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Learner Diversity: Developmental

FS 1 2 Characteristics, Needs and Interests

(Page 22)

Learners’ Development Matrix

Record the data gathered about the learners’ characteristics and needs in the matrix. This will allow
you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items under each domain are
by no means exhausted. These are just sample indicators. You may add other aspects which you may have

High School
Development Domain
Indicate age range of children observe: 17-18

Interaction with Junior High School students (Grade 10) interact with their
Teachers teacher with confidence. They can also express their ideas with
the instructor clearly and with ease.

Interaction with They also are open to sharing own thoughts and opinions with
Classmates/Friends their classmates, discussing and clearing ideas, and improving
mistakes of each other.


Interests Their main interests would be more on personal side such as

careers, preferences, and ideals.

Others Students at Junior High School seems to be more active and

participative when the class is interactive, if they are given a
chance to speak up and voice out their thoughts regarding the
given topic.

Moods and Due to their maturity and age compared to younger year levels,
temperament, Junior High School students are capable of handling their
expression of emotions very well. They can show appropriate and controlled
feelings feelings that is suitable for a certain situation in class.

Emotional Students do not need guidance when it comes in handling and

independence emotional management. They are now aware that whatever
emotions and feelings that they show in every situation, they are
already accountable for it.

Others When it comes to High School level, there is only less

management and observation in emotional aspect because their
understanding of what should be their behavior inside class is
very evident in them.

Communication In communication, High School students are perfectly capable of

Skills communicating with each other and with their instructor in both
their native language and English. Ideas and answers to
questions are delivered clearly.

Thinking Skills Due to maturity, High School students are obviously already
good in analyzation and even in critical thinking. They are more
aligned with defining what is right and what is wrong.

Problem-solving The ability to assess and solve a problem is already evident in

High School students and compared to other levels, they can
now understand more complex and difficult problems.

Others High School students are more observant and conscious about
their cognitive ability, making them pushed and improved
themselves more.

ANALYZE (Page 25)

Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on the
characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

Implications to the Teaching-

Level Salient Characteristics Observe
Learning Process

High School

Since it is an online class, students Instructor should always be aware

are able to converse with each other to their activities, to ensure that all
Age range of learners secretly in different platform which is the attention of students are still
observed: 17-18 away from the given topic or lesson, there.
and it is sometimes unnecessary.

REFLECT (Page 26)

1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were their
age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?

As I have been observing learners, I recalled my own experiences when I was their age
especially when in Junior High School. One of my similarities with them is that I am very fond
of activities such as performance task. The class tends to get very lively and students are very
active in participating unlike when in regular lectures or discussions. When it comes with the
differences, I think one of it is our class is slightly more of a teacher-centered class but with the
students that I have observed, now it is towards a learner-centered class more.

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or not
help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did it affect you?

My teacher that I cannot forget is my social studies teacher in senior high school, particularly
in Personal Development. He definitely helped me in different aspect of my studies, especially
in subject management. I also got some advices from him with regards to emotional and social
aspect such as how to effectively participate in class discussions, how to communicate with my
classmates and so many more.

3. Share your insights here.

Time and the type of class has an essential role in student’s overall learning. Blended learning
as the current modality of classes nowadays may have its pros and cons in both teachers and
students. The success of blended learning may depend on the method and strategy of an
instructor and many more factors such as the accessibility of learning materials (internet,
gadgets, modules, etc.) so those factors should be considered before conducting this type of
learning. Student’s participation is also crucial part because this will be the basis if they
learned something from a certain topic.

FIELD STUDY 1 LEARNING EPISODE Focus on Gender, Needs, Strengths, Interests,

Experiences Language, Race, Culture, Religion,

FS 1 3 Socio-Economic Status, Difficult Circumstances,

and Indigenous People
(Page 30)


Activity 3.1: Observing differences among learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests, and
experiences; and differences among learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, religious
backgrounds, and difficult circumstances.

Resource Teacher: MARICEL T. BARBASA Teachers Signature: _____________

School: UGAD HIGH SCHOOL Grade/Year Level: 11


OBSERVE (Page 33-35)

An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

During Class:

1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students interact with one another
and with the teacher. Are there groups that interact more with the teacher than others?

Since it is an online class, class interaction is very evident as it is only the way to deliver and
gather knowledge for the students. Students are also actively participating in every class
discussions and openly shares their ideas and opinions. Also, unity and oneness in class is very

2. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or compete against
each other?

The students have more cooperation rather than competition with each other. They are more
likely complimenting their knowledge with each other, in a certain case which a student shared
an answer to a teacher’s question, other student will add a substantial answer to it.

3. Who among the students participate actively? Who among them ask for most help?
Almost all of them are openly participating in the class discussion and the teacher is the one
who circulate the topic by letting all the students share what they had in mind. Asking for help
for a certain topic is understandable and it happens to mostly all of the students too.

4. When a student is called and cannot answer the teachers’ question, do the classmates try to help
him? Or do they raise hands, so that the teacher will call them instead?

The class is very interactive, so almost all the students have something to say, other learners
just supports the previous answers given by their classmates by giving additional or
supplemental feedback or when teacher circulates the topic by letting them answer one by one.

Ask the teachers about strategies they apply to address the needs of diverse students due to the following

● Gender, including LGBT

The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world and that education has
changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken
remotely and on digital platforms. Well for my students during online class, I see to it that
there is fair treatment as regards to their gender, be it on LGBT as well. I pay attention to
their needs and do my best to offer more gender-neutral responses to them. In doing so, I
record a video of my online class in order for me to take a closer look at my own teaching
methods and interactions with students. I also get a chance to ask a feedback from learners on
how do I treat them, questions like: Do you notice any differences in how I treat boys and
girls? Have I made you feel good or bad in regards to your gender at any point? Also, I chose
about integrating a mix of boys and girls within small group projects. In this manner, they can
work together by not stereotyping their gender – “boys” and “girls”.

● Language and Cultural Differences

I encouraged learners to share information about their ethnic background as a means of

fostering a trusting relationship with fellow classmates. That learners should understand and
analyzed differences in traditions, beliefs, and social behaviors.
● Differences in Religion

In the manner of religion, the degree on strategies and approaches do not affect the subject
matter wherein the learner’s interest is the focal point in immersion.

● Socio-Economic Status

Learners who live in poverty are more subjected to health issues. They may be malnourished
or lack adequate healthcare resources. During the time when there’s no pandemic yet, the
DepEd launched the school-based feeding program and so the school head asked the advisers
from all grade levels to conduct health assessment to students to help meet student needs.
School feeding programs provide a healthy diet to learners, though simple, which facilitates
their healthy growth and development. It keeps the learners away from nutritional diseases.
But when the pandemic hits not just our country but the entire world this program of the
DepEd did not materialized in high school because there’s no face to face classes.

Also during this time of pandemic, working students and the financially challenged learners
have to work double time to meet the expected outcome in order to pass the requirement. By
understanding their situation, I encouraged learners to answers their modules at night for
them to submit their modules on time. Because some of them usually can’t attend online class, I
also approach and encourage them to ask questions whenever there are queries.

During each online class, I offer learners affirmations specifically how they can succeed in
every endeavor. At the end of every topic, I flashed inspirational quotes, offer to them hope
and encouragement and teach them life skills that would make them a better person in the


Name of the School Observed: UGAD HIGH SCHOOL


Date of Visit: NOVEMBER 14, 2021

ANALYZE (Page 36)

1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the classrooms. What
roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the leader, a mascot/joker, an attention
seeker, a little researcher, a doubter/pessimist?

Chase Ryan Gumpal and Dave Capelo are two notable students who showed amazing
performance in class. I can see them as leaders because they are the ones who initiates class
interactions and lead the students, their classmates into sharing of ideas and thoughts which is
very helpful in a class atmosphere.

2. What makes the learners assume these roles? What factors affect their behavior?

Those students assume their roles because they are constantly doing and performing it with
appropriate behavior towards their classmates and teacher. Factors affecting their behavior,
would be some class distractions and peer pressure.

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual differences of the

The teacher is educating them well about respect and encouraging learners to know more
about the differences that their classmates have. The value of respect to individual differences
is highly imposed in the class as well as the mutual understanding of learners about the reality
of being in a diverse setting.

4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in the classroom? How
does the teacher leverage diversity?

Making the students aware of their diversity is one of the techniques used by the teacher as
well as making them respect one another no matter the differences that they had, in that way
students are able to gather knowledge about a different culture, practices and beliefs that is not
common to them. The teacher surely leverage from it because she is able to maximize her
teaching style, methods, and practices according to each diverse pattern of learners.

REFLECT (Page 37)

1. How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity among the
learners and between the teacher and the learners?
Despite of a diverse setting in the class that I have observed, I still feel the sense of
belongingness both with the instructor and the students. Harmony in class is also evident as
they are all open minded and aware of each other. When it comes to unity, it is maintained
from the beginning up to the end of the class. Everyone is given a chance to speak up and while
others listens.

ANALYZE (Page 40)

1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher?

It definitely matches the information which was given by the instructor. All the said
observations are imminent in the classroom and both the observer and the teacher are aware
of it. It was all accurate and based on concrete observatory evidences.

2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class? What practices or strategies are
done or should be done to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the learners.

As far as the observation has been, there is not much of the difference in ability level of
students in class, as they are willingly and actively participating in the discussions provided
that they are all given a chance to speak and share. In case there are any of the difference when
it comes to ability level, the teacher must have some adjustments on the pacing of the lectures
and instructions, appropriate for a certain ability level.

3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’ differences in abilities. How did
the students respond to the teacher? Did the teacher use differentiated instruction? If yes, describe

One effective method that the teacher used that is very evident in the class is the ability to listen
to what the learner has to say or if the learner has a request needed to attain an effective
knowledge- gathering. The students are more willing to follow what the teacher has to say or
specifically, her instructions. Yes the teacher used a differentiated instruction by analyzing
what she has to cater and what to adapt to meet the individual needs of the students.

REFLECT (Page 40)

1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high and low achievers in
your class? How did your teacher deal with differences in abilities? Was your teacher affective?

When I was in my elementary and high school, almost all my teacher has the same strategy and
method on how they will cater with every individual learner’s needs, and that is the pacing.
Both the high and low achievers are in one classroom so teachers should find a way on how to
balance the teaching-learning process on class. And using a teaching pace appropriate for
everyone is a good move that they have done.
2. What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet the needs of the learners?

Being able to adapt and be flexible to all the learners is a must for an educator to succeed and
attain a good teaching-learning atmosphere in classroom.


Learner Diversity: The Community

FS 1 4 and Home Environment

(Page 52)

Suggested Parent Interview Guide (Page 55)

Your teacher may ask you to use a more detailed interview guide. Be free to translate the questions,
if necessary.

Name of Learners:

Date of Birth:____________________________________________ Age:________________

Grade/Year Level:________________________________________ Gender:______________

Number of Siblings:______________________________________

Birth Order:_____________________________________________



Age:____________ Occupation:_________________ Educational Attainment:___________________


Age:____________ Occupation:_________________ Educational Attainment:___________________

Learner’s Physical Aspect:


1. Mother’s Health during pregnancy with the learner:


2. Ailments or Health problems of the learner as a child:


3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk:


4. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:


5. Who talked care of him/her as a child?


Learner’s Social Aspect:

1. Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner).


2. Who were the learner’s playmates?

3. As a child then, was he/she allowed to play outside?


4. Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?


5. Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out?


6. What are these rules?



1. What are your expectations of your child?


2. How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?


3. Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you do to meet his/her
emotional needs?


4. What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?


How do you discipline your children?

1. Do you have rules in your house? What are they?


2. How do you impose the rules?


3. What are the consequences of breaking the rules?


Learner’s Cognitive Aspect:

1. What are the child’s interests?


2. What is he/she good at in school?


3. In what subject/s he/she have difficulty?


4. How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her?


5. Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits?


6. What are these rules? How are they implemented?


ANALYZE (Page 57)

Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you answer the
questions here:
1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced by the
learner? Explain your answer.


2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do you think
contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school?


3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If yes, what are these


4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the development and learning of the
students? Who are the people or which institutions can the teacher tap to seek advice regarding the
development and learning of students?


ANALYZE (Page 62)

Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you answer the questions

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced by the
learner? Explain your answer.


2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do you think
contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school?


3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If yes, what are these

REFLECT (Page 63)

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience? How did it
affect you?


2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can you work well
with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?



Creating an Appropriate Learning

FS 1 5 Environment

(Page 64)


Activity 5.1: Managing Time, Space and Learning Resources

Resource Teacher:___________________________ Teacher’s Signature:______________________

School:____________________________________ Grade/Year Level:________________________

Subject Area:_______________________________ Date:__________________________________

OBSERVE (Page 65)

Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your observations.

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.


2. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?


3. Can the learners already work independently?


4. Describe their span of attention.

ANALYZE (Page 66)

Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom management practices. It is also good to
ask the teacher for additional information, so you can validate your observation. Write your notes below;
and then organize your data in the Table that follows.

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules reinforce positive


3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource Teacher is available, ask
him/her to describe the process. What's the effect of student’s participation in rule-making on student's


4. What are the daily routines done by the Resource Teacher? (prayer, attendance, assignment of monitors,
warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?


6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?


7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the Resource Teacher do? Describe the
behavior strategies used.


8. What does the Resource Teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior strategies).


REFLECT (Page 67)

Reflection as a future teacher

1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?



Resource Teacher: ______________________________ Teacher’s Signature_______________

School: _________________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ________________

Subject Area: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________

OBSERVE (Page 67)


Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix.

Effect of the Learners

Aspects of Classroom
Description (to be filled out after you answer
the analysis question)

1. Classroom Rules

2. Classroom Procedures

3. Daily Routines

4. Handling

5. Reinforcement of
Positive Behavior

ANALYZE (Page 68)

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and routines?
What theories and principles should you have in mind?

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In motivating
students? Why were they effective?

REFLECT (Page 68)

Reflect on the following and write your insights.

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what level do you see yourself? What
routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why?
2. Make the list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these rules?

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?



Classroom Management and

FS 1 6 Classroom Routines

(Page 72)



Resource Teacher: ____________________________ Teacher’s Signature_____________________

School: _______________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ______________________

Subject Area: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________

OBSERVE (Page 73)

Observe the classroom routines of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the given checklist.


Check Yes ( ) if observed and (x) if not observed.

Classroom Routines Observed ( ) Not Observed (X)

2. Transition in classroom activities

5. Passing of papers

7. Working with pairs/groups

8. Tardy students

9. Absent students

10. Submission/Collection of materials

11. Submission of projects

12. Asking questions during lessons

13. Asking for assistance

14. Joining classroom activities

20. Checking of assignments

Others please specify.

ANALYZE (Page 74)

Analyze the routines set by the Resource Teacher by answering the following questions.

1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why not?

2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your answer.

REFLECT (Page 74)

Reflect on the various routines observed.

1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?


Resource Teacher: ____________________________ Teacher’s Signature_____________________

School: _______________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ______________________

Subject Area: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________

OBSERVE (Page 75)

Observe a class and list down the classroom rules formulated by the Resource Teacher. Cite the
importance of these rules.
Classroom rules are imperative and must be reinforced for learners" safety and security. Rules also
teach discipline and self-control. Rules eliminate stress and will provide a more pleasant, secured and non-
threatening environment. Rules ensure the students' engagement and focus in their classroom activities.

Classroom Rules Importance

1. E.g. Read directions well. - Ensures less error in answering the activity.




ANALYZE (Page 75)

1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?

2. Are classroom rules really important?


REFLECT (Page 76)

Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the resource Teacher. Will you have the same rules?
What rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.

Physical and Personal Aspects of

FS 1 7 Classroom Management

(Page 79)




Resource Teacher: ____________________________ Teacher’s Signature_____________________

School: _______________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ______________________

Subject Area: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________

OBSERVE (Page 81)

Observe a class and interview the Resource Teacher. Ask how the personal and physical aspects of
classroom management ensure proper classroom management and discipline.
Check if these aspects were observed in the classroom.
Aspects of Classroom Management YES NO

1. Personal Classroom Management

1.1 Is the teacher well-groomed that he/she demands respect from the learners?

1.2 Is the teacher's voice modulated and can be heard by the entire class?

1.3 Was the teacher present in class?

1.4 Did the teacher arrive on time in class?

1.5 Does the teacher exude a positive attitude towards teaching?

ANALYZE (Page 81)

Analyze the different elements of personal/physical classroom management and answer the
following questions

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect the classroom instructions?

2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?


3. Why do we need to check the physical aspects of classroom management?


REFLECT (Page 82)

Reflect on the aspect of personal and classroom management.

1. What does the statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain. “No amount of good instruction will
come out without effective classroom management”
2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management?

Resource Teacher: ____________________________ Teacher’s Signature_____________________

School: _______________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ______________________

Subject Area: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________

OBSERVE (Page 83)

Observe the classroom management strategies that your Resource Teacher employs in the classroom.
You may also conduct an interview to substantiate your observation.

Check the management strategies employed by the Resource Teacher.

Check ( ) Observed, put an (X) if not observed and (O) for no opportunity to observe.

Effective Classroom Management Strategies Observed Opportunity
to Observed

1. Model to the students how to act in different situations.

2. Establish classroom guidelines.

3 Document the rules.

4. Refrain from punishing the entire class.

5. Encourage initiative from class.

5. Offer praise and rewards

7. Use non-verbal communication.

8. Take time to celebrate group effort.

9. Let students work in groups.

10. Interview students to assess their needs.

11. Address bad behaviour quickly.

12. Consider peer teaching.

13. Continuously engage the students.

14. Assign open-ended project.

15. Write group contracts.

Others (Please specify)

ANALYZE (Page 84)

Analyze the checklist you have accomplished and answer the given questions:

1. How many strategies were employed by the Resource Teacher? Did these contribute to the better
classroom management? Explain your answer.

2. What were not used by the Resource Teacher? Were these important? What should have been used
instead? Explain.

REFLECT (Page 84)

As a future teacher, reflect on the observations then answer the given question.

1. What classroom management strategies do I need to employ to respond to diverse types of learners?


Show piece(s) of evidence of learning to capture the classroom management strategies used by
your Resource Teacher.


Close Encounter with the School

FS 1 8 Curriculum

(Page 88)


It’s time to look around. Discover what curriculum is operating in the school setting. Recall the types
of curriculum mentioned earlier. Can you spot where these are found?

OBSERVE (Page 91)

Resource Teacher: ____________________________ Teacher’s Signature_____________________

School: _______________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ______________________

Subject Area: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________


Resource Teacher: ____________________________ Teacher’s Signature_____________________

School: _______________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ______________________

Subject Area: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________

ONSERVE (Page 94)

This activity requires a full lesson observation from Motivation to Assessment,

1. Secure permit to observe one complete lesson in a particular subject, in a particular grade year level.
2. Keep a close watch on the different components of the miniscule curriculum: the lesson
3. Follow the three major components of a curriculum (Planning, Implementing and Evaluating/Assessing).
Observe and record your observation.

Observe and Record Observation on the Following Aspects

(Note: Gumamit lang ng isang Lesson Plan sa lahat ng parts sa Episode 8 and 9 except sa may Activity
Major Key Guide for Observation (Carefully look for the indicators/behaviour of the
Curriculum teacher along the key points. Write your observation and description in your
Components notebook.)

A. Planning 1. Borrow the teacher's lesson plan for the day. What major parts do you see?
Request a copy for your use.

Answer the following questions:

a. What are the lesson objectives/learning outcomes?


b. What are included in the subject matter?


c. What procedure or method will the teacher use to implement the plan?


d. Will the teacher assess or evaluate the lesson? How will this be done?


B. Implementing Now it's time to observe how the teacher implemented the prepared lesson plan.
Observe closely the procedure.

a. How did the teacher begin the lesson?


b. What procedure or steps were followed?


c. How did the teacher engage the learners?


d. Was the teacher a guide at the side?


e. Were the learners on task?/ Or were they participating in the class activity?

f. Was the lesson finished within the class period?


Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here you make observations to find evidence
of learning.

a. Were the objectives as learned outcomes achieved?


b. How did the teacher assess/evaluate it?

C. Evaluating/ _______________________________________________________________
Assessing _______________________________________________________________

c. What evidence was shown? Get pieces of evidence.

ANALYZE (Page 95)

Write a paragraph based on the data you gathered using these key questions?

1. How does the teacher whom you observed compare to the ideal characteristics or competencies of global
quality teachers?
2. Was the lesson implemented as planned? Describe.
3. Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was taught? Happy and eager? Satisfied
and contented? Disappointed and exhausted?
4. Can you describe the majority of students' reactions after the lesson was taught? Confused? Happy and
eager? Contented? No reactions at all.

REFLECT (Page 95)

Based on your observations and tasks in Activity 2 how will you prepare your lesson plan?
Make a short paragraph on the topic.


Resource Teacher: ____________________________ Teacher’s Signature_____________________

School: _______________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ______________________

Subject Area: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________

OBSERVE (Page 96)

Using the diagram below fill the component part of s lesson plan

I. Title of the Lesson: _______________________________________________________________

II. Subject Area: ___________________________________________________________________
III. Grade/Year level: _______________________________________________________________

Outcomes Teaching Method Assessment

Fill this up Fill this up Fill this up

ANALYZE (Page 97)

Answer the following questions based on the diagram.

1. Are the three components constructively aligned? Explain.


2. Will the outcomes be achieved with the teaching methods used? Why?

3. What component would tell if the outcomes have been achieved?


REFLECT (Page 97)

What lessons have you learned in developing or writing a lesson plan?

What will it give to the teacher if the three components are aligned?



Preparing for Teaching and
FS 1 9 Learning
(Page 101)

A teaching method consists of systematic and orderly steps in the teaching-learning process. It is the
practical realization or application of an approach. All methods of teaching can be classified either as
deductive (direct) or inductive (indirect).

Begins with a rule, Begins with the
Methods concreate, experience,
generalization, of
abstraction and ends details, examples
Teaching and ends with a rule,
with concreate,
experience, details, generalization,
examples abstraction




Resource Teacher: ____________________________ Teacher’s Signature_____________________

School: _______________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ______________________

Subject Area: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________

OBSERVE (Page 102)

Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning given in Revisit the Learning Essentials. I
will identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of learning. I can cite more than one
evidence per principle of learning.

What did the Resource Teacher do to apply the

Principles of Learning
principle of learning?

1. Effective learning begins with the setting

of clear and high expectations of learning

2. Learning is an active process.

3. Learning is the discovery of personal

meaning and relevance of ideas.

4. Learning is a cooperative and a

collaborative process. Learning is enhanced
in an atmosphere of cooperation and

ANALYZE (Page 103)

1. What principles of learning were most applied? Least applied?




Give instances where this/these principle/s could been applied.

REFLECT (Page 103)

From one of the principles of learning, which one do yo think is the most important?




Resource Teacher: ____________________________ Teacher’s Signature_____________________

School: _______________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ______________________

Subject Area: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________

OBSERVE (Page 104)

Observe a class, this time focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated. Determined if the learning
outcomes was/were achieved or not. Give evidence.

1. Write the learning outcomes stated in the lesson.

Learning Outcomes Achieved

Yes No Yes No

ANALYZE (Page 105)

Do a smart objectives make the lesson more focused?


REFLECT (Page 105)

Reflect on the Lesson learned in determining SMART learning outcomes.

Utilizing Teaching-Learning
FS 1 11 Resources and ICT

(Page 121)

(Page 129)

Name of Centered Observed: _______________________________________________

Date of Observation: _____________________________________________________

Name of Observer: _______________________________________________________



Impression about the LRC

Name and Signature of Observer

Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-charge

ANALYZE (Page 133)


Grade/Year Level of Class Observed:_________________________________

Date of Observation: __________________________

Subject Matter:_______________________________(per quarter)

Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the teacher:

Teaching Aids used Strengths Weaknesses Appropriateness of

Teaching Aids Used
(Enumerate in bullet
Use the Technology Integration Form to analyze the class you observed. Refer to the Technology Integration
Matrix on page 123, in which level of technology integration do you think the teacher you observed
operated? Why?


Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what isa the characteristic of the learning environment in the
class that you observed? Point your observation that justify your answer.


Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why not? Give your suggestions.


REFLECT (Page 134)

Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would differently if you
would teach the same lesson to the group of students? Why?

FIELD STUDY 1 LEARNING EPISODE Assessment For Learning and

Assessment As Learning
FS 1 12 (Formative Assessment)
(Page 153)




Resource Teacher: ____________________________ Teacher’s Signature_____________________

School: _______________________________________ Grade/Year Level: ______________________

Subject Area: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________

OBSERVE (Page 154-156)

1. Observe what Teacher does or listen to what Teacher says to find out if the students understood the
lesson while teaching learning is in progress.
What Teacher Said Tally Total

What Teacher Did Tally Total

2. Did the teacher ask the class "Did you understand"? If she did, what was the class response?

3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not understand the lesson or a part of the
lesson? How?

4. If they did, how did the teacher respond?


5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification? How was this done?

6. If she found out that her/his lesson was not clearly understood, what did teacher do? Did you observe
any of these activities? Please check.

________ Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by teacher to teach one or two classmates
________ Each- one-teach-one (Students paired with one another)
________ Teacher gave a Module for more exercises for lesson mastery
________ Teacher did re-teaching
________ Others, please specify.

7. If she engaged himself/herself in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did he/she use the same teaching
strategy? Describe.

8. While re-teaching by himself/herself and /or with other students-turned tutors, did teacher check on
students" progress? If yes, how?

ANALYZE Page (156-157)

1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while teaching is in progress? It
is not better to do a once-and-for- all assessment at the completion of the entire lesson?

2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask "Did you understand, class?" when he/she intends to
check on learners' progress?

3. Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading purposes? Why or why not?
4. Based on your observations, what formative assessment practice worked?

5. For formative assessment, why is peer tutoring in class sometimes seen to be more effective than
teacher himself/herself doing the re-teaching or tutoring?

6. Could an unreasonable number of failures at the end of the term/grading period be attributed to the
non-application of formative assessment? Why or why not?

REFLECT (Page 157)

● Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this and write your reflections.
● Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why not?


Assessment Of Learning
FS 1 13 (Summative Assessment)
(Page 165)

ANALYZE (Page 167)

1. Are all the assessment tasks aligned to the learning outcome?


2. What are possible consequences if teacher’s assessment tasks are not aligned to learning outcome/s ?
Does this affect assessment result? How?


REFLECT (Page 168)

● Reflect on past assessment you have been through. Were they all aligned with what your teacher
taught with learning outcomes?

● How does this affect your performance? As a future teacher, what lesson do you learn from this past
experience and from this observation?

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