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Tel l in g t h e t im e Co l l o c a t io n s h a v e, g o , g e t

1 Complete the text with the correct times. 3 Choose the correct word to complete the questions.

1 What time do you get / go up?

2 When do you go / have breakfast?
Harry Clarke works at home. He wakes up at 3 When do you go / have to work?
4 Do you get / have any meetings?

(1) h a lf p ast eight. Harry is an artist, so he
5 W hat time do you go / have to sleep?
6 When do you get / go your best ideas?
doesn't get up early. He has breakfast at
7 What do you get / hav e to drink for breakfast?
(2 } _________________ and starts work at 8 Do you get / go the bus to work?

about (3) ____________.. ‘I don’t paint 4 Answer the questions in exercise 3 about you.

in the morning,' says Harry, ‘I have meetings or 1 __________________________________________

phone people.’ Harry has lunch at
^ ^ ( 4 ) ________________ and then he goes for a
walk. Harry walks for about two hours every 5

afternoon. "I get my best ideas when I go for a

walk.’ says Harry. He paints from


(5 ) . In the evening he

w atches TV from (6) Tr a n s l a t io n

T watch the news and then have dinner.’ says Harry. 5 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 John wakes up at six thirty.

He goes to bed at ( 7 ) ________________ .

2 I go to the gym at eight fifteen

2 Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or

false (F)? 3 What time do you have lunch?
1 Harry wakes up at half past eight. _

2 He has breakfast at ten past nine. 4 She gets the train to work at a quarter to eight
3 He starts work at a 9.15. _

4 He has lunch at twenty to two. _

5 He paints from a quarter to three. _

4* Read & liste n

6 He watches the news at 6pm. _ 6 'v 20 Read and listen to the reading text MetroNaps
on page 42 of the Student’s Book.
7 He goes to bed at five to eleven. _

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