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SPS0010.1177/0266351116642061International Journal of Space StructuresGaß


International Journal of Space Structures

Physical analog models in 2016, Vol. 31(1) 16­–24
© The Author(s) 2016

architectural design Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0266351116642061

Siegfried Gaß

The contribution presents design approaches based on analog models and experiments in architecture and science and
on the works of Frei Otto and his teams, in particular. Starting with the classification of self-forming processes, three
thesis are described to show the influence of the physical experiment on the quality of the design. The first thesis -
the design tools define the architecture - opposes T-square and compass versus self-forming physical experiments,
tracing back the invention of the grid shell to the search for a tool to define the proper shape of compression stressed
shell structures. The second - in working with self-forming processes, the will to design a particular shape is linked to
the understanding of the influence of boundary conditions - emphasizes that the use of self-forming processes never
holds you from making design decisions. The third - in shapes, defined by self-forming processes, the balance of power
according to the principle of minimal energy expenditure results in a harmony of form - reflects on the esthetical quality
of shapes, deriving from self-forming processes. The verification is given by an example of evidence: describing the design
process for a tent according to the form of a minimal surface the interplay between willful decisions and inherent laws
within the shape are show. The choice of suitable boundary conditions results in a shape which does equal justice to the
original design ideas and the structural specifications. Finally its shown that the role of physical design models in times of
computer-based virtual 3D models appear as three dimensional sketches.

analog model, self-forming processes, design, minimal surface, esthetical quality

Still have to speak what I cannot know: structures and unusual spatial configurations which
That I may understand whatever involve handling forms and materials in a way which dif-
Binds the world’s innermost core together, fers from that laid down in traditional rules. Models and
See all its workings, and its seeds, experiments permit the built reality to be simulated in
Deal no more in words’ empty reeds. advance under almost real conditions.
Beyond the context of this role, experiments and models
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust Part I, Scene I: Night have an even more important function in the design and
development of lightweight structures which have been
Introduction and basics advanced among others, in particular, by Frei Otto and his
teams since the 1950s.i To recognize the relationships
Even in the time of the opportunities of three-dimensional between the form of a structure and the forces which act in
(3D) modeling in the virtual world, analog models and it or can be transferred by it, and do graphically represent
experiments play an important role in the development of
architectural designs and in translating them into practica-
ble structures. Besides producing a 3D representation of an Professor Dr.-Ing. Architect, Nürtingen University, Germany
architect’s ideas and concepts, their importance is mainly
Corresponding author:
based on the possibility of limiting the material require- Siegfried Gaß, archcon, Uhlbergstraße 18, D-72631 Aichtal-Aich,
ments and the potential damage in the event of a failure as Germany.
a result of scaling down when developing innovative Email:
Gaß 17

the parameters relevant to the design, the fundamental rela-

tionship between the form, force, and mass of a structure is
investigated by means of experiments where the form of a
structure can develop freely by the equilibrium of forces as
a function of the properties of the material used. In these
experiments—which show an assumed law for an individ-
ual case and thus confirm or disprove a hypothesis by syn-
thetic design—the forms of innovative structures resulting
from the flow of force emerge by themselves.
In this connection, the use of a model or, respectively, an
experiment to present an architectural concept is of second-
ary importance; its main function is to find the form of a
structure in the self-forming process controlled by the laws
of nature. A wide field of research opens up in considering
Figure 1.  Tenside lamella as four-point minimal surface, Klaus
the manifold forms that may develop from self-forming pro-
Bach 1987, IL-Archive 3.48.108.
cesses which goes far beyond the direct application in archi-
tecture. Some clues as to the history of evolution of material
objects found can be given in science, in particular in biol-
ogy, based on the knowledge of the relationships between
the process of formation and the forms freely created as a
function of different boundary conditions. Conversely, the
forming processes which are suitable for implementing an
architectural or structural idea can be selected on the basis
of the knowledge of the forms created by self-forming pro-
cesses and the boundary conditions influencing them.
These physical models which solve the problem of find-
ing the appropriate form for a given design task are deter-
mined by selecting a material for the experiment with
physical properties analogous to the problem. The most well-
known example is the search for the minimal surface within
any chosen boundaries while designing, for example, tent
structures: the most important property of this surface for Figure 2.  Tenside lamella with complex boarder conditions,
design purposes—besides the smallest possible surface—is Klaus Bach 1987, IL-Archive 3.48.63.
the equal distributed stress at any point and in each direction
of the surface, resulting from the lowest possible energy of symbols, the world of imaginations and definitions, or
level. This problem is solved with the aid of tenside lamellae the physical world.
which are tensioned within the given boundary in such a way
that the form of a minimal surface is produced by the equilib-
rium of flow of the molecules (Figures 1 and 2). Reduction feature
The various architectural models, which differ greatly with Generally, models do not cover all features of the original
regard to their type and the requirements placed on them, can they represent but only those deemed relevant for an eval-
be used as demonstration models to illustrate relationships, as uation of the properties and relationships studied. The
experimental models to determine or check hypotheses, as typical reduction in an abstraction of reality usually makes
theoretical models to provide logically conclusive findings, or it easier to gain knowledge, due to the fact that it allows
as operative models to assist in decision-making and planning. casual connections to be shown. On the other hand, it
In all these cases, they have fundamental features in common requires a careful selection of the features to be reproduced
which can be classed under three main features.ii in order to avoid wrong interpretations.

Reproduction feature Pragmatic feature

Models always reflect something, and they represent natu- Models are not clearly assigned to their originals: they per-
ral or artificial originals which, in turn, can also be models. form their reproductive function only as a function of an
In this connection, it is irrelevant whether the reality they acting person, at a given time, and for a particular purpose.
reflect has been created naturally, made technically, or is They can therefore be considered as universally valid and
given otherwise. Basically, models can be part of the field transferable only up to a certain degree.
18 International Journal of Space Structures 31(1)

These three main features of all models lead to the force (Figure 3) reflects the finding that the loading
epistemologically important realization that models can capacity of objects is mainly determined by the type of
always only be a reproduction of a reality (no matter force acting. If the capability of different material
what kind), but at the same time are also a reality and are objects to transmit forces over a distance is assessed as
therefore subject to their own laws. This is particularly a function of the amount of material required, a mini-
true for those experimental models which serve to deter- mum amount of material is needed to transmit tensile
mine or check hypotheses or provide information for forces and the expenditure for compressive and bending
verification of theoretical ideas in a logically conclusive forces is much higher; for slender compressive stressed
manner. Nevertheless, demonstration models in architec- structures, no difference can be found compared with
ture are also affected, especially when the structural bending structures due to the necessity of geometrical
shape which was empirically found also becomes the stability.
space-defining contour of a building. In such cases, it is Classification according to the form of the developing
not possible to draw a screen-line between the individual structures (Figure 4) is based on the importance of the
types of models because a form-finding model also form for the capability of a structure to withstand stresses
allows statements to be made concerning the spatial qual- and transmit forces, on the one hand, and on the need for
ities of a planned structure. On this basis of system the- visual differentiation of the numerous different objects,
ory, physical models may be produced with the aim of on the other hand. Besides the space they occupy, their
obtaining information on the development of the form of proportions—as relative dimensions—are a key criterion
structures out from the “free play” of forces, determining for the description of the form. According to the usual
the forming forces and the materials required to perform classification, objects whose spatial extent is mainly
the design task, and finally incorporating the information determined by one, two, or three dimensions are distin-
obtained into the architectural design. guished according to linear, flat, or spatial elements,
The experiments and methods describing the typical without neglecting the fact that objects existing in reality
forms which may be produced by self-forming processes are always 3D. This is extremely important for light-
can also be used in developing shapes in architectural weight structures and their stability in particular.
design. Once the principles of their development are In-keeping with the increasingly complex forms, the list
known, the influence exercised by the boundary conditions ends with a group of structures in space and time whose
can be explored so as to obtain an overview of the diversity characteristic feature is the motion in space and a shape
of forms which may develop by themselves—in living which recurs periodically as a function of time.
nature without the genetic coding of the form, solely by the
determination of the structural principle, and in technology Thesis 1: “The design tools define the
without man’s will to shape.iii The broad spectrum of mor-
phological knowledge of the canon of forms developing
under the principles of natural science and the forming In one of the lectures at Stuttgart University, which the
processes can then be used as the basis for the synthesizing audience were always enthralled by, Frei Otto started with
activity of designing and constructing and for the analyz- the critical comment that the tools of design define the
ing the activity of phenomenological definition. architecture showing a slide with T-square, triangle, and
Comparing the objects which have developed from self- compass—the typical working table of an architect in
forming processes, it is noticeable that many of the charac- those days.
teristic forms appear within a quite different context, meaning Looking at the beginning of the development of grid
that the shaping principles may provide information on pos- shells, dating back from 1958 when Frei Otto started a
sible common features during forming process: objects series of experiments about the appropriate shape of
which have a similar form may have developed in a similar compression-stressed shell structures using the suspen-
way and may also serve similar purposes similarly well. sion form at Washington University in St Louis, there is
In order to obtain an overview of the many possible an interesting finding: the experiments started like the
experiments and processes for the development of form in ones Heinz Isler made in Switzerland in the 1950sv
nature and technology, two basically different classifica- (Figure 5) with homogeneous flat elastic membranes. But
tion systems can be developed. The first system is geared unlike Isler, who loaded the membrane with hardening
to the force which acts in a structure, can be transmitted by material (plaster of Paris), Frei Otto used nails that hung
it, or was active during its development. The other system underneath the membrane which was marked with an
is geared to the form of the developing object because this orthogonal grid in order to visualize the deflections in the
form is the essential criterion in the evaluation of struc- membrane (Figure 6).
tures based on the “lightweight principle”.iv Back in Berlin, Frei Otto continued the investiga-
The distinction on the basis of the force determining tions together with John Koch at the Development
the form acting as a tensile, compressing, or bending Office for Lightweight Structures looking for an
Gaß 19

Figure 3.  Structures developing from self-forming processes, classified according to the generating forces (Gaß, 1990, IL 25 page 2.17).1

appropriate and easy way to define the optimum shape Thesis 2: “In working with
of compression-stressed shell structures. In 1961, the self-forming processes, the will to
first experimental model of a continuously curved sur-
design a particular shape is linked to
face made from a textile squared mesh loaded and stiff-
ened by polyester resin was built. Typically, the
the understanding of the influence of
synclastic curved surface was not created by elastic boundary conditions.”
deflections but by shifting of angles of the mesh threads The sequence of self-forming processes is determined
(Figure 7).vi by the set boundary conditions, meaning that the result
This experimental model building method was then the of an uncontrolled forming process can be influenced by
beginning of the development of the architecturally suc- varying the boundary conditions. If the parameters
cessful structural type of the grid shell (Figure 8), a struc- determining the form and their influence on the devel-
ture that was fundamentally investigated in the oping form are known, a “desired” form can be designed
Japanese–German research project “Equal meshed com- deliberately—by the proper selection of these. The
pression stressed grid shells” at the Institute of Lightweight architect and designer do not surrender to the form
Structures (IL) in 1971 to 1973vii and culminated in the developing by itself, but this form is subject to his vol-
building of the Mannheim Hall for the Federal Garden untary decision to cause the correct form for the overall
Exhibition in 1975.viii design concept to develop “by itself” by selecting the
20 International Journal of Space Structures 31(1)

Figure 4.  Structures developing from self-forming processes, classified according to the generated forces (Gaß, 1990, IL 25 page 2.25).1

proper self-forming process and the corresponding produced by specifying a rigid spatially curved edge, by add-
boundary conditions. ing a further suspension point along one of the edges, or by
To illustrate the idea that self-forming processes never combining several interacting surfaces (Figure 10).
hold you from making design decisions, an example from In order to obtain the double-curved surface desired for
the fields of tensile-stressed structures where minimal sur- structural reasons, the length of the edge becoming the
face soap film lamellae are used in the design process is ridge must be selected so that no intermediate lamella
given: in the soap film experiment, a flat surface without occurs in the soap film experiment. This means that the
any curvature with circular-shaped edges is formed as the angle of contact between the two lamellae must be greater
minimal surface between three reference points with flexi- than or equal to 120°.ix
ble edges (Figure 9). In most cases, this surface is unsuitable
for use in building because forces acting transverse to its
plane—such as wind or snow loads—can only be transmit- Thesis 3: “In shapes, defined by self-
ted with considerable deflections. The membrane will flut- forming processes, the balance of
ter in the wind causing excessive dynamic loads to fittings power according to the principle of
and anchor points, or a rapidly growing water sag will occur, minimal energy expenditure results in
leading to the collapse of the structure in the worst case.
a harmony of form.”
If, despite this, a three-point surface is desired for design
reasons and the construction of a rigid slab is excluded, the Concentrating on the principle of “transmitting forces” as
double-curved surface required for load transmission can be a factor decisive for design within the reflections in this
Gaß 21

Figure 8.  Suspended net and photographical inversion to

Figure 5.  Stiffened form-finding model for a compression-
the upright standing grid shell, SEIBU-Team 1973 IL-Archive
stressed concrete shell to cover the stands of the open air
theater at Grötzingen (D), Heinz Isler 1977.

Figure 9.  Minimal surface between three reference points

Figure 6.  Suspended form of a shell structure, St Louis, Frei
with flexible edges: flat surface without any curvature with
Otto 1958, IL-Archive 1.11.7.
circular-shaped edges, Klaus Bach, 1989, archcon-Archiv.

Figure 7.  First model of a grid shell, built from a suspended Figure 10.  Minimal surface between three reference points
and stiffened mesh, Developing Office for Lightweight with flexible edges, combining interacting surfaces: double-
Structures, John Koch 1961, IL-Archive 1.17.42. curved surface, Klaus Bach, 1989, archcon-Archiv.

context emanates from the age-long desire to overcome inventions in the field of construction as, for example, in
gravity with the aid of architecture. This has always found the Gothic period, or in the field of creative spatial expres-
adequate expressions, either by way of trail-blazing sion as found, for example, in the Baroque structures of
22 International Journal of Space Structures 31(1)

Baltasar Neumann—which, concerning the cupolas, have

a high structural background too.
The search for architectural forms developed to rela-
tive perfection using the means available at that particular
time and which express the main notions and ideas of the
age results in “classical forms” which can only be
improved to a certain extent. As structures being the result
of self-forming processes show the principle of “transmit-
ting forces” in general, they may be considered as “classi-
cal forms” as well.x
Concerning the high esthetical quality of these clas-
sical forms, it is worth considering the idea that the
equilibrium of the forces which results according to the
principle of the minimum expenditure of energy within
the structure is reflected in a harmony of the form. The
esthetical quality of shapes, deriving from self-forming
processes, might then be an inherent property of these Figure 11.  Design model of the student tent on a scale of
self-forming structures. 1:50 using hexagonal mesh to show the stress distribution in
the surface—view from west showing the entrance situation,
Rainer Lange, Gerhard Ritter 1988, IL-Archive 18332/16.
Example of evidence
The design process for a tent approximated to the shape of
the minimal surface is used to verify the above-mentioned
theses. Thereby, the interplay between the willful decisions
of the architects (in this case, a group of students working
backed by the author under the guidance of Frei Otto in
1988) and the laws inherent in the form and resulting from
the self-forming processes can be presented as a general
approach. The choice of the suitable boundary conditions
made it possible to find a shape which does equal justice to
the original design ideas and the structural specifications,
resulting in a design of high esthetical quality.xi
The design of tent to cover an area of about 150 m2 in
front of a students’ meeting point was defined by the aim
of the task to realize a lightweight roof capable of being
used for a wide range of student activities and which
marks the location in the center of the university campus
in Stuttgart-Vaihingen.
The basic solution developed from the numerous indi- Figure 12.  Design model of the student tent on a scale of
vidual solutions is founded on a double-curved minimal 1:50 using hexagonal mesh to show the stress distribution
surface subject to pre-stressing as the loading case perma- in the surface—view from north showing the unequal stress
distribution at the high point, Rainer Lange, Gerhard Ritter
nently acting on it. Thus, the structure is stressed at each
1988, IL-Archive 18332/9.
point in each direction to an identical extent, and so the
material is loaded uniformly. In keeping with the small
size of the project, a so-called sail surface is selected As you can see from the elliptical deflection of the hex-
whose spatial curvature results from guy points at the edge agonal mesh in the surface, there is a much higher tension
at different heights, without support within the surface. stress in the direction toward the mast than in the ring
One high point is located at a cut-in edge of the surface, direction, due to the original design idea that the mast
thus creating a spiral edge line which, together with the should reach a height of about 10 m to make it visible from
curved mast, marks the center. In the evenings, when the all over the campus center. In all the other regions of the
sun is low, it shines through this opening into the tent. Of surface, the more or less circular-shaped meshes are repre-
particular challenge are the structural problems of this senting equally distributed stress. So, the will of the archi-
mast, which is stabilized without any guys just by the edge tects to build a tent with a peak at 10 m height resulted in a
cables which come together tangentially at the tip of the structure not any longer being a minimal surface. The
mast (Figures 11 and 12). minimal surface set up by a soap film lamella within the
Gaß 23

Figure 15.  Soap film model of the optimized tent design—

Figure 13.  Soap film model of the original tent design in
view from west showing the entrance situation, Rainer Lange,
parallel light to enable precise measurement, Rainer Lange,
Gerhard Ritter 1988, IL-Archive 18335/2.
Gerhard Ritter 1988, IL-Archive 18322/11.

Figure 16.  Design model of the tent on a scale of 1:25 using

square mesh set under tension by spiral strings to show the
shifting of angles between warp and weft in the surface, Rainer
Figure 14.  Soap film model of the optimized tent design in Lange, Gerhard Ritter 1988, archcon-Archiv.
parallel light to enable precise measurement, Rainer Lange,
Gerhard Ritter 1988, IL-Archive 18331A/5.
original design by slightly lowering the central high point
and varying the remaining suspension points (Figure 15).
same boarder conditions shows a form quite different in In order to convert the design into a buildable structure,
the area of the high point: the two edge threads join up further models were built, for example, the square mesh
over a long way and lead to a “high” point lower than the model to show the shifting of angles between warp and
other guy points (Figure 13). weft to change the flat surface of the membrane into a dou-
Investigation of the boundary conditions which permit ble-curved one. Due to political reasons, the tent was never
the creation of a minimal surface with the intended high built, but the final design model (Figures 16 and 17) shows
point and spiral edge line was then carried out in numerous the high esthetical quality of the design—and by that the
stages in which the length of the edge threads and the loca- reward to the efforts of the students due to Frei Otto’s
tion of the high point were varied on a circular area. Once insisting on the truth of the soap film lamella and so on.
the principles have been determined which are applicable
to reach the desired result, the overall form was simulated
again and optimized according to the overall boarder con-
ditions (Figure 14). Finally, it was possible to “find” the Looking back to the times, when physical models were the
design of a minimal surface closely resembling the only possibility to come up with the relevant information
24 International Journal of Space Structures 31(1)

iii. Besides the description of the concept by the author in IL

25, an initial comprehensive summary is given in Otto.3
iv. The “lightweight principle” describes the relation between
the form, force, and mass of a structure; this is presented
in detail in Schaur4 and Information of the Institute for
Lightweight Structures: IL 24—Lightweight Principle.5
v. The numerous concrete shells built by Heinz Isler and his
design ideas are documented in Ramm and Schunck.6
vi. The working process is described in Drew (p. 43).7
vii. The research project is documented in Hennike, J. et al.8
viii. The process of design and building of the up-till-today big-
gest grid shell is described Bächer, M. et al.9
ix. Detailed information about the design rules relevant in using
soap film lamellae as design tools is given in Information
of the Institute for Lightweight Structures: IL 18—Forming
Figure 17.  Design model of the tent on a scale of 1:25 using Bubbles, Stuttgart 1987.
square mesh set under tension by spiral strings to show the x. A first cautious concept of this idea is presented in Otto.10
shifting of angles between warp and weft in the surface, Rainer xi. The project “Tent above Students’ Meeting Point” is docu-
Lange, Gerhard Ritter 1988, archcon-Archiv. mented in detail in Gaß (p. 7.4 f).1

needed to build lightweight structures, it is obvious to see References

that today’s possibilities of using virtual 3D computer mod- 1. Gaß S. Experiments – physical analog models in architec-
els give new opportunities in design and realization. In par- tural design. In: Otto F (ed.) Information of the Institute
ticular, the questions of tolerances due to measurement for Lightweight Structures: IL 25 Experiments. Stuttgart,
exactness and of further possibilities like the optimization of 1990, p. 288.
the shapes of structures due to different loading conditions 2. Stachowiak H. Allgemeine Modelltheorie. Vienna and New
and others make it well advised to use computer modeling. York, 1973, p. 495.
3. Otto F. Selbstbildung - Physikalische und konstruktive
But nevertheless, physical design models are still impor-
Entstehungsprozesse, die auf die entstehung, Ausbildung
tant in finding and investigating forms of non-conventional
und den Wandel organischer Objekte Einfluß haben und die
structures; particularly in the early design stage when ideas auch für Technik und Architektur von Bedeutung sein kön-
are to be developed and are to be communicated, physical nen. In: Sonderforschungsbereich 230 (Hrsg.): Konzepte
models can do a successful job as 3D sketches. SFB 230 2. Stuttgart, 1984, p. 212.
4. Schaur E. Basics. In: Otto F (ed.) Information of the Institute for
Declaration of conflicting interests Lightweight Structures: IL 21 Basics. Stuttgart, 1990, p. 190.
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with 5. Information of the Institute for Lightweight Structures: IL
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this 24—lightweight principle. Stuttgart, 1990.
article. 6. Ramm E and Schunck E. Heinz Isler Schalen. Stuttgart,
1986, p. 107.
Funding 7. Drew P. Frei Otto form and construction. Stuttgart, 1976,
p. 160.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, 8. Hennicke J, Matsushita K, Otto F et al. Grid Shells. In:
authorship, and/or publication of this article. Otto F. (ed.) Information of the Institute for Lightweight
Structures: IL 10 – grid shells. Stuttgart, 1974, p. 346.
Notes 9. Bächer M, Beigel F, Bredow B et al. Multihalle Mannheim.
i. A comprehensive overview of these experiments is given in In: Otto F (ed.) Information of the Institute for Lightweight
Gaß.1 Structures: IL 13 – Multihalle Mannheim. Stuttgart, 1976, p.
ii. The model concept and its variety of applications are 276.
described in Stachowiak.2 10. Otto F. Natürliche Konstruktionen. Stuttgart, 1982, p. 136.

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