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Among the qualities a woman should possess as to be a drover’s wife is she must be

an independent and brave. The drover’s wife is an independent person. She looks after her
children while her husband goes droving. There are many challenges that the drover’s wife
faces. She has to raise her children in a place that is far from neighbours. She has no one to
turn to in case of trouble. She has to face the challenges in life, on her own. Her actions and
behaviours show that she is brave in handling any situations. Next, a woman must be a
responsible person. Responsibility is shown through the actions and behaviours of the
characters. The drover’s wife is a responsible wife and mother. She is responsible for the
safety of her children and goes to great length to make sure the snake does not harm or kill
her children.

Besides, a woman must possess a loving trait. The love for the family is shown
through her behaviours and actions. The drover’s wife loves her family very much and is
prepared to be on her own to take care of her four children while her husband goes droving.
Her family comes first, and thus, she is willing to face any challenges. Last but not least, a
woman must be protective. Four innocent and precious lives would be lost if the drover’s
wife fails in her duty as a protective mother. The protective mother takes the all precautions
to safeguard her children from the evil snake, which is capable of killing the innocent
children, alligator and even the mother. The mother protects her children as she wants them
to be safe.

280 words

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