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Biologically oriented preparation technique for surgically

extruded teeth: A clinical report
Marc Llaquet Pujol, DDS,a Andres Pascual La Rocca, DDS, PhD,b Jaume Casaponsa Parerols, DDS,c and
Francesc Abella Sans, DDS, PhDd

The long-term success of ABSTRACT

endodontically treated teeth
Surgical extrusion allows a ferrule to be obtained without the use of orthodontic extrusion or the
requires an adequate root ca- need to remove hard and soft tissues. However, after the healing period, the soft tissue of the
nal treatment and a well- extruded tooth might become thinner, creating an unesthetic gingival margin. Unlike other
sealed coronal restoration.1,2 preparation techniques, the biologically oriented preparation technique provides increased long-
In addition, a successfully term gingival thickness. This article describes the treatment of 3 patients with teeth with no
restored tooth includes cavity ferrule that were surgically extruded and restored with the biologically oriented preparation
wall integrity and the presence technique . (J Prosthet Dent 2020;-:---)
of a 1.5- to 2-mm ferrule,
defined as a “360 degree metal collar of the crown sur- to achieve adequate bone architecture. Furthermore, this
rounding the parallel walls of the dentine extending procedure can result in disharmonious gingival margins
coronal to the shoulder of the preparation.”3-6 In some or interproximal papillae loss, leading to unsatisfactory
clinical situations, these conditions cannot be met, esthetics.12 Rapid orthodontic extrusion is a less-invasive
especially after subgingival carious lesions, endodontic procedure that allows the conservation of hard and soft
cervical perforations, crown-root fractures, and failed tissue.13,14 However, despite rapid orthodontic move-
crowns with existing subgingival margins. In such situ- ment and fiberotomy, gingival tissue can unexpectedly
ations, attempts to obtain more ferrule by extending rebound, requiring a subsequent gingivectomy.15,16 It is
preparations subgingivally may lead to an invasion of the also necessary to consider that the patient is required to
biologic width and, consequently, to long-term gingival wear orthodontic appliances, increasing the cost and time
inflammation, pain, and unpredictable loss of hard and of the therapy.
soft tissue.8,9 Surgical extrusion, first developed by Tegsjö et al,17
An adequate ferrule can be obtained while respecting consists of gently luxating the tooth using thin eleva-
the biologic width by using surgical crown lengthening, tors and coronally repositioning the tooth until it is
forced orthodontic extrusion, or surgical extrusion.10-14 restorable.17-25 After the procedure, the extruded surface
Surgical crown lengthening entails removal of hard and of the tooth becomes narrower and smaller, which might
soft tissue to place the alveolar bone crest at least 3 mm eventually reduce both the thickness and width of the
from the margin of the prosthetic crown.10,11 However, soft tissue, creating an asymmetric and unesthetic
this procedure may adversely affect the crown-root ratio, gingival margin.
lead to furcation involvement in molars, and require In 2013, Loi and Di Felice26 proposed vertical tooth
removal of the supporting bone of the neighboring teeth preparation with a biologically oriented preparation

Associate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain.
Director, Department of Periodontology, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain.
Associate Professor, Integrated Clinic for Adults, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain.
Director, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain.


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2 Volume - Issue -

technique (BOPT) for periodontally healthy teeth. These options as for patient 1, and she opted for endodontic
authors claimed that this method increases gingival retreatment, post placement, and surgical extrusion to
thickness, potentially benefiting the stability of the gingival prevent an extensive osseous resection (Fig. 2C-F). The
tissue, which has been confirmed by a randomized clinical same surgical protocol was performed, but the post-
trial.27 However, studies on the ideal prosthetic prepara- surgical fixation was for 5 weeks because of slight
tion for surgically extruded teeth are lacking. The purpose mobility of the tooth.
of this article was to present 3 clinical reports combining
surgical extrusion with the BOPT.
Patient 3
CLINICAL REPORT A 45-year-old woman with a noncontributory medical
history came to the emergency department (Universitat
Patient 1 Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain) with a
A 47-year-old woman came to the Department of End- horizontal crown fracture of her maxillary left canine,
odontics (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barce- which had been endodontically treated and restored with
lona, Spain) complaining of tenderness to percussion of a crown. The fracture extended subgingivally, leaving
her maxillary left second premolar. Her medical history insufficient ferrule for crown restoration (Fig. 3A, 3B).
was noncontributory. Clinical and radiographic examina- Among the treatment options presented to patients 1
tion revealed a carious lesion extending beyond the and 2, crown lengthening and orthodontic extrusion
gingival margin in the mesial, distal, and palatal aspects were contraindicated for esthetic reasons; therefore,
(Fig. 1A). The tooth did not respond to cold testing (Endo- surgical extrusion was performed after endodontic re-
Frost; Roeko). After removing the caries, less than 2 mm treatment and post placement (Fig. 3C-E).
was observed between the sound tooth margin and the A glass fiber post (Exacto; Angelus) was placed in
bone crest, which was considered insufficient for a suc- all 3 teeth with composite resin foundation restorations
cessful restoration. Therefore, the following treatment (SDR; Dentsply Sirona) (Figs. 1D, 2G). The tissue was
options were proposed: surgical crown lengthening, or- left to heal for 2 months (Figs. 1D, 2G), after which
thodontic extrusion, surgical extrusion, or extraction. the teeth were prepared for zirconia crowns by
To avoid removing 3 to 4 mm of bone crest, the tooth following the BOPT.26 First, the supragingival part was
was extruded surgically by following the technique prepared using a diamond flameeshaped rotary in-
described by Kahnberg et al.19 Under local anesthesia, strument (FG863G/012C; Sweden & Martina), and the
the tooth was luxated with thin elevators (Luxator L2S; subgingival part was prepared as follows: the rotary
Directa) that were placed no more than 1 mm within the instrument (FG863G/012C; Sweden & Martina) was
gingival margin to avoid damaging the periodontal liga- tilted at an oblique angle to prepare the tooth and the
ment. The tooth was dislocated from its socket using thin internal aspect of the sulcus simultaneously, leaving a
forceps and extruded to a coronal position to expose vertical surface and eliminating the cement-enamel
sufficient supracrestal tooth structure. The tooth was junction (Figs. 1E, 2H, 3F). The surface was then
then splinted for 4 weeks with a semirigid orthodontic refined with a 20-mm-grit diamond rotary instrument
retainer attached to the adjacent teeth with composite (FG862FC/012C; Sweden & Martina), and an interim
resin (Fig. 1B, 1C) and subsequently endodontically acrylic resin (C&B V Dentine; Major Prodotti Dentari)
treated. After the surgery, the patient was prescribed crown was fabricated with the technique described by
analgesics and antibiotics for 1 week and instructed to Loi and Di Felice 26 and left for 3 months. After this
rinse daily with 0.12% chlorhexidine and to follow a soft period, impressions were made for the definitive zir-
diet for 2 weeks. conia crown (Figs. 1F, 2I, 3G, 3H).
After 2 years, the probing depth was less than or
Patient 2 equal to 4 mm around all 3 teeth, and no recession or
A 35-year-old woman with a noncontributory medical mobility was present. The radiographic examination
history was referred to the endodontics department revealed no marginal bone loss or root resorption and a
(Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, periodontal ligament with normal morphology (Figs. 1G,
Spain) complaining of recurrent displacement of a metal- 1H, 2J-L, 3I, 3J).
ceramic crown with a cast post in her mandibular left
second premolar. Clinical and radiographic examination
revealed a subgingival carious lesion, an existing end-
odontic treatment, and no signs of a periapical lesion Surgical extrusion is a straightforward, 1-step procedure
(Fig. 2A, 2B). The carious lesion was removed, leaving the used to restore teeth with extensive tooth loss and cer-
tooth with an insufficient remaining ferrule. Therefore, vical margins near the bone crest, preserving periodontal
the patient was presented with the same treatment tissue in a significantly reduced treatment time and at a


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- 2020 3

Figure 1. Surgical extrusion of maxillary left second premolar. A, Initial radiograph of nonrestorable tooth. B, C, Semirigid stabilization. D, E, Endodontic
treatment and tooth preparation using biologically oriented preparation technique. F, Tooth at 3 months. G, H, Clinical and radiographic views at 2
years showing normal gingival architecture, no marginal bone loss, or periapical pathology.


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4 Volume - Issue -

Figure 2. A, B, Lateral view and radiograph of unrestorable mandibular left second premolar. C, Endodontic retreatment, post placement, and
foundation restoration. D, E, F, Coronal repositioning of tooth during surgical extrusion and semirigid splinting. G, Tooth at 2 weeks. H, Tooth
preparation, 2 months after reestablishment of biologic width. I, Tooth at 3 months. J, K, L, Clinical and radiographic views after 2 years showing
esthetic marginal contour without recession or periapical lesion.


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- 2020 5

Figure 3. A, B, Clinical and radiographic views of unrestorable tooth. C, Endodontic retreatment and post placement. D, E, Surgical extrusion and tooth splinting.
F, Preparation with biologically oriented preparation technique for zirconia crowns of maxillary left lateral incisor and canine. G, H, Occlusal and lateral view at
3 months. I, J, Clinical and radiographic views showing stable cervical soft tissues around canine and normal contour of periodontal ligament after 2 years.


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6 Volume - Issue -

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Corresponding author:
ration of single-rooted teeth with no ferrule without the Dr Marc Llaquet Pujol,
need to remove hard and soft tissue or to use orthodontic Dentistry Faculty
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
appliances. Moreover, using the BOPT could lead to C/Josep Trueta s/n
improved gingival architecture and provide greater long- Sant Cugat del Vallès 08195
term soft-tissue stability with the extruded teeth. SPAIN

REFERENCES Acknowledgments
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