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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name:____________________________ Section:_________________

I. Read each question carefully. Choose and encircle the letter that corresponds to the best

_____1. Earthquakes generate ______________.

A) weathering B) tsunami C) tropical cyclone D) flash flood

_____2. Which of the following describes a normal fault?

A)A B)B C)C D)
_____3. Which of the following describes a reverse fault?
A)A B)B C)C D)
_____4. A record of the seismic waves detected by an instrument that
monitors ground vibration is ________.
A) seismogram B) seismograph C)seismologist D)seismometer

_____5. Which indicates the correct labels of the part of the earthquake components?

A.) A- epicenter, B-focus,

C-fault scarp, D-fault

B.) A- focus , B-epicenter,

C-fault, D-fault scarp

C.) A- focus, B-fault

C- fault scarp, D- epicenter

D.) A- focus , B-fault ,

C-epicenter D. fault scarp
_____6. Which of the following statements best explains the cause of earthquake?
A) The cooling of the earth’s interior.
B) The stored energy on a fault.
C) The rotation of Earth around its axis.
D) There are rocks that break along a zone of weakness
_____7. Predict what would happen to the lines as you move the sheets slowly in the direction
shown in the illustration below .
A) The lines will be broken.
B) The lines will be override each other.
C) The lines will be moved apart from each other.
D) There will be no movement on the lines.

_____8. What is the point in the crust where the rock layer breaks?
A) creep B) epicenter C )hypocenter D) focus
_____9. The area on the earth’s surface directly above the point where the rock layer breaks is called
A) epicenter B)focus C) intensity D) magnitude
_____10. Which of the following refers to the ripples or disturbance that carry energy from an
earthquake along the earth’s surface or underneath the crust.
A) Seismic boundary B) Seismic focus C) Seismic tremor D)Seismic wave
_____11. What measure is used to indicate the effects or visible damage done by an earthquake?
A) intensity B) magnitude C) seismic strength D) seismic origin
_____12. Which of the following is a measure of the energy released by an earthquake?
A) epicentre B) focus C) intensity D) magnitude
_____13. Earthquake waves also called __________.
A) primary waves B) seismic waves C) tidal waves D) secondary waves
_____14. Which of the following is the slowest but most destructive seismic wave?
A) Primary wave B) Secondary wave C) Surface wave D) Tidal wave
_____15. Which of the following describes a fault?
A) A fracture within earth where rock movement occurs.
B) A measure of the magnitude of an earthquake.
C) A stonework or brick.
D) The large scale motion of earth’s lithosphere.
_____16. The rock above the fault surface move downward along with the rock below it. Which of
the following kinds of fault describes it?
A) normal fault B)reverse fault C) strike-slip fault D)none of these
_____17. Which of the following earthquake intensity describes as devastating.
_____18. Which of the following is characterized by the upward and downward movements of the
crustal plates due to pressure?
A) Tectonic earthquake B) Volcanic earthquake C)Tsunami D) Typhoon
_____19. Why are P waves consider compressional waves?
A) They cause material that they are travelling through to move together or break apart
B) They do NOT cause material that they are travelling through to move together or break
C) They can be compared to ocean waves that show rise and fall on the surface.
D) They can cause side to side shaking
_____20. Which of the following includes in locating safest areas to hide in during earthquakes and
preparing the essential things to do before the quake?
A) Develop a disaster plan C)Prepare survival kits
B) Secure your home D)Conduct earthquake drills
_____21. What must be included in your survival kit?
A) Canned goods, radio, medicine and water
B) Canned goods, make up kit, water
C) Water, medicine kit, swim wares, flashlight
D) Water, medicine kit, flashlight, nail polish
_____22. Which of the following statement best explain why the Philippines belong to the
Pacific Ring of Fire?
A) Philippines comprises of different ethnic group.
B) It is included along the area encircling the Pacific Ocean where earthquakes and volcanic
activity occurs.
C) It is included in the area along the West Philippine Sea.
D) It is not included along the area encircling the Pacific Ocean where earthquakes and
volcanic activity occurs.
_____23. Why is the area along a fault at risk during an earthquake?
A) It is the center of an earthquake.
B) Faults will move during an earthquake.
C) Faults will not move during an earthquake.
D) Faults causes the collision and eventually vibrations of the rocks
_____24.What type of waves brought by seismic vibrations on the sea floor?
A) Tsunamis B) landslide C) tidal waves D) S- wave
_____25. It is a soil displacement that occur when earthquakes happen.
A) Landslide B) flash flood C) liquefaction D) sink hole
_____26.The following scales make use of observing the physical effect of earthquakes on
people, structures and surroundings EXCEPT _______
A) Mohr’s Scale C) Rossi-Forel Scale
B) Richter Scale D) PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale
_____27. Which of the following should the government do to mitigate or prevent widespread
disasters when an earthquake strikes?
A) Strictly implements building codes
B) Train and form groups as immediate responders
C) Conduct disaster preparedness drills in schools, governments, and communities
D) All of the above
_____28. Which of the following intensity scale where most people are frightened and run
outdoors, heavy objects and furniture overturn or topple?
_____29. What kind of seismic waves which disappear as it reaches earth’s core?
A) P- Waves B) S-waves C) L-waves D) tidal waves
_____30. It refers to the outermost layer of the earth.
A) Inner core B) Outer core C) mantle D) crust
_____31. The solid metallic sphere at the center of the earth.
A) Inner core B) Outer core C) mantle D) crust
_____32. Why do seismic waves speed up when they travel deeper into the crust?
A) At depth, the rocks are denser.
B) At depth, the rocks are lighter.
C) It means the rocks are of different composition.
D) The rocks are completely molten or liquefied.
_____33. How are earthquake waves be used in learning about earth’s interior?
A) It gives us a picture of earth’s interior through the analysis of the seismic waves.
B) It gives ideas what to do during disasters and calamities.
C) It gives scientist idea about the surface of the earth.
D) It provides an image about the ocean floor.
_____34. What is the International Name of Tropical Storm Sendong?
A) Bopha B) Washi C) Yoyong D) Agaton
_____35. The general term for typhoon in the Philippines is _________.
A) cyclone B) tropical depression C) tropical storm D) Bagyo
_____36. The term hurricane is used only if the cyclone formed from __________.
A) North-western part of Pacific Ocean.
B) North-eastern part of Pacific Ocean and Northern part of Atlantic Ocean.
C) Southern part of Pacific Ocean and northern part of Atlantic Ocean.
D) Southern part of Atlantic Ocean.
_____37. What do you think is the movement of the tropical cyclone?
A) Clockwise B)Counter- clockwise C) Circular D)Upside down
_____38. The term typhoon is used only if the cyclone is formed from ________________.
A) Pacific Ocean C) North-western part of Pacific Ocean
B) Northern Part of Atlantic Ocean D) North-eastern part of Pacific Ocean
_____39. Which of the following is the wind speed of the Tropical Storm?
A) 62-88 kph B) 89-117 kph C) 118-220 kph D) above 220 kph
_____40. Why is Philippines prone to tropical cyclone?
A) because it is found in the Pacific Ring of Fire.
B) because it is found in the North-western part of the Pacific Ocean.
C) because it is facing the Pacific Ocean.
D) because it is embodied with water.
_____41. Cyclone Yolanda has a wind speed of 225 kph, in what categories of a typhoon does it
A) Tropical depression B) Tropical Storm C) Typhoon D) Super Typhoon
_____42. Which of the following is needed in the cyclone formation?
A) Landmasses B) Sublimation C) Water vapor D) Condensation
_____43. In Public Storm Warning Signal #1, what is the expected number of hours of irregular
A) 12 hours B) 24 hours C) 36 hours D) 72 hours
_____44. Cyclones form when sea surface temperature is at least __________.
A) 26.50C or greater B) 25.50C C) 24.50C D) 23.50C or below
_____45. How do landmasses affect typhoons?
A) Typhoon weakened and died when it is in land.
B) Typhoon becomes stronger when it falls on land.
C) Typhoon is more destructive when it is in land.
D) Typhoon is preceded by large waves.
For items 46 to 48, Refer to the illustration below.

_____46. Determine the places found in the Philippine Area of Responsibility?

A) China, Borneo and Taiwan C) Borneo and Taiwan
B) China and Taiwan D) All of the choices
_____47. The Philippine area of responsibility begins at 50N, 1150E and ends at ________.
A) 50N, 1350E B) 60N, 1360E C) 70N, 1370E D) 80N, 1380E
_____48. If a typhoon is located at 15 N, 137 E, is it within the PAR?
0 0

A) No, because it is outside the PAR. C) Yes, because it is inside the PAR.
B) No, because it is within the PAR. D) Yes, because it is outside the PAR.
_____49. How would you describe the direction of the tropical cyclones?
A) Westward B) Northwest C) Southeast D)
_____50.) Typhoons that enter the PAR (Philippine Area of Responsibility) may or not landfall. What
do we mean when we say “landfall”?
a. When a typhoon hits the ocean
b. When a typhoon hits Philippines landmass
c. When a typhoon changes its course
d. When a typhoon exits the PAR
1. B
50. C
51. D
52. B
53. B
54. B
55. C
57. B
58. B
59. C
60. C

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