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- Form a group with 5-6 members

- Name your corporation:


Chief Executive Officer/ Board Director

Chairperson  Alyanna Mae Buscaino Dequino
Vice-Chairperson  Karen Shanel Agustin
Board Secretary/ Board Director  Aurina Jssamin Pee Salosagcol
Board Treasurer/ Board Director  Katherine Castro
Chief Financial Officer/ Board Director  Denisse Ira Romero
 Ronnie Delos Reyes

- Simulate a board of directors meeting (recorded video)

- Conduct a voting for a corporate action


I. Call to order

CHAIRMAN: *greetings* “This special meeting of the board of HALCYON ACCOMODATIONS CORPORATION is called to
order at __:__am/pm of November __, 2021.”


CHAIRMAN: “A timely letter of notice was received by all members of the board for this meeting”

CHAIRMAN: (To the Secretary), “Do we have a quorum?”

SECRETARY: “Yes, the following members are present ...” *tatawagin isa-isa*

II. Approving the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

CHAIRMAN: “You have all received and had an opportunity to review the minutes of the previous meeting. Are there
any corrections or amendments to the minutes?”
*wala amendments*
“None? okay.”
“I call a motion to approve of the minutes as presented”

TREASURER: “So moved”

CHAIRMAN: “Is there a second?”
CFO: “Second”

CHAIRMAN: “Having been moved and seconded, is there any further discussion?” *pause* “None?” *pause*
“Hearing none, the minutes are filed as presented.”

*parang magjojoke na “wow you’re making my job easier.”

III. Approving the Agenda

CHAIRMAN: “The meeting agenda has been distributed in your board pack. Are there any amendments to the

CEO: *raise hand* Regarding Our Old and unsettled business which is the approval of loan for personal protective
equipments of our staffs, this has already been settled, Thanks to our Vice Chairman for coordinating with Mr. Shirin
Yoku. Mr. Shirin Yoku, who has big support for Halcyon Accommodations Corporation granted us a fund for personal
protective equipments of our staffs, amounting P1.3M. Thus, we don’t need to approve this loan anymore.

Again, the need of fund for ppes of our staffs has already been settled. Thank you!

CHAIRMAN: “Thank you, ma’am! Please take note of that Ms. Secretary”


IV. Treasurer’s Report

CHAIRMAN: “Financial reports have been sent as part of your board pack.”
“The treasurer, will now present the financial report.”
*Introduce the treasurer, who gives their report to the board*


CHAIRMAN: “Thank you, are there any questions?”

*raise hand jssamin*

CHAIRMAN: “Yes Miss Vice Chairman”

VICE CHAIRMAN: *medyo pissed-off tone* “Last month, I requested for the latest financial statement but got an
outdated one 10 days after my request. *pause* it seems like our accounting system problem is not yet fixed, Is it Ms.

TREASURER: We have been coordinating with the Finance Committee and we are already doing what we can to
improve our accounting system.

CHAIRMAN: “Do you have something to say MR. CFO?”

CFO: “Since we are already talking about our accounting system. May I proceed to my report regarding this matter?”

CHAIRMAN: All right, let’s here the Finance Committee report, uhmmm. Mr. Ronnie Delos Reyes is the Chief of
the finance committee. You have the floor.  
CFO: thank you, madam chairman! Ms. Denisse Romero, our treasurer, has coordinated with our committee to
identify ways to improve financial reporting. You'll find a copy of that report in your board pack. On behalf of the
Finance Committee, it is moved that the association will purchase Blueberry Accounting Software to integrate all
accounting functions at a cost not to exceed P500,000  
CHAIRMAN: thank you! Is there a seconder for the motion? 
TREASURER: *raise ng hand* 
CHAIRMAN: okay, second the motion. thank you, that's your chair. I will repeat the motion - that the 
Association will purchase Blueberry Accounting Software to integrate all accounting functions at a cost not to
exceed P500,000. Ronnie, would you like to speak to your committee’s motions? 
CFO: well, I think that all the relevant information is in the report. however, I will say that we're very confident
that this accounting software will meet all of the association's accounting needs. 
: who else would like to speak to the motion? 
SECRETARY: *raise ng hand* 

*the chairman recognizes secretary*

SECRETARY: I speak in favor of the motion but through you madam chairman, I have one question for Ronnie. 
CHAIRMAN: please go ahead 
SECRETARY: how many accounting software companies were canvassed requotes? 
CFO: Our staff contacted seven companies. I'd like to point out that all the information was provided to everyone in
the material sent out in advance. we have assessed each company system based on predetermined criteria and
Blueberry Accounting Software was clearly the strongest candidate. 
CHAIRMAN: is there any other discussion? 
*mag rraise ng hand si secretary, Alyanna ad aurina * 
CHAIRMAN: Ms. Secretary since you've already spoken and our CEO and Vice Chairman have raised their hand. we'll
hear from them first. Ms. Alyanna, the chair recognizes you. 
CEO: Mr. Delos Reyes, I do support this motion, but my question is,,, can the Association assume that the accounting
system will continue to be upgraded without any additional costs?  
CFO: well the contract currently has a two-year upgrade and after that, we would be negotiating. 
CEO: *tango tango* Thank You! 
CHAIRMAN: Ma’am Vice Chairman, do you wanna… 
VICE CHAIRMAN: it's okay. 
CHAIRMAN: all right, so three members have spoken in favor of the motion. Is there anyone who would like to
speak against the motion? are you ready to vote? 
*tango tango*

I’ll repeat the motion - that the association will purchase blueberry accounting software to integrate all accounting
functions at a cost not to exceed P500,000. 
all those in favor of the motion please raise your hand. 
*magrraise ng hand ang lahat* 
CHAIRMAN: the motion is carried. staff will make arrangements to purchase the accounting software. Mr. CFO, is your
report now complete?  
CFO: Yes, it’s complete. thank you! 
V. Old Business

CHAIRMAN: “We will now discuss a pending Old Business which is to give or affirm the authority of the CEO to acquire
a loan for personal protective equipment and medical benefits of staffs, on behalf of the corporation. Do we have a
motion to consider approval of the resolution as it is stated in the agenda?”
“Oh, This is the one which was already settled.”

CEO: Yes, that’s already settled. Pls take note Ms. Secretary

CHAIRMAN: I’m sorry.

VI. New Business

CHAIRMAN: “So let’s proceed to New Business.”

*lahat titingin sa paper na hawak na mukha naming natutuwa*

The first agenda item under New Business is the renovation of Halcyon Resort Hotel- La Union Branch and Siargao
Branch. Do we have a motion to consider approval of the resolution(s) as stated in the agenda?”


CHAIRMAN: “Is there a second?”

TREASURER: “Second.”

CHAIRMAN: “Having been moved and seconded, is there any discussion?

“Hearing none. This motion carried”

CHAIRMAN: The second agenda item under New Business is the review and approval of the Capital Budget for the
coming fiscal year. Do we have a motion to consider approval of the resolution(s) as stated in the agenda?

*lahat titingin sa paper na hawak na mukha naming natutuwa*

CFO: “So moved”

CHAIRMAN: “Is there a second?”

CEO: “Second.”

CHAIRMAN: “Having been moved and seconded, is there any discussion?

CHAIRMAN: “None?” “Hearing none. Motion carries”

CHAIRMAN: “We will now address the third item under New Business to reopen Halcyon Farm and Wellness Resort-
Batangas Branch. Do we have a motion to consider approval of the resolution as it is stated in the agenda?”
CFO: “So moved”

CHAIRMAN: “Is there a second?”

SECRETARY: “Second.”

CHAIRMAN: “Having been moved and seconded, is there any discussion?

CHAIRMAN: “None?” “Hearing none. Motion carries”

VII. Announcements and Other Business

CHAIRMAN: “Is there any further business to come?”


VIII. Adjourn the Meeting

CHAIRMAN: “There, being no further business, I call for a motion to adjourn.”


CHAIRMAN: Hearing no objection, this meeting is now adjourned.”


- Prepare a notice of meeting (KATHERINE)

- Draft minutes of the meetings (JSSAMIN)

- Deadline: November 15, 2021, 6PM

- Others: Business Logo (JSSAMIN)

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