A2B1 - China's National Day - Lesson Plan

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LEVEL: A2 Time: Type: Speaking

Lesson objective:
1. Students describe their personal plans and popular activities related to National
2. Ss improve their pronunciation by minimal pairs drill

Lesson materials:
1. Footage from rehearsal for China’s 70th National Day celebration
2. Set of pictures with basic vocabulary
Stage Aim Interaction Procedures
and Timing
Introduction 1,5min - Play the video,
video + 3 - ask the basic questions: what is this, what do they do,
min talk why do they do it?
Remove barrier in 10 min - Show pictures, explain basic vocabulary,
comprehension pronunciation drill for words:
- preparation /ˌprep.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ [U] - the things that you
do or the time that you spend preparing for something
- anniversary  /ˌæn.ɪˈvɜː.sər.i/ [C] - the day on which
an important event happened in the past (Tomorrow
is the 30th anniversary of the revolution.
always celebrate our wedding anniversary i
n a restaurant.
- parade /pəˈreɪd/ - a large number of people walking as
part of a public celebration of something:
((a victory parade, a national day parade)
- fireworks /ˈfaɪə.wɜks/ - colorful explosions in the air
(When it gets dark we'll let off the
- patriotic /ˌpæt.riˈɒt.ɪk/ - showing love for your country
and being proud of it (Many Chinese felt very patriotic
on the National Day.)
- joyful /ˈdʒɔɪ.fəl/ - very happy (The National Day is
such a joyful event!)
- motherland /ˈmʌð.ə.lænd/ - the country in which you
were born, or the country with which you feel most
- independence /ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dəns/ - freedom from
being governed or ruled by another country
Preparatory 5min - Show the slide or write the instruction on the board:
exercise exercise + 1. In pairs, talk about the National Day. Ask your
5min check partner:
(10min)  how will you celebrate the National Day?
• what are you going to do during the holiday? (golden
• where will you spend this time? Will you travel
 What will happen in Beijing?
• how important is the National Day for Chinese
2. T asks a few pairs to present their dialogues
Additional 15 min 1/ Write a minimal pair list on the blackboard:
pronunciation (1) alive - (2) arrive
(3) belly - (4) berry

(5) fly - (6) fry

(7) light - (8) right

(9) lair - (0) rare

2/ Do the drill activity

3/ PRACTICE by GUESSING ACTIVITY: say one of the

words (‘arrive’ for example). Have your students tell
you whether the word you uttered is on the left or
right column.


a) using the blackboard, one should say a word, and
the other must indicate (by pointing or verbally) which
word was said.

b) Telephone Number Activity for Pronunciation -

number words in the minimal pair list on the
blackboard as indicated above (1)-(9)
Instruct students to say their class number to their
partner using the above code. For example, if their
class number is 1803, they would say “alive right rare
belly”. The other student should listen and write down
the number they hear.
This is a fun activity. When students have had a chance
to do it once or twice, pick one or two students to do it
in front of the whole class.
Summarize 5 min 1. Randomly selected Ss describe their plans and
popular activities for the National Day
2. Randomly selected Ss present their
pronunciation from minimal pairs drill
ALTERNATIVE 15 min 1. Translation of Chinese national anthem into
2. Playing hangman with the new vocabulary

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