Zinc The Miracle Mineral That Heals Cold

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Woman With A Cold

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We hear a lot about different vitamins and minerals working wonders on our bodie
s. But often experts dispute their power. Not when it comes to zinc. This must-
have mineral always wins praise. That s because zinc is a component of more than 3
00 enzymes which are needed to repair wounds, maintain growth, synthesize protei
n, help cells to reproduce, preserve vision, boost immunity and protect us again
st free radicals. And there are about a dozen other benefits that make zinc the
go-to mineral.
In double-blind trials, zinc lozenges have reduced the duration of colds in adul
ts. The ability of zinc to shorten colds is probably due to a direct, localized
anti-viral action in the throat. For the alleviation of cold symptoms, lozenges
providing 13 25 mg of zinc, in the form of zinc gluconate, zinc gluconate-glycine,
or zinc acetate, are used, typically every two hours while awake, but only for
several days. The best effect is obtained when lozenges are used at the first si
gn of a cold.
Woman With A Cold
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As we know, taste and smell are closely related. Both taste buds and olfactory
cells are specialized cells that are dependent on zinc for their growth and main
tenance. Studies have shown that raising a person s zinc intake can heighten these
Studies have shown that zinc has the ability to prevent infections from developi
ng in wounds thanks to the mineral s ability to support the action of white blood
cells (your body s natural infection-fighters). Zinc ointment is used to bed sores
, skin ulcers, cold sores, canker sores, surgical incisions and burns. Besides f
ighting infections, zinc is also important in your body s production of the connec
tive tissue collagen. It is supports the enzymes that allow your flesh to heal.
Studies have shown that consuming zinc increases cognition and memory. First, th
e mineral teams with vitamin b6 to ensure that neurotransmitters in your brain p
roperly function. Also, high concentrations of zinc are found in the hippocampus
, which is the brain s center of thought and memory. Supplemental zinc can be espe
cially useful to improve the cognition of people recovering from injury, as the
body diverts zinc from the brain to help heal bodily trauma.
Woman With A Cold
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Zinc is found in a wide variety of foods. Oysters contain more zinc per serving
than any other food, but red meat and poultry provide the majority of zinc in th
e American diet. Other good food sources include beans, nuts, whole grains, fort
ified breakfast cereals, and dairy products.
Moderate intake of zinc, approximately 15 mg daily, is adequate to prevent defic
iencies. Higher levels are reserved for people with certain health conditionsund
er the supervision of a doctor. For the alleviation of cold symptoms, lozenges p
roviding 13 25 mg of zinc in the form zinc gluconate, zinc gluconate-glycine, or z
inc acetate are generally used frequently but only for several days.
Vegetarians may need as much as 50% more zinc than non-vegetarians because of th
e lower absorption of zinc from plant foods, so it is very important if you re a v
egetarian to include good sources of zinc in your diet. Also, if you re suffering
with diarrhea you might need extra zinc; you lose a lot of the mineral when you
have this condition. Individuals who have had gastrointestinal surgery or who ha
ve digestive disorders that result in malabsorption, includingCrohn s disease and
short bowel syndrome, are at greater risk of a zinc deficiency. Individuals who
experience chronic diarrhea should make sure they include sources of zinc in the
ir daily diet and may benefit from zinc supplementation.
Speak with your doctor before taking zinc supplements.

Robin Westen is ThirdAge s medical reporter.

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