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“Things won are done; joy’s soul lies in the doing.”– Cressida in Troilus
and Cressida
Troilus and Cressida is a play by William Shakespeare, written in 1602.

If I’m a literature, I’m definitely a Shakespeare work.

We studied some of his writings like Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet in junior
high days and I can say that his literary artworks are exquisitely written but get
a bit too deep and complicated at some point specially for a non-english native
like me.

Going back, I feel like I’m a Shakespeare art because people have different
perceptions about me. I’m sometimes understood but sometimes not. I’m
annoying to one, flawless to another. I’m quiet to few, insecure to others,
smart to some, difficult to a lot and unknown to the rest.

And I admit I get really hard to understand and can be a headache most times
but if people would have willingness, open-mind and effort, they’d know and
see me clearly.

After all, it’s how I see myself that’s important.

And lastly, this quote tells that the beauty of things is not the outcome nor a
happy ending. It’s the process, it’s how we constantly seek for improvement
and satisfaction and how we overcome challenges.

And I strongly believe in it. In the middle of the madness. As we struggle to

remember what we were supposed to be doing next. Because joy’s soul lies in
the doing.

After all, while the goal of any commercial venture must ultimately be to
generate some form of financial or social return, it is often the process of
creating a business that teaches the most important and viable lessons. This
is why so many entrepreneurs establish multiple ventures in their life time, as
they are constantly seeking improvement and the satisfaction that ids
delivered by tackling and overcoming challenges.
They say: when you are doing something you like, you bloom. I have always enjoyed
doing photoshoots and even dreamt of becoming a model when I was a child. That is
why I am grateful for the opportunity, to enjoy shooting again, that our psychology
class have given me.

Going back, I actually have 3 reasons why I chose this photo:

1. The inspiration- Every time I see photos like this in social media, it reminds of the
beauty of the moon (my cure when I feel alone).

2. The message- Like moon, we go through different phases. Sometimes we lose our
light and we experience darkness, but it is okay, because we will never appreciate the
light without going through the dark side.

3. Happiness- It shows how I still enjoy doing this and I am sure it’s a big help for my

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