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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3039832, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

Sufficient Conditions for Robust Frequency Stability

of AC Power Systems
Erick Alves, Senior Member, IEEE, Gilbert Bergna-Diaz, Member, IEEE, Danilo Brandao, Member, IEEE,
and Elisabetta Tedeschi, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper analyses the frequency stability of ac (CIGs). The latter can supply up to 50% of the annual
grids in the presence of non-dispatchable generation and stochas- demand and 100% of the hourly demand in places such as
tic loads. Its main goal is to evaluate conditions in which the Colorado, Denmark, Hawai’i, Ireland, Tasmania, Texas and
system is robust to large, persistent active power disturbances
without recurring to time-domain simulations. Considering the South Australia [3], [4]. This introduces new dynamics into
ongoing energy transition to more renewable sources, defining the electric power system that are “yet to be fully understood”
robustness boundaries is a key topic for power system planning [5] and blurry the boundaries to which well-established models
and operation. However, much of the research on long-term stud- can be applied [6].
ies has not dealt with robust dynamic constraints, while short- Moreover, groups of interconnected loads and distributed
term analyses usually depend on time-consuming simulations to
evaluate nonlinearities. To bridge this gap, the authors derive an energy resources, also known as microgrids (MGs) [7], [8], can
algebraic equation that provides sufficient conditions for robust form islands and operate independently from the bulk power
frequency stability in ac power systems and a relationship among system. However, this desired feature is only achieved when
four key quantities: the maximum active power perturbation, primary sources, storage units, power converters and control
the minimum system damping, the steady-state and the transient systems are properly planned, designed and operated.
frequency limits. To achieve this goal, it uses a nonlinear average-
model of the ac grid and Lyapunov’s direct method extended From this perspective, one of the main challenges is defining
by perturbation analysis requiring only limited knowledge of the sufficient conditions for stable operation of low-inertia systems
system parameters. The algebraic calculations are validated using in islanded mode [2]. Stability here is seen in the sense of
time-domain simulations of the IEEE 39-bus test system and system states remaining within acceptable ranges for given
results are compared to the traditional Swing Equation model. changes in inputs, i.e. input-to-state stability. In recent years,
Index Terms—power system dynamics, power system planning, this topic has been an active area of research and references
power system simulation, power system stability, robustness, [5], [9] present extensive reviews on it. Providing proper
frequency stability, Lyapunov methods models and clear stability criteria is essential for tasks, such
as: 1) setting proper controller gains [10], [11]; 2) establishing
I. I NTRODUCTION technical constraints for dispatching [12]; 3) deciding about
load shedding or generation curtailment [13].
NY modern society requires an energy system that is
A affordable, accessible, secure and sustainable. However,
recent technological advancements and social changes have
Specifically, guaranteeing frequency stability of low-inertia
systems can be a major challenge and requires proper sizing of
dispatchable power sources and energy storage. Nevertheless,
been challenging the limits of this balance and pushing for an inspection of recent literature reviews on ac MG planning
a complete rethinking of energy systems. Electric power [14], [15] shows that conditions for frequency stability are
generation is now: 1) becoming more decentralized; 2) taking largely overlooked in the problem formulation. Specifically,
place closer to final users; 3) undergoing a technological most optimization algorithms assume that matching power de-
transformation that comprehends more diversified primary mand with production is the only required dynamic constraint,
sources, new forms of energy storage and power electronics without imposing minimum requirements on system damping
[1], [2]. or frequency containment reserves (FCR). While such results
In this new paradigm, planning and operation of electrical may be optimal from the affordability point of view, they
ac grids are becoming more involved. For instance, conversion could be questionable from the security aspect and may be
from primary sources and storage is performed using not only operationally unfeasible.
synchronous machines but also converter-interfaced generators On the other hand, an inspection of the literature reveals
that methods for designing low-inertia power systems in the
This research was funded by the Research Council of Norway under the
program PETROMAKS2, grant number 281986, project “Innovative Hybrid presence of stochastic loads and non-dispatchable generation
Energy System for Stable Power and Heat Supply in Offshore Oil & Gas considering frequency stability constraints have been proposed
Installations (HES-OFF)”. lately. Some time ago, [16] introduced a method to optimally
E. Alves, G. Bergna-Diaz and E. Tedeschi are with the Department of Elec-
tric Power Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, size and operate an energy storage system that provides FCR
7034 Trondheim, Norway, e-mail: (see E. in an isolated power system (IPS) with wind, hydraulic,
Tedeschi is also with the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of gas turbines and stochastic loads. Results were validated
Trento, 38123 Trento, Italy. Danilo Brandao is with the Graduate Program in
Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, using a dynamic model in Matlab Simulink. In addition, [17]
Brazil. demonstrated how a fast-acting energy storage can increase

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3039832, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

the frequency stability of the Guadaloupe archipelago in the TS (t, ω) and TL (t, ω) are the equivalent torques from sources
Caribbean and reduce the actuation of automatic load shedding and loads [N m], functions of the time t [s] and the center
using power-hardware-in-the-loop simulations. In [18], the of inertia (COI) angular speed ω [rad s−1 ]; ωs is a constant
authors also used time-domain simulations (TDSs) to study representing the synchronous angular speed [rad s−1 ].
how the size and controller settings of an energy storage based
Proposition 1. The nonlinear system in eq. (1) can be ex-
on ultracapacitors impacted the frequency stability and the
pressed as:
performance of the automatic load shedding scheme in the
IPS of La Palma, Spain. Later, the same authors extended this e˙ = f (t, x
x e) + g(t, x
work with field-tests results in [19]. Not least, [20] solved
the unit commitment problem including FCR constraints for where xe is the state variable of the system, f (t, x
e) is piecewise
an IPS using mixed-integer linear programming. For that, it continuous in t and represents the dynamics of the system,
determined the minimum system damping empirically relying e) is a perturbation term that results from uncertainties
g(t, x
on the load-frequency sensitivity index. Moreover, frequency and disturbances.
stability constraints have been proposed in planning and oper- Proof. Eq. (1) can be rearranged into the desired form when
ation studies, such as optimal power flow problems [21]–[24]. multiplying it by ω and normalizing it with the system base
Note that, in the different approaches discussed above, power (Sb ) [W]:
there is a heavy reliance on TDSs and/or model linearization
to establish key boundaries for frequency stability. TDSs ωJ ω̇ = ωTS (t, ω) − ωTL (t, ω) − ωB(t)(ω − ωs )
provide the most accurate results but are hard to integrate = PS (t, ω) − PL (t, ω) − ωB(t)(ω − ωs )
in optimization problems such as optimum power flow, while ωJ PS (t, ω) PL (t, ω) B(t)(ω − ωs )
linearizations around an operation point do not give realistic ω̇ = − −ω
Sb Sb Sb Sb
values for frequency deviations during large active power
xM ẋ = u(t, x) − w(t, x) − xD(t)(x − 1)
disturbances (APDs). Taking into account this background, the
main contribution of this paper is the derivation of sufficient D(t) u(t, x) − w(t, x)
ẋ = − (x − 1) +
conditions for frequency stability of an ac power system M xM
where sources and loads are subject to non-vanishing, bounded D(t) u(t, x ) − w(t, e)
e˙ = − e+
x x (2)
perturbations. Using a nonlinear average-model of the ac M
| {z } | (e
x + 1)M
{z }
grid, Lyapunov’s direct method and perturbation analysis, f (t,e
x) g(t,e
an algebraic equation is derived and provides a relationship ω
among four boundaries: the maximum APD, the minimum where x = and x
ωs e = x − 1 are the normalized COI
system damping, the steady-state and the transient frequency angular speed and the COI angular speed deviation from the
Jω 2 B(t)ω 2
limits. The main goal is providing a framework to implement synchronous speed [pu]; M = Sbs and D(t) = Sb s are
frequency stability constraints in optimization algorithms with- the normalized equivalent moment of inertia [s] and damping
out recurring to time-consuming simulations or unnecessary coefficient [pu]; PS (t, ω) and PL (t, ω) are the total active
linearizations of the power balance equations. power from sources and loads [W]; u(t, x e) and w(t, x
e) are the
The text is organized as follows: section II introduces a normalized total active power from sources and loads [pu].
nonlinear, average model of the ac grid that is appropriate
for frequency stability analysis during large APDs; section III III. S UFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR ROBUST FREQUENCY
presents the main proposition of this work followed by its STABILITY
mathematical proof; section IV validates the proposition using
This section introduces the main proposition of this paper,
time-domain simulations of the IEEE 39-bus test system
which is an algebraic expression relating four key bound-
[25] and compares its results to the linear Swing Equation
aries in an ac power system: the maximum APD ku(t, x e) −
model; section V discusses applications of the proposition,
e)k < Pb [pu], the minimum system damping Dmin
w(t, x
its main limitations and directions for future research; finally,
[pu], the steady-state rss and the transient rtr frequency limits
section VI presents the concluding remarks.
[pu]. Once three of these boundaries are set, the fourth can be
unequivocally defined. While the involved mathematical proof
II. N ONLINEAR AVERAGE MODEL OF AN AC POWER of this proposition is presented in detail below, there will be
SYSTEM no loss of understanding by proceeding directly to eq. (4),
When omitting network topology and voltage dynamics, the which summarizes the relationship between these quantities.
average behavior of an ac grid angular speed can be modeled Proposition 2. Let ku(t, xe) − w(t, x
e)k < Pb be the maximum
using first principles as an equivalent rotating mass using APD of the system defined in eq. (2) in which M is a positive
Newton’s second law of motion [5], [26]: constant, D(t) is piecewise continuous in the time t and lower-
J ω̇ = TS (t, ω) − TL (t, ω) − B(t)(ω − ωs ) (1) bounded by a positive constant Dmin .
If Pb = Dmin rss (1 − rtr ), ∀t ≥ 0, x e ∈ D = {e x ∈ R |
where J is the equivalent moment of inertia [kg m2 ] of the ke
xk ≤ rtr , 0 < rtr < 1} where rtr , rss are the maximum
system and B(t) is a time-varying function representing the allowed values of x e during the transient and steady-state
equivalent damping coefficient [N m s rad−1 ] of the system; periods, respectively.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3039832, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

Then, for all kex(t0 )k < rss and rss < rtr , the solution x
e it follows that:
of eq. (2) satisfies r
c3 c1
kg(t, x
e)k ≤ δ < rtr θ
c4 c2
xk ≤ exp[−γ(t − t0 )]rtr , t0 ≤ t < t0 + T
e) − w(t, x
u(t, x e)
< Dmin rtr θ
xk ≤ rss , ∀t ≥ t0 + T
M (e x + 1) M
ku(t, xe) − w(t, x
e)k Dmin
for γ = (1 − rrss ) DM
and some finite T that represents the < rss
duration of the transient period. M ke x + 1k M
ku(t, x
e) − w(t, xe)k < Dmin rss (1 − rtr )
Proof. Let V(e x) = M e2 be an input-to-state Lyapunov
2 x
| {z }
function candidate for the system in eq. (2). Note that V(e x)
is: 1) a piecewise, continuous differentiable function on R; 2) for all t ≥ 0, all x
e ∈ D and 0 < rss < rtr .
class K∞ according to definition 4.2 in [27]; 3) upper- and Hence, if the maximum APD satisfies the upper-bound:
lower-bounded by M 2 kexk2 . Moreover, its time derivative is Pb = Dmin rss (1 − rtr ) (4)
given by:
Then, for all ke
x(t0 )k < rss and for some finite T , the solution
V̇(t, x
e) = x e˙
e Mx > e(t) of eq. (2) satisfies:
x ke
xk ≤ exp[−γ(t − t0 )]rtr , t0 ≤ t < t0 + T
x2 +
= −D(t)e e) − w(t, x
(u(t, x e))
x ke
xk ≤ rss , ∀t ≥ t0 + T
Assuming that x e ∈ D and using the Cauchy-Schwarz’s where the minimum convergence rate of ke
xk is:
inequality, it holds that:  
rss Dmin
γ = 1− (5)
xk 2 rtr M
V̇(t, x
e) ≤ −Dmin ke
xk + e) − w(t, x
(ku(t, x e)k)
1 − rtr In summary, the steps of the proof are the following:
≤ −Dmin (1 − θ)ke 1) Show that the system in eq. (2) is input-to-state stable
ku(t, x
e) − w(t, x
e)k on D using the input-to-state theorem in Appendix C.
− ke
xk Dmin θkexk −
1 − rtr • Use V(e x) = M e2 as Lyapunov function candidate.
2 x
≤ −W3 (e
x), ∀ke
xk ≥ ρ(ku(t, xe) − w(t, x
e)k) > 0 • Use the Cauchy-Schwarz’s inequality to show that
1 1
x+1k ≤ 1−rtr when x
ke e ∈ D.
where 0 < θ < 1, Dmin > 0, W3 (e x) = Dmin (1 − θ)ke xk2 2) Using Theorem 4.10 in [27], show that x e = 0 is an
kzk exponentially stable equilibrium point of the unforced
and ρ(kzk) = .
(1 − rtr )Dmin θ system, i.e. g(t, xe) = 0 in eq. (2).
As W3 (ex) is a continuous positive definite function on R 3) Apply Lemma 9.2 in [27] assuming that:
and ρ(kzk) is class K, all conditions of the input-to-state • g(t, xe) = u(t,e x)−w(t,e
is the perturbation term of
theorem in Appendix C are fulfilled. Hence, the system defined the system in eq. (2)
in eq. (2) is input-to-state stable on D. • The state must be bounded by rss , i.e.
Now, let us analyze the unforced system, i.e. the case where
c4 c2 δ
b = c3 c1 θ = rss
ku(t, x
e) − w(t, xe)k = 0. The inequalities:
• rss = rtr θ

xk2 ≤ V(t, x
c1 ke xk2
e) ≤ c2 ke
V̇(t, x xk2
e) ≤ −c3 ke Remark 2.1. The time intervals from Proposition 2 can be

δV divided in:
≤ c4 ke xk
δe • t < t0 is the steady-state period before the APD
ku(t, x
e) − w(t, x e)k < Pb appears at t = t0 . The system
are derived directly from eq. (3) and the assumptions in is in an equilibrium point x e(t0 ) whose norm is upper-
Proposition 2 where c1 = c2 = M 2 , c3 = Dmin , c4 = M are
bounded by rss .
positive constants. These are valid for all (t, x) ∈ [0, ∞) × D. • t0 ≤ t < t0 + T is the transient period after the APD is
Consequently, the unforced system fulfills all conditions from applied to the system at t = t0 in which the state norm
Theorem 4.10 in [27] and x e = 0 is exponentially stable on D. kex(t)k is upper-bounded by exp[−γ(t − t0 )]rtr , where
With the previous results, it is possible to apply lemma 9.2 γ = (1 − rrss tr
) DM
is the minimum convergence rate
in [27]. In this context, when assuming that: from xe(t0 ) to xe(t0 + T ).
e) − w(t, x
u(t, x e) • t ≥ t0 + T is the steady-state period after the system
e) =
1) g(t, x is the perturbation term of settles down on the new equilibrium point x e(t0 + T ),
(ex + 1)M
the system in eq. (2) whose norm is upper-bounded by rss .
2) kex(t)k must be bounded by rss , i.e. b = cc43 cc21 θδ = rss Remark 2.2. The proof assumes that x e always remains in
3) rss = rtr θ D. In other words, Proposition 2 is only valid when x
e lies

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3039832, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

between −rtr and rtr . Though, note that this is a reasonable TABLE I: Initial conditions of the study-case.
assumption. In ac power systems, when x e∈ / D, load shedding Demand Injection Up-regulation
Load Gen.
or generation curtailment will take place to reduce the power [MW] [MW] capacity [MW]
imbalance and bring it back to D. 3 322 1 1000 0
1 1 4 500 (slack) 2 520.8 74.2
Remark 2.3. ≤ and, hence,
The inequality kex+1k 1−rtr
7 233.8 3 650 30
Proposition 2 are valid when 0 < rtr
< 1, i.e. 0 < ω < 2ωs .
8 522 4 632 48
For most ac power systems, this is a reasonable assumption.
12 7.5 5 508 2
Remark 2.4. As seen in eq. (5), γ and hence the maximum 15 320 6 650 30
rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) is dependent on Dmin 16 329 7 560 35
and M . However, the equilibrium point of the system is 18 158 8 540 55
independent of M , as highlighted in eq. (4). This statement is 20 628 9 830 20
formally justified with an equilibrium analysis in Appendix A. 21 274 10 250 600
23 247.5 Σ 6140.8 894.2
Remark 2.5. From a practical perspective, θ = rrss tr
is a 24 308.6
safety margin. The closer to 1 its value is, the closer to 25 224
marginal stability the system will be after an APD of amplitude 26 139
Pb . When ignoring the term (1 − rtr ), eq. (4) reduces to 27 281
Pb = Dmin rss which is the expression retrieved from the 28 206
linear Swing Equation [28], [29]. 29 283.5
Remark 2.6. In the problem formulation, time delays in actua- 31 9.2
tors of primary frequency controllers are neglected. While they 39 1104
Σ 6097.1
affect the dynamics of the system and important benchmarks
such as the RoCoF, the frequency nadir and zenith, time delays
have no influence in the new equilibrium point of the system TABLE II: Relevant data of each generator and its primary
after a large APD. Appendix B formally justifies this statement. frequency controller when Sb = 100 MW.
Rated active D [pu] D [pu] M [s]
IV. VALIDATION USING THE IEEE 39- BUS TEST SYSTEM power [MW] (gen. base) (sys. base) (sys. base)
1 1000 0 0 500.0
At first, the advantages of the proposed model over the
2 595 5 29.75 30.3
linear Swing Equation model may not be obvious. Therefore,
3 680 5 34 35.8
this section presents study cases of large APDs in the IEEE
4 680 5 34 28.6
39-bus test system [25]. The aim is to compare results of
5 510 5 25.5 26.0
rms TDSs in DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2020 SP2 with al-
6 680 5 34 34.8
gebraic calculations using eq. (4) and the reference equation
7 595 5 29.75 26.4
Pb = Dmin rss derived from the linear Swing Equation model.
8 595 5 29.75 24.3
Fig. 1 shows the single-line diagram of the IEEE 39-bus test
9 850 5 42.5 34.5
system and tables I and II introduce relevant system parameters
10 850 25 212.5 42.0
Σ 471.75 782.7
G8 G9

Bus 37 Bus 38

T25-37 Load 26 Load 28 T29-38 used in the calculations. For all simulations and calculations
G10 Bus 25 Bus 26 Bus 28 Bus 29
presented herein, Sb = 100 MW. Further details required to
Bus 30 Bus 27
Load 25 Load 29 reproduce the results in this section are available in [30], which
Bus 17

Bus 2 Bus 18 Bus 16

Load 27
Bus 24
is an open data repository containing the model file and its
thorough documentation including a description of modeling
Load 18 Load 16 Load 24
Bus 1 Bus 3 Bus 15 Bus 21 Bus 22 differences when compared to [25].
G1 T22-35
Load 3 Load 15 Load 21
Bus 39 Bus 4 Bus 14 Bus 35

Load 12
A. Load Damping
Load 39 Load 4 G6

Bus 5 Bus 12 Bus 19 Bus 23

The damping coefficient D introduced in eq. (2) can be
Bus 6
T12-11 T12-13
Load 23 subdivided into:
Bus 7 Bus 11 Bus 13
T19-33 T23-36
Bus 8
Load 7
Bus 31 Bus 10 Bus 20
D = DL + Di (6)
Bus 9
G2 T10-32 T20-34
Load 8 Load 31 Load 20 i
Bus 32 Bus 34 Bus 33 Bus 36
G3 G5 G4 G7
where DL is the load damping and i Di is the sum of the
frequency droop of all primary frequency controllers. In real
Fig. 1: Single-line diagram of the IEEE 39-bus test system. systems, DL is typically defined either introducing APDs or

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3039832, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

COI frequency deviation [pu]

COI frequency deviation [pu]

Simulation = -0.002017 0.000 Linear model = -0.009072
Simulation = -0.009147
−0.002 Eq.(4) = -0.009224

−0.002 −0.006

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150

100 150
Time [s] Time [s]
Fig. 2: COI frequency after increasing bus 4 load by 100 MW. Fig. 3: COI frequency after the outage of generator 10.

applying statistical methods such as system identification to steady-state frequency deviation of 0.01 pu, which will be

Time [s]
historical data [20]. P considered the target for rss .
For the study case, the term i Di = 471.75 is directly re- Under these assumptions, let us consider that G10’s initial
trieved from table II. However, for the initial conditions shown injection of 250 MW and damping P of 212.5 pu are lost. Hence,
in table I, the up-regulation capacity of G5 is extremely limited Pb = 250−2
100 = 2.48 pu and i Di = 446.25 − 212.5 =
and this unit will saturate for very small P net-load increases. 233.75. Substituting in the linear and eq. (4) models:
Therefore, its damping is ignored, i.e. i Di = 446.25, and
l Pb
G5 is considered a constant active power source at rated rss = P
capacity during a net-load increase. To maintain the energy (DL + i Di )
balance, the up-regulation capacity of G5 is subtracted from 2.48
= = 0.009072
the APD for all calculations. 39.62 + 233.75
With the assumptions above, DL is obtained by suddenly p
rss = P b
increasing bus 4 load by 100 MW (20% step) and analyzing (DL + i Di ) (1 − rtr )
the load-frequency sensitivity index. Fig. 2 shows the COI 2.48
= = 0.009224
frequency deviation of the TDS in PowerFactory and a new (40.60 + 233.75)(1 − 0.02)
equilibrium at −0.002017 pu. Substituting its absolute value l
where rss is the steady-state frequency calculated using the
as rss in the linear and eq. (4) models, assuming that rss = rtr p
linear model and rss using eq. (4). Fig. 3 compares the two
(i.e. no safety margin) and Pb = 100−2100 = 0.98 pu: calculated limits with the TDS and shows that the linear Swing
l Pb X Equation model gives optimistic results which are 0.82%
DL = − Di
rss below the TDS’s new equilibrium at −0.009147 pu. On the
0.98 other hand, eq. (4) model provides pessimistic results which
= − (446.25) = 39.62 are 0.84% above the new equilibrium. Regardless, the three
Pb X obtained references are below the adopted target for rss and
DL = − Di the test system can robustly operate for net-load variations of
rss (1 − rtr ) i up to 250 MW without G10.
= − (446.25) = 40.60
0.002017(1 − 0.002017)
C. Islanding
where DL is the load damping calculated using the linear
p p In this TDS, the test system is islanded from the bulk grid
model and DL using eq. (4). Note that DL is almost 2.5%
l by disconnecting G1. As before, results are compared to the
higher than DL .
proposed and linear models.
Under the same assumptions from section IV-B, consider
B. Generator 10 outage that G1’s initial injection is lost. NotePthat no damping is
Next, let us compare the results of TDS with the linear provided by the interconnection. Thus, i Di = 446.25 and
Swing Equation and proposed models for an outage of G10, Pb = 1000−2
100 = 9.98 pu. Substituting in the linear and eq. (4)
which is a hydro unit providing most of the FCR. For that, models:
let assume that rtr = 0.02 pu, which is the value for l Pb
maximum instantaneous frequency deviation allowed in the rss = P
(DL + i Di )
Nordic system, as defined in article 127 and annex III of the 9.98
European grid code [31]. The latter also imposes a maximum = = 0.02054
39.62 + 446.25

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3039832, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

COI frequency deviation [pu] that deviations corrected by eq. (4) are minimal in large ac
0.000 Linear model = -0.02054 grids, where frequency deviations and nonlinearities are mini-
−0.005 Eq.(4) = -0.02092 mal. Though, that might not be the case in low-inertia systems,
Simulation = -0.02096 where frequency excursions could be considerable under large
−0.010 APDs. Therefore, the use of eq. (4) may be preferred when
−0.015 an algebraic equation must evaluate the frequency stability of
generalized ac grids. Note the model described in section II
−0.020 and the theory applied in section III can be used to study
−0.025 frequency stability of MGs dominated by CIG if primary
controllers use droop control or equivalent strategies [32].
Naturally, TDSs still provides the most accurate results and
0 50 100 150 includes assessment of voltage and rotor angle stability, which
Time [s] are ignored in the proposed model. However, the algebraic
expression given in eq. (4) allows easy integration of frequency
Fig. 4: COI frequency after the system is islanded. stability criteria in long-term optimization algorithms, such as
sizing of primary sources and energy storage, uncertain unit
Pb commitment and economic dispatch. For instance, some of the
rss = P authors are contributing to the project HES-OFF [33] in which
(DL + i Di ) (1 − rtr ) a software tool is being developed to reduce greenhouse gases
= = 0.02092 emissions of offshore oil and gas installations by integrating
(40.60 + 446.25)(1 − 0.02) a wind farm and hydrogen-based energy storage in their
Fig. 4 compares the two calculated limits with the TDS and power generation systems. In HES-OFF, eq. (4) is integrated
shows that the linear model gives optimistic values which are into a multi-objective, long-term optimization procedure that
2% below the TDS’s new equilibrium at −0.02096, while the considers frequency stability criteria in the design stage of the
proposed model provides optimistic values which are 0.2% ac power system. The procedure is described in detail in [34],
below the TDS result. Though, eq. (4) discrepancy occurs [35]. The proposed model reduced the total optimization time
because rss > rtr , which invalidates the assumptions from by one order of magnitude when compared to the algorithm
Proposition 2. This indicates that additional measures for recurring to TDSs.
frequency stability are required, such as reducing the initial
injection of G1 or increasing FCR. The reader is invited Once again, it is important to emphasize that while criteria
to recalculate rss using rtr larger than the new equilibrium offered by Proposition 2 are sufficient from a frequency
to confirm that the proposed model will produce pessimistic stability perspective, they are only required conditions for the

0 150
values as long as rss < rtr . overall stability of an ac power system. The model developed
Note that a recalculation of D or Pb using the linear in section II ignores network topology and voltage dynamics,
model does not guarantee frequency stability, as it produces therefore rotor angle and voltage stability criteria are not
optimistic values. On the contrary, eq. (4) produces pessimistic considered. Evidently, analysis of these dynamics requires de-
values whenever rss < rtr and provides a stability certificate tailed models of synchronous machines and CIGs, as described
against the nonlinearities introduced in eq. (2). in [36]. To make the problem more tractable, it might be
interesting to apply the standard singular perturbation model
V. D ISCUSSION described in [27] and divide the analysis in two time scales:
slow (frequency) and fast (rotor angle and voltage) dynamics.
At this point, the utility of Proposition 2 may be more This approach is one possible direction for future research.
apparent. By deriving sufficient conditions for robust fre-
quency stability of ac power systems operating under large Another limitation of this work is assuming that rtr is not
APDs, it defines an algebraic relationship between four system violated. As commented in remark 2.6, time delays of primary
boundaries: the maximum APD Pb , the minimum equivalent frequency controllers influence the RoCoF, the frequency nadir
damping coefficient Dmin , the transient rtr and rss steady- and zenith. In low-inertia systems, this might require the re-
state frequency limits. This relationship is summarized in duction of controller delays, as discussed in section B. On one
eq. (4) and allows calculation of one of these boundaries hand, the time-delay of FCR is a variable that typically cannot
once the other three are predefined without resorting to time- be influenced. On the other hand, this scenario is changing
consuming TDSs. by the introduction of fast frequency reserves (FFR). For
As shown in section IV, the proposed algebraic equation instance, in the Nordic synchronous areas, market solutions
produces more realistic forecasts of the COI frequency devia- for the procurement of FFR have been recently introduced
tion under large APDs than the linear Swing Equation model. [37], [38]. Consequently, how to optimally size FFR and FCR
The proposed boundary is robust to nonlinearities and includes simultaneously to achieve frequency stability at a limit rss
a safety factor that depends on the relationship between the without infringing a limit rtr during transients is another
maximum instantaneous and steady-state frequency deviations interesting topic for future research, in which the framing
allowed by grid codes or industry standards. One may argue presented in this paper might be useful.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3039832, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

VI. C ONCLUSION The admissible equilibrium set of the cascade system is

Using Lyanpunov’s direct method extended by perturbation n o >
E , X ∈ R(n+1) | Ẋ = 0 , X = x

e y1 · · · yn
theory, this article proposed sufficient conditions for frequency
stability in ac power systems in the presence of active
In the equilibrium (i.e. y˙i = 0), the output of primary
power disturbances originated by non-dispatchable sources and
frequency controllers is yi = −Di x e. As consequence, the
stochastic loads. By doing that, it defined a clear relationship
equilibrium analysis of the complete system is reduced to
between four system boundaries: the maximum active power
solving in x? , u? , w? the following equation:
disturbance, the minimum equivalent damping coefficient, the
transient and steady-state frequency limits. Hence, when three
? ? ? ?
of these boundaries are defined, the fourth is obtained without 0 = u − w − (x + 1)x DL + Di
recurring to time-consuming simulations. The latter feature i
allows its integration into long-term optimization algorithms which produces the same
such as: sizing of primary sources and energy storage, uncer- P results from Appendix A when
considering D = DL + i Di . In conclusion, the equilibrium
tain unit commitment and economic dispatch. The proposition around x? = 0 is independent of the time delays i and
is validated using time-domain simulations of the IEEE 39-bus affected only by the total system damping D and the active
test system and compared to the results of the linear Swing power imbalance u? − w? . By induction, it is also possible
Equation model. Moreover, limitations and possible directions to realize that time delays modeled by higher-order functions
for future research are also discussed. such as those presented in [40] will render the same results.
On the other hand, time delays may affect the stability of
A PPENDIX A the cascade system. Let us consider:
M 0 ··· 0
Let us define the admissible equilibrium set of the system  0 1 · · · 0 
in eq. (2) as 1
V(X) = X >  . . X
 
.. . .
2  .. . . .. 
E, x e∈D|0=− x e+ 0 0 ··· n
M (e
x + 1)M
Solving in x? , u? , w? : as a Lyapunov function candidate. Its time derivative for the
unperturbed system (i.e. u − w = 0) is given by:
D ? u? − w?
x = ? >  DL
− 11 · · · − 1n
  
M (x + 1)M Mx e M Mx e
w?  1 y1   D1 1
··· 0 
−   1 y1 

?2 ? u  M 1
 
x +x − =0 V̇ = −  .   .

.. .. .. . 
D  ..   .. . . .   .. 
 
n yn Dn 1 n yn
0 ···
u − w?

? 1 1 M n
x =− ± + (7)
2 4 D
| {z }
? ?
Note that if u = w (i.e. no active power imbalance),
eq. (7) has two solutions: x? = 0 and x? = −1. The latter Note that V̇ is a quadratic form, hence V̇ < 0 ⇐⇒ Q > 0,
is not in D, so only the former is valid. In conclusion, the which is indeed the condition for exponential stability of the
equilibrium around x? = 0 is independent of M and affected cascade system. Using the argument that Qsym = 21 (Q + Q> )
only by D and u? − w? , as highlighted in eqs. (4) and (7). and Kron reduction, it is possible to show that the cascade
system is stable if and only if max < M D.
However, a proper stability analysis must also consider
local and inter-area active power oscillations and rotor angle
stability, which is assumed as pre-requisite here. This demands
Let us assume that primary frequency controllers are af- a proper distribution of damping and inertia among primary
fected by time delay in their actuators and/or measurement and frequency controllers. An extensive discussion about this topic
these can be approximated by a first-order system as suggested is found in [36].
in [39]. In this case, the average model of an ac power system
can be modeled by the following cascade system:
e˙ = −DL x
Σ0 : (e
x + 1) M x x + 1) + u − w + (e
Theorem 4.19 in [27]. Let V : [0, ∞) × Rn → R be a
Σi : i y˙i = −yi − Di x
continuously differentiable function such that
where DL is the load damping [pu], i = 1, . . . , n, and
yi , i , Di are the active power output [pu], time delay [s] and α1 (kxk) ≤ V(t, x) ≤ α2 (kxk)
frequency droop [pu] of the i-th primary frequency controller. δV δV
+ f (t, x, u) ≤ −W3 (x), ∀kxk ≥ ρ(kuk) > 0
All other variables are as defined in section II. δt δx

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3039832, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3039832, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems

Erick Alves (S’06, M’08, SM’19) received the en- Danilo Brandao (S’14–M’16) received the Ph.D.
gineering degree in energy and automation from the degree in electrical engineering from the University
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2007, of Campinas, Brazil, in 2015. He was a Visiting
and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Scholar with the Colorado School of Mines, USA, in
the Arctic University of Norway, Narvik, Norway in 2009 and 2013, also with the University of Padova,
2018. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with Italy, in 2014, and a Guest Professor with the Norwe-
the Department of Electric Power Engineering at the gian University of Science and Technology, Norway,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2018 and 2020. He is currently an Assistant
(NTNU) focusing on power quality and stability Professor at the Graduate Program in Electrical
of low-inertia ac grids. From 2007 to 2018, he Engineering with the Federal University of Minas
held several positions at the Voith Group in Brazil, Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. His main research
Norway, and Germany. During this period, he was involved in the design, interests are control of grid-tied converters and microgrids. Dr. Brandao is a
engineering, commissioning, and development of control systems for over 40 member of SOBRAEP.
power plants in 18 countries. His latest assignment was with Voith Digital
Ventures, Heidenheim, Germany, as Product Manager for power generation

Elisabetta Tedeschi (S’04, M’09, SM’17) received

the M.Sc. degree (Hons.) in electrical engineering
and the Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering from
the University of Padova, Padova, Italy, in 2005
Gilbert Bergna-Diaz (M’19) received the electri- and 2009, respectively, researching on cooperative
cal power engineering degree from the Universidad control of compensation systems. From 2009 to
Simón Bolı́var, Caracas, Venezuela, in 2008, the 2011, she was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the
Research Master degree in electrical energy from Norwegian University of Science and Technology
the École Supérieure d’Électricité (Supélec), Paris, (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway researching on the
France, in 2010, and the joint Ph.D. degree in elec- design and control of energy conversion systems for
tric power engineering from École Centrale Supélec, the grid integration of offshore renewable energies.
Paris, and the Norwegian University of Science and She was a Researcher with Tecnalia, Bilbao, Spain, from 2011 to 2013,
Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, in 2015. where she worked on storage solutions for the grid integration of wave
In 2014, he joined SINTEF Energy Research as energy converters. From 2013 to 2014, she was a Research Scientist with
a Research Scientist, where he was involved in SINTEF Energy, Trondheim, Norway and an Adjunct Associate Professor
modelling, analysis, and control of HVDC transmission systems. In 2016, with NTNU, where she became a Full Professor within offshore grids in 2014.
he joined the Department of Electric Power Engineering at NTNU as a Post- She has a core competence in the design and control of energy conversion
Doctoral Research Fellow, where he was involved in energy-based modelling and transmission systems, with focus on offshore energy and power-quality
and nonlinear control of multi-terminal HVDC grids and, since 2019, he serves issues. She has led and/or contributed to over 15 national and international
as Associate Professor in the same department. scientific projects. She was a recipient of the Marie Curie Fellowship.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see

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