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Series Eprrors JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall Joan Kang Shin AUTHORS Gabrielle Pritchard Diane Pinkley Unit 0 5 . Perea) Unit I Animal Friends : . : 8 Unit2 — Fun in Class a : . 18 Unit3 — Boots and Bathing Suits . . 28 Unit4 = Funin the Sun... a 38 Units I-4 Review . 48 Unit5 Inside Our House 50 Unit6 Day by Day con 60 Unit7 — How Are You? 70 Unit 8 Awesome Animals 80 Units 5-8 Review 90 Songs q2 Cutouts q7 Stickers ¢ » CENGAGE NATIONAL, GEOGRAPHIC ** Learning” LEARNING Austral ran «Japan «ores Mexico Singapore «Spain United Kingdom = United State aes ® ere) TS Lae) lt e Listen, Point and say. rma r4 4 4 Sy cousin oO Look, listen, and repeat. 1»: + 96 Listen, point, and say. 1:5 4 Go to the board. Close your book. Work in a group. Say and do. Take turns. Open your books. | Moy Sad a @) ee” i 5 SS abh ie apt ~~ & oe y f 8 Listen, point, and say. re:« 6 Read and look. Write the number. |. He's in the kitchen. 5. I'm tall. 2. It’s big. 6. They're my parents. 3. You're strong. 7. We're friends. 4. She's reading. 8. You're young. 6 Listen and say. s:7 This is my Is this your pencil? _It’s his bike. Her sandwich teddy bear. looks good. foie neni Its name is Jay-jay. This is our kite. That's your ball. _It’s their puzzle. 6 Numbers = zero 1 2 3 4 5 @> °2@@0 Saove 080080 0200080 one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 ©8828080 PII 3 2 0~ 0@BOBSIIISO 09T9IOIIIOO c2QOQPQQQOGO six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 LPAPAIDIIVO ORDIIDPPRIIVO OPIPPIAIAMIO OPDPMPPAAAZO ODVOVAIARIIO 2@° ©@e0 22000 088080 0800080 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 16 17 18 19 20 DHPHRPIALIALO ODPAIIINPRAIO COPPAIIIOAABO OBPPPAAIVOVO OVSAVSOOVOVO. 029000080 525 5535- —— CRBEWSS@O.- 0999VOVOVEO 090000000000 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty ® Listen, point, and repeat. :.« ® Work with a partner. Point and say. OTrTi ah Animal Friends Look and check. The bird is white. O yes © no The monkey likes the bird. © yes O no CeCe ment te enue hocne eric @ Listen and say. ::» 6 Listen. Point and say. te:20 a turtle a chicken Bf GRAMMAR itr:11 What are the horses doing? —They’re running. Are the sheep sleeping? No, they aren't. Are they eating? Yes, they are. 6 Listen and find. Write. +2:12 1, They're running. 2 a 12 6 Listen and say. t.:13 see swim crawl oe Work with a partner. Point and say. @ Look. Listen and read. yes or no. tr: |. The birds are flying. yes no 2. The cat is swimming. yes no 3. The turtle is crawling. yes no a 5 ~ Number I. The 06 Work with a \ dogs are sleeping. partner. Say and stick. Number 2. The = butterfly is flying. ] 13 GRAMMAR tris Do you want to ride the goat? No, I don't. What do you want to do? I want to ride the horse. What does Anna want to do? She wants to see the ducks. 6 Look. Listen and read. Write. t:16 What does Maria want to do? 1. Maria __ the sheep. Does Carlos want to see the ducks? 2. No, Carlos the frog. ® Play a game. Cut out the cards on page 47. Ask and answer. Play with a partner. _—— jo you want to ) hs the goats? No, I don't. I want to see the cows. 14 ® Listen. Read and sing. te:17 Animals I see animals. What are they doing? I see animals. Can you see them, too? THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH tr:1e dog ® Listen and say. |. dog duck 2. desk doll 3. bedroom bird Listen and read. Do you like babies? Do you like animal babies? Let's learn about some animals and their babies. Cats have many baby cats, called kittens. Baby dogs are called puppies. Baby chickens are called chicks. Baby sheep are called lambs. A baby elephant is called a calf. Work with a partner. Ask and answer. Ww r favori i ? hat are your favorite animals Tike dogs and turtles. What are your favorite animals? S he SK 16 “Ve Ws What do you do? Nee GEOGRAPHIC PA eeu Mn a aNd \ “Ta “a Look and check. } The boys are Oo walking. oO jumping. Listen and say. Listen, point, and say. + counting , a < >. = ; nll al 2 Valo: —al J \ talking Teele fae, 4 MV x Work with a partner. Point. Ask and answer. What are they doing? WE | { They're talking. ww 7- =P <-: om Q 21 0 Look. Listen and number the pictures. rr:23 wy ey ose Ue a . 22 6 Listen and say. Read and write. 1:2 a paintbrush |. I'm writing. I'm using a notebook 2. I'm painting. I'm using 3. I'm drawing. I'm using 4, I'm gluing. I'm using 5. I'm cutting. I'm using — 6 Listen and stick. 1:25 23 0 Read. Look and write. |. Are there any red paintbrushes on page 22? Yes, there are. 2. Are there any scissors on page 20? 3. Are there any notebooks on page 23? 4. Are there any green markers on page 18? 5. Are there any pencils on page 20? oe Play a game. Cut out page 99 and color the pictures. Play with a partner. ( Are there any ) 2 \ ted crayons? 4 No, sorry. Now it’s my turn. 24 6 Listen. Read and sing. sn:27 Reading, writing, talking, listening. Counting, gluing, cutting, drawing. What are you doing today? What are you doing in your classroom? What are you doing today? What are you doing in your classroom? py THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH tr:28 counting © Listen and say. 1 I a |. counting cutting 2. coloring cooking fa 3. computer sock @ e ® Listen and read. 12:29 Paper Art This girl is making Chinese paper art. She is cutting paper to make a picture of a cat. She is using scissors. Some people make paper animals or flowers. In Mexico people make paper art, too. People cut pictures of flowers, animals, and people. © Work with a partner. Read. Ask and answer. China |. Do you like to fold and cut paper? 2. What can you make? Mexico ‘ou can fold a regular piece of paper in half only seven times. Pa . Nella allele ro you neat at NNO) NTN £ |_| GEOGRAPHIC A a 4 ool es SUC IS. DTT. an j _ | Leis T colo u Mle) oo perl) . Unit 3 no Oppel ' P] elrelirie _ Look and check. > xf The girl is wearing a dress. ees O yes O no » 3 " She is wearing gloves. 28 _ Girl making snow angel @ Listen and say. 12:30 eo Listen, point, and say. 1:3: sunny 6 Work with a partner. Point and say. Use the words. pants boots gloves ajacket a raincoat It's cloudy and rainy. She's wearing a raincoat and boots. = id 31 oO Point and say. What's the weather like? oO : Sunday Monday ‘am | @ Tuesday Wednesday | It’s cold today. _ What day is it? 32 6 Listen and say. Look and write. 1:33 sneakers —g- I. They're green shorts 2. They're ___ 3. It's 4, It’s 5. They're 6 Talk and stick. Take turns. I wear socks with these. al —{ Iknow! They're sneakers! 33 8 Read. Underline the correct answer. 1 a It's cloudy. Put on your dress. / raincoat. 2, “It's rainy. Don't forget your boots. / jeans. 35 @ It's sunny. Take off your raincoat. / sneakers. 4, » It's cold. Don't forget your umbrella. / gloves. 5. XY It’s hot. Put on your coat. / shorts. oO Play a game. Cut out the cards on page |0I. Play with a partner. "Put on your bathing suit. 1 Good. Your turn. 34 6 Listen. Read and sing. ::: 5 Hot or Cold? We dress for the weather. The weather can be hot or cold. Sometimes it’s hot. Sometimes it’s cold. Is it hot or cold today? THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH rr:36 rainy @® Listen and say. 5 Bs |. rainy raincoat 2. river rock 3. erasing car Boy sledding in Seoul, South Korea Listen and read. t:37 The Arctic is a very cold and snowy place. The polar bear, arctic fox, and arctic hare are arctic animals. Their fur keeps them warm. It hides them in the snow. The arctic fox and the arctic hare have white fur in the winter and brown fur in the summer. Polar bears are black under their fur. > i bong F = Work with a partner. Which animals live in cold places? sa | Cats can live in cold places. Nau ae a GEOGRAPHIC Bergueda, Catalonia, Spain play soccer play baseball 3) Work with a partner. Point. Ask and answer. play basketball oO Work in a group of three. Take turns. Ask and answer. Tell the class about your group. ( What do you av f like todo? / ‘N | a Sa N\ ii mee 5 iid F T like to pk a > . 42 rs ] Listen and say. 1:4: bounce a ball throw a ball watch a game play tag 6 Read. Look at the pictures. Match. |. Tlike to bounce a ball. G2. Tlike to throw a ball. 3. They like to catch a ball. 4. L like to watch a game. 8 Say and stick. Work with a partner. | Do you like to play tag? | - No, Idon't. 43 6 Read, write, and draw. What do you think? 1, Let's play — soccer, (os —™ 2, ________agame. > ) J 3, — ai ball. —(C) 4. tag. C) 5. _______=srope. C) 6 Play a game. Cut out the pictures and the cube on page 103. Glue. Play with a partner. ® Listen. Read and sing. +: «3 Outside What is fun for you? | What do you like to do? Do you like to play? Let's play outside all day. THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH tr:43 sun @® Listen and say. |. fun sun 2. jump run 3. bug duck 45 Listen and read. + These girls are in big balls. The balls are very strong. The girls like to play in the balls. They can walk, jump, or run. They're having fun! Work with a partner. How many kinds of balls can you name? Be a good sport. » 9 rm wr , Are you a good sport? ae Ne GEOGRAPHIC Hop in a circle. Work in groups. Look and play. Ask and answer. Do you like to play basketball? | \ Yes: 1 do. 50 Look and check. I see rocks and trees. © yes O no Isee birds in the sky. O yes © no Cave house, Cappadocia, Turkey +e Listen and say. 18: «5 Listen. Point and say. +»: «7 Work with a partner. Ask and answer. GRAMMAR tr:48 next to under oO Play a game. Cut out the cards on page 105. Play with a partner. The frog is in front of the TV. 54 —) Listen and say. Look and write. 1:9 |. There is a small shelf between the and the 2. There isa under the big shelf. 3. There is a window above the 4. The plant is next to the -) Listen and stick. Compare your answers. 1:50 Where is the phone? Jr on the shelf. ) 55) GRAMMAR tr: 51 Where is the phone? It’s in the kitchen. Where are the lamps? _— They're in the living room. 8 Play a game. Look and remember. Play with a partner. Where are the chairs? They're in the kitchen. I think they're in front of the door. 6 Look at the picture. Write about the cat, frogs, flowers, and umbrella. 56 © Listen. Read and sing. +: 5: My House | | Welcome to my house. This is where I live. Welcome to my living room. Is there a place to sit? The armchair is in front of the fireplace. Sit down and warm your feet. The fireplace is next to the bookcase. Let's find a book to read. ® Listen and say. |. table bookcase 2. baseball game 3. eraser crayon Listen and read. te: 5. Fun Houses Jo-Ann Ussery’s house is an airplane. It has lots of windows. There's a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and three bedrooms. Cuca AIRPLANE HOUSE Dai Haifei’s house has only one room inside. In the room there's a bed, a small table, and a lamp. There aren't any chairs. <——34 meters (127 feet) —> EGG HOUSE . je Work with a partner. Talk about 3 meters (I0 feet) your house. Take turns. A, In this house, everything is upside down! baer How can you help at home? } = ® ; NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Ae — = Look and check. The bird is O eating. = Cy taking a bath. The bird is _ Cy in a bowl. E O in a tub. Se oS a # ‘ 4 | ie 60 Parrot taking a bath, Costa Rica 61 @ Listen and say. +#::5 @ Listen, point, and say. +. 5: OAL) friends VF See Iget up. Then I brush my teeth ees I brush my teeth. Then I get dressed. A a Se (elmo go to bed or) G Play a game. Cut out the cubes on page 107. Play with a partner. Ask and say. At seven o'clock. 64 6 Listen and say. Listen. Read and underline. r:se in the afternoon in the evening at night |. Hana plays baseball in the morning / afternoon. 2. She watches TV in the evening / at night. 3. Berto rides his bike in the evening / morning. 4. He plays games at night / in the afternoon. oe Work with a partner. Say and stick. | When do you \ i 2 Fe ctnoon) \ Ploy pete fends In the afternoon. 65 Tride my bike to school every morning. — E 8 Play a game. Play with a partner. Say. N Se 6 Write. Work in groups of four. Talk about your partner. My partner always es never ___ — a EE every day. 66 6 Listen. Read and sing. 1::<0 | What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? Can you tell me? It’s seven o'clock. It’s seven o'clock. It's seven o'clock in the morning. I always get up at seven o'clock. I get up at seven every day. THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH tr:61 go © Listen and say. |. go get up leg G 3. big -«)) Listen and read. tr:s2 A Day in the Space Station Astronauts at the International Space Station are busy all day. They get up at seven o'clock. Then they eat breakfast. At eight o'clock they start experiments. At one o'clock the astronauts eat lunch. In the afternoon they do more experiments. Sometimes they spacewalk outside. At seven o'clock they eat dinner. In the evening the astronauts read or send e-mails. At about ten o'clock they go to bed. Crate) Astronauts grow about 5 cm (2in,) in space. ® Work with a partner. Talk The astronauts get = about your day. How is it up at seven o'clock. different from an astronaut’s day? How is it the same? I get up at seven o'clock, too. What about you? 68 _ Be oy ee Pec aT el mea Eg BST NACo oom] oLeL) aa ae Look and check. The big girl is happy. O yes O no She’s wearing a red dress. © yes Ono am ~% oi) CT Listen and say. Listen. Point and say. Fd s scared PAN pm . eB angry 6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer. Is he hungry? 3 ( No. He's thirsty. . A ° / thirsty bored surprised 73 | He looks scared. s 74 6 Listen and say. frowning crying a laughing y smiling yawning I. My catis a. yawning. b. frowning. 2. The boy is a. laughing. —_b. smiling. 3. The girl is a. crying. b. yawning. 4, My sister is a. smiling. b. laughing. 5. The girlis a. frowning. _b. crying. 6 Work with a partner. Talk. Guess and stick. (This isa gi . “Is she smiling? ) . Yes. It's your turn. 8 Read and write. |. The are smiling at the teacher. (student) 2. The _ are laughing at the puppet. (child) 3. Some __ are worried about the time. (person) 4, My are angry about my messy room. (parent) 5. Most and like sports. (boy/girl) 6 Play a game. Cut out the cards on page 109. Play with a partner. | These children "are sad. 76 Listen. Read and sing. How are you? How do you feel? How are you? Tell me, please. How do you feel? It’s OK to be happy, or sometimes to feel sad. It’s OK to be silly, tired or sometimes to feel mad. Listen and say. |. tired surprised 2. night kite 3. bike rice 77 Listen and read. North America People from all over the world paint their faces. This Native American girl paints her face to show she’s proud of her community and traditions. Others paint their faces to make people feel scared. The man from India has a scary, green face. People paint their faces for fun, too. When some fans go to watch sports, they paint their faces. In some places, people paint children’s faces at parties. The children like to have pictures of flowers or animals on their faces. _ What do you want fh ~ on your face? q xf ; " ee ya ith rtner. Talk hada ua Work with a part d JTS about face painting. I want a butterfly. eel OM hiccas Cereal their faces. Be kind. Tea Le Be kind to other people, Are you kind? What d NATIONAL | GEOGRAPHIC Aweso Anima Look and check. | This animal is a 81 a tiger alion Relics oh) ce) © Work with a partner. Ask and answer. Use these words. climb fly hop jump run swim swing walk 83 GRAMMAR tr:74 Can a penguin swim? Yes, it can. A penguin can swim. Can penguins fly? No, they can’t. Penguins can’t fly. 6 Play a game. Play with a partner. 6 Listen and say. Check T for True and F for False. ta:75 p: sharp claws colorful feathers a long trunk big teeth |. Kangaroos have colorful feathers. [OXG) 2. Elephants have long trunks. ®® 3. Pandas have sharp claws. ®® 4. Monkeys have short tails. ®® 5. Lions have sharp teeth. @® © Work with a partner. Talk and stick. Do hippos have long legs? Tne, they have short legs. ) hort legs long tails sharp claws | long necks | big ears 85 8 Read and check. Then listen and compare your answers. tr:77 colorful bigears longneck sharp teeth long trunk feathers | elephant v — : | | rd giraffe tion | parrot © Play a game. Cut out the cards on page Ill. Play with a partner. Do giraffes have Sharcreceies have long necks. read aN VV a 2 a AN, 1 . } AVY CSOME AAT (e I want to be a monkey in a tree! And I want to fly high up in the sky! I want to be a monkey in a tree! i" And I want to fly high up in the sky! re ie THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH tr:79 zebra @) Listen and read. 1:50 Two Big Birds Cassowary Ostrich The cassowary is big and The ostrich is big and strong. It can live to be strong. It can live to be 50 60 years old. It lives in years old. It lives in Africa. Papua New Guinea and Like the cassowary, the Australia. ostrich can run really fast, The cassowary can run but it can't fly. And yes, it really fast, but it can’t can kick hard, too! fly. Watch out! An angry cassowary can kick really hard! w:: a Os: ep A male ostrich can roar like a lion. ! © Work with a partner. Talk about the animals. giraffes kangaroos _ tigers zebras Om@ zebras tive in Africa. Respect animals. e respect animals? to es i - Jane Goodall with chimpanzees ry See Slate Spin. Ask and answer. 2 I ae en. - \ i 5 y cy This is our world. Everybody's got a song to sing. Each boy and girl. This is our world! Tsay “our!” You say “world!” Our! World! tet s Our! + 1 sing: , World! I say “boy!” You say “girl!” Boy! Girl! Boy! Girl! I say “Everybody mov I say “Everybody stop... ¥ Everybody stop! This is our world. Everybody's got a song to sing S " Each boy and girl “ea This is our world! Isee animals Running and climbing, Isee four birds. What are they doing? hopping and singing, Are they singing? Isee animals. These are things we liketo Yes, they're singing. Can you see them, too? do. They're singing la, (a, tal What do you see? Are you ready? La lalala! All together! La lala! yee one Gea Run! Climb! Hop! Sing! Is it running? Running and climbing, Yes. it’s running, What do you see? hopping and singing It's running in the sun. These are things we like Isee three frogs. See What do you see? Are they hopping? Yes, they're hopping. Are you ready? They're hopping ona rock. _ All together! Run! Climb! Hop! Sing! Isee two cats. Are they climbing? Yes, they're climbing What do you see? They're climbing. and it’s fun. Reading, writing, talking, listening, We're talking. We're writing Counting, gluing, cutting, drawing, We're listening to our teacher. We're talking. We're writing We're listening to a story. What are you doing today? What are you doing in your classroom? What are you doing today? Reading, writing, talking, listening What are you doing in your classroom? CourtG. Gling: cutting arewing We're cutting. We're gluing Reading, writing, talking, listening We're coloring pictures. Counting, gluing, cutting, drawing. We're cutting. We're gluing. Reading, writing, talking, listening. We're coloring pictures. Counting, gluing, cutting, drawing. one We're having fun! What are you doing today? What are you doing in your classroom? What are you doing today? What are you doing in your classroom? Hot or Cold? Come and look outside. Take off your boots and your sweater. What do you see? Take off your hat and your coat Today it’s snowy. What's the weather like? Put on your boots and coat. Is it hot? Yes It’s cold outside today. It’s hot outside today. Come and look outside. Put on your boots and your sweate What do you see? Put on your hat and your coat Today it’s sunny. Put on What's the weather like? your sneakers and shorts. Is it cold? Yes! It's hot outside today. t's cold outside today. We dress for the weather. CHORUS The weather can be hot or cold. Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s cold. Is it hot or cold today? Outside Hey! What do you like to What is fun for you? Ilike to jump rope. do outside? What do you like to do? Yes, Ido. Yes, I do. Do you like to play? like to rollerblade. Let's play outside all day. Yes, Ido. Yes, Ido, What is fun for you? 1 like to play soccer. like to play with you. It's fun, fun, fun! I like to ride a bike Yes, Ido. Yes, Ido. 1 like to fly a kite. Yes, Ido. Yes, Ido. Do you like to skateboar 1 like to play games. No, I don't I like to play outside Play hide and seek? CHORUS with you. No, Idon't. It's fun, fun, fun! Play basketball? What is fun for you? ee What do you like to do? CHORUS Do you like to play? Let's play outside alll day. Welcome to my house. This is where I live. Welcome to my living room. Is there a place to sit? The armchair is in front of the fireplace. Sit down and warm your feet. The fireplace is next to the bookcase. Let’s find a book to read. Welcome to my house. This is where I live. Welcome to my kitchen. Is there food in there? ‘TR:52 The refrigerator is between the windows. There's lots of food inside. Something's cooking on the stove. May I try some? May I, please? Welcome to my house. This is where I live Welcome to my bedroom. Is there a place to sleep? My pillow is on my bed. It’s where I put my head Iturn off the light above me. And then I go to sleep. Day by Day «.. CHORUS What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? Can you tell me? It's seven o'clock. It’s seven o'clock. It’s seven o'clock in the morning. Where is the fireplace? It’s in the living room. Where is the stove? It's in the kitchen Where is the light? It’s in the bedroom Welcome to my house. This is where I live. It was nice to see you. Please come again! Welcome to my house! It's three o'clock. It's three o'clock. It's three o'clock in the afternoon 1 always play with friends at three o'clock. cHoRuS Talways get up at seven o'clock. I get up at seven every day. CHORUS It's eight o'clock. It's eight o'clock. It's eight o'clock in the morning Igo to school at eight o'clock. Lalways go to school at eight. I play with my friends every day. It's nine o'clock. It’s nine o'clock. It’s nine o'clock at night. 1 go to sleep at nine o'clock. Igo to sleep at nine every day. Sometimes I'm happy. Sometimes I'm surprised, Sometimes I'm just silly I'm laughing inside! Sometimes I'm angry. Sometimes I'm just bored Sometimes I'm excited. How are you? How do you feel? How are you? Tell me, please. How do you feel? Sometimes I'm smiling. I'm laughing at a joke! Sometimes I'm crying, I feel sad, Sometimes I'm tired Sometimes I'm worried, Sometimes I'm feeling scared. It's OK to be happy. or sometimes to feel sad. It's OK to be silly or sometimes to feel mad. CHORUS CHORUS Awesome Animals A parrot is a bird that flies. It can’t swim, but it can fly A parrot is a bird that flies high in the sky. A monkey swings from tree to tree, tree to tree, tree to tree. A monkey swings from tree to tree. Why can't we? Iwant to be a monkey in o tree Iwant to fly high up in the sky! A penguin is a bird that swims. It can't fly, but it can swim. A penguin is a bird that swims deep in the sea. A kangaroo can hop and jump. It can't climb, but it can jump. A kangaroo can hop and jump just like me. Iwant to be a monkey in a tree! And I want to fly high up in the sky! Iwant to be a monkey in a tree! And I want to fly high up in the sky! When Lidl dd hbitri itll th Le hae WOMAN DAA SSSA SS SSS ae ELL LEG Te EEE CL EEE, o AL he SS WAWH MGA V_ nr»w0°0°ONNN SS ~~ LL TELL EEE EE EQC0AAKCKZZRAAnAQAQA0AZZZ00A0AAACK SA IITIIIITITuIII FOS OOOO OOOO OOO OOOO LLL cx&An0Axzzi2QQuAA cE FO LLL ash SSS SSS MMO OOoowy ~ — eo ' e a -€ OS te, ‘ ges ~ re te’ on -~ & @ @|8|e/® Unit S Cutouts Use with Activity 4 on page 54 Vite 107 3 | | ~ = | | | [—| 109 Me ddiddddccddddddddciddddddcdisus LE cc dlcdeddéddae SS WEEE EEE ccc. www was SSS OSS ON TO cZc“ OOOO SO Stacie 26 20Ee : om ah hf a= AMERICAN ENGLISH ea Cee eR ee eR Ten Ee Cecile] eee RL else Coe] National Geographic content, with stunning images and vide) to provide young learners with key language, © CTS TC eC ee een RUT *) Fun lisiening ond speoking activities develop Oe er a ee ee CL OSS Re ct ea roo eats eee Ae Ogee ae et ees for teachers and learners at (UMM Ne lela] tee RAT Y ISBN-13: 978-1-305-07743-0 {Ii Noy Geocrapnic | «%¢ CENGAGE LEARNING Lad Aslan) 38

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