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Alyanna Mae B.




Vaccination is a way of protecting people against diseases before having them. Vaccines
create immunity in an individual by introducing a weakened or dead form of the pathogen–
such as bacteria or viruses, its toxins or surface proteins. Vaccines contain the same bacteria or
a part of them. However, they have been killed or weakened and they do not make you sick.
Instead, vaccines give immunity so that when your body encounters the real virus it is ready to
give you protection. This is what makes vaccines powerful. Unlike other medicines that cure
diseases, vaccines prevent them.

In a report from World in Data which was revised in 2019, it is stated that only 5% of
respondents all over the world said that they “strongly disagree” or “somewhat disagree” that
vaccines are effective. In Philippines, only 9% think of vaccines as ineffective. This is evident
because most of the children in our country were vaccinated with different disease-preventing

Now, let us talk about COVID vaccine. Just like other vaccines, none of the authorized
and recommended vaccines here in Philippines contain the live virus that causes Coronavirus
disease. This means that a COVID-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19. This vaccine
teaches our immune systems how to recognize and fight the virus that causes this fatal disease.
Sometimes this process can cause symptoms, such as fever, but these are normal and are signs
that the body is building protection against the virus.

The first set of COVID-19 vaccines arrived in the Philippines on February 28, 2021 and
the country started its vaccination program the next day to help combat the pandemic. Now my
question is, are you willing or are you hesitant to get covid-vaccinated? It is a really intriguing
and important question as coronavirus continues to spread in our country. But why would we
not get a Covid vaccine? Everyone, I am telling you, this is the best way to end the
pandemic. When enough people are immune, the virus will find it difficult to spread because
immune people can act as a barrier to prevent and stop the spread of the virus to other people.
Then, it can also reduce the need for preventive measures like lockdowns, community
quarantine and travel restrictions and it can also reduce the health, social and economic
impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic which can lead to help save lives and livelihoods and
perhaps can end the pandemic totally. Who does not want that, right?

Many people who plan on getting vaccinated are becoming confused with the influence
of those who are hesitant. But please let us all be mindful. Yes, it can be difficult to know which
sources of information are trustworthy. But when considering vaccine information on the
Internet or anywhere else, we must really check if the information comes from a credible
source. Let us not let ourselves and the others get misled because of the fake information.

If you are still wondering why, you should get vaccinated, let me tell you it is benefits.

First, it really saves lives. According to World Health Organization, vaccination

currently prevents an estimate of 2 to 3 million deaths every year. For some people today,
COVID-19 is a really deadly and fatal disease. So if you’re at high risk, you should really get a
COVID-19 vaccine to save your life.

Second, it saves money and time. When you tested positive in COVID-19, you will
probably be required to be under strict quarantine even if you are asymptomatic. And if you are
symptomatic, you will probably have to pay for your medical bills. So, get a vaccine and prevent
these from happening.

Third, these vaccines were tested thoroughly to see its safety, efficacy, and side effects
through a 3-Phase clinical study. All the available vaccines here in our country have above 60%
effectivity and were all tested safe-to-use.

There are many more, including protection for the vulnerable ones and for the future
generations, lessen the stress of medical staffs, stop the spread of fake news etc.

Therefore, if you want to end this pandemic quickly, let us all together, have trust, have
hope and get COVID-vaccinated.
Thank you so much!

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