te maEternl Slord i a Gtvlevel spelleaste its spellestng eilty& Intligence (spell Eove DC 14, <6 40 hurt epall stacie) The Eterna) Stylord has the following weard spells prepared Cantips ft wail Fire Bole (2410), Cust, Lightning Lure (Ga), Mage Hard Tt level (4 sts): Feather Fall Jump, Magic Missi, Wech Bole 2nd level (3 slots): Eantibind, Gust of Wind, Hold Berean Phantemal Force 3rd evel (3 sows), Sow Actions Muliattack te Eterel Siyloré attacks twice with ts fat? Saf Melee Weapon Artack +8 0 hit, reach Sfe, one target Hit (146 + 2) Bladgeoning damage Amass (2. Recharge 6) The Etna Skylord sursmons 4 small portal which summons two Ezernal Soldiers ETERNAL TASKMASTER Mediums Undead Neutral vt ‘Brmeor ass 16 HaPoints 105(1448 + 46) Speed 30% ST DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1562) 114) 16 (63) 3.€4) 9E) 503) Damage resistances Co, Fire Damage immunities Poizor Condon Immunities Po sored Senaes Dattution SOM passe Perception 9 Unguages Unerrance'l Languages It Spoke In ie but cart speak halenge 41,100 2) ‘tema Fortiude carraze reduces the Ezemel ‘esemamter so oh points mun make # ota tent ag tee eee ie Gamage tate, unless the damege i radiont ar from Scnmealhe On success the EreralTasemater SS “Spck Harvester The Eternal Taskmaster dese Gouble damage to slereswalkers with weapon stacks Fane ternal Teskmarer Orngs = Feiss Uniram asin e ec geen stack, che Eterna Tesemsce kills elf covsng IRs head to explode. the eternal ay rot atiempt ts tiedead Forte: By doing tne causes te oullepark ofthe plavee wake to be hawerted. A Creature klled by tis method can never be Brought Beck not even tie fs wih pel, ternal Endless Task The Exes Tasummaser c= pits Lcticp Ciena ricnel win D eer the her not rarezteg snd couls be vevvee net tera then gains a sumer of temporary nena feet pe Teste ster seer ietree Whenevershe Teseraar aces teoin srached crstre lores tne same number ee eee eee taskmestarin any way tlozes al temporary Inopomnes Atached erates cannot move outsge P0208 rays ofthe tacks the taconester an have up 0 three ctemals atached etme Actions ‘Maliatack oe Feral thins Crain Lach Sas (Chan Lash Melee Weapon Aracl:+6 0 Fit YOR one treet Hit? (148 © 3) Slashing dem DREADHORDE ‘ecm Unceat Neutral Ei! ‘Armor Cass 16 [Netucl Arsor) HiPoins 112(1528 + 45) Speed 30 Sm DEX CON INT. WIS CHA 16 (3) 1261) 173) 403) TE8) BC) Damage resistances Cold Fire Damage munities Pason Condon immunities Po canes Sonaes Darviion 60% paszive Perception 17 LEmguages Unerstands all anguages Ie Spoke In Life Burts Speak Chalerge 5 (2) tema Forte If caryage reduces the Herald oF he Dreadhorde to 0 hitpoins, must make a Constitution ening throw yen #C of 5- the damage taken, unless he damage is adant or fom ental bie On succere the Herald ofthe Brendorde tates i demsge Spark Harvester Te Hera ofthe Dreadhorde dea! ‘double damage to planeswakers with wespon sacks. Ite Hernia of the Dresshorde bongs # Panesar te O hit poins with a melee weapon tare the Hera oft Dreadrorde wil her kil tselfoy causing hasta explode ana absoring the oul ndspare oF the planes, the etal may not ater Ferra Fortude. By ding ris causes the soulspark oft paneswaierto be havested A cresture files yes ed pera igh ae eee hough te use ofa wish spel. ig Death When te Hera of the Drescarde {alist O itpoins ft summons two Erna Soldiers 2¢ indies Actions Multatack The Harald ofthe Dresdhonde Avacks ‘vee wth ener Baan Beare lee WesponAnck-s5 th. rach Sone tence Pes (ides) tare devare fara Short orLong Rs} For Rit ent: ae bene eee De ees cinerea cient orien Gee ees tec ou The ear cen a aca ee eee eee fine Tis ent ens a Hera of he Dcdhorde eet ‘Amass (2). Recharge 5-5) The Harald ofthe Dresshorde ‘itera #aalrtal hich summons So Eternal Soldier Grim INITIATE edu Undead Neral vi! STR DEX CON INT. WIS CHA 1763) 19G0) 1462) 513) 7(2) 712) Condon rmuniies Poisored Senses Dats 6GF passive Perception § Understands All Langusges It Spoke In Life Sureant Spas Challenge 1 (200 X9) ternal Forage damage reduces the Grim inlet ‘OFet pots, mus: rake a Constiion saving throw Gan aDCats- the damage tcer, unis: the eamage [Eradiant or for aecrtica nit On'e success the Crm intbare cekes no damage. Spark Harvest: Tre Gri tte desl double dom ‘Dplanesnalers wth weapon atacis. Fire Gin intatabringe 3 Plaresualear 100 nt points with rrelee weapon atack re Grim ntiae wll ter el Fselfby casing ls read vo explode and absorbing the soul and spark ofthe planesnalker, the Cr nivate May not ater: 22 Eternal roretude ay dorg tv causes the sou part ofthe planeswaleer to Be harvested. crestreciled oY ris method con ver De braugn: back not even ough ‘ne Use ofa Wish spell Fist Seike Te Crim inisto as advantage on the fst scleral of sech ur, Actions Harvest Melee spol Arack +5 tori, rach SR, ore ager HS 2 (Ide) recrete camage ene hat crestureisrow grappled (escape DC 13) at me Deginning 0 cre Etira's turn Ideals (1de) necrouc damage for each urn thas gapped a creature Ite have one creature grappled atime. Khopesh Melee Wesnon Arcac-+5 tit rescn Sf one sarget eS (138 2) Saching damage amass (I/shor res Te Crim nate oper Doral ir suriensan rer soy

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