Miller - Crazy Tiktok Trends That Have Come Lincoln High School

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Crazy TikTok Trends That Have Come Lincoln High School

By Mya Miller
Lion’s Roar Staff

For most of 2020 and 2021 many students were forced to stay home from school, causing them to rely on their technology
more than ever. During this time the usage of the app TikTok skyrocketed, with kids doing TikTok trends daily at home.
“TikTok saw a significant increase in popularity during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in the United States,” reported in its recent report, “Share of Individuals Using TikTok During the Coronavirus Outbreak in the United States in
2020.” The study found that TikTok enjoyed a growth of 180 percent among 15 to 25 year old users following the initial
lockdown period “when people started working and studying primarily from home.”
Though most schools are back to full time in-person learning for the current school year, it does not mean that these TikTok
trends have just disappeared. Instead, kids have brought some questionable trends from their homes to school. These TikTok
trends have caused concern in schools all over the United States, and Lincoln High School is no exception.
One more or less innocent TikTok trend that came to our school was “Bathroom Shrines”. This trend was to take a celebrity
and put pictures of them up in the school bathrooms, along with memes of them. The point was to make them look holy and
above all, almost like God.
On November 14, 2021 two junior girls at Lincoln High School decided to make their own bathroom school shrine. Their
shrine revolved around Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson, and pictured him throughout multiple decades. The pictures were located
in the girls bathroom in the A-wing next to the door of the handicap stall. Once it was posted a storm of girls appeared in the girls
bathroom taking pictures of the shrine and posting it all over the internet.
One of the creators of the shrine asked not to be named, but stated, “We saw a video like it on TikTok and thought it would be
funny to do at school. I saw so many kids post it all over Snapchat.” Neither girl ended up getting in trouble for the shrine and it
was taken down later that day.
Another TikTok trend that made it to our school were “School Instagram Accounts”. These Instagram accounts were created
anonymously by kids and pictures would be sent to them with different funny subjects of students caught in 4k.
Originally Lincoln High School started off with an account called This account was started on September 9,
2021, and currently has 430 followers. It is mainly focused on things going on with student athletes, but the account has a little
bit of a spin to it, because it takes students' faces and places them on memes, or will take the Lincoln High School lion logo and
put it on students' faces.
The second account, called @lhs_badparking22, was created on November 15, 2021, and currently has 260 followers. The
posts on this account are about the bad parking done by Lincoln High School students. In some pictures student cars are really
crooked, parked illegal spots, or are way over the lines.
Even though there were two accounts previously created from the “School Instagram Accounts” the one that is mostly
credited for the trend is called @lhs_slumped28. It was created on December 8, 2021, and currently has 466 followers. This
account posts pictures of students sleeping during class. Almost immediately, students started sending pictures of their friends to
this account over direct messages on Instagram and posts starting shooting up left and right.
Yet, Lincoln High School students were shocked to find out who was running the @lhs_slumped28 account. Instagram stories
were posted on the account guessing who was the creator of the account. After a little while of guessing the creator posted
themselves. It turns out that it was a girl running the account from Houston, Texas.
The creator posted a story saying, “I just saw the trend on TikTok and picked a random state with a random school, and that
happened to be Lincoln High School. Keep sending pictures my way guys and I will do my best to post them all.”
It seems as if the account has not been used as much recently. The last post was from December 28, 2021 and the caption
states, “y'all i’m so sorry for not responding… i haven't been in this acc :( :(“. So, it seems as if the owner of the account is either
done or will be taking a break, at least for now.
After the account @lhs_slumped28 was created other “School Instagram Accounts” began popping up all over. One that
popped up was called @lhs.caughtgrubbin, and pictured students caught eating throughout the school day. Another account was
called @lhs_bathroom and is still active with students' shoes being posted under stalls in the school bathrooms. One
other account was called @lhs_bad_haircuts, and students' bad hair cuts were posted and then on Instagram stories kids would
vote for them to cut their hair or keep it.
Lincoln High School junior, Andrea Alonzo, is not really comfortable with the @lhs.caughtgrubbin school Instagram account.
She stated, “I was self-conscious about eating in the school cafeteria, because I was scared that a picture of me eating at lunch
was going to be posted on the @lhs.caughtgrubbin school Instagram account.”
Dozens of other accounts like these were also posted, and none of them claimed to be affiliated with anyone at Lincoln High
School. Attempts to take these accounts down have been unsuccessful due to the anonymity of their creators.
One of the more disastrous TikTok trends that have come to Lincoln High School is “Devious (Devilishish, Dubious,
Diabolical, Nefarious) Licks”. Back in September of 2021 kids began to post going back to school and vandalizing school
property. It started off as kids stealing objects from school and whoever could take home the biggest object would win the trend,
but it quickly turned into a big problem for many schools all across the U.S.
In Lincoln, it began in the boys bathrooms when stalls, toilets, sinks, towels, soap dispensers, and other objects were being
stolen. One of the Instagram accounts from the “School Instagram Accounts” trend that was called @lhs_tweakin actually posted
two photos about the “Devious Licks” trend around Lincoln High School. In one photo the stall that divides the urinals in the
boys bathroom was removed. In another picture the toilet had been taken out of the bathroom floor.
This trend quickly transitioned into graffiti on the doors and walls in the boys bathroom. On another Instagram account from
the “School Instagram Accounts” trend called @stinkinlincolnhs posted a picture of the graffiti. Slurs and swears are written all
over the wall, many comments are made about staff who work at Lincoln High School, and comments were also written about
Then other things started disappearing from all around school. The girls' bathrooms also began to be vandalized. At the peak
of the trend only one boys’ bathroom was available for use. Currently, both the girls and boys bathrooms in C-wing are locked up
and are under renovation. The graffiti that was in the boys bathroom has been painted over, but new graffiti is now up in both the
boys and the girls bathroom all across the school.
One of the scariest TikTok trends pinpointed December 17, 2021 as “National Shoot Up Your School Day”. It started out with
a TikTok posted anonymously by someone in Utah that blew up. The rumor was that some school that had the initials “GHS” was
going to be shot up and it recommended other schools to do so and make this the official “National Shoot Up Your School Day”.
According, a digital magazine owned by Future plc out of Washington, D.C, “The anonymous author of the post
threatened to carry out a shooting on Dec. 17 at a school called ‘GHS’. Schools on the West Coast, including Granger High
School in Toole County, Gilroy High School, located outside San Francisco, and Garfield High School in Los Angeles were on
high alert, one closing for the day. Several high schools in Colorado with the initials GHS were also considered potential targets.
LHS junior, Sophia Alonzo was taken by surprise by the “National Shoot Up Your School Day” TikTok trend, “I didn’t hear
about it until the morning of the day,” she said. “It was scary, but I know that a lot of trends go around the school, so I didn’t
really believe it.”
Andrea Alonzo, also a junior, said, “I heard about the ‘National Shoot Up Your School Day’ TikTok trend that morning when I
entered school. The rumor made me really scared and nervous about being in school that day.”
Although a lot of students chose to stay home on December 17, 2021, it turned out that the school and its students were safe.
Many students did bring attention to the “National Shoot Up Your School Day” TikTok trend on their social medias where they
made it clear that they were very scared. One junior girl posted a TikTok with the caption saying “#GonnaDieToday” that got over
These TikTok trends are worming their way into the daily life of Lincoln High School students, and while some may be
intended to be amusing, others are certainly not. Recently, no new trends have popped in Lincoln High School 2022, but there
may be more TikTok trends coming soon.

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