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American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 169, No.

ª The Author 2009. Published by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwp061
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: Advance Access publication April 10, 2009

Original Contribution

Stress Pathways to Spontaneous Preterm Birth: The Role of Stressors,

Psychological Distress, and Stress Hormones

Michael S. Kramer, John Lydon, Louise Séguin, Lise Goulet, Susan R. Kahn, Helen McNamara,
Jacques Genest, Clément Dassa, Moy Fong Chen, Shakti Sharma, Michael J. Meaney,
Steven Thomson, Stan Van Uum, Gideon Koren, Mourad Dahhou, Julie Lamoureux, and
Robert W. Platt

Initially submitted October 28, 2008; accepted for publication February 18, 2009.

The authors investigated a large number of stressors and measures of psychological distress in a multicenter,
prospective cohort study of spontaneous preterm birth among 5,337 Montreal (Canada)-area women who de-

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livered from October 1999 to April 2004. In addition, a nested case-control analysis (207 cases, 444 controls) was
used to explore potential biologic pathways by analyzing maternal plasma corticotrophin-releasing hormone
(CRH), placental histopathology, and (in a subset) maternal hair cortisol. Among the large number of stress and
distress measures studied, only pregnancy-related anxiety was consistently and independently associated with
spontaneous preterm birth (for values above the median, adjusted odds ratio ¼ 1.8 (95% confidence interval: 1.3,
2.4)), with a dose-response relation across quartiles. The maternal plasma CRH concentration was significantly
higher in cases than in controls in crude analyses but not after adjustment (for concentrations above the median,
adjusted odds ratio ¼ 1.1 (95% confidence interval: 0.8, 1.6)). In the subgroup (n ¼ 117) of participants with
a sufficient maternal hair sample, hair cortisol was positively associated with gestational age. Neither maternal
plasma CRH, hair cortisol, nor placental histopathologic features of infection/inflammation, infarction, or maternal
vasculopathy were significantly associated with pregnancy-related anxiety or any other stress or distress measure.
The biologic pathways underlying stress-induced preterm birth remain poorly understood.

anxiety; corticotropin-releasing hormone; hydrocortisone; premature birth; stress, physiological; stress, psychological

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; CRH, corticotrophin-releasing hormone; OR, odds ratio; PPROM, preterm prelabor rupture
of membranes; SD, standard deviation.

Preterm birth is the leading cause of infant mortality in measured in early pregnancy has been shown to be a risk
industrialized societies (1–3). Despite several decades of marker of subsequent preterm birth (7–9). The main source
intensive investigation, an understanding of its etiologic de- of maternal CRH, however, is the placenta, rather than the
terminants has proved elusive, and few effective preventive hypothalamus, and the relation between elevated concentra-
interventions have been identified. In fact, rates of preterm tions of CRH to stressors and psychological distress on the
birth continue to rise throughout the developed world (4). one hand and maternal CRH on the other remains unclear
Recent interest has focused on the potential etiologic (10). Hobel et al. (8) reported a significant positive associ-
roles of acute and chronic stressors, the psychological dis- ation between perceived stress and maternal plasma CRH in
tress caused by those stressors, and the hypothalamic- women who subsequently delivered preterm but a negative
pituitary-adrenal axis (5, 6). The maternal serum or plasma correlation of a similar magnitude in those who delivered at
corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) concentration term. A more recent study from the same group found no

Correspondence to Dr. Michael S. Kramer, Montreal Children’s Hospital, 2300 Tupper Street (Les Tourelles), Montreal, Quebec H3H 1P3,
Canada (e-mail:

1319 Am J Epidemiol 2009;169:1319–1326

1320 Kramer et al.

correlation between maternal CRH and perceived stress but hospital at 24–26 weeks of gestation, based on an ultrasound
a small positive correlation with pregnancy-related anxiety estimate obtained prior to the visit. The clinic visit included
at 28–30 weeks (11). Other studies have found no associa- an interview, vaginal examination, and venipuncture, all
tion between psychosocial stresses and maternal CRH (12, performed by a research nurse. The interview questionnaire
13). In fact, even fetal intra-hepatic vein transfusion, which requested standard demographic data, including place of
raises fetal adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol, had no birth (no information was collected on race or ethnic origin)
effect on maternal or fetal CRH concentrations, suggesting and language spoken at home; detailed socioeconomic in-
that placental CRH secretion is not responsive to stressful formation, including education and occupation of the
stimuli (14). Thus, despite numerous studies with measure- mother, family income, and marital and cohabitation status;
ments of maternal CRH, few have identified ‘‘upstream’’ medical and obstetric history; height and prepregnancy
predictors of maternal CRH or ‘‘downstream’’ biologic me- weight; and cigarette, alcohol, and drug use prior to and
diators of its robust association with preterm birth. since the beginning of pregnancy.
In this paper, we use data from a case-control study nested Information was also collected on both chronic and acute
within a large, multicenter, prospectively followed cohort of stressors, with an emphasis on chronic stressors. Crowding
pregnant women who delivered from October 1999 to April was assessed by using the density ratio (number of persons
2004 to examine the complex relations among stressors, per room). A subscale from the Daily Hassles Scale (17, 18)
psychological distress, stress hormones, and preterm birth. was used to measure how often, and to what degree, the
In addition, we report, for the first time, the results of ma- woman lacked money for basic needs such as food, heating,
ternal hair cortisol as a cumulative measure of maternal and electricity since the beginning of pregnancy. The
stress over the duration of pregnancy and its relation to Marital Strain Scale of Pearlin and Schooler (19) was used
stressors, psychological distress, and maternal CRH. to assess chronic stress with the woman’s partner. An adapt-
ed version of the Abuse Assessment Screen was used to
MATERIALS AND METHODS assess conjugal violence; this 5-item instrument assesses the

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frequency, severity, and perpetrator of the injury (20, 21).
Our study design, methods, and procedures have been Because of the infrequency of physical or sexual abuse, we
summarized previously (15). The study combines features dichotomized this scale as any abuse versus none for all
of a prospective cohort and a nested case-control design analyses. Job-related stress was assessed by using an abbre-
(16). Analysis of biologic markers is limited to cases and viated version (22) of the instrument developed by Karasek
approximately 2 controls per case. Only the psychosocial et al. (23), based on the proportion of women with job-related
and other interview-derived variables, which require pro- stress (high demand and low control), with analysis limited to
spective data collection to avoid recall bias, are measured women employed outside the home. The intention to be preg-
in the entire cohort. nant was evaluated by using an adapted version of the Miller
The study is based in 4 large maternity hospitals affiliated Intendedness Scale (24); an unintended pregnancy was de-
with McGill University and l’Université de Montréal: the fined as a response of ‘‘not at all’’ to a question about in-
Royal Victoria Hospital, Jewish General Hospital, Centre tention to become pregnant, plus use of contraception around
hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, and Hôpital the time of getting pregnant. Perceived social support was
Maisonneuve-Rosemont. These hospitals serve a wide so- measured by the total number of persons that the mother felt
cioeconomic spectrum, including a large number of poor would help in time of need and in whom she could confide
women and immigrant women, with good representation from (25). We assessed social support actually received using
both the majority French- and minority English-speaking pop- a modified version of the Arizona Social Support Interview
ulations. Most women were recruited at the time they pre- Schedule, based on receipt of help with perceived needs in
sented for routine ultrasound examinations (16–20 weeks), each of 5 areas: instrumental, emotional, informative, norma-
because obstetricians delivering women at these 4 hospitals tive, and companionship (26). Responses were dichotomized
obtain their ultrasound examinations at the hospitals, rather as those with unmet needs in 1 or more of the 5 areas versus
than in private offices or freestanding radiology centers. all others (those without need and those whose needs were
A small number of subjects were also recruited at the time met). Acute stressors were assessed by using negative items
of prenatal blood drawing (usually 8–12 weeks) or in prenatal from the Prenatal Life Events Scale of Lobel et al. (27, 28)
care clinics based at the study hospitals. Approval of this study and Lobel and Cannella (29).
was obtained from all obstetricians performing deliveries Psychological distress was assessed on the basis of mea-
at the 4 study hospitals and by the ethics committees at all sures of perceived stress, anxiety, self-esteem, optimism, pes-
4 hospitals. simism, depression, and pregnancy commitment. Perceived
Eligibility criteria included age 18 years at the expected stress was measured by using the short form of the Perceived
date of delivery, singleton gestation, and fluency in French Stress Scale (30). Pregnancy-related anxiety was assessed
or English. We excluded women with severe chronic illness by a 4-item scale developed by Dunkel-Schetter (31) that
(other than hypertension, asthma, or diabetes) requiring on- asks the woman to rate (on a 5-point Likert scale) how often
going treatment, placenta previa, a history of incompetent she felt anxious, concerned, afraid, and panicky about being
cervix diagnosed in a previous pregnancy, impending de- pregnant; this scale has been independently associated with
livery, or a fetus affected by a major anomaly. preterm birth in previous studies (11, 32). Self-esteem was
Women who consented to participate in this study were measured with the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (33), as
asked to return to a special research clinic at the study translated and validated (34), and optimism/pessimism

Am J Epidemiol 2009;169:1319–1326
Stress Pathways to Spontaneous Preterm Birth 1321

was assessed using a short form of the Life Orientation Test (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Burlingame, California)
(35). We used a single item from the scale of Taylor et al. with 125I-CRH as tracer and a human CRH (anti-rabbit)
(36) to rate the study woman’s perception of her risk of birth antibody. The assay has a range from 0 to 1,280 pg/mL,
complications (including preterm birth) on a 6-point Likert with modifications to the suggested protocol yielding a sen-
scale; responses were then dichotomized as high (somewhat sitivity of 1.25 pg/mL. The antibody is highly specific for
or much higher than average risk) or not high (average or CRH, with no cross-reactivity to urocortin, vasopressin,
lower risk). Depressed affect was assessed with the Center adrenocorticotrophin, or leutinizing hormone.
for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) Scale (37), As previously described (40), placentas from cases (n ¼
dichotomized (as suggested by the developers of the scale 198) and controls (n ¼ 427) were placed immediately after
(37)) as depressed (score 16) or not (score 15). Commit- delivery in a double plastic bag and refrigerated. Three
ment to the pregnancy was measured by using an 8-item transmural sections of 3-mm thickness (1 each near the in-
scale (38). sertion of the umbilical cord, near a placental margin, and
The case room (delivery ward) of each of the 4 study midway in-between) were cut from the fresh placenta. All
hospitals was monitored daily (including weekends and hol- placental histopathologic features were evaluated by a single
idays) for deliveries of study subjects. Of the 5,337 women placental pathologist (M. F. C.) blind to the case versus
who were interviewed and examined at 24–26 weeks, 175 control status of the study subjects and to the results of
did not deliver at 1 of the 4 study hospitals and were thus lost all plasma analyses. We analyzed infection/inflammation
to follow-up. Women who delivered prior to 37 completed (membrane inflammation and/or funisitis and/or umbilical
weeks after labor induction or prelabor cesarean section cord vasculitis), decidual vasculopathy, and infarction in
were classified as having an ‘‘indicated’’ preterm birth relation to spontaneous preterm birth and the stressors, psy-
(n ¼ 54) and were excluded as cases or controls. Women chological distress measures, and stress hormones described
(n ¼ 16) whose menstrual and ultrasound estimates of ges- above. As previously reported (40), these pathologic features
tational age were within 7 days but resulted in a conflicting had high intraobserver agreement (j ¼ 0.50–0.78) and, with

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classification of case versus control status (i.e., 1 estimate the exception of decidual vasculopathy, interobserver agree-
classified the woman as 36 weeks, while the other classified ment (j ¼ 0.59–0.78).
her as 37 weeks) fell into a ‘‘gray zone’’ and were therefore For each stress measure, we compared the means and
also excluded, leaving 5,092 women for analysis. distributions among spontaneous preterm births (n ¼ 207)
Each study woman who delivered following spontaneous and term controls, including all controls (n ¼ 4,885) for the
onset of labor before 37 completed weeks (based on the last questionnaire-based measures obtained at the late second-
menstrual period if confirmed within 7 days by early ultra- trimester study visit and the selected controls (n ¼ 444) for
sound, otherwise by the ultrasound estimate) was classified the biologic markers and postpartum interview update of
as a case of spontaneous preterm birth (n ¼ 207). Sponta- negative life events. The overall group of spontaneous pre-
neous preterm birth cases were subdivided into those begin- term births was also subdivided by route of delivery
ning with preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) (PPROM (n ¼ 126) vs. preterm labor (n ¼ 81)) and by
(n ¼ 126) versus those beginning with preterm labor (n ¼ gestational age: early preterm cases (<34 weeks, n ¼ 34)
81), on the basis of the mother’s history as recorded on the and late preterm cases (34–36 weeks, n ¼ 173).
medical record. The mother’s report of leakage of fluid prior For all differences that achieved or approached statistical
to onset of contractions was taken as evidence of PPROM, significance (P 0.10), we carried out multiple logistic re-
even if she was in labor at the time she was first examined by gression analyses that simultaneously controlled for mater-
a physician. Among the 4,885 total controls, those selected nal age, parity, living arrangement (cohabitation), birthplace,
for the biomarker analyses were the next 2 women who cigarette smoking at the time of the second-trimester inter-
delivered at the same hospital as each initially identified view, language spoken at home, maternal education, family
case (n ¼ 444 after final adjudication). income, maternal height, prepregnancy body mass index,
The 207 cases and 444 selected controls underwent a post- and medical/obstetric risk. The latter variable was dichoto-
partum interview that included an update of the Prenatal mized as high (primiparae with diabetes, vaginal spotting or
Life Events Scale for third-trimester negative life events bleeding during pregnancy, or hospitalization during preg-
and a sample of maternal hair. We analyzed the 9 cm of nancy; multiparae with a similar history or a prior pregnancy
maternal hair closest to the scalp for cortisol, using an ending in stillbirth, preterm birth, or birth weight <2,500 g)
immunoassay established and validated in the laboratory versus low risk; 35.5% of the women were classified as high
of 1 of the authors (G. K.) (39). The method is relatively spe- risk. In the logistic regression analyses, the biomarkers were
cific for cortisol, with little cross-reactivity with other corti- analyzed as categorical (rather than continuous) variables in 2
costeroids. Sufficient maternal hair for cortisol analyses was different ways: above versus at or below the median and by
available for only 117 women (31 cases and 86 controls). For quartile, based on the distribution in the control group. In
the remainder of the cases and controls, hair analyses for addition to main effects, we also examined whether low per-
nicotine and cotinine concentrations (required for other as- ceived or unmet need for social support modified associations
pects of the study) consumed most or all of the hair specimen, between the remaining stressors or distress measures and
and the quantity of hair remaining was insufficient for cortisol spontaneous preterm birth by including multiplicative inter-
analysis. action terms in the logistic models.
Maternal plasma was analyzed for CRH (205 of the 207 Principal components analysis (SPSS, version 15.0.1,
cases, 430 of the 444 controls) by using a radioimmunoassay software; SPSS, Inc., Chicago, Illinois) was used to confirm

Am J Epidemiol 2009;169:1319–1326
1322 Kramer et al.

similar factor structures in the English and French versions Table 1. Baseline Characteristics (in Percentages) of Cases and
of all scales used to assess stressors or psychological dis- Controls in a Study of Spontaneous Preterm Birth Among 5,337
tress. All statistical analyses other than the principal com- Montreal (Canada)-Area Women Who Delivered From October 1999
ponents analysis were carried out by using SAS, version 9.1, to April 2004
software (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina). Term Controls Total Cases
(n 5 4,885) (n 5 207)

Maternal age, years

RESULTS <20 2.4 1.9
20–34 79.2 83.1
Table 1 summarizes the baseline characteristics of the overall
study cohort. As reported in detail elsewhere (41), none of the 35 18.5 15.0
socioeconomic characteristics differed significantly between Primiparity 58.2 59.4
women who experienced spontaneous preterm birth and con- Marital/cohabitation status
trols. High medical/obstetric risk, however, was significantly Legally married 46.2 39.2
more frequent among cases (51.0% vs. 34.5%; P < 0.001).
Cohabiting 43.8 51.0
Except (as noted below) for the optimism and pessimism
scales, none of the analyses in the PPROM versus preterm Living alone 10.1 9.8
labor or gestational age subgroups revealed differences in Place of birth
results from those in the overall case group. The results North America/Europe/Australia 80.1 84.5
comparing the overall cases and controls for the studied Sub-Saharan Africa/Caribbean 7.9 5.3
stressor and distress measures are shown in Table 2. Only Latin America 4.6 3.4
pregnancy-related anxiety, perception of high pregnancy
Middle East 4.2 2.9
risk, and depression (elevated Center for Epidemiologic
Asia 3.2 3.9

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Studies Depression Scale score) were significantly associ-
ated with the risk of spontaneous preterm birth. Although all Language
3 of these distress measures remained significantly associ- French 57.6 62.6
ated with spontaneous preterm birth in separate multiple English 18.6 15.1
logistic regression analyses that controlled for sociodemo-
Other 23.9 22.3
graphic covariates and medical and obstetric risk, only
pregnancy-related anxiety retained its association in logistic Maternal education
models containing all 3 measures (for median-based analy- High school or less 15.2 17.9
sis, odds ratio (OR) ¼ 1.7, 95% confidence interval (CI): Partial college 16.9 17.4
1.2, 2.3), with evidence of a dose-response relation across Completed college or 29.3 30.4
quartiles (adjusted ORs ¼ 1.2 (95% CI: 0.7, 1.9) for the some university
second, 1.4 (95% CI: 0.9, 2.3) for the third, and 2.4 (95% University graduate or more 38.6 34.3
CI: 1.5, 3.8) for the fourth quartile vs. the first). Mean op- Family income, $/year
timism and pessimism scale scores were significantly lower
<15,000 11.8 14.0
(10.1 vs. 11.1 in controls) and higher (6.0 vs. 5.1 in con-
trols), respectively, in those women who went on to deliver 15,000 –<30,000 15.7 13.4
prior to 34 completed weeks (P < 0.05 for both), although 30,000–<50,000 23.0 21.5
neither was significant in the median-based analyses (OR ¼ 50,000–<80,000 27.6 31.7
0.5, 95% CI: 0.2, 1.2 and OR ¼ 1.9, 95% CI: 0.95, 3.8, 80,000 21.9 19.4
respectively). None of the other stressors or distress mea- Medical/obstetric risk 34.5 51.0*
sures was associated with spontaneous preterm birth in lo-
Smoking 15.6 16.6
gistic models (including nonmonotonic associations in the
quartile-based analyses), nor did any significantly interact Prepregnancy body mass index, kg/m2
with low perceived social support or unmet need for support. <18.5 7.7 9.0
As shown in Table 2, the maternal plasma CRH concen- 18.5–<25 63.0 63.5
tration was significantly higher in cases than in controls (this 25–<30 18.4 14.5
was especially true in cases <34 weeks: mean ¼ 131.9 (stan-
30 10.9 13.0
dard deviation (SD), 70.0) pg/mL; P < 0.05), but the associ-
ation did not remain significant in multiple logistic regression Height, cm
analyses based on either median (adjusted OR ¼ 1.1, 95% CI: <160 22.2 26.1
0.8, 1.6) or quartiles. In the subsample of women who had 160–170 54.0 56.2
measurements of hair cortisol, hair cortisol was positively >170 23.8 17.7
associated with gestational age. Concentrations were sig-
nificantly (P < 0.05) higher in the hair of women who * P < 0.001 versus controls.
delivered at term (mean ¼ 190.6 (SD, 99.0) ng/g) than in
those who delivered at <34 weeks of gestation (148.6 (SD, No significant associations were observed between
39.2) ng/g). maternal plasma CRH and hair cortisol, nor between any

Am J Epidemiol 2009;169:1319–1326
Stress Pathways to Spontaneous Preterm Birth 1323

Table 2. Associations of Acute and Chronic Stressors, Psychological Distress, Stress Hormone Levels, and Preterm Birth Among 5,337
Montreal (Canada)-Area Women Who Delivered From October 1999 to April 2004

Term Controls Total Cases Crude 95% Confidence Adjusted 95% Confidence
(n 5 4,885) (n 5 207) Odds Ratio Interval Odds Ratioa Interval

Acute stressors, %
2 Negative life events, first 2 trimesters 22.5 19.0 0.8 0.6, 1.2 0.9 0.6, 1.3
1 Negative life event, third trimester 40.9 37.3 0.9 0.6, 1.2 0.9 0.6, 1.4
Chronic stressors
Crowding, mean (SD) 0.6 (0.3) 0.6 (0.3) 1.1 0.8, 1.4 1.0 0.7, 1.5
Unintended pregnancy, % 12.5 15.3 1.3 0.9, 1.9 1.2 0.8, 2.0
Marital Strain Scale, mean (SD) 18.5 (7.9) 18.3 (7.6) 0.9 0.7, 1.3 0.8 0.6, 1.1
Conjugal violence, % 6.8 7.7 1.2 0.7, 1.9 0.9 0.5, 1.8
Job-related stress, %b 23.6 23.6 1.0 0.7, 1.5 1.0 0.6, 1.4
Perceived social support, mean (SD) 4.0 (1.3) 4.1 (1.3) 1.2 0.9, 1.6 1.3 0.9, 1.8
Unmet need for support, % 11.8 11.8 1.0 0.7, 1.6 1.0 0.6, 1.7
Lack of money, % 6.2 3.4 0.5 0.2, 1.1 0.4 0.2, 1.2
Psychological distress
Self-esteem, mean (SD) 12.8 (2.0) 12.9 (1.9) 1.1 0.8, 1.4 1.2 0.9, 1.6
Perceived Stress Scale, mean (SD) 4.0 (3.1) 4.3 (3.0) 1.2 0.9, 1.6 1.1 0.8, 1.6
Pregnancy-related anxiety, mean (SD) 7.8 (3.5) 8.8 (4.1)*** 1.5 1.1, 1.9 1.8 1.3, 2.4

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Perceived high pregnancy risk, % 9.3 13.7* 1.5 1.02, 2.3 1.6 1.001, 2.5
Optimism, mean (SD) 11.1 (2.6) 11.1 (2.7) 1.2 0.9, 1.6 1.1 0.8, 1.6
Pessimism, mean (SD) 5.1 (2.7) 5.1 (2.6) 1.0 0.8, 1.4 1.0 0.7, 1.4
CES-D score of 16, % 24.7 30.7 1.3 1.0, 1.8 1.4 1.01, 2.1
Locus of control, mean (SD) 8.9 (3.0) 9.2 (3.3) 1.1 0.8, 1.5 1.1 0.8, 1.5
Pregnancy commitment, mean (SD) 20.3 (3.2) 20.6 (2.9) 1.1 0.8, 1.5 1.1 0.8, 1.5
Stress hormone levels, mean (SD)
Maternal plasma CRH, pg/mLc 103.3 (42.7) 116.9 (57.3)** 1.3 0.95, 1.9 1.1 0.7, 1.6
Maternal hair cortisol, ng/gd 190.6 (99.0) 171.7 (76.4) 0.8 0.4, 1.9 1.2 0.3, 4.7

Abbreviations: CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression [Scale]; CRH, corticotrophin-releasing hormone; SD, standard deviation.
* P < 0.05 vs. controls; **P < 0.01 vs. controls; ***P < 0.001 vs. controls.
Adjusted for all of the variables in Table 1.
Job-related stress (n ¼ 3,869).
Maternal plasma CRH (n ¼ 635).
Maternal hair cortisol (n ¼ 117).

of the acute or chronic stressors or measures of psycholog- the stressors or measures of psychological distress and
ical distress and either maternal CRH or hair cortisol levels. maternal plasma CRH or hair cortisol levels.
Nor were any of these factors significantly associated with Our finding that spontaneous preterm birth was consis-
placental histopathologic features of infection/inflammation, tently and independently associated only with pregnancy-
infarction, or maternal vasculopathy. related anxiety, among the large number of stressor and
psychological distress measures we studied, is strikingly
similar to that reported by Mancuso et al. (11), Orr et al.
DISCUSSION (32), and Lobel and Cannella (29) and suggests that this
association is unlikely to have arisen by chance. Moreover,
Psychological stress is a notoriously complicated con- the fact that the association persisted after adjustment for
struct. We have prospectively assessed a large number of medical and obstetric risk, as well as for perception of preg-
acute and chronic stressors in a large cohort of pregnant nancy risk (including perceived risk of preterm birth) and
women, along with measures of psychological distress and depression, suggests that it does not merely reflect reverse
social support. Except for pregnancy-related anxiety, we did causality (i.e., anxiety caused by early signs or symptoms of
not find any significant relations between any of the stres- preterm delivery). Reverse causality cannot be completely
sors or psychological distress measures and spontaneous excluded, however, because our measures of medical and
preterm birth. Nor did we observe any associations between obstetric risk and the woman’s perception of her own risk

Am J Epidemiol 2009;169:1319–1326
1324 Kramer et al.

may not have captured subtle signs and symptoms that could CRH may also be limited by the fact that we measured CRH
be precursors of subsequent preterm delivery. at a single point in time, rather than repeated measures to
To our knowledge, ours is the first study to examine ma- observe the pattern of CRH rise (46). In addition, we collected
ternal hair cortisol as a cumulative measure of this key no information on salivary cortisol, urinary catecholamines,
adrenal stress hormone over the course of pregnancy. placental metabolism of cortisol, or other biomarkers of
Contrary to our hypothesis, maternal hair cortisol levels stress.
obtained at delivery were not elevated in women who had The role of stressors, psychological distress, and stress
spontaneous preterm birth. In fact, we observed a positive hormones in causing preterm birth remains elusive. Future
correlation between maternal hair cortisol and the duration research should attempt to identify what ‘‘upstream’’ factors
of gestation, paralleling previously observed observations influence placental CRH release and whether trajectories of
that maternal plasma cortisol levels rise during pregnancy the rise in CRH concentration are associated with exposure
(42, 43). Because of this rise, a disproportionate amount of to stressors and/or psychological distress. Other stress hor-
the cortisol deposited in maternal hair will reflect levels mone pathways or biologic pathways that may mediate the
from the latter part of pregnancy, thus obscuring potential effect of stressors are also worthy of further attention. In our
relations involving increased stress, cortisol levels earlier in view, an informed assessment of stress and stress pathways
pregnancy, and preterm birth. Before dismissing hair corti- leading to preterm birth will require a better understanding
sol as a useful biomarker of stress during pregnancy, inves- of the basic biology underlying the onset of labor, both in
tigators in future studies should collect sufficient hair to the preterm period and at term.
permit trimester-specific analyses (especially for the first
and second trimesters) to avoid obscuring associations due
to rising maternal cortisol levels in late pregnancy.
The absence of any observed associations between
chronic or acute stressors or psychological distress and ma-

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ternal CRH levels confirms the findings of most previous Author affiliations: Departments of Pediatrics (Michael S.
studies but does not provide any new clues about the causes Kramer, Robert W. Platt), Epidemiology and Biostatistics
of the elevation in maternal CRH that predicts subsequent (Michael S. Kramer, Mourad Dahhou, Robert W. Platt),
preterm birth. We observed no significant association be- Psychology (John Lydon), Medicine (Susan R. Kahn), Ob-
tween pregnancy-related anxiety and maternal CRH, de- stetrics and Gynecology (Helen McNamara), Cardiology
spite the significant associations of both with spontaneous (Jacques Genest), Pathology (Moy Fong Chen), and Psychi-
preterm birth. This observation, plus the results of most atry (Shakti Sharma, Michael J. Meaney), McGill Univer-
previous studies (12–14, 42), suggests that placental CRH sity Faculty of Medicine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada;
(the source of most of the measured maternal CRH) is un- Département de médecine sociale et preventive, Faculté de
likely to mediate the effect of pregnancy-related anxiety on médecine de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec,
preterm birth. In contrast, psychosocial stress has been Canada (Louise Séguin, Lise Goulet, Clément Dassa, Julie
shown to raise salivary cortisol levels during pregnancy Lamoureux); and Departments of Pediatrics and of Pharma-
(44, 45). The finding by Allolio et al. (42) that plasma cology and Therapeutics, University of Toronto, Toronto,
CRH is not significantly correlated with either adrenocorti- Ontario, Canada (Steven Thomson, Stan Van Uum, Gideon
cotropic hormone or cortisol also suggests that placental Koren).
CRH is not an integral part of the hypothalamic-pituitary- Supported by the Perinatal Epidemiological Research
adrenal stress hormone response. Initiative Program (grant 20-FYO4-38 from the March of
Our study has a number of important methodological Dimes Birth Defects Foundation) and the Canadian Insti-
strengths. These include its prospective, multicenter design tutes of Health Research. R. W. P. is a career investigator
and recruitment of a sociodemographically diverse popula- and S. R. K. is a career clinician investigator of the Fonds de
tion from 4 large Montreal maternity hospitals. The inclu- la recherche en santé du Québec. M. S. K., H. M. N., and
sion of hypothesized biomarkers of stress (maternal CRH R. W. P. are members of the Research Institute of the McGill
and maternal hair cortisol), as well as placental pathology, is University Health Centre, which is supported by the Fonds
another strength that adds a biologic dimension to our study de la recherche en santé du Québec.
and distinguishes it from those limited to data based on Conflict of interest: none declared.
questionnaires. Another strength of our study is our detailed
information on clinical and biologic risk factors and our
ability to control for preexisting clinical risk factors as a
way of reducing the potential for bias due to reverse cau-
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