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NAME: ___________________________________COURSE & YEAR: ____________ DATE: ___________

GROUP No.: _______________ RATING: ________



The amount of solute, which will form a saturated solution in a given amount of solvent at a
specified temperature, I called the solubility of the solute in the solvent. The solute may be very
soluble, slightly soluble, or insoluble, depending on the amount of it that will dissolve to form a
saturate solution. The factors that affect solubility are the nature of the solute in the solvent,
temperature and pressure.


1. Observe the effect of shaking /agitation and the particle size of the solute in the rate of solution.
2. Observe the solubility of some substances in water and ether.
3. Observe the effect of the heat on the solubility of a solid, and the effect of a solute in the boiling and
freezing point.


Burner, test tubes, test tube rack, test tube holder, beaker, thermometer, potassium
permanganate, copper sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium thiosulfate, benzoic acid, calcium chloride,
ether, 15% sucrose solution.


1. Factors affecting rate of solution

a. Drop a crystal of potassium permanganate into two of the test tubes, half filled with water. Shake
the content of one tube until the solid is dissolved but do not move the other tube. Compare the
rate of solution in each case. ___________________________________

Test tube 1(unshaken) _______________________________________

Test tube 2(shaken) __________________________________________

b. Take a small crystal of copper sulfate and place in a tube half filled with water. Place in another
tube, pulverized copper sulfate. Compare the rate of solution in each case.

Test tube 1(crystal copper sulfate) __________________________________

Test tube 2(pulverized copper sulfate) _______________________________

2. Factor affecting the solubility of substances

a. Nature of solute and solvent. Place a pinch of NaCl, Na 2S2O3 and C6H5COOH in separate test
tubes. Add each tube with water. Shake each tube and allow it to stand in a rack for some time.
Determine the solubility of these substances in water.

Compound Solubility in Water

NaCl _______________________
Na2S2O3 ________________________________
CaCO3 ________________________________
C6H5COOH _______________________

3. Nature of solvent

Place a pinch of NaCl in each of two test tubes, to one add 2 ether and to the other 2 ml of water.
Repeat the test using Benzoic acid instead of water. Compare the results.


Solute Solvent Solubility

NaCl Water _______________________

NaCl Alcohol _______________________
Benzoic Acid Water _______________________
Benzoic Acid Alcohol _______________________

Explain the results:


4. Effect of temperature

Add a few drops of dilute HCI to 1 ml of lead acetate solution.

Result: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Add 10 ml of H2O to the solution and heat nearly to boiling.

Observation: __________________________________________________________________________________

Name the factors that affect the solubility of a substance. ________________________________________

5. Factors affecting the solubility of gas in a liquid.

Open a bottle of carbonate drink/soft drinks. What have you observed? ___________________________

Why is there a sudden effervescence? _____________________________________________________________

Place 30 ml of the soft drink in a beaker. Allow the effervescence to subside, and heat gently
over the flame. Account for your observation:

What two factors affect the solubility of gases in liquids is shown in the experiment?

How would you account for further evolution of the gas when the soft drink is heated?

What is the effect of pressure on the solubility of gas in a liquid?


Temperature on the solubility of gas in a liquid:


Name the gas in carbonated drinks: _________________________________________________________

6. Properties of solution

a. Boil 20 ml of distilled water in a 50 ml beaker and record carefully the temperature. Now add a
few grams of CaCl2 and again read the boiling point. Record your observation as follows:

Boiling Point

Pure Water _______________

Water with CaCl2 _______________

b. Add 2g of CaCl2 and note any further change on the boiling point. ______________________________
How does the addition of a solute affe3ct the boiling point of water? ____________________________

c. Add 20 ml of distilled water to a 50 ml beaker full of crushed ice and record the temperature.
Then add to this mixture about 2 g of NaCl and note the effect of freezing point of water. Record
your observation as follows:
Freezing Point

Pure Water and Ice ________________

Pure water, Ice and NaCl ________________
1. How does common salt affect the freezing point of water? _________________________________
2. What specific properties of solution are illustrated in:
a. _____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________

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