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Active Planning OGL320 Foundations Project


Ever since the beginning of this project I have followed the quality criteria that us located
at the beginning introduction to the class. This gave me the general bases of what is expected of
me and what kind of time I should be spending in a week for this class. It was stated to allow 20
hours a week to work on these products. This was enough for me to take my planner and start
writing down each product and subproduct on its corresponding dates to the quality criteria. With
this down, it gave me more of a visual to really see what I was getting myself into.
This point on I figured when things should be done and the amount of time each
assignment would take. I took the general recommended hours and built with that the number of
products needing completion by a said end date. Referring to the quality criteria as needed. I did
this knowing I had about a day in-between all the due dates, made it a bit better to manage and
make room for any type of contingencies. I also made back up plans for if something was not
able to happen due to a contingency that came up, I am able to make sure the product is still
completed on time and with everything I got.
Some of these issues fell around my Chromebook not being enough for the programs
needed, or work beginning to overdo it with hours. Allowing this to take more time away from
the projects that need to be completed and the sleep that I need to function decently. No matter
what has been thrown at me, no matter how much sleep I receive. I make these products my
number one priority and learning as I go always helps me better myself on the job. I will
continue to follow these same guidelines and the rubrics given, plus any kind of feedback
received to make the products I produce ones that I can be proud of.

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