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Kumar Gandhi and Associates Hho. 19/314, Kalyan Par, sad ereunta Dethi 110091 eee ener ‘vey umargandbi.com November 24, 2021 BOR SCC 2 Deepak Aggarwal Subject: Appointment ag Finance Executive Dear Deapak, Good day! \We racenily received your job application and are pleased to inferm you that we are offering you the position of Finance Executive. The starting dato of your employment period shall be on 01 December 2021. The detals of your employment are as under and terms and conditions’ are piovided 4s under 4. Annual Compensation i Your annual compensation includes benefits, allowances and perquisites, any payable by the company on any item of your remuneration andlor perquisites is. INR 1,92,000/- (Rupees One Lakh and ninety two thousand only) The break-up of the compensation is as under Padicutars Frama in Cost fo Company 4,92,000 76,800, 72,960 ii. Your compensation will be subject to Income Tax as per the provisions of Income Tax Act, 196% Thank you and on behalf of Kumar Gandhi and Associates (“the firm” or “KGA"), welcome to the family Regacds, Manas Gandhi Partner, Kumar Gandhi and Associates ' Terms & Conditions are discussed i Appendix 1 HRA is allowed 50% in case of rented house in metcopolitan cities and 40% in ease of any others Kumar Gandhi and Associates Charter sf Accountants ns fo the employment Appendix 1.-: Terms and Condi 2. 3 Rotirement— Your retirement age at Kumar Gandhi and Associates shall bo 60 years, Transferability ~ Your intial place of posting will be Noida, However, your services are liable Te bo transferred from one location 9 another, anywhere in India. Notice Period - Either party can terminate the employment by giving two months’ natice. ‘which comprises a non-negotiable mandatory werking period of 1 month, with the remamder of the notice period being negotiable on both sides (to agiee the release date & salary? payment in lieu of notice if any) onfidentiality i Bom not ‘mainiaining the strictest confidentiay for the remuneration you receive is fo be always observed by you ii Information: You shall observe uimost confidentiality and sacracy of any and all information received by you of entrusted to you in the course of your employment and you shall af all times, whether during or after the termination of your employment, act will uimost fidetily ats vol disclose oF divulge su Use of suc information for your own benefit informistive Io a third pasty oF rahe Upon termination of your employment, you wil immediately surrender to the fir, al files, books, reports, documents, manuals, audio to you in the course of your employment You will not reproduce, store in a retrieval system or transmit in any form or by means — electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise — any material which is the property of the firm ~ for your own benelit oF for the benefit of any third party either during the course of your employment oF after your separation, eneral ‘Yau will not ether directly or inditectly engaged yourself, wither full ime er part time, fisewhere in any ob, profession. or business of any nature during the tenure of your lempioyment with the frm You will have to seek permission from the fim prior fe any any other organization working the cent of the firm whos worked upon. mployenent with the client or assignment you have directly Subsequent to your separation from the firm, for @ period of 12 months you will not take Up any job oF aasignerient, either ful ane or olherwise, either Uikecty oF indiveciy fosvon behalf of any other organization working with the client of the firm, whose assignment you have worked ot in the 12 months immediately preceding your separation from the fic ‘Your appointment is valid subject 10 4 Your being medically fi, Your fumishing at the lime of joining, documents in proof of your having been relieved by your present employer, Your last drawn salary eipis for 3 months, and * Salary is defined as cost to company Kumar Gandhi and Associates Chartered Accountants ‘Our receiving satisfactory references on your background, Please provide your acceptance to the above terms and conditions of employment by signing the duplicate copy of this letter and returning the same to us for the Firm's records, ‘Thanking You Yours Sincerely, For Kumar Gandhi and Associates Aba ce Partner | hereby accept the position offered and terms and conditions of employment. Soins Decfrah Aggarwal Date lf 14a (Deepak Aggarwal)

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