Travel To Norway - Regjeringen - No

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Travel to Norway
Article | Last updated: 03/12/2021 | Ministry of Health and Care
Services, Ministry of Justice and Public Security

All travellers arriving in Norway must complete

registration prior to arrival. This also applies to
Norwegian citizens. All travellers arriving in
Norway must take a test after arrival, regardless of
their vaccination status. Here is information about
entry registration, travel quarantine, testing, and
the COVID-19 certificate when arriving in Norway.

! Fully vaccinated or has recovered from COVID-19, with
verifiable COVID-19 certificate

! Fully vaccinated or has recovered from COVID-19,

without verifiable COVID-19 certificate

! Not fully vaccinated, not recovered from covid-19, over

the age of 18

! Not fully vaccinated, not recovered from covid-19, aged


! Under the age of 16

! More information about the requirement to complete
entry registration

! More information about the requirement to present a

negative test taken prior to arrival in Norway

! More information about the requirement to take a test

upon arrival in Norway

! Questions and answers about entry restrictions

! Questions and answers about travel quarantine
! Questions and answers regarding the COVID-19
certificate when arriving in Norway

Everyone who travels to Norway must register before

arrival in Norway, this also applies to Norwegian citizens.

Also, from December 3rd, all travellers arriving in Norway

must take a test after arrival.

All foreigners who have the right to enter Norway under

the general rules in the Immigration Act may enter
Norway from 26 November 2021. This requires that the
conditions regarding the right to enter Norway in the
Immigration Act have been met. For example, a visa will
be required for people who come from a country with a
visa requirement. The requirements in the Immigration
Act regarding the instances in which a residence permit
is needed will also apply.

Documents required:

In general, all people need to complete entry

registration. Children under the age of 16 and selected
groups are exempt from this requirement.

! Registration of arrival to Norway (

A visa if you come from a country with a visa


Fully vaccinated or has recovered

from COVID-19, with verifiable COVID-
19 certificate
Rules for people who are fully vaccinated or who
have recovered from COVID-19 during the past 6
months, and can document this with a verifiable
COVID-19 certificate:

Requirement to complete entry registration.

Requirement to get tested upon arrival. You must take

a test for SARS-CoV-2 at the border crossing point in
Norway. If there is no test centre at the border, the test
centre is closed, or the authorities have given
instructions not to take the test at the border crossing
point, you are under an obligation to get tested at a
different test centre or to take a self-test within 24
hours of arrival. If the rapid antigen test or self-test
return a positive result, you must take a PCR test as
soon as possible, and no later than within 1 day.
People over the age of 12 must wear a face covering
when it is not possible to avoid close contact with
other people until they have received a negative test

Fully vaccinated or has recovered

from COVID-19, without verifiable
COVID-19 certificate
Rules for people over the age of 18 who are fully
vaccinated or who have recovered from COVID-19
during the past 6 months, but CANNOT document
this using a verifiable COVID-19 certificate:

Requirement to complete entry registration.

You are required to take a test for SARS-CoV-2 before

arrival in Norway. You must present a certificate
showing a negative test result for SARS-CoV-2. The
approved test methods are PCR or a rapid antigen
test. The test must have been taken less than 24
hours before arrival in Norway.

Requirement to get tested upon arrival. You must take

a test for SARS-CoV-2 at the border crossing point in
Norway. If there is no test centre at the border, the test
centre is closed, or the authorities have given
instructions not to take the test at the border crossing
point, you are under an obligation to get tested at a
different test centre or to take a self-test within 24
hours of arrival. If the rapid antigen test or self-test
return a positive result, you must take a PCR test as
soon as possible, and no later than within 1 day.
People over the age of 12 must wear a face covering
when it is not possible to avoid close contact with
other people until they have received a negative test

Requirement of travel quarantine if you come from an

area that triggers a duty to quarantine. You can end
travel quarantine early following a negative PCR test
taken no sooner than 3 days after arrival.

! More information about documentation of a negative

test result prior to entry

Not fully vaccinated, not recovered

from covid-19, over the age of 18
Rules for people over the age of 18 who are not fully
vaccinated and have not recovered from COVID-19
during the past 6 months:

Requirement to complete entry registration.

You are required to take a test for COVID-19 before

arrival in Norway. You must present a certificate
showing a negative test result for SARS-CoV-2. The
approved test methods are PCR or a rapid antigen
test. The test must have been taken less than 24
hours before arrival in Norway.

Requirement to get tested upon arrival. You must take

a test for SARS-CoV-2 at the border crossing point in
Norway. If there is no test centre at the border, the test
centre is closed, or the authorities have given
instructions not to take the test at the border crossing
point, you are under an obligation to get tested at a
different test centre or to take a self-test within 24
hours of arrival. If the rapid antigen test or self-test
return a positive result, you must take a PCR test as
soon as possible, and no later than within 1 day.
People over the age of 12 must wear a face covering
when it is not possible to avoid close contact with
other people until they have received a negative test

Requirement of travel quarantine if you come from an

area that triggers a duty to quarantine. You can end
travel quarantine early following a negative PCR test
taken no sooner than 3 days after arrival. You can find
more information about travel quarantine below.
! More information about documentation of a negative
test result prior to entry

Not fully vaccinated, not recovered

from covid-19, aged 16-18
Rules for people aged 16–18 who are NOT fully
vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 during
the past 6 months:

Requirement to complete entry registration.

You do NOT need to get tested before departure.

Requirement to get tested upon arrival. You must take

a test for SARS-CoV-2 at the border crossing point in
Norway. If there is no test centre at the border, the test
centre is closed, or the authorities have given
instructions not to take the test at the border crossing
point, you are under an obligation to get tested at a
different test centre or to take a self-test within 24
hours of arrival. If the rapid antigen test or self-test
return a positive result, you must take a PCR test as
soon as possible, and no later than within 1 day.
People over the age of 12 must wear a face covering
when it is not possible to avoid close contact with
other people until they have received a negative test

You are NOT required to go into travel quarantine. We

nonetheless recommend that you get tested 3 days
after arrival.

Under the age of 16

Rules for people under the age of 16:

You do NOT need to complete entry registration.

You do NOT need to get tested before departure.

Requirement to get tested upon arrival. You must take

a test for SARS-CoV-2 at the border crossing point in
Norway. If there is no test centre at the border, the test
centre is closed, or the authorities have given
instructions not to take the test at the border crossing
point, you are under an obligation to get tested at a
different test centre or to take a self-test within 24
hours of arrival. If the rapid antigen test or self-test
return a positive result, you must take a PCR test as
soon as possible, and no later than within 1 day.
Children under the age of 16 should not be tested if it
is disproportionately difficult to test the child. People
over the age of 12 must wear a face covering when it
is not possible to avoid close contact with other people
until they have received a negative test result.

You are NOT required to go into travel quarantine. We

nonetheless recommend that you get tested 3 days
after arrival.

These rules apply regardless of whether you are a

Norwegian or foreign citizen arriving in Norway. The
area or country you arrive from will impact on
whether you must complete travel quarantine.

Norway accepts COVID-19 certificates

from the following countries:

More information about the

requirement to complete entry
In general, all people over the age of 16 must complete
entry registration before arrival in Norway.

However, you do not need to complete entry registration

if you have been granted a blocked address. There are
also exemptions for other groups, like diplomats, police
and military personnel who are deemed critical, asylum
seekers, etc.

Commuters and other people who regularly cross the

border will be able to register several trips each time they
complete the entry registration form. This means that
they only need to complete the form once a week.

More information about the

requirement to present a negative test
taken prior to arrival in Norway
In general, if you are over the age of 18 and cannot
produce a verifiable COVID-19 certificate to provide
documentation that you are fully vaccinated or have
recovered from COVID-19 during the past 6 months, you
must get tested before arrival in Norway. You must
present a certificate showing a negative COVID-19 test
upon arrival.

The approved test methods are PCR or a rapid

antigen test.

The test must have been taken less than 24 hours

before arrival in Norway.

For people arriving by plane, the test may have been

taken during the last 24 hours before the scheduled
departure of the first part of their flight.

The flight may be a direct flight to Norway or a single

destination flight to Norway with layovers at other

The certificate must be in Norwegian, Swedish,

Danish, English, French, or German.

A breach of this requirement is a finable offence. Foreign

citizens who do not have a certificate showing a negative
test result can be refused entry, see section 4 c of the
Regulations relating to Entry Restrictions for Foreign
Nationals out of Concern for Public Health, with
exemptions pursuant to this provision.

Nonetheless, some people are exempt from the

requirement to take a test before arrival. The exemption
includes people who:

are strictly necessary in order to maintain sound

operation of critical societal functions or safeguard the
basic needs of the population;

are in transit;

commute between Norway and Sweden or Finland;

arrive in Norway from Sweden or Finland to work or

pursue education;

perform haulage or passenger transport;

maritime and aeronautical personnel;

diplomats, people in the foreign service, defence

personnel, etc.;

have performed strictly necessary maintenance, etc.

on a property in Sweden or Finland.

More information about the

requirement to take a test upon arrival
in Norway
All travellers arriving in Norway must take a test after

In general, you must take a test for COVID-19 at the

border crossing point in Norway. The test must be a rapid
antigen test. PCR tests must only be used as an
exception. People who have taken a test using a rapid
antigen test must wait for the test result at the test centre,
insofar as this is practically feasible, based on the
situation at the centre. If they receive a positive rapid
antigen test result, they must take a PCR test. At border
control, the authorities may give instructions to the
traveller to get tested at a different public test centre or
using a self-test within 24 hours of arrival.

If there is no test centre at the border, the test centre at

the border crossing point is closed, or the authorities
have given instructions to the traveller not to take the test
at the border crossing point, they must get tested at a
different test centre or take a self-test within 24 hours of
arrival. If the rapid antigen test or self-test return a
positive result, the person must take a PCR test as soon
as possible, and no later than within 1 day.

People who are under an obligation to take a test and

who refuse to get tested without reasonable grounds, and
who do not leave Norway voluntarily, will be liable to

Children under the age of 16 should not be tested if it is

disproportionately difficult to test the child.

Nonetheless, some people are exempt from the

requirement to take a test upon arrival. The exemption

transnational hauliers and train staff under section 6 b

subsection 5;

people whose presence is strictly necessary in order

to maintain sound operation of critical societal
functions or safeguard the basic needs of the
population, see section 6 e if it is not practically
feasible to conduct testing;

foreigners as stipulated in sections 1-4 or 1-5 of the

Immigration Regulations, and who can produce a
diplomatic/service passport or national passport
together with a Norwegian ID card issued by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or in combination with a
Schengen residence card for embassy personnel,
diplomats with dual accreditation, and diplomatic
couriers, see section 3 f of the Regulations relating to
Entry Restrictions for Foreign Nationals out of Concern
for Public Health;

aeronautical personnel and train staff under section 6

g subsections 1 and 2.

Information helpline for entry, testing, and


From Norway: 815 55 015

From abroad: +47 21 89 80 42

Questions and answers about entry

Can all foreigners enter Norway now?

All foreigners who have the right to enter Norway under

the Immigration Act may enter the country from 26
November 2021. Stricter entry restrictions will be
introduced on that date.

How long will these entry restrictions last?

The changes will enter into effect on 26 November 2021.

The health authorities expect the need for this type of
entry restrictions to last for a considerable period of time,
probably through the winter.

What sanctions do you risk if you do not comply with

the restrictions?

Foreigners who do not comply with the rules regarding

entry registration, travel quarantine, and testing in
connection with entry into the country may be refused
entry. People who are unable to document compliance
with these rules may also be refused entry. All travellers,
including Norwegians, can be reported to the police and
in some cases fined for a violation of the obligations
associated with entry into the country.

Will all people be checked upon arrival?

The police will conduct routine border control of all

travellers arriving from outside the Schengen area.
During the pandemic, this control has been expanded to
include checks and guidance on the current requirements
regarding registration, testing, and quarantine. For
travellers arriving from the Schengen area, the police will
continue its current knowledge-based border control of
the interior border.

Questions and answers about travel

Which areas and countries trigger a requirement to
complete travel quarantine?

The requirement to complete travel quarantine does not

apply to people who are fully vaccinated or people who
have recovered from COVID-19 and can document this
using a verifiable COVID-19 certificate.

In general, all other people over the age of 18 must

complete 10 days of travel quarantine after arrival from a
country or area within the EEA/Schengen area or the UK
which is red or dark red; i.e. countries or areas with a
high infection rate. All countries outside the
EEA/Schengen area and the UK trigger travel quarantine.
Appendix A to the COVID-19 Regulations lists the
countries and areas which trigger quarantine and which
countries and areas do not.

What are the travel quarantine requirements?

You must stay in your own home or other suitable

accommodation where it is possible to avoid close
contact with others and stay in a private bedroom with a
separate bathroom and kitchen or food service. You can
only go outdoors if you can avoid close contact with other
people. You cannot go to a workplace where other people
are present, to a school, or to a kindergarten.

The quarantine hotel programme will be kept as a service

for people without other suitable accommodation.

How long does travel quarantine last?

In principle, travel quarantine lasts for 10 days after

arrival in Norway. All people can now end travel
quarantine early, following a negative PCR test taken no
sooner than 3 days after arrival.

The possibility of taking a test to end quarantine early

only applies to people who take tests in accordance with
the requirements in the COVID-19 Regulations.

The opportunity to shorten travel quarantine by taking a

test is not a right; it depends on the municipality the
person lives in or private providers having testing
capacity, or on employer taking responsibility for the

Time spent in green or orange countries or areas after

leaving an area that triggers a duty to quarantine before
arrival in Norway will be deducted from a person's
quarantine period. This is practical for people who
holiday by car. Whether a country or area triggers a duty
to quarantine will depend on the infection rate in the
country or area in question. If you travel from a country
that does not trigger a duty to quarantine, but have a
layover in a country that does, you will be subject to the
duty to quarantine. If you travel from a country that
triggers a duty to quarantine, but becomes green or
orange later, your travel quarantine will end on the date
that the country changes colour.

What are the exemptions from the duty to complete

travel quarantine?

Sections 6 a to 6 n of the COVID-19 Regulations list a

number of exemptions from travel quarantine. In these
cases, travel quarantine is replaced with a test regime.
There are exemptions for groups like cross-border
commuters, people in functions that are critical to society,
crew on scheduled passenger ships, etc.

How often are the lists and the map updated?

We constantly monitor the situation in countries in the

EEA/Schengen area and the UK. In principle, we update
the information once a week if a country or region
changes status and a duty to quarantine is introduced,
but we can update it more often if necessary. Every
second week we assess whether a country or region
changes status, with the effect that the duty to quarantine
is removed.

Which criteria are applied to define whether a

country or area triggers the duty to complete travel

Areas are defined as not requiring travel quarantine

based on the following criteria:

<200 confirmed cases per 100 000 inhabitants and fewer

than 4% positive test results during the past 2 weeks or

<75 confirmed cases per 100 000 inhabitants and more

than 4% positive test results during the past 2 weeks.

Denmark, Finland, and Sweden are assessed at the

regional level. Iceland and other EU/EEA/Schengen area
countries and the UK are assessed at the national level.
Regional assessments are also made for selected
islands and archipelagos in Europe.

Will I be subject to travel quarantine if I travel by ship

from Norway to a country that triggers a duty to
quarantine, and I do not leave the ship?

People who board a vessel in Norway and remain on the

vessel for the full duration of the journey are exempt from
the duty to quarantine even though the vessel crosses
into international waters during the journey. This
exemption only applies if the passengers or crew have
not disembarked at a foreign port. This exemption applies
regardless of the size of the vessel. The exemption
applies even if personnel in critical societal functions and
people performing haulage from a foreign port board the
vessel. The shipping company must prepare and be able
to present documentation that the people who board are
kept separate from other passengers and avoid close
contact with the crew. The shipping company must check
the documentation of the people who board at a foreign
port and set a cap on the number of passengers that can
be on board the vessel for operations to be safe in terms
of infection control.

Can a person in travel quarantine work if no other

people are at the workplace?

Yes, but with one key proviso. The requirement to avoid

close contact applies to all activity outside the place of
quarantine. This means that the person must also be
able to go to the workplace without having close contact
with anyone else.

Can I drive a car through areas that trigger a duty to

quarantine without having to complete travel
quarantine when I return home?

Yes, you can drive through areas/countries that trigger a

duty to quarantine when travelling to or from Norway or
other areas in the EEA/Schengen area or the UK that are
exempt from a duty to quarantine without having to go
into travel quarantine. This requires that you have not
taken public transportation, spent the night in the area, or
had close contact with anyone other than the people you
live with. Both the Norwegian Directorate of Health and
the Norwegian Institute of Public Health are of the
opinion that the risk of transmission associated with this
is low.

Can I have a layover at an airport in a country that

triggers a duty to quarantine en route to Norway, and
be exempt from the duty to quarantine?

No. If you have a layover in a country that triggers a duty

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