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This program is created to enhance and foremost to enrich the pupils’ vocabulary of
English Language, to emphasis the grammar items and to sharpen pupils’ writing skill.
Through this program, it is hoped that awareness is established among pupils of the
importance of upgrading themselves in the English language more seriously as it has
become a necessity to catch up with the flexibility in the education and the
developments of technology in the new millennium.


 To increase the numbers of vocabulary of each pupil in school.
 To increase the used of English language among pupils and teachers.
 To create a better atmosphere of English usage in school.

1. The pupils are hoped to act more positively towards the language.
2. To improve pupils language skills especially in reading and writing.
3. To instill pupils’ interest in reading and writing.


i) Boost Your Vocabulary
 To increase the pupils’ volume of words.
 Know the meanings of the words.
 Appropriately use the words in sentence construction and
ii) Grammar Review
 Able to master the basics grammar of English like articles, simple tenses,
preposition, adjectives etc
 Able to implement the grammar in sentence construction correctly.
iii) Write it right!
 Capable to construct good sentence with deficit errors of grammar.
 Know how to expand the ideas of guided writing.
 To expose the pupils with the UPSR examination papers scheme.
This program is held through the month of June, 2010.


All Second Level pupils (Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6) in this school must take part in
this program.


This program is basically divided into three separate activities. Each activity has been
done and held within the month of June and being carried out at different period time
of English class lesson. Each activity was conducted by the English class teachers
respectively. Students who were involved with this program were required to take part
in every activity prepared for them during this program without any excuse. They
have to finish the task given within the appointed time or else they would be
disqualified from the program.

For ‘Boost your vocabulary’ session, there was about 50 questions had been prepared
for each class. Pupils had to answer all questions. 20 questions were MCQ questions,
10 questions were matching, 5 questions were about solving the riddles, 5 questions
were based on word maze and the balance was fill in the blanks activity. This activity
was held on the first week of June. For Year 4, it was held on Tuesday, 06/06/2010,
for Year 5 was on Thursday, 08/06/2010 and for Year 6 on Friday, 09/06/2010 during
English period. All pupils of those classes were able to complete the task within the
time limit which was sixty minutes.

For ‘Grammar Review’ session, there was about 50 questions had been prepared for
each class. Pupils had to answer all questions. 30 questions were MCQ questions, 5
questions were fill in the blanks of a text, 5 questions of punctuations, 10 questions of
synonym and antonym. This activity was held on the second week of June. For Year
4, it was held on Tuesday, 14/06/2010, for Year 5 was on Thursday, 16/06/2010 and
for Year 6 on Friday, 17/06/2010 during English period. All pupils of those classes
were able to complete the task within the time limit which was sixty minutes.

For ‘Write it right!’ session, there was about 3 questions had been prepared for each
class. Pupils had to answer all questions. Question 1 was about sentence construction
(write five sentences based upon a picture). For Question 2, there were two parts to be
completed. Part A was completing a table with missing details based upon some
advertisements. Part B was to make a choice of one item and stated the reasons for
choosing such item. For Question 3, pupils had to write a composition. This activity
was held on the second week of June. For Year 4, it was held on Tuesday, 21/06/2010,
for Year 5 was on Thursday, 23/06/2010 and for Year 6 on Friday, 24/06/2010 during
English period. All pupils of those classes were able to complete the task within the
time limit which was one hour and fifteen minutes.

The teachers were given one week to check the task. Marks were given for every task.
Then, the accumulation of the marks will be use to decide which pupils were going to
be appointed as winners. The prize giving ceremony was held during the weekly
assembly on Monday, 12th. July, 2010. The prizes were given away by the headmaster
of the school. He had congratulated all the winners and hoped to see them gain better
marks for the English subject in any test or examination onwards.

The winners for each class of Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 were awarded with prize for
first, second and third places. Consolidation prizes were also given to three pupils in
every class who had gain good marks. The prizes given to them were in term of
objects such as stationary, note books and some money. The pupils satisfied with the
prizes given to them and showed good respond towards this program. They also urged
to reorganize this program again later on.

About RM180 has been spent for this activity. This amount actually exceeded from
the expected budget that was RM150 only. This happened due to unexpected expenses
such as photocopy which had cost quite a big amount than budgeted. To overcome
this problem, a sum of money had been asked as sponsor from the PIBG club and the
small request had been approved by the club generously.


Strengths Weaknesses
1. Pupils enjoyed this program so much 1. Budget for this kind of program is
as they were given a fair opportunity quite costly. As the sole organizer, the
to compete with each other in class English Committee had to ask for
fairly in every possible way without money support from the PIBG Club.
felt being left behind.
2. The pupils really enjoyed the 3. This program was really a time
activities prepared for them and urged consuming. Teachers had to put their
the teachers to organized much more biggest effort in order to make this
activities as similar as this one. program ran smoothly.

1. The parents also had given fully 2. Some of the pupils (those who are
support for this kind of activities and weak in English) were still having a
had offered to give a hand when hard time to complete the tasks of
needed. every level and had shown very low
interest towards the subject as well.
3. Most pupils had shown a great 4. The English Committee was really
interest and positive attitude towards short in hand. It had to seek help from
studying the language and had other teachers to support running the
become very cooperative for their program as planned.
English teachers. This had built a
strong bond among them in school.


Based upon the matters above, the committee had decided to generate other program
for pupils that are weak in English language. This program will be focusing on them
and the activities of the program will be planned appropriately to fit their needs. As to
overcome the short of budget for this activity, the committee had agreed to seek for
sponsor from private sector such as KFC, McDonald, some banks and others.
However, it was finalized that the duration of this program will be kept as it was
because if it was taken too long, it might effected the pupils focus and interest. To
settle the lack of the driving forces for this program, it had been agreed to still using
the help from other teachers in school as we did this year. Furthermore, they had given
a positive feed back when they were asked about this matter and promised to help the
English teachers whenever needed to do so.

Above all, this program had been able to achieve the aims and the objectives very
well. Thus, the English Committee members unanimously agreed to make this
program as annual activity for English enhancement program in school. The
committee also hopes that this program will contribute a great effort for all pupils
towards the years to come especially when they are confronting the UPSR
examination. With the benefits the pupils had gained from this program it is hoped
that they would imply the benefits in their life and understand that learning is a never
ending process.

Prepared by




The main purpose of this program was created was to instill pupils’ positive attitudes
towards English language. It is also a way of making an extra exposition to pupils how
to learn English through very interesting and enjoyable activities. This is absolutely
essential because this subject has been labeled by pupils for so long as a burden
subject at school. Thus, through this one day camp, it is hoped that it will contribute a
huge mind paradigm among pupils that English actually is easy and fun to learn.
There are three kinds of activities which had been identified suit the pupils’ level in
this school. They are as follow:-

1. Activity 1: Focus on listening, speaking and vocabulary

a) Match Up:

A small group of players are blindfolded or close their eyes. The group is
given three or four pairs of balloons of different sizes and colour. The
objective of the game is for the players to correctly match the sizes and colours
of each balloon in the quickest time. They do this by asking a question to an
outside player who can see. However, the sighted person can only answer, yes
or no.

b) Backwords:

Divide the group into teams of 5 people each with pencil and paper. Call out a
word which has four or more letters. Each team writes the word vertically
down the left side of the paper, and on the right side writes the word vertically
backwards. Then they have to fill in between the letters to form new words.

2. Activity 2: Focus on speaking, reading and writing

a) Find a friend or two:

First, pupils have to write down her/his choice about some particular items and
then walk around all the other students and find another person who agrees
with the pupil or has had the same experience. They have to try and find a
different name for each item listed in a form. Suggested time to finish this
activity is about half an hour.

b) Who goes where?

For this activity, pupils will be given a handout each that contain a text
about some people who had to travel by flight. Pupils have to solve some
kind of riddles or tricks about which place are they intended to go. Pupils
have to fill in a table with correct answers. 30 minutes are given to
complete the task.

3. Activity 3: Focus on vocabulary enhancement

a) Solving the word maze

b) Matching words to pictures

c) Make new words from a big word

4. Activity 4: Group Presentation

They could choose to sing or acting or dancing or anything that can entertain each
other as part of the closure ceremony.

2.2 AIMS
 To build pupils’ self confidence as well as to make a mind paradigm of pupils’
personal thought that English is a very hard subject to be learn.
 To create a comfortable atmosphere of feeling between the pupils and the language
 To promote that learning English is fun.

 To provide opportunities for students to practice their English skills such as listening;
speaking; reading and writing by participating in games and joyful activities which
being handle in a very exciting and creative ways.
 To develop pupils’ English proficiency through the four majors skills by participating
in the language enhancement activities.


 1 Day ( 24 April 2010 – Saturday)
 Time: 7.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.




 All pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 were encouraged to join this camp.


This program had been carried out successfully on the 24th of April 2010 (Saturday)
as planned. 102 pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 had participated in this camp. It had
been well organized by all English teachers in school and supported by other teachers
also. All activities which had been planned were done perfectly by the facilitators.
There were 20 facilitators altogether who involved in this camp. They were the
students of SM Sains Tapah. These students had been given a briefing about this camp
and activities they needed to carried out through the program. They had done a
remarkable job and therefore, the school was looking forward to have more
collaboration with them in the future.

Before the first activity was held, the pupils were divided into 10 small groups. Each
group was supervised by two facilitators. This group forming activity was handled by
the facilitators. Each group was asked to name their team with their favourite cartoon
characters. When this activity was done, three groups remained in the hall, while the
other seven groups had to move out and were given some other places around the
school (which had been prepared earlier) to do the activities like in the library, science
room, computer lab, three classrooms and the remedial room.

For the first activity, there were two subs – activities needed to be done. Each activity
was given about 30 minutes to be completed. For the first task, which is called ‘Match
up’ the pupils were divided into two smaller group. For this activity, the pupils
seemed to enjoy themselves. However, they admitted that they found it was hard to
complete this activity because they had to ask so many questions in English to get the
task done, yet they were lack of vocabulary to do so. When they were doing the
second task, it had become much more interesting because they really had to come up
with the new words. Some of them had brought the dictionary along so, they were
quite prepared to proceed with the activity. However, the committee had also provided
the dictionary which had been borrowed from the school library.

For the second activity, pupils were asked to find a friend or more that shared the
same listed things or activities in the table given. This activity had enabled them to
communicate with each other actively by using Standard English in a well-behave
manner. This activity had also made them to get to know their friends more closely
too. As for the other task in the second activity, pupils had to use their thinking skills
to get the answers for the problems given. This activity had brought them to work
each other cooperatively as they need to help each other to complete the task.

After having their morning break, all pupils were asked to gather back in the hall for
the third activity. However, they were still sitting in their previous group. For the third
activity each group had to compete with each other to become the champion. At this
stage, cooperation and unification were determined. For the third activity, each group
was collecting marks from the tasks they have completed. At the end of the session,
group “Shinchan” won the first place with the highest total mark of 53/60, followed
by group “Kamen Rider” and group “Kim Possible”.

The group presentation was very surprising. All groups had put their best effort to
perform in front of other friends. This activity was really entertaining and brought a
great laughter.
The prizes and certificates for all participants and not forgetting the facilitators were
given during closure ceremony. The headmaster of the school gave a brief speech
before being invited again to give away the prizes and certificates. He said that this
program should be an annual activity of the school since there were many
advantageous pupils could get from it. He also thanked the facilitators for their
tremendous help in order to succeed this camp.


This camp had really open the pupils eyes’ that learning English is fun, fun and fun
especially when they had interest towards learning the language itself. So, this camp
had successfully achieved the objectives. From the feedback we received, about 65
percent of the pupils had stated that they had learned many new and interesting things
about learning English. It had also helped them not to feel awkward or shy when
talking in English with friends and teachers.
However, the facilitators told that they had a very hard time to complete the earlier
tasks in the first and second activity because the pupils kept insisting them to
communicate in Malay. The pupils also having difficulties to speak in English that
caused by lacking of vocabulary. So, they felt quite stressful, sometimes bored and a
bit disappointed because they were feeling that they had been left behind during the
activities were running on.


As for the positive feedbacks the committees get from the pupils and parents
themselves, it had been agreed that this camp will be held annually. However, they are
hoping that the duration of the program is being extended so that much more activities
could be done and the pupils could accommodate themselves to the language. It had
also being suggested that on the next camp, two pupils (a boy and a girl) being
selected as the best participants. This would motivate the other pupils to perform well
in the camp.

This camp had been a success! It had brought up a new dimension to pupils of this
towards English language. The pupils are now obviously much more comfortable and
confidence to communicate with teachers and their classmates (even though most of
them are speaking broken English). However, that is really a good start. In the future,
all English teachers hope that all pupils would get the best of benefits from this
activity which could contribute to strengthen their language skills thus improve their
examination result for English.

Prepared by


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