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3D Hearts Part 5 Gaussian Blur - CorelDRAW Tutorial


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Four Ways to 3D Hearts: Part 5

Software Used: CorelDRAW 9.

This tutorial is divided into six parts covering four techniques for creating 3D Hearts in CorelDraw. It starts with the basic heart shape, and also covers
creating custom object spraylists for the artistic media tool. If you came to this page from a search, you'll want to start from part one, the basic shape.

Part 5: 3D Heart with Gaussian Blur

1.) Take your basic outline heart from part one and fill it with red. Duplicate it.

2.) Arrange the two hearts as I have. Drag a marquee around both of them and click trim on the property bar.

3.) Drag the trimmed heart section off to the side.

Color it solid black with no outline.

4.) Duplicate the red heart again and arrange the two hearts as shown.

4.) Drag a marquee around both of them and click trim on the property bar. Color this trimmed section white and remove
the outline.

5.) Send the red heart to the back of the stack. Line up the white and black filled sections above it.

6.) Select the white colored section. Go to Bitmaps -> Convert to bitmap. Make sure anti-aliasing and transparent
background are checked. Click OK.

7.) Next go to Bitmaps -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur. The radius setting will depend on the size of your heart. I used 6.

Repeat the last two steps for the black sections.

8.) Arrange the blurred sections above the red heart as I've shown them.

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3D Hearts Part 5 Gaussian Blur - CorelDRAW Tutorial

9.) Select the transparency tool and adjust the transparency slightly. I used 10 for the white section and 50 for the black

10.) Select the white and black bitmaps, group them, and send them behind the red heart.

11.) Select the group of two bitmaps, go to Effects -> Powerclip -> Place inside container. Click the arrow on the red heart.
The shaded sections are moved to the front and the edges are clipped by the red heart.

12.) Now remove the outline from the red heart and you're done.

That's three down, one more to go...

PART SIX: Using Extrusion >>

More CorelDRAW Tutorials

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