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Introduction to Political Science Understanding POLITICAL THEORY AND PHILOSOPHY

the concept of State, Governance and
● Are usually dealt with historically. Most
Constitution Part 1
political scientists believe that the history of
This section outlines the significance of political thought forms the basis of all political
political science in understanding the concept of studies. They consider the reading of great books
state, government and constitution. It also on political theory and philosophy to be essential
tackles the interrelationship of political science for a broad education in politics.
and history.
● The writers of these works include PLATO,
• It is the systematic study of political
• Political scientist seek answers to such GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH HEGEL, AND KARL
questions as “What reason justify the MARX.
actions of government? "and “Whose
interest are served by governments?” ● Careful attention is also given to the writings
• They study various forms of of JEREMY BENTHAM and JOHN STUART MILL.
government as well as political parties,
● The classic political and philosophical works
pressure groups, elections,
help political scientist explore and understand
international relations, and public
many issues of empirical politics. With this
understanding, political scientist can establish
• all these are activities of individuals and
correct generalizations based on verified facts.
groups; and involve basic human
These generalizations deal with such subjects as
relationship. It also deals with such
how power is gained or lost and the problems of
fundamental values as EQUALITY,
representative government.
The study of political science has increased
greatly with the growth and spread of An understanding of political reality may be
democracy during the modern times. In every achieved by comparing the political institutions
democratic country, political science is essential and practices of two or more countries. Some
in the process of government. The political scholars in comparative government specialize
science studies these processes and the by studying the countries of a particular area of
operations of government agencies and the world.
departments. The work of political scientists
provides a factual basis for criticism and reform
– probably the most important elements of It includes diplomacy, international law, and
democratic government. Political scientists also international organization. Since 1945, much
develop useful materials for the education of emphasis has been placed on the study of the
young people. Without that kind of training for United Nations. During the 1960s and 1970s,
our future citizens, a democratic society could specialists in international relations became
not prosper. increasingly interested in China and the
developing nations of Africa, Central and South POLITICAL BEHAVIOR
America, the Middle east and Southeast Asia.
Is the field that explores the way people respond
Vital forces in the modern world, including to certain political conditions or influences. For
imperialism and nationalism, are important example, the political scientist may take note of
subjects of international relations. This field how many voters favor a candidate who looks
political science also deals with defense policies good on television. Behavioral studies are the
and a wide range of problems connected with most recent trend in political science. They have
peace and war. In addition, political scientists been influenced by developments in such
examine the effects of economic pressures on behavioral sciences as anthropology,
international relations. psychology, and sociology. Political scientists
have developed ways to study certain key
behavior pattern in politics. Studies have been
• Is a field to which political scientist made in communications, propaganda, voting
generally give special attention. They behavior, and other activities.
feel it is necessary to study their own
The Development Of Political Science
government’s development more
deeply than that of other governments. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle
• READ the link on moodle with the title called political science the “master science”. He
The Rajahs and Sultans of Pre-colonial considered politics the highest science because
Philippines. he thought all other sciences depended on it. For
many years, most scientist laughed at this idea. But today, many scientists share Aristotle’s
reads/features/rajahs-sultans-pre-colonial- opinion because they realize that a nuclear war
philippines-a2212-20191216-lfrm3 could wipe out humanity. They are convinced
(see the content of this link at the end of part 4) that the knowledge of how to control the results
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION of scientific work politically – in other words,
how to maintain peace – is probably the most
It is actually part of a comparative government important of all human endeavors. Aristotle and
and of domestic government and politics. It is his teacher, Plato, believed that the main task of
separated from those fields because of the range political science was to work out a model
and complications of modern administrative political order. This political order would
activities. Public administration deals with such establish maximum justice while remaining
tasks of public officials as accounting, budgets, completely stable. Plato was primarily a
and personal management. Public officials often philosopher of ideas. He derived his insight
work closely with political scientists who are chiefly from abstract speculation (thinking
expert in administration. These experts study the about concrete things). Aristotle, on the other
many departments of national governments. hand insisted on empirical studies (investigation
They analyze how the organization and internal based on experience) in order to construct his
politics of government departments aid or political theories
hinder putting political decisions and programs
into effect.
Readings in Philippine History

Introduction to Political Science

The development of Political Science


Greek Philosophers
“God Himself is the rule and mode of virtue. Our
faith is measured by divine truth, our hope by the
greatness of His power and faithful affection, our
charity by His goodness. His truth, power and
goodness outreach any measure of reason. We
Plato, abstract speculation can certainly never believe, trust or love God
more than, or even as much as, we should.
Extravagance is impossible. Here is no virtuous
moderation, no measurable mean; the more
extreme our activity, the better we are.” ― St.
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, 5 Vols


Aristotle, empirical studies Father of Political The theories of the medieval philosophers were
science challenged in the 1500s and 1600s. Niccolo
Machiavelli, a famous Florentine politician,
pushed aside Christian idealism in favor of
It was a major philosophical movement realistic power politics. Machiavelli’s ideas were
during the late Middle Ages. It followers, often generalized by Thomas Hobbes, an English
called scholastics, undertook to fit the Greek philosopher. Hobbes claimed that a person’s
tradition of political science into the religious entire life was a “ceaseless search for power.”
framework of Christianity. Their main concern This approach became known as secularism
was to harmonize the power of government with because it separated politics from religion. Three
ethics and moral laws. writers who put those ideas into legalistic form
were Jean Bodin, a French jurist; Johannes
The greatest scholastic was St. Thomas Aquinas. Althusius, a German political scientist; and Hugo
He ranked all other political subjects below law. Grotius, a Dutch lawyer who was the founder of
In one of his most important works, Summa science of international law.
Theologica, he elaborated on Aristotle’s theories
adapted them to Christian purposes. He
emphasized certain rights and duties of
individuals in the processes of government. He
also stressed that government should rule in
accordance with those rights and duties. By
stating that government was limited by law.,
Aquinas helped lay the foundation of modern
CONSTITUTIONALISM and utilitarian theories of David Hume, a
Scotsman, and Jeremy Bentham, an Englishman.
It is a political system in which the powers of the
government are in fact limited by law or Individualists believe that freedom of the
tradition. It developed during mid-1600s. It was individual is as important as the welfare of any
a reaction to absolutism – that is, absolute ruled community.
by one person. The reaction was especially
Utilitarian believe that the goal of politics is “the
strong in England, where it was climaxed by the
greatest happiness of the greatest number”.
Glorious Revolution of 1688. several English
writers influenced the basic theories of Western
constitutionalism. These writers included Stuart Mill, a prominent English philosopher and
Richard Hooker, John Milton, and James economist, summarized most of the liberal ideas
Harrington. John Locke, perhaps the most that had developed up to his time.
influential political writer of the time,
emphasized basic human rights and believed Three great German philosophers
that people should revolt against the contributed to liberal ideas that were somewhat
governments that violated those rights. His different from classic liberalism. They were
book Two Treatises of Government (1690) Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte and
greatly influenced political thought in the Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. The liberalism of
American colonies. Locke’s ideas helped shape Fichte and Hegel included ideas of socialism and
the Declaration of Independence and the United nationalism. Kant’s liberalism included a theory
States Constitution. (Discussion in Philippine of universal peace through world organization.
Constitution after this development) Kant explained his theory in a brief classic, On
Eternal Peace, published in 1795.

Three great German philosophers
It developed as a political philosophy
largely from the theories of John Locke.
Liberalism represents a

willingness to change ideas, proposals, and

policies to meet current problems. Locke’s
theories were

given a broader base by Montesquieu, one of a

Democracy and Socialism
group of French writers called philosophie.
Some of Rousseau’s writings carried his political
Liberal theories were reinforced by the
theories beyond radical individualism. In the
radical individualism of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Social Contract (1762), Rousseau became the
theorist of democracy. He emphasis on the
collective – the general will, as Rousseau
described it – gave it rise to socialism. Eventually,
the theories about democracy became divided.
Liberal, constitutional, democratic ideas were
followed in the United States. Socialist
democratic ideas became predominant in
Europe. Socialism was further developed by Karl
Marx, a German philosopher and economist. He
first expressed his socialist ideas in the
Communist Manifesto (1848), which he wrote
with his colleague Friedrich Engels.

Communism in the Soviet Union was based on

Marxist doctrines as interpreted and modified by
V.I. Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution in
1917. The rulers in China and other Communist
countries still follow Marxist-Lennist principles.
Marxism-Lennism is significantly different from
the Marxist doctrines followed by democratic
socialists in many of the countries of Western


Since about 1900, most political scientist have

sought increasingly to strengthen the empirical
basis of their work. They have been returning to
Aristotle’s view of basing political theories and
methods on experience. As a result, much
progress has been made in descriptive and
analytical work, and in quantitative studies.
Today, political scientist makes practical
improvement and political reform their major
concerns. The modern approach of using
empirical methods in political science is being
taken up in one country after another. Many
political studies consider most nations and the
world. Such global interests find expression in
the International Political Science Associations.
Introduction to Political Science “Political science without history is hollow and
baseless; history without political science has no
Understanding the concept of State,
fruit; and political science without history has no
Governance and Constitution
root.” Dr J. Seeley
Part 3

Relationship of Political science with other


The relationship of political science with other

branches of learning especially the social
sciences, makes political science more
meaningful and significant as it draws strength POLITICAL SCIENCE & ECONOMICS
and energy from them. Experts in politics who
are deeply interested in the political system Sociology is the study of a society as a whole. It
show much interest in knowing the impact of is a social science course that enriches political
history, economics, sociology, psychology, science by its contributions to the study of social
geopolitics, philosophy and other studies upon problems which are problems of the
political science. government. The sociologist’s investigations and
inquiries, marital relations problems, juvenile
Political Science & History delinquency, housing problems, etc. are data
Whenever political scientist make a study of a available to the political scientist to evaluate,
state and its political institutions, they depend and which may later become interesting and
on history knowing its origin, its growth and basic subject of legislation.
development, and its institutions. An analysis of POLTICAL SCIENCE & PSYCHOLOGY
the CAUSES and FACTORS that influence the
state’s growth and development makes it It has been said by some political writers that
necessary for political writers to rely on historical psychology is the foundation for political science.
facts. Thus, knowledge of historical foundations The study of political behavior is a good example
of the state will help political thinkers in of how these men used psychology in their
analyzing and describing present political theories about politics. Jeremy Bentham, father
phenomena, and consequently enables them to of utilitarianism in 19th century England,
provide, through the lessons of the past formulated a theory of political behavior on the
direction to and meaning for the future. fundamental reality that men act always in
pursuit of their self-interest. This view was
The centralization of government in the earlier explored by Thomas Aquinas and Thomas
Philippines for example, can be traced back to Hobbes who expounded their theories of morals
the barangay government in pre-Spanish and politics on a solid foundation of reality by
Philippines where all powers of government recognizing the fact that man’s instinctive desire
were centered on the local executive, the datu. is to preserve himself.
It can be stressed that all political institutions can
There is also close association of political science
and constitution by employing historical
with anthropology. Students of politics are
benefited by the anthropological theory of the
state. Anthropologists believe that the state
evolved from the family, and from the clan into
bigger or more extensive groupings and finally
the nation, bound by common ideas and goals.

While Aristotle writes that man is by nature a

political animal, the anthropologist helps the
students of political science to understand this
Aristotelian view to mean that man is rational,
civilized and cultured being.


The knowledge of geography is very useful in the

study of political science, especially those
aspects related to external political problems,
frontiers or boundaries, national power, and
trade relations, which have led to the
galvanization (stimulate) of regional
arrangements or associations. An example is the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Perturbed by external problems the member
nations sought new approaches that would keep
the association operationally viable, strong, and

Geopolitics is a science which emphasizes that

the domestic and foreign policies of a state are
dependent upon its physical environment. It is a
study in political science which considers the
location of a state as a very important factor in
growth, development, and survival.


Political theories about the origin of the state,

individualism, democracy, communism, the
separation powers of the government branches,
and others are but a few examples of the
personal philosophies of those who advocated
them. These theories have widened the horizons
of knowledge of students in political science.
Indeed, political philosophy has presented to
many alternative visions of the state. The study
of political science lacks substance without
political philosophy infusing certain values in the
political theories.
Introduction to Political COMPARATIVE METHOD
Science In the study of political science it brings into
focus on contemporary political institutions and
Understanding the concept of State, practices of various countries at different
Governance and Constitution periods of history. From this focus, students can
draw similarities and differences in the
Part 4 structures and systems of the governments of
these countries, in their laws, and constitutions.
Methodology of Political Science
This field of endeavor is aimed at discovering the
The scientific attitude toward government has significant or essential elements of political
made the empirical method an essential way of institutions in an attempt to analyze and
observing actual political institutions and their examine their WORTH and VALUE and how they
processes. These political institutions are work. The analytical method when used by the
“laboratories” of empirically oriented political political scientist would force him to make a
scientists where they experiment on the detailed study of these political institutions,
workings of these political institutions. Every evaluating their interrelations in the exercise of
change in their operation and structure, every their powers and performance of their functions
method in the formulation and determination of for maximizing government in their relations
their laws and policies, and every new system of with other functional groups in society.
administration in a state has a great significance.
Thus, the institution of a new system of SIGNIFICANCE OF POLITICAL SCIENCE
government in the Philippines, which combined
the elements of both presidential and • The primary objective in the offering
parliamentary systems, was experimental in of political science courses in college
character. It tried to determine whether it would is to educate students for
become an effective transition instrument that citizenship.
would pave the way for a parliamentary • To understand the complexities of
government. modern government
HISTORICAL METHOD • To know the civic skills and humane
ideals requisite for RESPONSIBLE
The historical method enlightens the students of participation in the political and
politics on the origin and evolution of the state social life of a democracy.
and its institutions, by seeking to explain what
• Prepare the students about the
they are and what they will be. The historical
education of law, foreign service,
approach is not merely expository but
interpretative. Thus, the historical approach will public administration, politics,
make the students interested in knowing not teaching, economics, etc.
only the origin of the state, its government and
practices, but also the forces and factors
influence its growth and development.
PART 1 The Seafaring Datus of the Visayas

The Powerful Rajahs and Sultans of Pre-Colonial A lot of what we know of pre-colonial culture and
Philippines politics comes from the Visayas, mainly thanks to
The Philippine archipelago was a collection of early Spanish sources like Fr. Chirino and Miguel
de Loarca. Because the Spanish first landed in
diverse political entities before the arrival of the
the Visayas before settling in Manila, a lot of
effort was made to understand the rules of the
strange land and its people.
There is a common misconception that the
Spanish “discovered” the Philippines. That, prior The most prominent of these was by far
to Spanish conquest, the Philippines had nothing the Rajahnate of Cebu. Ruling from the central
seat of power in Cebu, the Rajahnate was an
but savage indios who needed the civilization of important trading hub between the Sultanates of
the West to enlighten it. Mindanao and the Kingdom of Borneo to the
south, the Rajahnates of Luzon to the north, and
Of course, we now know just how far that notion
the Chinese Empire to the west.
is from the truth. We now understand that
Filipino culture and society existed way before The Kingdom of Cebu also had ties with the
outside world. Founded by a minor prince of
colonization, and slivers of it sometimes appear Sumatra, Sri Lumay, Cebu grew to become a
in popular culture: A TV show is set during the major player in the archipelago’s local politics, By
the time of Magellan in 1521, Rajah
era or a discussion on pre-colonial heritage pops
Humabon was the undisputed ruler of Cebu.
up now and then. Some 40 years later, Humabon’s cousin Rajah
The fact is, the Philippine archipelago was a Tupas met the conquistador Miguel Lopez de
Legazpi, and was the last Rajah of Cebu.
collection of diverse political entities before the
arrival of the Spanish. One could probably draw Although Cebu was a central polity in the
Visayas, it was by no means the only one.
comparisons to Ancient Greece with its various
Humabon famously had a rival in Lapu-Lapu,
city-states, though the truth is a bit more who ruled in the island of Mactan. Some sources
complicated than that. A single article would assert that Lapu-Lapu was even stronger than his
rival, on account of controlling a key position in
hardly do justice to describing the full extent of the Visayan trade route.
pre-colonial politics, but let’s try to at least get
an overview:
This would be a common theme, with each island one of the richest states not just in the Philippine
in the Visayas ruled by its own Datu. Chronicles archipelago, but in Southeast Asia.
from the time of Spanish arrival talked of
dealings with people like Datu Urrao of On the other side of Mindanao were the Muslim
Samar, Datu Bankaw of Limasawa, sultanates. Islam was first established in the
and Sikatuna in Bohol. Legazpi famously had a Philippines in 1380 when Muslim traders set foot
blood compact with Sikatuna to signify their in the shores of Sulu and Jolo. The Sultanate of
alliance. This was the Spanish way: Ally with local Sulu was founded on November 17, 1405,
Datus when they could and crush them when by Sharif ul-Kisham and quickly rose to become
they could not. a maritime power, with close ties to the greater
The Spaniards also recorded other major players Muslim community in Mindanao and the
in the area at the time of their arrival: In the Kingdom of Borneo. Sulu was rightfully feared by
island of Mindoro, was the Kingdom of Ma-I, the Spanish for her pirate fleets that controlled
which had trade links with China as early as 972 the Celebes Sea.
CE, while the island of Panay was home to The spread of Islam continued with the rise of
the Confederation of Madja-as, unique in its the Sultanate of Maguindanao under Shariff
description as an alliance of local barangays in Mohammed Kabungsuwan. Maguindanao was a
the area. The (now-famous) Datu Puti was the proud state that was able to resist Spanish
first known ruler of Madja-as. colonization, most famously under Sulat
Kudarat from 1619 to his death in 1671.
The Rich Sultans of Mindanao
Up north, near Lake Lanao, was a confederation

South of the Visayan islands lies the region of of Maranao states. The history of the “men of

Mindanao, home to the Lumads, the Moros, and the Lake” was deeply intertwined with

the seat of four major powers: the Rajahnate of Maguindanao: Sharrif Kabungsuwan was the one

Butuan, the Sultanate of Lanao, the Sultanate who influenced them to turn to Islam. The

of Maguindanao, and the Sultanate of Sulu. Maranao states eventually formed a sultanate

Butuan was one of the first polities that the with Balindong Bsar of House Masiu as its first

Spaniards came into contact with. Chroniclers Sultan.

described the place as so abundant with gold Lanao and Maguindanao crossed paths again

that the houses were decorated with gold. One thanks to the Spanish. Spanish incursions into

chronicler even claimed that Rajah Mindanao threatened the Maranao way of life. It

Siagu’s alipin had gold jewelry, something was Sultan Kudarat who rallied the men of the

unheard of in Europe. Butuan was regarded to be Lake into defending against the foreign
incursion. The Spanish retreated within months.
Tondo was the famous Lakandula, who lost to
the Spanish in the fateful Battle of Bangkusay.
Maynila ultimately shared a similar fate against
the Spanish, though its Rajahs hoped that their
blood relations with the Sultanate of Brunei
would save them. In one incident, the “Young
Prince” Ache fought with his cousin, the Lakan of
Tondo, who was encroaching on territory
belonging to Maynila. Ache, exhorted by his
mother to keep the peace, went to ask his
grandfather, the Sultan of Brunei for assistance.
The Sultan gave Ache command of a naval force.
The Old Rajahs of Luzon

Apart from the Datus of the Visayas, the Ache was on his way back to Maynila to exact

kingdoms of Luzon had the most contact with the revenge on his cousin when he came upon the

Spanish, though much less is written about remnants of the Magellan expedition, which he

them. Political power in Luzon was concentrated attacked in hopes of expanding his fleet. Ache

near the banks of the Pasig River, where trade was captured but was released after paying a

from China made its way across the archipelago. high ransom, whereupon he returned to his

The major players near the Pasig River were Kingdom. Not much is known after that incident.

the Kingdom of Tondo and the Rajahnate of Ache had another brush with the Spanish in the

Maynila. The two states shared a complex 1570s. Now known as Rajah Matanda, Ache and

relationship, ranging from friendly to at war. his counterpart in Tondo, Lakandula, tried to

An old state that existed as early as 900 CE, defend their kingdoms against Spanish invasion.

Tondo engaged in trade and exerted its influence Maynila was burned to the ground and the

to as far as modern-day Laguna, Bulacan, and Spanish built Intramuros in its place.

Pampanga through trade and war. The Outside of the Tagalog regions states and polities

relationship between Tondo and the other were just as abundant. The state of Ibalon ruled

polities was less that of a feudal lord and its in the Bicol peninsula and is known as the first

vassals, and more of an alliance between a senior Spanish settlement in Luzon. The Epic of Ibalon is

and lesser partner. still widely known in the Bicol region as a

Tondo was ruled by a Lakan who, by the time of celebration of oral history and a creative blend

Spanish arrival, shared power with the Muslim of fact and fiction.

Rajahnate of Maynila. One of the last Lakans of

Going north, Rajahs had a complex relationship
with native highland tribes. The Igorot
of Benguet frequently exchanged gold with
Chinese wares from Pangasinan while fighting
Ilocanos in Samtoy. Pangasinan, particularly, is
home to the legendary warrior-princess Urduja,
who was said to have ruled in the 13th century.
There are more states now lost to history before
Spanish arrival and thousands more stories from
the people who lived and ruled during this
period. But what’s important to remember is
that we must always look at our past critically if
we are to have an appreciation of our Filipino
culture and heritage today.

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