Adobe Scan 04 Jul 2021

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1Exploin woden eleeinoode iwmenaeAion cwith onientaion

and the p-p-up moclel a cwoden

Ans. (when wotemmoletule Coveivma the oleutnode
hn oteopenoting belwe waten
moletudes and the amelt oluode,
Thene m hite dupes s unlenackios ei
beween hu medal ad dhe waden molueles.
These thnee fowes one openodivt o ony
dime, v when the, eleinodle us nchag ed.
Thus, alhough. he oernode ha, mo hange.
nds,othartton on walen moleue
These odBnaukive tontesmay ovehicome the
otes dhok btndwoien molteulea dnto
Melwos in he qud phase .

When he eletodi s choqeo, the

OMes 0 odimaskton betcweenhe. meal
e CUOA en molewles still opemate, but un
add ton , the chonge on dhe melad wiu
slimulode he cwoten molatul tooviüent
We hawe seen dhat tuodem molecule
soweni -

dipoles- ane ottted by the pmesuta e a

chonqtd electnode. isount }Mom , dhy
exis un dhuumo disonnay, bu chose o ud
ht Dnden ond Oent. Nos the' dltthnade
Can be posttivelDn neqatively ohong e.
The cuoden moleuu dow ollway d e t dn
he Some Cwoyoetouur they bned poles
coh a posive aho neqaiv change, dnd
thu dhein oentotton shoulo depend tn
the chanqe on the eleuode.
lhene cn oe dwo miking CondiBions
bn heMlaton ookcoeen he chang
he olecnode ond. the
th d poles lodive. do dhe 8tunu
th melod. Ohe imi ting tondiA
OMSes 0unleri ode tho uhas,a
ive change. Sn. Suuh a reld.
Uigy posik
opole idus hein poBeial onengy
otqtng.themsolwu so hot he dpole,

AVonbecomes ponalel do the ielou.

n ohen coonds, dhe cwoteni dpuleApup
So dkod he oygen atDmsOunL n ' he he
Conac"with the elertnode, ond dhe
hdnogen end odhe cuoden potui dto he
soluion. Ths s the p-up skote. s} the
oeled cuoden moltelu.
The. oihen,mifinq, condi tion Octums when
elenom ane puiped dno he electnodk
do make v o meahi vely chonged.
Dw Ae oosts Simple. electnoastr
Qnquument, dhe ipped p dapolas cw
dun omo nd and p ddon.Sn sneuw
sAote, dhe hydwone Qn i n g h e
elertnode and Ahe oen otom s fowand
uhe Selutton.
Elre.:eld elu field
Symbol fon Symbe
trp-up dpole flop-down dipole

Cwoden molecule
Cwoct er m a l e u l

a The
p-up oentoaion
bThe lop- down bantakion oa
moecuit on n elect node.
We estoblished tho o dhe. dwo nbneme
pololA most dhe Cwoden moleuds ane
ethen n the p-up o d n uhe Lop-down
posti on s.
twhen he polendial s n uhe neqi Dn %etweuh
the dwo imAs, not onL the monomou
Cupp and lop down) twoudd be onpcted,
oux aluo he oimen spectes. TheMatio
tht edenodle tovento o dhee hnece
Conliqn oadiom s obhaincd dh Considerat

a tolltna eq um Cl:

Two monomtu toth One dümen widh

DPPDStte dpole momtht mo n t dpole
t moletule. St usmade p
men Awo water
molculu tnienied in PPosie d . The net
dpole momut &he m e gnoleuule ds zeo
atHaDads aCHDSol
(HDa, ads C)a, sol
Cwhene, HaD)ad monomens on
wnehanqed, stana
2 , d s dmeus o tht
nchasiqe d une
Fuom Akhe aloove tcle, mple kinetic
Considanation s indicote hat h e
elodive mocuts o monomen s dimens
on h &tuae olocu nom
[tHDnds k Cm (1-
+ - - kao

[tMla lads.kCa-,ea)-k,ä a
ka k.Od -
Cm Concentnafion e monomen
CA Cont ent niodion dimen
m.Pnaukion s othe Sunoue covenod
b monomeu dmens.

k's Hepresent nate Cohstouts fon e a nau

S weConsiden ha
+, 9a 1

und thad at. equil:biun he noie o

polh eacions, i.e. eqn and 2eno,

Lka) Om k t k,) - O

a tkgt k.3) - Ika)

Equakino heie awo equakions , anol
Bdoshituing on C1-Ca)

(1- aka+ k3

Equodion ves the tovemage dime

Qs a mion etheode Contants
One mont Speticokion Con be done to
uis equadion, Ond tthat us AkD amume

tho k k-ond that k. k. Then

eq heuomes

ka -

nedbing ohen than the
o kalka
kalk ds
Lontount on neortion a in
eqnO, a Cund Can
eupneed un exumso ht Aondamd
Mee ememg chang , Aaa.on the
oimens on the una
Om otion '
om the dsorloe d, monomts, 1,

hvalue o AG US-H KImol o 243 k,

Thw, Sudasti tudina is valut n eqn

Ond Solwiny seuotibn on d»One
tnds hot 6 8 and D.32
he vouunes dimeu mo na mers

n hat Megi on close. t the PzC.

I ndcoten dhot ot adhe Pzc mosh o
he Cwodem modetulss aye CumDciated
4 dimtn. Thenet he. moleculs
3 h, YLOmotn O mDn bm \ S most
prolouy ,

Odeded pahallel do
2cuare o Hhe
As the poentiol dht deunodt
o posiive voluu, dhe dimems oreou
unoinale Cwaden moltwle. eno, koqelher
cotth. he monome, they tond
Coith heih oyaens clpse he
elettnode, in the
p-ppost kion.

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