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Analyzing a Job Interview 100 points

Use the link below to watch the video:

After watching the video, use your textbook to support your claims and answer the five
questions below.

1. Did the participants do an effective job at the beginning of the job interview? Why or
why not? Was the purpose of the interview clearly established?

The participants did do an effective job at the beginning of the interview. The interviewer
greeted the interviewee properly and proceeded to ask thorough questions that allowed
them to determine if the interwiee would be a good fit for the company. The purpose of the
interview was clearly established which was a job interview for the person interested in the
position of a bank teller.

2. Using the examples in your textbook, describe what type of questions were asked by the

The interviewer asked the interviewee several questions that are mentioned in the textbook
including: open-ended (“Tell me about yourself”) and behavioral. The interviewee asked
questions such as experience verification questions, skillset questions (strengths and
weaknesses), and questions for future plans within the company.
3. In your opinion, how did the interviewee respond to questions he was asked during the

In my opinion, the interviewee did a great job at answering the questions he was asked. He
answered them tactfully and apparently honest. He elaborated on each question asked and
did not stumble on his words, while remaining alert and having commendable eye contact
and body control.

4. What does the nonverbal communication of the interviewer and the interviewee
suggest relative to their relational connection and the overall tone of the interview?

The interviewee and interviewer greeted one another by standing and shaking hands while
introducing themselves, which shows there is not a relationship that has already been
established between the two. The relational connection is formal. Eye contact and facial
expressions are general, or as can be expected in an interview or between two people who
have not previously met. The tone of the interviewer’s and interviewee’s voices are also
level and without emotion that would allow someone to determine them as previously met.
Everything about the interview is very formal.
5. According to your textbook, toward the end of the interview the interviewee has five
basic responsibilities. Explain and describe how the interviewee concluded this

The interviewer signaled the end of the interview by expressing that she had no further
questions and asking the interviewee what his questions were. The interviewee
wrapped it up by asking the questions that he had about the company. He asked about
the schedule he’d possibly be working as well as when he could expect to hear back
from the company. Upon leaving, he stood and shook the interviewer’s hand to show
respect for their time. He expressed satisfaction with the interaction and interview he
had to hopefully leave a good, lasting impression.

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