Grammar 12C 108 Past and Future Conditional

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12A   Present and future unreal conditions

1 Link the ideas in the two sentences with second
conditionals. You may need to change some words.
If I had a robot to clean my house, I’d be very happy.
1 I don’t have a good computer. It’s not easy to do my
I wish there was a better solution.
If only the roads weren’t so busy.
If I had a good computer, it would be easier to do
It’s about time we looked for a bigger apartment.
my work.
I’d rather my daughter spent more time on her homework.
2 We don’t have a car. We could do more with one.

Second conditional 3 The shower doesn’t turn off automatically. We waste

We use the second conditional to talk about unreal or unlikely conditions in the so much water.

present or future and their consequences. We form the if clause with if + simple past,
4 I don’t wear glasses. That’s why I have trouble reading.
and we form the main clause with would + base form.

I’d take a really long vacation if I won the lottery. (unreal; I won’t win the lottery)
5 I’m not you. You could invent an app to make
If we didn’t have a TV, we’d read more. (unlikely; we are going to keep our TV)
decisions for people.
We can use might instead of would when the result isn’t certain.
If they sold their business, they might be happier. 6 I don’t have an automatic vacuum cleaner. I have to
We can use could instead of would to talk about an ability in the future. vacuum all the time!

If I had more money, I could afford more clothes.
With the verb be, we often use were instead of was in more formal speech and 2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
writing in the if clause with I, he, she and it. We always use were in the phrase If I 1 I wish I had / If I had a phone that answered all my
were you … to give advice. calls.
If John were here, he’d help you.  If I were you, I’d tell your manager. 2 If only I would / could have a personal shopping
Look! Don’t use would in the if clause. 3 I wish you might iron / would iron my clothes for me!
If it were cooler, I’d go for a run. NOT If it would be cooler, I’d go for a run. 4 I’d rather you left / It’s time you left a little bit later.
5 If only we have / had a stove that cooked our dinner!
6 It’s about time we would get / got a dishwasher.
wish and if only
3 Complete the conversations. Use the cues in
We use wish or if only to express a desire for a change that is unlikely. We use wish or
parentheses. Add any words you need.
if only + simple past to say we want something in the present to be different.
We all wish we were more talented. = we want to be more talented
If only my girlfriend didn’t live so far away! = I want my girlfriend to live near me
We can also use would after wish and if only to talk about repeated actions.
I wish he cleaned up/would clean up more often! = I want him to clean up more often.
If only she didn’t ask/wouldn’t ask so many questions! = I want her not to ask so
many questions.
We use I wish and If only + would or could to say we want something in the future to 1 A My car won’t start. This is the third time this week!
be different. (new car)
I wish they would improve our public transportation. B If only you could buy a new car.
If only we could take a vacation next year. 2 A I can’t understand our biology teacher. He’s so
confusing. (explain fully)
It’s (about) time B I know. I wish .
3 A I don’t have a computer. Can I use yours? (go to
We use It’s (about) time + simple past to express a wish for something to happen in
the present. It’s about time is more emphatic than it’s time.
B Well, actually, I’d rather .
It’s about time you got a new phone. = You really need a new phone. 4 A There are too many people at this party! (leave)
B It’s about time .
would rather 5 A I can’t pass my exams. Why not? (study more)
We use would rather + simple past to say we would prefer somebody to do something, B If I .
now or in the future. We usually contract would in informal speech or writing. 6 A Does your job pay you enough? Mine doesn’t. (earn)
I’d rather he didn’t interrupt me all the time. It’s annoying! B We all wish .

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642706 p112-135 Grammar.indd 134 14/09/2018 15:25

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