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soe QUESTIONS 20 Computers, Internet, television, advertising, films, radio, music, newspapers, libraries, books, writers Test your knowledge by answering the questions below. Tick the ones you can already answer. (Have you goc a laptop / tablet / computer? CoWhars che computer / laptop good for? What are some advantages / disadvantages of having a computer? Do you ever make voice calls over the Internet? Whar does “World Wide Web mean? What can you use the Internet for? CoHow frequently do you surf the Net? E1Do you ever use websites offering socal networking services? Do you ever do your shopping on the New? (Can you imagine life without computers? 11 C1Do you often watch TV? 12, What do you think of Hungarian TV programmes? 13 Which are your favourite programmes? Why? 14 C)How many channels can you get on the TV altogether? 13, Whar do you think ofthe programmes these channels offer? 16 What kind of films ae you interested in? 17 What are some popular programmes nowadays? 18 What is your opinion of reality shows? 19 CoWhat is your opinion of advertising? 20 C)Whatis your opinion of advertising? 21 C1Do you ever watch DVD films? 22 What films do you like /distike? 23, What effec do you think violent flms have on the younger generation? 24 How does TV influence our lifestyle? 25 C)Why have many people become couch potatoes? 26 Which are the main national channels on British Television? 27 (What are the programmes lke? 28 (Which do you prefer? Radio or television? 29 When do you usually listen to the radio? 30 C)What are the mos fequent programmes on the radio? 31 Which programmes do you like listening to? Why? 32 What knobs ae there ona radio? 39 OWhatare ther functions? Seoevousene What do you do ifthe reception isnot clear? Have you got a CD / DVD player or HI-FI equipment at home? De you buy CDs regularly or on the spur of the moment? (What kind of CDs have you got? 38 C)Where can you learn about TV and radio programmes? (What is the layout of a daily paper like in Hungary? What kind of articles are thereon the frst page? (What isa leading article and what is an editorial? (What kind of news occupies the last few pages? Cl Apare from the news what other features does 2 newspaper contain? Cl What are your newspaper reading habits? (Whar kind of newspapers are there in Hungary? What kind of news does a sensational paper or a quality paper cover? How often do periodicals come out? What subjects do journals usually deal with? (iCould you name any British or American papers? ChWhat do you think of the Hungarian mass media? (Gketch answer only) Which newspapers do you subscribe to? How can you subscribe toa paper? Where can you borrow books? De you ever use lending libraries? How can you become a member of a library? Chats the procedure for borrowing a book? How long are books issued for? (lWhat happens if the books are overdue? Clare there any books that cannot be borrowed? Whar can you do in the reading room? T1Do you often go to bookshops or second-hand bookshops? (what sore of books have you bought recently? What is the cover like? 64 Was ita best seller? Which do you prefer: reading real books or e-books? 66) What kind of books do you like? (Who is your favourite author? Why? what are your reading habits? (Ciel us che story ofthe book you last read or particularly liked, (Do you know any British or American authors who are famous in Hungary? eo 252 MODEL ANSWERS 20 1 Have you got a laptop / tablet / computer? ~ Tactually have all che. I think itis important nowadays to use a computer; there is no way to avoid it 10 avoid(-ed)[a'void] clheril ‘personal computer (PC) [‘pasnl kam'pju:ta] személy scmitgdp 2 What is the computer / laptop good for? 2 Luse my computer / laptop for downloading films and music from the Internet. I often use it for word processing, sending and getting e-mails, keeping in touch with my fiends, Skyping, chatting, playing games, ordering cinema tickets, booking holidays, selling or buying clothes, advertising, etc. I often search the web for information I need for my studies / work. What 1 appreciate very much about it is that T can get information about vieelly anything in a fraction ofa second. 'b Ihave to use a computer in order to complete reports, write letters, manage my bank accounts and keep everything organised. I also have a small laptop / tablet that I can take anywhere. Itis like having your office in your briefcase. It is very convenient and it saves a lo of time. to download [daun'lsud} letols. ina fraction ofa second [m 9 'frekfa ov 2 ‘sekond] 14 mésodpere tir rise alatt convenient [kan'vi:niont) engeles virtually {'va:tfuali] ‘tulajdonképpen to manage(d) one’s bank accounts fecal a bankszdmlée. ['manids, o'kaonts) 3 What are some advantages / disadvantages of having a computer? ‘a I'm sure there are several advantages of having a computer. Without computer skills, you are not able to meet the challenges of the modern world. Those who start using it at an eatly age, the so-called generation Z, will have no problems in the future as far as computers and information technology are concerned. It will also be much easier for them to get a well-paid job if they are computerlterate. The computer can also serve educational purposes. 'b There are many people who sit in front of the computer all day long. First of allthis is not really a healthy way of life. Secondly, such people may not be able to make real friends, as they will not even know about real human relationships. They might even become introverts, whose shelter is the World Wide Web. fom an early age onwards [onwadz} ‘ont detkorél as fara 9g is concerned (kon'ss:nd) sami valamit let ‘computerlierat (kam pju:ta litaat) scimiitgiphes trib ‘meet the challenges of the world ['felands) introvert ['mtrava:t] sheleer['felta] 4 Do you ever make voice calls over the Internet? Yes, I quite often do. Irs much cheaper than using the regulay hone. With Skype, for example, I can call my friends or family members free wherever they are in the world regular service [sss] megszokots, rendsceres olgiais 5 What does “World Wide Web” mean? ‘World Wide Web means that through the Internet, the whole world is within your reach. If you are looking fora piece of information, you just have to type the key word into your browser and you can find what you want. within one’s reach {'vi6m wanz ris] elerbetétévoludgon bell 6 What can you use the Internet for? Using the Internet is a very popular way to pass time nowadays. You can just sit in front of the screen and surf the net for fun. There are millions of services availabe on the net. You can read and subscribe to the online edition of newspapers and magazines, you can purchase or sll goods, you can play games, deposit moncy in your bank account, write postcards, find cheap offers, sles, look up timetables, listen to music and even find a partner. The list is endless. to surf the net [sof 0a net] siren a vilghélin available fo"velsb] clérbeté hozzdferherb to subseribe(-d)[sob'skraib] clifizee to purchase(-d)[ pas] megverz to deposit money at poz ‘mani szdlara péna ficet be endless [endlas) gtelen é fe 254 7 How frequently do you surf the Net? j I quite often sutf the Net almost everyday fT have time. I usually look for something specific and try to find it. However, I chink you must be careful about what kind of information you | ‘come across on the Net. There are thousands of hoaxes and unreliable pieces of information, | 1b Iddonit use the Internet too often. I just use it for e-mails. I believe it takes up a whole lot of Precious time that can be spent doing something more meaningful. I think that this fast pace of technological development may ruin our lives and even the whole of mankind. ¢ I work with a computer and I spend most of my time on the Internet. I spend a lot of time _visting different web pages. I have a Facebook / Twitter profile that I visi almost every hous to keep in contact with my friends J family members / workmates. Ialso have two e-mail accounts and I get alot of e-mails, although most of them are junk. There are some good games which Jan play with participants from other places. 0 come, came, come across kam, ket] belebotlik tall ‘hoax [haxks) tréfa, beugratds ‘unreliable (ane Taxa] megbichatatlen ‘take, took, taken up fterk ap} effoglal, elvess, precious [‘prefas} orthes ‘meaningful (mi:mmfal] dreimes ‘pace of development [pes] Silidesiteme to nuin(-ed) frum] “erombol,ronkretes: ‘mankind [menkamnd] emberisty junk [dgank] szemts participane (po:‘txpont] résztvews 8 Do you ever use websites offering social networking services? 4 Thave signed up for Facebook, which makes i easy to connect and share information with my. fiends and the people I know. Also, you can find people from the other side of the globe and ‘keep in touch with them. I find chatting with them really entertaining Its also very useful if Yyou want to practise English because most users speak the language. bb have never used any services ofthe social media. I believe there are other ways of making friends and I think that personal contacts are much bette than virtual ones. 10 sign (ed) up for [sain] ‘ejelenthezih felratkozik entertaining ents 'teinm) szbrakoatats globe glaub] Sildgoly, vildg +0 keep, kept, kept in touch kisp m tat] ‘kaposlatban marad virual(va:tfoal virtdlis 9 Do you ever do your shopping on the Net? 4 Idonit think I have ever bought anything through the Net. Bb Yes, I have bought several things on the Internet and I have always been satisfied with the service, More recently, I have developed the habit of sending my shopping lst to one ofthe big supermarkets via the Internet and they deliver everything to me in a few hours’ time. ebgedett ‘nth ‘mastandban, nemrég to develop a habit dr'velop,“hebt} files: ogy szokést 10 Can you imagine life without computers? 4 cant really imagine lfe without them, You wouldnt even think how many useful objects in our lives are operated by computers or microcomputers: our cats, microwave ovens, wristwatches and thousands of other gadgets. © 1, personally, can. And I think we would be much happier without computers. They have ‘changed personal relationships so much that we tend to forget what areal relationship is about. know some people who take their families to remote places, faraway from civilization and live peacefully without any machines around them. to take og for granted [tik fo ‘gra:ntad} sermészctenek vse gadget [geedsxt} seerkentylt emote [r'moot] sévoli 7 Internet Good points : Bad points + plenty of information * unteliable information * the world is within easy reach hackers + emails ‘ + to become addicted + 0 download music, lms * to have your money stolen * to listen to foreign radio stations ict * to perfect a language + to forget about outdoor activites * to play games

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