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Efender = Energy to be absorbed by the fender system [3.2] Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
Nov. 2000, FEMA 356, “Prestandard and
Evessel = Berthing energy of vessel [ft-lbs]
Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
F = Site Class F as defined in Table 31F-6-1 Buildings,” Washington, D.C.
Fa, Fv = Site coefficients from Tables 31F-3-3 and [3.3] Idriss, I.M. and Sun, J.I., 1992, “User’s Manual
31F-3-4, respectively for SHAKE91, A Computer Program for
FA = Accidental factor accounting for abnormal Conducting Equivalent Linear Seismic Response
conditions Analyses of Horizontally Layered Soil Deposits,”
Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of
g = Acceleration due to gravity [32.2 ft/sec2] Civil and Environmental Engineering, University
h = Elevation above water surface [feet] of California, Davis, CA.
k = Radius of longitudinal gyration of the vessel [ft] [3.4] Somerville, Paul G., Smith, Nancy F., Graves,
Robert W., and Abrahamson, Norman A., 1997,
K = Current velocity correction factor (Fig 31F-3-2) “Modification of Empirical Strong Ground Motion
PGAX = Peak ground acceleration corresponding to the Attenuation Relations to Include the Amplitude and
site class under consideration. Duration Effects of Rupture Directivity,”
Seismological Research Letters, Volume 68,
s = Water depth measured from the surface Number 1, pp.199-222. >
Sa = Spectral acceleration [3.5] Pile Buck Inc., 1992, “Mooring Systems, A Pile
S1 = Spectral acceleration value (for the boundary of Buck Production,” Jupiter, FL.
Site Classes B and C) at 1.0 second [3.6] Oil Companies International Marine Forum
SS = Spectral acceleration value (for the boundary of (OCIMF), 2008, “Mooring Equipment Guidelines
Site Classes B and C) at 0.2 seconds (MEG3),” 3rd ed., London, England.
SX1 = Spectral acceleration value at 1.0 second [3.7] Ferritto, J., Dickenson, S., Priestley N., Werner, S.,
corresponding to the period of S1 and the site Taylor, C., Burke, D., Seelig, W., and Kelly, S.,
class under consideration 1999, “Seismic Criteria for California Marine Oil
Terminals,” Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Technical Report
SXS = Spectral acceleration value at 0.2 seconds TR-2103-SHR, Naval Facilities Engineering
corresponding to the period of SS and the site Service Center, Port Hueneme, CA.
class under consideration
[3.8] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
T = Draft of vessel (see Figure 31F-3-2) Contact: National PORTS Program Manager,
T = Period [sec] Center for Operational Oceanographic Products
and Services, 1305 EW Highway, Silver Spring, MD
T0 = Period at which the constant acceleration and
constant velocity regions of the design spectrum
intersect [3.9] Department of Defense, 3 October 2005 (Change 2,
23 June 2016), Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-
Vc = Average current velocity [knots]
159-03, “Design: Moorings,” Washington, D.C.
vc = Current velocity as a function of depth [knots]
[3.10] Chakrabarti, S. K., 1987, “Hydrodynamics of
Vh = Wind speed (knots) at elevation h Offshore Structures,” Computational Mechanics.
VL = Over land wind speed [3.11] Kriebel, David, “Mooring Loads Due to Parallel
Vn = Berthing velocity normal to the berth [ft/sec] Passing Ships,” Technical Report TR-6056-OCN,
US Naval Academy, 30 September 2005.
vt = Velocity over a given time period
[3.12] Wang, Shen, August 1975, “Dynamic Effects of
Vt=30sec = Wind speed for a 30 second interval Ship Passage on Moored Vessels,” Journal of the
Vw = Wind speed at 33-foot (10 m) elevation [knots] Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering
Division, Proceedings of the American Society of
W = Total weight of vessel and cargo inpounds Civil Engineers, Vol. 101, WW3, Reston, VA.
[displacement tonnage × 2240]
[3.13] Seelig, William N., 20 November 2001, “Passing
WD = Water Depth (Figure 31F-3-2) Ship Effects on Moored Ships,” Technical Report
3103F.11 References. TR-6027-OCN, Naval Facilities Engineering
Service Center, Washington, D.C.
[3.1] American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),
2017, ASCE/SEI 41-17 (ASCE/SEI 41), “Seismic [3.14] Moffatt & Nichol, April 2007, “Tsunami Hazard
Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings,” Assessment for the Ports of Long Beach and Los
Reston, VA. Angeles – FINAL REPORT,” prepared for the
Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.


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