Movie Reflection

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Beltran, Jeshan Y.


Movie Reflection: Words on Bathroom Walls

1. What can you say about the movie generally?

The movie was great, the production did great in showing the effects of Schizophrenia to

a person. They show different people as his alter egos and how there is a dark side of it.

I like how it is like a session style kind of movie as the main character shares his life

story to us the audience. Also the way the main character acted his role was good. His

acting felt real that he really was struggling with the disease. Also I like how they show

the medications and sessions in order to get the "cure". Overall the movie made me

more curious about how mentally ill people live and how these alter their everyday

activities, also on how each individual struggles to live with it.

2. Was there something you didn't understand about the movie? Specify.

One thing that I didn't get was the part where the topic was about schizophrenia, more

like in the first part of the movie, the illness was not explained in detail. There are only

some parts that I did not get when it's about the illness, the discussion related to the

illness was not discussed in a deep matter.the topic on the illness was more on the

general experience of patients with schizophrenia, like how they are perceived socially

and how they struggle individually. So I had some thoughts I could not understand that

much, on how it developed or was it inherited or some factors that environmentally

affected the person to develop such illness.

3. Did anything that happened in this movie remind you of something that has

occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?

I was reminded on what I experience with my friend, my friend suffered with a mental

illness and somehow she looked well and was good in hiding away her struggle, but it
got to a point where she was with another company that somehow triggered more of

what is going on inside her mind to the point she took her life. Even though we were

always there for her, her struggle still continued because of some people who do not

take her seriously like her family. In the movie many people did not understand his

situation and did not take his condition seriously and he was being bullied for it.

4. What feelings did you share with any of the characters in the movie?

One is the feeling of sadness when you see a loved one struggle on something that you

do not know what to do to comfort them, especially when they are staying away from you

and from others. Second, the feeling of honesty and acceptance. The moment when the

main character confessed his illness in front of many people. He was finally honest to

himself that he has an illness and the black thing went aways as he started to accept

himself. Third is courage. He finally got the courage to open up to his step dad and tell

his significant other that he has an illness, and when he told his story at graduation in

front of many people.

5. What part of the story told by the movie was most powerful? Why?

The part he read the letter sent by his mother, that contains the email his stepfather sent

to the school. This was very powerful to me because this was the start of acceptance,

especially when he started to accept and see the love of his stepfather. He was able to

open up and hug his stepfather realizing that he was listening to the voices in his head

and had closed himself. That part started his acceptance of his illness, his family and his

courage to live on and continue life despite having his condition. Even though the dark

matter lingered his father specifically helped him in shutting those doors as he enjoys his

life with his loving family.

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