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[FORMATIVE 1] Specialized English Program  Organization

3  Style
 Special features
1. In communication continuum (presented in
 Audience
the learning material), an editorial is
classified under:
7. True or False: The tone in technical
 Journalism
documents should ideally be objective.
 Creative Writing
 Expository writing Answer: True
 Technical writing
8. What is one of the characteristics of
2. Choose TRUE if the statement very likely
 Correct grammar and mechanics
comes from a technical writing document:
 Limit sentence length (correct)
The video output stage simply provides the  Clear and complete
voltage amplification and driving power for  Developing ideas precisely (ata for
the cathode-ray tube and accepts the me!!)
vertical and horizontal blanking signals.
9. The PCs for Dummies (and other similar
Answer: True
titles) is a casual, almost conversational
3. These are instances of Technical Writing, reference text for PCs, making its approach
EXCEPT: to the technical topics unique. Which
 Motivation audio characteristic of technical writing is shown
 Travel guides here?
 Cover letters  Tone
 Cookbook  Audience
 Organization
4. Choose TRUE if the statement very likely  Style
comes from a technical writing document:
10. This refers to the highly specialized language
Once upon a time there was a princess who
of a discipline or technical field.
rules a vast country.
 Jargon
Answer: False  Register
 Creole
5. These are specific talents and expertise an  Pidgin
individual possesses, helping him perform a
certain task or job in the workplace. 11. Identify the communication flow shown in
 Technical skills the situation below:
 Outsourcing
 Corporate management A production supervisor coordinates with
 Soft skills the marketing manager the release of the
6. A website seems disorganized. It is difficult
 Diagonal
to locate information using its interface.
 Downward
Which characteristic of technical
 Upward
communication is not followed?
 Lateral Two programmers design and develop a
 Inward website for their team’s upcoming project.
 Outward
 Lateral
 Outward
12. Identify the communication flow shown in
 Inward
the situation below:
 Diagonal
A teacher coordinates the master class  Upward
course design with his co-teacher through  Downward
email and CANVAS learning platform.
16. Which of the following is primarily
 Lateral
considered when an employee works abroad
 Outward
with people of various background?
 Inward
 Role
 Diagonal
 Knowledge Level
 Upward
 Interest
 Downward
 Cultural Background
 Personality
13. Identify the communication flow shown in
the situation below:
17. A medical doctor relays a very complex
An employee files for her resignation due to information to his patient in a manner that
personal reasons. the patient will somehow understand. What
type of audience according to knowledge
• Lateral level is the patient?
• Outward
• Inward Answer: Layperson
• Diagonal
18. A client sends an email complaint to an
• Upward
online seller company. What type of
• Downward
audience according to scope is the client?
14. Identify the communication flow shown in Answer: External
the situation below:
19. Which tone is highly encouraged when an
An online shopper sends a complaint email employee communicates with his higher-
to a digital online seller upon receipt of ups?
defective product.  Formal
 Casual
 Lateral
 Nonformal
 Outward
 Inward
20. An architect is responsible for drawing up
 Diagonal
the detailed plans for a structure and
 Upward
developing final construction plans to
 Downward
include electrical and HVAC (heating,
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems.
15. Identify the communication flow shown in
What type of audience according to
the situation below:
knowledge level is the architect?
Answer: Technician orders come from you and your members
can just suggest’. The manager of the
21. Choose TRUE if the action shown is
department scheduled a meeting for a
professional or appropriate; otherwise
project presentation. Since you believe your
choose false.
team is prepared, you did not inform your
You forgot to bring your personal cup at members anymore about the meeting.
work. You are thirsty and there are a lot of
Answer: False
drinking glasses in the pantry. One of the
owners is absent for the day. You called him 25. Identify the term/concept: unit is a measure
and asked permission to use his personal of output from production proves per unit of
glass. input.

Answer: True Answer: Productivity

22. Choose TRUE if the action shown is 26. Identify the term/concept: This plan includes
professional or appropriate; otherwise the overall goal of an organization that are
choose false. projected be achieved within three (3) to five
(5) years’ time. This is usually encapsulated
Your classmate’s mom just died, and
in the strategic plan.
everyone was sending their condolences.
You are not very close with her. You Answer: Long Term Planning
thought that since everyone is doing it, it
27. Identify the term/concept: Improving skills
could be enough not to approach her.
and attitudes of employees on a daily basis
Answer: False (as bite-sized-day-to-day operation) is
included in what type of plan?
23. Choose TRUE if the action shown is
professional or appropriate; otherwise Answer: Short Term Planning
choose false.
28. Identify the term/concept: It is a pattern of
Your part in team logistics which includes behavior when you are at work.
preparing the photocopy of the project
Answer: Professional Habits
proposal. A meeting was emailed a week
earlier but it slipped your mind. One the 29. Identify the term/concept: It is the right
day of the meeting, you realized that you allocation of time for the right task to make
have not prepared the presentation hard the best possible use of time.
copy. In panic, you went to the copying
department and asked your friend in the Answer: Time Management
department to mass produce the material 30. Choose TRUE if the statement very likely
without proper request. comes from a technical writing document:
Answer: False The mist peeked over the marshland.
24. Choose TRUE if the action shown is Answer: False
professional or appropriate; otherwise
choose false. 31. Choose TRUE if the statement very likely
comes from a technical writing document:
You are team lead for a company project
and your leadership orientation is ‘that
Most intriguing is the adaption of Corvette  Downward
Z52 calipers to the car.  Upward
 Lateral
Answer: True
 Diagonal
32. MS Office Apps, Adobe software, and other  Inward
content creation tools are examples of…  Outward
 Desktop Publishing Software
 Desktop Publishing Hardware 37. Identify the communication flow shown in
 Desktop Utility Hardware the situation below:
 Desktop Utility Software
A production supervisor coordinates with
the marketing manager the release of a
33. True or False: The subject of technical
documents should be subjective but factual.
 Downward
Answer: False
 Upward
34. Identify the communication flow shown in  Lateral
the situation below:  Diagonal
 Inward
A game company releases patch notes to
 Outward
the player community.

 Downward 38. The company’s operations manual primarily

 Upward has the following purpose…
 Lateral  To inform and to instruct
 Diagonal  To inform and to persuade
 Inward  To instruct and to persuade
 Outward
39. Which of the following is primarily
35. Identify the communication flow shown in considered when a project presenter
the situation below: defends the value and feasibility of his
proposal to a set of panelists?
A project proponent sends a budget plan to  Role
the executive committee for review.  Knowledge level
 Downward  Interest
 Upward  Cultural background
 Lateral  Personality
 Diagonal
 Inward 40. Choose TRUE if the action shown is
 Outward professional or appropriate; otherwise,
choose false.
36. Identify the communication flow shown in You have a project in school that needs to
the situation below: be printed out. In your internship site, there
A team manager sends an official memo to is a printer that everybody can use. You
his subordinates for the department team printed out your schoolwork before the day
building. ends.
Answer: False 46. Doctors usually explain medical results to
patients in a simple and understandable
41. Choose TRUE if the action shown is
manner. Which characteristic of technical
professional or appropriate; otherwise,
writing is carefully considered by doctors
choose false.
prior to using a specific style?
Everybody was given a nice expensive bal  Audience
pen as an appreciation gesture of your boss  Tone
for coming to work on that special working  Organization
day. You mistakenly received two. You gave  Style
it to an absent friend.
47. This is a special feature used as a special
section placed adjacent to an article to
Answer: False highlight a contextual connection on the
same topic.
42. Choose TRUE if the action shown is  Sidebar
professional or appropriate; otherwise,  Letterhead
choose false.  Clip Art
Since you got promoted as manager, you  Column
made yourself a little late for the meeting
you called to show authority over your 48. Nowadays, TV shows are accompanied with
peers. You can just apologize and say the sign language interpreters to help the
traffic was bad. hearing impaired understand information.
What type of audience according to order of
Answer: False importance are the hearing impaired?
43. Choose TRUE if the action shown is Answer: Primary Audience
professional or appropriate; otherwise,
choose false. 49. Choose TRUE if the action shown is
professional or appropriate; otherwise,
Telling your team leader that your close choose false.
friend (who is also a colleague) at work
forges attendance records. You just got promoted and the first person
you saw in the office is someone from the
Answer: True housekeeping. You were expecting one of
44. State the professional habit that says we can your officemates to congratulate you, so
control events around us. you ignored the housekeeping personnel.

Answer: Be Proactive Answer: False

45. Choose TRUE if the statement very likely 50. Choose TRUE if the action shown is
comes from a technical writing document: professional or appropriate; otherwise,
choose false.
My memory of her will never fade. She
brought music into my life. You promised your officemate to bring a
copy of a report from last year which he
Answer: False intends to use as reference only. You only
remembered when you arrived at the
office. You do not feel like going back even 55. There are various campaigners encouraging
when you have extra time. You plan to people to be aware and undergo HIV testing,
avoid your officemate to follow up on it. regardless of their gender and status. What
type of audience according to point of view
Answer: False
are the people who are encouraged to have
51. Identify the term/concept: it is the kind of this awareness?
plan where one gives the direction/goals to
Answer: Multiple Audience
be achieved by the organization within an
extended amount of time. 56. The following are all bad habits in the
workplace expect for one.
Answer: Strategic Planning
 Procrastination
52. In which habit can we consider self-  Poor email communication
advancement a part of?  Amiability
 1 (basta not this)  Bad body language
 2
 3 57. True or False: The technical writer expects
 4 that the reader has enough advanced
 5 knowledge on the topic of any technical
 6 communication.
 7 Answer: False

53. Choose TRUE if the statement very likely 58. Identify the communication flow shown in
comes from a technical writing document: the situation below:

There are two types of computer random- The Department of Health releases a
access memory (RAM): static RAM and statement to the public regarding the rapid
dynamic RAM. increase of cases of a viral disease.

Answer: True  Downward

 Upward
 Lateral
 Diagonal
54. Identify the communication flow shown in
 Inward
the situation below:
 Outward
Hoping to land a great career, a fresh
graduate sends his resume to his 59. Which of the following is not a demographic
prospective company. variable?
 Age
 Downward
 Sex
 Upward
 Income
 Lateral
 Attitude
 Diagonal
 Inward 60. Choose TRUE if the action shown is
 Outward professional or appropriate; otherwise,
choose false.
Everybody was given a nice expensive ball 3. This is an email feature where
pen as an appreciation gesture of your boss recipients are invisible to the other
coming to work on that special working recipients.
day. You mistakenly received two. You gave  BCC
it to an absent friend.  CC
Answer: False

61. These are personal attributes that enable 4. This part of an e-mail header lists the
someone to interact effectively and sender’s e-mail address.
harmoniously with other people in the  From
workplace.  To
 Soft skills
 Corporate management 5. This is a part of an email that often lists
 Technical skills the sender’s business name, address,
 Outsourcing telephone number, etc.
 Signature Block
62. Identify the term/concept: This reflects your  Signature
reputation (the essence of who you are) in  Signature Box
the workplace.
6. Leave a space between paragraphs.
Answer: Professional Branding
Answer: True
7. The copyright applies to email

Answer: True

8. Any workplace communication,

[FORMATIVE 2] Specialized English Program
including email, is subject to ethical and
legal considerations.
1. This part of an e-mail header contains
Answer: True
the topic of the message.
 Subject 9. Emails should only be for in-house
 Topic purposes only.
 Title
Answer: False
2. This is an email feature that allows the 10. It is acceptable to use red color font as
recipient to respond to a message from this may bring luck to the recipient.
the sender.
Answer: False
 Reply
 Respond 11. Single-spacing is used between
 Acknowledgement paragraphs and double-spacing within

Answer: False
12. A memo should only have one topic. If a  Date Stamp
business correspondence needs to  Date and Time
discuss two or more topics, an email is  Day and Time
more appropriate to use. 22. This is an e-mail feature that allows the
sender to pass the message to another
Answer: True
recipient, including attachments.
13. The subject in the subject line is written  Reply
in the sentence case.  Forward
 Copy
Answer: True

14. Each component in the memo heading 23. The first line of the paragraph in the
ends with semi-colon. body of the email should be indented.

Answer: False Answer: False

15. The body/text of the memo starts with 24. The ideal length of a paragraph in an
a salutation (e.g., Dear Sir,). email is 10-15 LINES.

Answer: False Answer: False

16. In delivering bad news, a direct 25. All the entries in the heading should be
approach is often more suitable. indented and aligned vertically.

Answer: False Answer: False

17. Write a memo to ask a quick question 26. Memos are for in-house purposes only.
or resolve a simple issue.
Answer: True
Answer: False
27. Emails are considered LESS FORMAL
18. A positive change in company than a memo.
operations should warrant a direct
Answer: True
approach in writing memos.
28. Graphics or visuals can be incorporated
Answer: True
in memos.
19. Use tables, visuals, and other visuals to
Answer: True
display qualitative information.
29. A routine memo provides a written
Answer: False
record of a meeting or conversation, or
20. An announcement or update is an just a recap of a discussed that was not
example of a routine miscellaneous resolved at the time.
Answer: False
Answer: True
30. Use a comma to separate the units in
21. This part of an e-mail header refers to the address (House Number, Street
when the message was sent, often Name, Barangay, Town/City, etc.). This
automatically issued by the e-mail also applies to zip codes.
Answer: True Answer: True

31. Use a comma after the salutation to 39. Which type of letter is written when an
signal courtesy and polite tone. internet service provider addresses the
longstanding concerns of its subscribers
Answer: False
and offers compensatory packages?
32. Use a colon after the complimentary  Inquiry
close.  Claim
 Sales
Answer: False
 Adjustment
33. The international date style is used in
the heading of standard business 40. This part of an e-mail header indicates
letters. to whom the message is being sent.
 To
Answer: False  From
34. The paragraph in the body of the text  Sender
should ideally be FIVE OR FEWER LINES.
41. This is an email feature for sending an
Answer: True original message to the prime recipient
35. The copy notation is workplace letters is and to other inter ested parties.
found in the heading.  CC
Answer: False  BBC
36. Which type of letter is written when you
want to ask for a quote of your 42. Capitalizing all the words in a sentence
prospective product purchase? suggests emphasis; therefore, this is
highly encouraged in email writing.
 Inquiry
 Claim Answer: False
 Sales
 Adjustment 43. Always initial or sign your memos. To do
this, you either affix your signature at
37. Which type of letter is written when a the top or beside your name in the “To”
beauty product company invites social field.
media influencers to try out their Answer: False
product for free as a marketing strategy
to lure people to buy it upon official 44. A transmittal memo may be as simple
release. as a sentence or a paragraph with a
 Inquiry bulleted list describing the contents of
 Claim the package.
 Sales Answer: True
 Adjustment
45. The person’s default title used in
38. The Attention Line can replace the business correspondence is “Mr.” or
salutation. “Ms.”.
Answer: True about the poor people skills from
government employees in some
46. If the company has a letterhead, include
the dates a few lines below the
 Inquiry
 Claim
Answer: True  Sales
 Adjustment
47. It is encouraged to use direct approach
for bad news and indirect approach for
55. This is the area where the email
good news.
message is entered.
Answer: False  Body
 Text Line
48. It is important to state the number of  Typing Area
enclosures in a letter if there is more
than one enclosure. 56. The block letter style is the most
Answer: True commonly used structure for workplace
49. Email provides little control over who
the final audience will be. Answer: True

Answer: True 57. The Subject Line can be used in

workspace letters as it is a good way of
50. Using the chronological order listing of catching a busy reader’s attention.
names in the subject line of a memo,
the person’s first name is the primary Answer: True
consideration. 58. The heading is comprised of the
Answer: False recipient’s address.

51. A school memo showing some changes Answer: False

in protocols and operations can be 59. The introductory part of your message
classified as a transmittal memo. should answer the question: “Why am I
Answer: False writing this?”

52. The inside address includes the Answer: True

complete name of the recipient, the 60. A standard memo has the word
address, and the date. “Memo” centered at the top of the
Answer: False page and includes a heading flush to the
right margin.
53. A postscript is used if an important Answer: False
point in the body of the letter is missed

Answer: False [FORMATIVE 3] Specialized English Program 3

54. Which type of letter is written when a 61. This is a file containing detailed records
client wishes to express his sentiments on a particular person or subject.
Answer: dossier the position applied. This set up is one-
on-one interview.
62. A diploma is a document which shows
that a person has completed a degree Answer: False
that is most likely qualified for a
72. //In stress interview, the interviewer
relevant job. A diploma is an example of
may be rude to the applicant. It can be
a _____.
an excuse for discrimination and similar
Answer: certificate cases.

63. A resume is generally one- to two- Answer: False

73. Rehearsing success stories in making up
Answer: True stories that will impress the employer.

64. The word “resume” is a French word Answer: False

which means _____.
74. An applicant is interviewed by several
Answer: summary persons who take turns in asking
questions. This setup is called a panel
65. A CV may list expired certifications.
Answer: True
Answer: True
66. Add hyperlinks in hard copy resumes.
75. //Having a questionable contents in
Answer: False one’s personal social media is part of
freedom of speech. The employer
67. If you are applying for a position with should not take it against the applicant.
no job posting, the application letter
you’re sending is unsolicited. Answer: True

Answer: True 76. What type of interview question is the

68. An application letter should accompany
your resume, by technical writing What type of people do you have no
standards. patience for?

Answer: True  Question to get acquainted

 Question to gauge interest
69. By technical writing standards, a picture  Question about experience and
in a resume is acceptable.
Answer: False  Question about the future
 Challenging Question
70. The other name for the application  Situational Question
letter is cover page.  Behavioral Question
Answer: False  Illegal and Inappropriate Question

71. A group of applicants is being 77. //What type of interview question is the
interviewed by an HR representative for following:
What was your major in college, and 80. //What type of interview question is the
why did you choose it? following:

 Question to get acquainted Do you prefer to work by yourself or

 Question to gauge interest with others? Why?
 Question about experience and
 Question to get acquainted
 Question to gauge interest
 Question about the future
 Question about experience and
 Challenging Question
 Situational Question
 Question about the future
 Behavioral Question
 Challenging Question
 Illegal and Inappropriate Question
 Situational Question
 Behavioral Question
78. What type of interview question is the
 Illegal and Inappropriate Question

What will you do if you find out that 81. Identify the term/concept: It means to
your colleague is still valuable stuff? press the buttons on the phone.

 Question to get acquainted Answer: dial

 Question to gauge interest
82. Identify the term/concept: It is a
 Question about experience and
beeping sound that tells the caller that
the other is already on the phone with
 Question about the future
someone else.
 Challenging Question
 Situational Question Answer: busy
 Behavioral Question
83. Identify the term/concept: This is a
 Illegal and Inappropriate Question
person who answers telephone-related
questions when you dial 0”.
79. What type of interview question is the
following: Answer: operator
Tell me about a time when you had to 84. Identify the term/concept: It is the
go above and beyond the call of duty to person who telephones.
get a job done.
Answer: caller
 Question to get acquainted
85. Identify the term/controller: it is the
 Question to gauge interest
sound the phone makes when you pick
 Question about experience and
it up.
 Question about the future Answer: dial tone
 Challenging Question
86. “Is there anything else that I can help
 Situational Question
you with?” At which phase does this
 Behavioral Question
spiel apply?
 Illegal and Inappropriate Question
 1
 2
 3 92. What type of resume organization is
 4 used when the most recent job is listed
 5 first?

Answer: reverse chronological resume

87. “Before we address your concern, we
are sorry for the inconvenience that 93. This is the first entry in a resume that
you’ve had with the service” at which prospective employers should see first.
phase does this spiel apply?
Answer: contact information
 1
 2 94. Which type of resume organization best
 3 fits applicant with little to no work
 4 experience (e.g., fresh graduate)?
 5
Answer: functional resume
88. At which phase of a business phone call 95. //The ‘Mona Lisa’ smile is
does the caller collect or verify recommended as a guideline for most
information? companies.
 1
 2 Answer: True
 3 96. It is always courteous to thank your
 4 employer upon registration.
 5
Answer: True
89. Customer: “I think that’s all. Thank you 97. Solicited job application is
for your assistance.” At which phase advantageous for jobs with advertised
does this spiel apply? posting.
 1
 2 Answer: True
 3 98. Phone call interviews are less formal
 4 than face-to-face interviews.
 5
Answer: True
90. At which phase of the business call it is
99. Screening and hiring interviews are
likely when an irate caller keeps flaming
sequential interviews.
the agent/recipient while he is
investigating his concern? Answer: True
 1
100. Do not discuss job-search if you
 2
are still employed.
 3
 4 Answer: True
 5
101. What type of interview
question is the following:
91. The is no page limit for writing CVs.

Answer: True
How do you think you can contribute to  3
this company?  4
 5
 Question to get acquainted
 Question to gauge interest 106. At which phase does the
 Question about experience and receiver/agent establish rapport with
accomplishment the customer?
 Question about the future  1
 Challenging Question  2
 Situational Question  3
 Behavioral Question  4
 Illegal and Inappropriate Question  5

102. //What type of interview 107. “You ordered set of meal will be
question is the following: delivered within 30 minutes. If the
delivery is late, the meal is free.” At
What do you know about our company?
which phase does this spiel apply?
 Question to get acquainted  1
 Question to gauge interest  2
 Question about experience and  3
accomplishment  4
 Question about the future  5
 Challenging Question
 Situational Question 108. These are people who have
 Behavioral Question agreed to provide strong assessments
 Illegal and Inappropriate Question of your qualifications and who can
speak on your behalf.
103. Identify the term/concept: This Answer: references
is a service feature that allows a
speaker on an extensive instrument to 109. Use action verbs and key words
place one call on hold and to speak with in the resume.
another caller on a separate line.
Answer: True
Answer: consultation hold
110. What type of interview
104. Identify the term/concept: This question is the following:
is a person who answers telephone-
related questions when you dial “0”. Do you have any religious beliefs that
would prevent you from working
Answer: operator weekends or holidays?
105. At which phase of the business
call does the agent establish a ‘buy-in’  Question to get acquainted
with the caller?  Question to gauge interest
 1  Question about experience and
 2 accomplishment
 Question about the future 116. “Hello! Thank you for calling
 Challenging Question Dew Thai. May I know your order?” at
 Situational Question which phase does this spiel apply?
 Behavioral Question  1
 Illegal and Inappropriate Question  2
 3
111. What type of interview  4
question is the following:  5

How have your education and 117. “So your order has been placed
professional experiences prepared you last week and has not arrived since,
for this position? correct? What courier service did you
select during the payout? Have you
 Question to get acquainted confirmed the shipping address with
 Question to gauge interest the courier service?”
 Question about experience and  1
accomplishment  2
 Question about the future  3
 Challenging Question  4
 Situational Question  5
 Behavioral Question
 Illegal and Inappropriate Question 118. Use simple fonts in the resume.

Answer: True
112. Identify the term/concept: It is
the person who telephones. 119. Group interviews make
applicants stronger competitors of one
Answer: caller
another as they race for the employer’s
113. Identify the term/concept: it is attention.
a system in which callers can leave
Answer: True
recorded messages for you over the
telephone (voicemail message). 120. What type of interview
question is the following:
Answer: voicemail

114. Identify the term/concept: A Do you have any religious beliefs that
feature sending all your incoming calls would prevent you from working
to another landline or cell phone weekends or holidays?
 Question to get acquainted
Answer: call forwarding
 Question to gauge interest
115. Identify the term/concept: It is  Question about experience and
the piece on the phone that you speak accomplishment
into and listen from.  Question about the future
 Challenging Question
Answer: receiver
 Situational Question
 Behavioral Question 127. Identify the term/concept:
 Illegal and Inappropriate Question These are groups of people who work
interdependently with a shared
purposed across space, time, and
121. Identify the term/concept: It is organization boundaries using
beeping sound that tells the caller that technology.
the other person is already on the
Answer: quorum
phone with someone else.
128. Identify the term/concept: This
Answer: busy signal
term refers to the drinks and small
122. What type of interview amounts of food distribution or given
question is the following: during a meeting.

Answer: refreshments
Why are you interested in this position?
129. A “meeting agenda” should be
 Question to get acquainted passed out to the team members
 Question to gauge interest before a meeting.
 Question about experience and
accomplishment Answer: True
 Question about the future 130. Side conversations are ideal
 Challenging Question during critical discussion so team
 Situational Question members can internalize the issue even
 Behavioral Question further.
 Illegal and Inappropriate Question
Answer: False
123. 131. Meetings with motivational
purposes can have an unlimited number
[FORMATIVE 4] Specialized English Program of attendees.
3 Answer: True
124. All teams have a negative team 132. If the purposes of the meeting
behavior that needs to be addressed. is on intensive problem-solving, the
Answer: True ideal size of the attendees is 30.

125. Identify the term/concept: If all Answer: False

the team members agree on an opinion, 133. The first element in a
they have reached… professional meeting is calling the
Answer: adjournment approval of the agenda.

126. Making inappropriate jokes and Answer: False

comments is considered a digression. 134. The indirect strategy in writing
Answer: True reports is more rational to readers.

Answer: True
135. Progress reports tell whether a
routine activity is on schedule. 144. Choose which is appropriate to
wear for the following situations:
Answer: False
Attending a company meeting.
136. The manuscript format for  Formal business suit
informal reports is suitable for  Business casual
repetitive data (e.g., inventories,
financial statements, etc.). 145. Almost all statements below are
true except for one. Which is it?
Answer: False
 What you wear changes your outlook
137. One characteristic of formal  Our clothing radiates self-wort
writing style is the use of passive-voice  The more expensive your clothing is,
verbs (The study was conducted…) the more confident you become
 What your wear creates first impression
Answer: True

138. A feasibility report is ideal when 146. Which of the statements below
a company must decide if a project/plan is a benefit of dressing well at the
is doable. workplace?
 You have taste in clothing
Answer: True  You can afford expensive clothes
139. Determine whether the given is  You are trendy and fashionable
a MAJOR OR SUBSDIARY part of a  You are responsible
formal report: Conclusion.
 Major 147. Choose which is appropriate to
 Subsidiary wear for the following situations: Job
140. Conclusions are opinions.  Formal business suit
 Business casual
Answer: True

141. Graphics/visuals can be 148. Which nail color is appropriate

incorporated in formal reports. for business casual environment?
 Pastel
Answer: True  Rouge
142. Determine whether the given is  Black
a MAJOR OR SUBSDIARY part of a  Neutral
formal report: Summary.
 Major 149. Which of the following is not a
 Subsidiary basic accessory for men?
 Watch
143. Determine whether the given is  Wedding band (if married only)
a MAJOR OR SUBSDIARY part of a  Cuff links
formal report: Table of Contents.  Bracelet
 Major
 Subsidiary
150. How many accessories are 155. Identify the term/concept: A
considered maximum for men to wear? company may set the smallest number
 2 of people who must be present at a
 3 meeting for decisions to be made. This
 4 number is termed as…
 5
Answer: quorum

151. A business casual attire 156. Identify the term/concept: The

ensemble is which set from the choices meeting has ended abruptly as no
below? progress on the agenda seems possible.
 Jackets, pants, long sleeves shirt, tie, The term that best applies the outcome
loafers of the meeting is…
 Vests, slacks, scarf, long sleeves shirt,
Answer: impasse
 Suit, jeans, long sleeve shirt, tie, 157. Adjournment is the last stage of
sneakers a meeting.
 Cardigans, jeans, short sleeve shirt, tie,
Answer: True
158. Arrange for refreshments
152. Which of the following is a during the meeting.
FALSE statement?
Answer: True
 Facial hair for men must be well-
groomed 159. The key difference between
 The trendier your hair, the better for informational and analytical reports is
work the presence or lack or
 Beard and moustache must be clean- recommendation component.
 Men’s nails should be kept in Answer: True
appropriate length 160. The letter format for
information reports is more suitable for
153. Which of the following in-house (within the organization)
statements is TRUE? communication.
 Proper grooming is relative
 Proper grooming brings self- Answer: False
confidence 161. The executive summary is
 Proper grooming can be occasional written for company executives who
 Proper grooming is old school may not have the time to peruse the set
of documents presented.
154. Identify the term/concept: This
refers to the outline of items to be Answer: True
discussed and tasks to be accomplished 162. Determine whether the given is
during a meeting. a MAJOR OR SUBSDIARY part of a
Answer: agenda formal report: Appendix.
 Major
 Subsidiary  Sleeve of shirt extended ½ inch of jacket
163. Determine whether the given is  Buttons same shade as suit
a MAJOR OR SUBSDIARY part of a 169. Which of these is acceptable to
formal report: References. be worn at the workplace?
 Major  See through garment
 Subsidiary  Short sleeve collared-shirts
 Sandals
164. Choose which is appropriate to  Cardigans
wear for the following situations:
Conducting training to colleagues. 170. A team member can show
 Formal business suit interest through passive listening.
 Business casual
Answer: True
165. Which may be worn in a 171. It is important to discuss new
business casual environment? business for future meetings before
 Clothing with large logos or text adjourning the current meeting.
 Sneakers
Answer: True
 Short skirts
 Dress pants 172. If two people clash, let both
question each other and encourage
166. Which lip color suits with the them to make complete case.
business casual attire?
 Red Answer: True
 Skin tone 173. Arrange for refreshments
 Peach during the meeting.
 Pink
Answer: True
167. Which combination is 174. Information reports present
considered business formal attire for data without analysis or
men? recommendations.
 Suit, tie, dress leather shoes
 Suit, tie, shirts, pants, dress leather Answer: True
shoes 175. One characteristic of informal
 Cardigan, scarf, skirt, pants, dress writing style is the absence of first-
leather shoes person pronouns.
 Vest, tie, loafers
Answer: False
168. In wearing a business 176. If there are more than one
professional attire, which detail of a conclusion, state the main conclusion
shirt does not belong to the group? last to build up the intensity of your
 White shirt arguments.
 Long sleeves
Answer: False
177. Choose which is appropriate to  Slacks
wear for the following situation: A
lawyer attending a court hearing. 184.
 Formal business suit 185.
 Business casual 186.
178. The appropriate socks for a 188.
business casual attire is: 189.
 Black foot socks since it goes with 190.
 Dark color that match the shoes
 Calf-high in neural color
 Knee high socks to cover entire legs
from cold

179. Choose which is appropriate to

wear for the following situation: project
presentation to client
 Formal business suit
 Business casual

180. Which of the following is not a

basic accessory for men?
 Watch
 Wedding band (if married only)
 Cuff links
 Bracelet

181. Virtual teams often have

increased productivity.
 True
 False

182. Leave the meeting only for

breaks and emergencies.
 True
 False

183. Which of the following

statements does not belong to the
 Jeans
 Untucked shirt
 Sweatpants

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