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Name: Chavez, Maria Cristina Date:

Section: BSHM701 Score:

Food Cost
List down all the ingredients and their quantity used in the recipes. Attach the receipts on a separate sheet of

Recipe Title: Chocolate Crinkles No. of Portions: 25

Unit of measure
Ingredients Quantity Unit price Ingredient cost
Weight Volume Count
All Purpose Flour 236 grams Php 47 / 1000g Php 11.09
Baking Powder 15 grams Php 5/ 20g Php 3.75
Salt 5 grams Php 5/20g Php 1.25
Unsweetened Cocoa 118 grams Php 150/ 500g Php 35.4
Brown Sugar 73 grams Php 18 / 250g Php 5.27
White Sugar 220 grams Php 57 /1000g Php 12.54
Eggs 4 pcs Php 8/ pc Php 32.00
Oil 118 ml Php 81.50 /450 ml Php 21.37
Powdered Sugar 130 grams Php 60/450 g Php 17.33
Vanilla 10 ml Php 28 /60 ml Php 4.67

Php 144.67
Total Recipe Cost
Php 5.79 or 6 pesos
Cost per Portion

You will be graded based on the following rubric:

The name of the recipe and ingredients is correct; the ingredient list is
Correctness 10
complete; and the proper measuring unit is used in the quantity.
The receipts are properly organized; the ingredients are grouped
Organization 5
according to their type.
Computation All computations are correct. 5

02 Laboratory Worksheet 1 *Property of STI

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Journal Entry
Respond to the following questions in no more than five (5) complete sentences. Use additional paper for your
answers, if necessary.
1. What was the dish you prepared for the laboratory exercise? How would you describe its taste/flavor,
texture, and aroma?

These crinkles ever since the pandemic, I tried this recipe so many time , to the point where the crinkles are too dark to taste
more, too small and too flat. And in this exercise, I can say that this is my own recipe because I am the one who adjust this
recipes measurements. And compared to the first batch that I baked, my co-baristas like now the taste, flavor, and texture and
aroma of my crinkles recipe.

2. How did your group apply this week’s topic to your laboratory output?
This Laboratory , we also apply food costing where we will be able to see how we will be able to minimize
waste, to cost properly each ingredients, despite of all the challenges of the food costing. In this part, It help me
to food cost in advance my crinkles for sale in the future.

3. What new cooking technique/s or skill/s did your group learn from this laboratory session?
In this Laboratory Session, I’d find this entertaining since I’d feel like I’d vlogging and in baking this
crinkles, you need to properly measure each baking ingredients, because might make your crinkles too dry, not
enough will make your crinkles too bad. It improves my recipes, my skills when baking especially someone was
watching while I do this video.

4. In what area/s of the laboratory exercise did your group feel most challenged? Did you overcome this? If
yes, how? If not, what will your group do differently to overcome this next time?
I think the area where I feel challenge is that whenever I took i video, because I do not have that tools to be able
to capture properly, and I just used one had when preparing and portioning all the baking ingredients.

5. How was your overall experience during the laboratory exercise and how do you intend to share what you
have learned during this week?
I’d planning since the quarantine, I always baking and preparing some breads, and pastries and having a food
tasting to my co-workers and because of the food costing I was able to minimize as much as possible all my ingredients
that used, and hopefully, I can start my business within this year.

02 Laboratory Worksheet 1 *Property of STI

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