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Ch 10- Our Universe

(Book work)
Fill in the blanks:
1. Sun
2. Earth
3. Crust
4. Axis
5. Sputnik-I

True and False:

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. False

Match the following:

1. Earth c. Planet
2. Sun a. Star
3. Moon d. Natural satellite
4. Sputnik-I b. Artificial Satellite

(Notebook work)
Answer the following questions:
Q1. What is the solar system?
Ans. The solar system is a heavenly system that comprises the Sun, eight
planets and their satellites.
Q2. How was the solar system formed?
Ans. Billions of years ago, there was an explosion and a huge cloud of gases
was formed. The hottest and biggest cloud became the Sun and the cooler and
smaller clouds became the planets, their satellites and other heavenly bodies.
Q3. Define satellite.
Ans. Satellite is a heavenly body that orbits a planet.
Q4. Name the natural satellite of the Earth. Write three lines on it.
Ans. Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth.
i. Moon does not have its own heat and light.
ii. There is no water and air on the Moon.
iii. Several festivals are based on the phases of the Moon.
Q5. Explain the layers of the Earth.
Ans. The three layers of the Earth are:
i. Crust: It is the outer solid layer on which we live.
ii. Mantle: It is the thick layer of rocks below the crust.
iii. Core: It is the centre of the Earth that is very hot and made of hot
solid metal on the inside and thick liquid metal on the outside.
Q6. Define volcano.
Ans. A mountain or hill having a great hole through which lava erupts from the
Earth’s crust is called a volcano.
Q7. How are artificial satellites useful to man?
Ans. Artificial satellites help to study space, forecast weather and in
Q8. What causes day and night?
Ans. Rotation of Earth on its axis causes day and night.
Q9. How are seasons formed?
Ans. Seasons are formed because of revolution of the Earth around the Sun.
Distinguish between:
1. Planets Stars
i. These are heavenly bodies that i. These are fixed heavenly bodies.
revolve around the Sun.
ii. They have no heat and light of ii. They have their own heat and
their own. light.

2. Rotation Revolution
i. This is the movement of the i. This is the movement of the
Earth on its own axis. Earth around the Sun.
ii. This causes day and night. ii. This causes seasons.

3. Axis Orbit
i. It is the imaginary line passing i. It is the fixed path on which the
through the centre of the Earth planet revolves around the
on which it rotates. Sun.

4. Moon Aryabhatta
i. It is a natural satellite. i. It is an artificial satellite.

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