Mechanical Operation

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2000 - IIT Kharagpur

Q.1 The power number for a stirred tank becomes constant at high Reynolds number. In this limit, the
variation of power input with impeller rotational speed (N) is proportional to
(A) N 0 (B) N1 (C) N 2 (D) N3

Q.2 A 1 m high bed made up of 2 mm particles is to be fluidized by an oil (density 900 kg/m3 ; viscosity
0.01 Pa-s). If at the point of incipient fluidization, the bed voidage is 39% and the pressure drop
across the bed is 10 kPa, then the density of particles is

(A) 2571 kg/m3 (B) 3514 kg/m3 (C) 4000 kg/m3 (D) 4350 kg/m3

Q.3 A 30% (by volume) suspension of spherical sand particles in a viscous oli has a hindered settling
velocity of 4.44 m /s. If the Richardson-Zaki hindered settling index is 4.5, then the terminal
velocity of a sand grain
(A) 0.9 m/s (B) 1m/s (C) 22.1m/s (D) 0.02 m/s

Q.4 The sphericity of a solid particle of cubical shape is

1 1
  3   2 
(A)  (B)   (C)   (D)
6 6 3

2001 - IIT Kanpur

Q.5 The energy required per unit mass to grind limestone particles of very large size to 100 m is 12.7

kWh/ton. An estimate (using Bond’s law) of the energy to grind the particles from a very large size
to 50 m is

(A) 6.25 kW-h/ton (B) 9.0 kW-h/ton (C) 18 kW-h/ton (D) 25.4 kW-h/ton

2002 - IISc Bangalore

Q.6 Arrange the following size reduction equipment in the decreasing order of the average particle size
produced by each of them.
(A) Jaw crusher ball mills, fluid energy mills (B) Ball mills, jaw crusher, fluid energy mills
(C) Fluid energy mills, jaw crusher, ball mills (D) Fluid energy mills, ball mills, jaw crusher

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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Q.7 If d P is the equivalent diameter of a non – spherical particle, VP its volume and SP its surface area,

then its sphericity  is defined by


(A) S  (B) S  (C) S  (D) S 

Q.8 A sand mixture was screened through a standard 10-mesh screen. The mass fraction of the oversize
material in feed, overflow and underflow were found to be 0.38, 0.79 and 0.22 respectively. The
screen effectiveness based on the oversize is

(A) 0.50 (B) 0.58 (C) 0.68 (D) 0.62

Q.9 What is the critical rotational speed in rev/s for a ball mill of 1.2m diameter charged with 70 mm
diameter balls?

(A) 0.5 (B) 1.0 (C) 2.76 (D) 0.66

Q.10 A gas (density  1.5 kg/m3 , viscosity  2 105 kg/m-s ) flowing through a packed bed (particle size =
0.5 cm, porosity = 0.5) at a superficial velocity of 2 m/s causes a pressure drop of 8400 Pa/m. The
pressure drop for another gas with density of 1.5 kg/m3 and viscosity of 3 105 kg/ms, flowing at 3

m/s will be

(A) 8400 Pa/m (B) 18900 Pa/m (C) 12600 Pa/m (D) 16800 Pa/m

Q.11 The drag coefficient for a bacterium moving in water at 1 mm/s will be of the following order of
magnitude (assume size of the bacterium to be 1 micron and kinematic viscosity of water to be
106 m2 /s ).

(A) 24000 (B) 24 (C) 0.24 (D) 0.44

2003 - IIT Madras

Q.12 Energy requirement (per unit mass of material crushed / ground) is highest for

(A) Jaw crusher (B) Rod mill (C) Ball mill (D) Fluid energy mill

dt   CV 
Q.13 The basic filtration equation is given as    R m  , where V is volume of the filtrate, A
dV Ap  A 
is the filtration area;  is specific cake resistance,  is viscosity of the filtrate, and C is the

concentration of solids in the feed slurry. In a 20 min constant rate filtration, 5 m3 of filtrate was
obtained. If this is followed by a constant pressure filtration, how much more time in minutes will it
take for another 5 m3 of filtrate to be produced? Neglect filter medium resistance, R m ; assume

incompressible cake.

(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 25 (D) 30

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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Common Data for Questions Q.14 & Q.15

A bed of spherical particles (specific gravity 2.5) of uniform size 1500 m is 0.5 in diameter and 0.5 m

high. In the packed bed state, the porosity may be taken as 0.4. Ergun’s equation for the above
particle-fluid system (in SI units) is given below.

 375 103 VOM  10.94 106 VOM
(SI units)
Q.14 In actual operation, the above bed has a height = 1 m. What is the porosity of the fluidized bed?

(A) 0.2 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.7 (D) 0.8

Q.15 If water is to be used as the fluidizing medium, the minimum fluidization velocity, VOM is

(A) 12 mm/s (B) 16 mm/s (C) 24 mm/s (D) 28 mm/s

2004 - IIT Delhi

Q.16 In constant pressure filtration,

(A) Resistance decreases with time (B) Rate of filtration is constant

(C) Rate of filtration increases with time (D) Rate of filtration decreases with time

Q.17 For a cyclone of diameter 0.2 m with a tangential velocity of 15 m/s at the wall, the separation factor

(A) 2250 (B) 1125 (C) 460 (D) 230

Q.18 Match the system is Group I with equipment used to separate them in Group II.

Group I Group II

P. Gas – solid 1. Filter press

Q. Liquid - liquid 2. Cyclone

3. Decanter

4. Thickener

(A) P – 1, Q – 2 (B) P – 2, Q – 3 (C) P – 3, Q – 4 (D) P – 4, Q – 1

Q.19 The cumulative mass fraction of particles smaller than size d j for a collection of N i particles of

diameter d i and mass mi  i  1, 2,3.....,   is given by

j j j j

N d
i 1
i i N m d
i 1
i i
i N m d
i 1
i i N m d
i 1
i i i
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 

N d
i 1
i i N m d
i 1
i i
i N m d
i 1
i i N m d
i 1
i i i

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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 p 
Q.20 The Kozney-Carman equation, rewritten in terms of non-dimensional numbers gives  2 
 u 

L  L 
 D   D  R e2
(A) 
(C)  2 
Re p
(B) (D)
Re  Dp  Re  Dp 
 L  L
   
Q.21 Vmf is the minimum fluidization velocity for a bed of particles. An increase in the superficial gas

velocity from, 2Vmf to 2.5Vmf results in (all velocities are smaller than the entrainment velocity of the

particles) no change in
(A) Drag on particles (B) Drag on column walls
(C) The bed height (D) The bed void age
Q.22 To keep the power input constant for a stirred vessel operating under fully developed turbulent
flow conditions (constant power number), if the impeller diameter is increased by 20%, the impeller
speed should be decreased by a factor of
3 3 2 5
(A) 1.2  2 (B) 1.2  5 (C) 1.2  3 (D) 1.2  3

Q.23 A centrifugal filtration unit operation at a rotational speed of () has inner surface of the liquid

(density L ) located at a radial distance R from the axis of rotation. The thickness of the liquid film is

 and no cake is formed. The initial pressure drop during filtration is

1 1 2 2
(A) 2 R 2L (B)   L
2 2
1 2 1
(C)  L (2R  ) (D) 2 RL (R  2)
2 2

2005 - IIT Bombay

Q.24 If the frequency of the stirrer in a mixing tank is increased by a factor of 2 while all other parameters
are kept constant , by what factor is the power requirement increased at high Reynolds number?
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 16 (D) 32
Q.25 The critical speed of the ball mill of radius R, which contains balls of radius r is proportional to
 0.5 1
(A)  R  r  (B)  R  r  (C)  R  r  (D)  R  r 

Q.26 What is the terminal velocity in m/s, calculated from Stokes law for a particle of diameter 0.1103 m

, density 2800 kg/m3 settling in water of density 1000 kg/m3 and viscosity 103 kg/ms ? (Assume

g  10 m/s 2 )

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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(A) 2 102 (B) 4 103 (C) 102 (D) 8 103
Q.27 A centrifuge of diameter 0.2 m in a pilot plant rotates at a speed of 50 Hz in order to achieve
effective separation. If this centrifuge is scaled up to a diameter of 1 m in the chemical plant and the
same separation factor is to be achieved, what is the rotational speed of the scaled up centrifuge?
(A) 15 Hz (B) 22.36 Hz (C) 30 Hz (D) 44.72 Hz

2006 - IIT Kharagpur

Common Data for Questions Q.28 & Q.29

A continuous grinder obeying the Bond crushing law grinds a solid at the rate of 1000 kg/h from the
initial diameter of 10 mm to the final diameter of 1mm.
Q.28 In order to restore the output back to 1000 kg/h, an additional grinder was installed. The two
grinders can be operated either in series (configuration-1) or parallel (configuration-2)
Compare the two configurations in terms of the additional power consumption over the case above.
(A) Configuration-1 consumes less power than configuration-2
(B) Configuration-2 consumes less power than configuration-1
(C) Both configurations consume the same power
(D) Configuration-2 consumes less or more power than configuration-1 depending on how the feed
is distributed between the two grinders in configuration-2 (the parallel configuration).
Q.29 If the market now demand particles of size 0.5 mm, the output of the grinder (in kg/h) for the same
power input would be reduced to
(A) 227 (B) 474 (C) 623 (D) 856
Q.30 The mixing of rubber latex solution was studied in a nun baffled mixer in the laboratory. The mixer
was equipped with a six blade turbine impeller. A tyre company scales this process up using a
baffled tank. The baffled tank has 3 times the diameter of the lab scale mixer. If uses the same type
of impeller operated at the same-speed. The relevant shape factors are also the same. Assuming that
laminar conditions prevail both cases, the power requirement in the industrial scale mixer
(A) Is 3 times-that of the lab scale mixer
(B) Is 9 time that of the lab scale mixer
(C) Is 27 time that of the lab scale mixer
(D) Cannot be estimated reliably due to the presence of baffled
Q.31 A filtration is conducted at constant pressure to recover solids from dilute slurry. To reduce the time
of filtration, the solid concentration in the feed slurry is increased by evaporation half the solvent. If
the resistance of the filter medium is negligible, the filtration time will be reduced by a factor of

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 8
Q.32 Two spherical particles have the same outer diameter but are made of different materials. The first
one (with material density 1 ) is solid, whereas the second (with material density 2 ) is a hollow

sphere with the inner shell diameter equal to half the outer diameter. If both the spheres have the
same terminal velocity in any fluid, then the ratio of their material densities, 2 / 1 is

(A) 1 (B) 8/7 (C) 2 (D) 8

Q.33 A bed fluidized by water is used for cleaning sand contaminated with salt. The particles of sand and

salt have the same shape and size but different densities  sand  2500 kg / m3 and salf  2000 kg / m3 .If

the initial volume fraction of the salt in the mixture is 0.3 and if the initial value of the minimum
fluidization velocity (Vmf ) is 0.9 m/s, find the final value of the Vmf (in m/s) when the sand is

washed free of the salt.

Assume that the bed characteristics (bed porosity and solid surface area per unit volume) do not
change during the operation and that the pressure drop per unit length is directly proportional to
the fluid velocity.

(A) 0.70 (B) 0.90 (C) 1.00 (D) 1.46

2007 - IIT Kanpur

Q.34 Sticky material re transported by

(A) Apron conveyor (B) Screw conveyor

(C) Belt conveyor (D) Hydraulic convey

Q.35 In constant pressure filtration, the rate of filtration follows the relation

(V = filtrate volume, t = time, k, and C = constants)

dV dV 1
(A)  kV  C (B) 
dt dt kV  C

dV dV
(C)  kV (D)  kV 2
dt dt

Q.36 Size reduction of coarse hard solids using a crusher is accomplished by

(A) Attrition (B) Compressions

(C) Cutting (D) Impact

Q.37 In Tyler series, the of the aperture size of a screen to that of the next smaller screen is

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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(A) (B) 2 (C) 1.5 (D) 2

Common Data for Questions Q.38 & Q.39

A fluidized bed (0.5 m dia, 0.5m high) of spherical particles (diameter = 2000 m specific gravity =
2.5) uses water as the medium. The porosity of the bed is 0.4. The Ergun equation for the system is
p / L  4 105 Vmf  1107 Vmf
(SI unit, Vmf in m/s)

Q.38 The minimum fluidization velocity (mm/s) is

(A) 12.8 (B) 15.8 (C) 24.8 (D) 28.8
Q.39 p / L(SI unit) at minimum fluidization condition is (g  9.8m / s2 )

(A) 900 (B) 8820 (C) 12400 (D) 17640

Q.40 In the Stokes regime the terminal velocity of particles for centrifugal sedimentation is given by
u t  2 r(P  )d P2 /18

where,  : angular velocity; r : distance of the particle from the axis of rotation;
P : density of the particle;  : density of the fluid.

d P : diameter of the particle and  : viscosity of the fluid.

In a bowl centrifugal classifier operating at 60 rpm with (   0.001kg/m - s ), the time taken for a
particle ( d P =0.0001 m, specific gravity =2.5) in second to traverse a distance of 0.05 m from the
liquid surface is

(A) 4.8 (B) 5.8 (C) 6.8 (D) 7.8

2008 – IISc Bangalore

Q.41 The power required for size reduction in crushing is

(A) Proportional to
Surface energy
of the material

(B) Proportional to
Surface energy
of the material

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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(C) Proportional to surface energy of the material
(D) Independent of the surface energy of the material

Q.42 For laminar flow conditions, the relationship between the pressure drop  PC  across an

incompressible filter cake and the specific surface area  S0  of the particles being filtered is given by

which one of the following?

(A) PC is proportional to S0 (B) PC is proportional to

(C) PC is proportional to S02 (D) PC is proportional to

Q.43 Consider the scale-up of a cylindrical baffled vessel configured to have the standard geometry (i.e.,
height = diameter).In order to maintain an equal rate of mass transfer under turbulent conditions for
a Newtonian fluid , the ratio of the agitator speeds should be (Given N1 , N 2 are agitator speed and

vessel diameter before scale-up; N2 , D2 agitator speed and vessel diameter after scale-up)
2 2
N1 D1 N1 D2 N  D 3 N  D 3
(A)  (B)  (C) 1   1  (D) 1   2 
N 2 D2 N 2 D1 N 2  D2  N 2  D1 

Q.44 Two identically sized spherical particles A and B having densities A and B respectively; are settling

in a fluid of density  . Assuming free settling under turbulent flow condition, the ratio of the

terminal settling velocities of particle A to that of particle B is given by

(A  ) (B  ) (A  ) (B  )

(A) (B) (C) (D)
(B  ) (A  ) (B  ) (A  )

2009 - IIT Roorkee

Q.45 For a mixing tank operating in the laminar regime, the power number varies with the Reynolds
number (Re) as

(A) Re1/2 (B) Re 1/2 (C) Re (D) Re1

Q.46 Under fully turbulent flow conditions, the frictional pressure drop across a packed bed varies with
the superficial velocity (v) of the fluid as
(A) v (B) v (C) v 2
(C) v 2

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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Q.47 The terminal settling velocity of a 6 mm diameter glass sphere (density = 2500 kg/ m3 )in a viscous
Newtonian liquid (density = 1500 kg/ m3 )is 100 m / s If the particle Reynolds number is small and

the value of acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m / s 2 , then the viscosity of the liquid (in Pa-s) is

(A) 100 (B) 196.2 (C) 245.3 (D) 490.5

2010 - IIT Guwahati

Q.48 The height of a fluidized bed at incipient fluidized is 0.075 m and the corresponding void age is 0.38.
If the void age of the bed increases to 0.5, then the height of the bed would be
(A) 0.058 m (B) 0.061 m (C) 0.075 m (D) 0.093 m
Q.49 The critical speed (revolution per unit time) of a ball mill of radius R, which uses balls of radius r is

1 g 1 g 1 g 1 g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 Rr 2 R 2 r 2 R  r

Q.50 The diameter of a drop of liquid fuel changes with time due to combustion according to the

 t 
relationship, D  D 1   while burning, the drop falls at its terminal velocity under Stokes flow
 t 
 p 

regime. The distance it will travel before complete combustion is given by

D02 tb g D02 tb g D02 tb g D02 tb g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
18 36 54 108

2011 - IIT Madras

Common Data for Questions Q.51 & Q.52

For a liquid flowing through a packed bed, the pressure drop per unit length of the bed is

P 150 f V0 1   

 3
L S d p
1.75 f V02 1   

S d P 3

Where, V 0 is the superficial liquid velocity,  is the bed porosity, d p is average particle size S is

particle sphericity f is liquid density and  f is liquid viscosity.


d P  1103 m, S  0.8
f  1000 kg / m3

f  1103 kg / m  s

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Particle density P  2500kg / m3 and acceleration due to gravity g  9.8m / s2 .

Q.51 On further increasing V 0 , incipient fluidization is achieved. Assuming that the porosity of the bed
remains unaltered, the pressure drop per unit length (in Pa/m) under incipient fluidization
condition is
(A) 3675 (B) 7350 (C) 14700 (D) 73501

Q.52 When V 0 is 0.005 m/s and  = 0.5, which one of the following is the correct value for the ratio of the
viscous loss to the kinetic energy loss?
(A) 0.09 (B) 1.07 (C) 10.71 (D) 93

Q.53 The particle size distributions of the feed and collected solids (sampled for same duration) for a gas
cyclone are given blow.

Size range Weight of feed in the size range (g) Weight of collected solids in the size rang (g)
( m)

1–5 2.0 0.1

5 – 10 3.0 0.7

10 – 15 5.0 3.6

15 – 20 6.0 5.5

20 – 25 3.0 2.9

25 – 30 1.0 1.0

What is the collection efficiency (in percentage) of the gas cyclone?

(A) 31 (B) 60 (C) 65 (D) 69

2012 - IIT Delhi

Q.54 In a mixing tank operating at very high Reynolds number ( 104 ) , if the diameter of the impeller is

doubled (other conditions remaining constant), the power required increases by a factor of

(A) 1/32 (B) 1/4 (C) 4 (D) 32

Q.55 A bed of spherical glass beads (density 3000 kg/ m3 , diameter 1 mm, bed porosity 0.5) is to be
fluidized by a liquid of density 1000 kg / m3 and viscosity 0.1 Pa – s. Assume that the Reynolds
number based on particle diameter is small compared to one. If g = 10 m/s 2 , then the minimum

velocity (in m / s ) required to fluidize the bed is

(A) 3.33 104 (B) 3.33 101 (C) 3 (D) 30

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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2013 - IIT Bombay

Q.56 In the Tyler standard screen scale series, when the mesh number increases from 3 mesh to 10 mesh,

(A) the clear opening decreases (B) the clear opening increases

(C) the clear opening is unchanged (D) the wire diameter increases

Q.57 Taking the acceleration due to gravity to be 10 m/s2, the separation factor of a cyclone 0.5 m in
diameter and having a tangential velocity of 20 m/s near the wall is _________

Q.58 100 ton/h of a rock feed, of which 80% passed through a mesh size of 2.54 mm, were reduced in
size such that 80% of the crushed product passed through a mesh size of 1.27 mm. The power
consumption was 100 kW. If 100 ton/h of the same of 5.08 mm of a mesh size of 2.54 mm, the power
consumption (in kW, to the nearest) using Bond’s law, is

(A) 70.7 ton/h (B) 72.5 ton/h (C) 65.3 ton/h (D) 60.5/h

Q.59 In the elutriation leg of a commercial crystallizer containing a mixture of coarse and very fine
crystals of same material, a liquid is pumped vertically upward. The liquid velocity is adjusted such
that it is slightly lower than terminal velocity of the coarse crystals only. Hence,

(A) The very fine and coarse crystals will both be carried upward by the liquid

(B) The very fine and coarse crystals will both be settle at the bottom of the tube

(C) The very fine crystals will be carried upward and coarse crystals will settle

(D) Thecoarse crystals will be carried up ward and thevery fine crystals will settle.

2014 - IIT Kharagpur

Q.60 In order to produce fine solid particles between 5 and 10 m ., the appropriate size reducing
equipment is

(A) Fluid energy mill (B) Hammer mill

(C) Jaw crusher (D) Smooth roll crusher

2015 - IIT Kanpur

Q.61 A cylindrical packed bed of height 1 m is filled with equal sized spherical particles. The particles are
nonporous and have a density of 1500 kg/m3 . The void fraction of the bed is 0.45. The bed is

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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fluidized using air (density 1kg/m3). If the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2, the
pressure drop (in pa) across the bed at incipient fluidization (up to one decimal place) is _________

Q.62 The diameter of sand particles in a sample range from 50 to 150 microns. The number of particles of
diameter x in the sample is proportional to . The average diameter, in microns,(up to one
50  x
decimal place) is_____

Q.63 A spherical solid particle of 1 mm diameter is falling with a downward velocity of 1.7 mm/s
through a liquid (viscosity 0.04 Pa.s) at a low Reynolds number (Strokes regime). The liquid is
flowing upward at a velocity of 1 mm/s. All velocities are with respect to a stationary reference
frame. Neglecting the effects, the drag force per unit projected area of the projected area of the
particle, in Pa(up to two decimal places)is____

Q.64 A typical batch filtration cycle consists of filtration followed by washing, One such filtration unit
operating at constant pressure difference first filters a slurry during which 5 liters of filtrate is
collected in 100 s. This followed by washing. Which is done for t w seconds and uses 1 liter of wash

water. Assume the following relation to be applicable between the applied pressure drop  P, cake
thickness L at time t, and volume of liquid V collected in time t.
P dV
 K1 ; L  k 2 V,if L is changing
L dt
k1 and k 2 can be taken to be constant during filtration and washing. The wash time L. in seconds

(up to one decimal place) is_______

2016 - IISc Bangalore

Q.65 In a cyclone separator used for separation of solid particles from a dust laden gas, the separation
factor is defined as the ratio of the centrifugal force to the gravitational force acting on the particle. Sr
denotes the separation factor at a location (near the wall) that is at a radial distance r from the centre
of the cyclone. Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT?
(A) Sr depends on mass of the particle
(B) Sr depends on the acceleration due to gravity
(C) Sr depends n tangential velocity of the particle

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(D) Sr depends on the radial location (r) of the particle
Q.66 Consider a rigid solid sphere falling with a constant velocity in a fluid. The following data are know
at the conditions of interest: viscosity of the fluid =0.1 Pa s, acceleration due to gravity =10 m s 2 ,

density of the particle =1180 kg m3 and density of the fluid =1000 kg m3 . The diameter (in mm,
rounded off to the second decimal place) of the largest sphere that settles in the Stokes’ law regime
(Reynolds number  0.1 ),is_____

Q.67 An agitated cylindrical vessel is fitted with baffles and flat blade impellers. The power number for
this system is given by N p  where P is the power consumed for the mixing,  is the density
n 3D5
of the fluid, n is the speed of the impeller and D is the diameter of the impeller. The diameter of the
impeller is the diameter of the tank and the height of liquid level is equal to the tank diameter.
The impeller speed to achieve the desired degree of mixing is 4 rpm . In a scaled up design, the
linear dimension of the equipment are to be doubled are to de doubled, holding the power input per
unit volume constant. Assuming the liquid to be Newtonian and N p to be independent of Reynolds

number, what is the impeller speed (in rpm) to achieve the same degree of mixing in the scaled up

(A) 0.13 (B) 1.26 (C) 2.52 (D) 3.82

2017 - IIT Roorkee

Q.68 Which one of the following is the correct sequence of equipment for size reduction of solids?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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Q.69 Size analysis was carried out on a sample of gravity the data for mass fraction (x i ) and average

particle diameter (Dpi) of the fraction is given in the table below.

XI 0.2 0.4 0.4

Dpi 5 10 20

Q.70 A gas bubble (gas density g  2kg/m3 ), bubble diameter D  104 m ) is rising vertically through

water (density   1000 kg/m3 , viscosity   0.001 Pa-sec ). Force balance on the bubble leads to the

following equation.

dv g   18
 g  v, where v is the velocity of the bubble at any given time t. Assume that the
dt g g D 2

volume of the rising bubble doesn’t change. The value of g  9.81m/s2 . The terminal rising velocity

of the bubble (in cm/s) rounded to 2 decimals is______(in m/s)

2018 - IIT Guwahati

Q.71 The terminal velocity of a spherical particle in gravitational settling under Stokes’ regime varies

(A) linearly with the particle diameter

(B) linearly with the viscosity of the liquid

(C) directly with the square of particle diameter

(D) inversely with the density of particle

Q.72 Critical speed of a ball mill depends on

(A) the radius of the mill (shell) and the radius of the particles

(B) the radius of the mill (shell) and the density of the particles

(C) the radius of the balls and the radius of the particles

(D) the radius of the balls and the radius of the mill (shell)

Q.73 Match the equipment in Column A with the corresponding process in Column B

Column A Column B

(P) Centrifugal sifter (I) Mixing

(Q) Bowl mill (II) Sedimentation

(R) Gravity thickener (III) Screening

(S) Two-arm kneader (IV) Grinding

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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(A) P-I, Q-IV, R-II, S-III (B) P-III, Q-IV, R-II, S-I

(C) P-IV, Q-I, R-II, S-III (D) P-IV, Q-III, R-I, S-II

Q.74 In a roll crusher, rolls of diameter 1 m each are set in such a manner that minimum clearance
between the crushing surfaces is 15 mm. If the angle of nip is 310 , the maximum diameter of the
particle (in mm) which can be crushed is ____________ (rounded off to third decimal place).

2019 - IIT Madras

Q.75 Consider a cylinder (diameter D and length D), a sphere (diameter D) and a cube (side length D).
Which of the following statements concerning the sphericity () of the above objects is true:

(A) sphere  cylinder  cube (B) sphere  cylinder  cube

(C) sphere  cylinder  cube (D) cylinder  sphere  cube

Q.76 A disk turbine is used to stir a liquid in a baffled tank. To design the agitator, experiments are
performed in a lab – scale model with a turbine diameter of 0.05 m and a turbine impeller speed of
600 rpm. The liquid viscosity is 0.001 Pa s while the liquid density is 1000 kg/m3 . The actual
application has a turbine diameter of 0.5 m, an impeller speed of 600 rpm, a liquid viscosity of 0.1 Pa
s and a liquid density of 1000 kg/m3 . The effect to gravity is negligible. If the power required in the
lab – scale model is P1 and the estimated power for the actual application is P2 , then the ratio is

(A) 103 (B) 104 (C) 105 (D) 106

2020 - IIT Delhi

Q.77 In a constant-pressure cake filtration with an incompressible cake layer, volume of the filtrate (V) is
measured as a function of time t. The plot of t / V versus V results in a straight line with an intercept
of 104 s m3 . Area of the filter is 0.05m2 ,viscosity of the filtrate is 103 Pa s, and the overall pressure

drop across the filter is 200 kPa . The value of the filter-medium resistance (in m1 ) is

(A) 1109 (B) 11011 (C) 11012 (D) 11010

Q.78 A rigid spherical particle undergoes free settling in a liquid of density 750 kg m3 and viscosity

9.81103 Pa s. Density of the particle is 3000 kg m3 and the particle diameter is 2 104 m .

Acceleration due to gravity is 9.81ms2 . Assuming stokes’ law to be valid, the terminal settling

velocity (in ms 1 ) of the particle is

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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(A) 4 103 (B) 3 103 (C) 2 103 (D) 5 103

Q.79 A vertically held packed bed has a height of 1m , and a void fraction of 0.1, when there is not flow
through the bed. The incipient (minimum) fluidization is set in by injection of a fluid of density
1kg m3 . The particle density ( p ) of the solids is 3000 kg m3 . Acceleration due to gravity is

9.81m s2 . The pressure drop (in Pa) across the height of the bed is ___(round off to nearest integer).

Answer key

1 D 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C

6 A 7 A 8 B 9 D 10 B

11 A 12 D 13 A 14 C 15 B

16 D 17 D 18 B 19 A 20 A

21 B 22 D 23 C 24 B 25 A

26 C 27 B 28 C 29 C 30 D

31 C 32 B 33 C 34 B 35 B

36 B 37 B 38 B 39 B 40 C

41 C 42 C 43 D 44 A 45 D

46 D 47 B 48 D 49 D 50 C

51 B 52 C 53 D 54 D 55 A

56 A 57 160 58 A 59 C 60 A

61 8079.61 62 94.3 63 1.296 64 40 65 A

66 2.15 67 C 68 D 69 13 70 0.54335

71 C 72 D 73 B 74 53.3 75 A

76 C 77 B 78 D 79 26478.17

Manish Rajput Sir : + 91-8399972875, Referral Code : MR100

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