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4a» Express Publishing Activity Book obinson 0e Daniel Defoe retold by Elizabeth Gray Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel: (0044) 1635 817 363 — Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: © Elizabeth Gray, 2000 Design & Mlustrations © Express Publishing, 2000 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina al system, or transmitted ing form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopyir recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. First published 2000 New edition 2002 ISBN 1-84216-797-9 Contents Introductory Less000 once pang caniwiw eee nie 3 Robinson Crusoe Activities 2.0... . a A 5 Introductory besson Before reading: @O Look at the cover of the book. In pairs, try to answer the fol ¥ questions. a. What kind of plac b. What is the man we c. Whatanimals can you ad. Have you been to a plac you see in the picture? in the picture? ake this? Now read the blurb on the back © > Whois telling the story? Where is he? Is there anybody else with him? Why is he on the ishand? ‘This message was found in a bottle, Try to guess the meaning n bold. of the word Dear Anybody, Jam on adesert island somewhere in the Caribbean Sea. [am on my own here and have nobody to talk to. There are many dangers on the island and! have a hard life. | only have a dog and a parrot to keep me company. | wanted to become a sailor and see the world, but | was very unlucky at sea. Mow, | can’t leave the island. If anybody finds this letter, please help me. Robinson Crusoe @ Read about Daniel Defoe and answer the ques Defoe was born in London, 1660. He became a businessman. I Leave Home “WB Listening Listen to the recording and tich () Truc or False, (Crusoe was born in England. Crusoe was not interested in sailing. His father didn’t want Crusoe to sail. ‘Crusoe was nineteen years old. He went to sea and left his parents. 1 2 3 4 5 GTN Comprehension questions When was Crusoe born? What was Crusoe interested in? Why did Crusoe want to go to sea? Why diel he talk to his mother? What did his father think be would be if he became a sailor? ok te TDN Topics for discussion 1) What do you think the dangers were when Crusoe went to sea? 2) What job would you like to have? 3) Who do you talk to about your ideas? 4° Do you listen to your parents’ advice? Why/Why not? Chapter 1 Activities A Match the names with their jobs, Then find the beginning of their life story. Pablo Picasso sailor Socrates politician Mareo Polo composer Robinson Crusoe philosopher Amadeus Mozart painter Indira Gandhi explorer A He was born in Italy, in the city of Venice, in 1254. He was interested in travelling. B He was born in Au n the city of Strasburg, in 1756, He was interested in music. C He was born in Englane, in the city of York, in 1632. He was interested in sailing, D He was born in Spain, in the city of Malaga, in 1881. He was interested in art. E She was born in India, in the city of Allahabad, in 1917. She was interested F He wasborn in Greece, in the city of Athens, in 470 BC. He was interested in philosophy. Fo em a eee Chapter 1 B Now write the beginning of your life story. I C Decide which of these sentences are the advantages and disadvantages af being « sailor. spend months or years away from home and family no privacy do something different and exciting hard physical work discover new countries see lots of exotic places no fresh food work together asa team learn about different sea creatures violent storms could sink the learn how 1 survive in difficult attacks [rom pirates D Now talk to the class, Say why you would/wouldn'l like to have been a sailor in the 17th century. Chapter 1 Chapter 1 170) Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. They may be used more than once. on about in _ back Tam not interested . mathematics, What time are you co aa sta her problems, I do my homework y own, There is a cat standing the middle of the street. A B | poor calm somewhere leave angry rich, dangerous unhappy stay nowhere happy Match the pictures to the words in the list. © Fill in the gaps with words from the box. parents famous world idea become believe Tve gota great a+ Why don't we go to the seaside? Do you in ghosts? don’t let me go out late at night, . singer, great dancer, a lotof people Whe jcc « eter) | Chapter : The Storm WA Listening i) Listen to the recording and circle the correct item. 1 The first ship I sailed on sank in a... shore a storm b sea 2 The day we left Brazil was a beautiful, a cloudy bo shiny © ny 3 For many days, the weather ae 7 a perfect b beautiful awful 4 He only had one eye and very few 2.0... « a hair b teeth c money 5 The sky was black and there was a ................. of lightning. a bolt ce Mash When I gat to the [saw that I was all alone. a sea b beach © coast 1 Comprehension questions What happened (o the first ship he say What did he de in Brazil? When did he leave Brazil? What did you give to buy a shive? What would happen to his money if he died? Who was on the beach with Grusoe? an ken = Chapter 2 TIN Topics for discussion eee What do you think happened next in the stary? Do you have a particular date you don’t like? Why? Have you ever been in a storm at sea? What was it like? What do you think the slaves were used for? Activities sao Gare A. Put the events of the story in the correct order, makes money and buys land pirates attack his next ship and becomes a slave sails to Guinea escapes from pirate ship his first ship is caught in the storm goes to Brazil 1 a B Look at the cues and write a newspaper report on what happened to Crusoe's ship. “Queen Mary"! sink ‘storm / with hundred men / board / September 1659 / Caribbean Sea. Ship / leave / Brazil / September Ist / beautiful / sunny / day, 1/ go/ Guinea / find slaves. “Sanfa Maria” / another ship / whieh / be (nearby /last / see /it/ September L8th, Seon afier that / there / be / storm /and / people / believe / huge waves / sink / ship. Sailors /other ships / see / small parts / "Queen Mary” / i People / believe / there / be / no survivers, a0 in the sky. IT think it’s B clouds CG waves 2 GOO cree WIL YOUR exams! A. luck B day C bye Sar. soo very tired today, A feel B sleep Cc have 4 Potsome more ,.............. in the food, It's tasteless, A sugar B rum © salt 5 THE POMS seein. Wonderfully. A’ sound B smell © look LE Join the two columns to make collocations. A B a flash ot | waves become weather huge money perfect lightning make a slave olng to rein, Chapter 2 ) Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. into out of to from My sister will take care my baby. ‘The prisoner escaped ... prison yesterday. I felt ill while Twas ..... . board the ship, Look ... «There's a car coming. Everybody got... the car and drove to the beach, My best friend lives close uc... My house, ®) Match the pictures to the words in the list. island pipe gun flour tent rice candle corn | SS BEB My Diary -(f) Topies for discussion 5 Listening 1) Why did Crusoe think he was dying? 2 Do you keep adiary? How often do you write in it? | a Listen to the recording and correct the mistakes, 3 Which wild animals are you afraid of? i 1 Pswam out to it and walked on board. Activities A This is Robinson Crusoe's tropical island. Label the picture, hill palmitrees tent raft beach river is and a a very friendly face Why did he climb es: his frst night on the iskind? What did he fined What did he begin ae What did the dog look like? 1 2 3 4 What did he have for breakliast? 5 6 What did he want his parents to know, if he died? Chapter 3 2 B This is Robinson Crusoe’s typical day. Fill in the missing words write = go smoke getup light climb have _ sit look wash TH) seseesseessseees in the morning. 12)... in the river near my tent and then I ie breakfast. J usually have fruit and coconut . After breakfast, | prepare the raft and 3) fishing in the clear blue sea. At midday, lunch, Then, | go to the beach, . under a palm tree and in my diary. In the I take Pole and my gun and tothe top of the hill. 18) .. a through my telescope fora ship on the horizon, Atsunset, 1 9)... acandle and sitin my tent. 110). . my pipe and then I go to bed, C Now write about your typical day. Chapter 3 This table is made of wood / tobacco. I can hear the sound / noise of birds singing. Lam cold / hot. Vl open the window. Ltake some exercise to keep my body / head fit. ‘The old man was feeling very alone / lonely, On safari you can see some wild / friendly animals, | Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. for up around of out L usually look .. .. the shop before deciding to buy anything. ‘The sailor took his telescope and looked . Johnny has difficulty wakin nthe morning, The children felt sorry the poor old man and gave him some money. Robinson was afraid ................ wild animals, so he climbed a tree on his first night on the island. Co ———— brackets. 1 Drive more... 2 Robinson is very 3 Which is the ... 4° 1 feel very ....... | Match the pictures to the words in the list. icine rest egelables cup te feather earth A New Friend 4 Listening Listen to the recording and fillin the gaps with the correct word, . all the time, The best month to L learnt new 1) start my vegetable 2) in March and 3)... ry from wood or coconut shells. It felt 4) only man on this earth, and 1 had to learn 5) . The biggest problem was that [ wos Then something wonderful Fp... . ra _T]) Comprehension questions Ce When was the best month to start the vegetable garden? What was Grusoe’s biggest problem? What did the parrot look breakfast? What did he make a boat from? What did he see on the beach? 1) Topics for discussion 2 Who do you think was on the ishand? Guess what happened next. Do you havea pet? [Pnot, would you like to have one? Why/Why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet? a _—— a ae ——______—___—— Chapter 4 Activities B Look at the prictieres of the animals and use the information to write deseriptions aboul them, A Put the following words in the correct category: Name: Dolphin elephant parrot shark penguin butterfly a Features: grey skin, fins, a eal eagle tiger crocodile swordfish whale || mosquito snake lizard lion _ goldfish dog bee cuckoo kangaroo dolphin mnelreed Riles, id. They intelligent. They exit Lion light brown bur, long tail, mane 170-230 kilos on the plains of Arica other animals about 12-14 years co oe a Chapt 4 C Match the na i mes with the pictures. If take three thitigs with you Bade io Yk you take and why? Name: — Parrot Features: brightly coloured feathers, a tail, beak Habitat: hot countries. different parts of the world Abilities: very good mimics Food: nuts, fruit, seeds, insects Lifespan: wp te 80 years ial, which werld axe, pen and paper, toothbrush, guitar, mobile phone, bottle, ; magnifying glass, matches, torch : Elephant : grey or brown skin, long unk and big ears Weight: about 4,000 kg Habitat: on the plains of Africa and India Abilities: very good memory, takes revenge Food: grass, leaves, fruit 5 6 * Lifespan: about 60 years “— Bess , 10, rn Led Chapier4 = as Vocabulary Exercises @ | Replace the words in bold with their opposites. | easy no one laugh ferent best stupid — He is a very clever : ‘This exercise is very difficult, My brother and I look alike. He is the worst student in the class. When she heard his story, she wanted to ery. Everybody enjoyed the party. _() Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box. ane wena hear bark start, learn fly another Schools September and finish in June. lean ..... Can Thave the phone ringing. iece af cake, please? Dogs Birds Students nme we ew things at school, —____4_ Ghapier4 (1) Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. y, for, for I need some help, | can't doe It’s a lovely day! Let's go As it was very hot, we decided to swim rear we are going on holiday The parrot has yellow feathers on top jose _)) Read the passage and guess the meaning of the word: in bold, Yesterday | had a strange dream, | was swimming in when suddenly a crocodile appeared and wanted to 3 started swimming very fast but the crocodile followed me, was very tired and could not swim anymore but the crocodile was still behind me. Then, | heard a strange voice, | looked around to see who it was, but I couldn't see anyone, | heard the same voice again and realised that it was my mother whe was Irying to wake me up for school. The Natives WS Listening Listen to the recording and put the following events in the correct order, a Suddenly, the prisoner started to run, b Lthink he thought | was the king of this island. ¢ [saw five canoes on the beac! do [didn’t see anyone else on the e They tried te swim across th I 2 2 4. 5 “118 Comprehension questions CU oe GO ee Why did Crusoe stay close to his te What did the prisoner tell Crusoe in his dream? What did he see morning when he was on the What did the natives do when the prisoner started to run? What did the pri do when he saw Crusoe? tlter he saw the footprints? TT! Topics for discussion y do you think the prisoner kissed Crusoe’s foot? Do you ke of respect or greeting? Can you think of some ways of greeting people? (e.g. shake hands) ‘Yella strange dream you had. Did you feel afraid or happy? Who is your best friend? Describe how you met him/her. Pi __ ss Ghhapier 5 _ UB Activities eo ee A Read about the Pygmies and answer the questions. Sent | size. They four feet tall, They are barefoot and wear othes that are made from trees. families all live together in small villages. Their huts are ind are made from branches, leaves and mac. ‘They are execllent hunters. They use nets, spears or hows ows to hunt deer, hippos and elephants. While the men ng. the women are busy collecting wild fruit, roots, insects and lizards, They also farm or plant fields in the middle of the forest. sare gentle and generous people. | : food with the others. They are also vers people and they nev he with other tri They believe le is large and there is enough food for everybody, ‘They also have a good sense of humour. They call the tall people ‘ebobo’, the gor s. Where do the pygmies live? How tall are they? What do they wear? What are their huts made from? What do the men do? What do the women do? What kind of people are they? What do they call the tall people? ChapienS:—_ __¢ a I'S B Try to imagine how the natives that Crusoeimet live. Write a similar description to the one ahout Pygmies Use the notes to help yor. Where they live: e.g Appearance: c.g. tal, Clothes: e.g. grass skirts, animal tooth necklaces etc. Houses: e.g, huts etc. Occupation: e.g. hunters, fishermen etc. ibbean ishancls hele. Equipment: e.g. canoes, spears ete, Character: ey, kind, friendly ete. Its wrong to endangered species. I speak the English in the test and I passed. In some countries people to go to sleep. Dogs make a lot of everywhere”, said Friday. To suddenly understand. Babies don't walk. They... ‘ A Foencbman isa wo. Of France. Close to. ‘The opposite of “stand”. Chapter 5 “J)) Fill in the gaps with the correct word. prisoner kind ~~ spears. mean both “TL don't know what you ... "the student said to the managed to escape from prison, re great dancers. kill animals. . and friendly person. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. after for across out of Thaven't seen What do you t hi ‘The policeman ordered the man to get ..... ‘The dog we oo the We swan tothe other side of the river. Look at the words in bold and try to guess their along time. . the new teacher? Do you like .- Of the car. e and Emilked the ows but a, Ewent horseviding. It was tell off th porse. Everybody laughed at me. After that, some he animals were hungry so | gave them some food but the rabbits were frightened of me so they oon TL helped my uncle build a self ulvat clay, abbits. In the mor by mistake | spilt some esson Chapiter'6 Friday a Listening roo ot me ee Listen to the recording and pul R for Robinson Crusoe; t Jor Friday and P for parrot. “Twill teach you my language.” “Is OR, L won't kill you,” “Guns kill people.” “We are friendly if you are frie 00000 “Yes, | loved our king very much, 118 Comprehension questions ee What did Grusoe give thi Why did Crusoe call him F Why did Crusoe teach the bird to talk? Why did they b to build a boat? What did Friday teach Crusoe? prisoner to cat? aay? ~TT8 Topics for discussion eM Wh Have Ifyou we! Wh are the first English words you learnt? helped someone in need? What did you doz re, how would you help Friday? ¢ the most important qualities that a friend should have? Chapien 6 = = 0) Activities A Look of the correct order, at the plan for describin shinson Crusoe below an eople. Read the description put the paragraphs in Plan (Describing people) Paragraph 1: Introduction (name, where you met hinvher) Paragraph 2: Physical appearance (age, height, hair, clothes, special characteristics) Paragraph 3: Personality Paragraph 4: Feelings/comments [a[_] He is in his forties but he looks older, He has got quite long hair. He has also got a beard and moustache. His face is rough and darkened from years in the wind and sun. His clothes are like rags. Some of his clothes are made from skin of the animals on the island. b Robinson Grusoe is someone | admire very much. c Robinson Crusoe lives ona desert island. He has managed to survive despite the dangers on the island. fd] | Robinson Crusoe is a very clever man. He had to learn how to do things by himself, He made a tent from the sails of the ship and a boat from a tree, He tried to find ways to leave the island, He isalso very brave. He is not.afraid to be on his own and fight the wild animals. He even risked his life to save Friday from the natives. ______ Chapter 6 B Look ai the deseription of Robinson Crusoe again. Which rds describe: C Write a similar description about Frid aph plan Chapter 6 ———— Vocabulary Exercises Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets, We watched a very .... filin last night. (fun) Do you... like him? | think he’s rude. (real) I have bought . wo Tneed to make a cake. (every) I've got a very bad .............. about the exams tomorrow, (feel) He’s the ... .. football player of all. (great) “Will you go to Pam’s party tomorrow?”, occ (Possible) ~ Circle the correct item, T's saan. so. for everybody to go te school A great B important C big The teacher asked the . veces FO be Qui A students B cats prisoners ‘ so. go to the cinema with my friends, A really B_ possibly C olte vo Should not be kept in zoos. B people parrots T made this cake .... ae A me Bo omyself CG mine The poor old man was very ...........:. 80 1 gave him some food. A tired © relaxed More Prisoners 75 Listening roy Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the correct word. near the beach. 2 ‘Then I saw th : “re nen, prabably from Europe. 3° We screamed to frighten them and they for their beats. 4 The Spanish prisoner was very weak, but he ne HE, 5 There was ...... ae prisoner tied up inthe canoe, to run 1) Comprehension questions What did Friday see on the beach? What did the natives want to do to the prisoners? Why diel Crusoe and Friday scream at the natives? Where was the pri: How did the Spanis Why dic Friday start crying when he saw the other prisoner? Om moe 17) Topics for discussion 8 Cather? 1) Why do you think that the natives wanted to kill Frida How do you think we should punish evimi 3) Do you think that keeping some: poison for along time is a good idea? Do you think we should make them help in the beac? Chapter 7 ) Activities fas 2 Egypt 3 | Denmark 4) The Netherlands | 5 | Canada 6 | France Li | Finland B. Match th [ India —— Greece Russia Thailand wa oe memo ho ee tional Danish French Spanish F i Egyptian Dutch Canadian Japan Mexico Scotland Algeria Chapter 7 C Complete Robinson Crusoe's diary using the words in the list in the Past Simple. kill escape have save come look | D Now, write your own diary and describe the events of your day. Today .. Chapter 7 _—__—___—_s4 $$ Graton? Match the pictures with the words in the list, Vocabulary Exercises | Underline the correct item. 1 Lam going to have chicken for breakfast / lunch, 2 Why are you crying? What's the matter / thing? 3. I need / ask some help. Can you give me a hand? 4 Stay / Wait for me! Fin almost ready, 5 The poor old woman looked very weak / strong. 18 Fill in the correct prepositions. | at for up first | thought Johnny was a kind man but then I He tied . the parcel and took it to the post office. Can leave my bag: you fora minute? What do you have , . breakfast every morning? ~ Fill in the gaps with the correct word. | need get cry —_ probably first TL haven't decided yet. to go to work. » An English Ship WE Listening a Listen ta the recording and underline the correct word. ‘They fell asleep immediately, and we waited / stayed until the next day to hear their story. ‘The other sixteen / sixty are still on the island, I was thrilled / excited by the Spa 's idea, We gave them large baskets of fruit / food and | gave the Spaniard agun. We w ited for eight / eleven days, and then one mor heard Friday running back to the tent. They have prisoners, Master Robinson, and they are black / white men. ng. I 1 TE Comprehension questions aoe we What did Friday's father and the Spaniard do when they went to Crusoe's tent? Why did Crusoe want to leave the island? What did the Spaniard and Friday’s father take with them? How many days did they have to wait? What did they see from the top of the hill? What did the men on the boat have with them? Topics for discussion Do you think that the Spaniard will free his men and take Crusoe back to Europe? Name some of the dangers that the two men might face on their way back to the natives’ island, Why do you think the Englishmen had white men as prisoners with them? What do you think was happening? Chapter 8 100 Activities A Look at the prediction chart belaw, discuss with your partner and write in some of your own ideas. — \ Chapter 8 Ae eee oe B Look at theifollowing statements and decideqwhat are the advantages and disadvantages of living ana desert island. Write A (for advantage) or D (for disadvantage). You miss your family and friends. You have nobody to talk to, Your are close to nature, ‘There are many dangers on the i ‘There are no doctors or medicine. You live a simple life without stress. You use your brain as you have to find solutions to problems, You lose track of ime. There is peace and quiet. ‘There is no variety of fool. jared, G Now talk to the class. Tell them whether you would or wouldn't like to live on a desert island and wity. D Use the composition plan below to write an essay using 80—100 words on the topic: “The advantages and disadvantages of living on a desert island.” Plan (Argumentative Gomposition) Paragraph I: State topic Paragraph 2; Advantages and reasons Paragraph 3: Disadvantages and reasons Paragraph 4: Restate the fact that there are hath advantages and disadvantages bd ___. Chapter 8 en em ate res | Join the two columns to make collocations. A B asleep a boat goodbye agun a look Jack {)) Circle the correct item. The only 1), sae that P feel 2) 5. . is my home. When I go home from work, 13)... i “atake off my shoes and le on the sofa, Sometimes. ia am wireey tired and F fall 4 oo Dimust be 5) . though, beeause one day while | was sleeping I fell off the sofa. a part b place © area a comfortable b easy © hard a new b immediately © once a sleep: b sleeping ¢ asleep a careful b excited «¢ bored Chapter 8 ) Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. through by from on for Come Robinson looked horizon. We waited two hours for Ann to come, My house is not far soos My school, Everybody was excited ............0. the film they watched. Let’s go, We are late! .. his telescope for any ship on the Look at the words in bold and try to guess their meaning. My aunt has a goat on he m which she calls “Becky”. When my aunt is on holiday, | take care of Becky. I give her water to drink and food to eat when she's hungry. | usually tie her toa tree but one day she managed to untie herself and lett quietly. Luckily, she didn't go far, | caught her eating apples in the neighbour's farm. | told the neighbour that | was sorry and the goat away. Now the goat is safe as we have built : house and she can’t escape. We Leave the Island VE Listening Listen to the recording and tick () the correct box. 1) Luckily, they drank to much .... and soon fell asleep. 2 These men took our 2... and brought us here, guns benats 3 Ltold the captain my story and it was sacar for him to believe me, 4 Lasked Friday if he wanted to seoee and wait for them, 5 We don't know what will 00... to the others, 118 Comprehension questions 1) What was one of the prisoners w red 2 1 Robinson ask th: to do for him? 3 1 Robinson cat on the island? 4 How did Robinson feel now that he had someone to talk to2 5 What happened to the Spaniard and 5 6 How did Robinson feel when he left the island? Chapter 9 —T1TM Topics for discussion 1 What do you think happened to the Sp: rd and Friday's (Crusoe learnt about life all those years on the island? 3) Name some of the things you would do as soon as you got home after years of living on a desert island. Activities A Match the adjectives in the list with the pictures. frightened tired sad happy stressed relaxed bored angi = ge lM Chapter 9 B When do you feel like that? Make sentences as in the example: eg: | feel frightened when Iga to the dentist C Complete the dialogue between the captain and Crusoe. Captain: How did your ship get destroyed? Crusoe: I)... Captain: Crusoe: ‘Captain: ‘Crusoe: Captain: y here or-go back to asco. Europe? ‘Crusoe: Chapter 9 Chapter 9 SS TIN Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. Match a word from box A with a synonym from box B up for A B watch come back at last see return finally difficult loud capture hard noisy arrest Afier three months of hard work, | managed ................ last to finish my proj find it very difficult to get . inthe morning. “Can Lopen the window?" * course, you can.” We can't leave yet. I have to wait co ANE, always talk .. My mother about my problems. +) Look at the words in bold and try to guess their meaning, I grew up ina small village by the sea. Ona clear day my brothers and [| would go to the beach, We used to pl sand or fight with one another. We would stay th * Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets. was time for dinner. It was wonderful, Now, 1 live in the city and itis all like a dream to me. | cannot forget those me! and perhaps one day 1 will go back and live in th Mary entered the room... because the baby was sleeping. (quiet) é wien: HObody was hurt in the car crash, (luck) W her dog died, she felt great . .. (sad) Wild animals should have thei - and not be kept in 7008, (free) Is there I can do to help you? (any) This place is wo. Let's go somewhere else, (noise) The Fight with Friday EE Listening Listen to the recarding and fill in the gaps with the correct word, Friday said 1) .. the sandl on the bea mace a large civel and I hael to sta that circle and fight until one of us 3). We each hada knife and a spear. “Le 4)... wee Very serious. It was impossible for me to hurt him. 1 felt tall over my 5) cece « “Lean't! | can My own 6) me, We were still on the 7) “What 8) ...... “Thad a dream ‘That dream meanta 10) .... was more important to me th: ‘s friendship anything in this world. 1B Comprehension questions ne TST ea Why did Crusoe people? Die Crusoe really What did Crusoe do with his land? What did Crusoe realise after years away from home? Chapter 10 T1IN Topics for discussion 1 Did you like the story? Why/Why not? e story did you like most? nd? What was the reason? Activities A. Look at the qualities below. Choose the three that you think are mast important ina friend. Justify your choice. polite caring patient funny honest warm-hearted loyal generous calm B Answer the questionnaire below io see what kind of friend you are. Justify your choice. 1 You you do? A You careful w B You give him the money, provided he returns it soon. € You give him the money and tell him you don't want it back. end has asked you to lend b ne money. W y. He should have be se to give him 20 One of your friends is not doing his homework, What do you do? A Do his work for him. arn him about the situation. Chapter 10 3 Atuc friendship is when you A buy each other presents. B help in difficult times. C break the law for your friend, friend has come to you with a serious problem. What do A. Stay up all night listening to his problem, B Lend him some money to make him feel good, © Take the blame for what he has done, 5 Your friend borrowed your bicycle but he had an accident and your bicycle got damaged, What do you do? A You decide not to speak to again. B Ask him to help you repair it, C Tell him not to worry and forget about it. Points: 1 A-0 2 A-2 3 A-O0 4 A-1 5 A-O B-J B-1 B-I B-U B-I c—2 co G-2 c-2 c—2 10=7 = Be careful. You are too nice. Your friends take advamage of you. 6=<4 = Youare a true frend, People can depend on you, Your are not a good frend! Try to be nicer Wo other people. 5-0 _____ Chapter 10 D || Match the words in box A with their opposites in box B. _A all 1) forget a) possible 2) lucky b outside 3) sad e unlucky 4) dead d) worse 5) impossible e) happy 6) inside £) remember 7) better § | alive loan ngica: focarRees. Paes |) Fill in the gaps with the correct word. serious ee clear circle The sky is think is going to We all sat ina He looks very » There aren't any clouds, so 1 don't and started singing. He never smiles. coon do their homework, on the beach made castles with the ... Chapienid Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. on to over 2 The person sitting m 3 Lcould feel the pain all 4 She grabbed him nd held him tightly. 4@—% Express Publishing ISBN L-8421b-797-9 | 167977 81842)

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