The Maid Noxolo by Kamogelo Mashele

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The maid Noxolo by

Kamogelo mashele
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Me:”mama you have to go to hospital”

Mom:”Ndiyazi mntwana wam”
Me:”Okay let me go and call umalume"
Mom:”No baby girl I am fine okay it is just I minor
wound it will heal”
Me:”It won't mom trust me" okay mom is sick but she
doesn't want to agree with me
Mom:”Baby girl what will happen when I go to
hospital huh they will admit me of course who will
look after you"
Me:”I can look after myself mother"
Mom:”It's not like that babe who will look after you
financially you know it very well that even the money
that I earn it's not enough for both of us"
Me:”I will take over mom" mother is a woman who
hustle in order for us to get food and now she is sick
it is Little bit too hard to wash sheets oh you heard
me right she does everyone laundry here in villages”
Mom:”No baby Wena focus in your school work mina
I will be fine don't worry"
Me:”You won't be fine mom awuboni ukuba umlenze
wakho ubolile you can't even walk"
Mom:”ntombi yam go and play with other kids I will
be fine"
Me:”Okay I love you mom”
Mom:”I love you to baby girl
Oops forgot to introduce myself okay my name is
Noxolo Buthelezi doing grade 12 at villages
you know it very well that even the money that I earn
it's not enough for both of us"
Me:”I will take over mom" mother is a woman who
hustle in order for us to get food and now she is sick
it is Little bit too hard to wash sheets oh you heard
me right she does everyone laundry here in villages”
Mom:”No baby Wena focus in your school work mina
I will be fine don't worry"
Me:”You won't be fine mom awuboni ukuba umlenze
wakho ubolile you can't even walk"
Mom:”ntombi yam go and play with other kids I will
be fine"
Me:”Okay I love you mom”
Mom:”I love you to baby girl
Oops forgot to introduce myself okay my name is
Noxolo Buthelezi doing grade 12 at villages at home
we are not rich in fact we are poor I am living with
my mom that women is my rock she is so strong she
fought so many battles in her life and I am not
ashamed of her even thought she is sick right now I
don't know what's the problem but when she woke
up her leg was so swollen mina I thought that they
bewitched her I don't even know why would they do
that because we are not even rich actually we stay in
a one roundvel mud room it was built by my mom
and right now she washes people's laundry in order
to make sure that we survive can you imagine her
pain what can we say it's life Ohhh I guess you
noticed that I didn't mention my father that guy went
to Gauteng and never return .
You want to know my dream? My dream is to go to
Gauteng and explore the world I heard that it is a
beautiful city I really hope God grant my wishes


I remembered that I had to go and fetch water.

Living in a village we don't have taps in our yards
there's only one tap a distant away from home
where we go to fetch water. The queue is usually
unbearable mostly when it's midday you can stand
there for hours before you can get close to the tap.
The queue drags more when people have more than
one bucket some of them bring all maybe 3 of 4
buckets in a wheelbarrow. I took my usual bucket to
go and get water my mother was resting a bit. She
hasn't been feeling well for a while now her health is
starting to be a concern for me. Her thrist for water is
becoming too much not forgetting how smelly her
urine is and mostly it's golden yellow in colour. I
made that long fateful walk to the tap. I am mostly
accompanied by the songs that I sing along the way
just so I don't feel the distance.
I arrived at the tap and I saw that my friend
Nomalanga was the last person on the queue today
I won't be bored. I'll have someone to talk too.

Me: "Hey Nomalanga"

Nomalanga is my best friend. We very close and I
love her like a sister.
Nom:"Hey baby girl you are late "
Me:"I know I slept late last night"
Nom:"Slept late? What were you doing last night?"
She said that as if like I was with a guy.
Me:"Friend I was busy thinking about my Mother's
condition it's worsening"
Nom:" I think it's time now you take her to hospital"
Me:"you know mom is stubborn"
Nom:"You need to convince her she's been sick for
a while now"
Me:"I will try"
I said that in Fustration.
Nom:"I'm sorry I know your mom is all you have
now. I know she means the world to you"
Her statement reminded me of how much I'll be a
loner on this earth if anything could ever happen to
my mother.
Me:"I really hope so. To be honest I'm tired now last
night we went to bed with empty stomachs. Since
mom started getting sick we haven't had any money
coming in because she had to quit her piece jobs
sick as she is. She should never go to bed with an
empty stomach"
Nom:"life is cruel at times but hope and faith is what
can get you by. Rain doesn't last forever one day
things will change for the better"
Me:"What can I say it's life"
Nom:"God will never forsake you keep on praying.
Never lose hope it's what keeps us going when all
seems to fade away"
Me:"I'll try"
God and I we not best friends right now
there's so much that's happening and it's hard to
believe when nothing seems to be making sense.
Nom:"Ncooh come here "
she gave me one of her warmest hug I needed one
right now.

•After the talk with Nomalanga it was my turn so I

filled up my bucket placed it on my head then
returned home while singing. When I stepped my
foot inside our little roundvel I saw mom on the floor I
let go of the bucket and it fell on the floor. It started
on my foot before meeting the floor the water was
splashed all over. I rushed to her.

Me:"Mama mama please wake up mama"

I turned her so she could look at me her eyes were
half opened. Her mouth was very dry and when she
tried to say something a terrible smell came out from
her mouth. I look at her mouth the corners of her
mouth had what seemed like sores and her mouth
was dry. She tried to speak even her hand that she
tried to place on my cheek fell down again on the
floor. She was weak.
Me:"it's okay mom hold on okay I am going to get a
She gave me a nod her breathing was also faint.

I stood up ran to Nomalanga's house tears were

falling and when I glanced down my foot was
bleeding. The bucket must've cut me. That didn't
matter my Mother's health mattered more. I knocked
and walked in before they could even say "come in"

she came out from the bedroom.
Nom:"what's wrong Noxolo why are you crying what
Her eyes showed concern.
Me:"please help my it's mom Nomalanga! I don't
know what's going on with her I . I"
Nom:"Calm down Noxolo I can't hear what you
Me:"She is dying Nomalanga I can't leave without
Nom:"where is she?"
Me: "At home on the floor"
Nom: "Let's go we need to take her to the hospital"
She held my hand and we ran to my house it hit me
then that the hospital is outside the village. How are
we going to get there? We don't have a car. I
Me:"How Nomalanga we don't have a car"
I put my hands on my knees.
Nom:"let me think"
I caught my breath as she was deep in her thoughts.
Her: "We need to get to her we will think of
something when we in your house"
We ran to my house she was still on the floor.
There were signs of life but it wasn't promising.
Nom:"Noxs Wena go to Ndabezitha Bengu and ask
him to drive us to the hospital"
Me:"Okay I can do that"
Nom:"hurry! I'll keep my eye on her"

I ran out to the Bengu household. Mr Bengu is the

community leader he is the only one we know who
owns a car. I knocked his wife opened. She folded
her arms and looked at me.

Me:"Ma how are you?"

Ma Bengu:" Ufunani" (what do you want)
Me:"Is Ndabezitha home"
Ma Bengu:"what do you want from my husband?"
Me:"Please Ma I need his help mom is dying and we
have to get her to hospital"
Ma Bengu:"Who said my Husband's car is a public
Me:"Ngiyacela bandla" (Please I'm begging)
Ma Bengu:"Niyahlupha kodwa" (You are trouble)
Me:"Ngiyacela" (please)
I looked at her with tears in my eyes.
Ma Bengu:"Argh stand there I am coming "

She went back inside the house I waited for like 6

mins until she came back with Ndabezitha Bengu I
guess she told him what I wanted because he came
holding the car keys.

Ndabezitha:"Umkami uchaze konke asambe" (my

wife explained let's go)
Me:"Thank you"

We got inside the car then drove to my house to get

my mom we carried her to the car and drove to the

Chapter 2

When we saw doctor coming we all stood up
wanting to hear what he had to say.

Me:"doctor how's my mom"

Dr: "Your mother has diabetes and it's not controlled
which resulted into the gangrenous leg. If she wasn't
brought in sooner it was going to result into
something we call "ketosi". Ketosis is a complication
whereby the body produces excessive blood acids
known as ketones. It mostly affects patients who are
diabetic which rises from the insulin not being
sufficient enough in the body. In typical terms it is
known as "diabetic coma"
Me:"what kind of God would put someone through
Dr:"No young lady your Mother can still recover we
will put her on medication and see her progress but
only if she follows the right diet and takes her
medication. We have had patients like this and some
At least there's a bit of hope she can still recover
even though I don't know what this "diabetes is"
Dr: "You can maybe come tomorrow to see her"

I was sitting on the chair in my Step father's office he
was on the side of the table.
Dad: "Why are you doing this?"
I didn't reply.
Dad: "You hate me that much?"
I looked at the cuffs and laughed.
Dad: "Lizokuhle
he was on the side of the table.
Dad: "Why are you doing this?"
I didn't reply.
Dad: "You hate me that much?"
I looked at the cuffs and laughed.
Dad: "Lizokuhle are you doing this because you
trying to get my attention?"
Me: "Yes I would break the law to get my" Step
father's attention that's how desperate I am for your
Him: "Do you know how serious this is? You broke
the law! You were found with a lot of cocaine"
Me: "Bekungaselami lelo shandis" (that was not my
Him: "That doesn't matter! What matters is that I
cannot keep on doing this with you"
My step father is a superintendent.
Him:"You need to get your shit together young man
this path you taking is going to lead you down deep
in a very dark tunnel and I won't be there to save
you anymore"
He sat down.
Him:"Your Mother is worried about you"
Me:"You told her?"
Him:"I had to tell her"
Me:"Why am I not surprised"
Him:"Lizo I didn't kill your father to get your Mother"
Me:"You had my father arrested. They killed him in
jail and then not even a few months after we buried
him you were already marrying my mother. Then you
wanna sit there ung'shayele iStory esingapheli" (you
sitting there and telling me nonsense)
Him: "Your Father was a criminal. He was abusive!"
Me:"Awazi nex nge taima lam" (you don't know
anything about my father)
I rose up from the chair.
Me:"Please I wanna go home Sir"
I stretches my cuffed hands to him.
Him:"Your Mother and I have decided that you
should move in with us"
Me: "Mina nawe? Sgindle sonke? Awume kancane"
(You and I living together wait a minute)
He got the cuffs off me.
Me:"Ta David" (thank you)
Him: "your mom wants to see you tonight! We
having dinner at 19:00. Don't be late!"
I ignored him and walked out of the station.

Sorry for posting short insert Tommorow I am writing

physics so I have to prepare.
Chapter 3


Well what can I say about life everything is a mess. I

said that to myself as I was lost deep in my thoughts
while washing dishes. My mother is sick and on the
other side I hate that there's nothing I can do about
it. To make her sickness go away. My mother is my
rock the pillar of my strength. Without her I'm
nothing. I cannot even rely on relatives they are all
far away from us. Realizing their dreams in the city
of gold. After washing my dishes I disposed the
water to the plants that mama planted before she
discovered that she was sick then I returned back to
the hut to do a bit of cleaning before going back to
the hospital.

Noma:"wee mngani"
Me:"Friend what's up"
Nom:"Look friend I've asked my mom to allow me to
come and stay with you until your mom comes back"
Me:"That's very nice of you. Thank you. I'm just
cleaning up before we go to the hospital.
Nom:"Okays let me help you it'll be a lot quicker"
Me:"Thank you"

So we finished cleaning then I took a bath and after

that we made our way to the hospital. We had to
hike this time around.

We went to the receptionist so I can enquire which
ward my mom was in the receptionist called a nurse
to escort us to her ward..
When we got to her ward the bed was nicely made.
The Nurse looked at me.
Me: "Is my mom bathing"
Nurse shook her head.
Nurse: "I'm sorry your Mom passed on at 2am this
This wasn't true the Dr said that my mother was
going to make it.
Me:" But the Dr said my mother was going to make it
Nurse:" I'm deeply sorry"
I didn't know what to feel because this was not
happening it can't happen to me.
Nurse:"I'll give you some space"
She walked out.
I got closer to the bed and looked at it she passed
on before I could see her. I wanted to see her I
wanted to talk to her. This isn't right!
Noma: "Mngani"
Me: "This isn't right it cannot be happening. God
cannot take her from me. It's not true. Tell me that
it's not true"
Tears ran down without an invite it all feels like a
nightmare. One that I was going to wake up from.

I look at her then nod my head

it all feels like a nightmare. One that I was going to
wake up from.

I look at her then nod my head we went to her ward

indeed the

I was woken up by my phone ringing it was my
Mother. I answered..
Me: "Goose"
Her: "We had dinner last night and you didn't show
I rose my head up from the pillow.
Me: "I'm sorry I had a lot of things to do"
Her: "Like what?"
Me: "Just things"
Her: "You breaking my heart Lizo"
Me: "It's not my intention why would I hurt the only
woman in my love that I love with all my heart"
Her: "David is trying to get you a job"
Me: "I don't want dash from him"
Her: "Stop it!! Just stop it!!"
Me: "I'm sorry I'll stop by later tonight for dinner"
Her: "I won't hold my breath"
Me: "I'll see you later"
She hung up.
Me: "I love you too"

I have been laying on this bed for maybe 30min now
I couldn't move. A part of me wanted to connect with
her I wanted to feel her last moment.
Noma: "Mngani I think we should go now"
Me: "I'm not going anywhere"
Noma: "They might wanna use this ward"
Me: "I'm not going anywhere"
Noma: "No-"
Me:" I want to be alone I need to be alone. For now..
Noma: "I'll give you some space"
She walked out.

I heard my Aunt coughing from the living room.
When my Mom married David I moved out to come
and live with my Aunt in the hood because David
and I weren't seeing eye to eye..
Me: "Are you okay?"
She spat on the tissue.
Her: "I'm fine it's just a nasty cough that's all"
I could hear a wheezing sound coming from her
chest as she tried to breath.
Me: "When are you going to have it checked out it's
been weeks now"
She smiled.
Her: "I'm fine Lizo"
Why do sick people don't wanna go to the hospital?
My phone beeped it was a message from Frank:
"I heard the cops got to you I hope you stashed my
merchandise somewhere safe. That's R100 000
worth of cocaine"
Aunt: "What is it?"
Me: "It's goose she is inviting us for dinner"
Aunt: "Maybe some fresh air will do me good"
She was struggling to keep her eyes open.
Me: "Yeah maybe"
Me: "Should I make you something to eat?"
She smiled with her eyes closed.
Her: "I just need to rest for now I feel very tired.
Maybe later"
I leaned against the wall and looked at her.
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: Noxolo
Chapter 4


All that I could think about was how quickly my mom

left this world I never thought that my mom could die
just like that. She used to be a very strong woman
never shown signs of being sick until recently. Had
she said something or had I noticed earlier. I'm sure
of all this could've been avoided.

Nom:"I'm sorry again Mngani"

Me:"It's my fault that my mom died Noma I should
have noticed that she was sick"
She hugged me while tears made their way down
Nom:"Don't talk like that friend it is not your fault it
was her time"
Me:"No I should have taken care of her I should
have known that something is off with mama"
Nom:"Friend I know that it's your job to look after
your mom but somehow you must know that you are
not perfect in everything you are human I mean who
would have thought that your mom is sick phela that
one was a hard core"
Me:"I'm going to miss her you know she was a
humble person. Never caused any trouble with
Nom:"Even when people started trouble with her she
would just apologize for the sake of peace"
Me:"She was never a violent person"
Nom:"I will miss her too"
Me:"I will also miss her very much "
Nom:"We have to contact your relatives"
Me:"I just need this one night to myself before
contacting them. I'll do that tomorrow it's not like they
going to care anyway"
Nom:"We have to try before assuming"
Me:"I'll call them tomorrow morning"
Nom:"We can also ask for donations around here
your mom was admired by many"
Me:"we should
your mom was admired by many"
Me:"we should maybe they'll help"
Nom:"It's going to be okay don't stress"

If I miss tonight's dinner my mother is going to skin
me alive.. The plan was to go with my Aunt but she
was still sick so I left her..
My mom looked at me..
Me: I made it
She opened the door wider and I made my way in..
She then closed it behind me.
Her: I'm glad that tonight you decided to show up
you've missed 5 dinners
Me: I'm sorry I've been busy
Her: With what exactly? Selling drugs? Stealing
Me: I didn't come here to fight with you
Her: If it wasn't for David you'd be in jail
Me: Of course.. Remind me to thank the Sup
Her: Goose David is not the reason why your father
and I divorced David is not the reason why your
father got arrested. Your father was a criminal who
made you a criminal too before he died. Your father
used to abuse me he almost killed me at some point
David showed up holding a glass of whiskey..
Him: Lizo
Me: David
Him: Thank you for joining us
Me: I couldn't let Goose down again
He wrapped his arm around my Mother's waist..
Me: I'm going to go to the dinning area before I lose
my appetite.
still writing my exams 😤😌💞

Chapter 5

So today we are finally burying mom people were

running around some eating some getting water to
bath so that we can go to the church where they will
hold the service. As for me I've been thinking about
my mom the whole time I still can't believe that she
is no more what can I say though it's life God decide
what he wanted and nobody gets to question him.

Noma:"Noxs Noxolo"
Me:"what do you want?"
Noma:"I just wanted to know how you holding up"
Me:"I don't even know how I'm feeling I'm empty"
Noma:"I'm truly sorry"
Me:"I just want to get it over and done with these
relatives all walking around as if they cared for us
when they didn't"
Noma:"They here for you in fact we all are"
Me:"I am alone mngani don't you understand that?
They only going to show their fake love and support
only for today then it's done"
Noma:"don't talk like that"
Me:"should I lie?"
Noma:"They all seem genuine and sincere"
Me:"That's how they are now"
Noma:"It's time Xolo let's go"
I took a deep breath as she held my hand..

I took my jacket placed it on my shoulders I was

wearing a black dress with black Tomy takkies. we
made our way to church on foot I didn't wanna ride
with my fake family. I wanted to lay my Mother to
rest the same way that it has only been the two of us
all these years. These people showed up and didn't
even put a cent as a contribution to my mother's
funeral. They all made the excuse "It was too
sudden" or "We didn't expect it we didn't save"
meanwhile I overhead how much they'll be cashing
on the funeral policies that they included her in. It
didn't surprise me though my mother was the only
one who settled for a humble life. Not by choice
though but because her family excluded her. When
her own mother was gravely ill she was the only one
who decided to give up her dreams to care for her
whilst her siblings went on to realize their dreams.
She mourned alone for her mother they were "too
busy" to even drive here and see how their mother
was holding up. She cared for her mother all on her
own. Even during her burial the villagers were the
ones who helped her. Blood is thicker than water
they say but at least water is transparent. When it's
diluted you will see right through it. We arrived at the
tent that we regard as our "church" already the
"family was sitting at the front raw. My aunty turned
back and signaled that I should come sit with them I
wanted Noma to be there. I needed for her to be the
realest person I sat next too. She has always been
there for me she has always shown me her undying

I concentrated on her coffin that was carries here by

a van the program was going but my mind was not
partaking on anything. Until of course it was my turn
to say a few words.

I looked at everyone my family was sitting flashing

their expensive dresses and fascinators.
Me:"You all know me well I am Mma Buthelezi's
daughter. Her only child. Life as I know it has always
been me and my mother. My father was said to have
died when I was very young. Life was never good for
us but we made it through Mama always knew how
to make it work. I am grown as I am today because
of her I don't even remember going to bed with an
empty stomach. I am even surprised that I have a
family. See I don't know these people. I only know
them today at my mother's funeral. It's true when
they say that a funeral brings people together even if
some of them live under the rock. I don't have much
to say other than that everyone here knew my
mother except for the strangers joining us today who
are sitting at the front row. All that I'm thankful for is
that my mother made me the young woman that I
am today.. Thank you "
I went to sit down with my family having sour faces
as if like they have swallowed a lot of lemons.

My mother was never afraid to voice her opinion or

be one to mince words she was always pure in her
intentions and true in her actions. I was loved she
didn't give me the world but she gave me her love.
As I go forward I remember her strength and purity
her fierce spirit
her fierce spirit her generous heart sensitivity and
her sense of humor. Throughout her life and
especially in her fight against diabetes she never
gave up. She only gave up when her last breath
escaped her lips.

I know Mom will forever be with me in spirit.

Goodbyes are only for those who love with their
eyes because for those who love with heart and soul
there is no such thing as separation. I love you Mom
Rest in peace Mma Buthelezi".
After that what was left in the program we went to
the grave yard her coffin laid next to her eternal
place of rest.

Pastor:"nguMbhekiseni KaShibela Buthelezi

eMcakwini sidabuka kanjena uButhelezi uzale
Ndaba Shenge Ngwane Nyathi Mlambo Shebeni
Nonkonkela uNonkonkela waganwa uMntwana
OkaSithayi uMntwana Shibela uzalwa eNdlunkulu
kaZulu uzalwa iNkosazana KaMntwana Sithayi
kaMbuzi kaNdaba eSigodlweni eGazini Lokoza
uMthulisazwe lala ngo Xolo ntombozane"

When the coffin was lowered my heart sank down

with it. Today I didn't have any tears those who
could cry cried for her. I felt very empty my tears had
dried up.

I glanced down at her she laid down so peacefully. A
part of me didn't even think that she was gone she
was sleeping and unfortunately she was never going
to wake up. My Aunt had hidden that she had lung
cancer maybe her shame of being a chronic smoker
for more than 30 years was the reason she hid this
from us. I feel she was scared that she was going to
be judged..
This woman was more than an Aunt to me she was
my mother. She loved me when my own mother
couldn't love me she couldn't change my ways but
her love was never unconditional. I lost a woman
that I loved dearly a woman who didn't deserve to
die like this. I felt a hand on my shoulder..
Ma: Goose the morgue people are here
She died in her bedroom she went to sleep last night
and never woke up. That cough was her last I'll
never see her again..
Chapter 6


So after the funeral people went to their homes but

some of my family members said they will go
Tommorow and I am okay with that even aunty said
she will drive Tommorow today she is tired all she
need is a her beauty sleep not my words but hers.

Noma:"whatever you are thinking about you must

snap out of it friend we have to finish those plates
before I go"
Me:"Ohh I forgot you are going back today"
Noma:"it's not like I don't want to stay with you here
you know my situation and I have to be there for my
siblings you know" Nomalanga is the one who
makes sure that everyone went to bed with full
stomachs sometimes she sleeps with people around
the village and they pay her for that"
Me:"Mngani you have to stop selling yourself"
Noma:"I don't need your judgement Noxolo and
besides that where will i get the money to feed them"
Me:"I am not.. Nomalanga please friend I mean they
give you R50 mngani"
Nomalanga:"Atleast with that money we can get 2
packets of chicken feets"
Me:"I love you okay and I am sure that all will be
Noma:"So long you keep your judgment comments
to yourself"
Me:"I will.. let's finish up I also have to pack my mom
Noma:"So what are you going to do with em"
Me:"I don't know friend maybe I can try to give them
away even though they not fancy"
Noma:"well do that mngani "

I smiled at her then we continued washing our

dishes after that Nomalanga went home as for me I
was in our room packing my mom's staff.

I looked at her...
Me: "Aunty"
Aunty:"We need you outside there's a meeting"
Me:"what meeting I don't know anything about a
Aunty:"drop that attitude don't think we forgot about
you speaking ill about us at church in front of the
whole village"
I kept my cool..
Aunty" buya "
I left everything and walked out with her.

Everyone was seated meaning they discussed

something before I even sat down.

Uncle 1:"Noxolo you must be questioning yourself

what's going on here"
I nodded...
Uncle's wife 1: "Baby girl we decided to hold this
meeting so that we can decide what to do about you
Me:"About me? With all due respect aunty I am a big
girl I can take care of myself"
Uncle:"we won't allow that to happen
you are young and you can't stay here alone. After
that little speech you gave what will the villagers
Me:"well thank you but I want to live here in my
mother's house"
Aunty:"We are your elders and we have already
spoken. You don't have a job you not at school.
What kind of life are you going to have?"
I remained quiet..
Aunty:"Baby I was thinking since I live with my two
princesses and we've got a very big space why don't
you come with me"
Me:"As far as I want to go and explore the world
aunty I am afraid I can't go I can't just abonden my
mom's house"
Aunty:" Helanga Bagolo! Someone tell this child that
she doesn't have a choice"
Uncle:"Your Aunt means well Xolo"
Me" I'm sorry"
Uncle:"Just think about it"
Me:"Thank you.. Excuse me"
Aunty:"I am going back tomorrow incase you change
your mind"

I stood up went inside the roundvel to continue

packing her stuff after that I shifted the box then try
to find a space to lay my head while on that aunty
barged in
Aunty:"You know baby girl it I were you I would've
considered the opportunity of going to Gauteng with
me "
Me:"I don't know aunty look I feel like I am leaving
my mom behind what about my friend aunty"
Aunty:"This is about you and your future stop
thinking about friends that won't get you anywhere.
Start thinking about yourself and your future"
I nodded..
Aunty:"let it sink in"

I hate to agree with her but she is right I don't want

to die in this place.. I want to encourage kids of this
village that everything is possible you have to work
hard in order to succeed all I want in my life is to
become a lawyer. I want everyone to be proud of me
I want mama to be proud of me wherever she is I
guess I have to accept aunty's offer I hope Gauteng
doesn't change me...

Chapter 7

The following morning I woke up and prepared

myself last night I had a lot to think about and I've
finally made my decision. I'm going to take my Aunt's
Me:"Morning aunty"
Aunty:"Hope you thought about my offer"
Me:"yes I did and I would like to stay with you and
your family"
She smiled..
Aunty:"You won't regret"
Me: "I hope not"
Aunty:"I know that you don't like us nor trust us. I'm
doing this so that you can see we care. I was the
only one who agreed to take you please don't
Me: "I promise that I won't"
My dream of getting out of here has finally come true
I never thought of leaving like this though but life has
it's own plans.
Me:"I would like to go and say goodbye to
Nomalanga before we leave"
Her:"Don't take long it's a long trip"

I smiled at her then ran to Nomalanga's house

Noma:"haibo why are you running this morning "
She came out of her house holding a bucket of dirty
Me:"Mngani I've came to say my goodbyes"
Noma:"Your goodbyes? Where you going"
Me:"Well my dreams of leaving this place have
finally come true"
Noma:"don't speak in riddles"
Me:"Okays listen my Aunt asked me to move in with
Noma:"wait move in with her as in like going to
Gauteng with her"
Noma:"I am happy for you but are you sure about
this? Didn't you say you don't know these people?"
Me:"What choice do I have?"
Noma:"So you want to leave everything here and go
to Gauteng you want to leave your childhood
Me:"No Nomalanga please understand that I'm
going to Gauteng to realize my dreams. I'm going to
Gauteng because there's nothing left for me here
Noma:"well it's a goodbye then"
Me:"I know that this is difficult but we will visit each
other I promise"
Noma:"Just don't forget me when you start making
Me:"I will never"
Noma:"Well I hope you don't came back with a baby
Me:" I am not going there for boys"
Noma:"hope so mngani protect yourself dont let
anyone stand in your way "
Noma:"I will and I will come back every month to
check you"
Noma:"come here"

I went and hugged her

it was an emotional moment for both of us.

Noma:"don't cry mngani"

Me:"I am going to miss you friend"
Me:"me too but I understand why you chose this
Me:"thank you for understanding I will call you when
I get to the big city"
Noma:"okay I will go to the shops and charge my
Me:"Goodbye friend"

I hugged her for the last time then I returned home

my Aunt was already putting her luggage bag in the

Aunty:"right on time"
Me:"I'll go get my things"
Me:"yes aunty"

I walked back inside to pack everything of mine I

didn't have nice clothes but what choice do I have?
My Mother and I we weren't rich. This is a big
change and I am adamant to make my mother
Ma: Welcome home Goose
She hugged me.. I hugged her back
Ma: I know that you don't want to be here but you
have no choice
My Aunt's Daughter will be taking over the house
she'll be living with her kids. Which left me no choice
but to move in with my Mother and her Husband.
The family has decided that we not going to have a
funeral we going to cremate her. Apparently that's
what she wanted..
Ma: Do you like the room?
Me: It's not bad just that I'm not 8
She laughed..
Her: I just wanted you to feel at home
Me: Thank you
Her: Goose I know that a lot has happened between
us and I'm hoping this will be a start of a good life for
all of us
Me: I hope so too...
Chapter 8


The trip was long I dared not to sleep. I kept on

staring out of the window busy admiring all the
beautiful places that we were passing.

After what seemed like forever we finally drove into

this big house.

Me:”Aunty do you live here”

Aunty:”yes baby come on let's go leave the bags”
Me:” I can't leave my bags here aunty
Aunty:”don't worry I will ask the guard to bring them
to your room”
wow so I've got my own room.
Me:”Thank you aunty”
Aunty:"Don't worry I am doing this for your mom I
mean its not like I am going to be raising a stranger
you are my niece”
Me:” I am looking forward of staying here with you"
Aunty:”Come I am sure that that the girls are so
eager to meet you”
Me:”I'd love to meet them"
My mom told me that after the death of their parents
my aunt moved to Jo burg and never looked back.
Aunty:" stop whatever you are thinking about come
let's go in"
She smiled then took my hand we walked inside the
house and found two girls drinking something red in
their glasses. I am sure whatever it was they were
enjoying it cause the bottle was about to be empty..
Aunty:”Girls mom is back "
Girl 1:" mom we've been worried sick about you and
your phone was off”
Aunty:”You know villages network you have to first
climb the mountain so that it can connect” the girls
burst out with a laughter.
Girl 2:”mountain? mama thank God I don't have
relatives back at home”
Aunty:”enough about my trip Nolwazi and Zodwa
meet Noxolo your cousin”
They both looked at me..
Aunty: "She will be staying with us from now on"
They both didn't say anything for a long time.
Zodwa:"uhm welcome home I guess!!"
Nolwazi:"What is she wearing?"
They both laughed. It didn't take much thinking to
notice that they were spoiled rotten...I don't think I
like them I don't like people who think that life
revolves around them. I don't like people who look
down on the less fortunate.
Aunty:" Maybe you girls can take her out shopping
for nice clothes and play nice"
My Aunt left the room. I was tired all I wanted was to
Me:"thank you guys for welcoming me "
Zodwa:"Maybe let's go to my room and find
something suitable for you to wear"
Me: "okay"
Nolwazi:"Count me out Zodwa I am tired you know I
told you that I've been up the whole night "
Zodwa rolled her big eyes..
Zodwa:"No problem as long as I get to chow mom's
Nolwazi: "Whatever"
We walked to her room..
Me:"Zodwa I'd like to rest first"
Zodwa:"There's no time for rest maybe later
definitely not now"
Me:"Look we will go when I've rested a bit"
I just wanted to be alone for a while..
Me:"Can you please show me where will I sleep?"

Zodwa showed me to my new room. It was beautiful

for the very first time I'll be sleeping on a bed. I
walked to it and sat down..
Me:"Thank you"
Zodwa:"You welcome"
She left..
It's going to be hard to adjust to this new life I was
already missing home. I miss the love that existed
under my Mom's roof..

After what seemed like hours I woke up I went to the

sitting room found them talking. I don't know what
they were talking about because when I walked in
they kept quiet.

Zodwa:"So how did you rest"

Me:"okay "
Zodwa:"Alright go and bath I'll bring you something
to wear so that we can go"

I went and bathe

Zodwa showed me how to operate the shower taps.
When I was done I wore her jeans and t-shirt. The
jeans no longer fit her. It hasn't been a week since
I've moved in already they were changing me. I'm
not complaining though maybe they just don't want
me to embarrass them this is a big city and people
who live here are probably rich. All of them..
Zodwa:"are you done Nox" she shouted
Me:"Yes umm I am coming"

I went downstairs found her ready to go

Zodwa:"well you don't look that bad come let's go "

Me:"wait how old are you Zodwa?"
Zodwa:" I am 26 and Nolazwi is 16"
Me:"Are you studying"
she burst out with her irritating laughter
Zodwa:"who? Me and books no girl "
Me:"So what do you do for a living"
Zodwa:"I hustle girl"
I nodded my head
Me:"Okays let's go then"
Zodwa:"let's wait for an Uber"

We waited few minutes until a car pulled up next to

the gate and we got in.

Zodwa:"Relax would you?"

Me:"I'm trying"
Her:"You in Johannesburg girl it's every girl's village
dream to come here. You are about to live the life so
be happy"
I faked a smile..

I closed the brochure and looked at them.

Me: I don't wanna go to school
Ma: Your matric results were outstanding you've
always wanted to do engineering
Me: "Wanted" not anymore
David: You can still go
Me: No thank you
Ma: Goose
Me: If I'm going to be living here please allow me to
do my own thing
David: Constantly breaking the law?
Me: I hustle and get my own
David: If you going to be staying under my roof you
won't be breaking any law
Me: There it is was wondering when that was going
to come up
Ma: Lizo!
Me: I don't wanna live here I'm just here because I
have nowhere to go for now but as soon as I get my
shit together I'll be moving out!
My phone beeped it was a message from my
girlfriend Zodwa..
Me: Excuse me
I got up and read she wanted us to go out tonight.
That's better I need a breather from my parents
Chapter 9

The following morning I woke up stretched my arms

up then rolled out of the bed went bathroom and
freshen up after that I return to my room wore my
pink summer dress with beach Tom then fix my bed.
I think Zodwa is right I must losen up a bit I am in
Jo'burg. I mean I must change my look I know that I
came here to study and all of that but I must also
look like someone who loves herself. I said that in
my thoughts while going to the kitchen I am thinking
of making them a breakfast atleast to show them
that I am grateful of what they are doing for me. Who
am I kidding I am used at cooking porridge and I
think aunty eats a fancy breakfast and I don't even
know how to prepare it maybe if I ask Zodwa to help

Me:"Zodwa" I've been calling her for like five times

this girl can sleep
Zodwa:"What do you want Noxolo?"
Me:"Sorry to wake you up but I need your help"
Zodwa:"What help? can't you see here that I'm still
Me:"Ohh sorry to wake you up you can go back to
your sleep"
I walked out of her room I guess I will have to figure
it out on my own.

I decided to cook porridge adding butter it's been

while since I had a porridge mixed with butter hope
they enjoy it.

Aunty:"Ohh you made breakfast" she said that

entering the kitchen"
Me:"Yes I wanted to say thank you aunty"
Aunty:"Thank you"
Me:"Do you want me to dish out for you?
Aunty:"What did you cook"
Me:"I cooked African porridge mixed with butter"
Aunty:"Well I don't like that but since I am starving I
will try "
Me:"Okay go and sit down I will bring the breakfast
now now "
Aunty:"Please hurry before I die"
Me:"Okay "
she went to sit at the table as for me you can go
back to your sleep"
I walked out of her room I guess I will have to figure
it out on my own.
I decided to cook porridge adding butter it's been
while since I had a porridge mixed with butter hope
they enjoy it.

Aunty:"Ohh you made breakfast" she said that

entering the kitchen"
Me:"Yes I wanted to say thank you aunty"
Aunty:"Thank you"
Me:"Do you want me to dish out for you?
Aunty:"What did you cook"
Me:"I cooked African porridge mixed with butter"
Aunty:"Well I don't like that but since I am starving I
will try "
Me:"Okay go and sit down I will bring the breakfast
now now "
Aunty:"Please hurry before I die"
Me:"Okay "
she went to sit at the table as for me I dished up for
Aunty:"hope I don't die "
Me:"Don't worry aunty you are too you g to die"
Aunty:"You never know"
Me:"Trust me I am too innocent"
Aunty:"Okay miss innocent sit down"
Me:"alright so aunty when will I start my studies"
Aunty:"That's big"
Me:"I want to make my mom proud"
she rolled her eyes..
Aunty: "Your mom is dead even if she is proud of
you how will you know that she is proud of you"
Me:"Sorry aunty I will stop talking about her "
it was Nolwazi..
Aunty:"Sit down Noxolo will dish out for you "
Nolwazi:"what are you eating mama"
Aunty:" noxolo cooked this delicious porridge"
Nolwazi:"me porridge no thank you I will pass"
Aunty:"trust me noxolo's cooking skills are on point"
Nolwazi:"Zodwa can you believe mom is eating
African porridge"
She said that to Zodwa who was grabbing a chair to
sit down..
Zodwa:"Morning well there's nothing wrong with
Nolwazi:"Okay I will order in then"
Zodwa:" plus I've been craving for these"
Nolwazi:"Mxm when are you meeting your boyfriend
Zodwa:"I don't know Lizo have been giving me cold
Nolwazi:"You know it very well that you man got
mood swings"
Zodwa:"And it is stressing me out"
Nolwazi:"Give him the pussy you will see he will
always miss you"
Zodwa:"Do you think I'd date with someone without
sleeping with them"
Nolwazi:"You want to tell me that you already slept
with lizo"
I thought maybe she will ask them to stop their
conversation but hey she just looked at me then
continued eating her food
Zodwa:"Trust me Lil sis I already slept with him"
Nolwazi:"maybe you weren't riding him well"
Zodwa:"Shit Nolwazi I know I am good"
Nolwazi:"well fuck him again"
Zodwa:"I will try"
Me:"Umm excuse me"
Aunty:"Where are you going noxolo first finish your

I ate my food in silent after that I left them went to

my room then clean it that's it I am going to ask
Zodwa to do my makeup. I wanted to try it she
looked beautiful yesterday.

Me:"Zodwa can you please change me"

Zodwa:"I don't understand you what do you mean"
Me:"Look I understand I am in Gauteng I want to
change my look please I want to try make up "
Zodwa:"Why all of a the sudden? "
Me:"Look Zodwa I told myself that when I get to
Joburg I want to change myself"
Zodwa:"Okay sit down then"
Me:"Alright "

I sat infront of the mirror she did her magic on my


Chapter 10


Zodwa:"Am done"
She looked at me..
Zodwa:"you look great "
I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked different..
Me:"Thank you"
Zodwa:"Makeup suits you you going to turn heads"
Me:"Thank you but I will pass I am not here for boys
Zodwa:"As I've said you need to loosen up a bit you
are still young"
Me:"I know Zodwa but I want to get my life back in
order then the rest will follow"
Zodwa:"That's good but please live a little"
Me:"Trust me Zodwa I don't have time for boys "
Zodwa:"Okays anyway let's try this weave"
Zodwa:"I've got lot of weaves you can keep it if you
want "
Me:"uhm thank you I guess"
Zodwa:"No problem you look fantastic Noxolo "
Me:"thank you can you believe it that you are the
first person to tell me that I am beautiful besides
Zodwa:"That's sad thought you've heard it before"
Me"Anyway I heard you talking about your boyfriend
with Nolwazi"
Zodwa:"Yes his name is Lizo"
Me:"You sound very much in love"
Zodwa:"I do love him he's a great guy"
Zodwa:"his a bit hard headed but he's good"
Me:So you are not longer a virgin"
She laughed...
Zodwa:"Noxs which world are you living in even
Nolwazi is no longer a virgin"
Zodwa:"Dont worry you will get used to this life"
We were disturbed by aunty..

Zodwa:"Mama what do you want"

Aunty:"I need your help guys there's this girl she
didn't show up for work today I need a stand in"
Zodwa:"You want us to entertain the clients"
Aunty:"No no girls I need waitresses"
Zodwa:"Kodwa mama"
Aunty:"Please I will make it up to you "
Zodwa:"Okay we will come"
Aunty:"Thank you"
she went out...
Zodwa:"We have a job to do"
Me:"what clients?"
Zodwa:"You'll see"
Me:"Okay let me go and wash my make up so that
we can go "
Zodwa:"There's no time noxoxlo leave it like that"
Me:"Okay let me wear my shoes then"
Zodwa:"Sure let's go "

We walked out and my Aunt was already waiting for

us in the car..

Aunty:"Hope my clients are not mad"

Zodwa:"I hope so too"
Aunty:"When she comes back I'm firing her"
Zodwa:"That's extreme don't you think"
Aunty:"Where my money is concerned I don't play"
Zodwa:"I'm just saying firing her is way too extreme"

We drove for a while until we ended up in this other

I don't play"
Zodwa:"I'm just saying firing her is way too extreme"

We drove for a while until we ended up in this other

place it was a big house too. She drove in..

Aunty:"Zodwa you will show Nox what to do"

Me:"what do you mean aunty"
Aunty:"Zodwa will show you"
Zodwa:"Let's go"

We got off her car..

Me:"Zodwa I am scared"
Zodwa:"Scared of what? We here to serve drinks
and entertain that's all"
Me:"entertain them in what way"
Zodwa:"Nothing major just talk and smile"
Zodwa:"Smile and make them feel welcome so they
spend more money"
Me:"okay "

She smiled as we made our way in. The place was

heavily guarded which made me uncomfortable.
Those men with guns scared me a little. I didn't
know where I was going so I followed Zodwa..

Zodwa:" let's go and change"

We walked upstairs to change all the rooms were
closed and I heard noise coming downstairs. Men
talking.. We got to a certain room and we changed
to more revealing clothes. I didn't like this at all this
is not me.
Zodwa:"Pulling it won't make it longer"
Me:"I'm uncomfortable with this"
Zodwa:"Noxolo you think a good life comes cheap?
It doesn't and it won't you part of our family now and
this is what we do"
Me:"What is this place?"
Him:"It's a brothel but don't tell anyone or Mom will
kill you"
Me:"What's a Brothel"
Her:"You will learn along the way"
She looked at herself in the mirror..
Zodwa:"Let's go"..

Chapter 11

Walking into that room was like walking into a lion's

den. Those men kept quiet as I made my way in the
heels were even a distraction. If I don't sprain my
ankle I'll be lucky. I don't know what a Brothel is but
I'm very sure that it's not a good thing all these men
gathered here they must be hear for malicious
intentions. Everything about this was making me
uncomfortable the stares their breathing the smoke
of their big looking cigarettes made me nauseated.
One even had the audicity to lick his lips whilst
looking at me I had to get out of here. I had to get
out of here right now!!!

Just as I was stepping back hoping I don't trip I

bumped into someone. My Aunt pulled me out.
Me: "Aunty I can't do this"
Her: "Listen to me Xolo"
I shook my head and she shook me violently.
Her: "You are under my care now and little girl you
not young anymore. You need to open your eyes
you are at an acceptable age to take care of yourself
and this is a small price to pay! Noxolo not
everything is at it seems a good life has a small price
to pay"
She put her hand on my cheek.
Her:" You wanna go back to that village? Die poor
like your Mom?"
Me:"No Aunty"
Her:" Then go back in there and make me proud"
Me:" I don't even know what to do"
Her:" You just go to the table ask if they want
something to drink"
She lifted my chin up.
Her:"You will have beautiful things you will even go
to school but you need to work for it. Life is like that
sweetheart life here is like that"
She held my hand.
Her:" Go back in there and make me some money"
Me:"But their looks"
Her:" They won't force themselves on you! They
know the protocol. These are grown men not little
boys. I'll be standing by the bar and looking at you"
Me:" Okay aunty"
Her:" Good girl"
We walked back in and I looked at her she mumbled
the words "go". I looked around and Zodwa was at
one of the tables I scanned through until I saw a
table of two Men. They looked old. I made my way to
them they looked at me. My heart started beating
very fast. I felt hot flushes I felt weak like I'm just
going to collapse..
Me:"Good day"
They nodded..
Man 1:"Please refill us"
Me:" Yes sir"
I walked to the bar my Aunt gave me a bottle of
Aunt:" Be careful
it's very expensive"
Me: "Yes Aunty"
I took the bottle to them they thanked me and I
moved on.

It was getting a bit better now because they only

dressed me down with their eyes. They didn't touch
me or start any inappropriate conversations with me.
They were like dogs who were trained they followed
the protocol to the core.
Aunt:"Here drink this"
Me: "I don't drink alcohol"
Aunt:"You do now"
I looked at the small content that was in the glass.
Her: "It will take the edge off"
Me:" Okay"
I took the glass and gulped whatever it was down my
chest felt hot. I closed my eyes.
Me:"That's bitter!"
Aunt:"You'll be okay"
I sat on one of the chairs and took off the heels.
Me:" Can I please take a break"
Aunt:"Of course"
She looked at the bartender.
Aunt:"Give her a cocktail strawberry daiquiri"
Bartender:" Yes Mam"
As we were chatting with my Aunty her eyes moved
from me to the door. The room went quiet again did
another girl walk in? I moved my eyes to the door
and then this other Man walked in. He was wearing
a black suit and he looked very handsome. The
jacket was a bit tight around his strong arms but not
tight in a way that would put you off. He stood at the
door and looked around.
Aunt:"What is he doing here so early"
Me:"Who is he"
Me:"What name is Bones"
Aunt:"Someone you shouldn't worry about"
Judging from his facial expression he looked a bit
irritated by being here in a sense. My Aunt walked
out from the bar and went to him they spoke a little
and then she walked him to a table that was a bit far
away from the others. I saw her speaking to one of
the girls. The girl dropped what she was doing and
went to him. She was talking and he was busy with
his big phone that he came with he didn't even look
at her. Then he dismissed her with his hand that's
very rude!

It was quiet when he walked in but now music

started playing:
"Me and Mrs. Jones
We got a thing goin'on
We both know that it's wrong
But it's much too strong
To let it go now"
My Aunt came back.
Aunt:"Please bring our best bottle"
Me:"Who is that?"
I asked while giggling.
Aunt:"You way over give her coffee"
Bartender:"Yes Mam"
He made me some coffee.
Me:"I don't want that bring me this pink thing"
I got down from the chair and fell I laughed.
Aunt:"Get up you embarrassing me"
She walked over to get me up.
Me:"Leave me alone!!"
Now eyes were on us.
Aunt:"You are embarrassing me!"
Me:"Everyone attention please!"
Aunt"Noxolo!! "
She grabbed my arm in a rough way. Then we
started walking to a different exit. One that was close
to the Bones guy. I yanked my hand from my Aunt's
grip and went to him.
Me:" Sir"
He moved his eyes and looked at me.
Me:"Smile a little you way too uptight"
He looked at me without saying anything.
Me:"Ohhh nice watch"
I walked over to him and grabbed his arm.
Me:"How much is it?"
Me:"I'm not feeling good"
My Aunt came to grab me again but I fought her
Me:"Leave me alone I'm not a child!!"
Aunt:"Bones I'm very sorry about this"
Me:"Let me go!!!"
When I yanked my arm from her grip I fell.
Aunt:"Eish maan!!"
She tried to get me up but Mr Man stood up.
Him:"Please let me"
His voice was deep. He crouched down and
extended his hand to me I extended mine to him. He
pulled me up like I was nothing but a paper. I looked
at him and he looked at me.
Aunt:"Let's go"
She dragged me away with my eyes still glued on
him and his on me..

Chapter 12
I woke up in my room don't even remember how I
got here nor do I remember what happened. I looked
at myself and I was wearing a dress one that juggled
my memory. It was now dark outside I got out of bed
and made my way to the door. It was locked
whoever locked took the key with. I walked to the
window to reminisce about what happened earlier on
it dawned on me that I made a fool of myself..
Someone unlocked the door and opened Nolwazi
and Zodwa walked in. Followed by my Aunt who was
holding a sjambok. I froze. They closed the door..
Aunt:"What you did today you will never do again"
I didn't say anything.
Aunt:"Cat got your tongue now huh?"
She looked at Zodwa and Nolwazi who came to hold
me down. My back was facing her. I felt the first whip
and the second and the third. I was wearing a dress
but it felt like I was wearing nothing. I couldn't get
away from their grip they were holding my arms
Me:"Ngiyaxolisa" (I'm sorry)
Aunt:"Ucabanga ukuthi ungubani?" (who do you
think you are)
She continued whooping me when I thought she
was done. She would have a breather and then go
again. I cried until I couldn't cry no more I
surrendered to her mercy.
Zodwa:"Okay Ma that's enough"
She stopped and they let go of me. I fell straight to
the floor. They all walked out.
Aunt:"Next time you try something like that I'm going
to give you scars on your face. That beauty is going
to vanish"
She clicked her tongue and I heard the door closing
and being locked again.

Me:" Mawungangi dluli Jesu izwa amazwi Ami.

Lapho ubabiza abanye mawungizwe Nam"
That song my Mother used to sing it to me all the
time when I was feeling down I felt like singing it
now. This was the lowest point of my life.. I heard
the door unlocking I thought that it was my Aunt. But
it was Zodwa. She walked in with a towel a basin
and a small bag. She put the basin down and closed
the door. She made her way to me and helped me
up she took my dress off and then laid me on the
bed with my stomach. She brought the basin closer
and opened the bag. She took out a few things. I
closed my eyes as I felt the towel coming into
contact with my sore back I flinched.
As she continued the warmth of the towel became
soothing she worked on me and then dressed me up
in my Pj's she walked out after that...
The next coming days I spent them locked up in the
bedroom. Zodwa would come and bring me food
then clean my wounds
I haven't said a word to her. I was in a bad state I
didn't know whether I was coming or going out..
My Aunt walked in my room one afternoon she threw
some clothes on the bed..I was standing by the
Aunt:"Go and bath pity party is over"
I didn't say anything I walked to the door.
I looked at her..
Her:"I hope you have learned your lesson"
I nodded. I walked out to bath then I came back and
dressed up. Zo came to do my makeup and fix my
weave when I was done she took me downstairs. My
Aunt was waiting for me..
Aunt:"Let's go"
We walked out and got into her car then she drove
Aunt:"You lucky that I'm still keeping you after
everything that has happened"
I just stared out of the window and let her talk
whatever she felt like saying to me until we arrived at
the brothel.
Aunt:"I hope you will redeem yourself today"
We got out of the car and walked in I didn't need to
be told what to do. I started taking orders and
serving those men. So far they still respected me by
not touching me nor speaking anything that made
me uncomfortable. I was on my feet for hours I only
took a break when I was thirsty. The bartender gave
me a glass of cola..
Me:"Thank you"
This is my life maybe I need to accept that this is
going to be my life.

Bones walked in he was shown to his table. By now I

was back on my feet serving the clients when my
Aunt made her way to me.
I walked up to her. She looked at me.
Aunt:"Bones has asked for your company"
I looked at him.
Aunt:"Bones is very important to my business please
don't disappoint me again or else I'll send you
straight to hell"
I nodded and took a deep breath then I made my
way to him.
Me:"Good afternoon"
He moved his eyes from his big phone and looked at
Me:"My name is Noxolo I'll be serving you today"
His eyes fell back on the phone again.
Me:"May I get you something?"
He ignored me I didn't know what to say.
Him:"How about an apology?"
Him:"For what happened the other day"
Me:"I'm sorry"
Him:"I don't believe you"
Me:"I don't know what to say anymore"
Him:"Maybe say it like you mean it"
Me:"I'm sorry for the other day"
Him:"That will do for now"
Me:"Can I get you anything to drink?"
Him:"My usual"
I walked to the bar and the bartender gave me his
usual my Aunt kept her eyes on me like a hawk.
Me:"Here you go"
I put everything on the table and walked away.
Him:"Where are you going?"
Me:"To serve other customers"
Him:"You misunderstood as from today you will be
serving me only"
Him:"Please have a sit"
I sat down opposite him.
A minute passed without him saying anything...
Me:"Is your real name Bones?"
Him:"You don't talk you just sit there"
This was very unusual.

We sat in silence for at least 2 hours then he looked

at me..
Him:"I am attending a business function tonight I
want you to accompany me"
I looked at him..
Him:"It's a black tie event"
Doesn't this guy have a wife?
Me:"Ohw okay"
Him:"My assistant is going to walk in she will take
you shopping for an appropriate dress and
everything else. You will go home and fix yourself I'll
send my driver to pick you up"
Me:"Did you discuss this with my Aunt?"
Him:" I don't need her approval for anything always
remember that"
I swallowed.
He is damn intimidating.


Zodwa walked inside my room while I was fixing
myself up. Thankfully I'm done with my hygiene
processI just need to comb my hair.
Zodwa:"Someone is at the doorI think it's the driver"
I sighed as I looked at my reflection on the mirrorI
neatly combed my hair then turned to look at her.
Me:"How do I look?"
She smiled scanning me
Zodwa:"I love your dress you're beautiful"
I smiled as I turned to the mirror again with a widest
smiled across my face
Me:"It was a special gift"
It went silence for a while then I cleared my throat
Zodwa:"The driver is waiting for you"
I turned to walk out of my bedroom. Nolwazi was
sitting on the couch painting her nails while she kept
on chewing her bubble gum which was irritating.
She pointed at the driverI smiled at her
Me:"Thank youlet me go"
Nolwazi:"Don't tell me you're going to Mall dressed
like that"
I stopped on my tracks and turned to look at her
Me:"What's wrong with my dress?"
She rolled her eyes and Looked at me
Nolwazi:"It's not nicenot nice at all"
I sighed and walked out of the house without saying
anything further. I greeted and he greeted back and
introduced himself; Zweli was the name of the driver.
Me:"I don't know the woman I'm meeting with"
I said as soon as he pressed the accelerator. He
looked at me and faintly smiled
Zweli:"Don't worry yourself"
I nodded as he drove off...

The car stopped at the MallI took a deep breath

before climbing out.
Zweli:"I was going to open that"
I shook my head
Me:"There's no problemno problem at all"
Zweli:"Very well thenlet me show you the assistant"
I followed him as he led the way. I saw this lady who
was on a phone. Zweli wanted to say something but
she shushed him by holding up her hand. She
ended the call and looked at me.
Her:"I guess you're Noloxo I'm Katlego but you're
welcomed to call me Kat"
She was so beautiful gorgeous!
Me:"Nice to meet you Kat You're beautiful"
Kat:"Thank you. Same compliment goes to you"
Zweli:"Okay ladies I'll be on my wayKat call me
when you're done"
Kat:"I will do that"
Zwe left us there..
Kat:"Let's get you an outfit"
We walked inside the mall then headed straight to
some shop that looked fancy and exo. We walked in
and started looking at the dresses.
Worker:"This would look good on you"
We looked at the baby black dress which was so
beautifulthere was no lie in that.
Me:"Let me see"
Worker:"You're Welcome"
I took it as I looked at it carefullyI gasped as my eyes
landed on the price
Me:"R15 000. 00 just for a dress?"
Kat:"Don't worry about the price sweetiego and try it
I looked at the Worker
Me:"Is it allowed?"
She nodded.
Worker:"You may"
They showed me a fitting room
I went in and I wore the dress. I was careful as to not
tear it or make it dirty. I walked out to them they
looked at me..
Kat:"It's perfect"
I smiled looking down at myself
Me:"Is it fine?"
Kat:"Yes you're taking it"
I walked back to change to my clothes then she took
the dress and went to pay..

We walked out and went to another shop that sold

shoes only we were also welcomed in by one of the
workers. She helped us to look around until her
hands landed on some black heels. They were very
Lady:"Shoe size?"
Her:"try them on"
Me:"They too high"
Kat looked at the Lady..
Kat:"Something more settling please we don't want
her falling face down"
She walked back and came with another pair that
wasn't too high. I sat down and started fitting them..
Me:"I like them how much?"
Kat:"We'll take them"
Lady:"Please follow me"
We went to the counter and Kat payed. What
followed next was a bag a designer clutch bag that
was very expensive. It was "24 000"
Me:"Kat these things are expensive"
Her:"Why complain? You not the one buying"
Me:"Bones is rich?"
Her:"Yes he is"
Me:"What does he do?"
Her:"That's none of your concern"
Her:"Don't ask me anything about him we can talk
about anything just not what he does and who he is"
Me:"Okay sorry"
Her phone rang she answered..
She looked at me and put him on loud speaker his
voice is so deep that it scares me a bit...
Him:"How is the shopping going?"
Kat:"Very well sir"
Him:"How much have you guys spent so far?"
Kat:"Dress 15k shoes 6k bag 24k"
Him:"Not bad but the shoes why do they cost less?"
Kat:"Noxolo like those ones"
Him:"I see"
Kat:"Now we off to get her hair done"
Him:"Please get her a phone too"
Kat:"Yes Sir"
He hung up..
Kat:"You heard the boss let's go"

Why is Bones spending so much one me? What

exactly is it that he wants frome me?
Doesn't he have a wife? A guy like him should have
a wife. This doesn't make sense at all.
Her: Sir your suit is ready
Me: Thank you
I gave her my card..
Her: No black card today?
Me: It's with someone
She nodded and went to the counter.. I called my
Him: Bones?
Me: Has she signed the papers yet?
Him: No
Me: Why not?
Him: She wants more
Me: What more? I'm giving her 5 million she's not
even supposed to get anything
Him: I'll talk to her again
Me: Do so or I will
Him: Yes Sir
I hung up and called my soon to be ex wife. She
picked up..
Me: What are you playing at?
Her: Are you tracking me with this call?
Me: Don't flatter yourself
Her: I want 10mill
Me: Lapho wayifunda khona (You will get it where
you learned to pronounce it)
Her: Then we have nothing to talk about
Me: Listen here you piece of shit!! You don't wanna
do this with me this can turn very bad for you. You
know me and you know how I can get. Take the
5mill and sign the damn papers woman!! Noma
kochitheka igazi
Voice: Daddy?
Me: Princess?
Her: Why are you mad?
Me: I'm not baby I'm just.. Where is Mommy?
Her: She's making muffins
Me: I'm not mad Princess I'm just..
The sales lady gave me the plastic and my card..
Her: you need to sign (whispering)
Me: I'm coming.. Princess look Daddy has to go I
2promise you that I'll call you back tomorrow
Her: Okay Daddy
Me: I love you
Her: I love you too
I hung up and went to sign..

: Noxolo
Chapter 14

Well after the shopping spree with kat the driver
drove me home the time was around 16:00 and I've
got an hourto be done anyway Zodwa was doing my
make up

Zodwa:"Noks you are so beautiful i am telling you

even bones won't recognise you today" Ohhh we
were in her bedroom
Me:"You are lying i am sure he is used to more
beautiful girls"
Zodwa:"Noxolo you are beautiful the way you are
and I am glad you are willing to try something new"
Me:"Something new?
Zodwa:"Yes I mean you did your manicure don't get
me wrong but when you arrived here you were
horrible now you are so gorgeous I am even jealous
of you"
Me:"Hope my mom is okay where ever she is"
Zodwa:"I am sure Noks who wouldn't be proud of
her child who is invited to a black tie event by the
most successful business man"
Me:"I am glad he invited me"
Zodwa:"Umm pass me your weave so that we can
Me:"Are you done doing my make up?
Zodwa:"yes I've decided to let you rock your natural
look with a bit of Lip stick mascara and eyeliner"
Me:"Ohh okay "
I passed her my Brazilian weave it was still new.
Zodwa:"I can't wait to see you in that dress"
Me:"And I think I am late Zodwa"
Zodwa:"Well it's good to be late babe you are going
to make a grand entrance with your hunk"
Me:"Hope they don't give me ugly looks"
Me:"Okay okay I heard you Zodwa can I please
wear my dress"
Zodwa:"Don't tell me you want me to go out"
Me:"It's obvious"
Zodwa:"Ain't doing that I want to see what you are
hiding "
Me:"I'm not hiding anything Zodwa"
Zodwa:"Well let me make myself comfortable"
Me:"Okay atleast close your eyes"
Zodwa:"Come on it's not like I don't have what you
are hiding"
I let her be then took my black dress and wore it
even though it was too hard to wear it but I managed
on my own I also wore the heels.
Me:"I am done"
Zodwa:"Wow you are hot wait let me take you few
Me:"I am late Zodwa"
Zodwa:"Chill Noxolo"
she took few pictures of me then we went to the
lounge I wanted to tell aunty that I am going

Nolwazi:"And then you where are you going"

Aunty:"I told you Nolwazi that this girl is pretending
to be innocent"
Nolwazi:"I knew it mama she is a bitch"
Zodwa:"What is going on with you guys mama what
a sudden change "
Aunty:"Miss where are you going"
Me:"Umm .. Bones invited me at black tie event"
Aunty:"Wena na"
Zodwa clapped her hands.
Nolwazi:"Well let me tell you before you go Bones is
married and I am sure he is going to chow you then
throw you away like you don't exist"
Zodwa:"Don't mind her Baby girl just go and enjoy"
someone knocked Nolwazi went to open guess what
it was bones holding flowers.

Bones:"Good evening"
he said that looking me as he made his way in he
ignored Nolwazi.
Bones:" I brought you these"
Me:"thank you
I took them
Me:" they are nice "
Bones:"You look beautiful"
I blushed..
Me:"Thank you"
Bones:"shall we?"
He put my hand under his arm. We walked outside
to the car. The driver opened for me I got in. Bones
went and got to the other side. He also looked
handsome in his suit. The drive to the event was
quiet he was keeping himself entertained with his
phone I also kept my peace. Kat bought me what
they call an iPhone I'm still going to learn it.
We arrived at the hotel the driver parked next to the
door. We got out and made our way to the entrance.

Security man:"Good even lady Bones"

Bones:"Good evening"
Security man:"Enjoy the event"
Bones: "Thank you"

We walked inside to where the event was held. It

was beautifully decorated in black. Everyone was
wearing black.
Anyway bones held my hand while he greeted his
business associates .. I was uncomfortable because
this place is surrounded by rich people. Most of them
were discussing business as for me I don't know
anything about business. I just smiled and answered
to those who greeted me.

He opened the chair for me and I sat down he sat

next to me. We were probably 6 at our table those
rich men and their partners. He poured a glass of
champagne for me and started talking to the next
person until the MC asked for everyone's attention.

Mc: I welcome everyone to this event which is held

every year. The Black tie event is aimed to
recognize and honour the most successful business
Men. With that being said ladies and gentlemen.
Let's get started.
He called out a few candidates on the list he started
with the top ten of which the first person called was
the least rich person on the list. The person was
leading with a net worth of 20mill. I don't know why
he was classified as the least richest person I mean
20mill sounds like a lot of money to me. The list went
on until he got to number 2.
Number 2 was said to have a net worth of 900mill..
MC: For 2 years in a row
I mean 20mill sounds like a lot of money to me. The
list went on until he got to number 2.
Number 2 was said to have a net worth of 900mill..
MC: For 2 years in a row the first award goes to the
richest man in the room. Mr Sakhile "Bones" Zulu.
His businesses generated an income of 1 billion for
him this year. My mouth fell to the floor for the first
time I saw a faint smile from him that disappeared
after he had stood up. He walked up to the stage to
accept his award he didn't say any speech he came
back and sat down.
MC:"Now we will be handling donations that will go
to charities"
I looked at him this man is rich.
The donation part was boring make that the event
bored me but I held threw because of him..
Bones:"I think we should leave"
It's like he read my mind we both stood up and then
he smiled at the people who were at the table with
us and then we walked out. When we got outside
the driver took the award from him.
Driver: Congratulations Sir
He opened for us and we got in..
He looked at me..
Him:"Thank you"
He went back to his phone. The driver drove us to a
restaurant I was indeed hungry. We got out and
went inside. It was quiet the only people who were
present were the people who were working there.
They led us to a table that was already prepared for
us there was a live band in the room..
Me:" Where is everyone?"
Him:"I booked the restaurant for the night"
Me:"You paid for no one to eat here?"
Him:"Because I can"
I didn't say no more I sat down. He sat down too..
He took his phone again this phone situation is
starting to be boring.
Me:"Are we actually going to talk?"
Him:"Just order something and eat Noxolo stop
bothering me with petty talks"
I exhaled. He looked at me and then went back to
his phone..
Me:"I would like to go home now"
Him:"You will go home when I say so"
Me:"What business do you do?"
He ignored me..
Me:"I am originally from a small village I moved here
when she passed on"
Him:"What do you expect me to do send flowers to
her grave?"
Me:"That's it I'm leaving"
I got up..
Him:"Sit down"
Me:"Good night"
Him:"I said sit down!!"
His voice shook me..
I sat down..

: Noxolo
Chapter 15

After the dinner bones returned me back to the

house I found everyone sleeping. I went to my
bedroom and slept too..

The following day I woke up and went to freshen up.

I really hope it's still early because I want to cook
breakfast for aunty maybe she will drop her attitude
towards me I don't know .
Anyway I went to the kitchen and I found them
eatingwhich was unfortunate because I was looking
forward to preparing something for them I hope she
won't throw her nasty insults at me. I sat down.

I put my iPhone on top of the tableZodwa quickly
grabbed it.
Zodwa:"Wow so you've got a new phone"
Me:"Yes Zodwa Kat bought it for me"
Zodwa:"It's beautiful and very expensive"
Me:"I know thank you "
Aunty:"So you slept with him"
Her:" Bones wouldn't just buy you expensive gifts
and take so much interest in you if you didn't sleep
with him"
Me:"I didn't"
Her:"Well then today you will be helping in cleaning
the house"
Zodwa:"But mom we've got maids who do that"
Aunty:"Do you want to join her"
Zodwa:"No mama but-"
Aunty:"Shut and you must get ready we are going to
the brothel today"
Aunty:"Yes Zodwa"
Zodwa:"Sorry I can't mom Lizo is taking me out"
Aunty:"No problem Nolwazi will fill in for you"
Nolwazi:"Mama I am not allowed at brothel don't
forget that I am underage"
Aunty:"It's my brothel my rules"
Nolwazi:"Okay let me go and get ready then"

Nolwazi stood up went to her room.

Zodwa:"Mom you have to stop what you are doing
Nolwazi is still young"
Aunty:"What are you trying to say"
Zodwa:"Mama what if someone tip the police that
you are making Nolwazi work at the brothel you can
get arrested"
Aunty:"And who will do that"
Zodwa:"I don't know! But fix your shit Nolwazi is too
young she must go back to school"
Aunty:"Nolwazi is at an acceptable age to make me
money I am her mother I choose how she should
Zodwa:"Mom I am Nolwazi sister i can't sit down and
look at my lil sister destroy her life I don't want her to
end up like me I don't want her to have the life that I
am having"
Mom:"Nolwazi is my daughter and who are you to
tell me how to raise my daughter "
Zodwa:"Look I respect you but what you are doing it
has to stop"
Aunty:"Shut Zodwa and get out of my face"
Zodwa:"Noxs let's go screw the cleaning let's
prepare and go to the brothel"
My Aunt clicked her tongue as we went upstairs.

Zodwa:"Don't mind mom I don't know what's wrong

with her"
Me:"It's okay Zodwa I understand where she is
coming from"
Zodwa:"No problem so tell me what happened
Me:"Bones is a jerk"
Zodwa:"why say that"
Me:"how can you invite someone to an event then
take your phone and entertain yourself"
Zodwa:"You want to tell me that you weren't talking
with him?"
Me:"No anyway please make me cute so that I can
go I don't want your mom to beat me"
Zodwa:"Agh that one "

I smiled then she did her thing on my face after that I

took my side bag and went to lounge found Nolwazi
and aunty ready to go.

Aunty:'Lets go"

I followed then like a lost puppy. We drove to the

brothel I was quiet throughout the journey until we

I went to the bar I took a tray and went to serve

customers. I was starting to get used to this whole
thing now.
Nolwazi:"Watch where you are going bitch"
She said that as she bumped into me.
Me:"Nolwazi you are the one who bumped me"
Nolwazi:"So what? and listen here stay away from
my customers"
Me:"I wasn't planning on taking your customers"
Nolwazi:"Don't give me that attitude Noxolo don't
forget that you are still living under my Mother's roof
and I can make you homeless in less than a Minute"
Me:"what do you want Nolwazi"
Nolwazi:"Stay away from bones"
I raised my eyebrow
Me:"ohh okay"

Then aunty came I am sure she heard the glasses


Aunty:"what is going on here?"

Nolwazi:"Noxolo bumped into me and I broke a few
Aunty:"You won't be getting paid the money you
were supposed to get I'll be replacing the glasses"
Me:"It's okay"
She walked away..
Nolwazi:"Shame sorry"
She walked out too..
I screamed in frustration.
Zodwa:"Hey what's wrong." I didn't even see her
Me:"Your sister just made your mom cut my pay."
Zodwa:"What? Why?"
Me:"Does Nolwazi ever need a reason to do or say
something bad to me?"
Zodwa:"I guess not. But it's not fair that you are not
going to get your full salary."
Me:"It's fineit's only for now. I will survive until the
next pay comes through."
Zodwa:"are you going to let this go?"
Me:"You know how aunty is Zodwanothing I say will
make her change her mind." She shrugged
Zodwa:"I guess. Let's go back to working before she
comes here and start yelling at us."

We went on to serve customers their drinks while

'Princess' Nolwazi was sitting on some old guy's lap
seemingly flirting with him. I paid no attention and
focused on what I was doing. It was none of my
business that she's here and entertaining old men
she seems to be very happy with her mom's choice
of bringing her here and she's enjoying herself too.
As I was walking up and down serving customers I
couldn't help but to look around. I was expecting to
see him somewhere around herenot that I wanted to
see him I'm still not happy with the way he treated
me last night. Just expectation
I'm still not happy with the way he treated me last
night. Just expectationnothing much.

Nolwazi:"Looking for someone?" Damn! When did

she leave her table?
Me:"You scared me."
Nolwazi:"I thought I made myself clear when I said
stay away from him."
Me:"Him? Who are you talking about?"
Nolwazi:" the person you are looking around for."
Me:"I'm actually looking for aunty not this 'him' you
are talking about." She looked at me suspiciously.
Nolwazi:"For your sake I hope you are. Quick heads
up once he walks in that door he is mine."
Me:"I don't even know who you are talking about.
Please excuse me I have customers to attend." I
walked on leaving her standing in the middle of the
room I could feel her mean stare on me but I didn't
bother to turn back and look.

Time elapsed and soon it was time to go back home.

Bones didn't show up at the club a part of me was
happy and another part was feeling somehow about
not seeing him. I was hoping he would come but he
Aunty:"Noxolodo you know why Bones wasn't here
Nolwazi:"I know you clearly didn't satisfy him last
night." She laughed out loud.
Me:"We did not sleep together."
Nolwazi:"Maybe you are saying that just so we don't
find out that you did a horrible job last night."
Nolwazi:"leave Bones to me darling you can't handle
men like him."
Me:"and I'm sure you can." I mumbled.
Nolwazi:"mmh. Momyou should give me Bones'
contact number I will convince him to come back to
the club."
Aunty:"and we need himhe's our biggest client. I will
forward you the details."
Zodwa:"Bones does not want Nolwazi he wants
Nolwazi:"not anymore big sis."
Me:"I think I should go to bed."
Aunty:"not before you make us something to eat."
Zodwa:"Didn't you eat at the brothel?"
Aunty:"You can't call what they serve there food. I
want proper food."
Aunty:"Zodwa!" She warned. Zodwa immediately
kept her mouth shut.
Me:"What would you like to eat aunty?"
Aunty:"I don't knowyou figure it out. And it better be
good." She walked away her little puppy followed
behind her.
Zodwa:"I'm sorry." She rubbed my shoulder and
walked away. I breathed out loud then I took off my
I guess it's time I also accepted that I am going to be
maid in my aunt's house.

She ran up to me..
Her: Daddy!!
I picked her up..
Me:"How are you?"
I looked at the Nanny...
Me:"Thank you"
Nanny:"You have 2 hours"
She walked away she had come with 2 police
officers who were standing not far from us. We were
at the park I'm supposed to meet my Daughter at a
public place..
Lulu:"Daddy why don't I visit you at your house?"
Me:"I told you that it's being fixed"
Her:"Why don't you visit me at Mom's house"
Me:"You know Daddy works a lot baby"
Her:" To buy me a unicorn?"
I chuckled..
Me:"Yeah to buy you that"
Her:" Tori says unicorns don't exist"
Me:"Who is Tori? Your friend?"
Her:"No he is Mom's friend"
Me:"Is she a girl?"
Her:"No it's a boy"
Me:"Do you wanna go to the swing?"
She nodded..
Me:"Let's go"
I'm not even allowed to take pictures of my Daughter
nor be on my phone when I'm with her

: Noxolo
Chapter 16


The next morning I woke up remembering my mom I

really miss her if she was here this wouldn't be
happening I somehow hate God how can he allow
this to happen to me I should have declined aunty's
offer when she asked me to come and stay with her.
Anyway I can't control life and I can't change God's
plan he knows what's good for me.
After bathing I went to the kitchen since aunty said
that I must cook and stuff so I started to wash dishes
then made breakfast. It was nothing fancy and it's
not like I know how to cook fancy stuff after that I
placed it at the table then went to call everyone so
that they can eat

Aunty:"Ohh I see you wake up early today"

Me:"Yes I've got a lot of work to do "
Aunty:"look there's of laundry at my room"
Me:"Do you want me to wash it for you?
Aunty:"Wow you are so brilliant I like your mind you
think fast of course dear and please don't use
washing machine use your hands to wash my
clothes because it ruins my clothes"
Zodwa:"Since when are your clothes are washed by
hands mama"
Aunty:"Don't irritate me Zodwa do you want to join
Zodwa:"I don't know anyway Nolwazi I've registered
you at boarding school"
Nolwazi:"What Zodwa you can't control my life you
are not my mom "
Zodwa:"I'm helping you"
Me:"Don't worry Nolwazi we will go together I want
to do my my matric"
Aunty:"Mm are you sure?
Me:"what do you mean aunty?
Aunty:"Nothing I just thought Nolwazi is the only
child in this house. Aha can go back to school"
Me:"What about me aunty didn't we talk that I am
going to school next year"
Aunty:"I don't remember"
I exhaled..
Aunty:"School is expensive you need money"
She said that while getting up from her chair

Me: I need you to find out who my Ex wife is fooling
around with
PI: That's easy
Me: His name is Tori I just thought Nolwazi is the
only child in this house. Aha can go back to school"
Me:"What about me aunty didn't we talk that I am
going to school next year"
Aunty:"I don't remember"
I exhaled..
Aunty:"School is expensive you need money"
She said that while getting up from her chair

Me: I need you to find out who my Ex wife is fooling
around with
PI: That's easy
Me: His name is Tori don't have much on him
PI: I'll try my best
Me: I'll send the deposit
PI: No problem
Me: You dismissed
He got up and left..
I called Kat..
Kat: Sir?
Me: Make dinner reservations for me and Noxolo
Kat: For tonight?
Me: No for next year
Kat: Tonight it is.. Usual restaurant?
Me: No maybe at my penthouse
Kat: One table at the usual restaurant anything else?
Me: I don't know.. Maybe suck my dick while you at
She laughed..
Her: Always a pleasure hearing from you Sir
I hung up..I took my phone and texted Noxolo
"Be ready at 19:00"
She called after 5min..
I answered and waited for her to say something..
Her: Who is this?
Me: Excuse me?
Her: Who is this?
Me: Who do you think it is?
Her: I don't know that's why I'm asking
I heard Shirley yelling at the background..
Shirley: Noxolo!!! My underwears won't wash
Noxolo: Sorry Aunty I'm coming
Her: You useless do you know that? Why I keep you
I don't even know!!
Her: Uxolo
After that I heard some clapping..
Shirley: Go do your job dammit!! Wena one day I'll
have all the men in that brothel sleep with you to
teach you a lesson.. Awuva!!
She hung up..
I thought for a while.. I called Sling..
Sling: Bones
Me: I want you to set fire at some brothel
Him: Send the location Sir
Me: Coming
I texted Noxolo again..
"At 19:00 make sure that you have packed all your
shit from that house"

Chapter 17


What I don't understand is my Aunt treating me like

a dog. This woman is my mother's sister I am her
niece. I'm not saying she should love me but at least
she should treat me with respect I'm also human.
After a long time of doing house chores I finally took
a nap everyone was gone. I was alone in the house

I was having lunch at one of the finest restaurants
when my ex wife walked in. She was escorted to my
table by one of the waitresses. The waitress walked
out and she stood at my table.
Me: Isn't this a violation of your "Restraining order?
She pulled a chair and sat down.
Me: Yes please join me
Her: You froze my accounts
Me: That's because you have a boyfriend now I'm
not going to have you spend my money on him
Her: What about your Daughter?
Me: You are going to give me my Daughter
She chuckled.
Her: I don't think so
Me: How do you bring another man to the house that
I'm paying for in the presence of my Daughter? Do
you know how dangerous step fathers are?
Her: Tori is a good man
Me: I don't care!
Her: I deserve to be loved! I deserve a better
relationship with someone who truly loves me!
Me: I don't care! I just don't want him in the presence
of my Daughter!
She kept quiet.
Me: Have you taken your medication? Is therapy
Her: You actually care?
Me: I care about my Daughter and now I'm
wondering if you sane enough to take care of her?
Her: I wouldn't know because you the one who
drove me insane! Bones you a monster and I curse
the day I met you
Me: The feeling is mutual
Her: Just unfreeze my account
Me: I'm not going to do that! You are going to give
me my Daughter then sign the divorce papers ohw
and the initial amount is off the table now you getting
I looked at my phone.
Me: Call me when you have thought about it
I got up and walked away

I received a call that there was fire at the Brothel.
When I got there the flames were too much and the
fire fighters weren't even here. Who could possibly
do this? I don't have an enemy that could resort to
something like this? This is my legacy my bread and
I woke up a bit later I was woken up by a call. It was
Kat: Are you ready?
Me: Ready for what?
Her: I'm here to pick you up
Me: Huh?
Her: Didn't Bones call you?
Me: No
Her: Noxolo I'm supposed to fetch you have you
even packed your clothes?
Me: Kat what are you talking about?
Her: Pack your things I'm at the gate
I hung up and checked. I had a message from
Bones it said at 19:00. Now it's 16:00
Pack up my things? I don't understand. I called
Bones: Is Kat there?
Me: I don't understand your message
Bones: I thought you knew how to read
Me: Pack my things for what?
Bones: I'm taking you out of that house for good!
Pack your things you moving out
Me: I'm what?
Him: I had a messy day and I'm not going to tell you
again Kat is waiting!
He hung. I thought about this for a while.
Could this be God saving me? I got out of bed and
packed my things. I was confused what exactly am I
doing? Is this even right?
It took me at least 30min to pack up then I took my
things and went to meet up with Kat at the gate
Kat: Finally!
She put my bag in the trunk
what exactly am I doing? Is this even right?
It took me at least 30min to pack up then I took my
things and went to meet up with Kat at the gate
Kat: Finally!
She put my bag in the trunk then I got in the front sit.
I have learned now to keep quiet even if I asked it's
not like she was going to tell me everything.

We drove for a while until we got to some building

we took my bag and made my our way in. We got to
the elevator and Kat placed her finger on some
monitor then after it scanned her face.
Voice: Code please
She punched in the code then the elevator opened.
We got in and it took us straight up to a very
beautiful apartment.
Me: Wow
Kat: Welcome home
I looked at her.
Her: You can tour the place
It wasn't a big apartment but it was very beautiful I
walked to the window to see other buildings
Me: It's very high up
Her: It's a penthouse
Her: Your clothes Dear
I looked at her she was going through my things..
Her: You need a new wardrobe let's go

Nolwazi and I were at the mall doing some shopping
we got back to a very clean house.
Me: I'll go and check on Nox
Her: Agh
Me: She cleaned the house alone she must be tired
Her: Whatever
I walked upstairs to her room but she wasn't there I
tried calling her she didn't pick up. That's strange

I think for the first time in a long time I was happy.
The shopping with Kat was so nice and I like her a
lot shs is a very good person.
I bought a lot of clothes at some point I was scared
that we were spending too much but she didn't seem
to mind. So I went on and bought a lot of clothes
when we were done we went out to eat then she
drove me back we drove back to the penthouse..
She popped the bottle of champagne then handed
me a glass..
Her: To new beginnings and better ones
Me: To new beginnings
She poured the champagne and then we started
drinking. This was going to be my new life I couldn't
help it but smile like a retard
To be continued
: Noxolo
Chapter 18


I settled well in the penthouse even though I was a

bit worried about staying alone. Kat assured me that
I will be staying with bones and It kinda makes me
happy even though he is so intimidating. I don't
know how this is going to work though. I was
disturbed by bones who appeared from kitchen as
for me I was watching TV at the lounge .

Me:"Umm what were you saying"

He was wearing one of his flashy suits that made me
stare at him even more.
Bones:"Are you going to listen to me or what" I
cleared my throat.
Me:"Ohhh sorry about that what were you saying"
I moved my attention to him
Bones:"Go and a bath I am taking you out"
Me:"Umm I'd like to rest today I think I am catching
I breath that out and he blankly looked at me
Bones:"I am not asking you noxolo"
I sighed.
Bones:"I am giving you 30min max"

I nod walking to the to the bedroom. This guy

doesn't laugh nor smile and I find it so creepy what if
he rapes me? I snapped out of my thoughts after
showering. I chose an outfit from the clothes that Kat
and I bought.

He looked at me.
Me:"Are you okay?"
Him:"Yes let's go"

I took my phone and followed him straight to the

elevator we got in and went down without saying any
word to each other. I wasn't used to the elevator as
yet it made me a bit nauseous..

When we got downstairs the driver was waiting for

us at the basement parking. Does Bones ever drive
himself? Does he even know how to drive?

The drive was quiet as always I've even started

getting used to how quiet he is. He occupied himself
with his phone and so did I
We got to the restaurant and a table was reserved
for us this time he didn't close down the restaurant.
We ordered from the menu I wasn't really familiar
with the dishes so the waitress helped me out..
Bones:"You awfully quiet tonight"
I looked at him..
Him:"It's unlike you"
Me:"You don't like speaking so.."
Him:"Tell me something about yourself that I don't
Me:"You go first"
He raised his eyebrow..
Me:"If you can't tell me about you then I can't tell you
about me. It's only fair"
Him:"You drive a hard bargain"
Me:"I would like to enjoy my dinner in peace"
I went back to my phone
Kat has showed me how to use a phone. Though I
wasn't perfect.
We ate in silence he kept on stealing glances at me
and clearing his throat. I acted like he wasn't there
let's see how it feels when he gets a taste of his own

When we drove back to the penthouse the first thing

I did when we got in was to go straight to the
bedroom my bedroom.
Me:"Good night"
Him:"Good night"
He sat on the couch.

The following day I woke up went to freshen up I

haven't heard from zodwa I wonder why she said
she will call me but..

So I after showering I went to the kitchen the to

make myself something to eat I ate cereal because
for the life of me I couldn't operate the stove. As I
was eating I heard the monitor alerting me that a
visitor was coming up. When the elevator opened it
was Kat..

Me:"Hey girl"
Kat:"Hi how are you doing"
Me:"I am perfect"
Kat:"Okay go and bath we are going out"
Me:"I've already bathe"
Kat: "Go put on something better Bones instructed
me to take you out for fresh air"

I went to my room to put on a better outfit then I

went back to her.

Kat:"Wow you are perfect babe let's go"

Me:"I don't have cash on me "
Kat:"Don't worry about that"
Me:"Okay sure"

We drove out..

Me:"So from here where are we going?"

Kat:"There's this botique I'd like to see their
Me:"uhm okay"

We went to the boutique to check a few clothes..

Kat:"Want something"
Me:"Yes I saw this pants and its top I love them"
Kat:"Okay go and get them"
Me:"But they are expensive"
Kat:"I said don't worry"
Me:"Ohh let me go and get them then"
I went to get them then we went to pay.
Kat said that we must go and change our hairstyles I
agreed I mean I need to change for a bit so we went
to this salon inside the mall.

Kat:"hey Lucy"
Lucy:"what a nice surprise Kat"
Kat:" Lucy meet Noxolo"
Lucy:"Hey doll you are beautiful"
Me:"Thank you"
Lucy:"So what can I do for you"
Kat:"We are both here to get our hair done"
Lucy:"Ohh not Kat your hair is still okay"
Kat:"Really okay then style Noxolo"
Lucy:" Alright baby girl come sit down"
I sat down she did her magic on my hair

Chapter 19


After doing my hair we went to eat at this restaurant

Kat assured me that they sell the best burgers and
she meant it I enjoyed the burgers I even put the
name of the Resturant in my head it's called
McDonald so after that we went home Kat dropped
me then drove to her own apartment the time was
around 15:46

After Kat dropped me i went to fit my outfit it is

beautiful I love it so I took my phone and take a
mirror photos they came out perfect I respect iPhone
and I think I am going to enjoy using it.

Bones:"So did you enjoy"

Me:"Yes I did and thank you Kat is a great person I
think I like her"
Bones:"Okay anyway I am going to the office"
Bones:"We should probably do dinner again tonight"
Me:"I'm a bit tired think I'm just going to rest"
Him:"I wasn't asking you"
Me:"But I am telling you"
I don't think he expected that reply.
Him:"You can't talk to me like that"
Me:"What's the use of going to dinner because we
just eat and say nothing to each other it's boring.
Let's rather stay in and eat in front of the TV at least
it will keep us entertained"
I looked at him..
Him:"We are going out tonight"
Me:"I'm not going out"
I walked up to the door he blocked it.
Me:"Can I pass"
He moved and I walked out to the kitchen I only
heard his voice when I realized that he was following
Him:"What do you wanna talk about?"
Me:"Anything I understand you don't wanna talk
about yourself so maybe we can talk about the
He smiled a little an entire Bones smiling.
Him:"Okay.. We will have dinner indoors and talk
about the weather"
Me:"Tell me something why are you doing this for
Me:"I might be a fool but I know that a person can't
just spend on another person like this. So what is it
that you want from me?"
Him:"Goodbye Nox I'll see you later"
He walked to the elevator and then stopped he
turned and looked at me..
Him:"I said goodbye"
I kept quiet.
He fixed his jacket and then made his way to me
giving me a serious look. I took a few steps back
until I was against the fridge. He got really close my
heart was already doing beats of it's own. He turned
and took his car keys from the counter and then
made his way to the elevator again. I closed my
eyes and let out a sigh..

Boredom started to kick in I took my phone and

called Zodwa.

Me:"Hey Zodwa"
Zodwa:"Ohh you still alive?"
I didn't know what she meant by that.
Her:"Where are you? You just up and left. No
explanation no nothing!"
Me:"I'm sorry but you know how it was for me I had
to go"
Her:"Had to go? Go where exactly? We the only
family you know"
Me:"To a more safer place"
Her:"I know we weren't the best to you but this is
wrong Nox. You can't just leave like that"
Me:"I'm sorry Zodwa"
Her:" Are you safe at least?"
Me:"Yes I am"
Her:"Okay that's good"

I wasn't really going to the office I was going to
attend an emergency. When I got into the car I
couldn't stop thinking about Nox. She is becoming
exactly what I want her to be her being that fiesty left
me with a hard erection. I felt like grabbing her right
there turn her around and rip off her clothes. Bend
her over and fuck the living shit out of her until she
passes out. I wanted her to scream my name and
beg for mercy that would turn me on more and more.
My phone beeped I checked it. It was a whatsapp
message from a contact of mine. Actually it was a
video of Tori. He was held at some warehouse tied
to a chair and he was coughing blood. Another
message followed:
"awaiting further instructions"
I texted back:
"Burn him alive"
He texted back:
I tossed the phone on the front seat.

Kat is teaching me how to use social media I had
created an account on Facebook and posted a few
pictures. I didn't have any friends but when I went to
check again after a few minutes I had 10 friend
requests. It was all guys. I accepted them all. This
Facebook thing is going to be great I can feel
already feel it..

Zodwa:"Noxolo called"
Her:"She's safe"
Me:"Where is she?"
Her:"She didn't say"
I thought for a while my brothel burning Noxolo
disappearing. There was only one person written on
it. "Bones"
Me:"Call Nolwazi for me"
I want to burst that little girl's bubble so fast that she
won't know what hit her..

I had managed to operate the stove with the help of
Kat. I had video called her on whatsapp. I didn't cook
a fancy meal I just prepared chicken rice and a
salad. After all I'm not so familiar with all these
spices and fancy dishes. I stick to what I know and I
hope Bones will enjoy my food. I only had him kat
and zodwa on whatsapp as my contacts. I was so
glued to my phone that anything else didn't matter.

Nolwazi: You have called for me?
Me: Yes
Her: What is it?
Me: I want you to date Bones
She smiled..
Me: Strictly for revenge purposes
Her: I'm in.. What do I do?
Me: I'll coach you
Her: Why are we doing this again?
Me: We are going to teach Nox a lesson
Her: Nox?
Me: Yes I think she's involved with Bones luckily I
know Bones too well. I know what buttons to push.
Noxolo won't see it coming...

Chapter 20

The follow day I woke up went to the bathroom

freshen up then wore my black leggin with back
baggy t-shirt with flip flops sandals after that I
combed my weave then went downstairs found
bones busy on his laptop


I disappeared to the kitchen found my breakfast on

the counter looks like bones already ate his so I
mind my own business after eating breakfast I
washed my plate then went to where he is sitting
Me:"I am bored"
Bones:"why don't you call Kat "
Me:"and say what to her?"
Bones:"Maybe you can go out and do what ladies
Me:"I want to go to school"
Bones:"I think it's too late we will see as time goes
Me:"Okay as long as I go to school I don't mind"
Bones:"So which Gade were you doing"?
Me:"I am going to repeat grade 12"
Bones:"How old are you?"
Me:"19" he look at me with shock written on his eyes
Bones:"You are so young"
Me:"I know anyway do you want me to look into
Me:"Well okay"
Bones:"I am going to work"
Me:"What do you do?"
Bones:"Umm I will see you later?

I wonder why he ignored my question i will ask Kat

maybe she know what he do for a living anyway I
decided to call Zodwa maybe I want to meet up with
her plus I miss her
Me:"Hey how are you doing"
Zodwa:"I am perfect and you"
Me:"Good I am bored you know let's meet up"
Zodwa:"Okay where"?
Me:"Let's meet at McDonalds I am craving for their
Zodwa:"Okay I will be there in less than and hour or
Me:"Alright let me get ready"

I went to my room and fixed myself then wore black

leather skirt with white blouse and black hills after
that I applied foundation with lip balm"

After that I requested an Uber. I recieved a

notification notifying me that my Uber has arrived I
went out greeted the driver then payed went out
meet Zodwa at the restaurant

Me:"Hey" she stood up and hugged me

Zodwa:"How are you"
Me:"I am perfect and you"
Zodwa:"I am good"
Me:"So how's aunty and Nolwazi"
Zodwa:"Mama is going crazy hey"
Me:" what's wrong"
Zodwa:"Her brothel has burnt down and worse thing
her money was inside the safe in her office"
Me:"Ohh God"
Zodwa:"Everything is falling apart Noxolo I am
grateful that Lizo gave me five thousand yesterday"
Me:"So she is financial struggling"
Zodwa:"She doesn't have a cent as for me i am
stressed that the company will take the house"
Me:"Kanti she is still paying for the house"
Zodwa:"Yes but I am grateful that she bought the car
with cash"
Me:"So how much does she owe them"
Zodwa:"I think she owe them thirty thousand"
Me:"why don't she sell her cars then pay them it's
batter than being homeless"
Zodwa:"Yes hey you are right Noxolo I will tell her"
Me:"Hope she agrees phela your mom is a hot
Zodwa:"tell me about it"
Me:"Let me go and place the orderwhat do you want
to eat"
Zodwa:"I will have big mac with coke"

I went to place an order

Me:"I'd like 2 big macs with two cokes"
Waiter:"is that all"
Waiter:"You are beautiful"
Me:"thank you doll you are also beautiful"
Waiter:"don't let Joburg change you"
Me:"Umm why what do you mean"
Waiter:"ain't you from the villages"?
weird right
Me:"Umm yes"
Waiter:"mark my words don't let Joburg change you"
she gave me the slip I went to sit down after ten
mins our order came we ate then I requested an
Uber went home it's around four plus I am tired so I
decided to watch TV. while watching some show the
monitor notified me that someone is coming it was

Kat:"Bones asked me to come and chill with you
since your re bored and girl it's Saturday and don't
tell me you are planing to go to sleep"
Me:"I am I don't go out"
Kat:"That's why I am here go and freshen up so that
we can hit the club"
Me:"I don't think that's a good idea"
Kat:"Noxolo you are young you must enjoy life
babes don't tell me you want to start grooving when
you reach 40 years old"
Me:"I am not used to that life Kat"
Kat:"I know that's why I am telling you to losen up
live the life girl"
Me:"Maybe you are right"
Kat:"I am always right girl"
I surrendered then went to my room for a quick
shower after that I went out wore black jamsuit with
stilletos then comb my weave I let it lose after that I
return to the lounge

Kat:"You are getting there babes soon you will be

knowing what to wear when there this and that"
Me:"Thank you"
Kat:"Let me make up your face you can't go to the
club with a bare face"
Me:"No I am okay like this"
Kat:"Noxolo jeez live the life man"
Me:"Okay don't Kat me I am coming"

She went to her car and come back with a make up


Me:"So you go around with the make up in your car"

Kat:"Yes I am a girl so when I feel like my make up
is ruined I go to the car and reapply it"
Me:"Yhoo are a slay queen"
Kat:"What no babes I am just a girl who love things
even if I want to be a slay queen I wouldn't compete
with them I mean girl slay queen live the life"
Me:"What do you mean"
Kat:"I mean they have got everything they want cars
clothesweaves everything noxolo"
Me:"Do they work"
Kat:"Work no girl they're blessers do it for them"
Me:"Wow anyway let's go I want to come back early"
Kat:"before we go make sure you stay away from
them "
Kat:"Do as I say don't flirt with them okay"
Me:"But it's not like I am dating anyone"
Kat:"Bones like you"
Me:"That guys is scary creepy he doesn't laugh nor
Kat:"And obey him Noxolo do what he tells you to
Me:"And if I say no"
Kat:"the guy might kil... You know what let's go and
enjoy" I nodded

We went inside the elevator then Kat pressed the

basement we went to the parking
Me:"So which club are we going to?
Kat:"Well a friend of mine told me that there's the
opening of the club in Sandton"
Me:"Okay let's go"

We drove while listening to a song I fell in love with

this guy's music his name is Anthony Hamilton I
think I am going to love him.

Kat:"And here we are"

Me:"hope I don't regret coming here"
Kat:"you won't trust me"

We went inside it was packed hey anyway Kat

grabbed my hand we went to VIP area and chill
there booze was coming like nobody's business

I could feel my body getting warmer the alcohol was

definitely kicking in. Kicking in to a point where I
found my self moving along to the rhythm of the
songs playing. Kat was hyping me up as I was
dancing I was really myself to a point where I felt like
the VIP area was a bit small for me to dance in. I
pulled Kat to dance floor and we danced out assess
off among the crowd. I was having the best time of
my life.
When we have had enough of dancing we went
back to our seats and sat down.

Kat:"Damn girl! Where did all that energy come

from?" We laughed. "And the shyness gone!"

Me:"Must be the booze. Damn my head is spinning."

Kat:"Don't tell me you are already drunk we are not

even halfway through our drinks."

Me:"I'm feeling some type of way."

Kat:"Oh no! You are not going to do that to me.

Taketake." She shoved some ice in my mouth. "That
will cool you down. The night is still young girl!" I
kept on eating the ice until I could feel myself getting
better my head had stopped spinning.

Me:"I think I'm fine now."

Kat:"Good! We are here to have fun!" She gave me

my glass of champagne. "And please sip it this time
around pace yourself with the alcohol." I am really
an amateur drinker aren't I?

Me:"It's a bit bitter."

Kat:"It's alcohol Noxolo."

Me:"The brutal fruit wasn't this bitter." She laughed.

Kat:"That's kiddies drink. Drink the expensive kind.

You need to get used to these kind of drinks if you
are going to hang around Bones."

"Hello beautiful ladies." We both turned to look who

the voice belonged too. The two guys both had
smiles plastered on their faces.

Kat:"Hii." She said in a bored tone.

Guy1:"Mind if we join you pretty faces?"

Kat:"As you can see it's a party for two we don't

need an extras." Damn!

Guy2:"Come on we just want to chill and have fun.

You seem like people who know how to have fun
judging by what you did on that dance floor."

Kat:"maybe some other time abuti(sir)." Why is she


we just want to chill and have fun. You seem like
people who know how to have fun judging by what
you did on that dance floor."

Kat:"maybe some other time abuti(sir)." Why is she


Me:"Katcome one. Of course you can joi-.."

Kat:"No! As I said it's a party for two. 4 is a crowd.

So if you will excuse us."

Guy2:"Damn bitch you don't have to be so rude

about it."

Kat:"I wouldn't have to be rude if you had left the

minute I said we are not interested in chilling with

Guy1:"mxm let's go my guy. They don't know what

they are missing out on."

Kat:"Bye!" The two guys shook their heads and left.

Me:"That was not nice."

Kat:"Guys like them don't need a nice girl. And wena

I told you not to flirt with anyone here."
Me:"I wasn't flirting."

Kat:"Trust me that's where it was going to end up

and Bones wouldn't like that."

Me:"Bones is not here and we are not dating."

Kat:"Bones has eyes everywhere. Do not do

something that will get you on his bad side. We are
here to have fun not to get ourselves killed." She
sipped on her drink. "Nwa(drink)." I took my glass
and drank.
We carried on drinking as soon as the alcohol kicked
in again we sang on top of our lungs and danced.
The whole place was banging and it was hot.
I could feel my head spinning again but I carried on
drinking again.

Kat:"Oh shit!" She exclaimed

Me:"What is it?" I said in my drunken tone.

Kat:"Bones." My eyes went all out

Me:"Where?" I turned my head side to side trying to

find him. She pulled my hand and we went back to
the VIP area. Indeed Bones was there I was so
happy to see him. The fear that I had for him was
not here tonight. I immediately threw my self on him
when I saw him. " You are here!" He gave me a
funny stare.

Bones:"Kat this is not what I meant when I said have


Me:"Oh come on stop being a grumpy cat and have

some fun with us. Here drink." I grabbed a bottle of
champagne and attempted to make him drink he
moved his face and it spilt on his shirt. "Oops! I think
someone has a leaking mouth." I laughed.

Bones:"That's it we are going home."

Me:"No! I still want to stay!" Bones looked at me and

shook his head. The music stop for a second before
another song came on. "Shit!! That's my song!
That's my damn song!" I attempted to walk back to
the dance floor when I was suddenly forcefully pulled
back. I turned in attempted to yank myself off the
person but something come up my throat. Next thing
I know I had vomited all over Bones' pants and

Bones:"Yeses!" He grabbed me like a sack of

potatoes and put me over his shoulder and marched
through the crowd. I could see Kat rushing behind us
with our bags.
We got to where he was parking the car he shoved
me in the backseat my head hit the door and it was
lights out for me.

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Chapter 21


The following day I woke up with a mother of

headacheI don't think I will ever drink alcohol in my
life yesterday we grooved like the world is coming to
an end but I don't want to lie I enjoyed myself last
nightI don't even know how I end up here by the
looks of it it looks like I shared the bed with someone
last night I really hope I didn't sleep with bones.

Me:"Morning babes" after my morning routine I

found Kat busy drinking whatever she is drinking I
wonder how did she end up here
Kat:"Hey how did you sleep"
Me:"Girl my head is pounding real bad and Wena tell
me how did you end up here?"
Kat:" I spent the night here and Wena you're in deep
shit you embarassed bones yesterday you even
puke on his designed trouser anyway drink this you
will be alright"
Me:"you are joking right ohh God and it's your fault
Kat:"Don't worry I am sure he forgot about tha"
Me:"I really hope so and I don't want your mixture
what what"
Kat:"Girl respect this drink it can make your
hangover disappear within a minute"
Me:"No thank you I will pass *
Kat:"suit yourself"
Me:"ain't you suppose to be at work"
Kat:"I've called in sick"
Me:"And bones agreed just like that"
Kat:"No I've reported to my supervisor"
Me:"ain't you his PA"
Kat:"I am but I run few errands as taking you to
shopping actually I am the one who buys groceries
for himI am the one who make sure his clothes still
fit him
girl i am the one who buys him toiletries"
Me:"Ohh so you are not his business PA"
Me:"Mm okay let me take a nap maybe my
headache will be gone when I wake up"
Kat:"Girl you just wake up"
Me:"You are making noise gosh"
Kat:"drink this Noxolo you will be alright"
Me:"No i will pass"
Kat:"Okay then let open Instagram account for you"
Me:"Let's do it babe"
Kat:"And people will love you girl you are beautiful"
Me:"Ohh you are not the first person to compliment
me but thank you"
Kat:"Girl what's happened to the Noxolo I met that
day i took you for are shopping"
Me:"Nah nothing happened I am still the girl you met
for the first time"
Kat:"Ohh let's sit down"
Me:"hay man Kat this hangover is going to be the
death of me"
Kat:"I told you to drink this"
Me:"No i will drink painkillers"
Kat:"Again suit yourself"
Kat:"Give me your phone"
I gave her my phone she downloaded Twitter
Instagram and WhatsApp luckily I already have

Me:"you don't know my name?"
Kat:"Ohh you want me to guess your surname"
Me:"Noxolo Bhuthelezi"
Kat:"you want it just like that"
Kat:"Girl which planet are you living in because it's
clear you are not from planet Earth"
Me:"I don't know maybe planet Pluto"
Kat:"Quite joking Noxolo"
Me:"Look eventually people will hear about me who
will think of random name instead of searching
Noxolo Bhuthelezi"
Kat:"You are right"
Kat:"I am also changing my username"
Me:"what's your username"
Kat:"Thee girl Kat"
Me:"Katlego who will think of that name Jesus you
really need God in your life"
Kat:"leave me alone"
Me:"so are you done"
Kat:"Yes Girl we will tag bones then bones fans will
notice it some will think you are his girlfriend and
they will start following you"
Me:"No don't rather mention me on your story tell
them to follow me "
Me:"No bones doesn't love media and I don't want to
piss him"
Kat:"Bones doesn't have Instagram"
Me:"what do you mean?"
Kat:" you heard me his account is owned by the guy
who Stan(love) him"
Me:"Okay tag him"

She did her stuff after that she went to her crib Kat
was right Instagram is lit I've already got 500
followers in less than an hour



After jackal declared that he burnt Tiro I took my

whiskey and celebrate good riddance to a bad bitch
while enjoying enjoy my expensive whiskey my ex
wife barged inher name is Tasha
Tasha:"How can you do that bones"
Me:"What are you talking about mama ka Lulu"
Tasha:"Don't mama ka Lulu me Bones You are so
evil how can you burn Tiro and send me a video of
him burning huh"
Me:"Are you done"
Tasha:"No I am not it seems like you don't know me
"Tata ka Lulu" she minimise the word "Don't forget I
know all your secret I know how you buy virgin girls
from the highest bidder "
Me:"You wouldn't dare Tasha"
Tasha:"Try me you know what? bones you pressed
the wrong button the day you burnt the man I loved
with my whole heart the man who understand me"
Me:"Are you done I have to be somewhere"
Tasha:"No I am not doneyou won't even remember
your name when I start with you bones"

I sigh in defeat this women know my all secrets and I

hate the fact that I can't kill her i don't want my
daughter to grow up without a mother figured in her
life and I don't want to hurt her Lulu love her mother
very much


Nolwazi:"Mom when are we putting the plan into a
Me:"Don't worry my girl"
Me:"Baby girl don't worry I will consult the sangoma
that I know around thembisa"
Nolwazi:"Hope he fell for me mama I love Bones"
Me:"Don't worry once we are done with that bitch
Noxolo she will come back here begging us to take
her in"

Voice:"take her in mama I am sure the company is

planning to come and throw us away"
Me:"Zodwa relax"
Zodwa:"Mama you can't tell me to relax when the
month end we will be homeless"
Me:"I will sort it out"
Zodwa:"sort it out how mama huh you are bankrupt
you don't even have a cent and the grocery is not
Me:"I sad I will sort it out Zodwa"
Zodwa:"you know what I am out of here"
Nolwazi:"bye sister"
Zodwa:"I will slap you"

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Chapter 22



The following morning I immediately woke up in the

morning went to wash my face then brush my teeth
after that I wore my black maxi dress with Adidas
takkies went to start my car. dammit petrol! I am
starting to hate this life It's true when they say life is
a dog I mean last of last night I was rich money
talked for me and today I am struggling. I don't even
have a single cent to buy petrol i really hope the
mission I am planning helps me I will be involving my
baby's life in danger. Snap out of it Shirley! I have to
get to Tembisa as in now I need to consult with a
sangoma this morning. Maybe if I contact my booty
call he will agree to borrow me his car.

Me:"Hey John"
John:"Shirley what are nice surprise"
Me:"Don't be silly John Katrina (her pussy) miss her
tiger(John's dick)"
Me:"Yes I am so horny John"
John:"You know where we meet do get your ass at
the hotel I will meet you there in less than an hour"
Me:"I don't have a car"
John:"What happened to your Land rover"
Me:"Ohhh Zodwa went to fetch her Lil sister at
hospital" it was the best lie that I could come with at
the moment
John:"Request an Uber"
Me:"I don't have cash on me John"
John:"What's going on with you Shirley"
Me:"Please John"
John:"Okay I will send one of my drivers"

I went inside my house change into a short flower

dress with black 6-inch hill then comb my weave

I shouted her name I want her to do my make up I
want to impress John
Nolwazi:"So much noise in the morning mom"
Me:"Baby girl come and make up mommy"
Nolwazi:"What? mom I am so sleepy"
Me:"Stop sulking princess"
Nolwazi:"Mom you're such a bore"
Me:"I am doing this for you girls"
Nolwazi:"Whatever" she took my make up bagmake
up my faceit was something simple.
Nolwazi:"Where are you going this morning"
Me:"Ohh I am meeting John at the hotel"
Nolwazi:"Mom don't tell me you want to go back to
your scheming job"
Me:"What can I say Nolwazi huh a girl gotta do what
a girl gotta do to make you guys survive"
Nolwazi:"But mom John know where you stay he
know us"
Me:"Bye Nolwazi"

I took my sling bag and went outside find the driver

waiting for me.

Driver:"Morning mam"
Me:"Can you do what you are paid to do and leave
me alone nx"
Driver:He nodded then concentrate on the road

After a few mins I arrived at the hotelwent to the

receptionist and told her the same room. She
nodded then gave me a card to access the room. I
cat walked my way to the room I found him ready to
eat me. He immediately took of my clothes then
pinned my lips against his when he saw that he is
satisfied he took off his trousers along with boxers
then inserted his huge shaft deep inside of me. He
didn't even wait for me to be wetwell the thing is I
was kinda lying when I said I am horny. Anyway I am
used to this John is not romantic it looks like he
doesn't know how to make love to a person
John is not romantic it looks like he doesn't know
how to make love to a person worse he is married.

John:"What are.. thin..king a..bout pinky (he call me

with this name)"
he groaned on top of me..
he fucked me until he made sure that he satisfied
Me:"So are we done here"
he disappeared to the bathroom. I poured a drug in
his whiskey..
John:"You can go"
he said that while coming out of the bathroom wiping
his face with a towel
Me:"Don't worry darling let's celebrate before I go"
I gave him the whiskey he gulped it down
Me:"Hope you call again"
John:"Yes...pi.nky what did you do? Did you pour
something in my drink?"
He said with a poor weak voice I knew the drug is
kicking in
Me:"Nothing maybe you are tired lay down"I helped
him to the bed I waved my fingers on his face he
was long asleep I immediately went to his trouser
took a couple of rands in his wallet also took car
keys after that I went to the basement where he
packed his car.

I drove straight to Tembisa

Me:"knock knock"
Sangoma:"Take off your shoes"
I went back out and left my shoes at the door then I
went back in again..
Sangoma: What can I do for you?
I looked around this place was a bit creepy.
Me: I need a love portion for my daughter to make
this other man fall in love with her
Sangoma: That won't be a problem I'll also make her
a portion that she pour every morning in her bath
Me: Thank you
Sangoma: All in all it's R500
I took it out from my purse it's a bit expensive so I
hope it will work
After that I returned to the hotel put the keys where I
found themJohn was still passed out on the bed I
guess the drug is working

Me:"Hey girls"I greeted my kids who were talking at

the lounge
Nolwazi:"Mama you are back"
Me:"yes baby girl ohh zodwa you are back"
Zodwa:"It's obvious mama"
Me:"Okay let me love and leave you guys"
Zodwa:"what's in the bag"
Me:"Ohh nothing baby girl"
Nolwazi:"You must be tired hey"
Me:"I am girl"
Nolwazi:"Go and take a nap"



I was busy on my phone when bones enter the

lounge pissed

Me:"Hey how was work"

Me:"why are you pissed?"
Bone:"Noxolo can you just mind your own business
and leave me alone" he roared
Me:I looked at him with fear in my eyes
Me:"it's okay"
Bones:"Want to eat out?"
Me:"okay let me go and change"
Bones:"You will find me here"

I jogged to my room change into a plain blue jean

with peach Sebenza girl t-shirt took my phone went

Bones:"You are not that bad come let's go"

Me:"Thank you"

He grabbed my hand we went inside the car I

greeted the driver

Bones:"Are you okay"

Me:"yes why?"
Bones:"You're quite today what's wrong"
Me:"ohh nothing"
Bones:"Suit yourself"
Me:"okaywhy are you so private"
Bones:"I don't want paparazzi on my back"
Me:"Ohh are you famous"
Bones:"Yes you can put it like that"
Bones:"Yes so tell me about your village life"
Me:"What do you want to know about my village life"
Me:"But on a serious note though I miss my village
life I miss my friend Noma plus My mom"
Bones:"what happened to your mom?"
Me:"She passed away because of diabetes"
Bones:"My condolence"
Me:"it's okay"
Bones:"Where do you want to eat"
Me:"McDonald"I said with the biggest smile on my
Bones:"No let's go to Spur"

We went to spur people immediately looked at us

some were drooling over bonessome were gossiping
about us

Bones:"Don't mind the stares" he squeezed my hand

Me:"okay" I nodded
Bones:"You will get use to this"

We went to choose the table and order the meal

after eating we returned home......

: Noxolo
Chapter 23



I got a call from Katlego telling me that she is coming

with her friends; Rena and Koki. She said we are
going out and I am glad she invited me. I mean
boredom was going to kill me anyway. I kicked off
my blankets and went to take a shower with a towel
wrapped around my body.
I think it's the best thing to eat before wearing my
outfit. I don't want to ruin it. so I made my way to the
kitchen I found Bones talking on his phone.
'dammit' i cursed to myself I thought he had already
Bones:"Listen I will get back to you" he then cut the
conversation short with whoever he was talking
to."Noxolo hey" he stared at me with hunger and lust
filled his eyes.
Me:"Umm morning. ain't you going to work?"
i tightened the towel
around my body his gaze really made me feel
Bones:"I am actually I am on my way there"
Me:"Okay. umm I am going for a shopping with
Bones:"Ohh so do you need money?"
Me:"No. don't worry I will be fine"
Bones:"oh no don't be modest"
he took his wallet out right then my eyes landed on
the bundle of notes inside his wallet.
Bones:"The pin is ****"
His voice drew me out of my trance that was so
much cash maybe a few thousands if I am not
I took the card even though it felt wrong.
I remembered my mother's words. she always told
me to never depend on a man
Me:"Thank you"
As I took the card our hands touched a weird and
tingly sensation shot through my skin as we made
Bones:"It's a pleasure"
I reverted my gaze from our hands and cleared my
Me:"Have you eaten breakfast"
I asked trying to break through the awkwardness
that surrounded us and I was trying to get him to
stop staring at my thighs because he was making
me really uncomfortable.
Bones:"No don't bother. I already got a chef at work.
I've asked him to prepare something for me"
Me:"Okay i guess i should go start preparing my
breakfast then"
When I turned to leave Bones immediately took hold
of my left hand I was still lost at his behaviour when
he smashed his lips on mine.
I just stood there frozen. I didn't know how to kiss I
have never kissed someone before.
'what do i do do i respond do i move my lips what if i
do and then i bite him.
I hoped my breath was ohk shit what do i do.....what
do i do.'
gosh! why do i have to be so inexperienced i silently
screamed at myself. The battle in my mind had me
forgetting about him about what we're doing.
Bones:"Follow my lead" he spoke in a hushed and
hoarse voice. I guess he sensed my panic.
My mind was at a stand-still a part of me wanted to
push him away but you all know the heart wanted
the opposite so I did exactly what he told me.
I followed his lead. The kiss was so slow yet
passionate his lips were so warm and tender i felt its
warmness spread right through my entire body.
he deepened the kiss then i felt something hard
poking my stomach getting me back to my senses.
What the hell was I doing...... I summoned the little
power I had left and pushed him away from me then
i felt something hard poking my stomach getting me
back to my senses.
What the hell was I doing...... I summoned the little
power I had left and pushed him away from me
breaking the kiss.
Me:"I am sorry"
my voice was so low and a bit shaky. I was also
Bones chuckled then nodded
Bones: "i got it don't stress" he grabbed his briefcase
and made his way to the elevator
"we will talk when I come back"
he added.
I just nodded speechlessly.
What have I done? I just kissed a man whom I didn't
even know I mean I don't even know if he is married
or not . What has gotten into me?
my mom didn't raise me like this.
I am sure she wa disappointed where she was I so
hated myself right at that instant.
I despised the fact that I was falling for this stranger
so deeply.
I hated the fact that he made my knees weak and he
sent shivers right down my spine with just a single
"I HATE THIS" I screamed to myself while opening a
box of cornflakes. I guess the chef is off today
because there's no English breakfast placed on the
I guess i will have to eat cornflakes even though I
hate them.
After eating I rinsed my bowl and then returned to
my room. my phone beeped just as i entered. i
checked it only to discover that it was a message
from Katlego.
Kat:"Noxolo we are on our way out. please wear
something good because we are going to mall of
i didn't respond to the text. I went to my closet took
out blue ripped jeans and opted for a white plain t-
shirt and pink jacket. What was stressing me was
shoes. I don't have a lot of shoes. I guess today I will
have to buy myself a pair or two.
I decided to wear black stilettos. I looked okay not
that bad.
i hope Katlego likes it. Speaking of her I heard the
elevator opening. I guess she was here.
i Immediately brushed my weave let it lose then took
my bag and went to the lounge.
Kat:"hey babe"
Me:"Hi Kat how are you doing"
Kat:"am okay. Rena and Koki meet Noxolo babes
those are my friends I told you about"
Me:"hey guys"
Koki:"Hi girl" Koki greeted while Rena gave me an
attitude. I didn't know what her problem was.
Kat:"So your man gave you the card"
Me:"ain't dating bones Kat"
Kat:"But you will anyway let's go girls"
Me:"I won't okay"
She giggled while we walked to her car. We drove to
the mall over a casual conversation.
Rena:"Guys can we go to polo I want to buy formal
shoes for my man"
Kat:"Ohh so he is also going to the event?"
Rena:"Yes he is but too bad because only business
men and paparazzi are allowed"
Kat:"Ohh okay"
We went to polo where she picked brown formal
shoes after that we went to boutiques bought lot of
clothes and stilletos after that we went to sport
Kat:"Girl why don't you start exercising with us"
Me:"No I am okay Katlego I mean I am not fat"
Koki:"No silly only to maintain your figure"
Me:"I don't know" those girls looked like slay
queens. I was surprised when Katlego said she was
not a slay queen.
Rena:"Guys why are you trying to change Noxolo"
Koki:"we are not Rena"
Rena:"Yes you are can't you see the girl doesn't
want to gym so stop pressuring her"
Kat:"What's up with you Rena"
Rena:"No I won't sit here and allow you two do the
same thing to her that you tried to do to me"
Kat:"I thought you are over that"
Rena:"I am not Kat okay and Koki I told you that I
don't want to meet with Katlego "
Koki:"Sorry friend I thought you forgave her"
Rena:"You know what I am out of here " with that
she took her plastic and exited the shop
Me:"Okay what was that about?"
Koki:"I don't have an idea anyway let's continue with
our shopping"
We went to different shops bought sneakers and
wigs after that we went to rocko mamas and ate
Me:"Guys excuse me I need to use the bathroom"
I went to the bathroom and did my business. After
that I went out to find Rena applying Lipstick. i
decide to wash my hands and ignore her
Rena:"Walk out while you still can"
Rena:"it was nice meeting you Noxolo" she smiled
then walked out
Me:"ookay"weird right
I rolled my eyes then returned to the girls. What did
she mean by that? At first I had thought that she
didn't like me until she sort of stood up for me then
this… very weird.



Hey I am Renatla. I once dated Bones. At first he

was a loving man; he showed me the love I also fell
into his trap.
I dated him knowing fully well that he was married
but he made sure that I don't suffer or anything. I
met Kat at Bone's office. She asked me to be her
friend and I agreed.
Kat would call me and invite me to parties and clubs
I hated the fact that Kat knew the animal that bones
was but she never warned me about him. She was
my friend the least she could have done was tell me
about the devil I was dating instead of throwing me
in the lion's den and letting me experience their fury.
I remember when Bones slapped me for the first
time. He had accused me of lying to him.
At first I thought it was a mistake I had found all sorts
of reasons to justify his actions until he started to
abuse me.
He hit me until my body couldn't take it anymore and
still he continued he kicked me so hard that I ended
up losing our baby. His kicks damaged my womb so
as of now I am barren but I am grateful that Kagiso
loves me the way I am.


Me:"Nolwazi baby I think it's time we act on our

Nolwazi:"really mom?"
Me:"Yes. Look I've called one of my friends and he
told me that there will be an event that will be held at
Protea Hotel and I've asked him to give me a
paparazzi access card"
Nolwazi:"really mom?"
Me:"Yes and I am sure Bones will be there "
Nolwazi:"So when is this event taking place"
Me:"Tomorrow baby girl listen I will ask Zodwa to do
your makeup. i need you to look perfect"
Nolwazi:"okay as long as I get to sleep with Bones"
Me:"Take this and spike his drink okay he will feel a
little dizzy and I am sure he will ask for a room to
sleep that's when you will follow him"
Nolwazi:"So I will be wearing lingerie under my
Me:"Yes and make sure you make him fuck you and
record a video"
Nolwazi:"Alright thanks god"
Me:"All will be well my daughter"

I giggled then went outside I chilled while drinking

I could already taste my victory and looked forward
to everything working in my favour. I had it all
planned out and hoped that it'll play out exactly as I
had anticipated. It had to.


(Sorry for not posting yesterday)

Chapter 24



The following morning I woke up feeling good but I

was bit worried about what Rena told me yesterday
so I am meeting with her today I've already sent her
a DM on Instagram and she agreed.

I said to bones who was busy shouting on his phone
Me:"Why are you angry so early this morning"
Bones:"It's nothing "
he cleared his throat
Bones: "sit down Noxolo let's talk"
I sat down while fixing my silky gown Kat bought it
for me.
Bones:"I've been meaning to tell you this for a very
long of time"
he was was talking fast
Me:"Wait first breath because I ain't hearing what
you are saying to me"
Bones:"Okay umm noxolo I.i.i"He was stuttering
which was so unlike him.
Bones:"Dammit I love you"
did I hear him right a whole bones love me I mean I
am not rich I am just a person without anyone or he
want to play me I don't know lots of questions are
running through my mind.
Bones:"I am serious Noxolo I was taken by your
beauty at the brothel"
Me:"Umm okay"
I was still confused I mean I don't have anything to
offer him
Bones:"Okay what are you saying?"
Me:"I love you too let's try it even though It will be
my first time"
Bones:"Thank you babe I promise to love you" I
don't know what came over me but I got the feeling
of shutting him with a kiss he took over and lead the
kiss I am sure he noticed that I am still new in this
things so he wrapped his big arms around my tiny
body while and it made me felt something move in
my stomach he grabbed my ass then lead me to his
Me: "I love you"
I said that looking in his eyes with a lot of love in my
eyes . And without waiting for another second I
crashed my lips on his . He was delighted by my
action he pressed his muscular body on my body.
He started
licking my lower lip i started to bite his lower lip
gently his hands were placed firmly on my waist . He
started feeling my soft boobs with his hands he
started to slowly remove my silking gown while
kissing me
Bones:"Damn help me please"
he granted irritatedly .I then let the gown fall on the
ground he gently lifted me into his arms and went
towards the bed which was so comfy....He slowly
kept me on the bed and started kissing my upper lip
once againhe kissed my cleavage and sucked on it .
Then he slowly removed my pyjama with my help
then he looked at my perfect round caramel boobs
and take chocolatey nipple in awe then he slowly
took the boob one in his mouth and started sucking
the nipple . I felt foreign sounds sound escape my
mouth and it only encouraged him . Then he dipped
his tongue inside my belly button and circled it inside
Me:"ohh my god" i screamed loudly He kept kissing
on the navel region and slowly started fingering my
pussy over the fabric of her black lace panty( that
Kat suggested) . I was now squirming with pleasure
my moans was becoming louder and louder . Then
he smiled wickedly and remove my lace thong gently
. He lifted my right leg and started kissing it . As he
reached my thigh I was out of breath he slowly
kissed my inner thigh and kept kissing there. And
suddenly he took my peanut sized clit in his mouth
he kept sucking on my clit and made eye contact
with at the same time. He started to draw circle
inside my pussy with his tongue. I could feel a tight
knot forming in my stomach and slowly he insert his
middle finger inside my cookie I flinched I'm pain
Me:"ohh God Sikhuli" can't believe I called him with
his real name
He increased the speed of his finger I could feel that
I was close
Me:"ahhh Bones "I was out of breath"
Bones:"cum for me babe"
Suddenly I felt myself exploding i closed my eyes i
could literary feel the white sport
Me:"ohh God"
He kept licking my pussy
Bones:"i love you darling"
He got up and crashed his lips on mine .I could taste
myself on his lips
Me:"I love you"
Bones:" love you more"
He slowly unzipped his trouser and removed his
pants as slowly as possible
He groaned and remove the boxers
Now he was finally naked
Bones:"I want to be inside you darling"
Me:"I want that too just be careful" can't believe I
sad that
Bones":Don't worry i will try to be gently as i can .But
I am afraid it will hurt darling just this once"
I didn't say anything I just gave him an assuring
smile and kiss him passionately
Bones:"Tell me you love me"
Me:" I love you so much"
He eyes moist with ammo
He smile and slowly got up he widened my legs and
positioned himself between them he looked at my
eyes with so much love
Bones:"Tell me to stop if it hurts too much"
I smiled again I know he can't hurt me in any way .
He took his dick in his hands and slowly insert his
head inside my cookie
He was looking at my eyes for any sign of discomfort
I was just smiling encouragingly
Me:"Come on bones" I mourned
He entered slowly I screamed his name in pain
Me:"Ahhh Bones"
Bones:"Don't close you eyes babe make sure you
keep eye contact with me"
Then he stared moving slowly . He could feel the
moment of my walls around him
I then wrapped my legs around his waist tightly .Now
he increased his speed even more
Bones :"i am close now honey please cum with me"
he said that between the kiss
We ejaculated exactly the same time . We were both
out of breath . We took some moment to cool down
.He kissed me gently
Bones:"are you okay honey"
Me:" more than okay" I snuggles to him and kept my
head on his bare chest.
Bones:"Thank you"
Me:"No problem "he kissed my forehead
I am sorry but I have to go I have a meeting with
Bones:"Rena who?"
Me:"I don't know her surname"
Bones:"Okay you can go but you won't find me when
I come back"
Bones:"Yes they invited me to some event"

I kissed him then went to my room I am sure I've

disappointed my mom she used to tell me that sex
before marriage is a sin I am sorry mama but I was
also led on i said that to my thoughts while washing
my whole body after that I wore my blue Adidas
tracksuit with black Nike Tekkies after that I request
an Uber.

Me:"Hey Rena" I greeted Rena who was busy on her

Rena:"Hi"she put her phone away we were at
Wimpy if I am not mistaken
Me:"Remember what you told me yesterday?"
Me:"What were you talking about?"
Rena:"No never mind Noxolo it's too late I can even
tell by your walk" my walk?
Me:"My walk?"
Rena:"You're no longer a virgin Noxolo or are you?"
Me:I cleaned my throat" None of your business"
Rena:"Well I think my business is done here"
Me:"Ohhh" she took her bag and left me
What business was she on about? I had thought
she'd explain or enlighten me regarding what she
meant but oh well. I thought of Bones of what we'd
done and wondered if I had made a mistake. How
did we go from him telling me he loved me to me
losing my virginity? What if he'd said it to bed me
and hadn't really meant it? Mixed thoughts played in
my mind as I sat there after Rena's departure and
prayed for my sake that man hadn't lied. I might not
have particularly liked him in the past but I really
thought I loved him at the moment and wished for
the sake of my dignity he wouldn't leave me after
deflowering me.



Me:"Baby girl you are so hot I am pretty sure you are

coming back with Bones"
Nolwazi:"really mom"
Zodwa:"Hope they tell you that you're underage"she
rolled her eyes
Nolwazi:"No sis today is my big day so I don't need
your bad attitude"
Zodwa:"Big day? Don't make me laugh Nolwazi"
Me:"Mxm never mind her baby girl I've already
called an Uber for you"
Nolwazi:"But mom I thought you hired a driver for
Zodwa:"With what money you seems so forget that
your mom is not rich"
Me:"Next time baby girl listen Nolwazi when you
arrive at the event do.what I told you okay"
Nolwazi:"I will mom" we heard a hoot "that's my que
to leave see you when I come back

She grabbed her sling bag and run out my baby is

happy she is finally getting her dream man and that's
makes me happy too

Zodwa:"Mama ain't you ashamed of yourself"

Me:"Leave me alone nx" I snapped then went to my
bedroom.Who is she to judge me? I am doing it for
our future not only mine. My plan had to work I can't
afford to be thrown out of my house.


I arrived at the event it was so packed with business
mans only there was no women it's only paparazzi
and I am safe because I've got a paparazzi card to
enter so I went inside the hall took a wine in one the
waiters who passed by .I took my phone and got
busy with it until my eyes met with bones I decide to
take the opportunity and went to greet him.

Bones:"Nolwazi how are you doing?"
Me:"Umm okay"
Bones:"So what are you doing here ?"
Me:"Ohh one of my mom's friend asked me to stand
in for her because she is sick"
Bones:"okay" he went back to his phone
Me:"Let me go and get you a whisky"
Bones:"No one of my guard went to get it don't
worry" dammit I better find him so i smiled then went
to look his guard until I found him taking a drink from
a waiter

Him:"hey" God he is so scary
Me:"Bones has been attacked"
Him:"What do you mean?"
Me:"He is..sss bleeding someone shot him"
Him:"shit" he gave me the drink and went out
running I giggled then pour the portion in his drink
and went to gave him.
Bones:"What happened to my guard"
Me:"Ohh he said there's a family emergency"
He nodded and drink his whiskey I noticed noxolo is
on his phone wallpaper
Bones:"Umm was thinking why don't we get a room
for both of us"
Me:"umm really" I thought mom said the portion will
work after 10 mins
Bones:"Yes" he bite his lower lip looking at my ass
"why don't we my room?
Me:"I don't think so Excuse me"I attempted to go but
he grabbed my arm
Bones:"Nobody say no to me" he harden his face I
swallow hard then slowly nodded
Bones:"Come follow me

I followed him like a lost puppy until we arrived at the

room reserved for bones hi quickly grabbed my tiny
body and hungrily kissed me
Me:"I don't think this is good" he shut me up with a
slap I lended on the bed he got on top of me he eyes
was full of hunger and lust
Bones:"Shut up" he roared
Me:"Please Bones let me go I swear I won't try to
pull the stunt that I just pulled please"
Bones:"You are so beautiful"
His eyes were full of darkness that was not the
Bones I knew. He looked like something had taken
over from him. He chuckled then unbuttoned his
trouser he pulled my dress up and teared my panty I
was busy crying asking him to let me go but he
wasn't hearing none of it .I only believed that I am
about to be raped when I feel his hard dick on my
vagina . I felt walls trembling. I tried to fight him but
he was so strong he pounded me like there's no
Tomorrow. I wanted no strength left for me. I let him
satisfy himself. After that he wore his clothes and
went out and left me crying .I touched my vagina it
was swollen. I pulled my dress and went out running.
I left my bag in the hotel. I don't have a choice but to
go home with my bare legs. I ran like there's no
Tomorrow until I saw a light come. The last thing I
heard was a hoot the it was a light outs.


Chapter 25


I found myself in dark bathroom dank even and on

the walls were three mirrors without frames. I
approached to adjust my makeup but when my eyes
rested on the glass I saw the face but its was blurry
so i couldn't tell who it was the image was soft with a
gentle expression. I screamed and went back to look
again. This time it looked a bit clear but not clear
enough i could see that it was a woman a lil bit older
but still calm. Every time I looked the image got
clearer. My mind began to spark erratically.

"I am so disappointed in you noxolo" the woman

finally spoke.

Me:"Mama" i cried.

she shook her head disappointment clearly written

all over her place.

"please mama." i begged not even knowing what i

was begging for.

right then the bathroom seemed like it was on fire.

The bunsen burner was a burnished silver and far
larger than any I'd ever seen before the flame a
brilliant blue and strong. I reached over to turn the
base to feed it with oxygen. At once the fire became
golden and took the shape of a flower head. I
watched the many petals became more distinct
folding outward radiating light and warmth. It was
quite the most beautiful flower I'd ever seen more
transitory than any other yet eternal in my mind.

"I am so disappointed in you baby girl" my mother's

voice spoke three more times before it disappeared

Me:"No mama don't go mama!" I shouted

"please come back don't leave me." i begged tears
streaming down my face.

"shhh! its okay Don't cry baby it's just a dream" a

voiced disturbed me.

i rapidly opened my eyes i was shaking

uncontrollably my whole body covered in sweats.

i shook my head as someone embraced me in their

arms. I wonder how he came In my room.
Bones:"What were you dreaming about babe?" he
asked brushing my hair gentle in an effort to calm
me down.

Me:"Huh?"I couldn't utter any word how can mom

says she is disappointed in me.
what did I do was it because I slept with bones? So
many questions ran through my mind

Bones:"Don't cry babe"

Me:"How can mom say such a thing"
Bones:"Look at me "

I slowly raised my head until my eyes met his;

God this man was beyond human he was a
defination of the word handsome.
My heart beat rapidly as he stared into my eyes.
i immediately melted when I see him

Bones:"Lest go to Cape town "he spoke soflty

Me:'Umm why" i asked taken aback by his sudden


Bones:"You seem to be disturbed babe so I want to

take you out I want you to be happy"
i stared at him speechless.

Bones:" please babe the trip will be good for you"

Maybe he is right a trip away from everything could

be exactly what i need.
you know catch some fresh air and see new places.

Me:"Okay let's go " i responded

Bones:"Really?" he asked
it seems like he wasn't expecting my answer.

Me:"Yes i can do with a trip."

Bones:"Thank you babe" he kissed my cheeks


Bones:"Lols let me go and book tickets you can

invite Kat to go and buy things that you will need to
use at Cape town"



Me:"Mama!!" I screamed with tears in my eyes after

hearing that Nolwazi is at hospital"
Mom:"What's wrong"
Me:"Nolwazi is at hospital mom"
Mom: she chuckled " Stop playing I am sure my
daughter is enjoying wherever she is"
Me:"Mom one Sis Bongi called me(mom's friend she
is a Nurse)
Mom:"Are you serious"
Me:"Mom why would I joke about something like this
Mom:"How? What happened?"
Me:"She was involved in an accident"
Mom:"Ohh God what have I done"
Me:"Mom it is not the time to blame yourself we
have to rush to hospital"
Mom:"Okay Okay"

I took car keys likely I've bought petrol yesterday I

drove to hospital with mom busy blaming herself.

Mom:"Hey I am here for my daughter apperantly she

was involved in a car accident"
Rec:"Whats her name"
Me:"Umm Nolwazi Bhuthelezi (we are using my
mom's surname)
Rec:"Wait a moment. Ohh Nolwazi was admitted
around 6 PM I am sure the doctors is still busy with
her because she was badly injured as for you guys
you can sit at the barstool"
Me:"Where is Nurse Bongi? she is the one who
called us"
Rec:"She is also at the theatre"
Me:"Ohh God
I sat down defeated I can't lose my Baby sis I should
have protected her.
This hospital is nothing like the one I am used to
where the receptionist is more plastic than the
purified water dispenser. Here there is no openness
no space nothing shines or has the smell of
disinfectant. Instead the way in is down a long
hallway so narrow that if a wheelchair or trolley were
to come to other way I'd have to dip into a side room
to let it go by. The walls were once painted I can tell
that from the cream flakes that remain though mostly
they show the grey undercoat or perhaps the
concrete beneath that. The floor is uneven from so
much traffic with both feet and wheels and it's darker
than a mausoleum. The air is stagnant like we just
went into some pit. There are no hand sanitizers on
the walls how they prevent the spread of germs here
I don't know perhaps they don't.
Mom is busy pacing up and down I am sure she is
realising that this is her fault.
From ahead come muffled voices some angry some
placating. I bite down on my lip this isn't going to be
fun we saw the doctor coming mom ran to her I also

as the doctor walked towards us she had the

posture of a soldier. Every action she took was
precise and purposeful. She smiled in the cold and
distant way professionals do. I can never relax
around such expressions. I need a genuine face
preferably a smile but if not I'd really rather they
didn't fake it. Her eyes were devoid of any make-up
and her hair was in a tight bun not a strand out of

Mom:"Doctor how's my daughter please tell me she

is okay"

Doctor:"Are you Nolwazi's family"

Mom:"Yes yes I am her mom"

Doctor: she sighed "I am sorry but Nolwazi suffered

a brain damage"

Me:" What?
Doctor:"Brain damage is an injury that causes the
destruction or deterioration of brain cells

Mom:"Will she be okay?"

Doctor:"I don't know but now she is in coma she also

have broken rib
As the protectors of her heart and lungs her ribs are
designed to withstand a lot. But sudden and severe
blows to the chest and back can fracture them. I am
sorry Nolwazi was also raped.

Me:"What?"Tears started to stream down my cheeks

Doctor:"Umm excuse me " she rub my shoulder then

went to attend other patients

Me:"This is your fault mom"

Mom:"So what huh what do you want me to do do
you want me to kill myself to show that I regret what
I did huh"
Me:"I don't care Mama"
Mom:"You know what I am out of here"
Me:"You can't even stay at the hospital and support
your child you know what mom I am praying that
Nolwazi survive and after that I am taking her away
from you you won't see her"
Mom:"Don't try me Girl"
Me:"Ohh okay" she clicked her tongue then went out

I sat at the bench thinking about good times I had

with Nolwazi Nolwazi is a good girl but mom
changed her innocent heart she made Nolwazi to
agree at everything she to her nx.

Voice:"Zodwa"I turned I couldn't believe what I saw



Chapter 26

Here's the correct one.



How? Dad I thought he is in prisonwell apparently

my dad was accused of killing a school kid and
raped her and I know that my dad didn't do it I am
sure my mom framed him because he threatened to
take us away from her.
Dad:"Are you going to stand there and not hug your

i snapped out of it and hug the day light out of him

"Dad how did you come out"

i asked.

Dad:"They found the person who killed her but don't

worry babe I am going to sue them for putting me in
jail for 15 years He has been sentenced for 25

Me:"I thought they forgot about the case dad"

Dad:"Baby girl lets concentrate on Nolwazi's health

for now"

Me:" Dad am scared what if she doesn't wake up

What if she doesn't make it?"

Dad:"Shhh lets be positive baby girl your sister is

gonna be fine. where's your mom?"

Me:"She went out after our Lil argument"

Dad:"Okay baby girl"

I love my dad I don't wanna lie its only terrible that
he decided to have kids with that heartless women. I
mean what kind of a woman who sends the father of
her kids to jail just for the heck of it who does that
how that woman sleeps at night with such a dirty
heart baffles me.
I gave my dad a warm smile. trying my hardest to
cover my terrible thoughts.
this guy gets me that's why I love him. he was
always there for us and i will forever be grateful for
he was the toughest person i know to have put up
with my mother's evil ways. In fact he was much like
a tree with great boughs striving to touch the sky
and its noble roots strengthening its hold on the
he was my anchor.

Dad:"Whatever you're thinking about get it out of

your skull" he said that putting his arm around my
i shrugged my shoulders as we walked to Nolwazi's


Me:"Okay meet me at McDonald"


I dropped the call I am meeting kat at the mall.

i changed into something presentable i went to the
car then drove to the mall Bones had hired a driver
for me.

we got to the mall a while later it was crowded as

kat was already waiting for me so i walked to her.

Me:"hey girl"

we shared a quick hug.

Kat:"Hey doll let's start shopping so that I can go

back to work"

Me:"Okay I can't believe that me Noxolo will be

going to Cape Town"

Kat:"geez Noxolo it's just cape town not Spain so


Me:"Yhoo but I am so excited"

Kat:"Mm so you are officially dating bones"

Me:"Yes and i am no longer a virgin he popped the
cherry last night"

Kat:"Wow..... Noxolo how can you sleep with

someone you just met two weeks ago"

Me:"It's love what can I say"

Kat:" love really? owh please You're acting like a


Me:"what do you mean am acting like a whore i

thought you will be happy for me.
are you jealous or something?"

Kat:"Why would I be jealous of you I mean I slept

with bones before you even knew that there's

Me:"Well he is mine now so get used to it and stop

being judgemental and a bitter fuck buddy"

Kat:" huh for your information I wasn't bones fuck

buddy I am his ex fiance"

Me:" owh...Really? please don't flatter yourself"

Kat:" seems like sleeping with bones made you think
like you are all that well girly let me tell you
something i know Bones i know the kind of man he
is. so enjoy while it last.
as for me I am out of here"

she clicked her tongue then walked away her heels

clicking harder on the mall floor.
I just rolled my eyes and then continued with my
i went to the swimwear shop and few stores I've also
bought a big suitcase.


I opened my eyes. the moment they were opened I

could taste the coppery blood pooling in my mouth. I
could feel it grazing my teeth and soaking my
tongue. I felt the aching and cracks in my bones.
Each crack felt like rocks were burrowing into my
skin. I sucked in cramped air feeling my lungs caving
in on themselves. I saw the spots in the corners of
my vision making my head feel like the only thing
inside of it was static. I heard a buzzing noise
making my head feel like the only thing inside of it
was static. I heard a buzzing noise filling my ears. I
felt like I was there for hours fading and waking and
fading and waking. My agony was the only thing
keeping me alive. It was the only thing I could feel
everything was blur. plus and my head was busy
pounding I felt like I was bumped by a truck. the
noltagic scent of rubbing alcohol made me certainly
sure that I am in hospital.
memories of the night that bones raped me came
back tears dropped.

Voice:"Nolwazi ohh God thank you Dad Nolwazi is

Me:"Wa.t.e.r please" my throat was so dry

as She Handed me the glass of water My hands

were frailty and caution shaking gently as i tried to
drink. my movements were so much of the woman i
was and still is. They were ashen where the sunlight
caught them not ghostly like a white person just
subdued and greyish. I think that's the first time I
realized how vulnerable i was and how much of a toll
the accident had taken.

"here let me help" my sister took the glass from me.

she helped me drink water. then she closed the

curtains in the ward
she stared at me with pity and symphathy.
me:"I know you want to hear about the crash I can
see the questions in your brain as if they were
cartoon birds flying around your skull. The thing is
there is the before the slick road and the belief
everything would be okay and the after when I
walked away from what many don't. It's as if it
happened to someone else if I'm honest or perhaps
as if I saw it in a movie one time. It was noise
mangled metal and injuries that i wish can heal."

Zodwa:"I am so sorry I couldn't protect you forgive

me Nolwazi"
she cried

Me:"its ohk It's not your fault Sis " My voice was so

Zodwa:"Anyway dad this is your daughter's that you

left when she was 1 year old"

Dad:"Hey Angel " I looked at him without blinking

remembering what my mom told me.
she said that my father raped her then my mom fall
pregnant after she told him that she is pregnant he
told her to abort or else he will kill Zodwa but mom
run away with us.
I am even amazed how Zodwa is with him.
her eyes are full of love her smile when she looks at
him I wish it could be the same with me

Me:"Hi" I said with a bored tone

Zodwa:"Haibo Nolwazi ain't you happy to finally

meet your dad"

Me:"Ohhh I am not happy sister this man didn't want

me this man wanted my mom to abort me"

Zodwa laughed "Really Nolwazi? dad was so madly

in love with his kids how can you allow mom to
manipulate you with lies huh look at you. You're in
hospital bed because of her you're raped because of
her hay marn grow up"

The rape part hit home I was trying by all means to

forget it.
i guess it's the wound that will always be in my body
it won't heal I hate mom for what she did to me it's
her fault I should have said no to her silly plans I
wish I can kill her by my own hands that's it from
now on I am going to enjoy my teenage life and stop
running after old mens. i am going back to school
Zodwa:"Look baby sis I know you hate yourself right
now but please open up. please always tell me
what's eating you"

Nolwazi:"Where was my dad all along you know it

Zodwa I've been longing for my dad's love"

Zodwa:"He was in jail Nolwazi Mom framed him


Me:"I know mom is heartless but she would never do

that to her husband"

Zodwa:"There we go again you defending your

mother look where she put you today.
where is she now huh..... I am sure she is busy
sucking old man's dick"

Dad:"No Zodwa not infront of me okay look Nolwazi

I'd never neglect you guys you mean the world to me
and i am glad I am out of prison I will make sure the
person who did this to you pay I don't care how
famous he is I will kill him okay princess" I nodded
with tears in my eyes he pulled me in for a hug I
dwelled on it for a while. ..

"I'll come visit tomorrow. Sleep well darling." He said

after we broke the hug.
His Eyes were raw and full of love a warmth weighed
on my chest my lungs buttery soft.

me:“Father stay.”

How soft and meaningless my voice seemed now.

Without the reins without direction its like i was a

Dad:" its fine baby girl i will stay" his voice was silver
a flame of white and frost.

i felt safer in his presence.


Me:"I fucken told you to trace Tasha's every move

Dragon (right hand ma): "I did that's why I am telling
you that she is working with one of your enemy"
Me:"Dammit do something dragon I don't want to
end up in jail that women knows alot about my life"
Dragon:"I will boss"
Me:"Kill her mother"
Dragon:"Are you sure I mean you know how much
pumpkin love her grandmother"
Me:"I don't care I want to send her a message of not
messing with me"
Dragon:"Consider it done"
Me:"send her hand to Tasha's house"

I dropped the call I am tired of Tasha she's been on

my neck for a while now. I've told her to stay away
from my business and she refused.
now she was going to learn the hard way...

April 12 at 7:39 PM · Public

Chapter 27



Exhilaration and child-like excitement filled me from

head to toe as I began folding my clothes into the
box-like luggage.
I couldn't wait to see cape town.

We left for the airport early the following morning

Contempt and happiness flowed through me as I
rolled the loud wheels along the marble floor of the
airport. Warmth and elation blossomed in my heart
as the luggage lay on the rubber belt at check in.
me: "I cant believe am going to cape town" I said as
we sat in first class in the plane.

Bones: " I still can't believe you agreed to come with

me am glad you came"

Me: "I am glad i came too"

As the plane took off lay back on my seat I think

about what's behind me what i cancelled or didn't
bother to cancel. As for my room i just shut the door
with it's shiny new lock and walked out since a
vacation is what i needed.
flight enxiety took over but It gets easier and easier
as the plane reached the skies when we landed in
the cape town it was already late afternoon.

Bones: " the hired car should already be herd for us"

Me: "you hired a car?"

Bones:"of'cause i did and our hotel has already been


He took my luggage and we walked to the airport

a man dressed in black with Bones name writte on a
paper was already waiting for us.

he took us to a black taxi cab we got in and he drove

away from the airport.

I watched out the window as the driver took us to the

The newly urbanised cape town city was flooded by
a sea of people heading in different directions. The
higher class people strutted down the high street
carrying their Gucci handbags and wearing their
Armani coats. Whereas the lower class people sat
down on the cold littered floor begging for money.
They had no Gucci handbag to keep their
belongings never mind a thick coat to see them
through the harsh winter. On every corner there
were buskers. Some singing with marvellous talent
and others which sounded like a cat in a washing
machine. There was also a lot of food stalls selling
fast-food galore which made the homeless peoples
mouths water.

me:" Wow cape town is so huge and a bit windy"

Bones: " you haven't seen nothing yet tomorrow am

gonna take you to the ocean and we gonna see the
table mouintain"
me: " wow really i cant wait and thank you for doing
this for"
Bones:"it's my pleasure babe I love spending my
cash on you"
Me:"And I love spending your hard earned money"
he cleared his throat
Bones:"Yes babe"

We walked into the five star hotel they gave us a key

to our room
and we took the elevator to the tenth floor.
bones had gotten us the presidential suite.

The hotel room is one of the most luxurious i have

ever seen. the suit was huge and didn't look like a
hotel room at all...more like a guest suite in a palace.
The bed was king-sized with pure white Egyptian
cotton sheets. the was a desk a thirty-six-inch TV
with video and DVD a sprawling leather sofa and on
the other side of the floor-to-ceiling windows was our
very own private terrace. And the bathroom! As well
as the power shower there was a bath big enough
for a football team and a Jacuzzi. Everything in
marble and handcrafted tiles. The millionaire suite. i
shuddered to think how much it might cost a night.

Me: " Bones this place is so beautiful"

Bones: "am glad you like it now i know you must be
tired so how about we order room service then we
rest. we have a long day tomorrow"

me: " sounds like a good idea"

Boned called for room service the room keeper

brought our food we ate and after eating we retired
to bed.....

I woke up to Birds trill sweetly high the chorus as

playful as the birds themselves. With closed eyes I
imagine their music to be colours painting stairs in
the same way grapevines grow - this way and that in
a beautiful chaos that isn't quite random. In the calm
of the day my heartbeat is the steady drum to their
melody and I seep into the moment allowing myself
to climb those rainbow stairs.

right then Bones entered coming from the bathroom.

Bones: " hey you are already awake go freshen up.

I have already ordered breakfast".
Me:"Good morning my love"
Bones:"Morning babe" he pecked my lips he was
holding me tight in his grip
Me:"Babe let go I have to go and bath so that we
can start out day"
Bones:"I know but I love feeling your skin" I blushed
Me:"I know"

I got up and went to take a shower i wrapped a fluffy

white towel around my body as i returned to the
Bones was still undressed.
In the room that is twilight and shadow Bones stands
close enough for me to breathe in his scent. His
arms wrap around my back and in one gentle pull
our skin touches. I feel his hand in my hair how he
loves the softness watching it tumble as he releases
it. Then his hand moves down my cheekbones to my
lips. That's when the kissing starts and we start to
move like partners in a dance that is written in our
DNA. Our bodies fit together as if we were made just
for this to fall into one another to feel this natural
rhythm. With a laugh he lifts me right off my feet
carrying me toward the bed letting me fall with a soft
bounce on the mattress. We lock eyes for just a
moment just enough for us to feel safe with one
another. Then he's all business undoing the towel
undoing the towel sliding it off kissing from my toes
upward slowly his hands on my legs always just a
little higher than the kisses. I feel my back arch in
anticipation knowing where his fingers will soon
reach. My head rocks back against the pillow as he
does the first moan escaping my lips.

He is my drug. One touch and his intoxication is

instant. Whatever he wants to do is what we'll do
and there isn't a thing I can do to stop him - not that
I'd want to.
There's something about him that lights me up from
the inside there's something about me that melts his
confidence to nothing at all. Touching him is like
being handed the holy grail like my heart is mended
even though I never knew it was broken.
Just his scent sends me into a heady trance one that
doesn't end until our bodies are still once more just
warm and snuggled in as close as two souls can be.

We went in for the second round breathe deep. In.

Out. Within a split second I'm there again its like I
never came. Time is forgotten. The side of his thighs
are pressed against mine. He's sure of himself he
knows he is in control. I surrender completely. I have
wanted this since the last time we did it i craved his
human flesh his tongue tasting my breath. We are
both caught up in the moment its like we will never
leave each other. I feel for him he reaches for my
breasts pulls me up we twist and turn and its starts
all over again like a cycle. I sense everything this
immense magnetic field between us. Electricity. But
does he?

I really hoped he does.

when we were done we went to take a quick shower

then we went to have breakfast before leaving the

Cape town was so beautiful The mountains were

silhouettes against a crimson sky and the air smells
of the ocean. There is no drone of cars or the hiss
as they move over the damp coated street; there is
only the cry of the gulls as they call for the fishing
boats to come in. There is something about the
dawn that makes each new day such a gift eases it
in gently unwrapping the world anew. By contrast
waking later in the day feels like a rudeness the sun
already high bright and hot. At this time of day the
air is cool and damp I could go to an all day spa and
not be so refreshed so recharged...

After going sight seeing for a bit Bones took me to

the ocean.

As we walk at the ocean i felt free With every step

the sand shifted. With every motion forward there
was some backward and down just like walking in
fresh fallen snow. Yet unlike the crystalline blanket
of white bequeathed by the winter time the fine
grains under foot give me warmth from the sun's
rays. Like their sky-bound benefactor they ara yellow
as if the sunshine itself is trapped inside their
unmelting crystals. Despite the heat I find myself
frozen in place once my eyes take in the ocean. The
waves roll in white tipped spreading themselves like
fine lace over the beach after they crash in their soft
way. There is nothing noisy about them yet they
have sound. Perhaps to me it is more like the music
of my childhood summers so long ago with the
people I have loved and lost. If I close my eyes I can
hear my mother calling me for lunch.i couldn't
believe myself that I am finally in Cape town I've
been dreaming to see the sea that was the goal I
wanted to archive when I start to work.

we took pictures with Bones I was really enjoying

cape town. i couldn't wait to See the Table mountain.

Me:"Thank you"
Bones:"You've been saying this since yesterday"
Me:"Babe I am really grateful"
Bones:"Let's go and shop till we drop" I gasped
"What babe I also know that you ladies paint the
whole town red"
Me:"And we are going to do it love"
Bones:"Yes boo" we giggled then kissed my
Me:"Let's go"

We went to waterfront mall it was so big and got lot

of pictures

Bones:"Are you enjoying yourself"

Me:"Yes babe I am"
Bones:"Let's go to some botiques"
Me:"Ohh you want to try theirs designs?"
Bones:"No babe I want you to choose whatever you

We went to Gucci shop and bought lot of bagshills

and clothes after that we.wwnt to Dior I also bought
tracksuits and kicks to cut it short I've bought lot of
clothes and shoes.

Me:"God I am so tired"
Bones:"let's go to eat then"
Me:"Mm so where are we going Tommorow?"
Bones:"Table mountain""
Me:"Mm I can't wait"
Bones:"Me too"
I went to placed clothes at the boot then went to eat.

Me:"What have you ordered?"

Bones:"I've ordered prawnsMudcrabs and lobsters
followed by pink gin"
Me:"Hope I enjoy them"
Bones:"Don't worry you willthey are not bad at all"
Me:"Okay" I sat down our food came I don't wanna
lie I enjoyed it even though there was lot of stares.


Doc:"So how's my patient"

Me:"I am hanging there"
Doc:"Okay I will be discharging you in 2 days to
Me:"Wow thank you"
Doc:"But you must not overwork yourself avoid lifting
heavy things because your ribs are still weak"
Me:"I won't I promise"
Voice:"And I won't let her overwork herself" I rolled
my eyes when I noticed that it is mom
Doc:"Yes please and I suggest she go an see a
Mom:"I will place the booking thank you doc" he
nodded and went out

Mom:"How are you doing princess"

Me:"Mom are you really going to ask how am I doing
after what you put me through huh I was bumped by
a car no actually it was a hit and run"
Mom:"Princess I am sorry I know it's my fault"
Me:"I don't want to see you anymore I hate you"
Mom:"You don't mean that please Nolwazi"
Me:"Please what mama huh my whole life you've
been feeding me lies. Ohh hey sis" my mood lighten
when I saw Nolwazi and Dad
Zodwa:"How are you doing?"
Me:"Am okay plus the pains are starting to fade
Zodwa:"Ohh but on a serious note are you okay
Me:"Don't worry sis I am fine"
Zodwa:"Dad don't you think that Nolwazi is not okay
mentally I mean she doesn't look like a person who
was raped" she whispered to her dad making sure
that Nolwazi doesn't hear her.
Dad:"I think so" he also whispered
Me:"Guys what are you whispering about?"
Dad:"Nothing Angel don't you want to come and stay
with us?"
Dad:"Yes Zodwa is living with me"
Mom:"Don't you dare take my kids away from me "
Mom snapped after being shocked by seeing
dadshe never thought he would come out anytime
Dad:"Try me"
Me:"Don't worry dad as long as I don't get to stay
with Shirley"
Mom:"You know what you will pay for this" she said
that shooting dad with a stare then went out.



Chapter 28


The following morning I woke up feeling a little bit

drowsy i was in bones arms I tried to break free from
his hold but he tightened the grip.

Me:"Baby I want to pee"

Bones:"But I am enjoying this"
Me:"Okay I am going to pee then come back after
doing my business"
Bones:"but why?" he whined like a child his eyes
were barely opened.
Me:"babe please i need to go right now do you want
me to wet myself?" I tried breaking free.

Bones: " fine" he pouted " but be fast about it the

bed is getting cold already"

Me: " stop being a cry baby just give me a sec." he

let go but quickly pecked my lips and i rushed of to
the bathroom.

when i got to the bathroom i peed then decided to

just take a bath because i was already in the
i took a quick shower then wore my white plain t-shirt
with marron dungree and peach kicks. i looked hot if
I may say actually I was slaying even Bones was
literally drooling over me.

Bones:"Baby are you done?"

Me:"Yes but I have to comb my weave"
Bones:"Be fast Hun and don't forget Tommorow we
are going back home"
Me:"Gosh I am going to miss Cape town so bad"
Bones:"You can come back again I really don't
Me:"I know but i first have to put my life together I
can't keep on depending on you"
Bones:"It's not like I am complaining"
Me:"I know you're not complaining but babe what if
you leave me the following day where will I go?"
Bones:"Get that thought out of your skull" he said
with a sad face
Me:"Done" I said smiling and he melted
Bones:"Baby your smile make me want to do things
to your body"he said that running his hands on my
Me:"we don't want to be late do we?"
Me:I giggled then pecked his lips
Bones:"Let's go babe"
Me:"Have you bathed?"
He was lying.
Me:"My Goodness babe go and take a shower so
that we can go" I’m not leaving with someone who
hasn’t showered.

He smacked my ass then went to shower I fixed my

hair then laid my edges after that I made the bed I
know we are in hotel but I don't want people
invading my business that's why I've decided to tell
Bones that I will make the bed so after that Bones
came back wearing black trousers it was one of his
designed and Gucci shirt lastly with black formal
shoes this man loves formal like really but he was
looking appealing.

Bones:"We can go"he said that puffing his cologne

Me:"you're hot" I complimented.
Bones:"I know babes"
Okay remind me never to compliment him again.
Me:" arrogant much Come on dude a thank you
would be nice you know"
Bones:"Ohh thank you babe" what I've noticed about
bones is that he doesn't smile frequently it’s like he’s
always mad at something.
Me:"And a smile would be perfect on your face.”
Bones:"Now you are pushing it. can we just go.what
you have to understand Noxolo is that I smile when I
want don't force me okay"
Me:"Ohk sorry"

He took his car Keys and exited the room i hurridly

followed after him until we were inside the car I don't
know it's name. I am even surprised that he is
driving on his own. Anyway we went to table

Bones:"babe we are going to do something exciting"

Bones:"Yes babe" he said that using a rock climb
unfortunately we were going to do a sky diving I
don't know what that's thing but by the looks of it It
looks like it is fun.

Bones:"Are you sure that she won't fall" he was

asking one of the workers we were on top of the
Him:"No don't worry she won't fall. Even if she fall
we give life insurance"
Bones:"No Wena make sure that my women doesn't
Him:"She won't"

Anyway he buckled the belts on my body I was

actually terrified and anxious why did Bones think it’s
a good idea to do something like this? Does he
value my life? What if I die? God this is the same as
signing your own death certificate. I felt my heart
jumping yo sit at my throat as I was pushed of the
cliff the world seemed to be spinning it looked like
some of the rocks may fall on me and for a second i
thought i might land on the rocks below.
i tightly closed my eyes saying a small prayer hoping
that god will save me. i don't wanna fall and i clearly
not gonna do that ever again.
after a while I came back I felt like the world is
coming to an end why would he try to kill me I am so
mad at bones.

As i lay alone in that hospital bed i Remembered old

when i was younger. when i had friends and i was so
innocent now i felt like all that was stolen from me.
i allowed my mom to use me i listened to her until i
was brutally molested.
how did i get here?
tears slid down sideways as i failed to swallow the
huge lump that was stuck on my throat.

why can't i be young again why can't i turn back time

and be back when i use to play around with zodwa
nothing was expected of me then.
i was just a child.
i remember when we use to pretend like my dad was
with us zodwa will pretend to be dad on my birthdays
she will place a box of sweets on the front door step
that had my name written
in her sloppy handwriting.
I remember how I came home sobbing loudly
because my friends had teased me that i didn't have
a dad my salty tears
rolling effortlessly down my mother's lap. still she
never told me that she was the reason dad was
what kind of a mother does that to her kids?

as i lay immobile and bored at the hospital bed

staring at the boring white wall
a lady who was in her late twenties walked in she
grin as she enters.
Her smile extends to her eyes twinkling like she's
greeting a beloved daughter.

"hey there you are awake" she says.

i nodded and tried my best to give her a smile

reciprocating her hospitality in a way.
she looked at me with pity i guess my smile was
limited to my mouth.

unsure of what happens next and wary of being

drawn into a conversation i didn't have time for.
i looked away and closed my eyes hoping she will

"am MAY what's your name?"

me: " am Nolwazi"

May: "Nolwazi I'll be your nurse today. How was
your sleep last night?"

Me: "it was fine when am i going home am tired of

laying here all day"

May: " soon hopefully let me just change your drip

and give you your medicine"

i turned the other way and never smiled i just wanted

to leave and forget what happened to me. I think I
will be going home Tommorow because my doctor
mentioned me that he will discharge me in the next
two days.
i wanted to forget his hands crawling over my body
i wanted everything to be over.
The hospital smell was despicable I hated it.



Chapter 29


Me:"Have you done the job I told you?"I was on a
call with dragon I left my woman on the bed sleeping

Dragon:"No boss Tasha hired guards for her"

Me: "And since when do we have problem about her

guards or are you trying to tell me you're getting

Dragon: "Of course not boss but those guys arent

just some people she picked up of the streets they
are professional."

Me: "Dragon why do I pay you? Mhmm. Why am I

wasting my money paying you if you are just going
to bring me problems and not solutions."

Dragon: "Hardy boss."

Me:"Dammit Dragon stop with the apologies you

seriously want to tell me that you can't take them

Dragon:"I can try but it will not be easy boss her

security is too tight I mean she got 15 guards around
the yard"
Me:"You know what forget itclearly I have to do
everything by myself." I hung up and threw the
phone on the couch. If I didnt need it I probably
would have smashed it against the wall. There is
nothing I hate more than incompetent people.

I was deep in thought when I felt warm hands on my

waist I turned only to find my angel smiling

Me:"Morning babe"
Noxolo:"Morning love are you okay? Your body is
tense what's stressing you?"

Me:"Its nothing babe I will be alright"

Noxolo:"Okay so what time will we leave?"

Me:"Ohhh half past ten."

Noxolo: "Okay." She let go of me and sat on the bed

but I could tell something was weighing heavily on

Me: "What's wrong?"

Noxolo:"Bones I've been thinking I don't know who

you are." She said not looking at me.
Me:"What do you mean?"

Noxolo:"Bones I want to know the real you. I want to

know what makes you happy what makes you sad I
want to be a part of your life and that means getting
to know the person behind the name. I want to know

Me:"But baby you know the important things and

that's all that matters."

Noxolo:"No My love I don't I mean I don't even know

where your money comes from I know you have
money but I dont know where it comes from."

Me:"Okay." I sit down next to her "Ask me whatever

you want to know babe."

Noxolo: "I dont want you to tell me things if you are

not ready. I just would like to know who I'm dealing

Me: "And that's why I said ask me anything and I will

tell you."

Noxolo:"I think we are rushing into things and I dont

want to end up getting hurt."
Me:"What do you mean Noxolo."

Noxolo: "I love you but it feels like I dont know like
I'm in a relationship with a stranger."

Me:"You better not think of leaving me."

Noxolo:"No of course not." I could see it that she

was bit scared of my look .

Me:"Okay what do you want to know?"

Noxolo:"What do you do for a living?" She pouted
that made her more cute
Me:"Okay I've got two logistics companies"
Noxolo:"mm what's that?"
Me:"We deal with transportation trucks etc. Like
some even have trucks operating at the mines"
Noxolo:"Wow okay I thought you know what never

Me:"You thought what babe?"

Noxolo:"No lets leave it

I love you Sikhulii Zulu"
Me:"I love you two Mazulu wam." I know she has her
own reservations but when she is ready she will let
me know. I kiss her on the lips. I must admit I really
love this girl.
Noxolo:"Let me go and bath so that I can pack our

Me:"How about we bath together?"

Noxolo:"I uh I don't know."

Me:"Don't worry it's not like it's the first time I will be
seeing you naked"
Noxolo:"Yes." I smiled and we walked into the
bathroom together.



Zodwa:"Can't believe you're going back home Lil

Me:"Zodwa can we talk I feel like you don't know the
whole story"I sad that blinking tears away

Zodwa:"Come here" I limped to her arms she gave

me one of her warmest hugs" all will be well Lil sis
I've got you I won't leave your side okay"
Me:"I remember his groans on top of me Zodwa
after satisfying himself he left me like a damn
prostitute my pussy was so swollen" my voice was
Zodwa:"Shhh don't cry Nolwazi you're hurting me"
Me:"I am beyond repair Zodwa I am glad that my
womb is still okay"

Zodwa:"Dad got you the best therapy all will be well

Me:"I don't need a shrink I am okay let's go"

Zodwa:"I don't care Nolwazi you're going to get help

and that's it"

She took my bag we drove to dad's house I am

relieved that I won't be staying with mom.



Me:"Look dragon I don't need his money anymore I

just want to ruin him"
Dragon:"I know Tasha but you must be careful"
Me:"I am and I am gland that you're working with me
to bring him down"
Dragon:"Look I will always tell you what's going on
what's he's planning and so on and you must also
protect yourself I know he is after your mom's blood
but you also need to be safe."

Me:"Of course I've tightened the security"

Dragon:"Okay sure sharp let me go"

He hugged me then went out I am glad that dragon

is willing to help me I really hope I win this fight as
far as I want to ruin him I also don't want him near
my child that guy is dangerous I don't even know
what I saw in him in the first place.



chapter 30



"Please don't hurt me I didn't mean to do what I did

please bones spare me I know I did you wrong but it
wasn't my intention." I was down on my knees
begging him but he didn't want to hear it.
"Shut up you bitch" He said just as a hot slap made
contact with my face as he pinned me down. I felt
someone shaking me and I screamed louder they
kept shaking me until I opened my eyes and saw my
sister. I looked around and he wasn't here
it was a dream it was all just a dream. I buried my
head in my sister's chest as she comforted me.

Zodwa:"It's okay Lil sis don't cry it was a dream

Me:"It felt so real Zodwa this time he was using a
condom" I was sweating

Zodwa:"Ohhh shit"
Me: I sniffed " what?"
Zodwa:"No nothing come baby lets go and sleep
Me:"Won't he come back for me?"
Zodwa:"No he won't we got our father he is going to
be our hero okay"

Zodwa:"Don't cry" she wiped my tears "come let's go
and sleep so that we can visit your therapist
Me:"Umm okay"


Me:"Babe are you okay?"

Bones:"Yes I am don't worry okay
Me:"Ohh alright"
Bones:"Yeah don't worry yourself okay"

Me:"Umm okay let's cook"

Bones:"No that's not my thing"
Me:"You're not not romantic"
Bones:"Okay okay but next time you must know that
I am not used to that shit"
Me:"Okay let's bake chocolate muffins for dessert"

Bones:"And lamb stew for main course with pap"

Me:"Yes" I giggled while he flashed his smile
Bones:"Lest start"

We went to the kitchen anyway I've cooked the lamb

stew the way mom showed me even though there
was no soup nor veggies after that we baked muffins
I had to google how to bake them because it was my
first time baking muffins trust me the kitchen was a
Me:"I am so fucken tired"
Bones:"Clean your mess Noxolo I am going to bath"
Me:"Ohh no babe it's our mess"
Bones:"Mm my babe can you please clean our

Me:"With pleasure but I am tired I mean I've been on

a plane for 3 hours so I want to rest"

Bones:"I know babe but please"


He kissed my forehead then went to bath.



Me:"Ohh want to tell me that you misplaced

Nolwazi's results with other women"
Doc:" I am so sorry miss"
Me:"You know what I am going to sue you"

Doc:"Please we only misplaced the rape kit"

Me:"I don't care okay my Lil sis is depressed and

you want me to drop another bomb"
Doc:"Come with her Tommorow I will drop the
Me:"You don't understand do you? Huh Nolwazi's is
so fucked up and you expect her to be like no I am
happy that am going to be a mom"
Doc:"No I understand what you're saying and i know
she won't be happy after telling her that she is
pregnant and worse thing she was raped"
Me:"You know what don't bother I will do it on my
own nx"

I stormed out.



Chapter 31



Hearing my sister tell me I am pregnant was a

shocker. I knew from the moment she uttered those
words that I was carrying my rapists child. But I still
didnt want to believe it.
Me:"What do you mean I am pregnant Zodwa?"
Zodwa:"it what it is baby girl?" I cant believe she was
being so casual about this.
Me:"I am aborting it Zodwa I am still young to be a
Zodwa:"No!" She shouted
Me:"What do you mean no in case you forgot you're
not the one who is pregnant you're not the one who
was raped and you're going to sit there and tell me
to not abort a rapist's child"
Zodwa:"Look I understand where you're coming from
Me:"you don't understand anything Zodwa I am not
going to carry a rapist's child I am not going to bear
that dog a child okay."
Zodwa:"He doesn't deserve to know."
Me:"I don't care okay and all I know is that I won't
carry a rapist's child okay how will I look at the baby
knowing how I convinced her or him"
Zodwa:"The baby will always remind you of the
battles you've fought"
Me:"Get out Zodwa"
Zodwa:"please think about it you can't kill and
innocent kid because she/he is the product of rape"
Me:"Zodwa please get out" She nodded then went
out I hugged my pillow how will I raise a baby how
will people look at me huh how can I raise a child
that is a product of rape it's obvious i will hate the
child it's obvious i will hate the child it will always be
a constant reminder of what that bastard did to me
and I don't want that I want to forget. I hate this I
hate feeling like this. I just want it all to end I just
want some peace I want the pain to end and this
child will not make me forget.



I felt her pains her cries her begging me to stop her

telling me that I am hurting her I even felt her tiny
hands pushing me what kind of an animal I am to
bad I can't picture the girl's face I hate the fact that I
don't remember the kid.. I am tired of raping young
kids to satisfy the demon that's is inside me.

"Baby" her tiny voice disturbed my thoughts

Noxolo:"What are you thinking about?"
Me:"No nothing babe"
Noxolo:"Okay damn this car it's so beautiful"
Me:"Do you want it?"
Noxolo:"Yes but I want to buy it with my own money"
Me:"Work hard babe you will archive all your
Noxolo:"Yh hey but this car is a beast I imagine
myself driving it"
Me:"I can buy it for you"
Noxolo:"To bad I want to buy it with my own money"
Me:"But baby...." I was disturbed by a phone call

Me:"Jomo?" I signalled Noxolo to excuse me

Jomo:"Bones there's someone who is working with
Me: "Who?"
Jomo: "I don't know yet."
Me:"So you want to tell me that there's someone
who is betraying me?"
Me:"Dammit listen find whoever is working for that
bitch and I want the pussy dead"
Jomo:" Okay sure boss"

I love the fact that I don't do the killings I don't want

too much blood in my hands.



Lulu:"Mama I want to see dad"

Me:"You will baby stop sulking okay"
Lulu:"No mama it's been weeks without seeing dad
and I miss him"
Me:"Okay let me call him"
Lulu:"Thank you mommy"

I dialled his no

Me:"Lulu wants to see you"
Bones:"tell her daddy can't see her"
Me:"Bones your daughter wants to see you she
misses you what kind of a father are you huh you
don't have time for your child"
Bones:"Okay fine bring her"
Bones:"dammit woman you know that I meet her in
public places so I think Wimpy is okay"

I dropped the call.

Me:"I will take you to meet him at Wimpy

Lulu:"Thank you mommy I love you" I bent down she
she kissed my cheek and went to her play room I
love my child to be honest I wouldn't trade her for
anything she is the reason I am fighting bones.


No edits
Chapter 32


I heard the a knock on the door all the way from my

room. I thought I would open for whoever it is that's
there but by the looks of it I had dragged my feet
cause i could hear voices in the lounge. I realized
maybe it was a delivery since there was an uber
eats paper bag on the kitchen table. I figured I'd go
back to my room since I wasnt needed here until I
heard who the the voices in the lounge belonged to.
it was Zodwa and our dad.
Zodwa:"She is pregnant dad." I knew this was about
me so I decided to stop and hear what was being
Dad:"What!" He half shouted
Zodwa:"And she wants to abort."
Dad:"To be honest zodwa I don't understand what's
going on with Nolwazi."
Zodwa:"Apparently mom went to the sangoma to get
a love portion for Nolwazi so that she can feed it to
Dad:"Then how did he rape her? Isnt this what she
wanted to begin with? To sleep with him?"
Zodwa:"Yes dad but I don't think that the portion
Dad:"Then what made him rape my daughter?"
Zodwa:"I don't know dad and I don't like seeing
Nolwazi like that it hurts me."
Dad:"But it's her fault now she has to deal with the
consequences of her actions."

I dont know what was more heartbreaking hearing

my dad say I deserved this or maybe its cause he is
right. I did this to myself. But I just thought he would
be on my side. Sure I did what I did but that doesn't
mean I deserve to be raped.
Zodwa:"I know dad but their plan turned out wrong
because bones raped her to even think that I warned
Nolwazi to not go."
Dad:"I will talk with her as for Bones he will pay for
raping my daughter."
Zodwa:"No dad let him go I mean Nolwazi wanted to
sleep with Bones in the first place so it's not his fault
that she went to entertain him at the event."
Dad:"I don't know Zodwa but I want answers I will
visit the sangoma Tommorow
to even think that I warned Nolwazi to not go."
Dad:"I will talk with her as for Bones he will pay for
raping my daughter."
Zodwa:"No dad let him go I mean Nolwazi wanted to
sleep with Bones in the first place so it's not his fault
that she went to entertain him at the event."
Dad:"I don't know Zodwa but I want answers I will
visit the sangoma Tommorow I will ask Shirley to
direct me."
Zodwa:"Umm okay as for me I will visit her doctor he
is confusing me"
Dad:"yes but let's thank god the accident didn't harm
the baby"

I wiped my tears then and returned to my room it

hurts so bad I feel like the doctor didn't give me
more information about the baby but it's not like I
I took a packet of pills that I was given at hospital
and took a glass of water and drank them all after
that I lay on the bed wait for the darkness to take
place I am tired of living I can't live life knowing that I
was raped I won't forget that in my life so that's it I
really hope they dont find me in time I don't want to
live I want to die.



Me:"Babe I am going to the mall do you want me to

bring you something ?"
Noxolo:"No babe I am good you can go"
Me:"Okay anyway I am meeting my daughter Lulu at
the mall"
Noxolo:" mm okay greet her for me"
Me:"Okay sharp love you "
Noxolo:"Love you more babe"


Me:"Hurry princess"
Lulu:"Okay mom I am done let's go"
Me: Are you looking forward of meeting your dad?"
Lulu:"yes mom I can't wait I missed him"
Me:"Ncooh let's hope he got something for you"
Lulu:"Hope so mom"

I drove to mall with Lulu talking non-stop. We got to

the mall and the person I had asked to take her to
Bones was already there waiting so they took her to
him while I did my window shopping.




I looked up and saw my princess coming with a

police officer. I so hate this I must put my plan in

Me:"How are you Angel" I picked her up and kissed

her forehead
Lulu:"You don't love me Dad?"
Me:"why do you say that Angel?"
Lulu:"You don't send good night text anymore dad"
Me:"Look what daddy got you " I put a box on the
Lulu:"Wow thank you dad " she opened it "Dad a
unicorn it is so beautiful I love it but mom already
bought it for me"
Me:"Ohh but take it baby"
Lulu:"I think you don't care about me anymore"
Me:"Baby girl nobody will take your space in my
heart okay"
Lulu:"Okay I love you too dad"
Me:"let's order"
Lulu:"Yey" she jumped up and down it send so much
joy in my heart I really love Lulu she melt my heart .



Chapter 33



After Bones left i received a call from Kat she

wanted to meet with me so I went to take a quick
shower. Wore a long tight black dress and White all
stars then brushed my weave to be honest I am so
eager to hear what she want from me I really hope
she doesn't pull one of her stunts Because I am not
ready for it. And she better not think of separating
me with Bones.

Me:"Hi Kat" I greeted her with a biggest smile I've

ever put
Kat:"Hi Noxolo sit down" her spirit was down
Me:"Why are you down what's wrong?"
Kat:"No nothing just wanted to ask for forgiveness
for everything I've said to you"
Kat:"Yes forgive me please I was so hard on you
and it was uncalled for"
Me:"okay no problem"
Kat:"Do you forgive me?"
Me:"Yes I do"
Kat:"Thank you anyway I got to go"
Me:"ohh see you then and say hi to Koki when you
meet her"
Kat:"Alright sharp " she stood up and went away I
sighed then raised a hand for a waiter to assist me
I've ordered ribs with onion rings and chips I've also
ordered a glass of wine I needed it.

"Hey is the seat occupied?"

Me:"No you can sit" I said to the angel that was
standing in front of me to be honest she was so
beautiful not to mention her shaped body
Her:"Am Kele"
Me:"Nice to meet you Kele am noxolo"
Kele:"You're so beautiful"
Me:"Don't flatter me Kele"I scoffed
Kele:"You are babes"
Me:"Thank you babes so are you"
Kele:"I've been told but thanks doll"
Me:"So tell me about yourself"
Kele:"Okay am Keletso Mogale I am doing medicine
at university of California Berkeley well I am doing
my third year."
Me:"Wow girl you've already achieved a lot in your
life I mean you are studying in one of the best
Kele:"Let's say God made a miracle and I am also
glad that my Grandmother taught me a lot of things"
Me:"Ohh so who is paying your school fees sorry to
be so forward"
Kele:"No you're not well I've got a scholarship"
Me:"Ohh okay"
Kele:"Yes can you please give me your contact
details so that I can call you when I am around"
Me:"Ohh"she gave me her phone I punched my
Kele:"I will call you"

She giggled and took her hand bag and went away. I
think I like Kele she seems like an innocent person
plus she is bubbly and her future is so bright I am
sure her parents must be proud of her.


Me:"What do you mean you are going to Limpopo
worse KaMajosi?"
Dragon:"Jomo is suspecting me already Tasha and I
don't want bones to kill me so I need to lay low."
Me:"So you think running away from your problems
is the best option?"
Dragon:"No Tasha I really don't want my son to be
fatherless no and it is non negotiable"
Me:"Okay but be safe Dragon and thank you for
trying to help me"
Dragon:"Don't worry Majosi is the last place he'd
look into"
Me:"Okay be safe Dragon you helped me a lot and
sorry for putting your life in danger"
Dragon:"Okay sharp" he hugged me and drove away



Me:"Nolwazi wake up we don't want to be late"looks

like she is deep in her sleep
Me:"Nolwazi wake up okay" I tried waking her up for
like 5 times I even slap her lightly but she wasn't
having it reality kicked in when I noticed an empty
pill bottle on the bedside table. I decided to check
her pulse it was gone I panicked and call dad
Me:"DadDad " tears were making their way down my
face disturbing my vision but I kept on running until I
found him putting on his jacket
Dad:"Hey Angel whats wrong?"
Me:"Dad.. Nol......Nolwazi......"
Dad:"Breath in good and out okay now tell me what's
making you cry"
Me:"Dad Nolwazi is not waking up she she
overdosed her pills"
Me:"Dad we have to get her to hospital as in now I
can't lose her dad please"
Dad:"Okay okay go and start the car I am going to
fetch her
princess concentrate okay Nolwazi will be Alright"
Me:"Please dad we have to hurry" he nodded and
rushed to her room

After 5 mins or so he came back with her in his arms

he put her in the backseat I also went to sit with her
and placed her head on my thighs.

I tried to not cry but the way she was made my tears
gush she was so weak her skin was so pale her afro
was all over her face. I sobbed dad looked at me
with pitiful eyes then concentrate on the road it was
safe to say that he was driving like a maniac.

I thanked God when we arrived at hospital they

immediately pushed her to where I suppose they are
going to help her.

Dad:"Nolwazi will be alright princess don't cry

Me:"Dad how can I not cry It hurt me seeing her so
pale I love Nolwazi very much okay"
Dad:"I know princess" he embraced me for a hug I
cried my lungs out I've cried like I won't cry anymore
thanks to dad he kept on hushing me to tell the truth
he is also hurting .
Dad:"Let me go and call Shirley"
Dad:"What do you mean no"
Me:"Dad she doesn't deserve to know anything she
is the reason why Nolwazi is there fighting for her life
Dad:"Okay" he surrendered and continue to rub my
back until I fall asleep on his thighs



Chapter 34

Four months later



The past four months have been great and my

relationship with Bones is still strong and tight. I had
doubts about us working out but I guess I was
wrong. We've buried Nolwazi even though Zodwa is
hurt. And it hurts that she is blaming herself anyway
let's get back to my life Kele is now my best friend
I've never heard from Kat since that day. Ohh I
forgot to mention that I've been attending driving
school I've also written my learners right now I am
waiting for lincence.
I felt someone’s hand in my waist and I turned
Me: "You are back?"
Bones: "Yes. My meeting was rescheduled"
I smiled
Me:"Atleast you weren't bored as for me boredom
was killing me"
Bones: "Sorry baby so I was thinking okay how
about I buy shares for you at this beauty salon"
Me: "Bones I know you're used of buying things for
me but babe salon is a big thing"
Bones: "I know baby but please reconsider it"
Me:" I will and you must know that I am still mad at
your for tearing my pussy" I pouted
Bones:" I know babe that’s why I got you this gift"
He took out a car keys
Bones: "Come let’s go outside and you’ll see your
new baby"
He bought me a car?
I jumped off the bed



I walked out of Nolwazi's room

It's been four months since her death and still I can’t
get over it. I blame myself for not being hard on her.
I hate the fact that I wasn't the best sister to her I
didn't show her the right path to follow and for that I
will always blame myself for her death. I allowed my
mom to treat her badly. Talking about my mom after
the death of Nolwazi she left to overseas with her
Ben 10. She didn’t even think about me luckily my
father didn’t leave me. He has supported me and I
am thankful for him
Dad: "Today we are going to clean your sister’s
Every time we go to her grave a part of me stays
behind with her
Me: "I wish mom could come back"
Dad: "Your mother failed you. What kind of a mother
who leaves her child behind and go gallivanting"
Tears were streaming down my cheeks already. My
mom has always been selfish
Me: "Let me prepare something for us to eat before
we go"
Dad: "No leave it princess we will buy overtakes on
our way there" To be honest Nolwazi's death hurt
Dad and it caused him to drink his sorrows away he
used to drink like nobody's business but I am
grateful that he managed to notice before it was too
late that drinking is a bad habit.



Dealing with my demons hasn’t been easy but I feel

like Noxolo has a way to calm me down. Sometimes
I lose my temper and hurt her. ( By sexing her
rough) I give her everything she wants her ways of
loving me gives me pleasure. I managed to deal with
Tasha well let me say we came to an agreement
after we’ve lost many of our men in our fight. Tasha
and I agreed it will be best if we cut the tension and
do what’s best for our daughter. But is still hard to
see her in private my past keeps on being a barrier
Noxolo: "You bought this car for me?" It was a
Volkswagen Golf GTI VR6 I love it.
Bones: "For you my love. You see how sorry I am"
I hate seeing her crying she is too fragile
Noxolo: "I’ve been eyeing this car thank you so
much I am only taking this car because it's a present
coming from you darling" she pecked my lips and
hugged me
Me: "You don’t have to Thank me my love.
Everything I do I do it for you and you know that we
have to look houses so that Lulu can come and stay
with us"
Noxolo: she sighed" I don't know about that bones"
Me: "Please Noxolo at least do it for me"
Noxolo: "Okay at least let me think about it"
Me: "Okay I love you boo"
Noxolo: "I love you more"

I kissed her lips five times making her to giggle

This woman is all I need and I will protect her. I will
make sure that I will break the sacrifice I made.( Go
and read the romoved part at the group)
Am Sikhuli Zulu but you can call me bones I am
multi-billionaire of a lifetime. I've got two companies
that hide my Shaddy stuff and so all I am a drug lord
I also deal with human trafficking. Well you all know
that richness doesn't come without working for it so
I've sacrificed my manhood in order to become rich
my dick is owned by the demon that's is inside me
you all know that richness doesn't come without
working for it so I've sacrificed my manhood in order
to become rich my dick is owned by the demon
that's is inside me the reason I did that was Because
My parents were owing a dangerous loan shark
some money and he'd always threaten them to kill
me if they don't pay the money that he was owning
them. As for me I went to his house and reason with
him to not kill me but he said he won't do it in one
condition which was to transfer his beast inside my
body and he will give me all his richness and I
agreed because I was so young to reason.

Right now I am on a mission to found someone who

is willing to take the beast I am tired of feeding it
young girls screams.


Hey I've got a car what more could I ask huh?
anyway after the hot steamy rounds with babe I've
decided to hit a club with Kele even though it was
going to be hard to convince her because she is a
church girl as for me those last few months I've been
slaying on Instagram people loves me what can I
say I am enjoying life.

Me: "Hey kele"

Kele: "Noxolo what's up"
Me: "Guess what boobie (that's the nickname I gave
Kele:" What nokx"
Me: "I've got a car babes"
Kele: "Ohh congratulations so where did you get the
money to buy a car?"
Me: "What do you mean you know I've got a rich
boyfriend so he got it for me babes"
Kele: "Until when Noxolo Huh can't you see that you
are throwing away your life just like that huh"
Me: "I don't need your word of God right now
Kele: "Okay can I go back to my studies"
Me: "Let's go and celebrate friend"
Kele: "I can't I am writing on Monday"
Me: "Boobie it's Friday today you will study on
Saturday and Sunday"
Kele: "Noxolo I don't need this please okay"
Me: "Boobie when was the last time we bonded
Me: "Thank you love get ready I will pick you up at 7"
Kele: "Mxm sharp"

I dropped the call and scream happily I never

thought me Noxolo Bhuthelezi will drive my own car
anyway I am glad that I went to driving school.

I took my phone and went to Instagram well I've got

125k followers so far and that makes me happy that
everyone is loving me.

Kele: "So where are we going to celebrate"

Me: "Okay my friend Jam invited me he is launching
his new club"
Kele: "Are you sure about this Noxolo?"
Me: "Stop being so negative boobie okay"
Kele: "Okay if you say so"
Me: "We are going to enjoy darling there's no other
way around"
Kele: "Yes babes" she giggled

We drove to Red club(just came up with a name) we

were singing to songs it was hip-hop until we arrived.
I am gland that we arrived safe
Jam: "Hey you arrived"
Me: "Yes jam meet my sister Kele( I take her as my
other half)
Jam: "Nice to meet you Kele am Noxolo's friend"
Kele: "Okay where's the booze"
Me: "Haibo church girl"
Kele: "Leave me alone bitch"
Me: "Yhoo okay"

Jam chuckled I shot a death stare he immediately

kept quite and lead us to a VIP sport well we partied
it was so fun I was so drunk I even disappeared to
the toilets.

Me: "What are you doing here jam?"

Jam: "Dammit I can't keep my eyes off you Babe
you're gorgeous"
Me: "Ohh thank you"
Jam: "You're so hot" he rubbed my thigh ohh god he
did things to my vigina(Go and read the removed
part at the group)



Chapter 35


What have I done? Bones will hate me I've broken

his heart I am sure he hates me right now what kind
of a girlfriend am I?

Me:"Kele stop asking me useless questions let's go

Kele:"The fun is about to start noxolo you can't
expect me to go home this time"
Me:"Boobie please okay" I was now tearing up
Kele:"What's wrong Noxolo? okay fine let's go"

I sighed and we drove to kele's house.

Kele:"I know you're not okay babe tell me what's

Me:"I've messed up Kele he won't forgive me when
he finds out what I did"
Kele:"What did you do noxolo?"
Me:"Promise you wont judge me"
Kele:"Ohh God promise"
Me:"I slept with Jam"
Kele:"What? Noxolo how can you do that to Bones?"
Me:"You promised to not judge me Noxolo"
Kele:" Okay I know am sorry but Friend tell him
before he finds out from someone"
Me:"No!" I half shouted " Do you want Bones to kill
Kele:"He won't friend he just want you to be honest"
Me:"No please don't tell anyone"
Kele:"Okay drive safe don't cry on the road"
Me:"Alright thank you"
Kele:"Wipe your tears you're ugly"
Me:"Voesek Keletso"
Kele:"It's the truth"
Me:"Bye boobie"
Kele:"I am not a dog Noxolo"
Me:"Yes boobie you're not a dog"
Kele:" So why are you calling me boobie"
Me:"I love you friend bye" she giggled and got of the

I drove straight home I spent 5 mins inside the car

thinking about the situation that I've put myself in. I
am so ashamed of myself I've cheated on the man
who loves me. I am such a slut.

Me:"Hey babe" I said closing the door my hands

were sweating I was so scared.
Bones:"Hey Angel why are you back early?"
Me:"I don't know I want...... God please hold me "
Bones:"What's wrong Noxolo why are you shaking?"
Me: I am really not good at lying " Ohhh I am just
angry that the was this guy who wanted to rape kele
Bones:"Really?" He could see it through my eyes
that I am lying
Me:"Yes good night babe"

He returned to his laptop. I jogged upstairs and

throw myself on the bed.



The next morning I immediately woke up and call

Jomo I've told him to keep tabs on Noxolo I don't
have to give you reasons you all know why.

Me:"Hey Jomo what's news do you have for me?"

Jomo:"Boss I don't know how to tell you this"
Me:"Jomo I said tell me what happened at the club
Jomo:"Okay I will send the video clip"
Me:"Get on it now"
Jomo:"Sure boss"
After 3 mins there was a notification on my phone.
What I saw broke my heart I thought Noxolo was
different from the other girls I've dated I thought she
was so special dammit Noxolo you will regret ever
messing with me. I took my keys and drove to the
club I need a few drinks



The next morning I woke up without Bones by my

side I wonder where did he go he didn't bother to
even let me know. Most of the time when he goes to
work he leaves a note or wakes me up but today it's
another story anyway I went to freshen up after that I
went to make cereals and eat after eating boredom
decided to kill me plus Instagram is boring so I
decided to take a magazine and look into fashion
clothes and read articles. The most topic that
triggered my brain cells was the one that said
"Education is the way to life".Well I haven't been
going to school and my goal when I came to
Johannesburg was I am gonna go to university and
become independently successful.Well y'all
remember it changed when my aunt decided to be
cheeky with me.
Moving on after reading it I decided to cook.I was
busy with my pots cooking rice and beef stew when I
heard the door bangingI jumped a little thinking who
would that answer my thoughts it was Bones.

Me:"Babe are you okay?Why are you banging the

door like that."
Bones:"I'm fine."
Me:"Do you know that with your impulsive idiocy you
will break the doornow come on sit down I'm about
to dish up."
Bones:"What did you just say?" He roared with
I slightly jumped and looked at him.
Me:"Uhh BonesI..I...was just joking okay...look I am
Bones:"I warned you to never talk to me like that know what come hereI wanna teach
you a lesson todayyou know I don't like repeating
He came towards and picked me uphe put me on his
shoulders...(Damn I didn't know he was this strong)
Me:"Bones please put me down"He actually wasn't
having it okay.He switched the stove off and led me
Me:"Baby...?My love..? Bones please."
Bones:"Today I'm not gonna forgive you."
We arrived in our bedroom and he put me on the
bedhe wasted no time by tearing my clothes off...I
knew he was gonna fuck the living daylights out of
me.As soon as he was done taking or should i say
ripping my clothes off my body he got up and
specifically warned.
Bones:"Do not move or else..."
He locked the bedroom door to prevent me from
runninghe went to his closet and took out sexy
handcuffs a silky blindfold.He came towards me.I
was literally shaking.
Me:"Bonesbaby please I will never disrespect you
like that again my love please forgive me."
Bones:"You're a bitch now noxolo huh"
Me:"Please babe I was drunk" I was crying I never
thought I could see this day actually I never thought
my partner could rough sex me this was going to
tear me up. I know I've messed up but this is not the
way to fix things . By then I knew we were gonna
have rough sex.I was laying there with my back on
the bed.He took the handcuffs and cuffed both my
handsand tied the silk blindfold my eyes to prevent
me from seeing anything.
Bones:"Today I'm gonna show you a side of me that
you never knew Noxolo you pressed the last bottom
of my anger."
I was literally scared and praying he doesn't kill me.
He started off by roughly kissing my lips and went to
my neck and started sucking ithis hands were
roaming around my body and somehow this made
me sick .His hands landed on my medium sized
boobs and he started massaging my round nipples
meanwhile he was still sucking my neck.He would
change from sucking it from the left and right.He
would pull my nipples hard and pinch them in
Me:" please." I was not certain if I was
moaning or scrunching in pain because wow it felt
glorious and a little bit painful-mix masala.
He trailed his lips down to my boobs and he started
sucking my left boobhis right hand slowly trailed to
my pussyhe inserted his middle finger inside and
slowly but surely started fingering me.I let out a
moan because damn his finger was going way too
deep inside my pussy and he was fingering me
He kissed my lips to stop the moans from escaping
my mouth.
Me:"Oh my...j..jeepers Bones fuck."
He stopped when he saw I was about to cum. He
got off me and I think he was undressing himself
since I heard his belt and trouser's taken off.
This time around he didn't muff me or anything.
He held onto my breasts and he immediately
inserted his dick.The pain and the pleasure quickly
rushed in.
He started squeezing my boobs now that he was
feeling the warmth of my pussyhe did not waste
timehe started going up and down roughly.
Me:"Ah...fuck Bones that hurtsplease stop arh!"
Bones:"Shut upthis is to teach you not to not cheat
on me." He was legit pounding in me that I no more
felt the pleasure.I felt as if my Pussy was gonna get
rippedI felt his dick thrust inside of me way too
Me:"Oh my... God..Bones I'm sorry"I was now crying
It was like i was talking to myself because he didn't
even give a damn.
His groans filled the room. My sobs were like turning
him on because he would go deeper and deeper
each second.
He took my right leg and put it on his shoulderthat
gave him the greatest access to my pussy.He was
groaning and panting
Bones:"You will learn to close your legs when I am
done with you"
He would change from spanking my right butt to
squeezing my left boob.
I finally gave up because I could tell he was not
gonna finish any time soon.
I just let him be up until I felt wet liquid on my belly
and some exiting my pussy.
Well that wasn't the end of it.His groans were loud
and him hearing me sob gave him the energy to fuck
me again.He took off the handcuffs and turned me
around and took it from the back.
Bones:"'re... so warm baby"
He was deep inside me enjoying the
pleasurespanking my ass was very enjoyable for
him. He was groaning really hard and that made me
aware that he was close to cumming.He was
shaking my ass meanwhile fucking me up until he
gave me a huge spank
Me:"Bones You're hurting me"
That's when he came and stopped to catch his
He took his dick out and moved the blindfold off of
me. And made me to look at him
Bones:"That ...that was good babecome let's sleep it
I was so angry and hurt from this new demon...I
silently cried myself to sleep up untill I was woken up
by someone...



Chapter 36


After taking a nap I woke up feeling better I still

couldn't believe Bones would do that to me. I know I
fucked up by cheating on him but what he did wasn't
right. I went to take a shower and went to make food
even though I was limping on my way to the kitchen I
think bones is not around I am actually glad because
I don't know how to face him after cheating on him I
am also glad that he didn't beat me.

After eating I went to put my plate in the sink then

decided to call Kele. She picked up.
Kele: "Hey. What happened? Did you tell him?"
Me: "No although he did find out I'm not sure how
Kele: "Okay so what did he say?"
Me: "We had sex. Rough painful sex."
Kele:"I don't know what to say Noxolo but you did
him wrong"
Me:"But he doesn't have the right to force himself on
Kele:"Babes why don't you leave him if you don't feel
the relationship anymore?"
Me:"No!" I half shouted "Where will I go Kele."
Kele:"You can come and stay with me and
Me:"No Kele I don't want to be a burden and beside
relationships got a lot of ups and downs I can't just
give up and go."
Voice:"You ain't going anywhere no body leaves me"
his deep voice made me jump and I dropped my
Me:"Ohh you scared me"
Bones:"If I hear you call that bitch you call a friend I
will kill you understand?" He roared and his voice
was so scary
Me:"I promise I won't call her again" he clicked his
tongue and went to take a glass of milk
Me:"Why did you force yourself on me? And how did
you find out that I slept with Jam?" my voice was so
Bones:"I've got ears and eyes everywhere darling"
Me:"Okay okay please forgive me babe I didn't mean
to sleep with him it was a mis.." he shut me up with a
hot slap I screamed in pain
Bones:"Don't you dare tell me it was mistake do you
hear me? He pinned me against the fridge and
grabbed my neck roughly. I silently cried begging
him to stop
Bones:"Listen here and listen careful from now on
you ain't going anywhere I will get you anything you
want by myself am I making My clear"
Me:"Yes please"I managed to say through my tears
Bones:"I am taking all your devices and you will be
locked in this house forever" his eyes were black
they only showed anger
Me:"Please you are hurting me" I cried until he let
me go I slid to the floor with my hands on my face
Bones:"Disgusting clean yourself up and put make
up to hide your bruises we are going out"
Me:"Please bones I am not okay let's eat indoors" I
said with pity written in my eyes
Bones:"Did I hear you say something?"
Me:"No" I shook my head
Bones:"Good girl"

He walked away and left me crying until I decided to

go and bath again and apply makeup I made sure
that I hide the bruises.

Bones:"You're good at hiding those things don't

worry no one will notice you"
Me:"Why are you doing this to me?"
Bones:"I don't know" he said with a smug on his face
Me:"Am done let's go"
Bones:"Cool" he wanted to kiss my lips but I backed
away and give him the cheek he chuckled and
pulled my arm
Bones:"you better not pull that stunt infront of my
Me:"Ohh really okay" I smiled I wanted to piss him
Bones:"If you try it Noxolo I won't hesitate to kill you"
I cleared my throat because he meant every word he
said I don't want to die I am still young

We drove to the fancy restaurant he said we are

having dinner with the most important client he told
me to play along he warned me to not mention
anything about the slap that happened honestly I
don't know Bones any more
he told me to play along he warned me to not
mention anything about the slap that happened
honestly I don't know Bones any more he changed
in just one night the sweet bones was gone his eyes
were full of hatred I know I did him wrong but to beat
me he doesn't have a right to do that I mean he
punished me what more does he want from me? I
really love Bones but I despise man who lay their
hands on women.
Bones:"We are here Noxolo and stop zoning out I
don't want you to make him suspect anything"

The driver opened the car for us we we went inside

the Resturant.

Bones:"Jackson my man meet Noxolo my fiance" I

forgot to mention that he made me to wear a ring
Jackson:"Hey Noxolo also meet my wife Luthando"
Me:"Nice to meet you Noxolo"
Luthando:"The feeling is mutual" I giggled and took a
Jackson:"So Noxolo what do you do?"
Me:"Ohh I was supposed to be still at school but life
happened" I felt Bones hand poking me
Luthando:"Wow you are so young Noxolo go back to
Me:"It's not easy. And you Luthando"
Luthando:"Ohh I am a nurse"
Me:"Wow impressive"
Luthando:"Yes "
Jackson:"And then Bones why are you quite"
Bones: he cleared his throat " I think my fiance here
is tired you know how pregnant women are." I
quickly looked at him and reality sunk in when I
remembered that I am not on concratreptives and I
slept with Jam without a condom"
Bones:"Right babe"
Me:"Ohh yes I'd like to go home"
Luthando:"Umm okay then it was nice meeting you

We handshake and returned home.

Me:"your client is not bad at all you know" I said

while opening the bathroom door and came in
contact with Bones hands he slapped the day light
out of me I fell on the couch.
Bones:"How dare you embarass me like that"
Me:"I am sorry okay"
Bones:"Didn't I tell you to play along"
Me:"I did"
Bones:"No you didn't Noxolo you said you are not
Me:"I am sorry Babe please you are hurting me I
didn't mean to"
Bones:"Dammit" he let me go and grabbed his car
keys and went out.

I cried silently my throat was so sore from the

strangling that I've recieved I never thought Bones
was a women beater.


Chapter 37


A month later

The abuse has been going on since that day. he's

been treating me like shit he would sometimes beat
me when he feels like doing it and the next day he
would wake up like nothing happened we ain't
vibeing at all even his sex game I don't feel it
anymore I feel like he is forcing himself on me and i
hate it. He keep on reminding me every now and
then that I don't have a cent so it is not easy to leave

Bones:"Wake up go and bath" I nodded quickly

stood up "be quick."

Thank God I've got the chance to do the pregnancy

test I've been vomiting lately not to mention getting
emotions over a small thing. I am glad that I bought
it before Bones locked me in. So I peed on it then
took a shower after that I checked it with my lips
pressed hoping for a negative results only to see two
red lines to be honest I am not ready to be a mom
and I am sure that it is Jam's baby Bones will kill me
when he found out about this.

Bones:"Noxolo get out I don't have the whole day"

Me:"Umm okay" I wiped my face with my hands only
to come out with tears I've let them gush through my
cheeks I never thought that my life would turn out
like this.

Me:"Okay okay I am coming" I said with a panicked
voice to be honest I don't know Bones anymore I
feel like something took over
he is not Sikhuli that I fell in love with. I put the the
test in my breast flash the box hoping to not block
the toilet.

Bones:"What took you so long?"

Me:"Ohh I was shaving my private parts"that was the
best lie I could come up with
Bones:"Really?"he said with a smug look plastered
on his face
Me:"Yes ohh I forgot to mention that my pads are
running out" I wanted him to allow me to go to the
mall so that I can escape it was also a lie.

Bones:"Okay hide your black eye"

Me:"Why are you doing this to me huh?"
Bones:"Ohhh did you forget about Jam?"
Me:"Umm did you kill him ?"
Bones:"Don't tell me you care about that bustard
noxolo" anger arises in his eyes
Me:"Yes I mean no"
Bones:"Which one should I go with?"
Me:"No I don't"

I turned and hid the blue eye with make up.

Me:"Am done let's go"

Bones:"Okay" I was about to turn and took my sling
bag when the test fall on the floor Dammit I am
Bones:"What's that Noxolo?"

Me:"Ohh no nothing" I quickly picked it.

Bones:"Let me see " he snatched the test "so you
decided to not tell me the good news" his eyes were
full of fire

Me:"It is not what it looks like Bones I wanted to

surprise you"

Bones:"Mine really I am not a fool Noxolo I know

that you slept with Jam without using protection "
Me:"We did"
Bones:"No you didn't"
Me:"Please let me go I won't bother you anymore"
Bones:"I want to ruin you Noxolo" that statement
made my body shiver in fear
Me:"Please"I was now on my knees begging him.

Bones:"Stand up"
Me:"No please Sikhuli"
Bones:"Stand up dammit" he half shouted
Me:"Sorry" I wiped my tears
Bones:"You are going to abort that thing inside your

Bones:"Yes you will and it's not up for debate"

Me:"Please I will do anything you want me to do just

don't kill my baby"
Bones:"baby?" he scoffed "that's trash I wouldn't
label it as a baby if I were you"

I looked at the animal that is standing in front of me.

I sighed and sat down trying to plan how to escape
this hell hole I don't want to die I've heard how
dangerous abortions are.

Bones:"I will be back"

I am glad today he didn't ask for sex. I hate Jam for

making me sleep with him no actually I hate men. It
not easy to stay in this house without a phone he
made sure to disconnect TVs and everything that
can make me escape. I am sure Kele is worried
about me.

Bones:"Honey am home" said bones when he came

back after 2 hours

Me:"Hey" I sad to the white guy he was with

Bones:"Herold meet my fiance Noxolo"
Herold:"Hey Noks"
Me: I smiled
Bones:"Babe he is a doctor by profession he is
going to help you do abortion"
Me:"No" I shouted that made him gasp " I won't do
abortion Bones"
Me:"I am not a murderer okay" I said backing away

Bones:"Herold do what I paid you to do "

Me:"Please don't Bones don't risk my life I might die"

Herold: he looked at bones

Bones:"Do it"
Herold:"Okay miss first pee on this container so.that
we can be sure that you are pregnant"
Me:"You will have to first fight me I won't give up that
Bones:He chuckled " Noxolo don't fight me" he
dismissed me

Honestly it was beyond me actually I don't have a

say in my life. I took the container and went to pee
on it.

Me:"Hope you rot in hell"

Bones:"Don't worry hell is my home"

I kept quiet. The result came back positive

Herold:"Lie down miss"

I lay on the bed and let him do his work to be honest
the pain that I felt was unbearable I started to sweat
my body was shaking uncontrollable.

Herold:"Dammit we are losing her bones"

That's the last thing I heard.



Chapter 38



I felt a hand touching me only to realise it is Bones I

decided to keep quiet and shut my eyes thinking
about the whole thing that it is happening in my life I
really hope the abortion didn't succeed but who am I
kidding because my body is weak I can feel it. I don't
want to mention how pounding my headache is I am
sure that Bones is enjoying whatever he is doing to
me. But at the end of the day I am the one who
wronged him I guess I deserve the torture that I am

Bones:"Hey you're awake thank God" I am sure he

noticed it by looking at my eyes because I was
blinking them
Me:"Water please" my throat was so sore I felt like I
haven't had water for like a month plus I am thirsty
Bones:"How are you?"
I looked at the animal that is sitting next to my
hospital bed
Me: "What do you think?"
Bones:"Don't worry babe everything will go back to
normal the abortion was a success so there's
nothing to worry about"
Me:"Ohh so you succeeded in killing my child?
Congratulations" I was beyond hurt I wanted to raise
my child the way mama raised me I was to teach
him/her respect but who am I to say that? The devil
decided to kill my child and for that I won't forgive

Me:"So are you happy?"

Bones:"More than happy babe" he broke my heart
he shuttered it. I felt my tears burning my eyes but I
blocked them from falling I don't want to give him the
satisfaction of seeing me crying I know it is not good
to battle up emotions.
Bones:"Since you're okay I think it's time we go
Me:"Without the doctors permission?"
Bones:"Do you I think I'd take you to hospital?
Women I am not crazy so don't worry we don't need
his approval in this warehouse I call the shots"
Me:"But I am not okay" deep down I wanted to stay
here for maybe 5 days I want to heal my body is in
Bones:"Do I look like I care woman? There's an
event that I need to attend in less than 3 hours."
Me:"Umm okay" he stood up and helped me get off
the bed I noticed that I was wearing the clothes that I
passed out wearing it was even stained with blood
it was even stained with blood Bones is so evil.
Bones:"Don't worry babe everything will be alright"
he disconnected the drips and helped me limp all the
way to the car.

Bones:"This lady here will help you with make up" I

nodded even though I didn't want to go
Bones:"sharp" he went to stand by the door frame I
am sure he is guarding me from not doing anything
Lady:"Okay I am going to apply a lot of products on
your face because of the bruises. " I nodded
Me:"Do whatever you think will suit me" she nodded
Lady:"Can't believe it's 16 June without me going
anywhere" so I've been in hospital for 3 days wow
Me:"It's 16 June?"
Lady:"Yes" I remembered that I am spending the
day without my mom.
Lady:"Sorry "
Me:"No it's fine" I faked a smile

Lady:"Wow you are so gorgeous" I was turning

around pretending to be happy in the expensive
Me:"No silly you're the one who made me this
Lady:"Wow you are so perfect anyway my work is
done here so I got to go"
Me:"Okay go well"

She smiled and went out I sighed in defeat I never

thought I'd see myself pretending to be happy when
I am not I put my hand on the hole that Bones
caused by throwing a bedside lamp my face is
ruined because of him.

Bones:"Let's go I don't want to be late and ohh

woman you better not try to embarrass me" he was
holding my hand so tight
Me:"I won't I promise" my voice was breaking
Bones:"Good come let's go ohh don't forget to put
on your ring"

I limped to the drawer and put on the ring after we

drove to the event by the looks of the cars it was
packed I hate crowded places but I don't have
choice I am forced to do this not to mention how
painful my body is the headache is not disappearing
at all.

Me:"Yes" I think the pain was starting to come back
with a lot of power
Bones:"Are sure you're okay?" As if he cares
Me:"Yes I am" I pressed my lips against each other
trying to keep myself calm

He locked his arm into mine and went inside the

event. The smell of rich people filled my nostrils i
followed Bones like a puppy until I asked him to
excuse me

Me:"I need to go to the toilets hope you don't mind"

Bones:"Don't worry you can go but don't try to do
anything I wouldn't do"
Me:"Okay". I quickly went to the toilets I have to
escape today I can't go on with the abuse I am tired
but first I made sure that he wasnt watching me then
use the emergency door I took of my heels and ran.
I wasn't thinking about the pain I have to run as fast
as I can before he notices I'm gone.



(No edits!)

Chapter 39

(Too short)


Me: "Can I please squeeze in for the night?" I was

asking a hobo young girl who was folding boxes to
make a bed I am glad that I managed to run away
from bones without him noticing me that I am gone
Her: "Yes but you must wake up and hustle with me
Tomorrow there's nothing for free"
Me: "Okay thank you " she smiled and made a
space for me to get inside the dirty blanket
Her: "Am Zanele and you?
Me: "You can call me noxolo"
Her: "Okay sis Noxolo"

Well we talked about everything she told me about

her abusive grandfather who used to hit her that's
why she ran away from him and she is 16 years old.

Zanele: "So what about you?

Me:"well I was dating some other guy who abused
me so I decided to run away from him" I don't even
know why I opened up to her
Zanele: "So how are you holding up?"
Me:"I trusted him " I blinked away tears
Zanele:"Don't worry everything will be okay"

The following morning I woke up to the sound of

police vans.

Zanele: "Noxolo what's going on here?"

Me: "What do you mean? I don't know. What did you
Zanele: "I didn't do anything" we were disturbed by a
police officer
Him: "Can I please see Noxolo Bhuthelezi"
Me: "It's me"
Him: "Okay" he gave me a search warrant
Me: "And then what's this?"
Him: "I don't have to read it for you miss"
Zanele: "What did you do noxolo?"
Me: "Nothing okay"
Him: "Can I please work"
Me: "Sure" he turned up the whole place and found
Him: "No so fast missy" he went to his van and came
out with two bulldogs"
Me: "What's going on here?"
Him: "I've received a tip-off"
Me: "What?"
Him: "Yes apparently you are the person who is
selling the drugs that killed 5 teenagers"
Me: "What no"
Him: "So please if you know you are innocent allow
me to do my job in peace"
Me: "Okay" the dogs started to sniff me until they
stop in front of my weave that I was wearing" the
policeman started to search my wig until he found
two packs of white powder he tasted it then chuckled
Him: "Mam you under arrest for selling drugs "
Me: "What? No I don't know anything about drugs
Him: "You have the right to remain silent and call a
lawyer if you can't afford one the government will
provide you with one" he said pushing me inside the
van I never thought I'd find myself inside the van
going to jail
" he said pushing me inside the van I never thought
I'd find myself inside the van going to jail I know
bones set me up but what was I thinking falling in
love with bones I was definitely not thinking straight
now I believe that bones is evil.



Me: "No Jomo let her rot in jail for 4 months then we
will steal the docket or bribe the judge to let her go"
Jomo: "Are you sure about this boss?"
Me: "Yes I want Noxolo to suffer the way I suffered
when I saw her video clip"
Jomo: "I respect you boss"
Me: "It's for the best and it's not like she is going to
Jomo: "She's been through a lot of bones why can't
you let her go?"
Me: "What was she thinking huh?"
Jomo: "Do you love her?"
Me: "Don't fucken ask me bull shit I care about
Noxolo but who does she think she is huh trying to
run away from me?
Jomo: "I know bones but you don't do that to the
person you love"
Me: "No I am teaching her a lesson"
Jomo: "By framing her with drugs?"
Me: "Dammit Jomo I am your boss you don't get to
question me"
Jomo: "Okay" he raised his hands in surrender



(They've discharged me today)

Chapter 40



It's been a hell of five months inside a jail hole

everything is a mess they used to beat me and rape
me I can believe that a girl can rape a girl they used
to take my food and let me starve sometimes they
would beat me when I try to fight them the big boss
is Bill I don't even know how she got the name but
she is dangerous she made my life horrible those
past few months she would hit me out of nowhere
there was this day that I woke up with a chiskop on
my head only to find out that she is the one who
razed my hair I cried myself to sleep that the day
sometimes she would send me to go and sell drugs
for her but I am glad that I am used to everything
now and new prisoners are the one who bow down
to me I am also selling drugs Ohhh I am not that
heart fainted Noxolo anymore I killed two girls who
tried to steal my drugs at first I was terrified I'd also
dream about the girl but when I killed the second
one I woke up feeling good actually it felt so good I
didn't even blame myself or pity myself.

Wardener:"Prisoner 104 someone is requesting to

see you" that was my number I am so confused I
mean no one visited me before even that skunk
bones I guess he forgotten about me
Wardener:"Hey I don't have a full day " I snapped
out of it and followed him I never thought I'd see
Boobie infront of me I wanted to hug her but we are
not allowed to do that
Me:"Boobie h..i"
Kele:"Ohh my God friend what's going on? Huh?"
Me:"I wish I knew Boobie but to cut it short how did
you know that I am in jail"
Kele:"Girl you are dating a multi billionaire so it was
so easy to find you"
Me:"Was anyway to cut the story short Bones
framed me Boobie promise to not forget me when I
come back okay"
Kele:"I promise but friend how are you coping?"
Me:"Umm I will be fine" tears started to make their
way out Bones turned me into something I am not
Kele:"Hang in there Noxolo
anyway to cut the story short Bones framed me
Boobie promise to not forget me when I come back
Kele:"I promise but friend how are you coping?"
Me:"Umm I will be fine" tears started to make their
way out Bones turned me into something I am not
Kele:"Hang in there Noxolo God will never abonden
you okay"
Me:"I still can't believe that Bones would plant drugs
in my wig"
Kele:"Friend listen stop feeling sorry for yourself 2
years is nothing you will be out of here within blink of
an eye"
Me:"But still I allowed him to use me"
Kele:"Don't tell me you still love him Noxolo the guy
changed you I can even tell by the way you are
using your hands when you talk Noxolo you've got
lot of anger bottled up inside your heart you have to
let it go you have to forgive and forget"
Me:"No bones changed me and i won't rest until I
make him feel the pain that I am feeling"
Kele:"Umm okay please protect yourself"
Me:"Yhea sure vhaya(Go")
Kele:"I will come back next week"
Me:"Okay ube grand"

She nodded and went out I signed and returned to

my cell.



Am keletso Noxolo's friend I was studying medicine

at university of California Berkeley but I've asked for
transfer to come and study at TUT enough about me
when I saw the headline news about Noxolo being
arrested it didn't sit well with me at first I was
ignoring it because I thought that Noxolo is not
innocent but when the time went on I realised that
no Noxolo wouldn't do that and by going to the court
her voice was screaming innocent but I am glad that
I managed to go and check on her even though I
don't like the person she is changing into.



Tasha:"Baby what happened to Noxolo" Ohhh

Tasha and I giving our relationship a chance again
don't ask me how we end up together I also don't
Me:"Don't mention that biych's name here Tasha"
Tasha:"Ohh sorry but baby why would you frame
her" I told her what I did to Noxolo and she was not
happy at all
Me:"The girl cheated on me Tasha"
Tasha:"Still Sikhuli that doesn't give you the right to
frame her"
Me:"No she deserved it"
Tasha:"Wow you know what I am going for a drive"
Me:"Tasha baby come back here" she ignored me
and drove off


I am not a fool I know what I am doing I am going to
break Bones the way he faked my mental illness I
got back with him on purpose he won't see what hit
him I am going to destroy him the way he destroy my
relationship by burning my boyfriend I took a drive to
my mom's house

Me:"Hey mama"
Mama:"Where is Lulu" I swear this women loves
Lulu more that me
Me:"No mama you are starting to make me jealous"
Mama:"Sorry baby how's your relationship with
Me:"I think he is starting to trust me mom I mean he
told me that he is the one who framed that girl
Mama:"What?! your ex husband is hurtless Tasha
please be careful I don't want to lose you my
Me:"Don't worry mom you won't I just want the key
to his safe that's where he hides his important
Mama:"Why don't you just let this go"
Me:"What no"
Mama:"You are so stubborn Tasha"
Me:"I take after you mom"
Mama:"I will slap you " I laughed I love spending
time with my mom she gets me.


Me:"So Jomo where is she?

Jomo:"She is with her mom. I can't believe you are
keeping tabs on your ex wife no wait your girlfriend"
Me:"I want to know if she is up to no good or
Jomo:"Don't worry she is behaving I think she is
serious "
Me:"Are you sure Jomo"
Jomo:"Yes bones focus on your family"

I dropped the call and drank my whiskey



Chapter 41


It's been a week since Noxolo has been out of jail at
first she was confused on how she came out but she
remembered that she was dating the most feared
guy in town. Bones managed to get Noxolo out of jail
by framing his enemy with a box of drugs that he
used to frame Noxolo so the police arrested the guy
and let noxolo go because they wanted a well known
drug lord

Noxolo is now living with Zanele at first Zanele was

not having it because she doesn't want police
sniffing around her corner but Noxolo managed to
convince her.
Bones and Tasha's relationship is going well but
Tasha isn't letting go of her plans she is still planning
on how to break him all she needs now is a team
because it will not be easy to fight Bones alone



It's been a week since I was out everything is okay

on my side and I am grateful that Bones isn't
bothering me right now I want to concentrate more
on my life and forget a Bones who put my through
hell I am now a killer because of him but I am
grateful that they cleared my name I don't have a
criminal record apparently they found a person who
was selling the drugs( Esetency) that they found in
my wig and I know that bones has a hand in it.

Zanele:"Noxolo wake up don't forget that we have to

wake up before 6"
Me:"Dammit why can't they leave us alone" we are
sleeping infront of a mini Resturant so we don't want
the manager to find us here I heard that he is
arrogant he once hit Zanele with a spade"
Zanele:"Don't forget that we are sleeping infront of
his Resturant so he has the right to chase us"
Me:"Okay" I woke up and folded the boxes and went
to hide them at the corner honestly it's not
comfortable sleeping on boxes worse at the street
and because I'm a girl I have to sleep with one eye
Zanele:"I am going to find something at the mall"
Me:"Okay as for me I am going to try and look for a
mini jobs I don't know"
Zanele:"Nah go and look for food so that we can be
able to eat something tonight" yesterday we slept
with empty stomach because it was hard we didn't
find any fresh food
Me:"Okay sharp"
We went our separate ways I went to the mall toilets
and washed my face I don't even know where to
start today.

So I've decided to go to the busiest street the street

was buzzing with people some going to work some
were fixing the pavement that was broken. Ladies
were busy preparing their fruits to sell them I can't
spend another day without eating something. I have
to do something.



After few months Jomo managed to convince me to

let Noxolo go since I am now with Tasha and I
thought it through I framed my enemy it's time I let
Noxolo go even though I still love her anyway I am
busy with Jomo planning a romantic dinner for
Tasha I want her to remarry me hope she agrees.

Jomo:"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Me:"Yes I want to forget about Noxolo and move on"
Jomo:"Okay let's hope she doesn't decline your
Me:"Let's hope so anyway let's finish up"
We decorated the table Jomo went to his crib and
left me waiting for Tasha

Me:"Hey where's Lulu?" I asked Tasha who was

locking the door shock was written in her eyes
Tasha:"Ohh um she's visiting my mom what's the
occasion? Did I forget something? Are we
celebrating something? Or did you sign a
partnership with someone?" I shut her up with a kiss
Me:"You talk to much no babe we are not
celebrating anything"
Me:"Stop being so confused come take a seat"
Tasha:"Umm okay" she smiled
Tasha:"This is lovely who made them?" She was
eating ducked wings"
Me:"You know I did it"
Tasha:"Mm okay"

We were in the middle of our dinner and the time of

dropping the bomb arrived

Me:"Baby can we please renew our vows"

Tasha:"Are you sure Bones?"
Me:"Yes I am sure"
Me:"Wait okay just like that?"
Tasha:"Yes okay"
Me:"Thanks babe"


After a dinner with bones I went to take a shower

after that went to wore my pyjamas at the closestI
just got out of the closet and I hear the water is no
longer running he must be done. I start getting ready
for bed when he suddenly comes out dripping wet. I
forgot how fine this man looks without clothes on.
His body so firm and buff you can see he visits the
gym frequently the dripping water is doing no justice
to those packs perfectly lined like he was sculptured.
The towel is hanging so low I could see the perfect
shape of his v-line making me wonder of what's
underneath that towel if go down low a bit I bite my
lower lips drooling over this sex God in front of me. I
can't stop myself did he have to have such a perfect
body arghh I chastice myself. We haven't been
intimate since we got back together so this is a sight
for sore eyes and it's not doing me any justice down

I didn't realise I was staring for so long that I didn't

see he was already standing in front of me. I hate
this man I remind myself the moment my eyes meet
his but his gaze on me makes me feel all hot and
fuzzy. I want for him to touch me my mind yells "no"
inner bitch says "well you gotta make him believe
you're invested in this and besides what could hurt
you ain't no virgin no more". We still holding a
staring contest when I find myself running my hands
on his abs as I release a sigh he smirks.

Bones :All you gotta do is ask for it Tash he says in

his rasp voice I want to say something but words fail

He runs his finger up my arm while his other hand is

holding my neck bring me that closer to his face. He
pulls me close and starts kissing me slow and
passionately I hope today he doesn't think of Noxolo
this one time he once called her name while we
were making out making me stop him so we never
did anything there after. I am in the zone I feel my
body yearning for him I wrap my arms around his
neck and whisper "Please take me am yours" he
doesn't waste time am yours" he doesn't waste time
he picks me up and I automatically wrap my legs
around his waist as he walks me to the couch next to
the sliding door. As he puts me down on it he pulls
my silk nightie over my head my body already
having goosebumps my niples so hard they staring
right at him seeking his attention and my nuna so
wet it was astonishing how much my body still
responds to him before he even touched me.

The look of satisfaction on his face was hard to miss

he walked back to the mini bar fridge in the corner
and came back with Ice he put it in his mouth as he
captured my lips in his the cold feeling sending
sensations over me I want more. He moved to
kissing my neck going down to my boobies he
attacks each one giving it enough attention which
drives me crazy. He moves down to my stomach
leaving kisses making me giggle I feel him blowing
some air onto my nuna.

Bones :Already ready for me I see

He starts to vigorously rub my clit while his finger
slides in. I close my eyes enjoying this as he is killing
me with each slow stroke.
He blows air onto my Nuna and runs the ice on it
already that makes me moan loud as he captures
my clit making me moan again and he eats my
pussy like he didn't get his dinner while finger fuckig
me I find myself pushing his head deeper calling out
his his name till I feel a vibration that causes me to
explode on his face like a bomb. He looks at me with
a smirk as he moves to kiss me making me taste
myself. Without any warning he slide his stick into
the hilt. Nothing bust lust and desire is visible in his
eyes. Slowly he starts humping and humping while
holding a gaze.

Me :More please...
He wastes no time as he opens my legs wider as he
stretches to a point where pain and pleasure blurs
and shoves his destroyer in. He starts humping
vigorously as I dig my nails on his shoulders clawing
into him like a lion. I feel my build up as he increases
his pace and it takes a few seconds before my
orgasm washes over me like a massive storm. I hear
him moan so load while turning me over the stars
and the moon are giving lighting I see his reflection
as he slams into me more ferociously only the
slapping of his balls and body against mine is
making the noise. My moans are uncontrollable this
man is doing me so good right now I could lick his

His finger sweeps over my clit as he's slamming into

me like a possessed animal I know he is close as his
body is going rigid.
Bones :Wait for me Baby as he slams harder and
rubs more vigorously.
It's that Baby that sends me off as an orgasm hits
me like a wild hurricane as he shortly follows with a
lod roar spilling his juices in me making me fall on
the couch. Am glad on the pills coz nigga would've
fucked another baby into me right now.
We stay like that calming our erratic breathing before
he walks over to the bathroom coming back with a
warm towel to clean me up and himself too. He soon
after picks me up to bed kisses me goodnight and
we fall into slumber.

Chapter 42

(Too short)


Zanele:"Atleast I've managed to get R100 today"

Me:"Really you made a lot of money Zanele"
Zanele:"And you?" I sighed
Me:"Hectic but I managed to get us some food"
Zanele:"Where did you get it?"
Me:"Ohh someone bought it for me you know how
rich people are"
Zanele:"I hate the fact that they pity us"
Me:"Yeah she also bought it for me out of pity"
Zanele:"Okay let's eat don't forget that Tommorow
we have to wake up early"
Voice:"Well well you won't be waking up early"
Me:"Whats up?" The guy was so scary
Zanele:"We have to run before he beats us Noxolo"
Zanele:"Noxolo run he is the owner of the
Me:"What about you Zanele?"
Zanele:"I'll handle it Noxolo go"
Me:"Okay sure" I took the boxes and ran I don't even
know where will I sleep today I can't even go to
Kele's house I don't want to be a burden to her and
her grandmother even Zodwa it's been a while since
I've contacted her anyway I've managed to run to the
nearest bridge and lay down my boxes I guess I will
sleep here today but I am worried about Zanele.

The following morning I woke up without Zanele next

to me I thought she would follow me but she didn't I
really hope she is okay where she is. I folded boxes
and hid them Today I am going to look for a job I
need money so I can look for a place to stay it is not
safe here.

Voice:"Hey watch where you're going" after waking

up I went to the street that's filled with rich people I
mistakenly bumped into this middle aged woman
she smells good even by the clothes she is wearing
spell rich
Me:"I am sorry"
Her:"And then why are you smelling bad"
Me: honestly speaking I do smell bad my armpits are
ripe "Mam I am hungry even if you can give me two
rand I wouldn't mind"
Her:"What's your name?"
Her:"Noxolo nice name"
Me:"Thank you"
Her:"Wait here I am going to get you something to

She returned to her car and came back with a brown

paper bag

Her:"Here eat you can call me Ma Zwane"

Me:"Okay Ma Zwane" she gave me the bag it was a
burger from steers with chips I began to eat
Her:"So tell me how did you end up in the street"
Me:"I rather not talk about it"
Her:"okay no problem I can take you out of the
Me:"By doing what?"
Her:"I am in need of a maid if you don't mind you
can come and work for me"
Her:"Yes I don't see anything wrong about that and
besides I am offering you a job you won't be
sleeping in the street anymore"
Me:"I don't know mam can I please think about it"
Her:"There's nothing to think about here Noxolo I am
offering you a job here you won't be staying in the
street anymore"
Me:"The last time a person offered me something I
ended up in jail"
Her:"I...I am sorry I didn't know"
Me:"So please allow me to think about it"
Her:"Okay contact me here" she gave me a card
with her details in it and walk back to her car.

After eating I took the paper bag and shoved it into

my pockets I will put my important things inside it.

After 5 hours of begging I've managed to make R50

so I went to buy a newspaper I want to see if there's
any jobs available but instead a headline caught my

Zanele's name appeared before I finished reading

the news paper it was declared that one of her hobo
friend's identified the body she was murdered and
they took her intestines I immediately felt weak I was
starting to take Zanele as my little sister I should
have protected her but right now it is not the time to
pity myself I went to sleep early


Jomo:"How dare you kill that innocent girl"

Me:"I didn't kill her okay"
Jomo:"What did you do?"
Me:"I didn't do anything apparently she was sleeping
infront of Jaguar's Resturant"
Jomo:"Isn't Jaguar your friend?"
Me:"Man don't forget I am your boss"
Jomo:"Don't remind me"
Me:"All I wanted was for him to kidnap the girl and
add her to the shortage of girls that were going to be
shipped to Ghana"
Me:"She fought him but she is the one who ended
up dead so I told him to take her parts and sell it on
the black market"
Jomo:"And the other girl"
Me:I sighed "it was Noxolo"
Jomo:"Okay let me go. No wait so how was last
Me:"Fuck! I am not going to discuss my love life with
Jomo:"arrogant much"
Me:"Go Jomo"


Wow so he killed the girl okay this is interesting but

the police won't believe me I have to come with
proof. Well I overheard their conversation last night
this doesn't change anything I still don't feel a thing
for bones all I want is to destroy him and with the
hearing bug that I am going to plant in his office will
make my work more easier


I can take you out of the streets"
Me:"By doing what?"
Her:"I am in need of a maid if you don't mind you
can come and work for me"
Her:"Yes I don't see anything wrong about that and
besides I am offering you a job you won't be
sleeping in the street anymore"
Me:"I don't know mam can I please think about it"
Her:"There's nothing to think about here Noxolo I am
offering you a job here you won't be staying in the
street anymore"
Me:"The last time a person offered me something I
ended up in jail"
Her:"I...I am sorry I didn't know"
Me:"So please allow me to think about it"
Her:"Okay contact me here" she gave me a card
with her details in it and walk back to her car.

After eating I took the paper bag and shoved it into

my pockets I will put my important things inside it.

After 5 hours of begging I've managed to make R50

so I went to buy a newspaper I want to see if there's
any jobs available but instead a headline caught my

Zanele's name appeared before I finished reading

the news paper it was declared that one of her hobo
friend's identified the body she was murdered and
they took her intestines I immediately felt weak I was
starting to take Zanele as my little sister I should
have protected her but right now it is not the time to
pity myself I went to sleep early

Jomo:"How dare you kill that innocent girl"
Me:"I didn't kill her okay"
Jomo:"What did you do?"
Me:"I didn't do anything apparently she was sleeping
infront of Jaguar's Resturant"
Jomo:"Isn't Jaguar your friend?"
Me:"Man don't forget I am your boss"
Jomo:"Don't remind me"
Me:"All I wanted was for him to kidnap the girl and
add her to the shortage of girls that were going to be
shipped to Ghana"
Me:"She fought him but she is the one who ended
up dead so I told him to take her parts and sell it on
the black market"
Jomo:"And the other girl"
Me:I sighed "it was Noxolo"
Jomo:"Okay let me go. No wait so how was last
Me:"Fuck! I am not going to discuss my love life with
Jomo:"arrogant much"
Me:"Go Jomo"


Wow so he killed the girl okay this is interesting but
the police won't believe me I have to come with
proof. Well I overheard their conversation last night
this doesn't change anything I still don't feel a thing
for bones all I want is to destroy him and with the
hearing bug that I am going to plant in his office will
make my work more easier





I was woken up in the middle of the night by a group

of hobos they were all boys reality started to kick in I
wonder what they want from me why would they
wake me up at the middle of the night what did I do I
was now getting scared

Me:"Hey" I cleared my throat my voice was so

Hobo 1:" What are you doing in our spot" What the
hell I found this Bridge with no one
Me:"Ohh I didn't know"
Hobo 2: "Kitso she must pay us" I guess the first
guy's name is Kitso they looked like they were in
their mid 30s
Me:"Please I don't have anything on me but I can go
if you don't want me here"
Kitso:"You want to go without paying us you must be
Me:"I don't have money"
Kitso:"There are other ways to pay us" He smirks
Me:"No No you don't mean that"
Kitso:"Well you leave us with no choice but to force
ourselves on you"
Me:"What no!"I was wide awake trying to find a way
to escape
Hobo 2:"Bro let's be fast I want to sleep"

Kitso tried to pull my jeans down but I fought him I

know how to fight jail helped me they all tried to fight
me but I wasn't willing to let them rape me No!! I
managed to get hold of the bottle and stabbed one
of them they let me go and shifted their attention to
the guy I stabbed I got the opportunity to run and
jump the fence I landed on the ground roughly and
sprained my ankle I limped all the way to the public
phones and searched myself luckily the little money I
had left from the R50 didn't fall out so I inserted a
coin and took out MaZwane's details card that was
in my breasts and call her it rang four times before
she answered

Me:"Hello" my voice was breaking

Mazwane:"Yes I can hear you talk"
Me:"Sorry mam I didn't mean to wake you up in the
middle of the night"
Mazwane:"Who are you? And why are you calling
me with private?
Me:"It's Noxolo"
Mazwane:"Noxolo? Ohhh okay how can I help you
Me:"I am taking your offer ma'am"
Mazwane:"So you decided to call me in the middle
of the night to tell me that?"
Me:"I am sorry mam but I am not safe where I am
today group of hobos tried to rape me"
Mazwane:"Ohhh okay look Noxolo please call me
Me:"No no please don't drop the call I don't mean to
intrude your night and your family's but ma'am can
you please come and fetch me"
Mazwane: she chuckled in disbelief "What?"
Me:"Please Ma ngiyak'cela (I am begging you)
Mazwane:"Okay okay where are you?"
Me:"I am in Midrand train station where there's
public phones"
Mazwane:"Before I reach taxi rank?"

I dropped the call and wait for her thank God it was
Spring there wasn't to much cold I think maZwane
has a good heart I mean a lot of women who are rich
wouldn't even bother to answer the call some would
laugh at you and drop the call that's how cruel the
world is I am glad that she is willing to help me

Voice:"Hey come before your ankle gets swollen and

attract germs" I turned it was maZwane in her white
short silky robe that was so fast I thought she was
going to take 20 mins or more
Me:"Thank you for coming mam"
Mazwane:"No call me Ma it's fine"
Mazwane:"What happened to your ankle?"
Me:"I think it's sprained"
Mazwane:"But there's blood"
Me:"I don't know maybe I hurt myself while jumping
the fence"
Mazwane:"Okay okay come let's go"

We went inside her car I was feeling ashamed of

myself the thought of making her car smell awful
made me uncomfortable
Mazwane:"Relax okay"

We drove to her house it was a double story .

Me:"Your house is beautiful"

Mazwane:"Thank you" the interior was so beautiful
and the leather couches in the corner of the lounge
with a big plasma TV
Mazwane:"sit here I am coming"

She disappeared upstairs she looks like a housewife

her house is beautiful even the colour of the painting
is beautiful she is good at choosing designs

Mazwane:"I hope this will ease the pain" I didn't hear

her when she came back she was holding an
emergency kit
Mazwane:"Can you please roll your jean"
Me:"It won't roll it is too tight"
Mazwane:"Okay go through the passage first door
there's the bathroom you can change and put on a
bath robe"

I stood up and limped to the bathroom on my way

there I noticed a stand there was family photos
anyway I changed my jean my ankle was swollen
with a bit blood looks like I did sprain my ankle when
I jumped the fence but where the blood was coming
from I don't know.

Mazwane:"it is going to be bit painful"

Me:"Okay" she cleaned my ankle and bandaged
where blood was coming from
Mazwane:"I'll take you to the family doctor
Me:"Okay thank you Ma"
Mazwane:"You welcome come let me show you
where you will sleep"

We went to the backrooms outside she showed me

where I'll sleep it was a one room with a bathroom
and a kitchen counter

Mazwane:"Feel free it was used by our previous

maid but she was fired"

She went out

I checked everything the room was okay I don't have

the right to judge I'm just glad that I've got roof over
my head.

why would they wake me up at the middle of the
night what did I do I was now getting scared

Me:"Hey" I cleared my throat my voice was so

Hobo 1:" What are you doing in our spot" What the
hell I found this Bridge with no one
Me:"Ohh I didn't know"
Hobo 2: "Kitso she must pay us" I guess the first
guy's name is Kitso they looked like they were in
their mid 30s
Me:"Please I don't have anything on me but I can go
if you don't want me here"
Kitso:"You want to go without paying us you must be
Me:"I don't have money"
Kitso:"There are other ways to pay us" He smirks
Me:"No No you don't mean that"
Kitso:"Well you leave us with no choice but to force
ourselves on you"
Me:"What no!"I was wide awake trying to find a way
to escape
Hobo 2:"Bro let's be fast I want to sleep"

Kitso tried to pull my jeans down but I fought him I

know how to fight jail helped me they all tried to fight
me but I wasn't willing to let them rape me No!! I
managed to get hold of the bottle and stabbed one
of them they let me go and shifted their attention to
the guy I stabbed I got the opportunity to run and
jump the fence I landed on the ground roughly and
sprained my ankle I limped all the way to the public
phones and searched myself luckily the little money I
had left from the R50 didn't fall out so I inserted a
coin and took out MaZwane's details card that was
in my breasts and call her it rang four times before
she answered

Me:"Hello" my voice was breaking

Mazwane:"Yes I can hear you talk"
Me:"Sorry mam I didn't mean to wake you up in the
middle of the night"
Mazwane:"Who are you? And why are you calling
me with private?
Me:"It's Noxolo"
Mazwane:"Noxolo? Ohhh okay how can I help you
Me:"I am taking your offer ma'am"
Mazwane:"So you decided to call me in the middle
of the night to tell me that?"
Me:"I am sorry mam but I am not safe where I am
today group of hobos tried to rape me"
Mazwane:"Ohhh okay look Noxolo please call me
Me:"No no please don't drop the call I don't mean to
intrude your night and your family's but ma'am can
you please come and fetch me"
Mazwane: she chuckled in disbelief "What?"
Me:"Please Ma ngiyak'cela (I am begging you)
Mazwane:"Okay okay where are you?"
Me:"I am in Midrand train station where there's
public phones"
Mazwane:"Before I reach taxi rank?"

I dropped the call and wait for her thank God it was
Spring there wasn't to much cold I think maZwane
has a good heart I mean a lot of women who are rich
wouldn't even bother to answer the call some would
laugh at you and drop the call that's how cruel the
world is I am glad that she is willing to help me

Voice:"Hey come before your ankle gets swollen and

attract germs" I turned it was maZwane in her white
short silky robe that was so fast I thought she was
going to take 20 mins or more
Me:"Thank you for coming mam"
Mazwane:"No call me Ma it's fine"
Mazwane:"What happened to your ankle?"
Me:"I think it's sprained"
Mazwane:"But there's blood"
Me:"I don't know maybe I hurt myself while jumping
the fence"
Mazwane:"Okay okay come let's go"

We went inside her car I was feeling ashamed of

myself the thought of making her car smell awful
made me uncomfortable

Mazwane:"Relax okay"

We drove to her house it was a double story .

Me:"Your house is beautiful"

Mazwane:"Thank you" the interior was so beautiful
and the leather couches in the corner of the lounge
with a big plasma TV
Mazwane:"sit here I am coming"

She disappeared upstairs she looks like a housewife

her house is beautiful even the colour of the painting
is beautiful she is good at choosing designs
Mazwane:"I hope this will ease the pain" I didn't hear
her when she came back she was holding an
emergency kit
Mazwane:"Can you please roll your jean"
Me:"It won't roll it is too tight"
Mazwane:"Okay go through the passage first door
there's the bathroom you can change and put on a
bath robe"

I stood up and limped to the bathroom on my way

there I noticed a stand there was family photos
anyway I changed my jean my ankle was swollen
with a bit blood looks like I did sprain my ankle when
I jumped the fence but where the blood was coming
from I don't know.

Mazwane:"it is going to be bit painful"

Me:"Okay" she cleaned my ankle and bandaged
where blood was coming from
Mazwane:"I'll take you to the family doctor
Me:"Okay thank you Ma"
Mazwane:"You welcome come let me show you
where you will sleep"
We went to the backrooms outside she showed me
where I'll sleep it was a one room with a bathroom
and a kitchen counter

Mazwane:"Feel free it was used by our previous

maid but she was fired"

She went out

I checked everything the room was okay I don't have

the right to judge I'm just glad that I've got roof over
my head.



Chapter 44



I was woken up by a knock on the door it was

MaZwane:"Good Morning" with a genuine smile
plastered on her face
Me:"Morn...(yawn) Ma sorry about that"
MaZwane:"Don't worry about it how did you sleep"
Me:"I slept better more than on the streets ma"
MaZwane:"Great! Listen Noxolo I need you to meet
me inside the house in an hour"
Me:"No problem Ma"
MaZwane:"I'll leave you to it then"she went back
inside her house

I went to bathroom and did my thing lucky there

were towels and toiletries that weren't used I think I
heard the door open nah maybe it's my imagination I
went back to the bedroom ready to put on the
clothes I had on yesterday since I didn't have any
other clothing I looked over to the bed and there was
a black and white uniform neatly placed on top of it
my rags not were not to be seen I dressed up and
headed to the house I found MaZwane addressing
the other staff about what to do today.

Me:I cleared my throat

MaZwane:"Oh Noxolo come closer" I went to stand
next to the guy who was wearing a security uniform
I'm guessing he's the guard
MaZwane:"Guys this is Noxolo a new addition to the
family I would appreciate it if you welcomed her with
warm hand's"
Staff:"Yes ma'am" they all said as a union
MaZwane:"Okay then everyone you can go back to
work" they bowed and left I didn't because I didn't
know where to start
MaZwane:"Noxolo there's a list that has everyone's
names on it under the names the chores I want you
to do its right next to the fridge"
Me:"yes ma'am" she nodded and went upstairs I
went over to the list checked for my name I had to
wash dishes clean MaZwane's bedroom and
prepare supper

Me:"let me get started"I stared with MaZwane's

room I had a little difficulties finding her room but
one of the other maids the were two maids including
me. she showed me the way and I thanked her. The
room was huge it wasn't that dirty it just had a few
clothes lying on the floor here and there I started
picking the clothes up and dusted a bit I moved on to
the dishes there were a lot

Voice:"oledi ( mom)!!" I turned around to see the

person who said that only to met an angel standing
infront of me who looked like he came out of a
magazine he was gorgeous sexy even Bones had
nothing on him I looked at him he also looked at me
no words were exchanged he finally broke the eye
contact and cleared his throat.

Him:"who are you"

Me:"a hello would be nice rude much" I mumbled
Him:"what I didn't quite catch that"
Me:shit he heard me" I'm the new maid replacement
for the previous one"
Him:"Mmmh okay where's my mother"
Me:"She went out" just as he was about to reply
MaZwane:"My boy! Come give mommy some sugar"
she had shopping bags with her she immediately
dropped them when she saw her son
Him:"Mom" where's your husband? with a bored
Mazwane:"Lizo" Ohhh so his name is Lizo perfect
"give the guy a chance"
Him:"He's not my father"
Mazwane:"He's your mom's husband"
Mazwane:"What's wrong with you?
Him:"That man killed my father mom"
Mazwane:"He didn't okay
how many times must I tell you that your father was
Him:"I don't care"
MaZwane:"okay then come give me a kiss or you
want me to drag you here"
Lizo:he cleared his throat and charged to his mother
and gave her a kiss on the cheek " umnandi ke
manje ?(happy)"
MaZwane:"no" Lizo gave her a peck on her mouth
MaZwane:"now I'm happy" I giggled
Lizo:"Is there anything funny" his mother nudged him
MaZwane:"don't be rude hey Noxolo how was your
day the chores I gave you did you manage"
Me:"yes Ma"
MaZwane:" okay how's your leg? I am sorry I
couldn't take you to the doctor"
Me:"I think it's better today mom"
Mazwane:"No after eating supper Lizo will drove
Him:"Why me?"
Mazwane:"Lizo stop being so arrogant"
Mazwane:" good then you can start preparing
Me:"okay" they left I limped to the kitchen and cook


Bones was spending the day with his little family
Lulu and Tasha he was so happy. They were having
a picnic in the garden Lulu seems to be enjoying
spending time with her father
Lulu:"Daddy may I have a puppy"
Bones:"sure anything for my baby" lulu screamed in
excitement he smiled the site of seeing his daughter
made him very happy
Bones:"but you have to promise to take care of her
on your own no help from mommy"
Lulu:"I won't daddy" she attacked him with a hug and
turned to Tasha and mouthed I love you she smiled
and mouthed it back he shifted his attention back to
Lulu Tasha was disgusted she wanted kill him right
there on the spot but she had to be patient



Chapter 45


After cooking super I went to put plates on the table
maZwane already alerted me that they are a family
of three but Lizo is hardly there.

Mazwane:"I see you're done cooking"

Me:"Yes Ma is there anything you want me to do
before I head to my room?"
Mazwane:"Yes get ready I've asked Lizo to take you
to the doctor""
Me:"There's no need ma'am my leg is perfectly fine"
Mazwane:"Are you a doctor?"
Me:"No ma'am but"
Mazwane:"No but's go and get ready?"
Mazwane:"Sharp your food is great by the way"
Me:"Thank you ma"

I smiled went to my backroom and took a shower I

think I heard someone opened the door but I paid no
attention to it after that I went to my bed all naked
only to find Lizo staring at me with his mouth hung
wide open. I quickly took a towel and covered my
whole body

Lizo:"Nice tits by the way" his lips formed a smile

Me:"Umm .. please learn to knock next time"
Lizo:he cleared his throat"Okay let's go"
Me:" Get out I want to get dressed"
Lizo:"No I know you naked already"
Me:"Lizo please"
Lizo:"Okay since you said please I will get out Ohhh
mama gave me these" he handed me pair of jeans
with a black plain t-shirt
Me:"Thank you"
Lizo:"You'll find me outside please be fast"

To say I wasn't embarassed would've been a lie.

Me:"I am Noxolo by the way" we were on our way

Lizo:"I know you
I know you naked already"
Me:"Lizo please"
Lizo:"Okay since you said please I will get out Ohhh
mama gave me these" he handed me pair of jeans
with a black plain t-shirt
Me:"Thank you"
Lizo:"You'll find me outside please be fast"

To say I wasn't embarassed would've been a lie.

Me:"I am Noxolo by the way" we were on our way

Lizo:"I know you so what do you want at my mom's
house Noxolo?"
Me:"I don't know okay but your mom offered me a
job and I couldn't reject it"
Lizo:"You don't know?"
Lizo:" Just stay away from my mom and do what
you're paid for"
Me:"Umm okay may I ask why?"
Lizo:"Just do as I say please okay"

Okay Lizo looks like a person who's so

overprotective of his mom and it's not a bad thing at
all I was also protective of of my mom I am sure she
is disappointed in me where she is since we buried
her I never went to visit her I never went to clean
where she is resting. I am sorry mama I've
disappointed you I'm sorry mom.

Lizo:"Hey what's wrong?"

Me:"Nothing why?"
Lizo:"But you are crying Noxolo"
Me:"Ohh really? I touched my cheeks indeed there
was tears " can I please have a tissue
Lizo:"Check inside the dash board" He was driving
Toyota Corolla Altis
Me:"Okay" I opened it and found a picture of Lizo
with a women she was bit old maybe and also a gun
Lizo:"Sorry you had to see that"
Me:"Okay" it's not like I don't know guns they don't
scare me anymore I am not that fragile Noxolo
anymore I am now fighting for my future after that I
am taking Bones down
Me:"So who's this"
Lizo:"Ohh that's my aunty unfortunately she passed
away"he said concentrating on the road getting a
chance to stare at him I guess it is safe to say that
Lizo is handsome even his messy hair looks perfect
on him
Me:"Okay sorry to hear that"
Lizo:"It's okay"
Me:"So is this her car?"
Lizo:"Yup but now it belongs to mom"
Me:"Okay I don't mean to be forward or something
so what are you currently doing with your life?"
Me:"Just nothing?" This guy
Lizo:"Yes I am not doing anything"
Me:"Mind if I ask why?"
Lizo:"I don't even know why I am opening up to you
but my aunty left a company for me"
Me:"Ohh okay so basically own a company?"
Lizo:"Yes my aunty left a law firm for me"
Me:"Really wow so do you know anything about law"
Lizo:"Still busy learning it"
Me:"But you said you're not doing anything with your
Lizo:"I know come we've arrived"

We headed to the doctor's office lucky maZwane

already booked for us

Doc:"Hey Lizo your mom called yesterday"

Lizo:"I know doctor can we please get this over and
done with" it was a female
Doc:"Okay by the way call me doctor Mokwena
Me:"Okay doc"
Doc:"Thanks to maZwane she already explained
everything to me the question is how do you feel
Me:"I don't know honestly but sometimes the pain
would fade and come back with lot of power"
Doc:"Let me see"

Doc:"perfect use this to rub your leg every night until

the pain fades completely"
Me:"Okay doc thanks"
Doc:"You're welcome" she gave me the ointment we
went back home

Lizo:"Sharp I am going to see my chick"




Cape town was great and I am glad that I am now

back I've managed to deal well with Nolwazi's
passing all thanks to dad for helping me. Okay after
Nolwazi's passing dad suggested that we go to
Cape town and start afresh and yes we did I even
got the job as PA some company but since the boss
had to come and stay here at Joburg I had to also
come back and leave my dad at cape town ohh he is
still busy trying to find a way to destroy Bones even
when I told him to let it go but hey the old men is
obsessed with bringing Bones down "So no justice
for my daughter? Your sister" that's the line he
always use when I try to convince him to let it go so
ended up not entertaining it right now I am so eager
to see Lizo I missed him.



Chapter 46

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s

about learning to dance in the rain.



Yesterday before I slept I applied the ointment that

the doctor gave me when I woke up my ankle was
much better i think by the day after tomorrow it will
be completely healed.Okay so today I've decided to
make pancakes hoping they love them.

Mazwane:"Good morning Noxolo"

Me:"Morning ma'am"
Mazwane:"Can you please make toast bread today"
Me:"Okay Ma but I was thinking of making
Mazwane:"No I'll set the time table of what you
should cook on what day"
Me:"Okay Ma"
Mazwane:"Ohh and Lizo slept at his apartment
today so don't count him"
Me:"Okay Ma"
Mazwane:"After doing the laundry you can take the
rest of the day off"
Me:"Ohh thank you Ma"
Mazwane:"Before I forget please give me your
banking details so that I can be able to pay you
month end"
Me: I cleared my throat "I don't have bank account
Mazwane:"Ohh I forgot don't worry I'll take you to the
banks tommorow"
Me:"I lost my ID"
Mazwane:"Wow okay we will go to home affairs
Me:"No problem"

She smiled honestly this is fucked up I am just a

person without an ID not to mention clothes I don't
have anything but I am glad that maZwane bought
me the workes uniform

After preparing breakfast I went to place everything

on the table and also greet Mr Zwane he is a
detectivesometimes I wonder where this family gets
money to build such a big house ohh no I forgot that
lizo's aunt left money for him maybe they used it to
renew the house who knows speaking of Lizo well
Lizo is a cute guy he has white straight teeth he is
well built before I forget I have to call Kele.
Kele:"OMG! Noxolo is this you?"
Me:"You're damaging my eardrums"
Kele:"Sorry boobie but how I visited you last of last
week and they said you're out"
Me:"I think it's better you come where I am staying
so that I can tell you the whole story"
Kele:"Okay let me bath now now I am coming there
ohh wait please send the address"
Me:"I will
sometimes I wonder where this family gets money to
build such a big house ohh no I forgot that lizo's aunt
left money for him maybe they used it to renew the
house who knows speaking of Lizo well Lizo is a
cute guy he has white straight teeth he is well built
before I forget I have to call Kele.

Kele:"OMG! Noxolo is this you?"
Me:"You're damaging my eardrums"
Kele:"Sorry boobie but how I visited you last of last
week and they said you're out"
Me:"I think it's better you come where I am staying
so that I can tell you the whole story"
Kele:"Okay let me bath now now I am coming there
ohh wait please send the address"
Me:"I will kele please pass by pep and get me a
Nokia cellphone"
Me:"No it must be around 150"
Kele:"Okay I will "
Me:"I'll pay you month end"
Kele:"don't sweat it"

I smiled and droped the call I am glad my life is

coming all together I have to work hard this year and
save money for me to go and finish matric at the
college and after that I'll focus on getting my law
degree it's part of my revenge plans for what Bones
did to me I want to hit him where it hurts the most
after settling down I am going to fix my mom's grave
and buy a tombstone for her and also ask for
forgiveness to Nomalanga I shouldn't have abonden

Me:"Hey you came" I hugged her tears escaped my

Kele:"Don't cry it's okay" after dropping the call I
immediately sent the address and cleaned my room
I'll do the laundry later I want to talk to kele
Kele:"so this is where you're hiding"
Me:"No boobie after I got out of jail I went to stay on
the streets"
Kele:"Why didn't you call me Noxolo "
Me:"I didn't want to bother you Kele I didn't want to
be a burden to you and you're grandma you two are
already suffering"
Kele:"But I would have made a plan"
Me:"It doesn't matter anymore"
Kele:" No it does and I hate it because I didn't help
you when you needed my help the most"
Me:"Don't blame yourself"
Kele:"Anyway how did you end up here"
Me:"MaZwane offered me a job as her family maid"
Kele:"Okay I see so how are you holding up"
Me:"I am going to be fine"
Kele:"But Noxolo you should have came to me"
Me:"It's all in the past"
Kele:"Have you heard? Bones is reuniting with his
ex wife"
Me:"Well good for him and boobie let's not talk about
that devil"
Kele:"Okay here's your phone"
Me:"Thank you I don't even know what to give you
but let me go and prepare something for you in the
main house"
Kele:"No don't I am okay"
Kele:"What's going on with you?"
Me:"What do you mean?"
Kele:"you're not the same Noxolo everyone knew it's
like you don't care about anything"
Me:"I do care about my life and I am trying to fix it"
Kele:"But what happened when you were in jail"
Me:"I prefer not talking about it Kele please"
Kele:"You have to talk in order to heal"
Me:"I know but please don't force me I'll talk when
I'm ready"
Kele:"Okay let's go and chill outside"
Me:"I've got lot of work to do"
Kele:"I'll help you let's go"
Me:"Washing laundry?"
Kele:"Yes okay"

I smiled and went to each room taking dirty clothes

in the washing basket and went outside with it I still
wonder why they don't buy a washing machine for
Crist sake they live in high places Midrand Water
Fall but who am I to complain

Kele:"Are you going to wash all of this with your

Me:"Yes but don't worry I'll get the chair to avoid
Kele:"No she's abusing you"
Me:"She's not I am the maid here "
Kele:"I understand okay wash I'll rinse and hang it"
Me:"Are you sure"

I filled the bathing tube with water and started

washing all white clothings with jik because of the

Kele:"Let me go and hang this"

Me:"Thank you Kele"
Kele:"It's nothing friend"

After 3 hours I finished all the washing I was dead

tired Kele called a cab and leftI am going to rest for
2 hours before I start cooking super.



Chapter 47


Today was just a random day I prepared breakfast in
the morning which was porridge also went to clean
maZwane's room which was not that dirty I had to
iron all her clothes and pack them perfectly in her
closet at first I didn't know that it was my job to do
laundry but maZwane assured me that if I do it she
will add some cash on my paycheck.

Mazwane:"Are you done?" Today we are going to

home affairs
Me:"Yes I am"
Mazwane:"Great let's go"
Me:"I can't go like this ma'am let me go and change"
Mazwane:"Okay you'll find me in the kitchen I am
Me:"Okay ma'am"

I quickly went to my room changed into a jean that

Lizo gave me the other day luckily I washed it

Mazwane:"I hope I didn't forget the affidavit at home"

Me:"Didn't you check before we left"
Mazwane:"I don't remember but let's hope I have it
here with me"
Me:"Why don't you check now before we get inside"
Mazwane:"yes you're right" she searched her bag
"ohh here it is let's go"
Me:"Thank you ma"
Mazwane:"You're my helper Noxolo I also have to
help you when you need it"
Me:"I know thank you Ma"
Mazwane:"No need"

We cat walked inside luckly the que wasn't that long

when we got inside it was around 13:45 and by
14:21 we were done everything went well I was told
that they will send a message so that I can come
and collect my ID card after that we went to the
nearest mall and had lunch there she also bought 5
dresses for me and underwears at Jet

Me:"Thank you"
Mazwane:"Cool atleast you've got something to
change into on your day offs"
Me:"Yes "
Mazwane:"I love helping people Noxolo and I don't
expect nothing back from them"
Me:"Thank you again Ma it really means a lot to me"
Mazwane:"Okay let's go home I've promised to have
lunch with Lizo and his girlfriend she just came back
from Cape Town"
Mazwane:"Why do I sense disappointment in your
voice? Wait are you falling for my son?"
Me:"What no Ma seriously Lizo? No ma"
Mazwane:"Mm" she gave me one of those I don't
trust you looks
Me:"I am serious Ma I don't have a thing for Lizo"
Mazwane:"I didn't say anything" I kept quiet I also
don't know why I am hurt by hearing that Lizo has a
girlfriend by the way a drive to home was short the
Uber guy was kinda speeding well so we requested
an Uber to go to town because mazwane couldn't
drive she's been complaining with her leg.

When we got home I went and placed the plastics in

my room but firstly changed the underwear that I
was wearing because it had holes I've been wearing
the same underwear ever since I've got here it was
not smelling though because I would wash it when I
go to sleep and let it dry until the next day but I am
gland that I am going to stop doing that since
maZwane bought new underwears for me after
changing I went to the kitchen I put pots on the stove
she asked me to cook lunch since the girlfriend is
coming I was going to cook mogodu and pap.

She even asked me to take out her new set of plates

I think she loves her because she is all smiley face.
Finally I was done cooking it took me 2 hours it was
now around 17:30 wasn't it supposed to be lunch I
mean it getting late now I don't want to go to sleep
before seeing the precious DAUGHTER IN-LAW.
Mazwane:"They are here" she said coming to the
kitchen and took a jug of juice
Me:"You must be happy neh"
Mazwane:"You don't wanna know I am over the
moon but I hope Lizo doesn't spoil the mood by
fighting with his father"
Voice:"My father is dead"
Mazwane:"Ohh my boy"
Lizo:"Mom how are you? Hey Xolo" got a nickname
already impressive
Me:"Hey" he smiled
Lizo:"Won't you be joining us mom?"
Mazwane:"Of course son" they went out giggling I
sighed and cleaned the stove and washed the pots

Voice:"Hey please fill up the juice for me" I turned I

couldn't believe what I am seeing Zodwa ohh no so
that's the Lizo she's been praising?
Zodwa:"Noxolo? What are you doing here worse in a
maid's uniform"
Me:"I am a maid whatsup?"
Zodwa:"Please fill up this for me but how?"
Me:"Zodwa I don't mean to be rude but this is none
of your business"
Zodwa:"Okay but I never thought the mighty Noxolo
would be a maid Bones girlfriend a maid God!" She
Me:"Here" I gave her the jug full of orange juice
Me:"Excuse me" she went out all confused



My boss is going to love this well I am a journalist's


Me:"Boss you won't believe what I saw today"

Me:"Remember Noxolo Bones's girlfriend?"
Boss:"Ohh yes the slay queen"
Me:"Well apparently the slay queen is now a maid"
Boss:"You lie"
Me:"No I ain't lying Boss I'll send the pictures"
Boss:"Wow imagine the headline News "The maid
Me:"Bones girlfriend" I laughed
Boss:"Thank you let me start digging for more
information the station will be booming with cash the
following days"
Me:"We are going to get a lot of money out of this
imagine the copies of newspapers"
Boss:"Thank you"
I dropped the call excitedly it's work a girl gotta do
what a girl gotta do in order to survive I know I
shouldn't have put that slogan but I want cash
money okay!!


also went to clean maZwane's room which was not
that dirty I had to iron all her clothes and pack them
perfectly in her closet at first I didn't know that it was
my job to do laundry but maZwane assured me that
if I do it she will add some cash on my paycheck.

Mazwane:"Are you done?" Today we are going to

home affairs
Me:"Yes I am"
Mazwane:"Great let's go"
Me:"I can't go like this ma'am let me go and change"
Mazwane:"Okay you'll find me in the kitchen I am
Me:"Okay ma'am"

I quickly went to my room changed into a jean that

Lizo gave me the other day luckily I washed it
Mazwane:"I hope I didn't forget the affidavit at home"
Me:"Didn't you check before we left"
Mazwane:"I don't remember but let's hope I have it
here with me"
Me:"Why don't you check now before we get inside"
Mazwane:"yes you're right" she searched her bag
"ohh here it is let's go"
Me:"Thank you ma"
Mazwane:"You're my helper Noxolo I also have to
help you when you need it"
Me:"I know thank you Ma"
Mazwane:"No need"

We cat walked inside luckly the que wasn't that long

when we got inside it was around 13:45 and by
14:21 we were done everything went well I was told
that they will send a message so that I can come
and collect my ID card after that we went to the
nearest mall and had lunch there she also bought 5
dresses for me and underwears at Jet

Me:"Thank you"
Mazwane:"Cool atleast you've got something to
change into on your day offs"
Me:"Yes "
Mazwane:"I love helping people Noxolo and I don't
expect nothing back from them"
Me:"Thank you again Ma it really means a lot to me"
Mazwane:"Okay let's go home I've promised to have
lunch with Lizo and his girlfriend she just came back
from Cape Town"
Mazwane:"Why do I sense disappointment in your
voice? Wait are you falling for my son?"
Me:"What no Ma seriously Lizo? No ma"
Mazwane:"Mm" she gave me one of those I don't
trust you looks
Me:"I am serious Ma I don't have a thing for Lizo"
Mazwane:"I didn't say anything" I kept quiet I also
don't know why I am hurt by hearing that Lizo has a
girlfriend by the way a drive to home was short the
Uber guy was kinda speeding well so we requested
an Uber to go to town because mazwane couldn't
drive she's been complaining with her leg.

When we got home I went and placed the plastics in

my room but firstly changed the underwear that I
was wearing because it had holes I've been wearing
the same underwear ever since I've got here it was
not smelling though because I would wash it when I
go to sleep and let it dry until the next day but I am
gland that I am going to stop doing that since
maZwane bought new underwears for me after
changing I went to the kitchen I put pots on the stove
she asked me to cook lunch since the girlfriend is
coming I was going to cook mogodu and pap.

She even asked me to take out her new set of plates

I think she loves her because she is all smiley face.
Finally I was done cooking it took me 2 hours it was
now around 17:30 wasn't it supposed to be lunch I
mean it getting late now I don't want to go to sleep
before seeing the precious DAUGHTER IN-LAW.

Mazwane:"They are here" she said coming to the

kitchen and took a jug of juice
Me:"You must be happy neh"
Mazwane:"You don't wanna know I am over the
moon but I hope Lizo doesn't spoil the mood by
fighting with his father"
Voice:"My father is dead"
Mazwane:"Ohh my boy"
Lizo:"Mom how are you? Hey Xolo" got a nickname
already impressive
Me:"Hey" he smiled
Lizo:"Won't you be joining us mom?"
Mazwane:"Of course son" they went out giggling I
sighed and cleaned the stove and washed the pots

Voice:"Hey please fill up the juice for me" I turned I

couldn't believe what I am seeing Zodwa ohh no so
that's the Lizo she's been praising?
Zodwa:"Noxolo? What are you doing here worse in a
maid's uniform"
Me:"I am a maid whatsup?"
Zodwa:"Please fill up this for me but how?"
Me:"Zodwa I don't mean to be rude but this is none
of your business"
Zodwa:"Okay but I never thought the mighty Noxolo
would be a maid Bones girlfriend a maid God!" She
Me:"Here" I gave her the jug full of orange juice
Me:"Excuse me" she went out all confused



My boss is going to love this well I am a journalist's


Me:"Boss you won't believe what I saw today"

Me:"Remember Noxolo Bones's girlfriend?"
Boss:"Ohh yes the slay queen"
Me:"Well apparently the slay queen is now a maid"
Boss:"You lie"
Me:"No I ain't lying Boss I'll send the pictures"
Boss:"Wow imagine the headline News "The maid
Me:"Bones girlfriend" I laughed
Boss:"Thank you let me start digging for more
information the station will be booming with cash the
following days"
Me:"We are going to get a lot of money out of this
imagine the copies of newspapers"
Boss:"Thank you"

I dropped the call excitedly it's work a girl gotta do

what a girl gotta do in order to survive I know I
shouldn't have put that slogan but I want cash
money okay!!



Chapter 48
(It is too short I know so don't complain)

After dinner I cleared the table and went to wash the
dishes then returned to the dinner table Zodwa was
already gone.

Me: "I am going to sleep now ma"

Mazanec: "Okay sis good night"
Me: "Good night Ma"

I smiled and went to my room took a shower washed

my underwear hanged it and went to sleep

The following morning I woke up feeling happy I

don't know why but I am happy
After making my bed I went to take a shower wore
my uniform went to the main house and found
mazwane taking milk out of the fridge

Me: "Morning Ma"

Mazwane: "Hey how are you doing babe"
Me: "I'm okay ma why ain't you reading yout
newspaper today" Every morning I find mazwane
reading a newspaper
Mazwane: "I've asked Lizo to go and get one for me"
Me: "Okay how's your leg ma"
Mazwane: "My leg is okay maybe its old age I don't
know anymore"
Me: "You ain't that old Ma"
Mazwane: "Lizo what took you so long?" My back
was facing the door
Lizo: "Yahoo Mama there was a long que today"
Me: "Hey Lizo"
Lizo: "Dollface "
Mazwane: "You have a girlfriend Lizo"
Lizo: "Do you always have to remind me ma?"
Mazwane: "In case you forgot"
Lizo: "I didn't anyway here's your newspaper"

He passes it to me

Me: "Let's see what makes Ma always stuck in this

Lizo: "Lols you won't remove her once she gets her
hands on it"

Me: "What the hell!!"

Lizo: "What's going on why are you shaking" Tears
stream down my face how did they found out about
me being a maid? there are even pictures of me
wearing my maid uniform they also mentioned that I
was in prison who linked the story?

Mazwane: "OMG Lizo this pictures were taken by

someone in this house no don't tell me it was you"
Lizo: "What no mom why would I do that I mean I lo..
I care about Noxolo I care about our workers I'd
never do that to her"

Their words were the last thing that was on my mind

I was in my own world now everyone knows about
my downfall that's why there was a long queue at
the store everyone was buying the newspaper to
read about me my whole life was written on the

Lizo: "Hey come here don't cry" he embraced me in

his bold arms his scent God the guy is smelling so
good "Don't cry"

He hushed me

Me: "My whole life is ruined Lizo I am trending"

Lizo: "It will pass they will find new things to talk
Me: "But they won't forget about me okay"
Lizo: "They will Xolo don't cry please at least shout
or hit me but don't cry"
Me: "I've got no one in this world"
Lizo: "Nonsense you've got me mom and Mr Zwane"
Me: I chuckled "he's your dad"
Lizo: "Thank God he smiled don't cry okay" he looks
deep in my eyes and lowered his head and cupped
my face and kissed me I returned it and deepened it"
only to realize that what I am doing is wrong
Me: "Umm excuse me I have to go "

He brushed my cheeks and went out

What have I done I don't want Zodwa to hate me I

shouldn't have kissed him.


I drove to Zodwa's house as fast as I could she has

some explaining to do I know it's her besides
yesterday it was mom
dad her and plus she is working for a journalist.

Me: "Zodwa how could you do that"

Zodwa: "Huh what are you talking about I'm
confused anyway baby money is getting in today at
Me: "By someone's tears how could you do that to
your cousin"
Zodwa: "So what"
Me: "You are not serious Zodwa are you?"
Zodwa: "Lizo whatsup why are you all worked up"
Me: "Because you made someone a laughing stock
not just anyone your cousin"
Zodwa: "It's part of my job"
Me: "You know what I don't think I can continue
doing this with you"
Zodwa: "What?"
Me: "Yes Zodwa you are even celebrating here it's
good to be you kumnandi neh"
Zodwa: "So you are breaking things off me because
of Noxolo"
Me: "Yes because of that"
Zodwa: "Are you in love with her?"
Me: "What no! It's just that I can't date someone who
enjoys torturing people"
Zodwa: "I am not letting you go"
Me: "Is it?"
Zodwa: "Yes I won't let you go that easily"
Me: "I don't have time for this"
Zodwa: "I am calling your mom"
Me: "What will mom do?"
Zodwa: "I am telling her that you are falling for
Noxolo the maid" I quickly pinned her against the
wall "Don't ever call Noxolo a maid do you hear me"
he said that with a harsh tone
Zodwa: "You're hurting me Lizo"
Me: "Do you understand?"
Zodwa: "Yes yes"
I let her go and stormed out



May 22 at 9:58 PM · Public

Chapter 49


(Few weeks later)

Today it's my payday I am glad that I am going to

get my money go and buy myself stuff and food
since maZwane said I won't be eating at the main
house anymore ohh my ID card came back also with
bank card everything is going according to plan well
the newspaper saga passed people were giving me
pity looks some were disgusted more especially old
people saying that I shouldn't have depended on a
man but anyway it is what it is after the kiss that
happened Lizo assured me that it was a mistake it
won't happen again I also know it was Zodwa who
was behind the newspaper saga.
After showering i wore my dress with sandals took
my bag I'll go the rank and take taxis but going to the
mall of Africa is a waste of time and money of course
so I'll just walk to Midrand it is not that far I think it's
20 minutes walk.

Spending my own hard earned money made me

happy Mazwane paid me R3000 since I've started to
work in the middle of the month she was supposed
to pay me R5000 so i bought 12.5 Kg of maize meal
and 10 kg of chicken feet tomatoes and onions I also
bought panties and bras with two plain t-shirt and
leggings after a mini shopping I want back home
only to find Mazwane sitting on the bed well you
don't have privacy in this household.

Me:"Hey Ma"
Mazwane:"Noxolo how are you doing?"
Me:"I'm okay"
Mazwane:"I see you went to shops today"
Me:"Yes Ma I had to buy groceries and clothes for
Mazwane:"Can I see?"
Me:"No problem" I passed the clothes plastic to her
Mazwane:"We don't wear leggings here"
Me:"Don't worry ma I'll wear them under my work
Mazwane:"Okay that's better"
Me:"Ma have you talked to Zodwa" maZwane has
been trying to fix lizo's relationship with Zodwa and
lizo hates it he doesn't even come to the house
anymore Mazwane even warned me to stay away
from Lizo she made it clear that her son is off limits
Mazwane:"Why do you ask" her mood suddenly
change maZwane loves Zodwa a lot"
Me:"Nothing was just asking"
Mazwane:" Ohhh okay"

As I am busy minding my own business in the

kitchen I suddenly feel caged by a pair of strong
arms. My heart jumps a bit I feel his breath on my
neck his banana is poking me on my ass. Blood
rushes through me as I get goosebumps. He turns
me around and smashes his lips on mine.The kiss
was filled with lust and dominance before I could
process what happened he picks me up
automatically my legs wrap around his waist as he
walks with me to God knows where. His lips haven't
left mine as we continue climbing the staircase
suddenly his he puts me on the bed I open my eyes
and see we are in his room. He has already taken off
my top am just left with my bra now I help take off
his as well with his pants.

He goes down kissing me while whispering sweet

stuff in my ear and takes off my bra. He attacks my
nipples that have been wanting the feel of his warm
mouth.As am still lost in his adventure on my
boobies I feel my thong tearing nigga better replace
it. I ain't about to run out of stock.He continues
kissing me all the way down to my honey jar and
blows some air when he comes face to face with my
cookie. He teases me by lightly grabbing on my
bean with his teeth and I feel like coming all over his
face already. He suddenly goes hard at eating and
fingering me I feel like screaming all his clan names
because the brother is too damn good for words. I
lose all my senses the moment he presses his
thumb on my other hole and vigorously sucks on my
bean making me squirt instantly

He come back to my face with a smirk of satisfaction

as he kisses me I feel him slowly rubbing his banana
on my entrance as he kisses me I feel him slowly
rubbing his banana on my entrance he pushes it in
and I move up a little I mean he is big okay and it's
been a while since the girl got some he helps me
relax by kissing me some more and suddenly
pushes it all in I can't help but bite his shoulder to
muffle the scream. He relaxes a bit as my nipples
rubs against his chest I'm getting goosebumps.
Me :"Move please"
Him :"I been waiting for this day for a while now you
are mine now Noxolo"
Everything about him is sexy and I am in awe. My
eyes have been closed as I open them finding him
staring at me with a smile...
Lizo :"You' beautiful." He whispers with his
hands on both sides of my head.
Me:"Juss..ahhh.." He pulls and pushes in again with
force He roars in pleasure as he slowly starts to
move.His mouth gets in contact with mine sucking
my lip gently as we're deeply staring at each other...
we both grin as I run my hands to his butt pressing
him deeper... I gasp..
He burys his face on my neck as he increases his
pace... Pounding me faster and faster I feel a big
wave rushing through my body I'm coming as I press
him more deeper

"Oh fuck..." He growls "wait for me babe" My cunt

automatically squeezes his dick as I feel my orgasm
taking me by storm I come crashing calling his name
as he curses and aggressively humps into me
harder before he also releases his load with a loud
growl and sweat dripping over me. Damnnn this was
perfect although my nunu feels over worked.

Lizo:"That was amazing" I immediately regret

sleeping with my cousin's boyfriend this will make
Zodwa hate me
Me:"Yeah" I faked a smile
Lizo:"Hey don't worry okay"
Me:"I am scared Lizo okay"
Lizo:"Scared of what?"
Me:"Isn't Zodwa your girlfriend?"
Me:"She is my cousin okay" I said standing up
Lizo:"So you are ruining this moment because of
Zodwa come on why you acting like you're scared of
Me:"I am Zodwa is capable of hurting someone"
Lizo:"She knows I love you"
Lizo:"Yes you think I'd sleep with you just like that?
No Noxolo you are not just a girl but an angel to me
Me:"I should get back to work"
Lizo:"Take a shower you can't go back to the kitchen
smelling sex. What will mom say?"
Me:"I'll bath at my own room"
Lizo:"Look Noxolo I love you and I am not joking
please allow me to love you"
Me:"Why me?
Lizo:"Because you are beautiful in and out"
Me:"I am not perfect okay"
Lizo:"I am also not perfect allow me to love you"
Me:"No!" He was amazed by my suddenly burst"
Lizo:"Why are you shouting?"
Me:"The last time I allowed a man in my life he
played me like you. You know what this was never
meant to happen and stay away from me"

I wore my clothes and stormed out of his room.

Mazwane:"What were you doing in lizo's room"

Me:"Nothing Na"
Mazwane:"You better be not fucking with my son he
has a girlfriend stay away from him"

I went to my room took a shower and wore one of

the dresses that she bought for me.



Chapter 50


Sleeping with Lizo was a mistake and i am not going

to allow that happen again I regret it I acted like a
whore I don't know what's wrong with me because I
vowed not to be played by a man after Bones's saga
Zodwa will hate me i shouldn't have slept with her
boyfriend this will make her hate me more.

MaZwane:"Noxolo" she disturbed me in my thoughts

Me:"Yes Ma"
Mazwane:"Can you please clean lizo's room Zodwa
is coming"
Me:"Ohh okay I'll do it after washing dishes"
Mazwane:"You'll get back to that"
Me:"Okay ma"

I quickly went to clean after dusting he came in

Lizo:"Why are you cleaning my room"

Me:"Your mom told me to clean it"
Lizo:"Why it wasn't dirty"
Me:"Apparently Zodwa is coming"
Lizo:"No listen go and tell mom that you are finished
I'll go and fix the spare room for her"
Lizo:"I am no longer dating Zodwa which means I
am not going to share a room with her"
Me:"How come Mazwane knows that Zodwa is
coming and you don't"
Lizo:"I don't know Noxolo okay but mom loves
Zodwa she busy saying she found a daughter in
Me:"Umm okay"
Lizo:"Wait have these" he gave me a glass of water
and a pill
Me:"What's this"
Lizo:"Morning after pill"
Me:"Ohh thank you" I drank it
Lizo:"I meant what I said yesterday Noxolo I love
Me:"Your mom loves Zodwa"
Lizo:"I don't care about who my mom loves you'll be
dating me not her"
Me:"I don't know Lizo it's not like I love you"
Lizo:"Really look at me no actually look in my eyes
and tell me you don't love me Xolo"
Me: I raised my head "I I.. dammit"
Lizo:"You know where to find me "he turned and
attempted to go but I quickly held his arm
Me:"Okay I love you and please don't give up on
me" he smiled and brushed his lips on mine
Lizo:"So are we dating"
Me:"Lizo let's take things step by step I am still
Me:"Umm" I cleared my throat
Voice:"Lizo! Zodwa is here"

Lizo:"Fuck listen I am going to my apartment I'll call

Me:"Do you have my number?"
Lizo:"Yes mama gave them to me"
Me:"Why are you going to your apartment"
Lizo:"Girl I don't live here"
Me:"Okay so you are going to leave me here all
alone what if your mom fires me"
Lizo:"I won't tell her we are dating for now"
Me:"Lizo please don't she's already doing so much
for me"
Lizo:"I can take care of you"
Me:"Enough!!" I am tired of you men thinking lives
revolve around you I can take care of myself why
don't you just love me without giving me money huh"
Lizo:"I am sorry i didn't mean to hurt you"
Me:"Just shut up nx"

I went out of his room fuming with anger and found

Zodwa giggling with maZwane having a mother and
daughter in law moment at the dinning area

Zodwa:"Ohh cousin have you cleaned my room"

Me:"Which room Zodwa?"
Zodwa:"Lizo's room"
Me:"Ohh yeah I cleaned it even though it was
smelling sex"
Zodwa:"Yes I came last night but you were all
Me:"Really" I smirked
Mazwane:"wow baby why did you left without seeing
Zodwa:"Ohh I wanted to pack"
Mazwane:"Okay Noxolo can you please fix food for
us I am sure Zodwa is hungry"
Me:"Okay cool"

I disappeared to the kitchen



Noxolo has a problem I can see it through her eyes

I'll have to get to the bottom of it.

Me:"Ma what is Zodwa doing here"

Mazwane:"Zodwa is visiting her boyfriend what's the
Me:"Dammit Ma how many times must I tell you to
stop meddling in my relationship with Zodwa didn't I
tell you that I am no longer dating her"
Mazwane:"Is this how you talk to your mom"
Me:"I don't know but please stop inviting her here I
don't love her anymore why don't you accept that it's
over between Zodwa and I you know what I am
going back to my apartment I thought coming to stay
here I was going to have a mother and son
relationship but no you mama want to force me into
loving Zodwa who I don't love anymore"
Zodwa:"Wow I see Noxolo got you by the balls"
Mazwane:"What! Which Noxolo are you talking
Zodwa:"You didn't know Ma Lizo your son is in love
with Noxolo"

Voice:"We ain't dating Noxolo can you please fix

food for us I am sure Zodwa is hungry"
Me:"Okay cool"

I disappeared to the kitchen



Noxolo has a problem I can see it through her eyes

I'll have to get to the bottom of it.

Me:"Ma what is Zodwa doing here"

Mazwane:"Zodwa is visiting her boyfriend what's the
Me:"Dammit Ma how many times must I tell you to
stop meddling in my relationship with Zodwa didn't I
tell you that I am no longer dating her"
Mazwane:"Is this how you talk to your mom"
Me:"I don't know but please stop inviting her here I
don't love her anymore why don't you accept that it's
over between Zodwa and I you know what I am
going back to my apartment I thought coming to stay
here I was going to have a mother and son
relationship but no you mama want to force me into
loving Zodwa who I don't love anymore"
Zodwa:"Wow I see Noxolo got you by the balls"
Mazwane:"What! Which Noxolo are you talking
Zodwa:"You didn't know Ma Lizo your son is in love
with Noxolo"

Voice:"We ain't dating ma your lunch is ready"my

angel appeared holding tablecloth
Mazwane:"Are you really dating my son?"
Xolo:"No I am not dating him"
Mazwane:"Good and wena Lizo learn to respect me
I am not your age mate"
Me:"Well stop acting like a nuisance"
Xolo:"Calm down Lizo she didn't mean any harm"
Me:"I don't care" I stormed out


Mazwane:"And wena what are you waiting for didn't I

ask you to make food for us?"she snapped
Me:"You did I am done"
Mazwane:"Just go"

I nodded and went to my room I never pictured Lizo

as a person who gets angry so easily I think he has
a short temper



Chapter 51

2 Weeks later


It's been a hell of two weeks for me I am talking

about the drama that mazwane caused. Apparently
the old woman locked Lizo and Zodwa in one room
and told them to sort out their issues to tell the truth I
was shocked didn't Lizo ask her to stay away from
his love life To say Lizo was happy I'd be lying he
was fuming when he came out Mr Zwane opened for
them. Since that day he never came back even
Zodwa packed her stuff the following day and went
back to her place maZwane well the women has
been giving me attitude she is not the same women I

Mazwane:"Morning have you noticed how dirty the

yard is?" She asked placing a bowl in the sink
Me:"Yes Ma"
Mazwane:"Since Maria went back home its also your
job to sweep the yard from now on"
Me:"I am sorry to question you Ma but when I
started to work here you only said I'll be the house
Mazwane:"Things change and beside I am paying
you a lot of money"
Mazwane:"I'll go get you a broom in the garage"
Me:"Okay ma"

I washed the bowl and waited for her to come back.

Mazwane:"Do you know how to cut the grass?"

Me:"No ma I don't know how to"
Mazwane:"No silly and beside the machine is still
new you'll read the instructions"
Me:"I'll cut it around 5 Ma"
Mazwane:"Sis you're in work do what I am telling
you to do now"

I took the broom and went out I don't know why

maZwane is acting like this she treating me as her
slave anyway sweeping the yard wasn't that hard
because I used to do it back home After that I went
to the garage and indeed the machine was still new

I don't even know how to cut the grass but reading of

instructions helped me I plugged it but it wasn't
making any sound

Me:"Why isn't this thing working"

Voice:"It needs petrol" it was Lizo his voice startled

Me:"Lizo you scared me"
Lizo:"I am sorry babe what are you doing?"
Me:"Well maZwane asked me to cut the grass so I
was busy trying to find a way to make this bloody
machine work"
Lizo:"These past few days I couldn't sleep at all
Me:"Why what's wrong"
Lizo:"Thinking about you babe I can't seem to shake
the feeling of there's something wrong with you"
Lizo:"Allow me to love you okay let me in babe"
Me:"Lizo i..i"
Lizo:"Okay come let's go to my apartment"
Me:"What no! I am still working do you want your
mom to murder me?"
Lizo: he chuckled "she won't come babe let's go"
Me:"No Lizo I don't want to lose my job"
Lizo:"How will you lose it when I am the one paying
you dammit!" He roared that caught me off guard
Me:"What so you are my boss"
Lizo:"Yes now let's go I'll fire you if you don't come
with me"
Me:"I guess I'm jobless then"
Lizo:"Noxolo" he sighed " please Xolo"
Me:"Fine but please bring me back before half past
Lizo:"I promise"

I smiled he led me to his car ( BMW X5)

His apartment was not too much it's only a 2

bedroom flat with tv room the kitchen was a walk in.

Lizo:"Welcome to my crib"
Me:"Thank you"
Lizo:"Anything to drink?"
Me:" Water is fine"
Lizo:"Okay" he went to fetch a bottle of Oasis water
and glass
Me:"Thank you"
Lizo:"Sure let's talk Noxolo what's going on?"
Me:"With what?"
Lizo:"You know growing up with your mom is a great
thing but for me no she didn't show me the love that
any mom would show her children"
Lizo: he cleared his throat "My mom was busy
complaining about my father saying that he's
abusing her I understand she was busy mending her
broken hurt but why forget about her son"
Me:"What do you mean Lizokuhle"
Lizo:"My mom sent me to stay with my aunt who
was struggling financially months would go by
without seeing her 6 months old baby"
Lizo:"Yes noxolo I took my aunt as my mom she
would sometimes accuse dad of raping her she
would ask her police boyfriend who is now her
husband to bruise her so that my dad can be
arrested and yup they arrested him my dad died in
jail that man didn't abonden me my father wouldn't
spent a week without seeing me but mom I don't
know about her"
Me:"I am sorry to hear this"
Lizo:"No sweat"
Me:"So how do you know that your mom was
playing your dad?"
Lizo:"He left letter for me before he died"
Me:"But you kissed her cheek when she introduced
Lizo:"I didn't want to embarass her"
Me:"I understand the same thing happened to me
you know when my mom died my aunt took me in
she lied to me she told me lies she told me that I am
coming here to study only for her to introduce me to
alcohol and work at her brothel" tears escaped my
Lizo:"It's okay baby" he wiped it using his numb
Me:"I later met Bones who happens to be my ex
boyfriend" I smiled through the tears " I know I did
him wrong by cheating on him but for him to frame
me and kill my baby I'll never forget what Bones did
to me"Lizo's veins were popping out he was fuming
Lizo:"I am here now" in his head he was thinking of
how he is going to break Bones hearing Xolo cried
made him more angrier
"It's okay baby"
Me:He would force himself on me beat me lock me
in the house i.i
I sobbed in his arm he hushed me while brushing my

I vowed to never tell anyone about this but I found

myself telling Lizo what Bones did to me"


let's talk Noxolo what's going on?"
Me:"With what?"
Lizo:"You know growing up with your mom is a great
thing but for me no she didn't show me the love that
any mom would show her children"
Lizo: he cleared his throat "My mom was busy
complaining about my father saying that he's
abusing her I understand she was busy mending her
broken hurt but why forget about her son"
Me:"What do you mean Lizokuhle"
Lizo:"My mom sent me to stay with my aunt who
was struggling financially months would go by
without seeing her 6 months old baby"
Lizo:"Yes noxolo I took my aunt as my mom she
would sometimes accuse dad of raping her she
would ask her police boyfriend who is now her
husband to bruise her so that my dad can be
arrested and yup they arrested him my dad died in
jail that man didn't abonden me my father wouldn't
spent a week without seeing me but mom I don't
know about her"
Me:"I am sorry to hear this"
Lizo:"No sweat"
Me:"So how do you know that your mom was
playing your dad?"
Lizo:"He left letter for me before he died"
Me:"But you kissed her cheek when she introduced
Lizo:"I didn't want to embarass her"
Me:"I understand the same thing happened to me
you know when my mom died my aunt took me in
she lied to me she told me lies she told me that I am
coming here to study only for her to introduce me to
alcohol and work at her brothel" tears escaped my
Lizo:"It's okay baby" he wiped it using his numb
Me:"I later met Bones who happens to be my ex
boyfriend" I smiled through the tears " I know I did
him wrong by cheating on him but for him to frame
me and kill my baby I'll never forget what Bones did
to me"Lizo's veins were popping out he was fuming
Lizo:"I am here now" in his head he was thinking of
how he is going to break Bones hearing Xolo cried
made him more angrier
"It's okay baby"
Me:He would force himself on me beat me lock me
in the house i.i

I sobbed in his arm he hushed me while brushing my


I vowed to never tell anyone about this but I found

myself telling Lizo what Bones did to me"



Chapter 52


Lizo:"Hey are you awake?"

Me:"Yes what time is it?"
Lizo checked his wrist watch
Lizo: "half past five."
Me:"What!! Lizo your mom will kill me."
Lizo:"She won't trust me"
Me:"Lizo she will ask me where I was"
Lizo:"I'll tell her you were with me"
Me:"Are you crazy you want your mom to kill me??"
Lizo:"She won't tell me what do you want me to do?"
Me:"I don't know Lizo I don't want to lose my job"
Lizo:"I would never make you lose your job Noxolo"
Lizo:"Come let's go I'll take care of my mom"


Mazwane:"And you why did you leave without

cutting the grass"
Lizo:"Mom Noxolo is a house maid not a garden girl"
Mazwane:"Who asked for your opinion?"
Lizo:"I was just saying mom you need to stop
treating noxolo as your slave she is not."
Mazwane:"Or else what?"
Lizo:"Well you don't want me to say it"
Mazwane:"I do or else what?"
Mazwane:"I'll stop paying house bills you know it
very well that the money your boyfriend is getting
monthly is not enough to cover all the bills since you
want to live the high life"
Mazwane:"Are you threatening me Lizo your
Lizo:"You are not my mom didn't you abandon me at
my aunt's place? huh my mom died."
Mazwane:"Do I fucken care?"
Lizo:"Yes you should my father is dead because of
you and your detective boyfriend"
Mazwane:"he's your dad"
Lizo: he chuckled "women
my father is dead because of you and your detective
Mazwane:"he's your dad"
Lizo: he chuckled "women didn't I say my father
died? you accused him of raping you which was all
wrong. Who does that? huh? the only mistake dad
did was to love you and what did you give him?? you
gave him death"
Me:"Lizo that's now how you should talk to your
Lizo:"For hell I care Noxolo stay out of this she's not
my mom she just carried me in her womb nje"
Mazwane:"Really Lizo do you want me to die
because of you huh?"
Lizo:"What will kill you?"
Mazwane:"You know what get out of my house."
Lizo:"With pleasure and ohh mama don't give noxolo
your attitude"

Lizo:"Will you be okay?"

Me:"Yes go"
Mazwane:"Get out of my house!"

He nodded and went out

Mazwane:"And wena what are you staring at? don't

you have work to do?"
Me:"Yes mam i am sorry."
Mazwane:"It's already five go and cook supper nx
and get me a cup of strong coffee."
Me:"okay Ma"

I went to make coffee and give her

Mazwane: "you really take time to just get a cup of


she drank the Coffee then she spill the coffee that
was in her mouth all over my face.
Mazwane: "This thing is too hot"

I didn't sign up for this no

Me: "Ma you asked for a coffee"

Mazwane:"So do you call this a coffee? huh? ohh!
who am i to ask you this I forgot I found you under
the bridge so you don't know these things right?"
Me:"Look here madam I don't mean to disrespect
you but please respect me as your maid you don't
have to remind me where I come from"
Mazwane:"Nx get out of my face you stinkin ass"

I went to my room cleaned myself and returned to

the kitchen to cook stew beef with pap and leave the
pots on the stove she will dish up for herself I know
she is my boss I have to obey everything she tells
me but who is she to spill her coffee?.



Did he just post noxolo's pic sleeping on his

WhatsApp status? no he didn't I am not going to let
noxolo get away with this I am not going to give up
on Lizo he is my man so going to ask for Bones's
help is a good start.

I called a cab went to his penthouse luckily I found

his wife going out.
Me:"Hey Tasha right?"
Tasha:"Depending on who want's to know"

I took out my hand for a shake she just look at it

Me: "ohh I am looking for Mr Zulu"

Tasha:"Ohh come he is in"

Tasha:"Baby there's someone who want's to meet

Bones:"Ohh hi can you please excuse us"

"she nodded"



Planting a bug in bones office helped me a lot now I

need a partner to work with so that I can take him


Me:"I know you are the one who raped Nolwazi"
Me:"Noxolo has moved on"

I had to press the button I know he loves Noxolo

Him:"What do you mean she has moved on?"

Me:"She's dating some guy named Lizo"
Me:"Just okay"
Him:"Get out zodwa"
Me:"Okay you'll text me when you want the whole

I smiled and went out I know he doesn't want to see

Noxolo with anyone other that him I know that he
loves making her life miserable"

Chapter 53

(It wasn't easy writing it but I tried)


Receiving a call from Bones made my day I don't
even know where he got my phone number from but
it doesn't matter. I am just glad that he called me I
know most of you are asking why I am working with
a man who raped my sister? it's all in the past
Nolwazi is dead and not coming back. After locking
my flat I walked to the taxi rank.

Me: "Good Morning Mr. Zulu"

Bones: "Ye"
Me: "You called me"
Bones: "What do you have in mind?"I just knew that
he is talking about my plan
Me: "Let's kidnap her until he forgets about her"
Bones: "Okay I did a background check about the
boy he's just a small fish"
Me: "I know"
Bones: "I am listening"
Me: "Okay I kinda have a good relationship with his
mom so I'll ask her to send noxolo to my apartment"
Bones: "You're idiot she's going to send her to your
house and do what"
Me: "I left some of my stuff at the house so I'll ask
her to send Noxolo to bring them"
Bones: "I see okay do that and give me a call I'll also
call Jomo to get the boys ready"
Me: "Okay sharp" I attempted to go but he held my
arm tightly
Bones: "Don't ever try to threaten me do you hear
Me: I smiled "sure"

He let go of my arm I am glad that he is helping me.

Noxolo will learn not to steal someone's man I don't
care whether she's my blood or what actually I don't
give a damn about her she pressed the wrong
buttons when she slept with my man while she knew
that I am dating Lizo. I used to talk about him while
she was staying at my mom's house speaking about
mom it's been a while since I saw her I guess her
ben 10 is treating her good where ever she is it's not
like I care. I don't have a mother she is the reason
why my little sister died I don't care whether it's in
the past she should have played her role as a
mother and show her the way not leading her to the
lion's den and for that about mom it's been a while
since I saw her I guess her ben 10 is treating her
good where ever she is it's not like I care. I don't
have a mother she is the reason why my little sister
died I don't care whether it's in the past she should
have played her role as a mother and show her the
way not leading her to the lion's den and for that I'll
always hate mom!


I immediately called Jomo alerting him to get the

boys ready.

Jomo: "Boss why are you doing this"

Me: "I don't pay you to ask me stupid questions
Jomo do what I am telling you"
Jomo: "Why don't you let the girl go"
Me: "Why would I let her go Noxolo betrayed me she
cheated on me"
Jomo: "Didn't you send her to jail?"
Me: "It is not enough dammit Jomo do you still want
your job?"
Jamo: "Hade boss"
Me: "Thought as much do what you're asked to do"

I dropped the call if I don't get to date Noxolo nobody

will I mean it nobody will date her. Noxolo doesn't
deserve to be happy I was even ready to sacrifice
my demons for her but she cheated on me she
bloody slept with a nigga under my nose I'll won't let
her go that easily never! I roared.


Mazwane: "Noxolo didn't I asked you to stay away

from my son?"
Me: "You did ma'am"
Mazwane: "Now Zodwa is taking all her stuff do you
think I'd love to have a daughter-in-law who is a
maid huh no in fat a hobo?" okay noxolo never cry in
front of your enemy those were the words my mom
used to tell me to put on your bravest look
Me: "I am sorry ma I promise to leave Lizo alone"
Mazwane: "Really you are lucky Lizo said that I
should let you carry on working here otherwise"
Me: "I know ma I am really sorry I really hate myself
right now"
Mazwane:"Cut the act girl you know what go and
pack Zodwa's stuff she said I must ask you to bring
them for her"
Me: "Can I please have her address"
Mazwane: "Okay" she took a pen and a paper "here
do you know how to read?"
Me: "Yes I do ma"
Mazwane: "Good now go don't get lost"

She gave me fifty rands for taxi fare I packed her

stuff in a Shoprite paper bag going to Zodwa's
apartment was hard because our taxi was stopped
by a group of men wearing black uniforms holding
big guns.

Guy 1: "Any lady named Noxolo get out" why me

what would they want from me maybe it is about me
dating Lizo I don't know"
Me: I cleared my throat "It's me"
Guy 1: "Get out sis you know what you did"
Old women inside the taxi: "Shame poor thing I
wonder what did she do"
Me: "What did I do please don't kill me"
Guy 1: "Get out with your paper bag young lady"

I went out

Me: "Please don't kill me okay ill give you whatever

you want just don't kill me please" I kneeled in front
of guy 1
Guy 1: "Silence her"I felt something hit my head
hard and it was lights out



Hearing him and that bloody Zodwa planning to

kidnap the girl didn't sit well with me maybe
partnering up with her is not a bad idea. I am going
to get her out and offer her a job maybe she can be
my PA I don't know I really need someone to help
me bring Bones down I can't do it on my own Noxolo
is a brilliant girl who was fed with lies she didn't
deserve to lose her baby in that manner Bones is
evil I didn't expect him to do what he did to noxolo
she's only 19 years and she has already been to jail
poor thing


Chapter 54



I woke up with a banging headache Waking up with

this headache wasn't easy. I touch my head where it
was hurting only to come back with the red liquid I
realized that it was blood but it has dried. I stood up
and looked around all I could see were walls with a
tiny window at the top everything came back they
have kidnapped me. I panicked and started banging
the metal door hoping someone would come and
rescue me.
Me: "Help! Somebody help!" the metal door slightly
opened giving me a chance to step back it opened
widely I couldn't believe it was my eyes deceiving or
am I dreaming? pinching myself was to make me
wake up from the dream well it wasn't a dream at all
Bones came in with Zodwa

Me: "You what do you want from me why am I here"

they laughed
Bones: "you think I'd forget what you did to me oh
wait you did forget" he chuckled
Me: "You sent me to jail for something I didn't do
isn't that enough punishment you killed my baby at
least spare me life leave me alone" I started tearing
Bones: "No it's not Noxolo baby you know me I don't
forgive and I won't forget" I couldn't hold the tears
Me: "Zodwa why would you do this to me I'm your
cousin your blood"
Zodwa: "Did you think about that when you took Lizo
away from me huh"
Me: "He came to me I didn't mean to sleep with him
Zodwa I'm sorry please just let me go I promise I'll
leave Lizo I'll leave the country" more tears fell
Zodwa: "You already slept with him damn girl I
salute you. Leave the country with what? you don't
even have a cent"
Me: "I didn't mean to sleep with him please let me
Zodwa: "too late cousin I'm going to erase Lizo's
memory and skip the country go somewhere you will
never find him" she laughed her laugh carried so
much evil in it after torturing me with words they
went out locked the door leaving me in tears. I never
thought zodwa would do something like this damn I
was a fool I should have kept quiet when they asked
who's noxolo.



Tasha was pacing up and down in her bedroom not

knowing what to do she took her phone inside her
bag and called her PI he answered on the third ring

Voice: "Mrs. Zulu"

Me: "Hi Donald are you busy"
Donald: "Not at all how can I help you"
Me: "I need you to do a background check on a girl
named Noxolo"
Donald: "Her surname?"
Me: "I don't know Donald but she was trending those
past few days"
Donald: "The one who was dating your husband?"
Me: "Yes please I need the information as in now"
Donald: "It going to cost a lot though"
Me: "I don't care about money Donald I need to save
the girl as in now"
Donald: "Is she in danger?"
Me: "Sort of"
Donald: "No problem when do you need the
Me: "ASAP dude weren't you hearing me when I
said I need the information as in today"
Donald: "give me 20 mins"
Me: "Okay thank you" I dropped the call and waited
impatiently. After a while I received an email *I hope
this will help* it was Noxolo's information from her
date of birth mother etc...
Me: "she works as a maid at the Zwane household
I'll start looking there"

I quickly took my bag

car keys and phone I am gland Lulu is with my mom
any way I drove to the house as fast as I could rang
the doorbell a middle-aged woman opened the door
MaZwane: "Hello"
Me: "Hi Ma how are you? Okay I'm looking for Mrs.
MaZwane: "Why are you panicking come in" I went
inside the house she led me to lounge
Me: "Are you Mazwane"
Mazwane: "Yes sis what's wrong you look like a
mess water?
Me: "No Ma I am okay"
MaZwane: "Okay" she took a seat next to me"
Me: "I'm not staying I came to ask if Noxolo is home"
MaZwane: "No since I sent her to run an errand for
me yesterday she's not back yet" dammit they got
Me: "errand? Where"
MaZwane: "to my daughter in-law's apartment"
Me: "oh no ma'am sorry but your daughter-in-law
and Noxolo's ex-boyfriend kidnapped Noxolo" she
looked at me and burst into laughter
MaZwane: "You're funny" she stopped laughing
when she saw that I wasn't "who are you and why
would you want to help Noxolo because last time I
checked she has no family"
Me: "I'm a good friend of hers"
MaZwane: "Well I don't care if she's kidnapped good
riddance to rubbish and besides why would Zodwa
kidnap noxolo while she's nothing but a hobo" Lizo
was in the kitchen listening he immediately got angry
when he heard his mom talking badly about noxolo.


Me: "What did you just call her" Mazwane was

shocked to see Lizo
Mazwane: "Lizo when did you get here what did you
hear and long enough to hear you calling Xolo a
Lizo: "I heard everything I can't believe you Mama
when did you start being so wicked and self-
centered? oh no wait I forgot it runs in your blood"
MaZwane: "Lizo! Don't you ever talk to me like that
again" Lizo clicked his tongue and faced Tasha
Me:" Hi I'm Noxolo's boyfriend what did you say
happened to her" Mazwane rolled her eyes and left
the room
Tasha: "she was kidnapped by her boyfriend and
your girlfriend we don't have time we need to save
her as in now"
Me: "ex-girlfriend do you know where they are
keeping her? wait how do you know noxolo"
Tasha: "I am bones wife okay I'll do the explaining
later we have to save her"
Lizo: "Okay let's go"
Tasha: "No we won't make it out alive if we show up
without any backup bones is the most feared guy"
Me: "I know someone who can help but... I am not in
good terms with him" Tasha interrupted him
Tasha: "this is no time for grudges we need to help
Noxolo you love her don't you?"
Me: "with every fiber in my body"
Tasha: "then let's go" they ran to their cars
Me: "We're going to the police station" Tasha
nodded and got into her car and left for the police

At the police station

Tasha and Lizo barged in and went to the reception

and demand for Detective Zwane(Mr. Zwane)

Receptionist: "who is asking"

Lizo: "Dammit" he banged the table"call Detective
Zwane right now and tell him his son wants to speak
to him" the receptionist was frightened she called
Mr. Zwane
Receptionist: "Uhm hello Detective.....yes sir your
son is asking for you....yes sir it looks urgent" after a
few minutes Mr. Zwane came Lizo spotted him and
went to him

Lizo: "I need your help it's a matter of life and death"
Mr. Zwane: "Good evening to you too Lizo how are
you doing" Lizo was irritated by the old man's
Lizo: "this is not the time to be cocky someone's life
is in danger we need to go now"
Mr. Zwane: "Woah calm down tell me what's going
on" Lizo signaled Tasha to come to them
Tasha:"afternoon detective"
Lizo: "tell him what you told me" she told him
everything and begged him not to mention her name
because Bones has contacts inside the station
Lizo:" what are we waiting for she told you
everything you need let's go"
Mr. Zwane: "okay" do you any chance no by where
he kept her"
Tasha: "Yes I know"
Mr. Zwane: "Okay" he wore his bulletproof and
requested a back up" you need to stay here until I
come back"
Lizo: "What no I am coming with"
Mr. Zwane: "Don't be stubborn boy"
Lizo: "I won't stay here and wait for you to come
back with a dead body"
Mr. Zwane:" okay Mrs are you coming with"
Tasha: "No I don't want him to know that I told you
Lizo: "Thank you"
Tasha: "Hope you find her in time she took out a
piece of paper it was the address of the warehouse
they nodded and left for the warehouse. They got to
the warehouse and planned how to get in without
being detected by Bones men

Mr. Zwane: "okay let's surround this place we will

even call the helicopter if it is needed" they nodded
"I'll count when I reach three we get in Lizo stay here
I'll get her back I promise. 1 2 3 let's go! they went
inside the warehouse running and shooting every
guard that was coming in their way. Bones men
were outnumbered



I am gland Mr. Zwane risked his job for me I am sure

they will give him a written warning for using police
sources without a case being opened.



Chapter 55

(I was bored and decided to write something small



Hearing guns go off made me panic my heart started

to beat abnormally faster than it should I was also
shivering praying to God asking him for protection
after 15 minutes of panicking Bones and Zodwa
barged in arguing.

Zodwa: "Didn't you tell me that nobody knows this

Bones: "Women don't question me don't forget who I
Zodwa: "Let us concentrate on escaping okay"
Bones: "What! No I am not going to escape as if as
I'm a coward never"
Zodwa: "All your men are dead Bones"
Bones: "So? It doesn't mean I am scared of them
they are dogs that bark but they don't bite"
Zodwa: "They are the fucken police!. I don't want to
go to jail"
Bones: "So what do you want me to do"
Zodwa: "Why am I the only one who's panicking
Voice: "Your outnumbered Bones drop your gun" it
was Mr. Zwane and other policemen
Bones: "Zwane Zwane didn't I warn you to stay away
from my business's?"
Mr. Zwane: "Drop your gun down Sikhuli and stop
Bones: "Our what?"
Mr. Zwane: "Don't make me shoot drop your fucking
gun!" so this man can swear
Bones: "Fine! Just know I'll be out in less than 24
hours and I'm coming for you"
Mr. Zwane: "Cut the bull Mr. Sikhuli Zulu you're
under arrest along with you madam you're under
arrest for kidnapping Miss Noxolo Bhuthelezi You
have the right to a lawyer if you can not afford one
the state will provide for you. Most importantly you
have the right to remain silent to be informed
promptly of such right and the consequences of not
remaining silent. Any information uttered or willingly
given to an officer will be used against you in the
court of law.
Zodwa: "Ohh my God I am not going to jail not now
not ever"
Mr. Zwane: "Sis please make our job easy"

They handcuffed them I know they'll be out by

tomorrow Bones is a well-known man he has a lot of
power it is not going to be easy to break Bones as
for me I have to be more careful.

They all went out and leave me Lizo came in running

Lizo: "Baby are you okay"

Me: "Lizo" I ran to his arms and cried
Lizo: "It's going to be okay babe I got you
you're safe now"
Me: "They kidnapped me because of you Lizo I can't
I am sorry"
Lizo: "What do you mean look Noxolo I thought
about this I want to help you bring Bones down"
Me: "What! As much as I also want to see him go
down but I don't want to endanger your life" he
chuckled "what?"
Lizo: "I am not scared of Bones"
Me: "Lizo he's dangerous"
Lizo: "I know noxolo I am also dangerous in my own
way and besides we will ask Mr. Zwane to help us"
Me: "Your father" he laughed
Lizo: "He's not my dad come on let's get out of here
and ohh you have to go to the police so that they
can take your statement"
I nodded we went to his car. On our way home I
thought it through I have to act as if I am scared of
Bones break up with Lizo and not press charges
against them

Me: "Lizo let's break up"

Lizo: "What no" he parked aside the road "hell no
look Noxolo I love you okay and I am willing to risk
my life to help you bring Bones down"
Me: "I know Lizo but the sooner the better Zodwa
knows that we broke up she won't bother me
Me: "Okay?"
Lizo: "Yes"
Me: "Okay look we will continue our relationship
once we have sorted the Zodwa and Bones issues"
Me: "Don't be angry please lizo"



When noxolo broke up with me made me wonder if

she ever loved me I don't think I'd ever be able to
live without Noxolo.
Me: "So now we're working on bringing Bones
Xolo: "yes "
Me: "Okay partner I want you to meet someone"

While Mr. Zwane was inside the warehouse Tasha

sent me her address she wants to work with me and
Xolo to bring Bones down

Xolo: "Who?"
Me: "You'll see when we get there"
Xolo: "Okay"

We drove in silent Noxolo is beautiful her glowing

yellow bone skin is flawless plus the deep dimple on
her cheek I also love her thin body
We arrived at the address Tasha sent to me.

Tasha: "Hey you came?"

Me: "Yes Xolo meet Tasha the person who told me
where you were"
Xolo: "Nice to meet yo.. wait aren't you bones ex-
wife or wife"
Tasha: "The divorce is not finalized yet so I can take
a wife"
Xolo: "Okay so what am I doing here?"
Tasha: "Princess go to your room okay" she told a
beautiful girl who was playing on the floor
Lulu: "Mom why are we here I want to see dad"
Tasha: "Dad will come back tomorrow okay baby"
she nodded and disappeared to the passage
Tasha: "Sorry about that it's just that I wanted to
meet you guys here since I don't know if he
burger(not sure if the spelling is correct) his
Lizo: "We understand"
Xolo: "what's going on here"
Tasha: "okay Bones burnt my boyfriend that's why I
want to bring him down I've got a lot of information
about his shenanigans"
Me: "Yes so she is going to be our partner"
Xolo: "Why what if she's working with Bones to spy
on us"
Tasha: "I am not!"
Xolo: "Okay"



Chapter 56

I woke up feeling tired my back was hurting so bad

but I woke up anyway did my daily routine wore my
maids uniform and made my way to the main house
started with breakfast while busy making breakfast
MaZwane walked in humming like a bird

MaZwane:"So you decided to come to work today"

this woman really hates my guts
Me:"Morning hope you slept well ma'am" I have to
respect her she's the one who gave me a place to
MaZwane:"I see sleeping with my son has made you
tough huh" I kept quiet and carried on with what I
was doing
MaZwane:"since you didn't come to work the other
day I'm going to deduct some money from your
Me:"you can't do that"
MaZwane:"I can and I will watch me"she smiled
Me:"you can't deduct money from my salary I was
MaZwane:"do you think I care" wow I can't believe
this women
Me:"I'll tell Lizo about this"
MaZwane:"you wouldn't dare"
Me:"he is the one paying me after all"
Mazwane:"so what?" she looked at me with so much
hatred and walked away.

After cooking breakfast I went to ring the bell alerting

them that breakfast is ready. After that I went to
wash the sheets since they were dirty



Driving to my mom's house bored me that women is

always on my neck anyway when I drove inside I
saw my angel doing the laundry I walked up to her
and held her waist she jumped away.

Me:"hey hey it's just me" she looked terrified

Xolo:"oh sorry I though..." I interrupted her
Me:"no one is going to hurt you anymore I promise
Xolo:"Lizo you can't promise something like that" my
heart shattered a little she doesn't believe me
Me:"listen I came to get you we're going to Tasha's
Xolo:"Uhm I don't think maZwane will agree"
Me:"I'll take care of her go change time is not on our
side" she ran to her room minutes later she came
out and we left. We arrived at Tasha's



I've called Lizo to come with noxolo it's time we plan

how to take on bones I am tired of seeing him hurt
innocent soul it's time I get justice for my boyfriend!

There was a knock on the door I stood up and found

Noxolo and Lizo

Me:"Hello I'm glad you could make it" Lizo smiled

"come in come in make yourselves at home"
Me:"Anything to drink?"
Lizo:"I am good Xolo?"
Noxolo:"I am okay" I smiled
Me:"Okay we don't have much time on our side I've
got some documents here" I gave them to read"
Lizo:"But it looks like codes"
Me:"Yes those codes have information about bones
illegal things"
Lizo:"So how are we going to get the information?"
Me:"Let me go and take my phone so that I can call
Donald he's my PI"
Lizo:"Okay" I went to get my phone from the
bedroom and called my PI it rang he answered on
the third call
Donald:"Mrs Zulu how can I help you"
Me:"I need you to come to my apartment"
Donald:"sure" I dropped the call and sent him the
address and returned to my guests

Noxolo:"Is he coming?"
Me:"Yes he's on his way"
Lizo:"Okay I guess we'll wait for him then"
Me:"Are you sure you don't want something to drink?
Don't be shy"
Lizo:"no thank you I'm fine"
Noxolo:"water please"
Me:"sure it means you were shy" I smiled Noxolo:" I
wasn't" I smiled and went to get water for her.
few minutes later Donald arrived
Me:"Noxolo and Lizo this is Donald my PI donald
this is Noxolo and Lizo my partners
Donald:"Nice to meet you guys"
Lizo:"Nice to meet you too"
Me:"Great now that you guys know each other let's
get down to business Donald I have files here that I
stole from Bones safe need you to clarify what's
written there because it's written in codes
Donald:"no probelm" I gave him the files "well it's
information about his entire dealings from the human
trafficking to the exporting of drugs"
Me:"good work Donald"
Lizo:"We should send that to Detective Zwane"
Me:"Before we do that bones we have to tight our
Lizo:"I'll have to hire some guards then"
Me:"We need people who know their job
Donald I have files here that I stole from Bones safe
need you to clarify what's written there because it's
written in codes
Donald:"no probelm" I gave him the files "well it's
information about his entire dealings from the human
trafficking to the exporting of drugs"
Me:"good work Donald"
Lizo:"We should send that to Detective Zwane"
Me:"Before we do that bones we have to tight our
Lizo:"I'll have to hire some guards then"
Me:"We need people who know their job fearless
guards not pussies. So I'll contact them they will be
in your house tonight"
Lizo:"Well I don't need a guard I can take care of
Noxolo:"No you'll get a guard and it is not up for
Noxolo:"Am done here" Ncooh those two looks like
they're are in love
Me:"Okay guys in this fight is win or lose"
Lizo:"we are ready"
Me:"Okay we better be ready once he get the news
about the USB of him confessing everything he will
want to kill me"
Lizo:"Do you have it in you?"
Me:"Yes but he won't get it even if I die in this
mission don't give up guys"
LizoXolo and Donald:"We won't"
Me:"yes so " Noxolo was awfully too quiet "Noxolo
what do you suggest we do"
Noxolo:"I want him gone"she said in a cold tone
Me:"trust me that day will come" as we were about
to plan further my phone rang it was Bones I
answered "hello"
Bones:"I'm out where are you"
Me:"I'm at my old place but I'm on my way"
Bones:"okay bring Lulu with"
Me:"okay wait you out?
Bones:"Yes why?"
Me:"How? Why?"
Me:"No I mean did you bribe them"
Bones:"No" he dropped the call that's bones for you
he is so secretive"so guys we're going to have to
reschedule today's meeting to tomorrow" the agreed
and left I went to fetch lulu at my mother's house


I'm out of jail I told that stupid cop that I'll be out in
less than 24 hours it is easy I've got people working
for me inside . I'm going to kill him and his entire
family starting with his wife. Tasha arrived with my
baby girl.

Lulu:"Daddy" she ran to my arms

Lulu:"Daddy where do you come from"
Me:"I was away on business trip baby"
Lulu:"oh okay can I come too next time I really
missed you"
Me:"tell you what I'll make it up to you by going to
Disneyland with you" she jumped on me once again
Lulu:"Yay!" I smiled we played with her dolls for a
while she started getting sleepy I took her to bed
and went back to Tasha I love seeing the sight of
her. she was cooking the best view ever. I held her
waist and kissed her on her neck but she pushed me
Me:"what's wrong"
Tasha:"I'm not in the mood Bones"
Me:"Come on Tasha I miss being inside you"
Tasha:"Maybe tomorrow"
Me:"What's wrong? You never turned me off"
Tasha:"Nothing I am just tired if you don't mind" she
pushed me out of her way I groaned and walked
away I was beyond pissed I took my keys and
walked to the door
Me:"Don't wait up" I left

I don't know what's wrong with Tasha but something

is off with her I'll have to look into it.


June 6 at 7:32 AM ·
Chapter 57


Last night Tasha's mood was off so today I decided

to call Jomo to investigate her so that I can know
what's wrong with her.
Me:"Hey Jomo what do you have for me"
Jomo:"Jomo you won't like what I am about to tell
Jomo:"Okay I've managed to trace every call that
she made I'll send the recordings or should I come
your house"
Me:"No come to the penthouse I'll be waiting for
Jomo:"Okay I'm on my way"

I jumped out of the blankets went to hug Tasha on

the balcony in Lulu's room she loves to do it every

Me:"Morning my love"
Tasha:"Morning" I kissed her she was so tense
Me:"Babe you're so tense what's up with you"
Tasha:"Nothing Bones why don't you just leave me
alone!" She snapped I raised my eyebrow "Sorry it's
just that I am stressed about my mom's health
Me:"Is your mom sick?"
Tasha:"Yes that's why I am so tense I am worried
about her"
Me:"Come here" I hugged her "what's wrong"
Tasha:"She's been coughing and complaining about
her neck but it nothing too much she'll be okay" she
avoids eye contact
Me:"Do you want me to give you some cash so that
you can get medication for her?"
Tasha:"No chill she'll be fine" she went back inside I
followed her
Me:"Okay cool Jomo is coming"
Tasha:"Want space? Don't worry I've got business to
attend" she poured a glass of whiskey
Me:"Have you washed your face? Why are you
drinking whiskey at this time?"
Tasha:"Do you have problem? don't worry I know it's
your booze I'll replace it"
Me:"Watch your words Tasha when talking to me I
am not your age mate"
Tasha:"Or what?" She gulp the glass and banged it
on the table
Me:"I'll fuck you up"
Tasha:"Is it" I immediately got angry and held her
hand tightly she reached for something in her waist
and pull a gun. I wasn't ready for this "Trying to beat
me? I see"
Me:"What are you doing with a gun in the morning
Tasha and how did you put in your waist while
wearing night dress?"
Tasha:"I'll shoot your balls if you ever try to beat me
again nx" what's going on with Tasha? She changed
she not the Tasha who used to obey everything I
said she is too feisty
Me:"Don't disrespect me in my house women I wear
the pants in this house"
Tasha:"You're a monster hiding in those fancy suits
don't worry Bones your day is coming.


Tasha's guards came last night it was not easy to

convince maZwane why there's a bunch of men with
guns going around her house but Lizo managed to
explain what's going on to her. She just told her that
Mr Zwane arrested one of the biggest gangster so
he's afraid that he might hurt his family to get back to
him and she understood just like that anyway did I
tell you that we are not allowed to go anywhere
without a guard? I guess I didn't but I am telling you
now i might get used to it because it is going to be
like that until the Bones issue is sorted.


Jomo arrived with the best IT Terry he is the best in

digging dirty info's about a person.

Me:"What do you have for me"

Jomo:"Boss Tasha has been pretending the whole
Me:"What do you mean?"
Jomo:"She doesn't love you she's got enough
information to sent you to jail for a very long time"
Me:"What! Bloody shit"
Jomo:"There's a USB about you confessing
everything you did"
Me:"How? Where did she get it?"
Jomo:"There was a bug planted under your table"
Me:"So what am I going to do now?"
Jomo:"We have to get that USB "
Me:"How?" I am so shocked Tasha deserves an
Oscar award she is good at acting she played me so
well I swear I'll kill her with my bare hands
Jomo:"We will have to take it by force"



Chapter 58


I've hired people to go and search Tasha's mom
house maybe they'll find the USB there I rather kill
her than go to jail .

Me:"Did you get it?"

Canada:"Boss the place is to tight she planned it
well" dammit u banged the table
Me:"Do I pay you to give me excused Canada?"
Canada:"No boss"
Me:"Just do the damn job"
Canada:"Boss we might die there"
Me:"I don't need fucken cowards dammit! You better
come back with that fucking USB!" I roaredI last saw
Tasha yesterday she left with Lulu I am so frustrated
I won't lose everything I worked hard for no how can
Tasha play me like this



After dropping Lulu at my mom's house I drove to

Jomo's crib right now I am worried about getting
justice for Tiro(my boyfriend) I don't care if he kills
me. I got out of the car and ran to his door.

Me:"Jomo please open" I shouted

Jomo:He opened the door shirtless I was wearing a
black coat with nothing underneath "Tasha what are
you doing here"
Me:"Please don't call him please"
Jomo:"What's wrong" he asked with a concerned
Me:"He killed her Jomo and now he's accusing me
of trying to bring him down"
Jomo:"But it's true boss lady"
Me:"No why would I do that to even think I planned
the romantic dinner for us he killed my mom"
Jomo:"I am so sorry" I cried he pulled me into a hug
I got the chance to kiss him he pushed me
Me:"Come on I need this pleasure"
Jomo:"No I am not going to betray my boss"
Me:"Cut the act ain't you tired of being ordered
around? Calling someone your age boss? Running
errands for someone? I need this please I won't tell
him it is going to be our little secret please"
Jomo:"Not a word to him"
Me:"My mouth is shut" he smiled and pulled me for a
kiss I jumped on him he put me on his waist and led
the kiss to his bedroom when thing were heating up I
got the chance to stab him 5 times in his chest.

Don't judge in order for the plan to work I had to kill

Jomo his right hand man ! He won't be able to do
things on his own after that I cleared everything that
might lead back to me and drove back to my mom's

Mom:"Ohh my God baby why there's so much blood

in your coat"
Me:"Nothing mom why are you so jumpy"
Mom:"Gunshots were exchanged here tasha. What's
going on baby girl?"
Me:"Nothing mom"
Mom:"Don't tell me it's nothing is it your husband?
What did you do this time?
Me:"Mom it's nothing where's Lulu?"
Mom:"she's sleeping I had to give her water with
sugar to calm down her nerves"
don't open up for anyone mom"
Mom:"I wont"

I went to my room found my baby laying on my bed.

Me:"I am doing this for you my love" I brushed her

back " I promise once this is over we will start over
just the two of us without any drama okay mommy
loves you baby. I was disturbed by my phone ringing
it was Lizo
Me:"Hey Lizo"
Lizo:"Jomo is dead are you the one that killed him?
Me:"No why think of me?"Wow news travel fast
Lizo:"Yes there was a gunshot exchanging here at
my mom's house"
Me:"Dammit anyone hurt?"
Lizo:"No but they got my mom's arm since she was
Me:"Where is she now?"
Lizo:"she's admitted"
Me:"Dammit Lizo go and fetch your mom now"
Lizo:"what do you mean"
Me:"Dammit that was so low of you don't ask any
questions go and take your mom Lizo hurry"


Tasha's call left me wondering ohh no what if he

kidnapped my mom I pushed noxolo lightly

Me:"Noxolo I have to go to hospital fast"

Noxolo:"What's going on?"
Me:"I think Bones might go and kidnap mom or
worse kill her"
Noxolo:"What!" She half shouted
Me:"Let's go"
We drove fast to hospital. I wasted no time I
immediately went inside only to be met by a
stretcher pushing someone who's body was

Nurse:"Sir I am sorry but we have to get the women
to the forensics to see what killed her"
Me:"Okay I am here for Sarah Zwane she's my
Nurse:"Go and ask at the reception" doctor disturbed
Doc:"Is that the women who was bought here
because of her arm"

My blood started to boil could it be my mom no! I

know we were not in speaking terms but no it can't
be her she can't die who will I live with?

Me:"Can I please see her" my voice was so scratch

Noxolo:"Please Lizo it's not your mom"
Me:"Please can I see her" they pull off the cover
indeed it was my mom she look so pale with her
birth mark on her forehead Noxolo rubbed my arm
Noxolo:"It's going to be okay"
Me:"What killed her"my voice was so low losing a
mom is so painful
Doc:"We don't know but her neck got bruises which
means someone strangled her"
Me:"Can I see your footage"
Doc:"It is not going to be possible sir we are only
allowed to show footage to the police only"
Me:"My mom was killed in this hospital! What you're
telling me is bull shit" I roared
Doc:"We are going to examine your mother's body
They pushed her out



Seeing Lizo that broken brought back memories that

I long buried I remembered how I lost my mom he
barely talked his veins were popping out he kept on
rubbing my thighs and squeezing them.

Me:"No Lizo let's tell Tasha that we can't continue

with the plan anymore"
Me:"Lizo a lot of people will get killed"
Lizo:"I am motherless because of him"
Me:"Do you also want to lose me?"
Lizo:"I won't lose you and please let's not talk about
this again I am not backing away I am going forward
with the plan"

We drove home in silence.



Chapter 59


When Lizo dropped the news about the passing of

maZwane. Everyone cried even Mr Zwane he cried
while talking about him not surviving without his wife.
The Zwane family is not a big big family it's just
Lizohis mom and Mr Zwane since Mrs Zwane
passed away it's just himhis step father2 securities
me and other maids only everyone was devastated
as for me I know that she didnt treat me good these
past few days but she didn't deserve to die just like
that she was innocent. Bones is so heartless why
would he kill an innocent women.


Today I am driving mom to Limpopo I've taken a few

guards to go with us. I don't want to risk my mom's
life this woman supported me in everything I've done
she's my rock so I'd die if Bones was to kill her.

Mom:"I don't understand why I have to go to

Me:"You have to mom or you'll die"
Mom:"I am not scared of Bones"last night I told her
what's going on
everyone was devastated as for me I know that she
didnt treat me good these past few days but she
didn't deserve to die just like that she was innocent.
Bones is so heartless why would he kill an innocent


Today I am driving mom to Limpopo I've taken a few

guards to go with us. I don't want to risk my mom's
life this woman supported me in everything I've done
she's my rock so I'd die if Bones was to kill her.
Mom:"I don't understand why I have to go to
Me:"You have to mom or you'll die"
Mom:"I am not scared of Bones"last night I told her
what's going on I told her everything she even gave
me ideas of what to do in order to defeat Bones
shes my partner in crime.
Me:"I am not going to risk your life mom"
Mom:"Why did you marry that dog in the first place"
Me:"You know I was pregnant mom I don't want my
baby to have separated parents"
Mom:"Now I have to go to Limpopo and be burnt by
the sun"
Me:"Stop being dramatic mom you drove up there
Mom:she smiled "It's not the same"
Me:"It's that all your bags?"
Mom:"Where's Lulu?"
Me:"I am leaving her behind with her nanny"
Mom:"Are you sure? What if he kidnaps her?"
Me:"He won't mom and I am going back today"
Mom:"Hawu so you ain't going to sleep for one
Me:"No mom I also have to go and see how Lizo
and Noxolo are coping"
Mom:"I understand"
The drive to Limpopo was not that long with mom
talking non stop. I left the guards behind to protect

When I came back I drove straight to Lizo's house

there was church ladies I am glad that I was wearing
a maxi white dress. I just took a doek and folded my
head as a sign of respect and went inside. Luckily I
met Noxolo on my way in

Noxolo:"I thought you were coming tommorow"
Me:"I know it's late but I had to" I hugged her "how's
Noxolo:"He is not opening up Tasha"
Me:"Come let's go and chill outside"
Noxolo:"I was going to get tea for the church ladies"
Me:"ohh let me help you"

We went to make tea after that we went outside

Me:"I am sorry about your loss Noxolo I didn't know

he would kill her"
Noxolo:"Its not your fault you did your part it was
Me:"I know but she didn't deserve to die like that"
Noxolo:"You can't control everything Tasha it was
her time"
Me:"Okay take" I gave her the USB " it's the last
place he's going to look into promise me you will
keep it safe"
Noxolo:"Are you sure?"
Me:"Yes don't even tell Lizo about this he loves you.
He even risked his mom's life by helping you meet
him halfway"
Noxolo:"Thank you I'll keep this safe"
Me:"I'll come back tommorow to help with the
Noxolo:"We are burying her on Friday" today it was
Tuesday " he so keen about breaking Bones I don't
know anymore"
Me:I smiled"Don't worry the sooner the better we get
done with this all will be alright"

We stood up and joined the prayer.



Chapter 60

Today is Friday we are burying Mazwane her body
will be here today since she was shot. She is not
supposed to get inside the house they say it brings
bad luck in the family. Pity they're burying her here
at Joburg

Me:" I will be by your side the whole day"

Lizo:"Do you want to go with me to the
hospital?"that's where they're going to collect her
Me:"I am not family Lizo"
Lizo:"You were her worker come on"
Me:"No just go with the family you'll find me here"
Lizo:"I love you okay"I smiled

He went out I slept in his room yesterday since he

wasn't okay when the family arrive he was so
emotional you know how families are they were
giving him the pity look and he doesn't love that.
Ohh also his father's family came that made him

Anyway after the family left to fetch maZwane's spirit

I went to make tea for the elders it was around 6 the
service is going to start at half past seven .

Tasha came and helped me.

Tasha:"How's Lizo?"
Me:"He's not okay I don't wanna lie he's hiding his
emotions but yesterday he was kinda emotional"
Tasha:"hold on to him babe it will be alright this will
blow over"
Me:"I just can't wait to see Bones in prison"
Tasha:"Yeah that's when I'll start to enjoy life with
my baby"
Me:"But how do you feel about sending your baby's
daddy to jail"
Tasha:"Nothing I don't feel a thing for him. Bones is
a monster I know he's looking for me where ever he
is. He's after the USB and my blood"
Me:"Why don't we leave this? We lost 1 live already"
Tasha:"No it took me months to plan this I am not
backing out"
Me:"Don't blame a girl for trying"
Tasha:"Are you getting cold feet already?"

We heard people singing which means they are

back we also went outside Mazwane was not a
church person she was not into church things

I went to sit with Tasha at the tent Lizo was at the

front that's was where family was seating.
Seeing her picture on the table that was placed well
next to the casket was so devastating who ever
bones hired is heartless how can he kill an old
women who doesn't know anything.

The service went on even Lizo went to say few

things his mother's sister went with him to the stand
since he wasn't strong enough to go alone his words
were so heart breaking he spoke about him not
having mother-son relationship and he regrets it he
feels like it's his fault that her mom died that way.
His words got a lot of people sobbing even Mr
Zwane was crying her picture on the program was
so beautiful even her birth mark made her more
beautiful any way after the service we went to the
grave yards and laid her to her final resting place it
was heart breaking that's where a lot of people were
crying I was busy brushing Lizo's back

Me:"Will you be able to drive back home?"

Lizo: he cleared his throat "Umm I don't know I just..
want to go home and.." he sighed
Me:"It's okay Lizokuhle I'll drive come let's go back
since everything is done here

We drove back home Lizo went to his room to rest I

also went to dish up for elders and so all when I got
the chance I went to make food for Lizo he must be

Me:"Lizo come let's go back since everything is done


We drove back home Lizo went to his room to rest I

also went to dish up for elders and so all when I got
the chance I went to make food for Lizo he must be

Me:"Lizo wake up have some food"

Lizo:"I don't feel like eating"
Me:"Please kuhle atleast have 5 spoons I'll be glad"
it was samp with pork and green salad
Lizo: he sighed he sat up straight I noticed he was
hugging his mom's dress "I miss her"
Me:"It's okay I know the feeling it will be alright"
Lizo:"I don't think I'll ever recover from this I know I
hated her but..."
Me:"You will recover from thisyou did recover from
your dad's death and your aunty's"
Lizo:"I'll try" I nodded and left him to eat in peace
without me disturbing him"


They got me when they killed Jomo. I will always

remember him he was my loyal right hand man

This fight it is going to be a lot for me I mean I don't

even have a someone whom I trust to do the job for
me all I have to do now is to trace Tasha's every
move. I want to give her a painful death who is she
to play me? She must be out of her mind nobody I
mean no one double crosses Bones. Maybe if I can
get the USB I get Tasha when she least expectes it I
won't be going to jail not now not anytime soon no!
I've got my men to go and search Tasha's place
shoot everyone who is there



I made a good move when I sent mom to Limpopo

right now I am worried about Lulu I left her with her
nanny when I wentto the funeral. I had to go there
show my respect to my partners. When I arrived at
my place everything was a mess I mean dead
bodies around I notice a note on top of the table "
Your day is coming Natasha Zulu" fuck him before I
know it the police started to come in .
Police 1:"We received a complain about gunshots
being fired in this house"
Me:"Yes it's true you can see those fucken people
killed my guards I am not safe anymore"
Police 1:"We will have to turn this place to a crime
Me:"Are you crazy? Where will sleep?"
Police 2:"You can book into a lodge or hotel"

I cursed he planned it good he knew very well that

the police will turn my place into crime scene which
means he will start to look for me at hotels that's not
where I am going to sleep. Worse he knows all my
friends Fuck! Why didn't I think of this at the first

The police placed a yellow tape and left few minutes

later paramedics came I packed an overnight bag for
for us I'll sleep at lulu's nanny's place that's the last
place he will look.


Chapter 61



It's been a few days since Lizo's mom funeral Bones

has been quite he hasn't made any move yet I think
he has given up anyway today we are taking the
USB to Lizo's step dad's Mr. Zwane.

Me: "Hey are you all ready" I was on a call with

Noxolo I told them to meet me at the police station
Noxolo: "Yes"
Me: "Okay don't forget to bring the USB I'll come
with codes and information"
Noxolo: "be safe"

I dropped the call and took my bah Lulu was still

asleep with her nanny I am sure they will be awake
when I come back.

When I was about to open my door I saw five black

USV cars stop by the gate Bones got off the car with
his guards they were holding guns I am talking about
AK-47. I tried to run back into the house but I felt a
stinging pain in my leg damn he shot me. I tried to
stand up but it was too late because I felt something
on my neck and it was lights out.



I did good by making more copies of the USB ( after

mazwane's funeral I got the chance to go and make
copies using the little money I had ) and codes
because right now we've been waiting for Tasha for
like 30 minutes but she's not showing up.

Lizo: "Let's go back as you can see Tasha is not

showing up"
Me: "Well let's go inside without her"
Lizo: "And do what don't forget we don't have the
Me: "Ohh really" I took it out in my bag
Lizo: "Wow where did you get that"
Me: "Well a girl doesn't kiss and tell" I smiled
Lizo: "Let's go inside then"

We went inside the station. We walked to Mr.


Mr. Zwane: "Hey you came"

Lizo: "Yes we wanted to give you the whole
information about Bones"
Mr. Zwane: "Wow really"
Lizo: "Yes dad" I saw a smile formed in Mr. Zwane's

Mr. Zwane: "Okay come let's go to my office and talk

Lizo: "We are in a hurry"
Mr zwane:" I won't take too much of your time guys"

We followed him to his office.

Mr zwane: "Let's get justice for my wife"

Me: "Yes sir"

He insert the USB

Mr. Zwane: "Viola" he shot his fits up showing that

he's happy
Lizo: "this guy is dangerous I salute him"
Me: "So he's trafficking innocent girls who don't
know anything"
Lizo: "Yep so when will you do the arrest?"
Me Zwane: "Since I am the captain of this station I'll
have to keep quiet about this some police officers
might be working for him here"
Lizo: "Wow"

After dropping off the USB we returned home and




Today I am going to teach Tasha a lesson I'll do the

job on my own.

Me: "Canada wake her up"

Canada: "Sure boss" he took a bucket full of water
and splashed it all over her face she gasped for air"
Me: "Hey wifey" she looked at me with cold eyes
"You ain't scared? I see"
Tasha: "She smiled "Don't worry Bones we are
going down together"
Me: "Ohh really?
Tasha: "Yes as I am speaking they are busy
organizing your arrest" she smiled
Me: I gave her the hottest slap
Tasha: "And this side" she gave me another cheek
to slap
Me: "Rough her up"
I took a seat and sipped my expansive whiskey while
I watched the show. They exchanged shots and
kicks with her she was groaning in pain.

Me: "Where's the USB?"

Tasha: she laughed "I don't know" I kicked her face
she fell with the chair "pick her up still doesn't want
to talk?"
Tasha: "I won't tell you a thing Bones"
Me: "Okay bring in Lulu "
Tasha: "No no don't kill my baby please"
Me: "where's the USB"
Tasha: "I'll tell you just don't kill my child"
Me: "Where it is?" I roared
Tasha: "In my garden"
Me: "Canada go and check be fast please"
He went out I left with Tasha she was shivering in
cold this room is cold

Tasha: "so you were going to kill my child?" She

looked so bad with blood in her face but still bring in
Lulu "
Tasha: "No no don't kill my baby please"
Me: "where's the USB"
Tasha: "I'll tell you just don't kill my child"
Me: "Where it is?" I roared
Tasha: "In my garden"
Me: "Canada go and check be fast please"
He went out I left with Tasha she was shivering in
cold this room is cold

Tasha: "so you were going to kill my child?" She

looked so bad with blood in her face but still she put
on the brave face. While I was at it Chicken brings
Lulu in.

Lulu: "Mommy" she screamed and went to her

Tasha: "Baby mommy loves you okay don't
disappoint me I'll do my best to leave you with
something okay baby respect your grandmother and
finish school and be the person you want to be when
you grow up okay even though I won't be there to
see you graduate but my spirit will always be with
you princess"
Lulu: "I promise Mommy why are you saying all of
Tasha: "Do you remember the 7bs that I taught you"
Lulu:" Books before boys because boys bring
babies. Of course I do mom"
Tasha: "Good girl" I am definitely going to kill her
who does she think she is to betray me

When I was busy puffing my cigar I received a call

from the other dude who's working for me inside the
Me: "Talk to me"
Him: "Boss your ex-girlfriend was here with zwane's
Me: "so?"
Him: "I heard them talking about arresting you"
Me: "What steal the USB"
Him: "He locks his office when he goes home"
Me: "I don't care just make sure you get that USB!"
Him: "Sure boss"


Me: "So you lied to me Tasha dammit women"

Tasha: "You are going down Bone's and this time no
one will save you"
Me: "Just stop it okay!" I shouted
Tasha: "You have demons" I started to pace up and
down screaming for her to shout uo

Lulu: "mommy make him stop mom!" She was crying

Tasha: "It's okay baby"
Me: "shut up women" I called Canada to come back
Tasha lied to me again

Me: "you take me for a fool I gave you a chance to

tell me where's the fuckenUSB but you lied to me.
Chicken tie her upside-down"
He took a rope and tied her I am going to kill her in
front of her daughter she will not die in peace. I
know Lulu is my child but I want her to die knowing
that her daughter saw her being killed.

I took a knife and tear her clothes took a knife shove

it to her pussy hole I fucked her with a knife until she
died and disposed her body inside the flesh-eating
acid Lulu was taken to the hospital because she was
shaking and dropping saliva out of her mouth she
was so fucken traumatized

To be continued

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Chapter 62


After dropping the USB we went to the mall of Africa

Lizo said he's taking me out.

Me: "Dude we can't celebrate today we first have to

make sure that he's really in prison"
Lizo: "I know but I can't hold myself I'm so excited
that guy killed my mom so I have to celebrate his
Me: I laughed " I am glad this is all over"

While I was talking to Lizo my phone disturbed me it

was an unknown number

Me: "Hello"
Kat: "Hey Noxolo it's Kat" where the fuck did she get
my number and what does she want from me
Me: "Hey Kat how can I help you"
Kat: "Girl you disappeared on me"
Kat: "Anyway let me get straight to the point Bones
asked me to call you " I rolled my eyes"
Me: "So"
Kat: "Do you want to be a slay queen again? He told
me to make an offer for him R5 million for you to
disappear without a trace he said you must first hand
him the USB"
Me: "Ohhh really?"
Kat: "Yes he got a very important function to attend
tomorrow you can go with him and tell the world that
you're back together or disappear"
Me: "Can I please think about this?"
Kat: "Okay I'll call you tomorrow morning"
I dropped the call and chuckled in disbelief

Lizo: "What's up? Why are you laughing alone?"

Me: "Can you believe Bones made an offer for me to
hand him the USB he said he will give me R5
Lizo: he raised his left eyebrow " I hope you ain't
reconsidering it"
Me: "What no!"
Lizo: "Okays tell him to go to hell"

I kept thinking why don't I play him at his own game?

Maybe I can ask him to give me all his legal
businesses but no! I promised my mom to make her
proud and I must work hard.

Me:"Lizo turn"
Lizo: "Why do you mean?"
Me: "Let's go home and rest I am tired"
Lizo: "So you don't want to celebrate anymore?"
Me: "Yes turn"

He made a u turn and went back home the drive

wasn't that long. When we arrived we found Mr
zwane in the lounge he was bowing his head down
on his hands
Lizo: "You're early today"
Mr Zwane: "The USB is missing" he raised his head
his eyes were so red
Lizo:"What do you mean the USB is missing dammit
Me: "So we are back to square one?"
Mr zwane: "I hate to tell you this but guys let's give
up there's no use in fighting a losing battle"
Lizo: "No I am not going to give up not now let me
call Tasha" he took his phone and dialed Tasha's
number several times " she's not picking up" he was
pacing up and down"
Me: "Calm down Lizo she'll call you when she gets a
Lizo: "Fuck that I am going to her house"
Me: "No it's not safe"
Lizo: "I need justice for my mom Noxolo don't tell me
shit "
Me: "Wow"

I stood up and went to my room I'll give him the copy

when he's alone I want him to make the arrest
without Lizo knowing anything


Me: "What did she say?"
Kat: "She will think about it"
Me: "Okay please go and pick up my tuxedo at the
airport" I bought a tuxedo overseas that I'll be
wearing Tomorrow I want to make a good
appearance there will be paparazzi and so all



After being arrested Bones managed to get both of

us out of jail but he gave me a sex tape of Noxolo
and some guy in the toilet he told me to post it when
he dies or when something happens to him. He just
wants to make Noxolo's life a living hell I also want
her to struggle for what she did to me.


When Lizo left to his crib I went to cook samp and

beans it took me 2 hours after that I dished up for Mr

Me: "Here's your dinner sir"

Him: "Thank you Noxolo you're god sent indeed" I
Me: "Umm Sir I wanted to tell you that I've got copies
of the USB that Bones stole" I saw his mood lighten
Him: "where is it?"
Me: "here" I gave him "but you must not tell anyone
about this Tomorrow there's a big function that
Bones is hosting I want you to barge in when he's in
the middle of his speech"
Him: "Thank you Noxolo I'll do that thank you sis"
Me: "you welcome let me go and sleep "



Chapter 63


I was woken up by Lizo banging my door I quickly

got up and opened the door.

Me: "Hey what's up?" He was breathing fast

Lizo: "I.."
Me: "Okay breath in and out " I used my hands to
direct him "You can talk now"
Lizo: "You won't believe this" he was holding a
Me: "Come in but don't mind the mess"
Lizo: "Tasha is dead Bones killed her"
Me: "what do you mean Tasha's dead?" He gave me
the newspaper it said she's missing no one has seen
Me: "She's not dead Lizo she's just missing and
besides they will find her"
Lizo: "I managed to bribe a nyaope boy who's
working for Bones since his right-hand man died
he's trying to polish Canada but I bribed him he
confirmed it"
Me: "Woah he's coming for us"
Lizo: "We ain't giving up okay"
Me: "I need to take a fast shower right now what
time is it?"
Lizo:"8 o'clock"

He went out and left me. I took a fast shower and

wore a black dress with pumps. I am attending the
function in this I want to see his face when they
arrest him.

I went out borrowed airtime using my Nokia phone

and called a cab I am glad that I saved their number.
I went to the function well you all know Bones is well
known and a dangerous person there were
securities all over but I managed to sneak in using
the emergency door. The function was about to start
I went to get a juice from a waitress who was
passing by and kept myself busy.

The function was going well it was time for Bones to

say his speech everyone was getting ready to hear
what he's about to say.

Bones: He was accompanied by Kat and his three

guards I wonder where he got them "Greetings to all
of you? You'll know me so I won't get into too much
info about who I am well... " The crowd clap hands
for him " this function is about couraging orphans to
be better people I would've asked them to allow me
to host it at the orphanage but I am a busy man so I
forgot " he chuckled bloody foolish "okay let me get
down to business

•Tell them they are in a safe place where they will be

taken care of and be grateful for that.

•Ask them to take initiative in life to succeed and

become great role models who can help other kids
become better people.
•Quote stories that mean a lot to them that will
encourage the other kids to further their studies and
believe in their dreams."

There were kids at the VIP section I guess they're

the orphans

He turns into this kind of harmless selfless person

around people.

He told them stories of how he grew up I think he

was lying when he said that he grew up poor bluh
bluh. After that he told them a Buddha story they
were giggling they looked so happy cameras were
streaming live videos and so all

He made them realize what the world is about.. like

they might think that they're the only ones God has
put through tough situations. He told them it's not the
end of the world. Everyone's life is full of ups and
downs and everyone has to go through it it prepares
one for the real world

Throughout the whole speech he told them how to

succeed in life he told them how to succeed in life to
be grateful for the people who help them and to
praise God all the time
When he was about to say something Mr zwane
came in with dogs and policemen they were all
wearing bulletproofs.

Bones: "What the fuck is going on here?" His face

was priceless he never thought he would be
embarrassed in front of the media like this

Mr zwane: "Bones Bones we received a tip-off that

you planted drugs here"
Bones: "What are you crazy Guards! throw them
out" they all stood still
Mr. Zwane: "here's the search warrant" he gave it to
Bones who was sweating his forehead was dripping

He took it Mr. Zwane took his dogs and they started

to sniff everything until they stop under the table
where he was seated. He went to search and found
them but he tasted them to confirm

Mr. Zwane:" wow Mr. Zulu you're under arrest for

selling illegal drugs for framing and kidnapping
Noxolo Bhuthelezi don't worry I convinced her to
press the charges and for human trafficking young
girls ahh man you did a lot of things I even lost
The question is who planted them while I was on
that a man stood up he looked like Nolwazi a lot.

Him: "You thought you would rape my girl and get

away with it? Ohhh boy go well" wow I wonder who
he raped I also stood up

Me: "It's now your turn baby go and greet my friends

in there it's over for you " he already peed his pants
he was even shaking I never thought he would be
scared of police the mighty Bones was going down!

Mr. Zwane: "Let's go man don't waste my time ohh

also your friend Zodwa and Canada they're in jail
waiting for you but they are going to get 2 years
sentence I think"

Wow Mr. Zwane doesn't play I don't even know how

he managed to pull it off

They pushed him inside the van the whole hall was
celebrating his downfall

At police station

Bones: "Can I please make a call"

Mr. Zwane: "Okay come let's go"
Bones: he dialed his lawyers no. "hey Mr. Smith can
you please come to Pretoria East station"
Him: "Well man you're trending I saw how they
arrested you its so bad bro"
Bones: "I know please come and represent me"
Him: "I am sorry but I can't you used to blackmail me
so no" he dropped the call on him he cursed under
his breath

Mr. Zwane: "It's late Bones come let's go to your cell

there's no need for me interrogate you I've got a lot
of information and people who are witnesses"

They lead him to where he was going to sleep too

bad for bones Nolwazi's dad paid people to make his
life a living hell.

Mr Zwane: "get in" he pushed him

They all clapped their hands when they saw Bones

they're boss get in they bowed down for him Bones
immediately peed himself when he saw him he was
so big tattoos all over his face Bones remembered
that he's the one that sent him to jail

Boss: "Friend you followed me? Ohh shit you peed

on yourself?" The others laughed "boys do what we
do to newcomers"
They beat him up and raped him after that they took
foundation and lipstick and did makeup on him. They
tore his pants apart and made a skirt for him.

They gave him the name "Our kitchen girl"

(Don't blame I've never went to jail so I've typed

whatever came to my mind)



Chapter 64



it's been 2 months since bones went to jail he was

sentenced 20 years for kidnapping and other
scandals he did as for Zodwa she will be getting out
in two years to come. I am just happy everything is
going well in my life I am still a maid at Mr zwane's
house Lizo and I are now dating . I am going to
apply so that I can finish my matric at TVET collage.
Well Kele has been supporting me through the
whole thing I am talking about going to court with me
even Lizo he was there by my side and I am thankful
for that.

Lizo: "Baby are you sure this is the great outfit?"

Me: "Yes it is good and beside Lizo your actions will
speak for you" after his mom's death he acted as if
the whole thing wasn't hurting him he would bottle
up his emotions until I talked him through I've
managed to get him to talk
Lizo: "You sure you'll be okay applying on your
Me: "YesKele promised to come with me"
Lizo: "Okay let me go and nail the deal then"
Me: "Sharp"
Lizo:" I love you "
Me: "you're starting" since maZwane passed away I
feel bad about it I feel like I am the one who's
responsible for her death. I feel like I shouldn't have
told Lizo about my scandals I am even struggling to
say I love you to Lizo I feel like I am making
maZwane turn in her grave I mean she didn't want
me to date her son I am troubling her soul but what
can I say you can't choose whom to love my heart
chooses Lizo"
Lizo: "to hell with mom Noxolo" I told him the reason
why I can't say it back
Me: "Don't force me I'll say it on my own"

He took his briefcase and went out. Wow just like

that he didn't even eat breakfast anyway I've set the
table for 1 person and went to my backroom to take
a bath called a cab I was going to meet kele at the

Kele: "Hey Bubu"

Me: "How are you doing my friend?"
Kele: "Am okay come on let's go and register so that
we can celebrate after this"
Me: "We have to wait for them to accept me first"
Kele: "I don't care let's go as long as you've
registered" I smiled

She led the way for me I went to register they gave

me a mini test to write and thank god I've passed it
which means they've accepted me. After that they
gave me a school bag a t-shirt and a cap.

After registering I called Lizo to let him know that

they've accepted me he told me we are going to
have a mini celebration and I can't wait. I want to
give him the best sex

Kele: "And the wena why are you smiling all alone?"
Me: "I am just happy Kele"
Kele: "I am so proud of you Bubu"
Me: "Thank you friend once I finish school I am
going back home"
Kele: "So you're going to leave me all alone here?"
Me: "It's not like that friend I just want to fix
Kele: "I'm joking I'm going to support you in
whatever decision you make"
Me: "I am so thankful to God for giving me you"
Kele: "I know you won't survive without me"
Me: "Come on Kele you're not a God"
Kele:"Wow I'm hurt" she giggled I joined her

After lunch with Kele I went back home found Lizo

also back from work

Me: "Hey did you nail the deal?"

Lizo: "Yes"
Me: "Congratulations this gives us more reason to
celebrate" I put my school bag on top of the table
and went to him
Lizo: "Yes" he pecked my lips
Me: "Let me go and take a shower so that we can
celebrate. Is Mr Zwane home?
Lizo: "No"
I went to take a shower in my room. While I was
humming a song on my own Lizo got in the shower.
He closed the glass door. Instantly I was pushed
against the tile with lizo’s hands on my hips and his
tongue fighting against mine.
My fingers wrapped around his pulsing length and I
took pride when I felt him moan into my mouth and
shiver against my body. I pushed him into the wall
and watched as the water fell down his tan-toned
I got down on my knees ignoring the water that was
hitting my back. Not wasting any time I gripped onto
the base and guided the red (it kind of looked like it
was blushing) head into my mouth. The water from
the showerhead and the spit in my mouth made it
slippery so that lizo’s dick easily slid through my
throat. I was giving him a blow job
“Damn Xolo” he moaned his fingers gently pulling on
my head. I could feel his hips pushing forward
driving his dick further down my throat. I let go of the
base and started to fondle his balls letting him
control fucking my throat. Before I knew it he was
muttering shit I stopped and got back up on my feet.
Lizo: “I want to pleasure you now.”
Back against the tiled wall again I watched as he got
on his knees. He started off by kissing my thighs and
slowly made his way to my clit. Massaging my thighs
with his one hand he made patterns with his tongue
on my clit; while his other hand was busy pushing its
fingers into my clit.
Me: "Jesus” I cried. “Oh shit.”
Whimpers curses screams. They were the only
things to leave my mouth as he continued with his
devious pleasuring.The hand that was massaging
my thigh was now rubbing against my back hole. I
jumped as I felt one of those fingers push through
the tight space. I came right then and there. Five
minutes later and I was still shaking as he finally
stood up and kissed me with urgency.
Lizo: "I’m going to fuck you so hard that the only
thing you’ll be doing is begging for me to stop” he
whispered into my ear as he turned me so that I was
facing the tiles. My hands were placed in front of me
and if it wasn’t for them I would probably be on the
Him: “Or maybe you’ll be begging me for more.”
Me: “Lizokuhle!” I moaned as he pushed his cock
into my pussy. I felt his hands as they grasped my
I masked in the feeling of the way I felt his cock slid
against my pussy walls and how his lips felt against
my neck. The only thing I could think about was that
if it wasn’t for Bones sending me jail ending up a
hobo I wouldn’t be standing here getting the best
kind of pleasure I have ever gotten in my entire
life.As I continued to think that we both climaxed and
actually cleaned ourselves (or more like we cleaned
each other slowly and sexually). It was the best
feeling in the world and I never wanted it to end.

Me: "That was...ohh god!" I breathed out loud"

Lizokuhle: "I love you"
Me: "Wow I love you" he was doing wonders to my
body I am amazed!
Lizokuhle: "Hey let's get out of here before we catch
Me: "You're right we don't want that"

We got out of the shower and dried ourselves I wore

my gown and went to cook supper for Mr Zwane.
After that I returned to my room and found Lizo's
sleeping Nchooh he must be tired.

To be continued

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The end
Chapter 65

(No edits)


3 Years later

These past few years have been great for me I can

say my relationship with Lizo is doing great. I am
now living with him in his apartment I agree our
relationship had ups and down but we conquered it.
Zodwa was out last year I never heard from her I
guess she accepted that Lizo was not meant to be
her future husband if I may say.I am studying Law I
don't want to be an attorney no I want to be an
advocate I want to be self employed which means I
am graduating this year and I am so proud of myself

In the morning I woke up not feeling good I don't

know what's wrong with me I've have been
experiencing severe headache temporarily loss of
vision anyway when I woke up Lizo was not next to
me I wonder where he went after making the bed I
went to take a shower and went to the kitchen. I
found him busy on the stove I guess he's making

Me:"Good morning babe"

Lizo:"Morning baby you seem weak what's wrong?"
Me:I sighed "I don't know baby but I've got a very
bad headache"
Lizo:"Are you sure? Let me take you to hospital"
Me:"What no! It will pass dont worry its not a big
Lizo:"No I am not risking my baby's life" yes you
guys heard right I am 6 months pregnant
Me:"Okay then let me go and wear my clothes"
Lizo:"okay let me also book an appointment with the

After dressing up we left to the doctor.

Doc:"My favourite people"

Me:"How are you doc?"

We took a seat

Me:"Okay doc I've been experiencing headaches for

the past few days sometimes I lose my sight for few
Doc:"Those are symptoms of bleeding preeclampsia
have you ever bled or something?"
Me:"No but my unarine is thick like blood it even
smells bad"
Doc:" I'll take your blood sample. But I am definitely
sure that you have preeclampsia"
Me:"doc what's that?"
Doc:" Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication
characterized by high blood pressure and signs of
damage to another organ system most often the liver
and kidneys. Preeclampsia usually begins after 20
weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood
pressure had been left untreated preeclampsia can
lead to serious — even fatal — complications for
both you and your baby. If you have preeclampsia
the most effective treatment is delivery of your baby.
Even after delivering the baby it can still take a while
for you to get better.
Lizo:"So it won't hurt the baby?
Doc:"It will once I get the medical result I'll have to
admit you"
Me:"You're confusing me"
Doc:"You'll have to give birth now using c section"
Lizo:"What? Doc she's 6 months"
Doc:"The baby will die if we don't act now I'll call you
when the result come back you guys go home and
think about this"

I layed on the bed he took my blood samples.

After that we went home

2 years later ..

Since that saga at hospital I gave birth to a baby boy

named Lizo Muhle Zwane. I am now a successful
advocate owning a mini law firm my goal is to build a
big successful frm and of course I am going to do
just like that the past years was hard for us I had to
give birth at an early age that led my baby to be
disabled but beside that we thank god for giving us a
baby boy! Did I tell you guys that Zodwa leaked the
video? Well she did just that. She did it on my
graduation day she ruined it but my fiance assured
me that no matter what Zodwa might do she he will
not let her break us apart. When I heard that she
was involved in a car accident I was shocked and
was sure that Lizo has a hand in it but I've let it slide
since it wasn't my business.

When I got the job i asked Lizo to take me to

lusikisiki yo(My home town) I cried when I saw it
when I saw Nomalanga she was a teacher with a
two babies I even fixed my moms tombstone it
rained that day when I went to ask for her
forgiveness. Apparently Lulu is in mental institution I
sometimes go and visit her since her mother helped
us but she wouldn't say anything she kept on saying
mommy only I think she experienced a scary creepy
Noma:"Girl you're still asleep?" She has shouted. I
quickly got off the bed when I remembered that it's
my wedding day
Me:"Fuck ain't we late?"
Kele:"Just go and bath you're make up artist will be
here shortly"
Lulama:"Can't believe this fool is getting married"
she's my colleague
Me:"I'll slap you" I giggled

By the way today it's my wedding day! Yes I am

happy to finally go down the aisle with Lizokuhle I
never thought I'd see myself in a wedding gown
anytime soon.

Noma:"Friend you're stunning" she is my maid of

honour I am glad that Kele understood
Me:"I know friend guys thank you for your support"
Kele:"We will always be by your side bubu no matter
Noma:"Okay friend this is it" she put on the veil "I
love you. Even though I hate to give up my spot but I
hope he becomes your best friend the one you can
talk to about anything the one you can trust with
your life the one you can reveal your secrets to and
know that he won’t judge you. I hope he becomes
the male version of me. I hope you can sit together
in silence and still be happy I hope you can have
endless conversations with him and not get bored I
am so proud of you" she was in tears ruining her
pretty make up " I wish I came here with you maybe
I would have met the vision of Lizo"
Me:"Lols you're starting" Noma decided to teach at
her home town
Kele:"We wish you the best babe" we did a group

After four hours of a long wedding we made it . We

were now on a plane to Paris we are going to
celebrate our honeymoon there Lizomuhle I left him
with Noma she didn't complain.

My back hit the wall as he pushed me against it. I

would usually complain about the doorknob in my
back but right now all I could think about are lizo's
hands roaming around my body and his lips pressing
against my neck. I continuously whimper because I
felt like if I say something it would barely be English
The friction I was creating by rubbing my lower hips
into him made everything more agonizing. Suck bite
and lick; he did slowly against my neck. I’m not here
for foreplay. Yes foreplay is always fun but not when
you have been waiting for 10 hours for this to
fucking happen. I want him now.
Without even thinking I pushed him back until we
both fell onto the bed. I could feel the rumbles of his
chuckling against my breast and it made me moan
Him:“Someone’s a little eager” he breathed against
my neck.
Leaning down I placed my lips onto his. When I
came back up I was sitting on his cock and already
throwing off my bathing suit top.
Me: “Shut up.”
I leaned back over again and continued to kiss his
lips. My hips went back to grinding against him and I
could feel how hard his dick was getting.
One of his hands was starting to rub the outside of
my bikini bottoms while the other one was twisting
my nipple. I moaned into his mouth which made him
start to chuckle again.
Me:“I want to have sex lizo not grope and laugh like
virgins” I growled starting to untie his bathing shorts.
He chuckled (I think he's just doing it to annoy the
shit out of me).
Him:“What’s the rush baby?”
Grabbing onto his thick (I just knew it) dick I used his
pre-cum to move my hand up and down. His eyes
rolled back and a heavy almost breathless groan
escaped his mouth. “I’ve waited a while for this and
I’m not going to just waste my time with this stupid
foreplay. Fucking first foreplay after.”
Pulling down my bikini bottoms and stepping out
them quickly I watched as he continued to nod his
head and murmur yes. Next I pulled off his bottoms
and climbed back on mounting on top of his length. I
held onto his shoulders while pushing my body
“Oh fucking hell” I moaned out as I felt his entire dick
stretching my walls. “Oh fuckbabe!”
He gripped onto my hips and started to help by
guiding me up and down onto his length. My fingers
curled into his shoulders drawing blood and I
watched as he threw his head back moaning out my
I started to move faster but before anything could
really happen he flipped us over so now he was on
In the distant I could hear two sets of phones ringing
but he and I paid no mind to it. There was nothing
that could bring us out of this lustful haze right now.
“lizo” I groaned as his pace went slower almost like
he wasn’t moving at all. My hips buckled up trying to
get the feeling of being full again but he roughly
grabbed onto my hips and pushed them back onto
the bed.
“How bad do you want me to fuck you babe?” I
nearly came right there. I actually felt my legs shake
and body quiver. Lizo and dirty talk is probably the
sexiest thing that has ever fucking existed.
“So bad” I moaned still trying to move my hips.
He pulled out and I cried out in protest. “How bad?”
He whispered into my ear.
“Just fuck me Lizokuhle!” He smirked and nearly
pounded into me making me want to cry out in
pleasure. My hands reached up into his hair and
started to pull his dreads.I knew I was starting to get
close when his thumb pressed onto my clit and
rubbed circles. “Oh Jesus Christ.”
“Are you going to cum for me love?” He taunted his
voice nearly a whisper. Just those words made me
want to cum.I nodded my head my eyes closed and I
continued to take in the pleasure of his thumb
playing with my clit and his dick rapidly moving in my
pussy. “Answer me” he growled.
“Yes hun! I’m going to cum” I screamed.
“I want you to cum all over my cock.”
That did it. I couldn’t hold it anh more I came. I think
I passed out from the pleasure and intensity
because the next thing I knew he was grunting and
releasing his own cum into me.
Flipping us back over so I was on top I slowly pulled
off his dick and moved down to place it in my mouth.
The fact that I was not just tasting his cum but mine
as well made it all the more kinky or dare I say—
enjoyable. I have never sucked a guy’s dick after sex
and honestly I have no idea why I haven’t.
His fingers laced into my hair and started to push me
head further down so that his dick was entering my
throat. No matter how badly I wanted to fuck Lizo
again I didn’t want him to get hard so I slowly came
up letting his dick leave my mouth with a “pop!”
I moved up so I was lying next to Lizo. His arm
immediately pulled me into his side and his face
nuzzled into my neck.


Guys thank you for always being a loyal family to

me. Hope you enjoyed the story💕

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