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By: Bo Sanchez
January Issue

The article is about us living in a scary world were people are terrified. Over and
over in the Bible, God says, "Don't be afraid." There, He gives us one reason we
shouldn't be afraid and that is "Be not afraid. I am with you" from Isaiah 41:10.

In the article, Sanchez mentioned about when a two-year-old child says,

"Mommy, I'm afraid of mumu!" and the mother don't lecture her and say, "There are
no mumus! It is said that in the history of scientific studies, there is no empirical
evidence that paranormal activity actually exists. They are just mere projections of
our subconscious fears, blah, blah." He said that no parent does that unless she's got
a loose screw.

Sanchez also said that in order to remove the fear of the child, the parent
shouldn't explain nor convince. The parent shouldn't teach and persuade but
instead, the parent just wraps her arms around the child and says, "Mommy is here.
Everything will be all right."

It is indeed that many times in our lives, we end up worrying about this ghost
and that. But we should always put in our minds and hearts that God is telling us,
"I'm here, everything will be all right."

We don't need to know what He's planning to solve our problems and difficulties
in life. We don't need to know when and how He's going to solve these problems.
We are just here to know that He is beside us and that everything will be fine.

Just like what God said to Moses, "I am who I am" it gives us the understanding
that God is not referring what He'll be or what He was but instead He is telling us
that He is with us. He is on our side. No matter what the circumstances are, He will
be there and save us. He has been faithful to us and will always be.

God wants us to face every problem, every life's battle and fulfill our dreams
with courage and with God being by our side.
By: Michelle S. Alignay, PhD
April Issue

Michelle Alignay, the author tells about her experience being a psychologist. She
tells that even when she is a psychologist, it doesn’t exempt her from the stresses of
life. It was the time when some of her close friends pointed out that she can handle
everything and urged her to change her ways. Another is that when she felt that the
significant persons in her life weren’t listening to her feelings, as if she and her
feelings didn’t matter. Then and there, she struggled alone.

She thought that she cannot inspire is she will expire. That is when she knew she
needed help. She admitted that she wasn’t okay. She broke her walls and let herself
heal after.

Here are some of the perspective that she shared in her article: - Admit that you
are having difficulties. Don’t hide behind masks, you are not a hero. - Emotions will
point you to a need. Cry as long as you want. Let all your emotions out. - Choose
people who understands you. Vent only to those who can stand by your side and
accept who you are without judgments.

I am the type of person who really hide behind masks, not because I’m being
plastic but because I don’t want other people to see how weak I am. But then I can’t
hide everything forever.

I got used to hiding my feelings from my friends since Junior High School. But
when I became a Senior High School student, that was the time that I chose to let
out who I am to a person whom I considered as a best friend, I just don’t know if that
person also see me as one, but anyway, I learned how to show my real feelings. I let
that person see my weakness. I feel like even if I tell everything, no judgment will

I found the comfort that I was longing for that is why I easily set free all the
things that were in haywire. I cried every pain that I felt, I learned to be free—and it
was the best feeling.
By: Ariel B. Driz

The article entitled “Life Blueprint” revolves on how living a productive and
meaningful life entails having to constantly plan and seek for counsel throughout the

It requires us to closely monitor our actions and thoughts, as well as to measure

how the drive behind it constantly fuels our eternal vocation to love and serve
others the way God calls us to.

It needs us to see the big picture of life. God knows the future but it’s our
responsibility to seek for his will and discern the vision that we all need to pursue.

The life blue print that is at hand defines who or what we can be in the future.

This piece by Ariel Driz did not only reinforce my mantra to work hard and
anticipate excruciating encounters that I may stumble on in life, it also cemented my
dream to serve the poor unconditionally to the best of my abilities.

It motivated me to be more passionate and driven about the things that I

wanted to have or to be in the future. It urged me to really look at the big picture—
my life where I can see myself settled, all dreams achieved and I, myself being
responsible for everything.

There is a greater sense of fulfillment to pursuing your dreams when you aspire
to reach out to people, especially the marginalized, and be of help to them. God
never falters to remind us that to live a life is to influence another. In other words,
there is an underlying purpose in pursuing one’s dreams that is: to serve others and
make their life better.

With this said, I know that I can do everything independently, with God and my
“life blueprint with me.”


Bo Sanchez, the author of the article tells about his experience in relation to
him, relying on God too much. He tells about his experience on saying, “In Jesus
name, come down and die!” on the cockroaches that bugged him during his retreat
to a bunch of college women. He did it for three times, feeling empowered by what
he just discovered about using God’s or relying to God, but for the third time that he
did it, what he said didn’t have an effect anymore.

This event that happened to Bo made him realize that not all the time, the people
will have to use God’s name to take advantage on other things. It’s not that the
people aren’t allowed to rely on God but people should limit it as well.

I realized that I once had an “almost” situation like that of Bo Sanchez. When I
pray, I utter my thanksgiving and a lot of my intentions. I happened have
experienced praying about something that I wanted to have and then I had it. I
repeatedly did pray about the things that I want like to win a contest and such, and
everything were given.
The only thing that I did not get was the one that I really prayed for—to win the
Regional Schools Press Conference. I prayed for it almost every night but we didn’t
make it to the Nationals.
It was one of the painful memories that I had but it came to a realization that I
cannot get the things that I want all the time. This is the proof that God plays no
favorites among His sons and daughters. It is also a proof that I also need to give
efforts on the things that I should do and not only rely on God’s graces and blessings.

This is a proof of the saying: Matuto ring maging tao, at huwag lang puro
ipinagpapasaDiyos ang buhay.

A Father’s love
By: Joel Saludares

This article talks about a father who is very disciplinarian to his children. In
terms of his youngest child who wants to go out and attend a debut, his father didn’t
allow him to go. The situation of both became worse because he just keeps on
disciplining him. Then they argued more often =, until this father had a stroke and
didn’t survive. Now that he become a father of three girls, he often started to realize
how his father truly loved him and wanted the best for him all the time.

Before we our are born, our parents planned waht will they do for us to be a
better person. These hopes, dreams and expectations are for our own good and for
our good future. They plan how to shape the way we behave and how we respond to
Even if we are hardheaded, they still continue to guide and support us because
we are their responsibility. Our parents wanted us to have a 'good life' or a 'good
future'. They also wanted us to have opportunities, to try ourr best, and to do
something meaningful and productive with our life.
We don’t know when is our time, life is too short, so we must treasure all the
moments with our parents and we must listen to them because they want the best
for us.

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