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Skills Test 3A Units 7-9

Name: _______________________________________ Class: ______

Listening Testing in schools

1 [Track 3] You will hear an interview with a girl 1 _________________
called Maisie, who is talking about something
that happened at her Auntie Sheila’s house. Fashions in education seem to change with each
Listen and complete the sentences using generation. Recently, people have talked a lot about
words that you hear. Use ONE or TWO words the testing of pupils in schools. For example, they
in each gap. talk about how often pupils should be tested. There
are also questions about what subjects to test, and
1 Maisie says there’s a big _________________ how teachers should use the information they get
behind her aunt’s house. from the tests.
2 Auntie Sheila went to a _________________ with 2 _________________
Maisie’s cousins, and then to the cinema.
Nowadays, the results are very important for deciding
3 The family knew there was a problem when they whether pupils are in the right class. They can also
saw the _________________ of their home. tell teachers whether pupils are particularly talented,
4 They found that Steven’s _________________ and may need a higher-level class to challenge them.
wasn’t in his room. On the other hand, test results can also tell teachers
whether pupils may need some extra help with their
5 Maisie suggests the burglar was frightened by the work.
_________________, who comes in the
3 _________________
6 The burglar got into the house by using a This all works very well for areas of the curriculum
_________________ that was outside. that are easy and straightforward to test, like English
and Maths. But what about other skills that aren’t so
/6 easy? They may still be very important in pupils’
4 _________________
2 Read the article about testing in schools. Things like being creative are certainly essential for
Match headings A–H with paragraphs 1–6. certain jobs. Being creative is also important for your
There are two extra headings. personal well-being. Lots of people do things like
story-writing or painting in their spare time. This
A Pupils’ opinions about testing helps people to relax and feel better. And that’s a
B Can all subjects be tested equally? very important thing in our lives.
5 _________________
C Discussions – should we test pupils?
D Pupils still need to be tested eventually Of course, there are some schools that don’t test
their pupils until they are almost ready to leave. At
E The cost of having tests the end of school, pupils have to compete with other
students. They will all be applying to colleges and
F Withdrawing pupils from school
universities. They have to be able to prove what they
G Which skills are important can do.
H What tests can show 6 _________________
/6 Finally, though, we should consider parents that take
their children out of the school system altogether.
This is partly because they don’t agree with the
testing. They feel that teachers can make good
enough judgements about the children in their
classes. without testing them But other parents think
that tests make pupils study harder. So perhaps
there just are no right answers in the question of
whether to test pupils or not.

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Skills Test 3A Units 7-9

3 Your teacher has asked you to write a story. _____________________________________________
The story must begin with this sentence:
Anna was walking along the street when a thief took _____________________________________________
her bag!
Write your story in 110–130 words. _____________________________________________
You can use this space for notes.


Listening ___ / 12 Reading ___ / 12

Writing ___ / 20
Your total score ___/ 44

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

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