Detect 3000 Loop System Installation Checker: Instruction Manual

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detect 3000

Loop System

Installation Checker
Instruction manual

Version 4.16 – Art. 30501

detectomat GmbH Headquarter: Phone: +49 (0) 4102-2114-60
An der Strusbek 5 Fax: +49 (0) 4102-2114-670
D – 22926 Ahrensburg
Hotline: Phone: +49 (0) 1805-2114-60*
Fax: +49 (0) 4102-2114-9670
*0,14ct/Min. German network
Mobile fee can vary
Instruction number.: 56160 Version 4.16 - 13.08.07

Version 4.16 2
I-Check 3000

Instruction manual purpose and structure.....................................................5
1.1 Purpose of the instruction manual ....................................................................................5
1.2 Structure of the instruction manual...................................................................................5
1.3 Functional range...............................................................................................................5
1.3.1 Survey of functional features ............................................................................................6

2 Installation ............................................................................................7
2.1 Installation of the hardware ..............................................................................................7
2.1.1 Serial interface .................................................................................................................7
2.1.2 USB/RS-232-converter .....................................................................................................7
2.2 Installation of the software................................................................................................8
2.2.1 System requirements........................................................................................................8
2.2.2 First installation ................................................................................................................8
2.3 Programme survey ...........................................................................................................8
2.3.1 Programme start...............................................................................................................8
2.3.2 User interface ...................................................................................................................9
2.3.3 Context menu .................................................................................................................11

3 Programme setup................................................................................12
3.1 Interface setup ...............................................................................................................12
3.2 Choosing a language ......................................................................................................13
3.3 Other settings.................................................................................................................14
3.3.1 Error handling.................................................................................................................14
3.3.2 User text.........................................................................................................................14
3.4 User rights......................................................................................................................14

4 Using the programme .........................................................................15

4.1 New project....................................................................................................................15
4.2 Opening a stored project.................................................................................................16
4.3 FCP programming data...................................................................................................16
4.3.1 Transfer programming data ............................................................................................16
4.3.2 Delete programming data ...............................................................................................17
4.4 Read out loop structure ..................................................................................................17
4.5 Analyse and clear errors/faults in the loop ......................................................................18
4.5.1 Display loop state ...........................................................................................................18
4.6 Read in analogue values of loop components..................................................................21
4.7 Graphic diagram.............................................................................................................22
4.8 Loop tester .....................................................................................................................23
4.9 Display occupied addresses............................................................................................23
4.10 Search for text................................................................................................................24
4.11 Print data........................................................................................................................24
4.12 Export data .....................................................................................................................25
4.13 General operation options...............................................................................................26
4.13.1 Project properties ...........................................................................................................26
4.13.2 Load last edited data files ..............................................................................................26
4.13.3 Reload graphic................................................................................................................27
4.13.4 Retrieve information about the program..........................................................................27
4.14 Save project ...................................................................................................................28

Version 4.16 3
4.15 Exit programme ..............................................................................................................28

5 Configuration of loop components.....................................................29

5.1 Properties of the loop components..................................................................................29
5.1.1 Pushbuttons on the toolbar .............................................................................................31
5.1.2 Display options ...............................................................................................................31
5.2 Enable/disable life sign of all loop components ...............................................................31
5.2.1 Status to be read ............................................................................................................32
5.2.2 Activate all life signs .......................................................................................................32
5.2.3 Deactivate all life signs ...................................................................................................32
5.3 Detector-LED flashing.....................................................................................................33

6 Cause and clearing of faults...............................................................34

6.1 Clearing installation faults...............................................................................................34
6.2 Clearing faults in the loop ...............................................................................................35
6.2.1 Open circuit behind detector 4 ........................................................................................35
6.2.2 Short circuit behind detector 8........................................................................................38
6.2.3 Detector type error in an already installed loop ...............................................................40
6.3 Clearing faults that occur during the initialisation............................................................41
6.3.1 Short circuit behind address 8 ........................................................................................42

7 List of abbreviations ...........................................................................44

7.1 Meaning of abbreviations................................................................................................44

8 Attachment..........................................................................................45
8.1 Loop components ...........................................................................................................45
8.1.1 Optical smoke detector PL 3200/3300 O.........................................................................45
8.1.2 Thermal detector PL 3200/ 3300 T .................................................................................47
8.1.3 Multiple sensor detector PL 3200/3300 OT .....................................................................49
8.1.4 Multiple detector CO/thermal PL 3300 COBT...................................................................51
8.1.5 Multiple sensor detector PL 3300 Oti/Oti Fusion..............................................................52
8.1.6 Input-/Output module IOM 3311 .....................................................................................54
8.1.7 Input-/output module AMD 3311.....................................................................................56
8.1.8 Output-module for sounder OMS 3301 ...........................................................................58
8.1.9 Output-module for sounder OMS 3301 mini....................................................................59
8.1.10 Loop Beacon VXB-O/VXB-R.............................................................................................61
8.1.11 Loop alarm indicator PL 3300 PA ....................................................................................63
8.1.12 Manual call point PL 3300 PBD.......................................................................................65
8.1.13 Conventional module TCM 3300 .....................................................................................66
8.1.14 Loop sounder LS 3300/SDM 3300 ..................................................................................68
8.1.15 Loop sounder flat LS 3300 VLC & Loop sounder base kit LS 3300 SBK ...........................69
8.1.16 WGW 3300 Wireless Gateway .........................................................................................71
8.1.17 WL 3200 Wireless Optical Smoke Detector .....................................................................71
8.1.18 WL 3210 Wireless Input Module......................................................................................72
8.1.19 WL 3200 Push Button Detector .......................................................................................72

Version 4.16 4
I-Check 3000

Instruction manual purpose and structure

1.1 Purpose of the instruction manual

This instruction manual applies to technically qualified users who have been or will be trained in
the installation, configuration, analysis and maintenance of fire control panels.
As operator and/or user you are obligated to read and understand this instruction manual in its
entirety before proceeding. It contains relevant information on the installation and operation of
maintenance-, diagnosis- and installation software. It should help you to employ the software
safely and efficiently.

1.2 Structure of the instruction manual

The following conventions are used in this instruction manual:
• Listings contain information (i.e. no work steps).
• Numbered listings contain a sequence of work steps or hierarchically ordered information.
• Text inside quotation marks indicate a menu selection.
• Key commands are shown in square brackets, i.e. [Reset].

Important safety precautions and special information are indicated in the text of the manual by
pictograms. These pictograms have to be followed necessarily.

The user is alerted to practices and circumstances that could result in equipment
damage or economic loss.

Please note!
The user obtains additional information that is critical for successful application and
understanding of the product.

1.3 Functional range

The software „Installation Checker“ for the loop system detect 3000, in the following called
“I-Check”, is an efficient and easy-to-use software for installation, maintenance, diagnosis and
support of the detect fire control panels. In addition to a survey of the entire system configuration,
it provides individual access to the data of each loop detect 3000 participant.

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1.3.1 Survey of functional features
• Detailed analysis of the programme installation at the computer
• Access to the data of each loop detect 3000 participant, e. g.:
− smoke measurement
− alarm status
− degree of contamination
− ambient temperature und real temperature of loop components
− current measurement
− loop voltage, measured at loop components
− battery status (for wireless detectors of the series 3000)
− detector type and detector address
− customised text
− date of last maintenance
• graphic display of loop-/line technology
− short circuits and broken wire
− contamination, smoke, temperature
− line voltage of entire loop
• access to dpt-tool via common RS-232-interface
• data export, e. g. for Excel tables

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I-Check 3000

2 Installation
Danger of electrical shock!

2.1 Installation of the hardware

There are two connection possibilities for the hardware:
• connection via standard interface,
• connection via USB/RS-232-converter.

2.1.1 Serial interface

• Connect the connection cable to the serial interfaces of loop card DLI3240 and computer.

2.1.2 USB/RS-232-converter
1 Connect the connection cable USB/RS-232 to the serial interface of loop card DLI3240 and to
the USB-interface of your computer.
2 Insert the driver-CD into the CD-ROM slot of your computer.
3 Follow the displayed instructions
4 Restart your computer after installation.
5 Check the settings of the Converter and compare the setting wit the values of the I-Check
(Start/System settings/Hardware/Device manager/+connections (COM and LPT)
2.2 Installation of the software
2.2.1 System requirements
The requirements for running the software “I-Check” are as follows:

Hardware Minimum system requirements Recommended requirements

Processor Intel Pentium III with 600 MHz or Intel Pentium III with 800 MHz or
processor with equal performance or processor with equal performance or
higher higher
Main memory 128 MB RAM 256 MB RAM or more
Hard disk space 8 MB 8 MB or more
Graphics card Resolution 800 x 600 Pixel Resolution 1024 x 768 Pixel
24 or 32 Bit True Colour 32 Bit True Colour
Mouse / Keyboard
Serial interface RS232 or USB-interface
Serial connection cable to the fire control panel Loop card DLI3240; detectomat USB-Module

Software Recommended configuration

Operating system MS Windows 2000/XP

Though normally you do not need to uninstall older versions it is recommended to do so.

2.2.2 First installation

Installing I-Check
1 Insert the technique-CD into the CD-ROM drive of your computer.
2 Start Windows-Explorer and change to the CD-ROM directory which contains the installation
programme (Setup.exe).
3 Double click Setup.exe and start the programme.
4 Follow the on-screen instructions.

2.3 Programme survey

2.3.1 Programme start
1 Start the application via the symbol „I-Check vers X.X“ on your desktop or via
„Start“ / „Program“ / „I-Check vers X.X“ / „I-Check vers X.X“. The program window opens.
An additional window, which contains software information, opens temporarily.
The programme window can be resized or maximised.

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I-Check 3000

2.3.2 User interface

The user interface is divided in:

The meanings of the toolbar functions are explained as follows:

Symbol Bedeutung Symbol Bedeutung

Clear current structure…/New Loop Status...

Open Detectomat Loop Interface Detector Properties...

Open dpt Tool Files [*.PRG] Read Line Structure…
[not implemented!] Read Analogue Values of current
Line Connector
Save File... Show Line Diagram...

Find Text… Loop Tester


Version 4.16 9
Graphic window
In the graphic window all loop components and lines are depicted as symbols.
In passive state the symbols are grey. During alarm or fault status the relevant parts are coloured:

• grey Passive state (stand by operation)

• red Alarm (concerning the state of the loop)
• yellow Fault
• blue Loop out of order

Information window
The following table will be displayed in the information window, after loading a loop/spur from the
FCP or saved file:

Column label Meaning

Loop / Spur Loop number in Table.

Address Detector address in Main Line
Spur 1 Detector address in spur level 1
Spur 2 Detector address in spur level 2
Group DBM – Group No.
Detector No. DBM – Address No.
Text DBM – User defined Text (i.E. Location)
Type Product name
Serial Detector Serial No.
% Smoke Analogue Value: Smoke in % (after read in analogue values, Strg+F2)
% Dirt Analogue Value: Dirt in % (after read in analogue values, Strg+F2)
Sensitivity Detector sensitivity (after read in analogue values, Strg+F2)
Last revision Date of revision (after read in analogue values, Strg+F2)
Temperature ext. [°C] Temperature of detector; only T- or OT-detectors
(after read in analogue values, Strg+F2)
Temperature Comp [°C] Temperature compensation; only O- or OT -detectors
(after read in analogue values, Strg+F2)
Status Status of detector
Line voltage Analogue Value: Line Voltage “V” (after read in analogue values, Strg+F2)
Dewing identification/ Dewing identification/ -compensation enable/disable
-compensation The dew/dampness (in heavy environment conditions) is compensated by
the quiescent value tracing (after read in analogue values, Strg+F2)
Oppression of Cigarette smoke oppression enable/disable
cigarette smoke (after read in analogue values, Strg+F2)

All columns in the information window can be displayed with the bottom scroll bar.

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I-Check 3000

2.3.3 Context menu

„I-Check“ provides access to context menu that can be opened by activating an element with the
right mouse button. The menu contains commands that can be applied by the selected element.

There are two possible context menus in the programme:

• active pushbutton in the shift bar

• selected loop device in graphic window

The selected loop device is framed by a dashed rectangle.

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3 Programme setup
3.1 Interface setup
A setup of the standard interface is required for the communication between the components.

1 Select from the menu “Extras” the item „Options“. The following window opens up.
The default settings for the DLI3240 loop card are already preset in the tab „RS232 Setup“.

2 Select under „Communication to…“ the option:

− RS232 <=> DLI3240, in order to readout the loop card.

3 Select the values for the following parameters:

− RS232: Select the standard connection for your computer (default is COM1).
− The correct default values are already set in the check boxes for Baud rate, Data bits,
Parity and Stop bit(s). These normally do not need to be changed. Please make sure that
your “COM-1”-port has the same settings. (Found in the hardware settings of your

4 Under „Number of Retries on Communication Error:“ you can set the amount of reading

Please note!
If the number of reading attempts is too low, faults are more likely to be noticed.
If the number of reading attempts is too high, there will be longer holding times in case
of communication failures.
This setting does not have any effect on the default operation.

5 Click on „Click here to check current RS 232 Settings“ at the bottom of the window.
Doing this you test the setting of the serial interface.
After an unsuccessful connecting test, check the connection cable (1:1 cable)
and/or compare the COM-port setting of your computer hardware setting with the set RS 232
Port number in the I-Check Software

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After a successful connecting test the following window opens up.

This closes itself automatically if check not removed.

3.2 Choosing a language

The software „I-Check“ is available with different menu languages.

1 Select from the menu “Extras” the menu item „Options“, then click on the tab “Misc.”.
The following window opens up.

2 Choose your language

3 Click on [Apply]. After choosing a language, a re-start of the I-Check software is required.

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3.3 Other settings
Further settings can be done in order to provide a more comfortable maintenance or handling of
the „I-Check“ software.

1 Select from the menu “Extras” the menu item „Options“ and click on the tab “Misc ”.

3.3.1 Error handling

If faults occur during operation, the fault messages can be saved in a LOG-data file. This LOG-data
file transmits information to the programmer in order to clear faults. This option is switched on by
default. However, in case of doubt this option can be de-activated at any time.

1 Click on „View Log File now.“. The text data file with potential fault messages opens up.
Note: The Log File will be erased automatically after closing the software.

3.3.2 User text

At this point there are the options:
• indicating short information texts as tool tip,
• indicating short information texts in the graphics.

3.4 User rights

The user acquires the right to use the software „I-Check” by entering a password.
By default only a reading access to the fire control panel is activated. In order to acquire writing
access, you have to enter the password „1111“. This password is limited to the system and
cannot be changed.
If you change the access level from „Read Only“ to „Read and Write“ immediately after starting
the programme, you will not be asked for entry during later operator control actions.
The access level is set back to status 0 („Read Only“) after every restart of the programme.

1 Select from the menu “User” the menu item „Change Access Level“.
The following window opens up.

2 Enter the password „1111“.

3 Click on [OK]. Now you have reading and writing access to the fire control panel.

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4 Using the programme

4.1 New project
In order to start a new project, the current loop structure has to be deleted first.

1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „New“. The following window opens up.

Please note!
The loop structure will only be deleted from the programme,
not from the EPROM DLI3240.

2 Click on [Yes]. The loop structure is deleted from the programme.

3 Select from the menu “Editing” the menu item „Read line structure“.
The following window opens up.

4 Click on [DLI3240]. The data is read in. You can repeat the process by clicking on [Refresh].
The line connections are read in. The number of detectors per loop or spur pops up.
Possible loop errors and faults are displayed next to the description field ML1-ML4 .

Version 4.16 15
5 Click on [OK]. The loop structure is transferred. On the left hand side of the processing
window the graphical survey of the loop structure is displayed, and on the right hand side of
the processing window the schedular survey of the loop structure is displayed.

4.2 Opening a stored project

A stored project can be opened and be edited again.

1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „Open full Line Structure L1…L4…“.
The following window opens up.

2 Select a *.dli file. An entire line structure of the DLI3240 loop card is loaded.

Please note!
The last four data files that have been saved can also be opened via menu item
„File / Recent File“.

4.3 FCP programming data

Under this menu item the FCP’s configuration parameters, which are stored via the dpt-3000, can
be transferred. As a consequence, additional programming data file information (e.g. detector
zones, detector numbers or customer texts) is available.

4.3.1 Transfer programming data

1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „Open DBM Data Files“.
The following window opens up.

Version 4.16 16
I-Check 3000

2 Select a *.prg file. The dpt-values of the FCP are displayed in the table. An entire line structure
of the DLI3240 loop card is loaded.

Please note!
It is necessary to allocate the address to loop card DLI3240. After activating the *.prg
file, it is tried to read in the address of loop card DLI3240.
If this attempt fails, you can enter the address manually. Please pay attention to the
correct entry of the loop card address.

4.3.2 Delete programming data

At this point the programming data, that has been transferred from the FCP before,
can be deleted from the table.

1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „Remove dpt Data from Main Table“.
The following window opens up.

2 Click on [Yes]. The programming data for „zone“, „detector“ and „customer text“ will be
deleted from the table.

4.4 Read out loop structure

Four line connections per DLI3240 are available. They can be operated either in loop- or in spur-

1 Select from the menu “Editing” the menu item „Read Line Structure“.
The following window opens up.

Version 4.16 17
2 Click on [DLI3240]. The data is read in.
The number of detectors per loop or spur pops up.

3 Click on [OK]. The loop structure is transferred. On the left hand side of the processing
window the graphical survey of the loop structure is displayed, and on the right hand side of
the processing window the schedular survey of the loop structure is displayed.

Option „Auto OPEN last dpt Data - File“

This option is available after opening a dpt-data file for the first time. If you activate this option,
after each „Read Line Structure“ the data file that has been saved last is loaded automatically.

4.5 Analyse and clear errors/faults in the loop

4.5.1 Display loop state
Under this option the status quo of the current loop as well as potential errors and faults in the
loop (e.g. open circuits, wire break, short circuit) are displayed.
Simultaneously the error location is displayed in the graphic in the graphic window.

Please note!
If the last symbol in the graphic window is displayed in „red“, a fault in the loop occurs.

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I-Check 3000

1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „ Read Line Structure“.
The following window opens up. Read out the structure b y pressing [DLI 3240].

In the first description window next to ML1-ML4 you see if it is a loop or spur.
ML1-ML2 indicate loop 1 or respectively spur 1/2 and ML3-ML4 loop 2 respectively spur 3/4.
If faults are present then the text in the description field is indicated in red.
The amount of loop components will be indicated as well.

Possible fault indications and meanings:

Fault message: Cause: Removal:

1.) Loop not closed...Address There is an open circuit in the loop. See point 6.2.1
2.) Short Circuit behind Isolator - Loop X... Address There is a short circuit behind loop component X See point 6.2.2
3.) Multiple Detectors on single Address (Scan Loop) Several detectors with equal address in loop X No 2 components with equal address
4.) Error: More than 126 Detectors/Segment More then 126 detectors installed in one loop. Make sure that there are not more
then 126 detectors installed.
Auto-address detectors.
5.) Error T-Switch Set on e. g. earth fault, detector fault? Check the connection of the detector,
if needed replace detector
6.) Error close T-Switch e. g. earth fault, detector fault? Check the connection of the detector,
if needed replace detector
7.) Max. Retries on Auto-Addr./scan next to address Read error. 2 detectors sending signal at the same Check wiring, disconnect and
time reconnect detector. Try again.

The points 2 – 7 are failures according Auto-addressing/-Scanning procedure. The failures 1 and
2 can occur during day to day operation. If an error or fault occurs during the auto-addressing or
scan procedure than the clear the cause and repeat scan or addressing.

Version 4.16 19
The following window opens up if there is a fault. In this example Fault 1 and 2.

If there is a short circuit then the button [Find Error Source] is deactivated. The location of the
fault will be displayed in the window Loop Status…

At an open circuit you need to click on [Find Error Source]. Next to the function a text message
will pop up which includes information to the fault location.

Please note!
The window “Loop Status” opens up automatically after reading out
the loop structure, if an earth fault or short circuit fault occurs
The loop status can also checked with the button =>
We recommend to refresh the structure [F2]

The top window shows a short circuit fault. If the fault is located in a loop then both ML1 and
ML2 are checked (respectively ML3 and ML4). If the short circuit is located in a spur then only
the corresponding connection will be checked (For example only ML1). The bottom windows
indicates an open circuit fault. To locate the fault click on [Find Error Source]. The I-Check
software will search for the fault location and indicate this next to the button.
After removing the open or short circuit and if needed pressing [Reset] at the FCP you need to
refresh the conditions. Press [Refresh] to see if the fire control system is in normal stand by
operation again.

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Clearing the fault

1 Remove the fault.
2 Press the key [Reset] at the fire control panel.
3 Click on [Refresh]. Doing this, the status of the detector line is forwarded immediately.
The red frame is not displayed any longer.

Please note!
Examples of fault clearance can be found in chapter 6.2

4.6 Read in analogue values of loop components

Analogue values (e.g. smoke, dirt, sensitivity, temperature, status, line voltage…) can be read in.

1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Read Analog Values of current Line Connector“.
The table in the information window is supplemented with the analogue values.
2 Explanation of the analogue values:

The following analogue values are read out:

% Smoke Analogue value: smoke in the measuring chamber in percent.
% Dirt Analogue value: pollution in the measuring chamber in percent.
Sensitivity The set sensibility of the detector is displayed
Last revision Date of last revision displayed
Temperature ext.. [°C] Ambient temperature (Only gaugeable by T, OT, COBT type
Temperature Comp. [°C] Ambient temperature (Only gaugeable by O and OT type
Line Voltage [V] Current line voltage at loop component
Dewing identification/- Analogue value of dew in the measuring chamber (OTi & OTi
compensation Fusion)
Oppression of cigarette Analogue value of cigarette smoke in detector (OTi & OTi Fusion)

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4.7 Graphic diagram
The analogue values that have been read in (if available) can be displayed in a line diagram.
On the left side of the Y-axe the binary values are displayed, and on the right side of the Y-axe the
analogue equivalent values (if available) are displayed. The serial number of the component is
found on the X-axe.

1 Select from the menu “Extras” the menu item „Graphics“ (F9). The following window opens.

2 Click on one of the five pushbuttons to shift through the single diagrams.
You can choose between five diagrams:
− %Dirt
− %Smoke
− Temperature ext. [°C]
− Line Voltage
− Temperature Comp.

3 Move your cursor over the dots of the corresponding shown curves in the diagram to open an
information window with the following detector details:
− Number in Main Table
− Loop Addr. X
− Value

4 Click with the right mouse button on the open diagram. A context menu with further options
pops up.
− Jump to detector X Add. X
− Diagram: Standard
− Print Screen (the displayed screen will be printed at the default printer)

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4.8 Loop tester

With the „loop tester“ (function [LT] in the toolbar) a scan or an auto-addressing of the loop can be
done without FCP. This option is provided for the time of hardware installation operation.

Possibility of auto addressing and scan procedure only with connected loop tester.

To start, press on the corresponding button.

4.9 Display occupied addresses

The stored addresses of the loop modules on a loop card can be shown as follows.

1 Select from the menu “Extras” the menu item „Show Used Addresses“.
The following window opens up.

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All assigned addresses and t-spurs are displayed.

4.10 Search for text

The table in the information window can be browsed for any character strings.
The browser window remains in the front until it is closed.

1 Select from the menu “Extras” the menu item „Find…“. The following window opens up.

2 Enter the text to be searched in „Enter Text“.

3 Click on [Find]. The found text is highlighted.
4 Click on [Cancel] in order to terminate the search operation.

4.11 Print data

By using the option „Print“, graphics and text pages can be printed.
• Graphic: The graphic symbol structure is printed.
• Text: The table in the information window is printed.

1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „Print“.

You have the options „Graphics (Strg + P)“ and „Text“.

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4.12 Export data

For data processing the active structures of the line connections L1…L4 can be exported to an
Excel data file. Required is Microsoft Excel 2000 or a newer version.

Please note!
Close an open Excel-application before using the data export module.
The programme starts Microsoft Excel automatically.
If you have switched off the application of macros in Microsoft Excel, this function
cannot be proceeded. The programme terminates.

1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „Data Export Module“ / „MS Excel Export“.
The following window opens up.

2 Close an open Excel-application.

3 Click on [Yes]. The programme starts Microsoft Excel automatically and generates the table
via an integrated VBA-macro. After the data export the following window opens up.

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4 Click on [OK].
5 You can now swap for example via “Tab” key to Excel.
6 Save the Excel table in a desired directory.

4.13 General operation options

4.13.1 Project properties
In order to provide an efficient overview of a project at a later date, it is recommended to save the
project features together with the project.

1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „Properties of…*.dli“.
The following window opens up.

2 Enter the desired information in the corresponding fields.

3 Click on [Close]. The entries will be transferred.

4.13.2 Load last edited data files

The last four edited data files can be loaded instantly.

1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „Recent File“.
2 Click on the desired data file. The data is loaded.

The data files edited last can also be deleted entirely from the directory.

1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „Recent File“.
2 Click on the menu item „Delete all Entries“. The four data files edited last are deleted.

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4.13.3 Reload graphic

During the image formation in the graphic it sometimes happens that the values next to the
symbols are not displayed properly. In this case you can proceed as follows.

1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Refresh Graphics“ (F5).
The graphic will be refreshed.

4.13.4 Retrieve information about the program

1 Select from the menu “Information” the menu item „About“. The following window opens up.

To display support information you can display your own logo and legend.

2 Save the following data files directly in the installation directory „I-Check.exe“.
While doing this attention should be paid to the correct use of the preset names.
− „Logo1.bmp“ or „Logo1.jpg“ (max. size of picture files 400 x 200 Pixel)
− „Text1.txt“ (max. size of text files 32 kB)

After restarting the software „I-Check“, these data files are forwarded to the display.

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4.14 Save project
1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „Save full Line Structure L1…L4 as“.
The following window opens up.

2 Select a *.dli file.

3 Enter a file name without file type.
Example: „Santana“ (not „Santana.dli“)

4.15 Exit programme

1 Select from the menu “File” the menu item „Exit Program“. The programme will be closed.
([Alt] + [F4])

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5 Configuration of loop components

5.1 Properties of the loop components
Exact information about the features of loop detectors and loop modules can be displayed.
Certain changes of features are possible.

In order to change features, the computer must be connected to the DLI3240 loop card.
Further information in chapter „Installation of the hardware“ on page 63. In order to
save changes the access to access level „Reading and Writing“ is required. Further
information in chapter „User rights “ on page 70.

There are two possibilities to open the window „Properties“:

1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“.
Via the functions [Next] respectively [Previous] you access the desired loop device.
2 Double-click in the graphic window on the desired loop device. The following window for the
desired loop device opens up.

Version 4.16 29
1 Properties of loop components
• General properties: Number of the loop card DLI3240, loop (1-2) or spur (1-4) and
the physical address on the loop.
• Properties of COPT-detectors: CO-concentration and date of calibration
• Special properties of the loop component: These information’s vary from loop
component to loop component.. If there is a “---“ displayed in a field than this
component does not support this attribute.

2 graphic symbol with zone number, detector number and customer text,
as soon as these information’s have been imported (dpt-file)

3 type details loop component: General information on type, serial number …

4 display status (variable)

The following states can be indicated
- Light pollution (>30%) of loop component with optical part
- Strong pollution ( >70%) of loop component with optical part
Note: Æ Exchange of detector necessary!
- Difference. Temperature Alarm of loop component with thermal part
- Max. Temperature Alarm of loop component with thermal part
- Pre Alarm.
- Detector failed
- Alarm
- Input 1 ACTIVE: Input 1 of loop component (e.g. IOM) enabled
- Relais 1 SET: Relay 1 of loop component (e.g. IOM) activated
- Input 1 Short/Open Circuit: Input 1 is out of specification „stand by“
- Input 1 : Event. Alarm at an input
- Output 1 SET: Output 1 of loop component activated (e.g. AMD)
- The line-connection is switched off: Voltage at the output turned off (e.g. TCM)
- Wire breaking (or missing ext-voltage) at the line-connection (e.g. TCM)
- Short circuit at the line-connection (e.g. TCM)
- CO Initialization
- CO Sensor fault
- CO Pre Alarm
- CO Alarm

5 Display advanced status . This status concerns the loop.

Please note!
The possible settings and options of the loop components are explained in the
attachment under point 8

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5.1.1 Pushbuttons on the toolbar

The meanings of the toolbar pushbuttons are the following:

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning

Previous loop device in the Download analogue value of

structure this loop component

Next loop device in the Change the settings of this

structure loop component

5.1.2 Display options

Here the status messages of the various loop components are listed.

Extended status
Here further potential errors and faults of the loop are listed. If one or more faults occur, an “X”
appears in the checkbox.

Please note!
If an optional condition in „Status“ or in "Extended Status" applies („X“ in the
checkbox), the loop device is highlighted in red, yellow or blue. The display is not
updated automatically. To do so choose the function [Loop Status] in the toolbar!

5.2 Enable/disable life sign of all loop components

Under this menu item the life sign status of all loop components which are actively
displayed in the I-Check can be read out. Here it is possible to activate or deactivate the
life signs entirely.

The life signs of the loop components can also be activated/deactivated individually.
Further information can be found in chapter 8 (page 119).

Please note!
The functions described here communicate directly with the detectors and modules in
the loop. The process can take a few minutes and should not be interrupted.

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5.2.1 Status to be read
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Life signal“. The following window opens up.

2 Click on [Get Status]. In the window the status information appears as follows:
− active status (ON or OFF)
− detector address
− detector type

5.2.2 Activate all life signs

1 Click on [Enable all]. The life sign of each loop device is activated. The status of the life sign is
read out and displayed in the window.

5.2.3 Deactivate all life signs

1 Click on [Disable all]. The life sign of each loop device is deactivated. The status of the life
sign is read out and displayed in the window.

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5.3 Detector-LED flashing

This function provides a succession survey of all loop components within the loop structure by
means of different flashing types.

1 Select from the menu “Functions” the menu item „Detector LED flash“.
The following window opens up, if you have enabled the “User rights” (see 3.4).
If the “User rights” have not been changed yet, then proceed as shown in step 3.4.

Three different types are available.

LED Flash continuously

Each loop device flashes successively. Under „Status“ the address of the actively triggered loop
device is displayed.

1 Click on the function [LED flash continuously].

2 Select start and end address of the loop components.

3 Choose an option:
Single: Components in the loop flash only once, one after the other.
Auto Repeat: Components in the loop flash one after the other until the function [Stop] will be
4 Click on [Start].

LED Flash by dpt zone

The flashing of the loop components LED can be controlled in various detector zones. Once the
dpt-programming has been read in via the software I-Check, the blinking in various detector zones
can be started.

1 Click on [LED Flash by dpt zone].

2 Select the desired zone of loop components.
3 Activate an option:
Single: Components in the loop blink only once, one after the other.
Auto Repeat: Components in the loop blink one after the other until the function [Stop] will be
4 Click on [Start].

Version 4.16 33
Switch LED manually
The LED of the loop components can be checked manually. In the info field „Status“ the address of
the presently to be checked loop device is displayed.

1 Click on the function [Switch LED manually].

2 Select the desired loop device. By using the functions [<<] und [>>] you can move backward
and forward within the loop.
3 Click on [Start].

6 Cause and clearing of faults

6.1 Clearing installation faults
The approach to faults or problems, that occur either in the programme or during the data transfer
to the DLI3240 loop card, is described as follows.

Fault indication Fault eliminations

Run-time error ’339’: Re-install the software “Setup.exe”
Component ‘MSCOMM32.OCX’ or one
of its dependencies not correctly
registered: a file is missing or invalid
Please examine the connection of the The software tries to connect to the FCP via a wrong
serial interface and restart the RS 232 Com-Port. Make sure that you have chosen the
procedure correct Com-Port. Check the Port of the RS 232 adapter in
your hardware settings of your computer and enter the
port in the I-Check software.
‘Extras’ – ‘Options…’ – ‘RS 232’.
Afterwards check the connection by clicking on
‘Click here to check current RS 232 Settings’
Please examine the connection of the Make sure that the connection of your computer to the
serial interface and restart the FCP is correct.
procedure Make sure that the ‘Baudrate’ of the I-Check software is
equal to the set ‘Baud rate’ of your computer Port.
The default settings of the detectomat DLI3240 is:
- Baud rate 38400
- Date bits: 8
- Parity: Even
- Stop bit(s): 1
Run-time error ‘8015’: Make sure that the ‘Data bits’ value is set to 8 at both, the
Could not set comm State, there may I-Check software under ‘Extras’ – ‘Options…’ – ‘RS 232’
be one or more invalid and the com Port setting of your computer.
communications parameters

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6.2 Clearing faults in the loop

Easy-to-understand examples of how to clear faults in the loop are shown as follows.

6.2.1 Open circuit behind detector 4

1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Read Line Structure“ (F2).
The following window opens up.

2 Click on [DLI3240]. The error message is displayed in red.

Here “Loop not closed on L-“

Version 4.16 35
3 Click on [OK]. The data is read in. The graphical survey of the loop structure appears in the
graphic window, the schedular survey of the loop structure appears in the information
window. In the graphic window the end-symbol is displayed in red (instead of green).
At the same time the window „Loop Status” opens up. The defective loop is highlighted by a
red frame.

4 Click on [Find Error Source] to localise the fault position.

5 Take note of the red highlighted information text:

Fault message Note

Loop X Status Loop not closed! General fault message

Wire Break: Wire Break on L+ Closer fault information
Wire Break on L-
Wire Break on L+/L-
Fault position Wire Break on or beyond Position of fault
Detector with Address 4

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6 In the graphic window, click on a loop device highlighted by a yellow exclamation mark.
The window „Properties“ opens up. Under „Ext. Status“ the error „Open Wire at or near this
Detector“ is indicated.

7 Fix the open circuit.

8 Reset the fire control panel by pressing the [Reset]-key.
9 Subsequently in the window „Loop Status“, click on the hyperlink [Refresh].
The error message should be removed.

Version 4.16 37
6.2.2 Short circuit behind detector 8
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Read Line Structure“.
The following window opens up.

2 Click on [DLI3240]. The error messages are displayed in “red”.

3 Click on [OK]. The data is read in. The graphical survey of the loop structure appears in the
graphic window, the schedular survey of the loop structure appears in the information
window. In the graphic window the end-symbol is displayed in red (instead of green). The
error range between the loop components is displayed as yellow line.

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At the same time the window „Loop Status” opens up. The defective loop is indicated by a red
frame. A short circuit is displayed. The loop components with short circuit isolator, which are
located next to the short circuit, are indicated.

4 In the graphic window, double click on a loop device highlighted by a yellow exclamation
mark. The window „Properties“ opens up. Under „Ext. Status“ the error
„Short Circuit isolator is open“ is indicated.

Please note!
The exact location of an error can only be identified, if the error occurs between two
loop components with „short circuit isolator”. In this case the error location
corresponds to the address of the loop device provided with a short circuit isolator,
which is located next to the short circuit.

Version 4.16 39
5 Clear the short circuit.
6 Reset the fire control panel by pressing the [Reset]-key.
7 Subsequently in the window „Loop Status“, click on the hyperlink [Refresh].
The error message should now disappear.

6.2.3 Detector type error in an already installed loop

The detector addressed “address 6” is replaced with another type.

1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Read Line Structure“ (F2).
The following window opens up.

2 Click on [DLI3240]. No fault will be recognised during the reading.

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3 Click on [OK]. The graphic window opens up.

4 Double click the loop device displayed in yellow
(address 9). The window “Properties” opens up.

Fault message : Note:

Ext. Status Detector Type different A wrong detector type has been installed
Open Wire at or near this Detector

Please note!
The message “Open Wire at or near this Detector” is not always checked. If you swap a
3200 detector with a 3200 detector, then the box is not checked.

5 Close the window.

6 Insert the correct loop device with the correct address at the correct position.
7 Click with the right onto the swapped yellow loop device and choose [Loop Status].
8 In the window „Loop Status“, click on the hyperlink [Refresh]. Now the loop device that
previously has been displayed in “yellow” is displayed in “grey” again.

6.3 Clearing faults that occur during the initialisation

The following faults will disconnect the entire loop/spur during the initialisation .
All loop component symbols will then be marked in blue.
• Short circuit
• Double addressing
• Max try of auto addressing/scan procedure
• More than 126 components on a loop installed
• Error by switching a short circuit isolator
• Error by activating a T-Spur

Version 4.16 41
The following example shows the procedure of how to remove a fault that occurred during the
initialisation of a loop

6.3.1 Short circuit behind address 8

1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Read Line Structure“.
The following window opens up.

2 Click on [DLI3240]. The error messages are displayed in “red”.

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3 Click on [OK]. The data is read in. The graphical survey of the loop structure appears in the
graphic window, the schedular survey of the loop structure appears in the information
window. In the graphic window the end-symbol is displayed in red (instead of green).
The error range between the loop components is displayed as yellow line.

At the same time the window „Loop Status” opens up. The defective loop is indicated by a red
frame. A short circuit is displayed. The loop components with short circuit isolator, which are
located next to the short circuit, are indicated.

4 In the graphic window, double click on a loop device highlighted by a yellow exclamation
mark. The window „Properties“ opens up. Under „Ext. Status“ the error
„Short Circuit isolator is open“ is indicated.

Version 4.16 43
5 Clear the short circuit.
6 Repeat the auto addressing/scan procedure
7 If the short circuit was successfully removed, then no error message will appear at the end of
the initial procedure.

Please note!
If there is an open circuit during the initialisation than please proceed as shown in the
example in step 6.2.1

7 List of abbreviations
7.1 Meaning of abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning

FCP fire control panel

DLI detectomat loop interface (Loop Circuit Board)
dpt detectomat programming tool

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8 Attachment
8.1 Loop components
8.1.1 Optical smoke detector PL 3200/3300 O
Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties” [F12]“.
The following window pops up.
2 Select the desired loop device with the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on the function [Download]. The analogue values are read in.
4 Click on the function [Settings] to change features. In the following window two optional tabs,
„Optical“ and „General Settings“, appear.

Version 4.16 45
Via tab „Optical“ the sensitivity of the loop device can be set. Level 3 is the default factory setting

1 Select the desired sensitivity.

2 Click if so on the button [Write]

Please note!
The button [Write] is only displayed if the analogue values have been downloaded
before opening the window.

General settings
Via the tab „General settings“ you can
• enable and disable the Life Signal LED of this loop component,
• trigger the red or the yellow LED of this loop component..

1 Click on the desired functions.

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8.1.2 Thermal detector PL 3200/ 3300 T

Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „ Detector Properties“ [F12].
The following window pops up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download]. The analogue values are read in.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features. In the following window two optional tabs,
„Thermical“ and „General settings“, appear.

Version 4.16 47
Via the tab „Thermical“ the sensitivity of the loop device can be set.
Level 3 is the default factory setting

1 Select the desired sensitivity.

2 Click if so on the button [Write]

Please note!
The button [Write] is only displayed if the analogue values have been downloaded
before opening the window.

General settings
Via the tab „General settings“ you can
• enable respectively disable the Life Signal LED of this loop component,
• trigger the red or the yellow LED of this loop component..

1 Choose the desired button and function.

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8.1.3 Multiple sensor detector PL 3200/3300 OT

Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“ [F12].
The following window opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download]. The analogue values are displayed.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

Via tab „Opto-Thermical“ the sensitivity of the loop device can be set respectively changed
directly. Level 3 is preset ex factory.

1 Highlight the desired sensitivity.

2 Click if so on the button [Write]

Please note!
The button [Write] is only displayed if the analogue values have been downloaded
before opening the window.

Version 4.16 49
General settings
Via the tab „General settings“ you can
• enable respectively disable the Life Signal LED of this loop component,
• trigger the red or the yellow LED of this loop component.

1 Click on the functions.

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8.1.4 Multiple detector CO/thermal PL 3300 COBT

Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector properties“.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download]. The analogue values are read in.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

In this tab you are not able to change the setting at present.

General settings
Via the tab „General settings“ you can
• enable respectively disable the Life Signal LED of this loop component,
• trigger the red or the yellow LED of this loop component.

1 Choose your functions.

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8.1.5 Multiple sensor detector PL 3300 Oti/Oti Fusion
Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“ [F12].
The following window opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download]. The analogue values are displayed.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

Via tab „Opto-Thermical“ the sensitivity of the loop device can be set respectively changed
directly. Level 3 is preset ex factory. Further on you have the opportunity to set the dew
identification/ -compensation and the cigarette smoke oppression..

1 Highlight the desired sensitivity.

2 Click if so on the button [Write]

Please note!
The button [Write] is only displayed if the analogue values have been downloaded
before opening the window.

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General settings
Via the tab „General settings“ you can
• enable respectively disable the Life Signal LED of this loop component,
• trigger the red or the yellow LED of this loop component.

1 Click on the functions.

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8.1.6 Input-/Output module IOM 3311
Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties” [F12].
The following window opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download]. The analogue values are displayed.

4 Click on [Settings] to change the features.

IO-Module IOM 3311

The IO-module IOM 3311 is provided with an input and an output which both can be defined via
the tab „IO-Module IOM 3311“.

1 Click on [Read Values] and the active settings are read in.
2 Set the desired in- and output according to requirement.
• normal Open: Alarm if alarm resistor closed (4k7 paralell to 10k)
• normal Close: Alarm if alarm resistor (10k) is open
• Input latched: The output remains active until [Reset] at the FCP
• Input with auto-reset: If the input is inactive then the alarm will be reset
• Analysing time: Oppression time of the input

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• Output active until reset (Default):
Output stay open until [Reset] at the FCP.
• Output active for … seconds (2 untill 10 sec):
Output stays open for x seconds at Alarm.
• Output active after reset for …seconds (2 until 10 sec)
Output will stay x seconds open after pressing [Reset] at the FCP.

3 Click on [Write Values]. Once the indication „Please Wait ...“ has disappeared from the
window, the changes are saved in the EEPROM of the IO-module.

General settings
Via the tab „General settings“ you can
• enable respectively disable the Life Signal LED of this loop component,
• trigger the red or the yellow LED of this loop component.

1 Click on the functions.

Version 4.16 55
8.1.7 Input-/output module AMD 3311
Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“.
The following window opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download]. The analogue values are displayed.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

AMD 3311
Input and output can be defined via tab „AMD 3311“.

1 Click on [Read Values] and the active settings will be loaded from the AMD.
2 Set the desired in- and output according to your requirements.

• Input latched: The output remains active until [Reset] at the FCP
• Input with auto-reset: If the input is inactive then the alarm will be reset
• Output active until reset (Default):
Output stay open until [Reset] at the FCP.
• Output active for … seconds (2 until 10 sec):
Output stays open for x seconds at Alarm.
• Output active after reset for …seconds (2 until 10 sec)
Output will stay x seconds open after pressing [Reset] at the FCP.

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3 Click on [Write Values]. Once the indication „Please Wait ...“ has disappeared from the
window, the changes are saved in the EEPROM of the AMD-module.

General settings
Via the tab „General settings“ you can
• trigger the red LED of this loop component.

1 Press the button.

Version 4.16 57
8.1.8 Output-module for sounder OMS 3301
Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“.
The following window opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

OMS 3301
The output can be activated respectively deactivated via tab „OMS 3301“.

1 Click on [activate output]. The output will be activated.

2 Click on [deactivate output]. The output will be deactivated.

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General settings
Via the tab „General Settings“ you can
• enable respectively disable the Life Signal LED of this loop component,
• trigger the red or the yellow LED of this loop component.

1 Click on the functions.

8.1.9 Output-module for sounder OMS 3301 mini

Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“. The following window
opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

Version 4.16 59
OMS 3301 mini
The output can be activated respectively deactivated via tab „OMS 3301“.

1 Click on [activate output]. The output is activated.

2 Click on [deactivate output]. The output will be deactivated.

General settings
Via the tab „General settings“ you can
• trigger the red or the yellow LED of this loop component.

1 Click on the function.

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8.1.10 Loop Beacon VXB-O/VXB-R

Display and change features

Please note!
The VXB-O/VXB-R beacon is identified as an AOM 3301 R.
This is normal and fully correct because an AOM 3301 is installed in front of the beacon.
Item names:
AOM 3301 R:
If the function [ Paricipation at “external Signaler off” from the fire control panel ] is not
checked, then the VXB is identified as AOM 3301 R
AOM 3301 LS:
If the function [ Paricipation at “external Signaler off” from the fire control panel ] is
checked, then the VXB is identified as AOM 3301 LS.

1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“. The following window
opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

General Setting
1 Here no settings can be done at present.

Version 4.16 61
AOM 3301
Via the tab „AOM 3301“ you can
• Activate the output of the AOM 3301 for testing purposes
=> Loop beacon VXB on/off
• Check [ Paricipation at “external Signaler off” from the fire control panel ].
By pressing [ Ext. Signal On / Off ] at the fire control panel the loop beacon is turned on / off.

1 Click on the function.

2 Start a scan procedure at the FCP after changing the setting.

The FCP will indicate a fault alarm after changing the setting.
Start a scan procedure to turn the fault message off.
(Program/ [4] system parameter/ [3] read in detector/ [0] scan detectors)

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8.1.11 Loop alarm indicator PL 3300 PA

Display and change features

Please note!
The alarm indicator PL 3300 PA is identified as an AOM 3301 R.
This is normal and fully correct because an AOM 3301 is installed in front of the device.
Item names:
AOM 3301 R:
If the function [ Paricipation at “external Signaler off” from the fire control panel ] is not
checked, then the PL 3300 PA is identified as an AOM 3301 R
AOM 3301 LS:
If the function [ Paricipation at “external Signaler off” from the fire control panel ] is
checked, then the PL 3300 PA is identified as an AOM 3301 LS.

1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“. The following window
opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

General Setting
1 Here no settings can be done at present.

Version 4.16 63
AOM 3301
Via the tab „AOM 3301“ you can
• Activate the output of the AOM 3301 for testing purposes
=> Loop alarm indicator PL3300 PA on/off
• Check [ Paricipation at “external Signaler off” from the fire control panel ].
By pressing [ Ext. Signal On / Off ] at the fire control panel the PL 3300 PA is turned on / off.

1 Click on the function.

2 Start a scan procedure at the FCP after changing the setting.

The FCP will indicate a fault alarm after changing the setting.
Start a scan procedure to turn the fault message off.
(Program/ [4] system parameter/ [3] read in detector/ [0] scan detectors)

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8.1.12 Manual call point PL 3300 PBD

Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“.
The following window opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

General settings
Via the tab „General settings“ you can
• enable respectively disable the Life Signal LED of this loop component,
• trigger the red LED of this lop component.
1 Click on the function.

Version 4.16 65
8.1.13 Conventional module TCM 3300
Display or change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“.
The following window opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

TCM 3300
Via the tab „TCM 3300“ you can set a pre-alarm, threshold settings and the reset-time.

1 Click on [Read Values] and read in the current settings.

2 Setup your desired values.
Via the function [Default values detectomat] the factory settings can be set.
• The value for “Wire Break” must be between 3 – 10 mA,
• The value for “Pre Alarm” may not exceed 58 mA,
• The deviation between the values must be at minimum 4 mA
• The “Pre Alarm” must be activated separately in the left top corner.

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3 Click on [Write Values]. Once the indication „Please Wait ...“ has disappeared from the
window, the changes are saved in the EEPROM of the TCM-module.

Please note!
The function “Pre Alarm” will set the first detector in pre alarm at the FCP if the
detector detects smoke or fire. As soon as the second detector detects fire or smoke a
“Main Alarm” will accrue. For this function you have to set the function “Pre Alarm” for
this component (TCM 3300) in the dpt 300 software.

General settings
Via the tab „General settings“ you can
• enable respectively disable the Life Signal LED of this loop component,
• trigger the red or the yellow LED of this loop component.

1 Click on the functions.

Version 4.16 67
8.1.14 Loop sounder LS 3300/SDM 3300
Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector properties“.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download]. The analogue values are read in.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

Loop sounder
The sirens can be activated respectively deactivated via the tab „Loop Sounder“.

1 Click on [activate sounder]. The siren is on.

2 Click on [deactivate sounder]. The siren is off.

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8.1.15 Loop sounder flat LS 3300 VLC &

Loop sounder base kit LS 3300 SBK
Display and change features

Please note!
The loop sounder LS 3300 VLC and SBK are identified as an AOM 3301 LS.
This is normal and fully correct because an AOM 3301 is installed in front of the device.
Item names:
AOM 3301 R:
If the function [ Paricipation at “external Signaller off” from the fire control panel ] is not
checked, then the PL 3300 PA is identified as an AOM 3301 R
AOM 3301 LS:
If the function [ Paricipation at “external Signaller off” from the fire control panel ] is
checked, then the PL 3300 PA is identified as an AOM 3301 LS.

1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector Properties“. The following window
opens up.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Click on [Settings] to change features.

General Setting
1 Here no settings can be done at present.

Version 4.16 69
AOM 3301
Via the tab „AOM 3301“ you can
• Activate the output of the AOM 3301 for testing purposes
=> Loop sounder VLC/SBK on/off
• Check [ Paricipation at “external Signaler off” from the fire control panel ].
By pressing [ Ext. Signal On / Off ] at the fire control panel the VLC/SBK is turned on / off.

1 Click on the function.

2 Start a scan procedure at the FCP after changing the setting.

The FCP will indicate a fault alarm after changing the setting.
Start a scan procedure to turn the fault message off.
(Programme/ [4] system parameter/ [3] read in detector/ [0] scan detectors)
The fault message will disappear.

Version 4.16 70
I-Check 3000

8.1.16 WGW 3300 Wireless Gateway

Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector properties“.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Settings can not be changed at present.

8.1.17 WL 3200 Wireless Optical Smoke Detector

Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector properties“.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Settings can not be changed at present.

Version 4.16 71
8.1.18 WL 3210 Wireless Input Module
Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector properties“.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Settings can not be changed at present.

8.1.19 WL 3200 Wireless Push Button Detector

Display and change features
1 Select from the menu “Edit” the menu item „Detector properties“.
2 Select the desired loop device by using the functions [Next] or [Previous].

3 Click on [Download] and the analogue values are read in.

4 Settings can not be changed at present.

Version 4.16 72

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