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Common language errors in writing

Complete the activities and submit by the due date.

Activity 1
The following sentences contain common language errors found in writing. Identify, label
and correct the errors in the sentences

Punctuation Subject-verb agreement Tenses

Vocabulary Spelling

No. Sentence Error

1 Accessibility is vital to the successfulness of an online vocabulary
learning platform.
Accessibility is vital to the success of an online learning platform.
2 Online learning as well as traditional classroom emphasise punctuation
on students ability to apply knowledge in real life situation.
Online learning as well as traditional classroom emphasise on student’s ability to
apply knowledge in real life situation.
3 Despite not being able to attend the class physically, the punctuation
students, are listening attentively to the online lecture.
Correction: Despite not being able to attend the class physically, the students are
listening attentively to the online lecture.

4 A healthy and glowing skin is a result of a consistent skin vocabulary

A healthy and glowing skin is a result of a consistent skin regiment.
5 Eastern and western cultures share similarities in the punctuation
adherence to religious beliefs
Correction: Eastern and western cultures share similarities in the adherence to
religious beliefs.
6 Since 2005, there were three major earthquakes in the tenses
Since 2005, there have been three major earthquakes in the region.
7 Unlike backpacker’s hostels, hotels can acommodate large spelling
number of guests.
Correction: Unlike backpacker’s hostels, hotels can accommodate large number of

8 Similar to Malaysia, a majority of children in Thailand is SVA

vaccinated against measles.
Correction: Similar to Malaysia, a majority of children in Thailand are vaccinated
against measles

9 While the population growth of the United States shows an vocabulary

increasing trend, Slovakia had a stationery population
growth between 2001 to 2011.
Correction: While the population growth of the United States shows an increasing
trend, Slovakia had a stationary population growth between 2001 to 2011.

10 Most teenagers, from old and present generations, tenses

experienced some kind of rebellion against their parents.
Correction: Most teenagers, from old and present generations, experience some
kind of rebellion against their parents.

11 The nurse who normally works with paediatric patients has tenses
volunteer at the vaccination centre since a month ago.
Correction: The nurse who normally works with paediatric patients volunteer at the
vaccination centre since a month ago.

12 Supply and demand have a direct effect on the prices of vocabulary

Correction: Supply and demand have a direct effect on the prices of commodities.
Activity 2
The text below contains eight language errors. Identify, label and correct the errors.

Text 1
A remote tribal village located on a snow-capped mountain have been drawing droves of
people there. The news had travelled far and wide that a pair of bulls taught to be scared
animals of a folklore can perform miracles. Since then, the owner, a farmer, claimed the
pair cures many people of their sickness. Although many people were sceptical of the
news. Yet hundreds of people have been flooding the village ever since. The sick, the
weak and the curious came. Everyone want to experience the magical creature.

No. Error Type of error Corrrection

1 Have SVA has
2 Taught Vocabulary thought
3 Scared Spelling Sacred
4 Claimed Tenses Has claimed
5 Cures Tenses Has cured
6 Were Tenses Are
7 Yet Punctuation , yet
8 Want SVA Wants

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