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 Introduction to Essay Writing

 Summary Writing
 Essay Writing 1- Advantage and Disadvantage Relationships
 Essay Writing 2- Cause and Effect Relationships
 Essay Writing 3- Problem and Solution Relationships
 Essay Writing 4- Compare and Contrast Relationships
 Essay Writing 5: Conveying Different Meaning Relationships in an Opinion Essay

Upper Intermediate B1+ 1

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA


The purpose of this writing strand is to guide you through the requirements of writing at the
Upper-Intermediate level. It will take you from the end-of-level expectations of the Intermediate
level to the end of the Upper-Intermediate level.
At the end of this level, you will be expected to...
 produce a well-organized essay with a high degree of control over the use of thesis
statement, topic sentences, paragraphing, linkers, referencing and other organizational
 express ideas in an opinion essay using a range of level grammar and vocabulary
appropriately and accurately to respond to a prompt.
 use relevant elements of advantage-disadvantage, problem-solution, cause-effect and
compare-contrast language to convey meaning and relationship between ideas.

This writing strand begins with a review of the expectations of writing a paragraph, which you
were first introduced to at the Pre-Intermediate level, which was reviewed at the Intermediate
level and which will be further reviewed at the beginning of the Pre-Faculty level. It is important
that you understand that both the paragraph and the essay are always of equal importance, even
though the expectation for CAT 1, CAT 2 and the ECA are for an essay. This is because, (a) the
paragraph is a vital element of any essay and (b) some responses will need to be limited to a
paragraph, even in your department/faculty. A poor understanding of the requirements of a
paragraph will always result in a sub-standard essay.
This writing strand introduces the unique features of essays which explore advantage-
disadvantage, compare-contrast, cause-effect and problem-solution relationships. The
purpose of covering these four types of relationship individually is to allow you to analyze these
models for language and organization of ideas. However, it is important for you to understand
that any essay that you will write at the Upper-Intermediate level and beyond may not
necessarily be satisfactorily answered by using only one of these essay models. It is far more
likely that writing prompt will expect you to use a 'mix-and-match' of the elements of these set of
relationships. To this end, the final section of this strand (the 'Conclusion') will allow you to
better understand the variety of responses that are possible to satisfactorily answer a prompt.

Upper Intermediate B1+ 2

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA

A. Purpose
A paragraph is a collection of sentences that describe, discuss, or explain one central idea.
The purpose of paragraph writing is to be able to
 communicate clearly,
 express yourself in a concise manner,
 respond to short answer questions in university exams and courses.

Exercise 1: Read the paragraph below and answer the comprehension questions.

A positive mind is the key to a happier life and there are several ways you can achieve it. First of all,
you should try to visualize only favorable and positive situations. You should prevent yourself from
being upset by unpleasant thoughts. Secondly, you should use positive words in real conversations
and in your inner dialogues. Talking to yourself positively in these dialogues will help you learn
how to keep calm in stressful situations. Also, don’t forget to smile a little more, as this helps you to
think positively. Make a deliberate effort to learn to smile at things that would normally upset or
anger you. If you follow the suggestions above, you will soon start noticing that your outlook on life
is more positive and pleasant.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the paragraph about?

2. What are the main suggestions given in the paragraph?
3. What could be a suitable title for this paragraph?
4. How far do you agree with the suggestions given in the paragraph? Would you make
further suggestions?

Upper Intermediate B1+ 3

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
B. The features of a good paragraph

Paragraph Analysis:

1. Which sentence in the paragraph informs the reader what the paragraph is going to be
about? What information is included in this sentence which tells the reader what the
whole paragraph will be about?
2. What helped you to identify the main suggestions in the paragraph?
3. Are the main suggestions relevant to the sentence that informs the reader what the
paragraph is about, i.e. the topic sentence?
4. What did the writer do help the reader better understand the main suggestions given in
the paragraph?
5. What is the purpose of the last sentence in the paragraph?

A good paragraph has

 a good topic sentence, which gives the main idea(s) of the paragraph. A topic
sentence tells the reader the main idea or thought that the writer is trying to convey.
It is generally a summary of the entire paragraph. Each sentence that follows helps
to develop the idea presented in the topic sentence.
 a number of supporting ideas. These illustrate the main idea through examples
and details. This helps the reader understand the main ideas better.
 a concluding sentence. This sentence summarizes the paragraph or restates the
topic sentence in different words.
C. Analyzing the topic sentence

A good topic sentence should mention the topic and the writer’s opinion about it. The two main
elements of a topic sentence are:

 the main subject

 a controlling idea.

Upper Intermediate B1+ 4

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
For example:

Topic sentence: Cars ( main subject) can be used in many different situations (
controlling idea).

Exercise 2: Read the topic sentences below. Then, circle the topic and underline the
controlling idea.

1. My high school years have been a great experience in several ways.

2. The person I would choose as my role model should have a strong character, a successful

career and a good family.

3. Our characters are influenced by three factors: upbringing, genetics and education.

4. The colors of the walls in our homes can affect us in different ways.

5. If you want to improve yourself, you should practice effective study skills.

Exercise 3: Selecting a Good Topic Sentence

In each pair of sentences, put a check mark (√) next to the better topic sentence. Be prepared to
explain your choices.

1. _____ a. Bilingual dictionaries can help non-native learners in two very important ways.
_____ b. In a bilingual dictionary, the information is presented in two different languages.
2. _____ a. Computers are expensive but people cannot help changing their computers
_____ b. Computers have changed people’s communication patterns in several ways.
3. _____ a. There are five skills a person must learn in order to play a guitar.
_____ b. An electric guitar needs to be plugged into an amplifier.

Good writers know that an effective topic sentence must have certain characteristics:
1. It should guide the whole paragraph.
2. It should not be a well-known fact.
3. It needs to be specific.
4. It should not be too general.
5. It must contain a controlling idea.

Upper Intermediate B1+ 5

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA

PART 1: Features of a Good Introductory Paragraph

Exercise 1:
Look at the introductory paragraph and the thesis statement of the text about The
Computer Revolution and answer the following questions.

The Computer Revolution

Every day, new technology appears, ranging from mini-CDs that contain entire encyclopedias to giant space
telescopes that can send photographs of distant stars back to Earth. Of all the new technological wonders,
personal computers have probably had the greatest influence on the daily lives of average people. Through
computers, we can now talk to people in any country, research any topic, work, shop, bank, and entertain
ourselves. Personal computers have especially revolutionized communication and business practices in the
past twenty years.

1. What is the general topic of the introductory paragraph?

2. Has the writer narrowed the topic? If so, why and how?
3. How does the writer try to attract the readers’ attention?
4. Are the examples provided in the paragraph related to the narrowed topic?
5. What is the purpose of the last sentence in the paragraph? What information can we
obtain from the last sentence?

A good introductory paragraph:

 introduces the topic usually by giving some background information about it.
 interests the reader.
 includes a thesis statement which:
o states the topic of the whole essay and the writer’s opinion about the topic.
o may show the parts of the essay.
o is usually placed at the end of the paragraph.
An introductory paragraph starts with general information and usually finishes with the thesis
statement, which indicates the main idea of the whole essay and can be one or two sentences. A

Upper Intermediate B1+ 6

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
body paragraph focuses on a single idea and usually starts with the topic sentence, which
indicates the main idea of that paragraph.

Exercise 2:
The sentences in the introductory paragraphs below are in mixed order. Order them by
putting numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) in the blanks in the parenthesis. Start from the most general
and narrow down the topic. Put the thesis statement to the end of the paragraph.

A. (-----) Therefore, workaholics’ lifestyles can affect their families, social lives, and health.
(-----) Because they work so many hours, workaholics may not spend enough time in leisure
activities. (-----) Nowadays, many men and women work in law, accounting, real estate, and
business. (-----) These people are serious about becoming successful; they work long hours
during the week and even on weekends, so they are called ‘workaholics’.

B. (-----) For this reason, anyone who wants to drive must carry a driver’s license. (-----) It is
divided into four steps: studying the traffic laws, taking the written test, learning to drive,
and taking the driving test. (-----) Getting a driver’s license is a complicated process. (-----)
Driving a car is a necessity in today’s busy society and it is also a special privilege.

C. (----) During this period, children separate themselves from their parents and become
independent (---) Teenagers express their separateness most vividly in their choice of
clothes, hairstyles, music, and vocabulary. (-----) The teenage years between childhood and
adulthood are a period of growth and separation.

PART 2: Features of a Good Body Paragraph

Exercise 3:
Read the introductory and the first body paragraph of The Computer Revolution and
answer the questions below:

Introductory Paragraph Body Paragraph 1

Every day, new technology appears, ranging Perhaps the most important effect of personal computers has
from mini-CDs that contain entire been to expand our ability to communicate with the outside
encyclopedias to giant space telescopes that world. Firstly, communicating with other people using
can send photographs of distant stars back to computers helps to reduce loneliness and homesickness. For
Earth. Of all the new technological wonders, example, a lonely man in the U.S. can talk with a similarly
personal computers have probably had the house-bound person in Turkey, and this could help him feel
greatest influence on the daily lives of better. Additionally, schoolchildren who live far away from
average people. Through computers, we can their parents can talk with their family via computer so that
now talk to people in any country, research they are able to assimilate better into their university life.
any topic, work, shop, bank, and entertain Secondly, computers allow people to share news easily and
ourselves. Personal computers have quickly. That is, a computer user can post an article online with
especially revolutionized communication one keystroke, which can inform people all around the world
and business practices in the past twenty about breaking news. This makes our world more connected
years. because everyone has access to the same information at the
same time. In brief, personal computers have revolutionized
Upper Intermediate B1+ communication methods. 7
Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
If the answer is Introductory Paragraph Write IP. If it is Body Paragraph, write BP. If it
is both, write BO.
1. Which paragraph starts with general information and moves toward the specific topic?
2. Which paragraph starts with the main idea? ______________
3. Which paragraph shows the structure of the rest of the essay? ______________
4. Which paragraph includes examples/ further details? ______________

A good body paragraph has

 a topic sentence, which describes the main idea of the paragraph
 supporting details, which help the reader understand the main ideas clearly
 further details and/or examples
 (in some cases) a concluding sentence
PART 3: Features of a Good Concluding Paragraph
A good concluding paragraph can finish the essay in a meaningful way by using one or more of
the following techniques:
1. repeating the thesis statement in different words
2. briefly summing up the main points
3. adding personal opinion about the subject
4. avoiding giving too much new information
5. looking into future directions (e.g. predicting the future)

Exercise 4: Read the concluding paragraph of The Computer Revolution. Which of the
points above have been used?
To conclude, computers have made communicating and doing business faster and more convenient, and
they have greatly increased access to information. Just as the invention of automobiles had an unplanned
consequence, the growth of suburbs, so will the invention of personal computers. We will have to wait
and see what these unintentional consequences will be.

PART 4: Production: Choose one of the topics below and write an essay of 250 words.

1. What kind of skills do university students need to be successful at university?

2. Is it possible for students nowadays to learn more information and learn it more quickly
with the help of technology?

Upper Intermediate B1+ 8

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA



Answer the following questions with a partner.
1. How many hours a day do you spend watching television?
2. What type of television programs do you like to watch?
3. Do you think children in your country watch too much television?
4. Do you think television is useful for education in schools?


1. What is the article about?

2. How does the writer try to convince the reader of the ideas presented in the text?


Television has been changing the way people live for thirty years. It influences nearly
every aspect of modern life. Although television could be used as an educational tool for
children, programs with little or no educational value have negative effects on children.

Experts are concerned about the view of the world that youngsters are learning from
television. Parents, schools, and churches have traditionally been the social models and
teachers for children. However, because television influences children’s attitudes and
behavior negatively, its role in society is becoming increasingly more powerful – it is much
more than a simple recreational activity. The medium “has changed childhood more than any
other social innovation in the history of the world,” declares child psychologist Robert M.

Exposure to excessive violence is another influence of television. According to several

studies, televised violence may cause children to become more aggressive. Also, because so
much violence is seen by children on television, they become more used to it as the only
solution to difficult situations. Children who watch a great deal of violence on television may
become apathetic toward actual aggression. One study has shown that, compared to a control
group, fifth-graders who watched an aggressive television broadcast were slower to ask for adult
help when a fight broke out among younger children. This decreased sensitivity to human
suffering is frightening, says psychologist Ronald S. Drabman.

Clever advertising aimed at children certainly influences them. “Exposing children to so

Upper Intermediate B1+ 9

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
much high-powered advertising of sugar-rich products on television puts their dental health at
risk and is also, of course, a negative influence on proper nutrition,” says Dr. Dale Roeck.
Another expert asserts that “almost all the products that television sells to kids are products
that people who care about kids feel shouldn’t be consumed in the first place.” Very young
children don’t even distinguish between commercials and programs. Is it fair to show
advertising to young children?

Instructors at Horace Mann nursery school in New York noticed definite improvements
in pupils’ attitudes and behavior, including a decrease in their fighting, after the instructors
asked parents to limit the youngsters’ viewing to one hour daily. Educational experts also
believe that parents could help by discussing both the good and bad aspects of television with
their children and by helping them to select beneficial programs.

Adapted from

3. Match the two parts of the sentences to explain how the text is annotated.

1. In paragraph 1, the a. explain the writer’s

__________ highlighted words thesis.
2. In paragraph 1, the circled b. are the main points that
sentence support thesis.
3. In paragraph 2, 3, 4 the c. are the supporting
double underlined words and evidence and details.
4. In paragraph 2, 3, 4, the d. explain the topic of the
underlined sentences text.
5. In paragraph 5, the squiggly e. explain the implications
lined sentences and recommendations.
4. Now read the summary of the text “Children and TV” and compare the ideas with those in
the original text. Then, answer the questions in the side bar.

Summary of “Children and Television”

1. Underline the
writer’s main In “Children and Television”, Elena Joseph claims that
idea in
Paragraph 1.
television may play an important role in educating
children, but its negative influences are really worrying.

Upper Intermediate B1+ 10

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
The author says that children’s attitudes and behavior
may change negatively due to strong influence from 2. Circle the
information that
television. She quotes Robert M. Liebert, who says TV appears in the
“has changed childhood more than any other social introduction.

innovation in the history of the world” to draw attention a. the title of the
to the seriousness of the issue. Also, she states that text
b. author’s main
children may become more aggressive owing to the idea
c. background
violent scenes they watch on TV. The writer mentions a info about the
study which found that those who viewed an aggressive topic
d. author’s name
TV show reached out to adults more slowly when a fight
started among younger kids. The author also argues that
3. Does the writer children are susceptible to unhealthy foods as a result of 4. Look at the
of the summary annotated text and
include his advertising on TV and adds that advertised sugar-rich
find the points that
own opinions? products threaten children’s health. the writer double
The writer ends by saying that these drawbacks can be Underline the
prevented by taking the necessary measures such as same points in the
limiting kids’ daily watching time, talking about the
positive and negative aspects of TV, and helping to
choose useful TV shows.
5. Circle the purpose
of the last
a. to restate the
b. to restate the
writer’s advice.



Tips for writing a summary…

Understanding the text you want to summarize clearly and communicating the main points to
your reader are the necessities of writing a good summary. It is a skill students at university
level need to develop which combines reading comprehension and writing ability.

Below are the strategies that you can use to summarize a text:

1. READ THE TEXT TO UNDERSTAND IT CLEARLY: Read the text you want to
summarize until you clearly understand the main ideas.

Upper Intermediate B1+ 11

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
2. IDENTIFY THE MAIN IDEAS: Find the main and supporting points, make note of the
important details and examples that will help you summarize the text. Do not include more
than 30 % of the source text.
3. RESTATE THE IDEAS: Use synonyms, referencing Paraphrasing is one of the most
words, break the information into separate sentences and important elements of summary
change sentence structures to restate the main ideas and writing.

important details.
summary, include the author’s name and the title of the source if available.


Paraphrasing is an important skill you need to develop in academic writing. It means restating
the information given in the text and the author’s ideas using your own words without changing
the meaning of the original text. Here are the strategies you can use for paraphrasing.

1. Identify the key words and use synonyms while paraphrasing.

2. Using referencing words to avoid repetition
3. Try to change the part of speech of some of the key words (verb to noun, etc.)
4. Change the sentence structure (from active to passive voice, etc.)
5. Use structures giving credit to the source (X reports\states\believes that…, According to
X…, etc)


Original Text:

The number of foreign and local tourists in Norway rose above 47 million in 2018, and increase
of 8% and the sharpest growth rate since 2007, the national statistics office CBS reported on

Paraphrased Version:

The national statistics office, CBS, stated that more than 47 million tourists, both international
and domestic, travelled to Norway in 2018, which is the sharpest growth in 11 years.

The following strategies have been used in the paraphrased version of the text given above:

Using Using Changing Changing the Using structures

synonyms reference part of sentence giving credit to the

Upper Intermediate B1+ 12

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
for key s speech of the structure source
words key words

+ + + +


TASK 1: Rewrite the sentences given below using the strategies for paraphrasing without
changing the meaning of the original sentence.

1. California is a leader in renewable energy, and the state has guaranteed to use only clean
sources for electricity, including wind and solar power, by 2045. One difficulty is energy
storage, but an old solution involving water may help the state reach its goal of zero


Now, tick the strategies you have used in the paraphrased version:

Using Using Changing part Changing the Using structures

synonyms for references of speech of sentence giving credit to the
2. Scientists in Au
key words the key words structure source

vaccine against the flu. The team believe it is the first time a computer has used its own
learning machine to design a new drug for use in people. 


Now, tick the strategies you have used in the paraphrased version:

Using Using Changing part Changing the Using structures

synonyms for references of speech of sentence giving credit to the
key words the key words structure source

Upper Intermediate B1+ 13

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
3. In a couple of months, the hulking ship will set out for the Arctic. It will be packed with
supplies and scientific equipment for a mission to explore the far north. The icebreaker will
be the base for scientists from 17 nations who are studying the impact of climate change on
the Arctic and how it could affect the rest of the world.

Now, tick the strategies you have used in the paraphrased version:

Using Using Changing part Changing Using structures

synonyms references of speech of the sentence giving credit to the
for key the key words structure source

TASK 2: Read the extracts taken from different sources and summarize them using the
strategies given above.

1. The animal welfare view, which is distinguishable from the animal rights view, is that
humans can use and exploit animals as long as the animals are treated humanely and the use
is not too cruel. To animal rights activists, the main problem with this view is that humans
do not have the right to use and exploit animals, no matter how well the animals are treated.
Buying, selling, breeding, confining, and killing animals infringe on the animals' rights, no
matter how "humanely" they are treated. (by Doris Lin)
Taken from


Upper Intermediate B1+ 14

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
2. Christmas is the biggest festival in the English year. Once the festival lasted two days, today
it seems to last almost two months. Christmas Day, December 25th, is the day when most
people in Britain sit down to a special meal of roast turkey and Christmas pudding; but
Christmas Day is just the high point of the "Christmas period". In the weeks before
Christmas, life is very busy. There are parties; there are trips to the cinema or
the pantomime; and of course there's all the shopping. On Christmas day, Britain closes! For
most people, Christmas is a time to relax at last after many long and busy weeks.
The presents have been bought and sent, dozens of cards have been sent and received, the
food is waiting to be eaten. For two days at least (if not three or four, depending on the year),
the shops will be shut, and the postman will not deliver any letters. For a day or two, even
the trains stop running.
Taken from



Read the paragraph given below about ‘Modern English’ and summarize it by paraphrasing the
main ideas and important information using the strategies you studied above.

In recent times, as English has become a global language used in different places all over the
world, it has become a much richer language than in the past. It has picked up new words
from other cultures, other languages, such as bungalow (from Hindi), détente (from French),
kebab (from Turkish), potato (from American Indian languages) –plus a lot of modern slang
from America. Today, both grammar and vocabulary are still changing. There is no such thing
as “official English”; neither Britain nor the USA has anything official like the “Académie
Française” to decide what is acceptable and what is not. The most accepted sources of
reference are the famous English dictionaries –Websters for the USA and the Oxford English
Dictionary for British English. Like other dictionaries however, they are descriptive not

Upper Intermediate B1+ 15

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
prescriptive –i.e. they describe language as it is used, they do not tell people what they can or
should say or should not say. Today’s English is different from the English of 100 years ago;
it is pronounced differently too –and no doubt, it will be even more different in 100 years’
Taken from

Upper Intermediate B1+ 16

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
Discuss the two quotations below and answer the questions that follow with your
classmates and share if you agree/disagree and why.
1. “Information technology has been one of the leading drivers of globalization, and it may
also become one of its major victims.” Evgeny Morozov
2. “One day there will be no borders, no boundaries, no flags and no countries and the
only passport will be the heart”  ― Carlos Santana
3. Has globalization improved people’s lives?
4. Do you think globalization will reduce or increase the poverty gap?
Below you will find an essay question and the essay written in response. Read it carefully and
do the tasks to understand the meaning relationships better.
Topic: Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a very positive way, its
negative impact should not be forgotten. What is your opinion?
Sample Analysis of the Question:

Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a very positive way, its negative
impact should not be forgotten. What is your opinion?

the key points

controlling idea will talk about either advs. &



The advantages and disadvantages of globalization

Globalization is a commonly used term in the twenty first century. It simply means that the
world has become integrated economically, socially, politically and culturally through the
advances of technology, transportation and communication. I believe it is undeniable that
globalization has both positive and negative aspects which must be addressed accordingly.

Globalization has contributed to the world’s economies in many beneficial ways. To begin
with, an increase in free trade has opened doors for investors in developed countries to
invest their money in developing countries thanks to globalization. In other words, large
companies from developed countries have the freedom to operate in developing countries.
For instance, in the 2000s, Japanese and European companies such as Siemens started

Upper Intermediate B1+ 17

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producing high-speed trains in China. This helped Chinese firms gain knowledge about the
production process. In this way, today, Chinese companies are able to produce high-speed
trains on their own. Secondly, as globalization increases and therefore more and more
companies are setting up businesses in other countries, this in turn increases employment
opportunities and so people can get jobs without having to move to other countries. For
example, many multinational companies such as Microsoft, Google and Toyota have their
offices in India and many Indian people work for these companies today. Without
globalization, the people in India would not have had the opportunity to work for such
companies in India. In brief, globalization has had a positive effect on the global economy.

However, one cannot deny that there are negative effects which have derived from
globalization. Local and small businesses face extinction as they do not have the resources
or the power that the multinational companies have. As a result, these small industries go
out of business because they are unable to compete with the bigger companies. An example
of this is the bamboo furniture making industry in India. The manufacturers work hard to
make furniture out of bamboo. These workers cannot compete with large companies selling
cheap plastic furniture and as a result, their industry may go out of business. Another
negative impact of globalization is unfair working conditions. Even though globalization
creates more employment opportunities, many multinational companies are accused of
social injustice by exploiting workers in underdeveloped countries in order to cut costs.
Laborers work in unhealthy working conditions, which leads to health hazards. Many large
companies have also been accused of using child labor in their factories in underdeveloped
countries. Nike’s use of child labor along with poor working conditions and low wages in
its factories can be given as an example.

In conclusion, globalization is inevitable in modern economic systems and one must admit
that no country can afford to ignore the wave of globalization. Thus, it is a bitter reality
which we cannot escape from anymore. However, with adequate care and caution, if
necessary measures are taken, every nation can take full advantage of it.

adapted from

Upper Intermediate B1+ 18

Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
Comprehension Questions:

1. How does the writer define “globalization”?

2. What is the writer’s opinion related to globalization?
3. How does globalization impact world economies?
4. How does globalization affect local and small businesses?

Essay Analysis:

1. How does the writer start the introductory paragraph of the essay?
2. What is the thesis statement? Why is there a thesis statement?
3. What is the topic sentence of each body paragraph? What is the function of the topic
4. Do the topic sentences of each paragraph support the thesis statement?
5. How are the body paragraphs organized? Is the topic sentence of each body paragraph
well supported? Are there any other ways of organizing ideas?
6. How does the writer expand on his ideas?
7. What linkers does the writer use to show the relationship between ideas?
8. How does the writer conclude the essay?


Below you will find an outline for an opinion essay about studying abroad. Complete the outline
and then write the essay.

General description/info:
Thesis Statement (main idea): As education is an important issue, the results of which have
important consequences on one’s future life, people have to explore both the benefits and the
drawbacks of studying abroad before making a decision.
First paragraph
Topic sentence: Studying abroad brings a number of advantages.
 Supporting Idea 1: It broadens our perspective

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o Further detail 1: Interact with people from different backgrounds, religions and
 Examples/ explanation/illustration:
o Further detail 2: Learning about different social customs and traditions
 Examples/ explanation/illustration:
o Further Detail 3: Learning about different ways of learning
 Examples/ explanation/illustration:
 Supporting Idea 2: It teaches dealing with the challenges of life
o Further detail 1: Organizing our lives independently
 Examples/ explanation/illustration:
o Further Detail 2: Adapting to different environments
 Examples/ explanation/illustration:
Second paragraph
Topic sentence: On the other hand, when you leave your hometown and go to another country
to continue your study, some obstacles may show up.
 Supporting Idea 1: Increased financial burden for our families
o Further detail 1:
 Examples/ explanation/illustration:
 Supporting Idea 2: being away from family and friends  relationships suffer

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o Further detail 1:
 Examples/ explanation/illustration:
 Supporting Idea 3: exposure to an unknown environment: everybody behaves
differently and expect you to comply
o Further detail 2:
 Examples/ explanation/illustration:
All in all, going abroad in order to continue your education has some advantages and
disadvantages. After a thorough consideration of merits and demerits of it, it can be considered
that pursuing your education abroad is more advantageous and has more benefits.
When you describe or explain the benefits and drawbacks of an issue, you may ...
 discuss all the advantages first, then the disadvantages, or vice versa.
 prefer to discuss the advantages and disadvantages in pairs. For example, in an essay on
online classes, you may focus one paragraph on the advantages and disadvantages of
self-pacing, one on the advantages and disadvantages of working outside the classroom,
and one on the advantages and disadvantages of communicating with professors and
other students online.
 focus on only the good aspects of the topic and not mention the negative sides, or vice
 use the vocabulary in the chart.
+ -
The first advantage of … is … The first disadvantage of … is …..
There are many advantages to… and one of There are many negative aspects and one of
them is... them is…

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The positive aspects of … are … What is negative about … is (that)…
The positive points include … The drawbacks of …… are…
Another positive aspect is … The negative points include…
Another benefit is … Another disadvantage is …
Another advantage is … One of the major disadvantages is … /that….
An argument in favor of +gerund … A negative consequence (effect) of … is..
What is positive about ... is (that) … A downside of … is …
A frequent criticism of … is…
An argument against … is…

C. COHESION & COHERENCE – A Logical Sequence of Ideas

Coherence means establishing a relationship between the ideas presented in a paragraph
or an essay. It brings about a rationale in the arrangement of the ideas and transitions that
compare, contrast, illustrate, add or show cause and effect build logical bridges. The
ideas, thus expressed in the paragraph, flow smoothly from one to the other in a logical
sequence. This helps the reader to understand the paragraph.
One way to achieve coherence and cohesion is to use discourse markers appropriately
and accurately.
Exercise 1: Complete the table. Add more words or phrases to each category.
for example/instance furthermore nevertheless in addition thus
such as therefore besides as a result due to
however despite even though on the other hand

Linking words and

phrases ...
to show contrast

to show addition

to show reason or
to introduce an

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Exercise 2: Choose the sentence which follows logically from the first sentence.
1 Buying lottery tickets is probably a waste of money.
a On the other hand, it might be the best investment you could ever make!
b On the contrary, lotteries are more likely to pull money from low-income people.
2 Moderate exercise has many beneficial effects. It lowers blood pressure, reduces weight, and
improves overall muscle tone.
a Furthermore, it has the added benefit of releasing endorphins, generally improving the
mood of those who exercise.
b Despite this, there are many people who choose to exercise outdoors.
3 The Internet makes it possible to reach thousands in an instant.
a For instance, the Internet has become addictive through the advent of social media.
b For this reason, people can be informed immediately about an emergency.
4 Unlike a short vacation, when you study abroad, you have the chance to see what life is
really like in another country.
a As a result, all the valuable skills that you gain while studying abroad will not only
look good on a resume but also serve you well wherever you go.
b It is because the encounters you have as you shop for groceries and ask for directions
will teach you more about a place than any guidebook could.
5 Traditional education is not considered to have been a great success.
a As well as that, it has given everyone the chance to broaden their knowledge.
b In spite of this, thousands of people have taken advantage of face-to-face education.
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with ideas of your own.
1. One evident benefit to having one global language is that it would enable greater
understanding between countries. As a result,

2. There are, however, some disadvantages to overseas study which must be considered, the
most notable of which is the expense. In addition,

3. People have become reliant on modern technology, which can have adverse effects on
the environment. For example,

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4. Higher education should be free to everyone because if a country’s citizens are all
educated, there will be more skilled workers. On the other hand,


“Nowadays online shopping has become more popular than in-store shopping. While some
consider it a positive development, others believe it has many disadvantages. What is your

What is the topic and the controlling

What are the key points?

What is your opinion?

Study the mind map below and make additions including further details, supporting ideas, and


more convenient – can do it frauds in online shopping

anywhere or anytime
restocking and shipping costs
product availability – you have
the whole world
no possibility to try the product on or
less cost – easy to check prices physically inspect it
from different places

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Decide which of the ideas you will include in your essay and complete the outline below.
General description/info:
Thesis Statement (main idea):
First paragraph
Topic sentence:
Supporting Idea 1:
 Further detail 1:
o Examples/ explanation/illustration:
Supporting Idea 2:
 Further detail 1:
o Examples/ explanation/illustration:
Second paragraph
Topic sentence:
Supporting Idea 1:
 Further detail 1:
o Examples/ explanation/illustration:
Supporting Idea 2:
 Further detail 1:
o Examples/ explanation/illustration:

Write your essay in response to the prompt above. When you write your essay, make sure that
 you follow your outline.
 you use advantage and disadvantage vocabulary.
 you use discourse markers that you have studied accurately and appropriately.
 your ideas follow a logical order.

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Having written your essay, please use the following checklist to evaluate your own writing:
Yes No
1. The essay consists of 4/5 paragraphs.
2. The introduction states clearly what the essay will be about.
3. There is a Topic Sentence introducing Body Paragraph 1.
4. There is a Topic Sentence introducing Body Paragraph 2.
5. There is an example or further detail for each advantage and/or disadvantage
6. There is a concluding sentence for each Body Paragraph.
7. The conclusion summarises the main points and makes a personal comment.
8. There are linking words/phrases.
9. Advantage and Disadvantage vocabulary is used.


A. Below are some topics that you can discuss by mentioning the advantages and
disadvantages. Choose one topic that interests you. Brainstorm about the topic and
organise your ideas logically with the advantages and the disadvantages you suggest.

 Should children start learning a foreign language as soon as they start school?
 What are the impacts of using mobile phones on people’s lives?
 What is your opinion on eating fast food becoming widespread in the world?
 Studying at colleges and universities in foreign countries have some benefits. What is
your opinion?

B. Find a classmate who has chosen the same topic. Share your ideas and compare the
solutions you have suggested.

C. Make an outline and show it to your instructor. Get feedback. Then, start writing.

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Discuss the following questions with your friend and be ready to share your ideas with the class:
1. What are some of the reasons why people tell lies?
2. Do you think that telling lies is more common with
children or adults?
3. Is it worse if a child lies or if an adult lies?
3. What are some of the effects of telling lies?
4. Is it possible to help people to be more honest?
4. Do you think that there are situations where it is okay to
tell a lie?


Below you will find a writing question and the essay written in
response. Read the response carefully and do the tasks which follow to understand how the ideas
are organized.

Topic of the sample essay:

“Whether we are adults or children, telling lies is a very common aspect of human behavior and
it can have serious consequences. In your opinion, what are the main reasons why people tell

Most children are taught the virtue of honesty from fairy tales and other stories. The famous
story is Pinocchio who teaches the importance of telling the truth. Every time Pinocchio lies,
his nose grows longer and longer. These types of stories typically show children that “honesty
is the best policy”. Still, if this is the case, then why do so many people lie? The fact is that
human beings lie for many reasons.

One reason for lying has to do with minimizing a mistake. While it is true that everyone
makes a careless mistake from time to time, some people do not have the courage to admit
when they do because they might be blamed for the errors. For example, students might lie to
their teachers about unfinished homework. They might say that they left the work at home
when, in fact, they did not do the work at all. These students do not want to seem

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irresponsible, so they make up an excuse – a lie – to save face.

Another reason people lie is to get out of situations that they do not want to be in or cannot
manage. For example, if a company decides to have a weekend meeting, one of the managers
might not feel like attending. She may call her boss and give an excuse that she has been ill all
week, and cannot risk getting others sick. This type of lie is usually seen as negative by
people because they are lying to save themselves. Overall, when individuals do not want to
admit the truth and face the consequences, they use lies to avoid difficulties.

Some people might tell a “white lie” when they do not want to hurt someone else’s feelings.
For example, if a good friend shows up with an unflattering new haircut, one could be truthful
and tell her that her haircut is bad. However, a more likely scenario is to lie to spare the
friend’s feelings. These types of lies are generally not considered negative and wrong. In fact,
many people who have told the truth to loved ones, only to see the negative reaction, wish
they had told a white lie. Therefore, white lies can be useful in maintaining good

In conclusion, people lie for many reasons, both good and bad. However, before people resort
to lying in order to cover up mistakes or to avoid unpleasant situations, perhaps the motives
for lying should be analyzed. This is important, otherwise our lies may one day be exposed
and cause severe embarrassment or the loss of people's trust.

Comprehension Questions:
1. What is the purpose of this text?
2. What are the main reasons why people lie?
3. What may students do in order not to be seem irresponsible?
4. What example is given to describe how people can save themselves from an unwanted
5. What do people generally do in order not to hurt other people’s feelings?

Essay Analysis:
1. How does the writer start the essay?
2. What is the thesis statement? What information can we obtain from the thesis statement?

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3. What is the topic sentence of each body paragraph? What is the function of the topic
4. Do the topic sentences support the thesis statement?
5. How are the body paragraphs organized? Are there any other ways of organizing the ideas?
6. How does the writer expand his/her ideas?
7. What transition markers does the writer use to show the relationship between ideas?
8. How does the writer conclude the essay?
9. Would you make any changes to the essay? What would they be?



Writers analyze cause and effect relationships to show important reasons why something
happened or to show how something has changed. Like the other introductory paragraphs, when
you talk about causes and/or effects of something in your essay, it is important to engage the
reader and prepare them to understand and consider the ideas that you will present.

 A cause and effect introduction

 mentions the causes and/or the effects of the situation.
 makes it clear why the topic is important.
 provides background information on the situation.
 states the causes and/or the effects in the thesis statement.
 You can talk about causes or effects in one of the following ways:
 devote each body paragraph to one of the causes and support each cause with minor
 group related effects under main points e.g. physiological and psychological and
then, support each effect with minor supports.
 talk about the causes in one body paragraph and the effects in another one. For
example, if your essay were on childhood obesity, you could start by talking about
the effects of childhood obesity and then discuss the cause or you could start the
same essay by talking about the cause of childhood obesity and then move to the

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 Regardless of which structure you choose, be sure to explain each element of the essay
fully and completely. Make sure that each body paragraph includes the following
 one topic sentence that states a point in the thesis.
 enough number of supporting sentences and details that explain the cause or the
effect in the topic sentence and make it seem logical and believable.
 In the concluding paragraph, you need to summarize the thesis and end with a final
comment. This comment can be an observation, prediction, or recommendation. Read
the concluding paragraph below. Notice the first sentence restates the thesis and the last
sentence gives an observation.

e.g. In conclusion, the increasing number of women at work has brought about some

important changes to family life, including improved quality of life and increased
independence for children, as well as affecting society itself. It is clear that the sexes
are still a long way from being equal in all areas of life, however, and perhaps the
challenge for the present century is to ensure that this takes place. 
Taken from

As mentioned above what is important to remember is the special nature of the cause-effect
relationship and how to use it in your writing. As with all relationships in writing, it is important
to use the correct language which will help your readers to understand the relationship that you
are trying to explain. The following language and structures will help you to do that.

I. Focus on Causes
There is one phenomenon and you analyze the different causes that lead to this result.
e.g. The causes of traffic accidents
a) ignoring the traffic rules
b) driving fast
c) driving under the influence of alcohol
d) careless overtaking
When you are writing the thesis statement for this kind of organization, you can use the following

The causes of A are X, Y and Z.

The reasons for A are X, Y and Z.


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X, Y and Z cause A
result in
lead to
bring about
are the causes of
are the reasons for

e.g. The causes of traffic accidents are ignoring the rules, driving after taking alcohol, driving fast and
careless overtaking.

II. Focus on Effects

There is one cause and you analyze the different effects of this cause. The results might be
positive or negative.
e.g. the effects of nuclear energy
a) environmental pollution
b) health problems
The body paragraphs will develop how these results occur.
When you are writing the thesis statement for this kind of development, you can use the following

X causes A, B and C.
leads to
results in
bring about

X, Y and Z result from A
are the results of
are the effects of
are caused by

e.g. Nuclear energy causes health problems and environmental pollution.

III. Connectors for Cause-Effect Essays

Connectors show relationship between ideas in sentences and paragraphs. In cause-effect essays,
writers commonly use the connecting words and phrases in the following charts.

Connectors that show cause

As a result of
Because of the rain, we all got wet.
Due to
Since it rained, we all got wet.

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Connectors that show effect
For this reason,
It rained. As a result, we all got wet.
Look back at the paragraphs that you have written and the samples that have been given to you
in this section about cause-effect relationship in writing and see how many of these language
and structures you can find. Have they been used correctly to show the intended cause-effect
relationship? If not, how would you change them?

C. COHESION & COHERENCE: Continuing Ideas

Another way to achieve coherence and cohesion is to use continuing markers including
demonstratives, pronouns, articles, synonyms and so on. It is important to follow these markers
because the reader needs to know who and what is being referred to in a text. However, it is not
advisable to repeat the same phrases or words too often so we use cohesive devices to make
references to other parts of a text as shown in the table below.
Use demonstratives this/that/these/those + Pollution is a growing concern among
governments in the world. This problem is a key
repeated noun/synonym to refer to specific
contributor to several illnesses in industrial
ideas from previous sentences. society.
(‘This problem’ confirms to the reader that we
are talking about pollution.)
Use pronouns (he, she, it, they) to refer to Pollution is a growing concern among
governments in the world. It is a key contributor
specific nouns in previous sentences
to several illnesses in industrial society.
consistently. (Here, ‘it’ links back to pollution which is the
topic of the previous sentence.)
Use indefinite articles (a/an) or plural form Pollution is a growing concern among
the first time something is mentioned, and governments in the world. The administrations
the definite article (the) after that. have attempted to curb some forms of industrial
(‘The administrations’ informs the reader we are
talking about the government because
governments and administrations are almost
Avoid repeating words, phrases or clauses. Animals are different and cannot have the same
Instead, use substitute forms refer rights as individuals. If they did, we could no

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backwards or forwards in a paragraph. The longer eat meat, wear their skins, or use them
following words and phrases are for research.
commonly used as substitutes: Hundreds of people have immigrated to cities

(a) little each less one(s) and all seem to suffer from stress.
another either many Traffic congestion was a major problem when I
other(s) was young and it remains so even today.
all enough much
any few neither some
such both half none
do so
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with appropriate continuing idea markers from the box.

many their doing these task one

this so those

A. The popularity of social media in business communication is increasing. ________

popularity has been observed by many researchers and is a growing area of study.
B. In the last few decades, the average person's life has become increasingly unhealthy. The
rules of modern society seem to have forced ________ into a stressful lifestyle.
C. As individuals strive to meet the demands of ________ lives, they often overlook the
multiple sources of their stress and unhealthiness.
D. Even though the ________ is challenging, it is not impossible to achieve.
E. Many people have refused to vote in elections for years. They may have done ________
because they believe that their vote can change nothing.
F. The company changed their product packaging last year and by ________ so they have
attracted many new customers.
G. Language schools usually have some kind of resource center containing books,
dictionaries, and computer-based learning materials. ________ support students during
self-study and most students use them regularly. ________ who do not use the RC often
get low scores in exams.
H. Teachers should shift from an individual learning style to a collaborative ________.

Exercise 2: Read the paragraph below and identify what the underlined words refer to.

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There is little possibility of improvement in the standard of living of the villagers from their
present low level without the support of electricity. Presently, the households can enjoy only a
limited number of hours of illumination based on oil or diesel. These are not cheap and so are
not affordable by a large majority of the rural masses. This restricts the range as well as the
intensity of their activities severely. But even if supply of power from those sources is available
more abundantly, there is the problem of adverse effects of such use.

Reference Reference word/phrase

those sources

Exercise 3: Read the paragraph. Find the incorrect pronouns replace them with the correct ones.
Olympic athletes must be both physically and mentally strong. First of all, if you hope to
compete in an Olympic sport, you must be physically strong. Furthermore, aspiring Olympians
must train rigorously for many years. For the most demanding sports, they train several hours a
day, five or six days a week, for ten or more years. In addition to being physically strong,
athletes must also be mentally tough. This means that you have to be totally dedicated to your
sport, often giving up a normal school, family, or social life. Being mentally strong also means
that he or she must be able to withstand the intense pressure of international competition with
its accompanying media coverage. Finally, not everyone can win a medal, so Olympians must
possess the inner strength to live with defeat.


Developing Cause-Effect Relationships in Your Writing


Topic: The Effects on Children of Spending Too Much Time Using Technology

Read the following introduction to an essay in which the writer plans to discuss the problems of
children using too much technology for entertainment in the home:

People use many forms of technology in the way that we used to watch television, to relax and

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forget about their daily troubles. However, what started out as an exciting, new type of
entertainment is currently being blamed for problems, especially in children. Many
researchers now claim that too much time spent on the computer, tablets or smart phones is
not good for our children. Perhaps they have a point because using too much technology
seems to be having negative effects on children.
1. How does the writer introduce the problem to be discussed?

2. Does the writer list the negative effects in the thesis statement?

3. Do you think this is a good thesis statement? Why?/Why not?

Brainstorm some ideas for the body of the essay and in your own words complete the paragraphs

The most important negative effect on children of using too much technology is...


Another negative effect...


Now re-read the essay that has been written so far and answer the following questions:

1. Are there topic sentences? Do they all logically connect to each other and to the thesis

2. Do the cause-effect relationship in the essay clearly show The Effects on Children of
Spending Too Much Time Using Technology? Why?/Why not?

Now write a conclusion for the essay.


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Topic: The Reasons Why Some Students Cannot Finish Their University Education

Read the following introduction to an essay in which the writer plans to discuss the reasons why
some students do not finish their university studies:

Going to university or other places of post-secondary education is an important opportunity

for many young people. In many countries it means the difference between starting on a
promising career and having to settle for a low-paid, often part-time job. However, despite
the importance of such an education, some students do not graduate, and instead they drop
out of school and have to develop a career without the benefit of a university degree. The
main reasons why this happens can be categorized into personal and family reasons.
1. How does the writer support the importance of a university education in the introductory

2. Does the writer include a thesis statement?

Brainstorm some ideas and in your own words complete the paragraphs below:

One of the reasons why students drop out of university is due to the individual student...

Another group of reasons why students cannot finish their university studies is related to things
beyond the control of the student...


1. Are there topic sentences? Do they all logically connect to each other and to the thesis

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2. Does the cause-effect relationship in the essay clearly show The Reasons Why Some Students
Cannot Finish Their University Education? Why?/Why not?

Now write a conclusion for the essay.



The following questions can all be developed into a piece of cause-effect writing. Choose one
that interests you. Brainstorm about the topic and organise your ideas logically. Ask yourself
whether cause(s) are required, whether effect(s) are required, or both. Find a classmate who
chose the same topic. Share your ideas. Make an outline and show it to your instructor. Get
feedback. Start writing. Try to use the language and structures discussed in the previous section.

1. There are several reasons for war and international conflicts.

2. Why is online gaming so popular?
3. Stress has effects on our daily lives
4. What are some of the causes and effects of immigration?
5. Today, many people spend a lot of time on their smart phones, whether in class, in
business meetings or when they are driving or using public transport. What are some of the
reasons for this new trend?
6. Nowadays food shows on television have become very popular. What might be the reason
for this?
7. Many people are now doing a lot of shopping online. What are some of the effects of this
new way of buying?

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1. Why do you think people feel the need to move to bigger cities?
2. What could be the possible problems caused by migration to big cities?
3. What could be the solutions for those problems?
Below you will find an opinion essay question and two essays written in response. Read and
analyze them carefully and answer the following questions.
Topic of the sample essay:
Migration to big cities has caused a lot of problems. What is your opinion on this issue?

For the last 3 decades, people have kept migrating from rural areas to larger cities. This has
created a lot of problems which make the cities uninhabitable. However, these people
cannot be forced to go back to their villages they are from. Therefore, it is essential that we
try to deal with these problems. Three main problems that affect cities negatively are air
pollution, congestion and a high crime rate which can be dealt with by taking effective
To begin with, one of the problems that big cities suffer from is air pollution. The main
causes of this pollution are car exhaust and the use of polluting fuels. Because of non-stop
migration, the number of vehicles and homes has increased dramatically. As a result, the
amount of chemical, poisonous gases emitted from car exhausts and chimneys has also
been rising. Ankara, for instance, used to be air-pollution free. Unfortunately, now this is no
longer the case. Some solutions can be offered for the situation, such as installing filters in
chimneys and in car exhausts. Moreover, the individuals and companies who do not use the
filters should be fined.
Another problem which is caused by migration is congestion. Cities are planned to
accommodate a certain number of people. For this reason, when the population goes over
the expected number, problems become inevitable. As a result of over-population, poorly
planned residential areas start to spring up and poor infrastructure becomes a major
concern. Lack of electricity, running water and paved roads result in suffering and
unhappiness. Traffic congestion is also a source of problems and makes people feel

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stressed. These problems can be dealt with by improving the conditions of areas those
people live in and also by building well planned suburbs with all basic necessities.
In addition to all the above mentioned problems with high immigration rates, a high crime
rate is certainly the most important problem. Crime rates in big cities are going up due to
several reasons, one of which is unemployment. Since cities are over populated and job
opportunities are limited, most people are unemployed. Unfortunately, those people have a
tendency to commit crimes so that they can survive. There are various solutions to this
problem. For example, job opportunities or government welfare support should be provided
for people who are unemployed. Additionally, unemployed people could be given
subsidized education in a technical field like plumbing so that they can be employed in the
To sum up, the problems that affect big cities negatively can be minimized or even
eliminated by taking effective measures. If action is taken, these big cities will be worth
living in. Otherwise, both inhabitants and the government will continue to suffer from the
results of over population.

1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. According to the text, how many problems are mainly caused by migration?
3. What are the ways suggested to deal with the problems caused by migration?
4. Do you think the solutions suggested are effective enough? Do you have other suggestions?

1. How does the writer start the essay?
2. What is the thesis statement?
3. What is the topic sentence of each body paragraph? What is the function of the topic
4. How does the writer support the topic sentences?
5. How are the body paragraphs organized?
6. How does the writer conclude the essay?


OUTLINING: Complete the outline below based on the essay you have read about migration.

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Thesis statement:
Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence:
Supporting Ideas:
Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence:
Supporting Ideas:
Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence:
Supporting Ideas:

If you would like to develop a problem solution relationship between the ideas in your opinion
essay, mention a problem and offer some solutions/ways to deal with it.
Discuss the following questions with your partner and report back to class.
1. How can you organise your ideas? How are the ideas organised in the sample essay you
have read?
2. What can be the most logical ways to group your ideas to help your reader follow the
problems and the solutions you suggest?

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Don't forget.....
 The first important step is making sure that your reader understands the problem and why
it needs to be solved. You can do this by
o explaining what the problem is.
 Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that
presents a risk to health.
o describing who the problem affects.
 Obesity has become a major public health problem around the
world, not only for adults, but for children as well.
o explaining how the problem affects these people.
 It is a problem because excess weight may increase the risk for many
health problems.
o explaining why the problem needs to be solved.
 The challenge is to address this problem so that both children and
adults will have a long healthy life.
o explaining why the problem has not been solved yet.
 However, obesity has been difficult to stop because consumption of
processed and convenience foods and our dependence on the car lead
to an increase in obesity and reduction in the fitness levels.
 There might be more than one solution to a problem. What a skilful problem solver should
do is to decide on the best one(s) among the others.

 Do not just list the solutions, but

o describe what the solution is.

 One solution to obesity is to change our diet and physical activity.
o explain how the solution can be implemented.
 The problem of relying on processed foods heavily, which have a high fat and
sugar content can be solved by preparing our own foods and consuming
more fruit and vegetables.
o give reasons or examples that show why the solution would work.
 This may solve the problem because we can ensure that our diets are
healthier and more balanced, which could lead to a reduction in obesity

 When trying to find solutions, one can do the following

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o look at the issue from different perspectives such as individual level,
governmental level and global level.
o consider the applicability and the feasibility of the solutions offered.
Some ways to solve problems can be....
 providing more resources e.g. allocating more money for educational issue.
 educating the public e.g. raising awareness if people do not know how to deal with
problem, changing attitudes of people.
 making laws or enforcing laws or rules if the current rules are adequate but are not
enforced e.g. smoking in public places.
 changing methods or procedures if things are not being done in the right way e.g. using
renewable energy sources to create more energy.
 adapting a solution that works for the problem e.g. adding extra taxes on cigarettes
decreases smoking.

Make sure that you have good transitions when moving from one idea to another. Here are
some suggestions.

To introduce problems
- The problem/challenge is …
- The main/key/most important problem is …
- A secondary issue/problem is …
- While … is a factor, the most urgent issue is…
- … has become a (serious) problem because
To make suggestions
- The solution to the problem lies in …
- One solution to … is …
- The problem of … can be solved/addressed by …
- … would solve the problem because…
- … is a possible solution to the problem because …
- It would help if / be a good idea if ...
- A / Another useful suggestion would be to ...
- The situation could be improved if / by ...
- Steps / Measures should be taken in order to solve / deal with ...

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Period 1&3- Writing Strand Materials UPDATED in 2021 by HA
To present results and consequences
- In this way ...
- This would ...
- Then ...
- If ..., the result would be ...
- The effect / consequence / result of ... would be ...
To make a strong comment, recommendation or call to action
- It is necessary to recognize that …
- In order to address the problem of …, we must/had better/have to …
- I sincerely hope that …

C. COHESION & COHERENCE: Using Parallel Structures

One other way to achieve cohesion and coherence is to use parallel structures in your writing.
Parallel structure is established when words within a sentence are united by consistent use of
grammatical forms. Lack of parallel structure can disrupt the rhythm of a sentence, leaving it
grammatically unbalanced. Proper parallel structure helps to establish balance and flow in a
well-constructed sentence; the alignment of related ideas supports readability and clarity. Here
are some examples of different kinds of parallel structures.

This committee needs to decide whether the

When you connect two or more clauses or company should reduce its workforce, cut
phrases with a coordinating conjunction its benefits, or lower workers’ wages.
(for, and, nor, but, or, yet, or so), use Your ultimate career choice must be based
parallel structures. on personal, professional, and financial
reasons that make sense to you.
When you connect two clauses or phrases We can neither wait for something to
with a correlative conjunction (not only… happen nor take evasive action.
but also, either…or, neither…nor, if…then, To succeed in this job, you must both learn
etc.), use parallel structures. fast and work hard.
People’s satisfaction not only lies in their
title but also in their daily work.
Most people cannot decide whether to study
abroad or to stay in their home country to

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pursue their academic studies.
Going to a movie is more entertaining than
When you connect two clauses or phrases
renting a video.
with a word of comparison, such as than or
Going for a brisk walk is as beneficial to
as, use parallel structures.
your health as going for a run.
Most people criticize public schools because
they require students to attend, receive
money from the government, and destroy
When you are comparing items in a list, use students' creativity.
parallel structures. The dictionary can be used for these
purposes: to find word meanings,
pronunciations, correct spellings, and
irregular verbs.

Exercise 1: There are five parallelism mistakes in the following passage. Identify the faulty
sentences and rewrite them correctly.

For the 10 percent of the American population that is left-handed, life is not easy. Using a pair
of scissors or to write in a spiral notebook can be very difficult. The scissors and the notebook
are two items designed for right-handers. Also, have you ever seen a "southpaw" take notes or
writing an exam at one of those right-handed half-desks? The poor "lefty" has to twist like a
yoga devotee or in the style of a circus acrobat in order to reach the paper. But a recent study
proves that being left-handed can be psychologically damaging as well as challenge a person
physically. A survey of 2,300 people showed that 20 percent more left-handers than right-
handers smoked. Could lefties smoke to relieve the tension or forgetting the problems of living
in a right-handed world?

Exercise 2: Use a parallel structure to complete each sentence.

1. Abused children commonly exhibit one or more of the following symptoms: withdrawal,
rebelliousness, restlessness, and _______________________________.

2. Eating the right foods will help you feel healthier, more attractive, and ________________.

3. Many would rather live in urban areas than ______________________________________.

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4. The nicotine in cigarettes causes not only cancer but also ___________________________.

5. Before you begin to prepare for it, you should consider whether a career has a promising
future or ___________________________________________________________________.



In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. Some people think that it may
cause problems for individuals and society. What is your opinion?
What is the problem mentioned?

Who is affected by the problem?

How does it affect these people?

Who needs to address the problem?

What is your opinion? What should be


Complete the chart below. Start by thinking about the reasons why it is a problem and come up
with effective solutions. When you are finished, choose two solutions and circle them in the
Problem: Possible Solution 1: Why/How the solution would

Possible Solution 2: Why/How the solution would


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Possible Solution 3: Why/How the solution would

Write your essay in response to the prompt above. When you write your essay, make sure that
 you follow your outline.
 you use useful expressions to talk about problems and solutions.
 you use continuing idea markers that you have studied accurately and appropriately.
 your ideas follow a logical order.

Having written your essay, please use the following checklist to evaluate your own writing:
Yes No
1. The essay consists of 4/5 paragraphs.
2. The introduction states clearly what the essay will be about.
3. There is a Topic Sentence introducing Body Paragraph 1.
4. There is a Topic Sentence introducing Body Paragraph 2.
5. The problem is explained thoroughly.
6. The solutions are explained clearly.
7. There is a concluding sentence for each Body Paragraph.
8. The conclusion summarises the main points and makes a personal comment.
9. There are linking words/phrases.
10. Parallel structures are used accurately and appropriately.
11. Useful expressions to describe problems and solutions are used accurately and


1. Below are some topics you can discuss by mentioning the problem and offering some
solutions to it. Choose one topic that interests you. Brainstorm about the topic and organise
your ideas logically.
 Overpopulation

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 The increasing consumption of GM foods
 Inequality between men and women in society
 Global Warming
 Inadequate Healthcare Services
 Excessive Use of Social Media
2. Find a classmate who has chosen the same topic. Share your ideas and compare the solutions
you have suggested.
3. Make an outline and show it to your instructor. Get feedback. Then, start writing.

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1. To what extent do you think that methods of communication have changed over the years?
2. What do you think the reasons are for this revolutionary change?
3. What are your predictions for the prospective changes?
4. Brainstorm the similarities and differences between the modern and traditional modes of
communication by filling in the Venn diagram below.



Below you will find an opinion essay question and the essay written in response. Read it
carefully and do the tasks to understand how the ideas are presented.
Topic of the sample essay:
“What is your opinion about the methods of communication people who are far away from each
other use today with those which were used 50 years ago?”

Before the advent of computers and modern technology, people who communicated over
long distances would use traditional means such as letters and the telephone. However, now
we use current communication tools, which range from email to instant messaging and
Skype. While the present and previous means of communication are generally similar,
they differ in regard to their speed and the range of tools available.

One similarity between current and previous methods of communication relates to the form
of communication. In the past, both written forms such as letters were frequently used, in
addition to oral forms such as telephone calls. Similarly, people nowadays use both of these

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forms. Just as in the past, written forms of communication are prevalent, for example via
email and text messaging. Even postcards are still used today particularly to express
appreciation or to congratulate someone. In addition, oral forms are still used, including the
telephone, mobile phone, and voice messages via instant messaging services. 
Despite similarities, there are clearly many differences in the way we communicate over long
distances, the most notable of which is speed. This is most evident in relation to written
forms of communication. In the past, letters would take days to arrive at their destination. In
contrast, an email arrives almost instantaneously and can be read seconds after it was sent. In
the past, if it was necessary to send a short message, for example at work, a memo could be
passed around the office, which would take some time to reach people. This is different
from the current situation, in which a text message can be sent immediately. To exemplify
further, memos or letters are no longer used for information flow in the workplace. On the
other hand, email services or even social networking sites like ‘WhatsApp’ are used. Overall,
we now rely more heavily on the current communication methods because they are much

Another significant difference about forms of communication is the range of communication

methods. Fifty years ago, the tools available for communicating over long distances were
primarily the telephone and the letter, so the options were quite limited. By comparison,
there are various communication methods available today. These include not only the
telephone, letter, email and text messages already mentioned, but also video conferences via
software such as Skype or mobile phone apps such as WhatsApp, and social media such as
Facebook and Twitter. Having these as new ways of communication tools has caused a
remarkable change in the way individuals communicate with each other. For example, we are
more likely to communicate with people across the world because he has the ability to do so.
In conclusion, methods of communication have greatly advanced over the past fifty years.
While there are some similarities, such as the forms of communication, there are significant
differences, chiefly in relation to the speed of communication and the range of
communication tools available. There is no doubt that technology will continue to progress
in future, and the advanced tools which we use today may one day also become outdated. 

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A. OUTLINING: Read the essay again and fill in the outline below.

Introduction Paragraph
Thesis Statement
Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence: _____________________________________________________________
o Supporting Idea 1: _____________________________________________________
 Further Details/ Examples: ________________________________________
o Supporting Idea 2: _____________________________________________________
 Further Details/ Examples: ________________________________________
Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence: _____________________________________________________________
o Supporting Idea 1: _____________________________________________________
 Further Details/ Examples: ________________________________________
o Supporting Idea 2: _____________________________________________________
 Further Details/ Examples: ________________________________________
Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence: _____________________________________________________________
o Supporting Idea 1: _____________________________________________________
 Further Details/ Examples: ________________________________________
o Supporting Idea 2: _____________________________________________________
 Further Details/ Examples: ________________________________________

Conclusion: ________________________________________________________________

When you compare and contrast subjects, it is important to reveal important similarities and
differences between them and arrive at an insight. To develop a compare & contrast relationship
in your essay, you need to …
 brainstorm as many similarities and differences as possible to fully understand what is
most significant or meaningful about the two items in relation to each other. Choose the
key points of comparison.

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 decide how to structure your essay. You can either alternate from one aspect/point of the
first subject to the same aspect/point of the other subject in each paragraph or first discuss
about one subject and describe each point of comparison with specific details before
moving to another subject in the next paragraph.
 give background information about the subjects that you are comparing in the
introduction and make sure your thesis statement …
o includes the two subjects that you are comparing.
o lists the points of comparison by using parallel structure.
o uses the language that shows if you will focus on similarities, on differences, or
on both.
e.g. Online and traditional classes are similar because they both require students
to participate, take exams, and work in groups.
 connect your ideas by using transitional words and phrases that emphasize how the
subjects are similar or dissimilar.
 make sure the main points apply equally to both subjects.


Vocabulary is another way of creating cohesion and coherence. Using repetition,
synonyms/antonyms, collocations, and words in the same lexical set (e.g. "army", "soldiers",
"barracks", "weapons") allows for the central themes to be reiterated in a way that avoids
monotony for the reader.

Exercise 1: Read the descriptions below and match the examples with appropriate methods of
cohesion and coherence.

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I. Repetition of the key This method includes both exact repetition
words and the use of different grammatical forms
of the same key word.
II. Synonyms It involves the use of lexical items which are
in some sense synonymous and helps to
show the relationship between ideas.
III. Antonyms Relationships are shown by using a word
with the opposite meaning (antonyms).
IV. General and specific One way to develop ideas and information in
words an academic text is to show hierarchical
meaning relationships amongst vocabulary
across the text.
V. Collocations Collocation is lexical cohesion which
depends upon the tendency of some words to
co-occur in texts.

A. The mobile lifestyle we know today would not be possible without vehicles such as
automobiles, buses, trams, and aircraft.
B. Sometimes people benefit from social rules that encourage them to improve their lives, even
when these laws cost more money.
C. In the past, people were intimidated by shopping for a smartphone. For one, smartphone
technology was so new that many people were afraid of it. It was also extremely expensive,
and many consumers were not sure if these phones would soon be replaced by yet another
new technology. History, of course, has shown that smartphones are here to stay.
D. Many experts in fields such as sociology, psychology, and public policy are attempting to
answer this seemingly simple question of what makes people happy and how communities,
social organizations, and employers can facilitate happiness by implementing a few simple
E. College is also more expensive than high school when it comes to the cost of learning
materials, such as textbooks. These books are not cheap, and they often wind up costing
students several hundreds of dollars once students have purchased the books for all their

Exercise 2: Identify the connections in the essay that you read about communication between
each of the words listed below. Write the equivalent word from the essay next to each
vocabulary item in the chart.

Type of Relationship

Specific / General SKYPE e.g. communication tools

Synonym instantaneously
Antonym limited

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Collocation a change
Specific / General letters
These are phrases and words that you can use to show compare and contrast relationships in
your opinion essays.

Showing Similarities-Comparing
alike equally also
in the same way likewise too
similarity in a similar fashion like
just as resemble in like manner
similarly as well as similar to
in a similar way just like not only.. but also
the same as equal both.. and

Showing Differences-Contrasting

Although, though conversely differently

on the other hand as opposed to despite
even though different from in contrast
nevertheless to the contrary but, however
in spite of on the contrary unlike
by contrast instead on the one hand
yet to compare with/to whereas, while

Exercise 1: Complete the blanks by using one of the words or phrases in the box.

while both similarly differ in addition

in contrast just as however in relation to similarity


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Before computers and modern technology, people who were communicating over long
distances used traditional means such as letters and the telephone. Nowadays we have a lot of
communication tools which can complete this task like email, instant messaging and video
calls. Although the present and past methods of communication are generally similar,
they 1______________ in terms of their speed and the range of tools available.

There are several similarities between how we communicated in the past and now. One
2______________ between current and previous methods of communication is related to the
form of communication. In the past, 3______________ written forms such as letters were
frequently used, in addition to oral forms such as telephone calls. 4______________, people
nowadays use both of these forms. 5______________ in the past, written forms of
communication are still common, such as email and text messaging. 6______________, oral
forms are still used, including the telephone, mobile phone, and voice messages via instant
messaging services. 

7______________, there are many differences in the way we communicate over long distances,
the most notable of which is speed. This is most apparent in relation to written forms of
communication. In the past, letters would take days to arrive at their
destination. 8_____________, an email arrives almost instantly and can be read seconds after it
was sent. In the past, if it was necessary to send a short message, for example at work, a memo
could be passed around the office, which would take some time to circulate. This is
9______________ from the current situation, in which a text message can be sent immediately. 

In conclusion, methods of communication have developed over the past fifty years.
10______________ there are some similarities, such as the forms of communication, there are
significant differences, mainly 11______________ the speed of communication and the range
of communication tools available. Technology will continue to develop in the future, and the
advanced tools that we use today may also become old one day. 
Taken from

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences below by using the linkers given so that the new sentence will
have the same meaning.

1. Public transportation is less expensive than driving. (not as…as)

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2. Human workers can detect malfunctions in machinery. A robot can be programmed to detect
equipment malfunctions, too. (likewise)

3. Some think that eating fast food restaurants is convenient. However, some believe it is not
healthy at all. (whereas)

4. Obesity can be deadly. It can cause a number of psychological issues, too. (not only…but


Some people prefer the quiet life of the countryside while others prefer the hustle and bustle of
city life. What is your opinion?
What is the topic and the controlling
What are the key points?

What is your opinion?


employment  better job opportunity  limited employment
o more networking opportunities
opportunities o more prone to blue
o potentially higher color jobs.
salaries o a reduction in jobs as
o a large pool of jobs the population declines.
from service o revolve around farming

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industry workers or mining
as well as

cost of living



Decide which of the ideas you will include in your essay and complete the outline below.
General description/info:
Thesis Statement (main idea):
First paragraph
Topic sentence:
Supporting Idea 1:
 Further detail 1:
o Examples/ explanation/illustration:
Supporting Idea 2:
 Further detail 1:
o Examples/ explanation/illustration:
Second paragraph
Topic sentence:
Supporting Idea 1:
 Further detail 1:
o Examples/ explanation/illustration:

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Supporting Idea 2:
 Further detail 1:
o Examples/ explanation/illustration:

Write your essay in response to the prompt above. When you write your essay, make sure that
 you follow your outline.
 you use parallel structure in your thesis statement.
 you have cohesion in your word choice.
 your points of comparison apply both subjects.
 you use discourse markers that you have studied accurately and appropriately.
 your ideas follow a logical order.

Having written your essay, please use the following checklist to evaluate your own writing:
Yes No
1. The essay consists of 4/5 paragraphs.
2. The introduction states clearly what the essay will be about.
3. There is a Topic Sentence introducing Body Paragraph 1.
4. There is a Topic Sentence introducing Body Paragraph 2.
5. There is an example or further detail for each point of comparison mentioned.
6. There is a concluding sentence for each Body Paragraph.
7. The conclusion summarises the main points and makes a personal comment.
8. There are linking words/phrases.
9. There is cohesion in the word choice.
10. Compare and Contrast vocabulary is used.


A. Below are some topics that you can discuss by presenting compare & contrast relationship.
Choose one topic that interests you. Brainstorm about the topic and organise your ideas
logically with the similarities problem and differences the solutions you suggest.
1. Does living on campus or off campus have more benefits for students while they are
studying at university?

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2. Some people believe that we learn most of the things from our own experience while
others believe that books and the internet are our main sources of knowledge. What is
your opinion on this issue?
3. Some people prefer to work for a large company whereas others prefer to work for a
small company. What is your opinion on this issue?

B. Find a classmate who has chosen the same topic. Share your ideas and compare the
solutions you have suggested.

C. Make an outline and show it to your instructor. Get feedback. Then, start writing.

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This writing strand has given you the opportunity to explore the requirements of writing at the
Upper-Intermediate level, to satisfy the end-of-level expectations. You have received practice in
producing a well-organized essay which shows a high degree of control over the use of thesis
statement, topic sentences, paragraphing, linkers, referencing and other organizational devices.
You have also been given practice in combining these features of essay writing with a range of
accurate grammar and vocabulary to express your opinion on a variety of topics. An important
part of this writing strand has been to explore the key relationship used in writing: advantage-
disadvantage, problem-solution, cause-effect and compare-contrast to convey meaning
relationships between ideas.

Below you will find a sample written response which discusses the issue of genetically-modified
food. Read the response carefully and do the tasks which follow to understand how the ideas are
Genetically-Modified Food: Scientific Miracle or Frankenstein Food?

Genetic engineering refers to the practice of artificially changing an organism's genes. This
practice may serve a different number of purposes but it is generally associated with genetically-
modified (GM) food and crops. Genetic engineering allows producers to grow crops which can
be kept for longer periods of time without decaying. However, some people think that the use of
GM foods may lead to several problems such as threats to the environment and unfair economic
distribution. While GM foods will continue to be popular, it is important to take measures to
reduce these negative environmental and economic consequences.

Genetically-modified fruit and vegetables have several drawbacks and more people are now
starting to question the impact of "artificial" food. To begin with, genetically-modified crops
cause damage to plants that grow naturally. GM crops are usually not affected by the chemical
pesticides that farmers use to keep insects away, but these strong chemicals damage all the other
nearby natural plants and vegetation. If these plants die, animals and birds that rely on them for

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food will also die. Thus, it may create a huge threat to biodiversity. Secondly, the popularity of
GM foods has an effect on the agricultural industry. The increasing popularity of GM foods
encourage food companies to take control of food production. This could lead to severe
economic problems for farmers. This is because farmers do not have the resources to compete
with these powerful food companies. In brief, damage to other natural plants and the farming
industry are the major faults of GM foods.

While the situation may look hopeless, there are in fact numerous measures that can be taken by
the government and individual citizens in order to improve the situation. In terms of
governmental action, stricter legislation is the most effective way to reduce the negative impact
of genetic engineering. The government could ban the production of GM crops in the areas
where endangered birds or animals live. Moreover, the public also has a role to play in helping
this issue. They should try to purchase organic products when they can. If more consumers
express a desire for natural, organic products, then food companies will listen and change their
behavior accordingly. All these governmental and individual measures will help eliminate the
negative effects of GM food.

In conclusion, despite strong warnings from the opponents of GM, it is clear that GM food is
here to stay and that is why we need to take an immediate action to limit its negative
environmental and economic consequences. The government can initiate strict controls and
regulations. However, the individuals also need to contribute by buying more organic products.

Comprehension Questions:
1. What is the purpose of this text?
2. The writer discusses in the text some problems connected to Genetically-Modified foods.
What are they?
3. What impact does Genetically-Modified food production have on plants and other living
4. According to the text, what measures can be taken to improve the situation with
Genetically-Modified foods?
Essay Analysis:
1. How does the writer start the essay?
2. What is the thesis statement?
3. What is the topic sentence of each body paragraph?
4. How are the body paragraphs organized? Are there other ways of organizing the ideas?

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5. How does the writer expand his/her ideas?
6. What transition markers does the writer use to show the relationship between ideas?
7. How does the writer conclude the essay?
8. Thinking about the relationship that you have studied in this writing strand, what do you
notice about the relationship between ideas in this essay?
9. If you had to change the organization of this essay and the relationship between the
ideas, what changes would you make?


The following questions can all be developed into a piece of writing. Choose one that interests
you. Brainstorm about the topic and organize your ideas logically. Ask yourself what
relationship you need to use in order to express your opinions. Find a classmate who chose the
same topic. Share your ideas. Make an outline and show it to your instructor. Get feedback. Start
writing. Try to use the appropriate language and structures discussed in this writing strand.

1. The main role of education should be to prepare students for the future. Do you agree?
2. The prevention of health problems and illnesses is more important than treatment and
medicine. To what extent do you agree?
3. Mobile phones prevent students from concentrating in the classroom. What is your
opinion on this issue?
4. Many people are influenced positively by family members, friends and even celebrities
such as footballers and musicians.
5. The experience that we get from working in a team, such as pair and group work in the
classroom, is important for our future. What is your opinion on this issue?


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