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ite | 22 cevence ttn frame ny ap or ha cenaetpe xz RING-TAILED LEMUR FAST RACTS Protection sais: endengered Types pommel {Grovp name: esp Average ie span in the wl to 18 yore Siz: hed and boy, 45m (0775 9} al 55 em B75 0} seem | ten cmon Vito Cr lenges gamer Explore Our World Online Goto: Click on: FOR STUDENTS Username: eowstudent2 Password: natgeo Prine the United Stats of America 234567 18 171615 14 cm 0-u0: OUR = ‘Sentes Eprrors JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall Joan Kang Shin Avruors Gabrielle Pritchard Diane Pinkley Unit o 2 Unit! Animal Friends 8 Unit2 — Fun in Class 8 Unit 3 Boots and Bathing Suits 28 Unit 4 Fun in the Sun 38 Units 1-4 Review 48 Unit 5 Inside Our House 50 Unit 6 Day by Day. 60 Unit7 How Are You? 70 Unit 8 Awesome Animals 80 Units 5-8 Review 90 Songs a2 Cutouts a Stickers MTOM | = CENGAGE teARNING' | “*~ Learning sister CUCL @ Listen. Point and say. ma Fa fork with a partner. Point. Ask and answer. At School = **"°"" 6 Look, listen, and repeat. «:« © Listen, point, and say. 1s 4 Go to the board. Close your book. Work with a partner. Work in a group. Say and do. Take turns. Open your books. sar a@ * isten, point, and say. r:s ‘ee A) ee) © Read and look. Write the number. |. He's in the kitchen. 5. Im tall. 2. It's big. 6. They're my parents. 3. You're strong. 7. We're friends. 4. She's reading. 8. You're young. 6 Listen and say. 1:7 This is my Isthis your pencil? It's his bike. Her sandwich teddy bear. looks good. a Its name is Jay-jay. This is our kite. That's your ball. _It's their puzzle. 6 Numbers 7 1 2 3 4 5 cee 0000 20080 020000 0920990 one two three four five 6 8 9 10 00900080 © =4441)).= 0889898890 09900000000 caeesese0000 six seven eight nine ten 1 12 13 4 15 caeeeeaevee. caevevee2eg, cveoaseeevec c2sea20007 020000000000 ee 080 ‘e002 ‘022000 (0909090 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 16 7 18 19 20 oaevveavveec oveeevovaave oovsedvveave CDBeVBIIIVVE CBVIBEBIRBVO 09000000 =41431)= 0898889880 00090900000 090000000000 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty © Listen, point, and repeat. »»» ® Work with a partner. Point and say. Animal Friends Doren oA Ras Neilingding Istand, China 6 Listen and say. ro © Listen. Point and say. s=::0 a turtle GRAMMAR res What are the horses doing? They're running. Are the sheep sleeping? No, they aren't. Are they eating? Yes, they are. oO Listen and find. Write. 1:12 |, They're running. eae eee 4, 12 @ Listen and say. «2 @ Look. Listen and read \. The birds are flying. yes no 2. The cat is swimming. yes no 3. The turtle is crawling. yes no 7 7 Number |. The © Work with a dogs ore eeping. partner. Say a and stick. Number2.The = butterfly is flying. 13 GRAMMAR tris Do you want to ride the goat? No, Idon't. ‘What do you want to do? Twant to ride the horse. What does Anna want to do? She wants to see the ducks. 4 NAN © book. Listen and read. Write. m1 What does Maria want to do? I cara ELE tha lchean: Does Carlos want to see the ducks? 2) No, Carlos sscusecn:tunssueuessmunnnssennesunueesasere the frogs ® Play a game. Cut out the cards on page 97. Ask and answer. Play with a partner. Do you want to _5ee the goats? No, Idon't. I want to see the cows. 14 €©) Listen. Read and sing. 1m: Animals I see animals. @ ‘ ze What are they doing? ¢ SL, I see animals. @ < Can you see them, too? THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH tr:32 dog © sten and say. 1. dog duck 2. desk 3. bedroom Listen and read. Do you like babies? Do you like animal babies? Let's learn about some animals and their babies. Cats have many baby cats, called kittens. Baby dogs are called Puppies. Baby chickens are called chicks. Baby sheep are called lambs. A baby elephantis called a catf, COCO ug Work with a partner. Ask and answer. What are your favorite animals? (7.3. cas ana wuntes 7 TZ Bg : 16 TAS. i, a a ee aay good Peelers A Titet a: CoML Cord NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Ahiker and her dog, the Himalayas Look and check. The boys are O walking. CO jumping. Listen and say. Listen, point, and say. counting tA ba ec: FS fin § cutting § Y © Listen. Read and sing. 1.» Outside What is fun for you? What do you like to do? Do you like to play? Let's play outside all day. THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH re:4s sun B) Usten and say. |. fun sun 2. jump run 3. bug duck rte 45 © Listen and read. :x-«s A Big Ball of Fun These girls are in big balls. The balls are very strong. The girls like to play in the balls. They can walk, jump, or run. They're having funt ® Work with a partner. How many kinds of balls can you name? eee) eer Be a good sport. = a Are you a good sport? Ce N yA GEOGRAPHIC Work in groups. Look and play. Ask and answer. Do you like to play basketball? Look and check. Tsee rocks and tr O yess Ono Tse birds in the sky O yes © no eee eee mtd Listen and say. ::« Work with a partner. Ask and answer. an a bookcase ng Pie ue a s there a rug in «he living room? GRAMMAR te-as behind ‘> me SS next to under 0 Play a game. Cut out the cards on page 105. Play with a partner. The frog is in front of the TV. 54 © Listen and say. Look and write. s« ) | |. There is a small shelf between the and the 2. There isa SSS _ under the big shelf. 3. There is a window above the ———____. 4, The plant is next to the — 6 Listen and stick. Compare your answers. re:s0 | Whereis the phone? “ips on the shett. GRAMMAR re:si Where is the phone? It's in the kitchen. Where are the lamps? They're in the living room. 0 Play a game. Look and remember. Play with a partner. Where are the chairs? They're in the kitchen. I think they're in front of the door. © Look at the picture. Write about the cat, frogs, flowers, and umbrella. 56 © Listen. Read and sing. «5: My House Welcome to my house. This is where I live. Welcome to my living room. Is there a place to sit? The armchair is in front of the fireplace. Sit down and warm your feet. The fireplace is next to the bookcase. Let's find a book to read. © Listen and say. |, table bookcase game 3. eraser crayon a = Listen and read. Fun Houses Jo-Ann Ussery’s house is an airplane. It has lots of windows. There’s a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and three bedrooms. Seu AIRPLANE HOUSE Dai Haife's house has only one room alge inside. In the room there's a bed, a small. table, and a lamp. There aren't any chairs. |< 34 meters (27 feet) —> EG HOUSE io Work with a partner. Talk about 3 meters (0 feet) your house. Take turns. Elm, Ithis house, everything is upside down! How can you help at home? Look and check. The bird is © eating. if O taking a beth. The bird is O inabowl. O inatub. lit 60 Parrot taking a bath, Costa Rica 61 Listen and say. Listen, point, and say. » PCat ie ed I brush my teeth. Then I get dressed. Pert unc Pek © Play a game. cut out the cubes on page 107. Play with a partner. Ask and say. | What time is it? Vv When does he — wesh his face? At seven o'clock. 64 in the morning in the afternoon in the evening ot night |. Hana plays baseball in the morning / afternoon. 2. She watches TV in the evening / at night. 3. Berto rides his bike in the evening / morning. 4, He plays games at night / in the afternoon. oe Work with a partner. Say and stick. I | Mn 1030095139513958 When do you wit 2 nthe aterm.) play weet ends In the afternoon. 65 I ride my bike to school every morning. © Play a game. Play with a partner. Say. © write. Work in groups of four. Talk about your partner. My partner always _____never ae a every day. 66 Oo Listen. Read and sing. «:<0 What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? Can you tell me? It's seven o'clock. It’s seven o'clock. It’s seven o'clock in the morning. T always get up at seven o'clock. I get up at seven every day. THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH rr:si go © Usten and say. l. go get up leg 3.big 55) Listen and read. re:sz ges A Day in the Space Station Astronauts at the International Space Station are busy all day. They get up at seven o'clock. Then they eat breakfast. At eight o'clock they start experiments. At one o'clock the astronauts eat lunch. In the afternoon they do more experiments. Sometimes they spacewalk outside. At seven o'clock they eat dinner. In the evening the astronauts read or send e-mails. At about ten o'clock they go to bed. eat lunch go to bed Astronauts grow about (2 in.) in space. 40 minutes ® Work with a partner. Talk The astronauts get about your day. How is it up at seven o'clock, different from an astronaut’s day? How is it the same? od a too. What about you? 68 SS See Bam xT Los se Pens eae a r ~_How can you be on time? seas GEOGRAPHIC Ermer Look and check. The big girl is happy. O yes Ono She's wearing a red dress. O yes Ono a Listen and say. Listen. Point and say. . scared — tm tired = = i nay, © work with a partner. Ask and answer. thirsty surprised Is he hungry? 23 © Listen. write the number. Draw. 1:05 He looks scared. 74 frowning crying laughing 2 smiling yawning |. My cat is a. yawning. _b. frowning. 2. The boy is a. laughing. —_b. smiling. 3. The girlis a. crying. b. yawning. 4, My sister is a.smiling. _b. laughing. 5. The girlis a. frowning. _b. crying. eo Work with a partner. Talk. Guess and stick. This is a girl. Is she smiling? ) Yes. It's your turn. 75 8 Read and write. 1. The are smiling at the teacher. (student) 2, The _______are laughing at the puppet. (child) 3. Some ____are worried about the time. (person) 4. My ___are angry about my messy room. (parent) 5. Most ___and__like sports. (boy/girl) eo Play a game. Cut out the cards on page 109. Play with a partner. These children are sad. 76 Listen. Read and sing. How are you? How do you feel? How are you? Tell me, please. How do you feel? It’s OK to be happy, or sometimes to feel sad. It’s OK to be silly, or sometimes to feel mad. tired Listen and say. |. tired surprised 2. night kite rice 77 Listen and read. People from all over the world paint their faces. This Native American girl paints her face to show she’s proud of her community and traditions. Others paint their faces to make people feel scared. The man from India has a scary, green face. People paint their faces for fun, too. When some fans go to watch sports, they paint their faces. In some places, people paint children’s faces at parties. The children like to have pictures of flowers or animals on their faces. What do you want onyourfee? EQ Work with a partner. Talk about face painting. Oe aaa Secu their faces. nw Sie Iwant a butterfly. Pec Peprreeec NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Awesome Ed Animals) Ps ate wij ae 3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer. Use these words. climb fly hop jump. run swim swing walk GRAMMAR 18:74 Can a penguin swim? Yes, it ean. A penguin can swim. an penguins fly? No, they can’t. Penguins can’t fly. oe Play a game. Play with a partner. Can a tion jump? 84 © Listen and say. Check T for True and F for False. 1x.» sharp claws 4 along trunk big teeth |. Kangaroos have colorful feathers. @® 2. Elephants have long trunks. @® 3. Pandas have sharp claws. @® 4, Monkeys have short tails. @® 5. Lions have sharp teeth. ®® © Work with a partner. Talk and stick. Do hippos have long legs? nv ea eedar tess.) j long tails | sharp claws | long necks big 85 i GRAMMAR 1:76 Does a tiger have sharp claws? Does a tiger have a trunk? No, it doesn’t. Do tigers have sharp claws? _Yes, they do. Do tigers have trunks? No, they don’t. 8 Read and check. Then listen and compare your answers. ::77 colorful bigears longneck sharp teeth long trunk feathers elephant. Vv giratfe lion parrot © Pty a game. Cut out the cards on page Il Play with a partner. short necks? \\ Do giraffes have ac /\ ey VY No, they don't. They have long necks. ee ; A ANVV/-14 . PAVY CSOUINC $F Iwant to be a monkey in a tree! And I want to fly high up in the sky! I want to be a monkey in a tree! ‘And I want to fly high up in the sky! THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH re:79 zebra ©) Listen and read. ::00 Two Big Birds Cassowary Ostrich The cassowary is big and The ostrich is big and strong. It can live to be strong. It can live to be 50 60 years old, It lives in years old. It lives in Africa. Papua New Guinea and Like the cassowary, the Australia. ostrich can run really fast, The cassowary can run but it can't fly. And yes, it really fast, but it can't can kick hard, too! fly. Watch out! An angry cassowary can kick really hard! rd Is i Ey r ae ae + © Work with a partner. Talk about the animals. Armale ostrich can roar like a tion, giraffes kangaroos tigers zebras Oa® ~ Zebra: live in Africa, Respect animals. e respect animals? @ Jane Goodall RT ay s Go back CTS loco SO Tuk Clk tLe Spin. Ask and answer. Bet) ae This is our world. Everybody's got a song to sing. Each boy and gir. This is our world! I say “our!” You say “world!” Our! World! Our! World! Tsay “boy!” You say “girl!” Boy! Girl Boy! Girl say “Everybody move. I say “Everybody stop. Everyoody stop! This is our world Everyody's got a song to sing Each boy and girl This is our world! 1 see onimots What ore they doing? I see animals Can you see them, too? What do you see? see one dos. Isitrunning? Yes its running, 1 running inthe sun, What do you see? see two cats Aare they climbing? Yes, they're climbing, ‘They're climbing, and it's fun, Reading, writing. talking, listening, Counting, gluing, cutting, drawing, What are you doing today? What are you doing in your classroom? What are you doing today? What are you doing in your classroom? Were cutting, We'e gluing Were coloring pictures Were cutting, We're gluing. Were coloring pictures. chorus Running and climbing, hopping and singing, These ore things we like to do, ‘Ace you ready? alltogether! Run Climb! Hop! sing! What do you see? I see three frogs, Are they hopping? Yes, they're hopping They're hopping on a rock. What do you see? 1 see four birds Are they singing? Yes, they'e singing, They're singing lo, (a, fo! Le alata! Lelata! Running and climbing, hopping and singing These are things we like to do ‘Ace you ready? all together! Run! Climb! Hop! Sing! We'e talking, We'e writing Were litening to our teacher. Were talking, We'e writing, Werte listening to 0 story Reading, writing, talking, Ustening Counting, gluing, cutting, drawing, Reading, writing, talking listening Counting, gluing, cutting, drawing Reading, writing, talking listening, Counting. gluing, cutting, drawing, Were hoving fun! What are you doing today? ‘What are you doing in your classroom? ‘What are you doing todoy? ‘What are You doing in your classroom? Hot or Come ond look outside. Toke off your boots ond your sweater What do you see? Toke off your hat and your coat. Today is snowy What's the weather tke? Put on your boots and coat Isit hot? Yes! t's cold outside today. Its hot outside today. “ome and look outside Put on your boots and your sweater. nat do you see? Put on your hat and your coat Today it’s sunny. Put on What's the weather lke? Your sneakers ond stort Isit cold? Yes! Its hot outside today scold outside today. We dress for the weather. chorus The weather can be het or col. Sometimes its hot, sometimes i's cold. Is thot or cold today? Outside Hey! What do you liketo What is fun for you? Like to jump rope. do outside? What do you like todo? Yes, Ido. Yes, Ido. Do you like to ploy? lke to rollerblade Let's play outside all day. Yes, do. Yes. 1do. What is fun for you? Tike to play soccer like to play with you. fun, fun, fun! ke to ride o bike Yer. da, Yes, Ido. like to fy kite Yes, Ido. Yes. Ido. Do you like to skateboard? ke to play gomes No, dont Tike to ploy outside Play hide and seek? cHonus with you No, I don't rs fun fon, fun Play basketball What is fun for you? No. Its boring What do you ike to do? CHORUS. Do you like to ploy? Let's play outside all day. 4 BP Welcome to my house The refrigerators between Where's the fireplace? It's in BY This is where rive ‘the windows. the living room. BB) Welcome to my ving room. There's lots of food inside isthe stove? It’s in Bp sere aploce ose Something’ cooking on the the kitchen. i stove Whereis the light? It's in the BP the ormehair is infront of erie Moy iy seer Moy! bedroom, Si down and warm your Welcome to my house fet. ‘Welcome to my house, ‘This is where live, The fireplace is next tothe This is where Ilve. twas nice to see you. bookcase, Welcome to my bedroom. Please come again! Lets find a book to read, Is there @ place to sleep? Welcome to my house! = Welcome to my house, My pillow is on my bes. This is where Tlve 1s where [put my head. Welcome to my kitchen, ur off the light obove Is there food in there? me, i And then Igo to sleep. ae Day by Day What time i ie? ‘cHorus What time is ie? What time i it? Can you tell me? Its three o'lock. t's three otlack It three o'lock inthe afternoon. always play with friends ot thee o'clock Its seven o'clock. I's seven o'lock play with my friends every day. Its even o'dock in the morning always get up ot seven o'clock cee I get up ot seven every day. Its nine o'ock. It's nine o'clock Is nine o'clock ot night. con go to sleep at nine aclock Ws eight otlock. It's eight olock {goto sleep ot nine every doy. It eight o'¢ackin the morning, 1 g0 to school ot eight o'clock always goto school ot eight Sometimes I'm hoppy. Sometimes I'm surprise, Sometimes I'm just silly Tm laughing inside! Sometimes I'm angry Sometimes I'm just bored Sometimes I'm excited, How are you? How do you feel? How are you? Tell me, please. How so you feel? Sometimes I'm smiling Tm laughing ata joke! Sometimes fm crying. Teel sad. Sometimes I'm tre. Sometimes I'm worried Sometimes I'm feeling scared. H's OK to be happy, for sometimes to feel sad, Ws 0K to be silly ‘or sometimes to feel mad, Horus chorus Awesome Animals & parcot is a bird that fis. I cant swim, butit con fly A parrot i a bird that ies high inthe sky. ‘A monkey swings from tree to tree, tree to tree, tree to tree A monkey swings from tree to tee. Why can’t we? want to be @ monkey in treet [want to fly high up inthe sky {A penguin ia bird that swims eon't fly, but it can swim. A ppenguin isa bird that swims ‘deep inthe sea ‘A kangaroo can hop and jump. Ieon't climb, but it can jump, A kangaroo can hop and jump just ke want to be a monkey in treet And Lwant to fly high up inthe sky! want to be a monkey in tree! ‘And Twant to fly igh up inthe sky! Ss SSS SR Sr LL eddddcddiéddddda SOO HI ° elo| di hlccddcd LLL dddddddddededddddadddda aOR TE BEVEPETEE TET OT SSS at ae a’ Biase@h ee > ® © 8 ® Te. ,o | ed p of bgt] - ’ “ ’ [ i e € OQ Arey Brace Credits Photography Woes c/o Set nage I Sqaed Suances co EM Gah ‘natn con Cher Soumayvattinecn CRs Seneca Passe Drew ‘2 Srepmaafransinacan hehe con i Sasee Dnaniacon Er ame ‘Odean Gte/Dramstineco 6d hasty nage ep Bhs Gnu fee (One cn ay mk Paxy wage W Pete ng Any Wl Sa 3 Sted apn egy ap hs seco) ges sea rman Oe hoason/elenty images Se Ohta Ost reef eantne zon: tapos SOc cosets connec qn imgeot eoasrostine $a Steaplancn/t A 3 ostiputocangnn crs Condemns Sra nfomeatnacon ne OS Snclonhbenstnecm et Eesha connione Coca: Souetesanvmatinno Era Inmet Cc rv ghinsere/ony oper hy ua iaporanesne as ns Gy Inspec nay tzapaaconeaten eStats coe peat ge Seer Ne ‘ent mies Osterman es a! ean Opec a esa! ‘esr cepapt ty nae seein Eve amy rar ane mages ma ee ‘eden buts tert.un br Ote anes 9 ee Mmaggrrote CIEL ‘Strona ep eno On enn ay aps OL Os Wotan ae 10s Car ey apse ee boheme aie mages le neo na ‘cts uric negs tr Scena Seep hay es Cle Phoneme Cmaps ete mp OST ANARE vl np Cae Cr eshte’ eset mp SOar> Bove natn cep se Sgn AN aa oat apr Ci nT Lara cepa © Casares SxpNto ‘low Ce san lb Uist Gang ol 20 tnd rainy ce Cah ‘mtr Ccstsnyosiegesonra yong ey mp 1-8 Cose sa henge oc aps Stn car Asay. ilar or Soniye Sere Peet 8 ‘abate aty mg opto qn Ses ase apr Ser Dae Sti mages ts Creme en Wore epee or Coat ores/haroaPes New| 2 erry nepa ocyae 3-7 Cs ray mages al eyes Nh ‘casualty nee Cabra he ene map Sine eng echo Se Pots wary ng Dg exer cae ty SOON exe ety oped GPA CHEN Mol crop Cee tr Sede reas Gey pC ‘ar 39 cca hg ng is on ea so Oks ager ges aot ope ‘tonne ghowpnsyi peat ges Ou bins ap Saying Cerna A ‘mind Peta maps a Sheena a tatty mage a ety es 2 cea Cap pricey ape Se ay tmtaginnaae faye car bai esrmncay ae eat hres Cty ng sede guy ge xe trent) naps as smn Fae ‘Se Coe enema tr Sra mt Wr Oey Oh ety me ‘Scns Carta vince ages Staspetaconparoa as Com ice tee Web ‘hemes Crs Da DTN ANA Spc ate te tse comet ‘Se Cte radurPhotpapes teletype rn Heer ODATD COVELET Nan cane image ace ones ns enpyuanstne amb Parca arse eC bes nae ey aes aes Bc OSTA nape Sar ak RenisaNcosead Ose ae {aly open Obra ste ig Gee Satan nga alc bs ONS, ‘SS psa oma mage es enafurNeman er ra SHS teco 9 Cac ion Pet me ‘eyes 1 ese Scan Gegee oge Calico One an Psiey ey oge "it heiress mages Cane det niet Eos Sag Olay Ino cc ay nei Gee nae ly age Cs ye Pedeoay pe -B Onape ‘Ceaefnty nes mc By Psy etgnes Che oy nage gt Vinay meg ‘Schwa sete eaty aes hg Winn eect aa Par aan be cain ta ara yap are hey ea {Ec ovpal ened ety gst Sterten eed ors eat apr cee one Pee Sly mages ornament ears. 8 Co Fotthansroel spore oonctearne neg wntteny nape GP sTotb ton np Cente OGae ‘Seventy nes ir OSLMEN anton cea Osa oe ans meester ‘Sopecmitevichan hirontyste npc cse bs ice Ooh: een PAE NOS ‘Nin rpc 32 cep asp 3 heer arena ery mops 9 Son NdonDa ‘Vente Sivertson pty ge se = any eon mae eee Tre eay mg St Sone Ganesan ts Cr Ca naps ena Svat alu sety geo OF ame ge otyaees hs Cen ‘ti thaencon i estren Contino ee Patna oranstnusom Wt Tonys ‘Dire ees coe be esate Osh Sho 0 Ome ase rantings conaengapcine Dt sta Deanna Oy Oe Cet MtLICAb, {oh oP nas Oe vay en rapt co Cad Cate Searcneen a Cacao ‘and sl Gc begn a coneanehoemstne on it Cc apa We scape ‘Rites je oeamtnecr ic Cie can Dense te eerste CUNT ‘ouayaty mesos or neon Co saroranen map Cn oy toc ees {tm can ngs Gut mec ms tery ss/ooty ape ej sae ne keey ages ‘eCopt vata Cyne he Pa Soars ing ty ngs hes EN Ged oe {yap ee Pang gece cya Ose erst pe OPFOTO 20 at ruttrcy In Saanich con coxa herad Ca cd Se eee eee ee National Geographic content, wth slunning images and Ge eee ils, ond knowledge needed to understond their world * FFun listening ond speaking activities develop Co acer See ee ee ecm See ee ees far teachers ond learners at myNGconnectcom ee cee) Mi | beac rel RReR a CrCl | TEARNING Sarai 8 %4 CENGAGE Tearing pau zs eo Sr tas id ome pnt Sin ‘Ls sin Nett wok cdl acy ‘eco mtn oe sont enya amma ceo re cn ite ont opie os aee Craeemesonat ene (cn Pe aera oo “Neues Somerset sey ene i ESS ‘fund gas ng Segre nesta a eae ak a CLOWNFISH vn aby oon AST FACTS tea egies aga Toeteh inoue neta wnceecom rovp name: sho Averoge te span in he wikd: 1 10yoors ‘San cm [43 ie} 8 Explore Our World Online Go to: Click on: FOR STUDENTS Username: eowstudent1 Password: natgeo Print in the United States of America 2345671817 1615 14 STUDENT BOOK coe P-L? OUR ‘Serres Eprrors JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall Joan Kang Shin AurHoR Diane Pinkley ‘non Wawa | 2 CENGAGE teamne | “= Learning ome OUR “1 Senses Eorrons JoAnn Jodi) Crandall Joan Kang Shin Avrnon Diane Pinkley: Unit 0 Unit My Classroom. Unit 2 My World Unit 3. My Family Unit 4 My House Units I-4 Review Unit 5 Cool Clothes Unit 6 My Toys Unit 7 My Body Unit 8 Good Food Units 5-8 Review Songs Cutouts Stickers gathuc | +. CENGAGE fEmwine' © | “e-Learning 20 30 40 50 52 By8 % 103 Unit 0 Welcome to Our Our World! Eddie Polly Mio Freddy the elephant the parrot the monkey the frog Hello. I'm Eddie, What's your name? oe How old are you, Freddy? Tim seven. It's my birthday! 86 Look and listen. Say. 1:12 ee Cd etc ¥ Nts oc ~ Co Look and listen. Say. Listen. Point and say. Work with a partner. Point. Ask and answer. What color is it? co “y mm € It's red! mn — ~ A, The Alphabet eric’ Gp lH Wi 1a goat +h & hand ice cream | : | ne oe Look and listen. Say. re:a7 = AO mm x square a triangle acircle a rectangle astar © Listen. Point and say. mx» oe Look and listen. Say. tr:as 1 2 a 4 S one two three four five ee 2900 20080 020000 0209090 6 7 8 9 10 six seven eight nine ten 00000000 354000. J= 0@9@@80000 02000000000 co200e000000 6 Listen. Point and say, 1:0 etre “x *et “. ate How many blue squares? ; * ~_& WAL — Ask and answer. r:a list Look and listen. Say. Listen. Point and say. Listen and do.

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