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A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree

of MSc Mechanical Engineering


Ramsi Kalia


August 2017

College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences

University of Exeter


I certify that all material in this dissertation which is not my own work has been identified and
appropriate acknowledgement and referencing has been provided. I also certify that no
material is included for which a degree has previously been conferred upon me.



Purpose - This Dissertation aims to recognise, define, measure, analyse, and develop plans to
reduce and control, Electrical wastage produced in a Food Processing SME.

Design/ Methodology/ Approach - A combination of exhaustive literature review as

secondary research, and collaboration with a sponsor SME in order to gather primary
information. The company’s processes were observed and pilot projects were developed to
address the concern to reducing electrical wastes. Information for pilot projects was gathered
with the help of questionnaires and guided interviews of key personnel. This information was
then analysed to develop a lean road-map for the SME to realise reduction in electrical

Research Limitations - Limitations evident in the form that the road maps developed as a
consequence of the pilot project caters to the sponsor SME and may not be useful for other
SMEs in developing lean road-maps

Originality/ Value - The development of the various lean road-maps are expected to result in
a reduction of electrical wastes at SME to the tune of over £ 20,000 not including cost savings
as a result of embedded electrical waste reductions. While the lean road-maps developed will
cater to the sponsor SME, the methodology followed has been elaborately catalogued. This
information is expected to provide SMEs with sufficient guidance to develop their own lean

Keywords - Lean manufacturing, Electrical wastes, Small to medium size enterprises, lean
road-map, Food processing SME


First and foremost, I would like to express my special thanks and gratitude to Dr. Chris Smith,
whose guidance and advice has been monumental during this period of higher education. I
would also like to express my sincerest gratitude to my thesis advisor, Mr. Richard Shepherd,
who guided and nurtured my ideas while also providing invaluable inputs.

I would also like to thank my sibling and cousins Ms. Khushia Kalia, Mr. Ravish Sareen, Ms.
Ankita Singal and Mr. Anubhav Singal who helped me develop the topic for this dissertation
and regularly provided constructive counsel and direction.

I would like to extend a special thanks to Mr. Charles Baughan at Westaway Sausages Ltd.
who allowed me the opportunity to conduct this Dissertation at his premises. His kind support
throughout the duration of this project was a key motivator in the development of it. I would
also like to mention the employees at Westaway Sausages Ltd., with whom I had the
opportunity to interact : Jonathan, Ben, Tim, Lucy and Sarah.

I would also like to express my thanks to Mrs. Sue Addo and the staff at the College of
Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, who granted me the opportunity to pursue
an MSc. in Mechanical Engineering at Exeter University.

Finally, I must express my profound gratitude to my father for kindling in me the passion for
Engineering. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for showering me with unfailing
support and continuous encouragement.

This accomplishment would not have been possible without the support and guidance of every
individual mentioned.


Abstract 1
Acknowledgements 2
Table of Contents 3
List of Figures 5
List of Images 6
List of Tables 7
Notations 8
Chapter 1 : Introduction 9
1.1 Background 9
1.2 Aims and Objectives 10
1.2.1 Aims 10
1.2.2 Objectives 10
1.3 Scope of Work 10
1.4 Originality of Work 10
1.5 Outline of Dissertation 11
Chapter 2 : Critical Literature Review 14
2.1 Introduction 14
2.2 Wastes 14
2.3 Lean Bundles 16
2.3.1 Total Productive Maintenance 16
2.3.2 Total Quality Management 16
2.3.3 Six Sigma 19
2.4 Lean Road Maps 19
2.5 Pilot Projects 19
2.6 Implementation of Lean in SMEs 19
2.7 Critical Success Factors for Lean Implementation in SMEs 20
2.8 Benefits of Lean Production 20
Chapter 3 : Research Methodology 21
3.1 Introduction 21
3.2 Primary Research Methodology 23
3.3 Company Profile 25
3.4 Pilot Projects 26
Chapter 4 : Analysis and discussions 27
4.1 Value Stream Mapping 27
4.2 Swim Lane Diagram 31
4.3 Spaghetti Diagram 33
4.4 Pilot Projects 36
4.4.1 Project One - Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) 36

5 Productive Maintenance (TPM) 36 5S 38 Over-Processing 42
4.4.2 Project Two - Kobetsu Kaizen & Takt Time Analysis 43
4.4.3 Project Three - Energy Sufficiency Kaizen 45
4.4.4 Project 4 - Customer Satisfaction: The Six Sigma Approach 48
4.4.5. Project 5 - Visual Kanban 53
4.4.6 Project 6 - Food Wastes 56
Chapter 5 : Recommendations 58
5.1 Pilot Project 1 58
5.2 Pilot Project 2 59
5.3 Pilot Project 3 59
5.4 Pilot Project 4 60
5.5 Pilot Project 5 60
5.6 Pilot Project 6 61
5.7 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Development 61
Chapter 6 : Future Work and Research 63
6.1 Future of Lean Techniques 63
6.2 Future of Westaway Sausages Ltd. 64
6.2.1 Future of Lean 64
6.2.2 Future of IoT 65
6.3 Future Research Prospects 65
References 67
Appendix 1 - Questionnaires 71
Appendix 2 - Industry 4.0 Questionnaire 94
Appendix 3 - Letter of Intent & Resumè 105
Appendix 4 - Project Proposal 109


Figure Page

2.1 The seven types of wastes 12

2.2 Lean Bundles 14

2.3 TPM Pillars 15

Elements of critical factors for successful lean implementation.
2.4 18
Adapted from Achanga et al. 2006)
3.1 Continuous Development PDSA 22

3.2 PDSA cycle for Research Methodology 22

3.3 Research Methodology Flow Chart 24

4.1. Value Stream Map of Plant Processes 29

4.2 Swim Lane Diagram of Westaway Sausages Shop Floor 32

4.3 Spaghetti Diagram of Shop Floor 34

4.4 Idealised Spaghetti Diagram 35

4.5 The Kano Model, Adapted from Shen et. al (2000) 46

Flow-Chart showcasing the movement of a Customer Complaint to
4.6 49
4.7 Bar Graph showing the total number of complaints received in 2017 50

4.8 Bar Graph depicting the different complaints received in 2017 50

4.9 Customer Complaints received per 10 tonnes of production in 2017 51

4.10 Traditional Two-Bin Kanban System 54

4.11 Modified Two-Bin Kanban System 55


Image Page
4.1 Inventory Storage Area 27
4.2 Inventory Storage Area 27
4.3 Inventory Storage Area 27
4.4 Inventory Storage Area 27
4.5 Shop Floor - showcasing the Seasoning Bins 28
4.6 Goods In Fridge 28
4.7 Goods In Fridge 28
4.8 Supermarket - Finished Goods Storage - Chilled Area 30
4.9 Supermarket - Finished Goods Storage - Chilled Area 30
4.10 Goods Out Fridge - storing finished product 30
4.11 Pallet Packaging - Tertiary Packaging in Process 30
4.12 Inventory Storage Area 39
4.13 Inventory Storage Area 39
4.14 Examples of Floor Marking Techniques 41


Table Page

2.1 Comparing the waste categories to energy wastes produced 15

2.2 TPM Pillar Definitions 18

2.3 Tools for TQM measurement and their uses. (Jostes & Helms, 18

4.1 OSHA Standard Guidelines for Floor Marking. Adapted from 41

OSHA Standard 1910.22


6ơ Six Sigma
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CSF Critical Success Factor
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
G.M. General Manager
IoT Internet of Things
IQF Frozen Sausages
JIT Just-In-Time
LSS Lean Six Sigma
LT Lean Techniques

M.D. Managing Director

NVA Non-Value Adding

PDSA Plan-Do-Study-Act

QA Quality Assurance

QI Quality Improvement

SKU Stock Keeping Unit

SMB Small to Medium Business

SME Small to Medium Enterprise

TB Two-Bin

TPM Total Productive Maintenance

TPS Toyota Production System

TQM Total Quality Management

VA Value Adding

VSM Value Stream Mapping

WIP Work In Progress


1.1 Background

After World War II, Japanese manufacturers were faced with vast shortages of
material, financial, and human resources. These conditions resulted in the birth of the
“Lean” manufacturing concept (Womack et al., 1990).

Globalisation of markets has resulted in increased competition and organisations are

under continuous pressure to pursue operational excellence and improve efficiencies
in order to reduce costs, while also providing products of higher quality with shorter
lead times. World-wide studies point to Lean Manufacturing as a tool to help
organisations achieve these demands.

Even though the origin of Lean was based in automotive manufacturing, it has
evolved to a stage where almost every industry sector has gained tremendous
advantages by employing suitable Lean Techniques (LT).

It has been argued that Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are at a considerable

disadvantage as a result of the globalisation of markets as they operate in sectors
where there exist few barriers to new entrants and they exert little, to no, control over
their suppliers. This causes the SMEs to perform in a reactive manner to ever
changing circumstances. LTs have been widely accepted as cost cutting tools and are
hence essential to SMEs. (Achanga, 2007; Achanga et al, 2005).

Even though the importance of LTs in SMEs has been thoroughly explored, the extent
of adoption of LTs in SMEs has remained dismal. This has been primarily attributed
to the lack of clear understanding of and methodologies for Lean implementation.
More importantly, the concept of Lean has mostly been employed to realise
reductions in the seven mudas as defined by Taiichi Ohno (Toyota Executive,

The idea of using Lean Techniques to reduce utility wastes, while discussed by a few
Large Enterprises, has remained fairly untouched in academic literature. This has
resulted in the inability of most SMEs to successfully adopt the Lean Production
concept. Moreover, there exists an information vacuum with regards to the most
efficient manner in which to introduce LT at a company to ensure its success.

1.2 Aims and Objectives

1.2.1 Aim -

This Dissertation aims to recognise, define, measure, analyse, and develop plans to
reduce and control Electrical wastage produced in a Food Processing SME.

1.2.2 Objectives -

The objectives of this Dissertation are as listed below :

1. To collaborate with an SME in the Food Processing Sector

2. To recognise one or more areas where Lean Manufacturing Techniques can be
employed in order to reduce electrical wastage
3. To develop pilot projects to gather information regarding these areas of waste
4. To measure and analyse the Waste produced currently
5. To predict a reduction in waste by employing Lean Techniques
6. To recommend changes in functioning by aligning processes with Lean
Techniques in order to realise these waste reductions

1.3 Scope of Work

The scope of this Dissertation is focussed on studying the likelihood of success of

utilising LTs to reduce Electrical Wastage at a Food Processing SME in the UK.
However, the research study includes lean usage in all sizes and all sectors of
industry as a means to obtain all available useful information and understand the best
practices followed.

1.4 Originality of Work

The work carried out in this Dissertation may be considered as Original in the
following ways :

1. The method of utilising LT to reduce electrical wastage, while anecdotally

mentioned, has not been standardised or even briefly explained in the literature
2. The method of developing pilot projects has not been explored in the literature
3. The strategy for selecting appropriate LTs to target wastes other than muda has
not been explored in the literature available
4. The mechanism for directing different LTs to target utility wastes has not been
explored in the literature available

5. The cross-functional utilisation of different LTs, while theorized (only Lean Six
Sigma, LSS has been theorized), has not been practically explored in the
literature available
6. The method of analysing the questionnaire results could also be considered as
7. The development of recommendations that are easy to follow and apply has not
been explored in the literature. Only a handful of literary sources discuss the steps
involved in developing lean road-maps to help SMEs implement Lean, but even
these are awkward and trivial discussions. Hence, the development of the lean
road-map was original work.
8. The chapter of future work and research is wholly original

1.5 Outline of Dissertation

The remainder of the thesis is composed of 6 chapters. Chapter 2 is a critical review

of the literature in Lean manufacturing with emphasis put only on the aspects of Lean
in direct relation to the development of this thesis. Chapter 3 covers in detail the
research methodology employed as well as discussions on the development of pilot
projects. A short company profile is also presented in this chapter. Chapter 4 is the
discussions and analysis chapter. The findings of the individual pilot projects are
covered in detail here, along with methods to implement the various projects, and
expected results. Chapter 5 is comprised of the recommendations developed through
the primary and secondary research. In Chapter 6, discussions on the future work in
the area of Lean Manufacturing in SMEs as well as at the Sponsor Company are
carried out.


2.1 Introduction

In the previous chapter, the research aims and objectives have been outlined. In this
chapter a critical evaluation of the literature has been conducted. In order to simplify
the vast concepts that fall under lean, a number of charts and tables have been utilised.
The concepts explored in the further chapters have been elaborated upon.

2.2 Waste

Any activity that does not add value to a process is termed as waste (Melton, 2005).
Wastes or Muda are of seven types as defined by the Toyota Production System

Fig. 2.1 The seven types of wastes

For the purpose of project development, these wastes need to be equated with Energy
wastes. For this purpose table 2.1 is developed.

Waste Category Description

Energy consumed in operating equipment to make

unnecessary products

More energy used to heat, cool, and light

Inventory Storage and warehousing space.

More energy used for transport

More space required for work in progress (WIP)
Transport and Motion
movement,increasing lighting, heating, cooling
demands and thereby energy consumption

Wasteful or defective energy conversion

Defects Defectiveproduction or information requires more
space for rework and repair
Loss of revenue due to poor energy quality

Unnecessary production consumes unnecessary

Overprocessing Oversized equipment usage
Incorrect information causes NVA energy

Wasted energy during production downtime

Wasted energy during finished product storage

Table 2.1 Comparing the waste categories to energy wastes produced

2.3 Lean Bundles

Lean production can be described at different levels of abstraction: it can be defined

as a philosophy, as a set of principles and as bundles of practices (Čiarnienė &
Vienazindiene, 2012).

As a philosophy, Lean production can be defined as a multi-dimensional approach

that encompasses a wide variety of management practices (Shah & Ward, 2003). The
Lean production philosophy focuses on reducing the seven mudas (Schonberger,

The principles of Lean, as defined by Womack & Jones (1996) are :

 Identification of value
 Elimination of waste
 Generation of flow

Extending on the work of Shah & Ward (2003), “bundles” of inter-relaed and
internally consistent practices are developed. Specifically, four bundles are postulated;
these are Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Total Quality Management (TQM),
Just-In-Time (JIT), and Six Sigma (6ơ).

Fig. 2.2 Lean Bundles

These Lean Bundles are then used to develop the Pilot Projects for reducing electrical
wastage at sponsor company.

2.3.1 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) -

TPM is described by Jostes & Helms (1994) as having a synergistic relationship

among all the organisational functions, primarily between production and
maintenance, for continuous improvement of product quality, operational efficiency,
capacity assurance and safety.

Fig, 2.3 TPM Pillars

TPM Pillar Definition
Sort - Keep only the necessary items in the work place
Set In Order - Arrange items to promote efficient work flow
5S Shine - Clean the work area and keep it tidy
Standardise - Set standards for consistently organised work place
Systematize - Maintain and Review Standards
Develop operator capability in handling maintenance tasks
Prioritising the most important losses and reducing them through
Kobetsu Kaizen
small incremental changes
Develop trouble free machines through breakdown maintenance,
preventative maintenance, corrective maintenance and
maintenance prevention
Quality Controlling the process interactions between manpower,
Maintenance material, machines and methods to assure zero defect conditions

Table 2.2 TPM Pillar Definitions

2.3.2 Total Quality Management (TQM) -

Cua et al. (2001) have defined TQM as a manufacturing program aimed at

continuously improving and sustaining quality products and processes by capitalizing
on the involvement of management, workforce, suppliers, and customers, in order to
meet or exceed customer expectations. Deming (1986) reasoned that as quality
improves, waste is eliminated, costs are reduced, and financial performance improves.
This is referred to as the Deming Chain. (Adam et al., 1997)

Tools for Measurement Use

Useful when need to display the relative
Pareto Analysis
importance of all problems
Statistical Process Control Using control charts to analyse a process
Problem Solving Techniques Involves Root Cause Analysis
Used in order to shut machines down or lock
equipment in case of defect occurence
Aimed at employees who participate in a positive
Recognition & Reward Programs
manner in the processes

Table 2.3 Tools for TQM measurement and their uses. (Jostes & Helms, 1994)

2.3.3 Six Sigma (6ơ)

6ơ was popularised in the late 1990s by Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric
Corporation. The term “six sigma” refers to a statistical measure of defect rate within
a system. Underpinned by statistical techniques, it presents a structured and
systematic approach to process improvement, aiming for a reduced defect rate of 3.4
defects for every million opportunities (Pepper & Spedding, 2010).

2.4 Lean Road Maps

A “lean pathway” or “lean roadmap” helps “lean” practitioners identify and address
waste and its drivers, as well as understand how and when to apply the various “lean”
approaches in the organisation (Anwari et al., 2011).

2.5 Pilot Projects

Snee (2010) argues that prudent leaders would select pilot projects that have
“significant impact”, are doable in less than three-six months and easy for the
organisation to see the benefit of.

2.6 Implementation of Lean in SMEs

Dora et al. (2014) examined the barriers to lean manufacturing in European Food
SMEs. The top 10 barriers are :

1. Lack of top management commitment

2. Inadequate process control techniques
3. Availability of resources
4. Poor employee participation
5. Poor project selection
6. Lack of training
7. Lack of knowledge
8. Poor supplier involvement
9. Internal resistance
10. Poor delegation of authority

2.7 Critical Success Factors for Lean Implementation in SMEs

The critical success factors (CSF) for lean implementation in SMEs, as discussed by
Achanga et al. (2006) can be divided into the following categories :

The most Critical Supportive Benefits

Success Factor Elements of CSF

Leadership & Management Funding Productivity Improvement A successfully

Strategy Organisational Culture Resource Availability implemented
Vision Skills & Expertise Willingness to Learn lean project
People & Soft Issues Technology Development

Fig. 2.4 Elements of critical factors for successful lean implementation. Adapted from Achanga et al. 2006

2.8 Benefits of Lean Production

The benefits of lean, as discussed by Melton (2005) include :

1. Low process waste

2. Reduced lead-time
3. Less rework
4. Financial savings
5. Increased process understanding
6. Reduced inventory


3.1 Introduction

The initial aim of the project was to study the application of lean manufacturing techniques to
reduce food wastes in UK companies. This was supplemented by extensive Literature Review,
including studying examples that supported the hypothesis that Lean Techniques can
effectively reduce wastes and improve operational productivity and efficiency, thereby
reducing the cost of production, with special attention to Food Processing Industries.

In order to study their present Food Processing Techniques, Westaway Sausages Ltd., located
in Newton Abbott, was approached. The main objective for this collaboration was to identify
areas where Lean Techniques (LT) had been employed as well as to recommend areas where
suitable Lean Techniques could be effectively introduced. During the first meeting with them,
in which Mr. Richard Shepherd was present, it was learnt that while they are open and eager
to work on LT within their premises, they were not keen on reducing Food Wastes. This was
because their current process controls were strong and resulted in minimal food
wastes. However, during the discussion it surfaced that high utility costs were an area of
concern for the company. Hence, it was suggested that the direction of the project be changed
to explore the use of LTs to reduce either electrical, water or gas wastes.

The change in the direction agreed at the initial meeting at Westaway Sausages resulted in a
change in the primary aim and objectives for the project. This resulted in the need to revisit
the literature to develop multiple pilot projects that would not only have a high probability of
success but also provide “visible changes in diverse areas” in order to build Lean credibility
(Burati & Oswald, 1993, p 466; Snee, 2010). This was fairly time consuming work as,
although there exists an overabundance of information regarding LT and its effects at various
facilities, it is fairly limited in terms of achieving particular waste reductions or providing
road-maps on how efficiencies were improved. The information and examples cited in most
sources are anecdotal at best, including emphasis on a very large number of projects launched
simultaneously which dilutes the effect or impact any one project might have had. There is
scarcity in the literature available regarding utilisation of LT in reducing electrical waste, and
in general the implementation of LT in Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs). There is
virtually no literature present on LT in SMEs in the Food Processing Sector and these
constraints resulted in a longer than anticipated pilot project development period.

Multiple literature sources cite the importance of Top Management commitment in order to
implement any LT and through the first meeting, it was evident that Mr. Charles Baughn, the
Managing Director (M.D.) at Westaway Sausages was passionate about implementing LT at
his premises. This created an open atmosphere to introduce fresh ideas for pilot projects to
him and glean from his experience and knowledge in these areas. Five pilot projects were
developed, in consultation with Mr. Richard Shepherd before a second visit was arranged.

Fig.3.1 Continuous Development PDSA

Fig 3.2 PDSA cycle for Research Methodology

3.2 Primary Research Methodology

To gather primary information concerning these areas, a number of questionnaires were

developed. These questionnaires were complemented by conducting interviews of the
respective personnel charged with filling out these questionnaires.

On the second visit at the premises, multiple interviews were conducted over the day.
Interviews were held with the M.D., General Manager, Technical & Quality Manager, Office
Manager and the Production Supervisor. This visit also included a second tour of the office
space including the inventory stocking area. This further aided in development of the projects
including the next set of questions. During this visit, it became fairly clear that while the M.D.
had knowledge of certain aspects of LT and their benefits, a majority of the employees
remained uninformed in this facet of efficiency and quality improvement (QI) management.
Some employees interviewed seem to be working in manner similar to certain techniques (e.g.
- 5S), but they were not aware of the technical terminology. This lack of knowledge lends to
their inability to stay up-to-date with the advances made in these fields and especially keeps
them unaware of the defined methods and procedures that would enable them to implement
many of these procedures and techniques with greater ease. Another argument that became
evident on this particular visit was that a number of LTs are termed as being
unnecessary/irrelevant to a ‘small facility’ like theirs. This further prompted the need for
extending the literature review to include studying the practical application of LT in SMEs as
well as their critical success and/or failure factors.

The third visit to the company involved follow-up interviews, filling out of the second set of
questionnaires and an exhaustive visit and study of the Shop Floor (Kitchen). A complete
walk-through of the Shop Floor was conducted in the presence of the General Manager, to
understand the flow of work from “Goods In” to “Goods Out”. During this visit a vast amount
of time was spent understanding the Food Wastes that are created on the Shop Floor and a
new project was added to tackle the issue of food wastage. The fourth and final visit to the
company was set up to discuss the recommendations that evolved through the analyses of the
questionnaires and expected results of the pilot projects.

The questionnaires were developed with the help of previous research work in these areas due
to time limitations. Moreover, as the portfolio of sample companies was limited to one, the
questions were altered to specifically cater for their processes and systems. These questions
proved significant in surfacing the relevant information on their current status in the area of
the pilot projects. The structure and jargon of the questionnaires immediately verified that
LTs were misunderstood and the company was not practising true Lean.

The interviews were not timed but instead used to enhance the understanding of the
technology, management techniques and procedures being practised. These interviews were
guided by the questionnaires which facilitated easy communication and maintained focus of
the conversations. Finally, the information gathered from the questionnaires, interviews and
observations were compared with the literature survey in way of analysis.

A Flow Chart of the Research Methodology is presented below.


Approach Prospective
Partner Company with
Problem Statement and



Fig.3.3 Research Methodology Flow Chart

3.3 Company Profile

The company approached for the purpose of conducting primary research for this thesis was
Westaway Sausages Ltd.

Incorporated in May of 1997, Westaways was previously named Turton Quality Foods
Limited under the first Director Steven Turton who bought the butchery business from Dennis
Westaway. In February 2008, the business again changed hands and was renamed Westaway
Sausages Limited and has since been based in Newton Abbott, UK. Currently, Westaways has
two directors, the Managing Director, Charles Baughan and his wife and partner Ilona
Baughan. The current company assets are estimated at £ 1.61 million.

Westaway Sausages Ltd. is characterised as an SME (<250 employees) in the food processing
sector. As the name suggests, Westaway Sausages manufacture a variety of sausages in a few
different pack sizes as well hog’s pudding, black pudding, meat balls and burger patties. They
cater to direct retail, wholesale, caterers, butchers, delicatessens as well as over 500 retailers
in the West Country with fresh and frozen variants. Westaway has a long history of making
sausages that date back to over 100 years, and some recipes have apparently remained
unchanged for over 5 generations. This rich history has helped them establish a strong
foothold on the sausage market and they currently remain one of only a few remaining
companies that sell artisan sausages manufactured with British pork. It is registered in the
Food Standards Agency as a manufacturing/packing service provider.

Westaway Sausages Ltd. originally aimed their frozen products at export sales. They
developed a strong network internationally including countries like Japan, Barbados and India.
In fact they are the only British manufacturer allowed to sell pork to India. However, since
2014, these frozen products have also been made available to the British market. Along with
this, they have signed many contracts with retailers around the country in the recent past,
including one for supplying sausages to 140 Co-Op Food stores across the West Country in

They currently employ 12 individuals in the Office and 18 on the Shop Floor. They have been
the proud recipients of a number of awards for their sausages over the years including being
recognised as one of the 50 Food Stars by the British Government. This award recognises and
felicitates the rising stars of Britain’s Food and Drink Industry. The M.D. has also received
the Sausage Oscar, for services to banger, in 2014.

The contact with Westaway Sausages Ltd. was arranged by Mr. Richard Shepherd.

3.4 Pilot Projects

HYPOTHESIS : The implementation of the pilot projects will result in reduction of electrical

Project 1 - Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Analysing the peak machine performances and the current set up for planned, preventative,
predictive, and autonomous maintenance. It included studying the breakdown occurrences and
operator involvement in maintenance and repair activities. Finally, ascertaining any excessive
or oversized equipment resulting in over-processing wastes.

Project 2 - Processing Times - Takt Time Analysis - Kobetsu Kaizen

Under this project, understanding Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) definitions and measuring takt,
lead, and cycle times was the first step. Consequently comparing these with available man
hours and production per month. Moreover, looking at de-bottlenecking and possibilities of
improving the overall equipment efficiency(OEE).

Project 3 - Forecasting - Energy Sufficiency Kaizen

Analysing the current electricity consumption, the market contracts, regulatory constraints
and possibility of on-site generation of electricity. Also looking at the possibility of shifting
the production hours to low-tariff times.

Project 4 - Customer Satisfaction - Six Sigma

Studying the system for registering and addressing customer grievances, if any. Also
analysing the extent of Customer involvement in product development and innovation.

Project 5 - Kanban
Studying the inventory control system as well as the set up for Pull System in terms of
production, packaging and; raw material storage and ordering. This primarily included
studying the presence, if any, of visual signals.

Project 6* - Food Wastes

This project emerged as a consequence of the interviews where the quantities of food waste
generated on a daily/monthly basis was shared. It was aimed at studying the sources of food
waste. The quantities of food wastes on a daily or annual term was to be calculated. Finally,
analysing the effectiveness of LTs in place to tackle these issues as well as developing
recommendations for further LT implementation to eliminate these wastes.


4.1 Value Stream Mapping

The first step in a lean transition is to identify value-adding (VA) and non value-adding (NVA)
activities. For this purpose Value Stream Mapping (VSM) has been developed. Value Stream
Mapping (VSM) enables us to chart out the process flow. It is a map of all VA and NVA
activities from raw material acquisition to finished goods shipping (Pepper & Spedding, 2009;
Abdulmalek & Rajgopal, 2006).

However, as the projects were launched simultaneously, it became evident that multiple visual
aids would need to be utilised in order to fully and quickly comprehend the work process and
flow. These visual aids included process-flow flowcharts, swim-lane diagrams and spaghetti

The VSM diagram is shown below. Production Control is managed by Lucy, the Office
Manager. In this diagram you can see that the Production Control orders the inventory on a
weekly basis. This is done by manually visiting the inventory housing the material and
making note of all the materials that require ordering. Material that is catalogued weekly
includes the trays, sleeves, cardboard boxes of all sizes, plastic wrapping rolls, cider, and
spice mix. Some images of this inventory storage space are shown below. This inventory is
shifted on a daily basis to the Shop Floor for use.

Image 4.1 Image 4.2

Image 4.3 Image 4.4
The seasoning is stored in specified bins shown below. There are different bins for different
seasonings. These seasonings are filled regularly, and once emptied, are refilled.

Spice Bins

Image 4.5

The second inventory refers to the fresh meat, pre-mixed meat and natural meat skins
(sausage casing). This stock is regularly ordered twice a week, in advance, depending on the
‘forecasted’ production plans for the next week. All inventory is always ordered in a slight
excess so as to ‘never run out’. There are two fridges dedicated to storing this inventory
(Fridge 1 and 3). The figures below shows one of these fridges.

Image 4.6 Image 4.7

Natural Skins Fresh Meat Pre-mixed Meat 1 Pre-mixed Meat 2

Apart from this weekly plan, a daily production schedule is also prepared. This production
schedule is printed daily by the office manager and sent down to the Shop Floor, where Joe
(Kitchen Manager) oversees the production.

Physical Pull
External Shipment
Inventory 1 -
Packaging Supermarket
Fig 4.1. Value Stream Map of Plant Processes
Inventory 2 -
Meat Safety Stock

Buffer Inventory Operator

Kaizen Burst Manual Flow

Electronic Flow

The material is always produced in excess of the planned shipment. This is done primarily for
two reasons -

1. In order to have buffer stock in case of an emergency order.

2. In case the production plan requires an odd weight of meat to be mixed, this makes it
difficult to bring it down to exact numbers as the meat is either in pre-weighted packages,
that need to all used at once; or the recipe doesn’t allow for odd number reductions. This
forces the production of a round number weight of meat.

This excess daily production is then moved to the chilled area and stored as buffer stock. This
buffer stock is then subtracted from the next day’s production plan and is kept on constant

The supermarket at the end of the process flow is the storage area where ready-to-be shipped
products are stocked.

Image 4.8 Image 4.9

The images above show the “supermarket” in progress. At the end of the day, the pallets will
be stacked on pallets according to order summary and plastic wrapped.
If this space is filled, some finished product is also moved to the fridge as shown below.


Image 4.10 Image 4.11

In an effort to further understand the shop floor functioning, two more diagrams were
developed. These were the

1. Swim Lane Diagram - to understand the work-flow from order placement to shipping, and
2. Spaghetti Diagram - to understand the work-flow on the Shop Floor

These have been shown below.

4.2 Swim Lane Diagram

The Swim Lane Diagram is a flowchart in which decisions and processes are placed in
“lanes”. These lanes are presented horizontally and each lane represents a person, group or
sub-process. Here we have sorted the lanes into Customer, Office Manager, Inventory
Manager, Shop Floor Manager, Mixer, Kitchen Staff and Shipping. Here Shipping is the only
sub-process and all other lanes represent person(s).The vertical columns show the sequence of
events and the horizontal rows describe the roles involved.

The swim lane diagram was developed to capably understand the ordering process and the
succession of steps that yield the final product ready for shipping. The diagram was developed
after interviews with the M.D., General Manager and Office Manager. Historically, swim lane
diagrams have been used as a means to map and improve process flows and are similar to the
flow process chart called multi-column chart which first appeared in the 1940s. Here it has
been used to divide the process into visual categories in order to illustrate the different
functional responsibilities.

As can be seen from the diagram, the work cycle starts with the receipt of the order. This
order is then accepted and physically input into the weekly Production Plan by the Office
Manager (Lucy). The Production Plan is an excel sheet which then converts the batch order
into kilos of meat required. This requirement is further transferred into daily Production Plans.
The daily Production Plans are physically printed and presented to the Inventory Manager and
the Shop Floor Manager. The inventory manager is responsible for ascertaining the material
requirements and transporting them to the shop floor. The shop floor manager passes the kilo
meat requirements to the Mixer.

The mixer is responsible for mixing the required quantities according to the specified recipes.
This mixture is sent to the WIP fridge to maintain temperatures. From here, it is the job of the
Kitchen Staff to make the individual sausages, pack them in plastic containers, pass through
the metal detector and finally cover with sleeves (secondary packaging).

This packaged product is next passed to the shop floor manager who physically moves the
product to the chilled storage area. Here he assorts the product onto different pallets
depending on the order summary received from the production plan. Once the pallets are
filled, plastic wrapping (tertiary packaging) is used to cover the entire pallet. These pallets are
then shipped to the customer.

Fig.4.2 Swim Lane Diagram of Westaway Sausages Shop Floor

4.3 Spaghetti Diagram

The Spaghetti Diagram was also charted after an exhaustive study of the Shop Floor and work
flow from “Goods In” to “Goods Out”. This diagram helps us to visualise the flows through
the space.

It is hypothesized that visualising flow in this manner can help identify and thereby reduce
flow inefficiencies. Spaghetti Diagrams at times purport batching and queuing as opposed to
single-unit flow, however, the spaghetti diagrams have to be supported with physical
examination of the shop floor and analysis of single-piece vs. batch flow(Levinson, 2007).
Spaghetti diagrams also help in the study of variation in processing and material transfer

Spaghetti diagrams are so called because of the lines that are drawn tracing the path of a
work-piece through the process which can result in a diagram as messy as a plate of spaghetti.
It helps identify redundancies in work flow, areas where walk paths overlap, the major
intersections on the floor, and most importantly the areas of bottle-necking. They help to
visualise the movement of man and material through available space and can determine areas
of wastage.

Spaghetti Diagrams are a part of Six Sigma tools and focus attention on the Shop Floor
Layout and at times solutions appear instantaneously, primarily the C-shaped and U-shaped
movements. Ideally man and material movements are marked in different colours to facilitate
easy understanding, however, in this case a single colour is employed as there is no
autonomous movement of material. Operators and handlers are present at every point in the
flow and are required to physically move the material.

The Spaghetti diagram shown below was utilised to understand the work flow on the shop
floor. An ideal Spaghetti diagram would have one direction work flows and minimum, if any,
path overlapping. As the work flow is entirely manual, it has created a false sense of
efficiency. Moreover, as the facility is running far below capacity, the waits created by the
disorganised and sloppy movements remain either unnoticed or unimportant.

Again the point to emphasize here is that the facility is producing only 30% of its capacity on
average and this has created a lackadaisical environment and attitude towards excellence. As a
result, very little attention has been paid towards achieving flawless work flow. Moreover, as
the results of implementing LTs to counter these issues has benefits that are difficult to
quantify, it remains a point of contention in the minds of SME top management.

One of the biggest points that came to light while studying the Spaghetti diagram was the
process flow for producing IQF product. The annual sale of IQF product is close 700-800 kgs,
which can essentially be producing within 7 days. This means that the daily movement of
material back and forth from the blast freezer, to IQF packaging, and then storage is a gross
redundancy. A reason for retaining this redundancy was expressed as the need to run the shop
floor 5 days a week.

A solution for this tangled work flow has been expressed below. The main idea is to separate
the two production units and utilise only one section of the shop floor at any given time. This
would result in the running of the shop floor 5 days a week, while only running one section.

Fig.4.3 Spaghetti Diagram of Shop Floor

Fig.4.4 Idealised Spaghetti Diagram

4.4 Pilot Projects

4.4.1 Project One - Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

This project was aimed at analysing the presence, if any, of the Total Productive Maintenance
plans present at the company. The questionnaires developed were geared towards studying the
different pillars of TPM, viz., 5S, Autonomous Maintenance (Jishu Hozen), Planned
Maintenance, and Training. The ‘Over-processing’ waste was also included under this project
as a majority of the over-processing wastes were believed to be present on the Shop Floor and
building one part of the questionnaire for the personnel would have been better received than
multiple ones.

This particular Questionnaire had 8 sections, parts of which were answered by different
employees. The 5S section was filled by Lucy (Office Manager); the Machine Operator,
Autonomous Maintenance, Maintenance Prevention and Over-processing sections was filled
out by Ben (Production Supervisor), and the remaining sections by Charles (M.D.). Charles
also lent his answers to a majority of the other sections.

This project was extremely successful in revealing irregularities and prevalent wastes. Productive Maintenance (TPM) -

The basic objective was to ascertain the extent of TPM implementation currently in place. The
first three sections of questions were geared towards ascertaining the upper management
attitude towards TPM, and the efforts in order to fully utilise this LT, whether TPM was a
worthwhile LT and to what extent it has been exploited to achieve cost savings.

The overall response while positive to the idea of TPM, was doubtful about the practicality of
it at their premises. This has been observed as a common occurrence through the literature
survey wherein a number of LTs are regarded too costly, difficult to implement, or
unnecessary at smaller companies (Achanga et al, 2006; Dora et al, 2014; Cua et al, 2001).
What was a glaring disparity was that it was readily accepted by the M.D. as well as the
Production Supervisor that TPM has benefits and that it can lead to resolving root causes of
failures, and increase cost savings, even so, the extent of it’s implementation was meagre at
best. A profound response was the lack of training provided before TPM implementation as
well as Production Supervisor’s disinterest in receiving training for the same.

A majority of responses for these sections of the questionnaire were supplemented with
comments highlighting the fact that the need did not exist. Another reason for not
implementing TPM at a bigger scale was the fact that the Shop Floor at the moment works at
only 30% capacity. The company has recently expanded their work space and now have two
fully functioning production lines in place while only one is used at a time. As a result, if they

have an equipment problem, they put it aside and utilise machinery from the other line to
fulfil their production plan for the day. While this may work at present, it is a fairly
irresponsible attitude towards production. Such an attitude will always ensure that the facility
never functions at full capacity. It was also mentioned that the company is looking to add a
third line soon, and this seems to be in order to always have spare machinery on hand instead
of as a response to increase in orders.

Another observation made on the shop floor was the small faults present on the doors, walls
and floor. These failures are recorded in their monthly ‘hygiene and fabrication audit’. The
audit not only includes the process machinery faults but also issues with flooring, doors,
tables, trolleys, sinks etc. These repairs, while currently outsourced, could effectively be
reduced with proper training in recognition of possible faults before they escalate to failures.
That is one of the greatest benefits of implementing TPM, that faults and errors can be
recognised and corrected before failure, resulting in maximum utilisation of component life
(Najjar & Alsyouf, 2002). Moreover, it has been estimated that maintenance costs amount to
15-40% of the total cost of production in typical manufacturing (Jostes & Helms, 1994) and
that emergency repairs are often thrice as more expensive than pre-planned maintenance
while also taking as much as ten times as long (Chan et al, 2003).

Recognising such errors can be improved by development of operator participation.

Specifically by reducing the “Check your brains at the door” ideology (Jostes & Helms, 1994)
and replacing it by the “Listen to your machine” practice (Richard Shepherd, 2017).

This ties into electrical wastage as -

 A machine that continues to be utilised with faults will not work at maximum
efficiency and will undoubtedly use more electricity to perform the same function.
 Issues with doors, walls, floors would result in issues with cooling. As the facility is
working with meat, all parts have to effectively be kept at low temperatures. If the
heat leakage increases because of these errors, the compressors have to work harder
to maintain the same temperature resulting in increased electricity consumption.
 The packaging machine has been shown to pack ‘tighter’ when newly serviced. While
this effect is visible and therefore desired, what is overlooked is the increase in
energy consumption by the machine at low operating efficiency.
 It has also been observed that the refrigerant leaks fairly regularly every 2-3 months.
While there are sensors in place to notify of a drop in the temperature, this kind of a
failure does require calling outside help in order to refill the refrigerant. A regular
TPM procedure in place would ensure that the coolant is refilled before it drops
below desired level, in case coolant leakage is a gradual process; or if it happens due
to failure of certain component, regular/daily checking will ensure that the faulty
component is replaced at the end of its life without compromising the refrigerant level.
There are various devices available that can facilitate regular refrigerant leakage
testing. As the replacement of refrigerant is far costlier than valve or knob
replacement, substantial cost savings will be realised.

 Moreover, if the refrigerant leakage is a gradual process, it causes gradually
increasing load on the refrigeration equipment which will result in increased
electricity consumption.
 Finally, the drop in coolant would cause shocks to the compressors. Even if there are
auto shut-off mechanisms in place to safeguard the compressor and trip the
refrigerator, these regular failures will ultimately lead to compressor failure. As is
common knowledge, compressors are very expensive equipment. Moreover, finding
the right compressor and installing it is not always a quick job. This will undoubtedly
lead to large losses and repair costs as well as loss of production time.
 Leak tightness on the refrigerators should be checked before refilling the new
refrigerant. This is achieved by filling with nitrogen gas at a pressure higher than the
operating refrigerant pressure for 24 hours. If after this time, no minor leakage is
observed only then should the new refrigerant be filled. There are many leak detector
equipments available today, varying in complexity. The acquisition of this equipment
will aid in TPM and daily checking of the refrigeration equipment.

Many of the results of TPM would possibly cause embedded electrical waste reduction. As a
result, this LT has been ignored till now and would require further proof before acceptance by
the M.D.

The first step towards TPM implementation has to be strong top management commitment
and a well developed strategy (Cua et al, 2001). Further, employee involvement is also crucial
for the success and continued implementation. 5S -

5S forms the base of the TPM pillars. It is basically the idea that “a place for everything and
everything in its place”.

The 5S section of the questionnaire was filled out by Lucy (Office Manager) under guidance
of the M.D. The M.D. was required to translate the jargon of 5S into fundamental ideas. This
showed the lack of education regarding LT at the company. 5S being one of the simplest
forms of LT, as well as one with very visible results, while being partially implemented has
not been trained to the staff. As discussed in the literature survey, the stages of 5S are Sort,
Set-in-order, Shine, Standardize and Systematize. If the idea of 5S is emphasized to a greater
degree, it will result in a better impression of LT among the staff and possibly lead to an ease
in acceptance of different LTs in the future.

Setting 5S standards and adhering to them religiously can possibly reduce embedded
electrical waste by increasing overall efficiencies. Moreover, the remaining pillars of TPM
require 5S as a base. Ignoring 5S strategies can result in ineffective implementation of other
TPM pillars and possibly failure of these projects.

During the first tour of the premises, the under-use of 5S philosophies became glaringly
apparent. This was evident in the Inventory Stocking Areas as well as in the Fridge visited. 5S
demands the follow through of its well defined steps. The company, at present, practises the
first step of 5S that is Sort. Within the Inventory Storage Area, the raw materials have their
obvious spaces. However, these spaces are not demarcated or labelled in any way.

The inventory storage spaces are shown below. As can be seen, while there exists uniformity
in location of different raw materials, these locations are not specified.



Packing Sleeves

Image 4.12

Size 2 Cardboard
Size 1 Cardboard Boxes

Image 4.13
In the above image, two different types of Cardboard Boxes can be seen. Kindly note here
that this is only a small representation and for more images of the Inventory Storage Space
please see section 4.1

The same is also valid for the Storage Fridge. As shown in images 4.6 and 4.7 in section 4.1,
the different raw materials, that is, the natural skins, the pre-mixed meat or rind while having
their own assigned spaces, are not Set in these spaces.

The next step of 5S, in association with the poka-yoke (error-proofing) methods, have been
used widely to reduce mistake. In the context of Westaway Sausages Ltd., the errors that are
possible if inventory management is not aligned with these methodologies could be ordering
greater than or less than the required quantities at mistimed intervals. Either of these scenarios
will result in electrical wastage. Electricity is required to light the storage areas, moreover,
excessive storage can result in internal heat gains of the building which will result in
increased cooling demands. Finally, excessive inventory can hinder movement through the
space, leading to reduced efficiencies. The electrical wastage created by these factors is
mostly embedded and for this reason remains neglected at present.

In order to move onto the next step of 5S, the company needs to clearly indicate the inventory
spaces. The areas to consider for this include the raw material storage areas shown above, as
well as the refrigerators used for storing incoming and outgoing goods. Additionally, as the
main customers remain constant, this method can even be applied to a great extent in the
chilled areas for storing finished goods (supermarket). This can be done by either painting
descriptions on the walls, or painting clear boxed areas for limiting the space assigned to these
spaces. At this point in the discussion, the M.D. disclosed that they have “no need” of
implementing these techniques. The primary reason for this was that they have only two
employees who are responsible for ordering and maintaining the inventory and they are well
aware of the current set-up. The second reason for not wishing to implement the next step in
5S was the need for variability. It was argued that, as the company expands, they would be
required to move things around and hence cannot invest in the Set-in-Order aspect of 5S.
While this may seem like a valid argument, another fact that came to light was that no new
raw material has been added to the company’s inventory requirement in the past 12 months.

A way to incorporate the 5S methodology, while maintaining flexibility, should the need for it
arise, would be to invest in print-outs of material descriptions. These print-outs can be easily
placed and replaced as the inventory expands. This should result in a smoother work
environment and more importantly in reduction of human error.

Another aspect of 5S that can be employed at the premises would be the “Floor Marking”
methodology. In this, the work space, whether that be the inventory, the fork-lift movement
areas, or even the shop floor are divided into aisle-way, production area, inspection, defect or
WIP areas. This is facilitated by using different coloured tapes to clearly demarcate these
areas. Training is necessary to ensure that the meanings of the different colours of tape are

clearly understood by all personnel. It is also equally important to use the minimum number
of colours possible to ensure clear understanding by employees.

In lean manufacturing, the general rule of thumb is that anyone should be able to walk into a
workplace and identify the flow of work within 60 seconds. One of the easiest and most
effective ways to visually accomplish this goal is through the use of 5S floor marking. Floor
marking lays the foundation for the ‘set in order’ stage of 5S, as you start from the floor and
work your way up organizing the facility. The proper use of floor marking tape helps create
order and pattern of work in the facility, which eliminates searching and confusion within a
work area. Floor marking also helps to clearly define processes and cells in the value stream.
Strategic, color-coded 5S floor marking can help the facility not only meet the 60-second goal,
but surpass it.

Image 4.14: Examples of Floor Marking Techniques

OSHA standards have defined the different colours for floor marking. These are

Table 4.1 : OSHA Standard Guidelines for Floor Marking. Adapted from OSHA Standard 1910.22

As the main concern for not wishing to introduce Floor Marking at the premises is the need
for variability and agility, it is recommended that the Floor Marking process be started under
a test phase. In the test phase, the floor can be marked by using different coloured chalks. This
will help in further development of the floor design. During the first few weeks, it is expected
that the laid out plans would need to be changed regularly to incorporate errors. During this
time inefficiencies in work movement will also come to light. As the floor would be marked
with chalk, adapting the layout regularly would be easy. After a few weeks, laying down clear
tape on top of the chalk outlines is recommended. This arrangement would ensure better
working practices while maintaining changeability. Over-Processing -

The final section of this project was developed to recognise any over-processing wastes on the
Shop Floor. Over-processing is different from over-production in the sense that
over-processing is related to adding more value to the product than is required, for e.g., using
anti-corrosion paint in areas that will never be exposed to air. In the context of Westaway
Sausages, over-processing as one of the seven deadly Lean Wastes was used to analyse the
use of over-sized equipment and the over-use of certain equipments.

Food Standard Authorities prescribe shop floors to be maintained at prescribed low

temperatures while working with meat. This is achieved by chilled areas, work-in-progress
(WIP) fridges and multiple freezers. The idea was to measure the time that each refrigeration
equipment is turned on and at what capacity.

For this purpose a section of the questionnaire was devoted to over-processing questions such
as the capacity of the freezers and fridges, the percentage of capacity occupied on average, the
running times and ratings. This was supplemented by an informal interview to assess the
answers and hold a conversation regarding these equipments.

The Shop Floor has 2 freezers that are on average filled to 70% capacity. Apart from this,
there are also 3 fridges for storing fresh meat, WIP meat, and finished product. Fridge 1 has a
3 tonne capacity and holds the fresh meat and natural skins/casings for sausages. Fridge two
has around 3.5 tonne capacity and is used to house the finished product. Fridge 3 has a
capacity of 3 tonnes and holds pre-mixed raw meat. No wood (pallets) or plastic (packaging)
is allowed in fridge 3.

Moreover, there is a chilled area of 20 tonne capacity, where the finished product of the day is
stored before it is dispatched. As the production facility produces extra finished product (~
15-20 kgs) on a daily basis, any extra finished product not being shipped by the end of the
work day is left in the chilled area, forcing the need to keep it turned on. On average all
shipments for the day are dispatched by 4 p.m. Work starts the next day at 7 a.m. As a result,
a small portion of finished products are left in a large space which can effectively be moved to

one of the other fridges. This move will result in the possibility of switching off a huge
section of the facility for over 14 hours. Even though 7 of these hours (12.30 a.m. - 7.30 a.m.)
fall under the night tariff of 6 pence/unit, substantial cost savings can be still be realised from
this activity.

It is estimated that this activity would take less than 10 minutes at the end of the day. The cost
savings are estimated to be at least £5,000 per annum.

Another facet of over-processing or over utilisation of refrigeration equipment was revealed

during the discussion of the Blast Freezer. The Blast Freezer is used to produce Frozen
Sausages (IQF). This operation takes 8 hours. At present the blast freezer is left on 24*7. This
is a tremendous waste of electricity. If the IQF production can be better planned, the use of
the blast freezer can be reduced to a third. This will result in further reduction of electricity
consumption and an average cost saving of approximately £ 9000 per annum.

Average electricity consumption by Blast Freezer = 10,000 units per period

therefore, average consumption per day = (10000/4) ÷ 7 = 357.14 units/day

per hour = 357.14 ÷ 24 = 14.88 units/hour

finding the cost based on different tariff for day and night --

charges from 7.30 am to 12.30 am = 11p/unit Day Charges

12.30 am to 7.30 am = 6p/unit Night Charges

Blast Freezer runs for 24 hours.

Cost per day = (14.88×17×11) +(14.88×7×6) = 3407.52 p or £34.08 /day

Cost over 1 week running for 7 days = 34.08 ×7 ×4 ×13 = £ 12405.12/annum

Cost over 1 week running for 2 days = 34.08 ×2 ×4 ×13 = £ 3544.32/annum

Cost Savings = 12405.12 - 3544.32 = £ 8959.8 /annum

4.4.2 Project Two - Kobetsu Kaizen & Takt Time Analysis

While Kobetsu Kaizen is the second pillar under TPM, it was regarded as it’s own project as
it can involve extensive work and exhaustive calculations. Kaizen stands for small or
incremental changes made continuously in an effort to move towards ideal process working.

For this purpose the Six Sigma concept of Takt Time Analysis is also considered here. Takt
Time Analysis is done by comparing the required quantity to the production speed, to measure
and analyse the ability to complete orders on time. Takt Time Analysis can also lead to
de-bottle-necking which is a concept under Kobetsu Kaizen. Thus we have used Six Sigma

Tools or analyse and implement TPM Tools. This is a prime example of the interchangeability
of Lean, Six Sigma and Quality Improvement Tools.

In recent years, the concept of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has evolved from the marriage of Lean
and Six Sigma. The plan being that we can use lean ideology in order to identify problem
areas that require improvement (hot spots) and then we can employ the structured, focussed
and measurable Six Sigma Tools to drive improvement.

Kobetsu Kaizen was used to identify the production chain and flow process as a prime
position for improvement. It was also hypothesized that the improvement in the work flow
will yield reduction in process time and subsequently reduction in electricity consumption.

The questionnaire developed for this project concentrated on Takt Time Analysis. This
included plans for calculating the cycle time, lead time, takt time and analysis of results. The
first question was the definition of one SKU. Unfortunately, the company does not have a
single definition of the SKU (based on weight, cms, etc.) and there was considerable
confusion around this topic. There were no definite answers concerning the man-hours,
number of employees on the shop floor or average lead time. Even the definition of cycle is
variable and effectively is considered on a day-by-day basis.

Apart from these issues, the management seemed reluctant to work on process control and
improvement, primarily because the facility is running at only 30% capacity. This opinion has
resulted in possibly unpolished processing methods and speeds. There were also preliminary
exercises conducted on improving process speeds by varying the number of employees with
respect to the type of product being manufactured by the management, which were shared to
emphasize their current efficiencies and continued efforts to improve efficiency internally.

The only positive information gathered from this project was related to food wastes. It was
gleaned that the average daily wastage on the shop floor is around 15 kgs of food and on
average a few hundred kilos of IQF (frozen) are discarded from storage every 4-6 months.
This led to further analysis of the reasons of these wastages and developing methods to reduce
or eliminate these wastes.

The fresh food waste on the shop floor is caused due a few reasons highlighted below
 Overspill from the mixer
 Food spills during transport to-and-from the different machines
 Food not processed due to sticking to the sides of processing machines
 Roughly half a kg of meat is discarded in all the machines due the inability of these
machines to process the last portion

While it difficult to quantify the electrical savings from reducing these wastes, it is still
expected to reflect in the period consumption. It is also of note that no formal or informal
training has been provided or is currently planned in order to educate the staff about ways to

be more mindful while working to reduce spillages. This can again be attributed to the overall
apathy towards reducing food wastage.

Another aspect of the original project was finding the Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) at
the plant. This is explained below

Shift Length = ? minutes

Total Planned Stoppages = ? minutes
Unplanned Down Time = ? minutes
Stated Cycle Time = ? piece/minute
Total Pieces Manufactured = ?
Rejected Pieces = 0

OperatingT ime
Availability, A = Planned Pr oductionTi me  S TPS UDS
S TPS %

TotalPiece s OperatingT ime

Performance, P = StatedCycl eTime

Quality, Q = TotalPiece s %

However, these calculations were made impossible with the questionnaire answers.

4.4.3 Project Three - Energy Sufficiency Kaizen

This project was aimed at recognising the likelihood of changing the current electricity tariff
plan by surveying available market contracts, the possibility of on-site electricity generation
as well the possibility of shifting high energy consuming tasks to off-peak tariff rate hours.

The Questionnaire developed for this project was fairly straightforward and was developed
keeping in mind the kind of work that would follow.

The idea behind Kaizen is that things should continuously evolve keeping the demands of the
customer at the forefront. As time goes on, the customer demands also mature. As an example,
consider a company manufacturing product X. Now product X may have qualities A and B
that are required qualities and quality C which is an extra quality, even called ‘attractive
quality’ that makes this product X appealing to customers. As time goes on, the quality C
downgrades from being an ‘attractive quality’ to an expected quality, without which the
product is considered sub-par, while the addition does not provide any extra satisfaction.
These can then be termed as “one-dimensional qualities”. Eventually, as time progresses,
these qualities further downgrade to becoming “essential qualities”, that are taken for granted
and the absence of which will result in a very dissatisfied customer. This concept was
developed by Kano et. al (1984) and has also been summarised by Shen et. al (2000). They
have explained this concept as relating customer satisfaction to product performance. This
concept has been explored here to emphasize the importance of regular development of
product to satisfy customer demands.

Fig. 4.5 The Kano Model, Adapted from Shen et. al (2000)

At times, customer demands shift towards expecting cheaper products. They may switch
brands and forego loyalty in lieu of more economically priced products. Thus, it is important
to build on business excellence that contributes to reduced manufacturing costs. These cost
savings can be then passed to the customer to maintain competitive advantage.

Periodically revising the Energy portfolio and contracts can reveal possibilities of reducing
the electrical costs, thereby reducing the running costs of the plant. For this purpose,
employing outside counsel on matters of energy reduction are advocated. There exist multiple
ways to reduce the electric bill, sometimes by simply switching the provider, or even
exploring the available ‘plans’ to best suit needs. These concepts while simple, can effectively
reduce electric bills and can do so regularly.

Energy Sufficiency Kaizen utilises this idea and merges it with the concept of Zero Energy
Variance. In essence, it includes energy portfolio management, optimisation, execution and
long term management. Along with this the prospect of developing private energy is also
heavily stressed. Private energy today is primarily related to setting up of Solar Panels.
However, another form of private electricity generation, by wind power, also has merits as has
been reported by the LEGO® company in May 2017. They have built a 285 MW offshore
wind farm in the Irish Sea, and are now running their business on 100% renewable energy.

Setting up private energy generation has large initial investment, requiring availability of
capital. This may not always be possible for SMEs with low cash flow, however, the point to
remember is that future gains that are to be expected. Apart from this, as our society becomes
further cognizant of topics such as energy demands and global warming, having a “Clean
Energy” or “Green Energy” tag will project a better image of the business and its practices.

During interview with Jonathan (General Manager), it was revealed that the company was
renting their current offices and hence were unable to move forward in this sphere as they are
currently renting their offices. As such, they do not have the authority to install any solar

panels on their premises. Moreover, during discussion about their current tariff plans and their
openness to switching providers, it was discovered that they have very recently changed their
provider and will now enjoy much lower electricity tariff.

On the aspect of switching production to off-peak hours, the tariff charged was considered.
Their tariff is detailed below.

Electricity Tariff -

Charges same for all days of the week.

Day Charges - 11p / unit 7.30 am to 12.30 am

Night Charges - 6 p/ unit 12.30 am to 7.30 am

After studying the Shop Floor set-up, it has been learnt that a majority of the costs are related
to refrigeration equipment. While majority of the refrigeration equipment runs all day, it is
essential to maintain the fresh, and final product meat. The only aspect that can be considered
is the Blast Freezer.

Currently, the Blast Freezer too runs 24*7. It is proposed that better production planning can
result in easily changing the Blast Freezer use hours from day to night. It has been learnt that
the Blast Freezer requires 8 hours to turn fresh product into frozen (IQF). Even though, IQF
production is low and only 8 hours are required for freezing it, the Blast Freezer is kept on all
day throughout the week. This is an unreasonable expense, and can be tackled effectively
through production planning. In order to switch the Blast Freezer running hours from day to
night, the fresh product produced during the day should be stored till the end of the day in the
regular chilled zone. It should be transferred to the Blast Freezer at the end of the day. At this
point, the Blast Freezer can be turned on. It should be left on over night and turned off in the
morning. Production begins daily at 7.00 am, and at this time the IQF can be moved to a
storage freezer, and the Blast Freezer can be turned off. This can result in an annual savings of
over £ 5000 per annum.

Current Blast Freezer charges = £34.08 / day calculated above

Following from the calculations above,

If the blast freezer was run from 4.00 pm to 7.00 am,

Cost per day = (14.88×8.5×11) +(14.88×6.5×6) = 1391.28 +580.32 = 1971.6 or £ 19.72 / day

Cost per annum = 19.72×7×4×13 = £ 7178.08

Thus, Cost savings = 12405.12 - 7178.08 = £ 5227.04 / annum

4.4.4 Project 4 - Customer Satisfaction: The Six Sigma Approach

Six Sigma (6ơ) defines tools for improving process control mainly through empirical and
statistical methods. Ideally 6ơ asserts a reduction of errors to below “3.4 defects per million
opportunities”. Here we have explored the implementation of 6ơ tools as a means to quantify
Customer complaints. While the primary objective of the project remains reducing electrical
wastes at Westaway Sausages Ltd., it has been approached in terms of reducing customer

The reason for this was the idea that lower customer complaints equates to lower amounts of
food wastage (through either throw-away, batch suspension or product recall) which
ultimately leads to lower wastage of electricity used to produce it.

As described by the M.D., the primary customer for the company is considered to be retailers
and not the end user. This poses the predicament of measuring defects per million
opportunities. As an example, on 19/02/16, a complaint was received from a Debenhams cafe
of finding plastic in the fresh sausages. This resulted in the grounding of the entire batch of
sausages supplied. This corresponds to wastage of the electricity that was utilised in
producing that particular batch of sausages. While the entire batch of sausages supplied were
defective, only one complaint was registered and the defect was counted as singular.

The questionnaires developed for this project surrounded the need for understanding the
present system in place for receiving and addressing customer complaints along with the
extent of analysis of customer satisfaction data. The questionnaire was filled out by Tim, the
Technical & Quality Manager. Currently, the complaints received are manually input into
Excel sheets and token analysis in the form of bar graphs is conducted. There exists very little
value derived from this data. Primarily, this data is a means of record keeping

The flow of Customer Complaint through the company is described below.

Customer Makes

Receive Customer
Complaint through
e-mail, phone or mail

Close Complaint END


Input Claim Pass Claim to

into Records Issue Refund END

Request Further
Information and

source of Defect

Share results
with all

Solutions for END

Fig.4.6 Flow-Chart showcasing the movement of a Customer Complaint to completion.

Some of the data collected by the Company, and the extent of its analysis is shared below.

= 51

Fig.4.7 Bar Graph showing the total number of complaints received in 2017

Fig.4.8 Bar Graph depicting the different complaints received in 2017

Customer complaints are explored on an individual basis. Revisiting the complaint of plastic
found in sausages at Debenhams cafe, this issue was dissected and explored, resulting in the
identification of the contaminant plastic as being part of the packaging for seasoning and fresh
meat. This was ascertained from a visual inspection of the defective sausage. This complaint
was then further scrutinized in order to identify solutions to this problem.

The concluding solution was changing the size of the seasoning packaging from smaller
weights to higher weights resulting in a reduction of the number of packets being opened
everyday from 20 down to 5-6. This solution should reduce the probability of sausage
contamination with plastic.

It was observed on the shop floor that the meat and seasoning packets were being opened with
the help of scissors. A simpler solution to the above problem could have been changing the
scissors with blade cutters. This would have resulted in opening the plastic bags without
cutting away any part of the plastic, thereby eliminating the possibility of plastic
contamination completely. Moreover, the process of increasing the weight of meat packages
required time and effort in liaising with supplier. This waste could have been avoided.

The idea of utilising 6ơ concepts to address Customer Complaints is not in use at the
company. 6ơ demands identifying the “possibilities” in the context of “3.4 defects per million
opportunities”. For this, the possibilities would have to be defined as SKUs. As currently, the
company does not have a singular definition of SKU and is, for the most part, undecided
about SKUs, employing empirical methods of 6ơ became a challenge. Additionally, at present,
the company identifies the limit of customer complaints in terms of complaints per ten tonnes
of product.

Fig.4.9 Customer Complaints received per 10 tonnes of production in 2017.

**It is of value to note here that in the Excel document shared, containing the Customer Complaints,
this chart was mislabelled as 2016. This small point further shows the need for rigorous development
of Customer Complaint recording, analysing and addressing processes. Moreover, it also highlights
the need for error proofing certain aspects of the system and processes.

The average on year complaints per ten tonnes of product has steadily decreased from 1.76
complaints per ten tonnes in 2013 to an average of 0.92 complaints per ten tonnes in 2017 so
far. The recorded complaints in the year 2017 were only 51 for 610 tonnes sold. While the
complaints have reduced, no formal process was undertaken for this reduction. The reduction
has been a by-product of continuous process improvement.

As mentioned previously, the production facility is running at very low capacity and, as the
production volume increases it would be a natural consequence that work would become
sloppy (as currently very little emphasis is put on perfecting processes and reducing
errors/redundancies) resulting in increased defects. It has been discussed in literature that a
continuously blasè attitude towards customer complaint reduction and process improvement,
would eventually result in the loss of customers and irreparable damage to the brand (Stichler
& Schumacher, 2003; McCollough et al, 2000).

Another aspect of note was the characterisation of the primary customer as retailers. As
retailers are not end-consumers, the type of grievances highlighted by them would essentially
be different from those raised by end-stage users. This also lends to the inability to effectively
compute the 6ơ ideologies at the company.

The final objective of this project was to study the effect of customer surveys at company in
order to improve existing products and possibly, for innovation of new products. For this
purpose, part two of the questionnaire was developed. The answers to this questionnaire point
towards an isolated environment with negligible feedback from customers regarding product
improvement and development.

While the value of Customer Feedback is well regarded, this information is not gathered
pro-actively. This lack of information results in product development occurring in an isolated
environment. While many sources argue against incorporating Customer Feedback in product
development, most notably Steve Jobs with the iPhones, these concerns are of relevance only
to those companies that are on top of their sector. For SMEs like Westaway Sausages Ltd.,
wherein their market share is not monumental and brand recognition is described as “good”
on the likert scale (from questionnaire), it is essential to incorporate feedback to improve their
products and services.

These improvements could be in the form of different sized packs, or reducing the variety of
pack sizes available; changing the casing texture; changing the look of the product; engaging
customers to help develop new flavours, or even completely new lines. With the advancement
of communications technology, it has become easier than ever to gather data and information
directly from customers. It has been widely discussed in literature that the companies that can
gather and analyse big data will remain in the forefront of competition in the near future.

When discussing these concepts and ideas with the personnel, it was revealed that Westaway
Sausages Ltd., has developed a “festive themed sausage” in response to the brief provided by
ASDA for Christmas 2017. Moreover, it was also revealed, that in response to the high
number of Customer Complaints regarding “toughness of sausage skins”, the process of skin
preparation was changed.

This information shows the capability of Westaway Sausages Ltd. to react to Customer
Grievances, however, this is undertaken after the wastes have already occurred. In order to

achieve “leanness” in this respect, a more proactive approach to Customer Satisfaction should
be employed.

4.4.5. Project 5 - Visual Kanban

After the first meeting at Westaway Sausages Ltd., which included a visit of their entire
premises, it became evident that they tended towards maintaining excess inventory at all times.
To address this issue, this pilot project was launched. It was also believed that the
implementation of this project would provide some of the most visual results thereby asserting
the cogency of the Lean argument.

The questionnaire developed for this section was filled out by Lucy, the Office Manager, who
is responsible for Inventory Ordering and Maintenance. While this questionnaire was short, it
was chiefly created for supplementing this idea of creating a Two-Bin (TB) system for
Inventory Management.

Kanban is a system for scheduling JIT manufacturing. The TB system is a method of Visual
Kanban inventory control. Traditionally, the TB system is implemented by having two bins of
a specific raw material to begin with. When work starts, raw material from the first bin is used.
At the bottom of this bin there will be a “Visual Card”. As the bin is emptied, this card
becomes visible. This is the “visual trigger” for ordering inventory. While the inventory
delivery is awaited, raw material from the second bin is used. The capacity of the two bins are
equal and so calculated that the second bin would hold enough inventory during the order
period. Once the second bin is emptied, a second “visual trigger” signals the need for ordering
inventory. At this point in time, the first bin has already been refilled and inventory is readily
available for use.

The calculations for determining the quantity of each bin is ascertained by considering

 The time period between order placement and delivery of goods,

 Quanities used on a daily basis, and
 Storage area available

The chief concern regarding the implementation of the TB system, as discussed with the M.D.,
was the loss of agility in work process. This would result in possible loss of confidence in the
efficient and quick response rate to new orders.

Currently all ordering is done on a “forecasted” quantity basis and steps are taken to ensure
that there is always raw material on hand.

To placate this apprehension regarding the prospective negative effects of the TB system
outweighing any perceived benefits, a modified version of the TB system is presented here.

Consider a TB system where the Kanban Visual Card is placed three-fourths of the way in the
bins. As a consequence, the order for restocking would be placed before the first bin is
emptied. This method should ensure some excess quantity is always maintained and on hand
for unplanned orders. As confidence in this version of the TB system grows, the buffer stock
quantity can be steadily reduced and brought to conform with the traditional TB system.

Another expected outcome of developing the TB system would be the reduction in product
order variation. Following the TB system will reveal the irregularities and variations in
inventory orders on a weekly basis. These issues can then be tackled to improve overall
functioning of the company. This should also result in reduced effort from the Office Manager,
who currently visits the inventory stores at least once a week to check the stock levels and
calculate the required order quantities.

Bin 1 - Full Bin 2 - Full

Bin 1 - Empty Bin 2 - Full


Bin 1 - Full Bin 2 - Empty Card

Fig.4.10 Traditional Two-Bin Kanban System

Bin 1 - Full Bin 2 - Full

Bin 1 - Not
Visual Empty
Bin 2 - Full

Bin 2 - Not Visual

Empty Card
Bin 1 - Full

Fig.4.11 Modified Two-Bin Kanban System

Furthermore, developing the TB system will force better relations with the suppliers. This
would be necessary in order to ensure regular delivery times and little to no delays.
Maintaining inventory quality would also then fall in purview of the supplier. Building
supplier relations is a leading ideology of Lean Manufacturing. Considering the Toyota
Production System (TPS), it is a well known fact that Toyota is famous for their JIT
production system. This has been made possible only by collaborations with their suppliers.
Toyota has classified their suppliers into tier-one and tier-two. They collaborate with their
suppliers to innovate as well as regularly reduce material costs. Toyota is also known to invest
in and become partners with their supplier companies. This enables them to enforce their
principles within their supplier companies (Alan Benson, 2017).

While Kanban will undoubtedly present the aforementioned benefits, our primary objective
was to reduce the electrical consumption at Westaway Sausages Ltd. The Two-Bin Kanban
will result in reduced electrical costs in an embedded manner. The possible points of electrical
energy wastage reduction would be due to reduction in man-hours required to maintain
inventory and electricity required to maintain and support excess inventories.

4.4.6 Project 6* - Food Wastes

This project developed as a result of observations made on the visit to Westaway Sausages
Ltd. During the second and third visits, time was spent on the Shop Floor to understand the
reasons for Food Wastage as well as the average quantities per day.

No formal questionnaire was developed for this project as it was initially an extension of the
TPM project and Takt Time Analysis projects. During the interviews conducted with the
General Manager (Jonathan) and Production Supervisor (Ben), the extent of Food Wastes
produced were uncovered.

The main sources of Food Wastes are

 Overspill from the mixer

 Food spills during transport to-and-from the different machines
 Food not processed due to sticking to the sides of processing machines
 Roughly half a kg of meat is discarded in all the machines due the inability of these
machines to process the last remaining portion
 Any skins with tear
 On average a few hundred kgs of processed frozen IQF is discarded every 4 months

Correspondingly, simple solutions for these wastes could be

 Overspill from the mixer is caused due to the presence of paddles for mixing
purposes. These paddles push the meat up while turning, this results in spills from the
sides. A simple solution to this issue would be reducing the limit that the mixer is
filled to. Upon discussion with the Production Supervisor, it was disclosed that they
are already filling the mixer below capacity and still experiencing spills from the
sides. Another way to reduce this spill would be to install a cover for the mixer. The
cover will eliminate the possibility of spillage from the sides. The possible drawbacks
of installing the cover could be reduced accessibility of the mixer. As the meat and
seasoning is mixed with other ingredients according to recipe in the mixer, a certain
amount of freedom in adding different ingredients at different times is required.
However, developing a cover with a quick and error-proof snap-on fixture will
resolve the issue of spills without compromising on flexibility. Another solution that
can be considered is changing the mixer machinery for one that mixes with worm
gears instead of paddles. Moreover, replacing the machinery for one of a larger size
will also resolve this issue.
 Conducting regular training seminars to acquaint, inform and caution the shop floor
employees regarding the costs associated with food spills and ways to prevent it
should go a long way. Regularly familiarising the shop floor employees with the
concept of mindful working will help in reducing wastes due to spills during
movement. Training seminars are also known to increase employee productivity and
morale, as well improving dialogue and openness within the employees.

 The food that goes unprocessed due to remaining stuck to the sides of the various
machines can be prevented by using a scraper. Essentially, the employees working on
the various machines, would have to manually scrape the excess from the sides of the
machines. This would be a time consuming task, and the savings realised would be
 The machines capabilities do not allow for processing the product remaining at the
end of the production period. These wastes are in the area of half a kg per machine.
Considering the daily production quantities of the facility, these wastes are minimal.
 The quantity of skins that are discarded due to tears are currently not recorded. These
values while not known, are assumed to be low enough to have not been a cause of
concern till now. This waste could possibly be prevented by ensuring quality checks
at supplier site, as well as in-house quality assurance (QA) activities upon arrival of
material. QA techniques. QA in the terms of Lean, focuses the attention from
individual waste removal to creating a lean process flow. For this, the entire supply
chain of the natural skins would be considered. From sourcing, supplier QA methods,
receiving and storage at site. All of these points would have to be analysed to
determine points of possible breakdown of quality guarantees.
 The discarding of IQF products is of most concern in context of this Dissertation.
This is because a large amount of electricity has already been spent in - receving and
storing the raw materials, the processing of purchase orders, the processing of meat,
the IQF conversion in Blast Freezer, the separate packaging route, transfer to
long-term storage and finally long term storage in freezer. This waste can be reduced
by increasing the life of the IQF products. Currently, the life of the IQF is one year.
This also means that most retailers will refuse to accept product that has crossed the 6
month mark. By increasing the life of IQF (easily achievable by changing the
quantity or variety of chemicals used), to two years, the waste can be effectively
reduced or even eliminated. Another means of reducing “waste” would be to
routinely donate the excess IQF. This will not only result in the product not being
marked as “waste” but the costs spent would also offset by the tax relief received.


5.1 Pilot Project 1

While there exists a text-book understanding of TPM and it’s prospective benefits, there is
little effort in developing a TPM strategy within the company. The reason provided for this is
that the company is too small for TPM implementation. This view is in accordance with the
average views, discussed in available literature, held by most SMEs. TPM is considered
beneficial for large plants and facilities having a sizeable amount of similar machinery that
require regular maintenance. (Achanga et al., 2005; Achanga, 2007). This thought process is
counter-intuitive to Lean Manufacturing.

At present, the company argues that their production capacity is far greater than their output,
and as such they have contingency plans in the form of ready availability of spare equipment.
Their biggest effort in this area has been setting up two production lines. While they are
planning to expand their production output, they have managed to double their production
capacity without first optimising the existing processes.

They have developed a second line without much effort into idealising the running processes
and plans. This has created an environment of waste. There exists a tremendous waste in all
areas (muda).

Recommendations for this pilot project are :

 Creating plans for regular maintenance by the equipment handlers

 Extensive training in order to enable efficient equipment upkeep. This should include
all aspects of maintenance as detailed in the “Hygiene And Fabrication Audit”
 TPM plans should include preventative maintenance plans. These would essentially
be empowering the shop floor employees to - ably recognise the status of all units;
ascertain whether the end of life of parts is close; and most importantly, be
responsible for carrying out these maintenance activities.
 Comprehensively establishing 5S standards throughout the company and encouraging
employees to adhere to these religiously
 Initiating 5S techniques in all inventory storage spaces - raw material and finished
goods holding areas
 Utilising 5S techniques to develop an error-proof environment
 Continuously organising and revising the plant layout by using “Floor Marking”
 Reducing Chilled Area usage at the end of the day by shifting finished goods to other
suitable fridges
 Reducing Blast Freezer usage by improving production planning; essentially shifting
the IQF production to only twice a week

5.2 Pilot Project 2

This was one of the more difficult pilot projects to launch. In preparation for developing
methods to improve process control, lead time, takt time, and overall equipment efficiencies, a
number of steps need to be followed.

 Extensive and exhaustive work needs to be undertaken to define and set a standard
for lead time, takt time, cycle time, working hours, man-power and man-hours per
 The above can only be achieved after the unevenness in demand and supply is
smoothed out. This is also called Production Levelling or Heijunka and is achieved
by improving the Supply Chain Management processes. It is believed that the
unevenness or volatility in the demand is caused due to the Bull Whip Effect as
end-customer demand has very little variation.(Chen et al., 2000; Metters, 1997;
Dejonckheere et al., 2003)
 After the set up of TPM, all planned, preventive and unplanned breakdowns should
be recorded meticulously
 Additionally, in order to map the work-flow through the Shop Floor, various methods
such as “Floor Marking” should be utilised. Another method to measure the
efficiency of employee movement on the Shop Floor, is by using activity trackers. In
order to circumvent the issue of whether such expensive technologies have any scope
in SMEs, it is advised here to use a free software (such as AnyPlace Indoor Service)
that maps employee movement within small spaces using the WiFi signal. After
gathering all relevant information, efficient analyses of this data is required. The
movements should be used to identify any “transport wastes” and employee
downtime present. This data should then be used to identify the most efficient Shop
Floor layout in terms of production per day. This flow of work should be
continuously optimised by introducing small changes in line with Kaizen activities.
 After mapping the work-flow on the Shop Floor, attention can be focussed on the
bottlenecks that are exposed. De-bottlenecking should also be attempted in small
steps and changes, as described by Kaizen.

5.3 Pilot Project 3

This pilot project validated the hypothesis of realising cost savings by regularly reviewing the
Energy portfolio and pro-actively working towards reducing Energy costs. This has recently
been achieved at the sponsor company by change of their electricity provider.

Recommendations in this regard are :

 Regularly revising the Energy Portfolio by reviewing available plans and providers
available in the market

 In case of long-term lease of office property, negotiating a deal to set-up private
energy production. The easiest form of this would be setting up Solar Panels on the
roof of the premises. As a number of adjacent units are leased, the area available will
yield substantial energy production and eventual cost reductions.
 Switching the Blast Freezer hours from day to night
 Further review of equipment that can be switched from day running to night running

5.4 Pilot Project 4

In this project, it was observed that there is no concept of 6ơ methods for improvement
present at the company. In an ideal situation, the company would employ 6ơ green belt, or
higher, qualified personnel to drive changes within the company. However, considering the
SME status implies reduced free cash flow (Achanga, 2007). This results in the inability to
hire such qualified individuals on even “consultation” basis.

Thus recommendations are as follows :

 Pro-actively engaging with customers to receive feedback on products and services

 Developing greater analysis of Customer data
 Switching from defining defect rates as defect per ten tonnes of product to defect per
million opportunities
 The above will again require extensive work in the sphere of takt time analysis.
Follow the procedures described under pilot project 2
 Cataloguing all defects in terms of per million opportunities
 Separating the customer complaints based on the “type” of customer, into retailers,
end-consumer and so on
 Working towards perfecting process controls to eliminate possibility of errors and
 Utilising customer data to innovate new products and drive supply

5.5 Pilot Project 5

This project discovered the glaring absence of any form of calculated or methodical process in
Inventory ordering and management. This mismanagement results in wastes in a number of
areas. There is waste of movement with the Office Manager visiting the the Inventory Storage
bi-weekly in order to ascertain order quantities. Waste of overstocking in the obvious sense.
Finally, waste of waiting exists as the raw material waits a long while before it is used in
production or packaging processes.

A simple solution to the Inventory Management has been discussed.

The recommendation derived from this pilot project is to establish and sustain a modified
version of the Two-Bin Inventory Ordering System.

5.6 Pilot Project 6

This pilot project was aimed at studying the sources of Food waste in the company and
developing strategies to tackle them.

Recommendations that have evolved through the analysis of this pilot project are :

 Either altering the mixer machine or replacing it completely in order to reduce

wastage through spills
 Employee training aimed at improving mindfulness and clean work in an effort to
reduce wastage through spills during transport within the shop floor
 Establishing stronger quality measurement tools for the the natural skins at the
supplier end as well as in-house
 Increasing the life of the IQF product from 1 year to 2 years in order to save on the
electrical costs already expended in producing and storing of IQF product
 Regularly donating the unused IQF product to bypass “food waste” classification and
enjoy the corresponding tax relief

5.7 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Development

In the past, having worked at Mellcon Engineers Pvt. Ltd. in the capacity of Project Manager,
for a period of three years, extensive experience and knowledge was amassed in ERP use and
ERP development. The ERP was used in all aspects of daily work, from logging indent orders,
indent details, purchase orders and individual Job details to account ledgers, material request
details, materials issued details, QA activities, quotation enquiries and many more. This
experience was further supplemented by direct involvement in regular monitoring of ERP
updating to reflect desired changes.

The presence of an ERP eased the access of information regarding all projects, past, present
and planned. Moreover, the ability to view the different sets of data in conjunction allowed for
greater ease in recognising irregularities and supported a more efficient production planning

At Westaway Sausages Ltd., it was observed that a majority of the company functions were
operating in silos thereby necessitating consolidation and synergistic integration. To achieve
this, it is recommended that a comprehensive ERP software be either developed internally or
procured from an established software provider based on the company’s internal financial and
economic considerations.

Even though the processes and stages of work at Westaway Sausages is far fewer than what
was observed on average at Mellcon Engineers, the concept and benefits of ERP remain the
same. Currently all work at Westaway Sausages is conducted on Excel Sheets and there exists
a large number of physical movements.

An example, as observed on visit 3, was the need for the General Manager to personally print
the sleeves for secondary packaging. This was required as currently there exists no database
for storing this information. The different sleeve designs (in different languages) are placed in
a number of different folders, and the G.M. was required to print these sleeves himself, a task
that took him over an hour. This kind of waste can be easily avoided by developing a database
for this information. Moreover, when all the information would be present in one location, the
ability to view and compare the different designs would also become easier.

The major benefits of ERP development are listed below :

 Consolidated on-line environment for storing all business proceeding resulting in

better transfer of information within the company
 Production Planning can be greatly automated by employing an ERP system. This can
be achieved by having automatic acceptance of orders from pre-specified e-mail
addresses. This plan can then be transferred electronically to the concerned personnel.
For even greater automation, the ERP can be linked to the Steven’s Weighing System
for automated information exchange regarding the mixing quantities. This can further
be linked to trigger the printer for printing sleeves once the weights are mixed. The
sleeve quantities would be defined by the production plan which is already present on
the ERP.
 ERP can also help in the reduction of wastes associated with inventory stock ordering.
By creating and maintaining the category of materials requested/materials released
within the ERP, a physical examination of the Inventory Space would be eliminated.
Furthermore, by creating programs to analyse the inventory use, forecasting can be
improved. This forecasted requirement can then be automatically e-mailed from the
ERP to the concerned suppliers without human intervention.
 The ERP can also be developed to incorporate a Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) aspect. This CRM can then be efficiently utilised in order to gather customer
information and opinions. Moreover, this information can be sorted, stored and
analysed with far greater ease. The ERP can be developed to send Mass Mails to all
customers, or a specific identified target group in order to create greater brand
awareness and increase customer interaction.


Future work discussions have been divided into three sections. The first section
addresses the future of Lean Techniques in context of SMEs. The second section
discusses the future of Lean Implementation at sponsor company as well as the
possibility of moving towards Industry 4.0 or Internet of Things (IoT) in the
foreseeable future. The final section explores the research opportunities generated as a
direct subsequence of this thesis.

6.1 Future of Lean Techniques

As has been discussed in the literature review, the concept of Lean has continuously
evolved and grown since World War II to incorporate new ideas. Lean has also
evolved to amalgamate different operations management techniques such as Lean and
Six Sigma together forming the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) (see Arnheiter & Maleyeff,
2005; Jie et al., 2014; Pepper & Spedding, 2010; Snee, 2010; Byrne et al., 2007) or
Lean and Agile together forming Leagile (see Naim & Gosling, 2010; Naylor et al.,
1999; Agarwal et al., 2006)

Again, there exists limited expert instances available in academic literature regarding
the possible future of Lean. Nevertheless, extrapolating from the past, we can
conclude that there is a high likelihood of further development of operations
management and incorporation of new ideas and techniques under Lean. However,
new LTs are not expected to be generated in the foreseeable future as, again taking the
past into context, the spread of lean ideas, acceptance,implementation and proof of
concept and further expansion into the world markets can take decades.

Furthermore, the literature survey revealed primarily two types of directions being
pursued in academic papers.
 The first type is a theoretical explanation of the individual LTs, at times including
their history, development and anecdotal applications.
 The second type of research work found is aimed at generating a consensus
amongst companies regarding the use, practicality and benefits of Lean for the
related industry. This type of research work is especially underwhelming as it
lacks well developed aims and objectives, and most of the results obtained are
incomplete. The most common reasoning provided for this incompleteness is that
different companies prefer different techniques and paths towards Lean. The use
of questionnaire is still the main method primary research. questionnaires are
developed in order to ascertain the companys’ capabilities and success or failures
surrounding Lean Implementation. However, they lack robust questions that can
help ascertain the exact applications of lean.

In order to develop an idea of what Lean might look like in the future, we must not try
to generalise our opinions based on sectors and/or sizes of industries. This was the
key learning from the literature survey conducted. Moreover, even if two companies
are of a similar size (SMB, SME or Large Enterprises) and working in the same sector,
it cannot be assumed that the same lean principles would be equally effective and

Thus it can be concluded here that Lean applicability has more dependence on
corporate culture and individual personnel capabilities than on the size of the
company or Industrial sector.

Therefore we hypothesis that the future of Lean may evolve to incorporate regular
psychometric testing of employees and corporate culture analyses to determine the
right LTs to introduce and implement. As Lean credibility builds, ideally, human
perception and views would also evolve. Thus a continuous loop of information can
be formed which will result in the exploration and development of varied tools for
Lean implementation.

It needs to be emphasized here that the psychometric test should not take into
account only the staff perceptions and probabilities of success, rather, extensive tests
should be developed to effectively provide a road-map for Lean Implementation.

6.2 Future of Westaway Sausages Ltd.

6.2.1 Future of Lean

As inferred from Chapter 4 : Discussion and Analysis, the extent of Lean

implementation at Westaway Sausages Ltd. is quite low.

For future implementations, the road-maps and techniques developed in this

dissertation can serve as a starting point. The primary factor in successfully
developing Lean projects is Lean Thinking. Thus, it is of utmost importance that Lean
Thinking be actively developed by the top management and employees alike. A
greater understanding of the Lean theory will result in an increased appreciation of its
benefits thereby resulting in an increased appreciation of its benefits.

The importance of senior management involvement in the successful implementation

of Lean has been discussed in the Critcal Literature Review (sections 2.6-2.8).
Therefore, it can be concluded that the future of Lean implementation at Westaway
Sausages Ltd. is largely dependent on the vision and strategies adopted by the senior
management towards creating a leaner enterprise.

6.2.2 Future of IoT

IoT has been included here as Westway Sausages is interested to explore this area in
the future. One of the examples cited during our discussion was using the ear tags on
the pigs to ensure the raw materials are sourced from local British farms.

In order to understand the preparedness of the company for IoT, a questionnaire was
developed based existing information and research conducted in this area. To
ascertain the level of understanding that exists regarding IoT, this questionnaire was
filled by the M.D., the G.M., the Technical and Quality Manager, and the Technical

The results of this questionnaire (Appendix 2) provided a preliminary indication of

the company’s current capability to incorporate IoT. Analysis of the answers to the
questions suggested that the company currently has low level of preparedness with
regards to adoption of IoT. This is because, there currently exist no examples of
autonomous work-movement within the premises. Moreover, the average IT
capabilities of the employee pool is low and no efforts have been made in order to
improve them. Furthermore, the existing IT infrastructure is limited in its capacity and
does not support end to end integration with Westway’s customers and suppliers

A few key observations for both, the future of Lean and the prospect of IoT
incorporation are discussed below :

 Increasing awareness amongst employees - It is recommended that the top

management conduct frequent seminars and training events to develop their
employee capabilities.
 Improving communication within the company - The senior management
should encourage open and honest communication on preferred management
techniques with the employees with the aim to develop collective knowledge
and provide motivation to progress further.

6.3 Future Research Prospects

It is proposed that this dissertation paves the way for a number of possible future
research projects in the following areas :

 Practical implementation of a the road-map developed in this dissertation in

order to reduce wastes in SMEs
 Using the road-map developed here to conduct comparative studies exploring
potential for reduction of electrical or other targeted wastes at SMEs in the
food processing sector

 Development and testing of psychometric tests designed to develop LT
implementation road-maps
 Development of psychometric tests and studying their effect on LT
implementation in SMEs
 Studying the impact of regular organised employee training in the
development of Lean Thinking in SMEs
 Exploring the current level of integration of IoT in SMEs and prospects in the


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Appendix 1

31/07/2017 Total Productive Maintenance

Total Productive Maintenance

Lean Manufacturing Techniques in Food SMEs - Ramsi K -- Dissertation Project, MSc. Mechanical
Engineering, University of Exeter

* Required

1. Do you believe in TPM? *

Mark only one oval.


2. Do you have a separate TPM Office?

Mark only one oval.


3. If yes, why?
Check all that apply.

Providing awareness about office TPM to all support departments

For Involvement and productivity of people in support functions
To reduce administrative costs
To reduce inventory carrying cost
To reduce number of files
To reduce manpower

4. If no, why?
Check all that apply.

Lack of awareness & importance of TPM

Lack of funds
Lack of facilities available in the company
Lack of manpower
Lack of skill employees

Other: 1/10
31/07/2017 Total Productive Maintenance

5. Why did your organisation choose TPM method instead of other maintenance methods?
Check all that apply.

Easy to implement
Employees’ involvement
Elimination of production losses
Maximization of equipment utilization
Avoid wastage
Increase employees’ morale and job satisfaction

6. What are the main objectives of your organisation to implement TPM?

Check all that apply.

Improve productivity
Reduce production cost
Reduce machines maintenance cost
Improve quality
Reduce Breakdown
Reduce Rework
Reduce Accident
Improve customer satisfaction
Increase organization competitiveness

7. What is the status of TPM in your organisation ?

Mark only one oval.


8. Do you think that there is potential for improvement in the TPM program at your
Mark only one oval.


9. Does your organisation have a clear TPM implementation(master) plan ?
Mark only one oval.

No 2/10
31/07/2017 Total Productive Maintenance

10. How much time did your organisation take for full implementation of TPM ?
Mark only one oval.

Less than 3 months

Between 3 to 6 months
Between 6 to 12 months
Between 1 to 3 years

11. Did your organisation provide training before TPM implementation ?

Mark only one oval.


12. If Yes, How much time required to implement

TPM after training ?

13. If No, How much time required to implement

TPM without training ?

14. Do you experienced that TPM is helpful to find root causes of machines failures ?
Mark only one oval.


15. What are the problems encountered while implementing TPM ?

Check all that apply.

Resistance to change
Top management support
Lack of funds
Lack of experience and awareness
Lack of proper training
Lack of Leadership

16. Did you find TPM useful in your organization ?
Mark only one oval.

No 3/10
31/07/2017 Total Productive Maintenance

17. How does the behavior of employees change after TPM implementation with respectto
following factors ?
Mark only one oval per row.

Qualities Poor Average Neutral Good Very Good

Morale & Attitude
Belonging and commitment
Problem Solving Nature
Co-operation & Co-ordination

18. Did you experience that TPM leads to higher productivity ?

Mark only one oval.


19. Do you experienced the reduction in production cost after TPM implementation ?
Mark only one oval.

How much?

20. Do you experienced reduction in breakdown after TPM implementation ?

Mark only one oval.

Percentage of breakdown before implementation :______% per month.
Percentage of breakdown after implementation :______ % per month.

21. Does TPM improve overall machine performance ?

Mark only one oval.


22. Which of the following areas are improved after implementation of TPM?
Check all that apply.

Improvement in Rank (1-6)

Loyalty of Employees
Reliability of Machine
Customer Satisfaction
Competitiveness 4/10
31/07/2017 Total Productive Maintenance

23. Do you agree that the overall performance of the organisation improved through TPM ?
Mark only one oval.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

For Machine Operator

24. How long have you been working in this
organisation ?

25. On which machine/s you are working ?

26. Which type of work you are doing on this


27. Do you experience that TPM reduces breakdown maintenance ?

Mark only one oval.


28. Do you experience improvement in quality after TPM implementation ?

Mark only one oval.


29. Do you experience improvement in productivity after TPM implementation ?

Mark only one oval.

Maybe 5/10
31/07/2017 Total Productive Maintenance

30. Do you agree that the TPM is beneficial to organisation as well as the operators ?
Mark only one oval.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

31. Have you experienced the following phases of learning while TPM implementation?
Check all that apply.

Phase 1 : Do not know

Phase 2 : Know the theory but cannot do
Phase 3 : Can do but cannot teach
Phase 4 : Can do and also teach

32. Are you satisfied with TPM?

Mark only one oval.


33. Is there a maintained logbook for the production facility?

Mark only one oval.


34. Are failures documented?

Mark only one oval.


35. Are documented failures regularly evaluated and are measures taken?
Mark only one oval.

No 6/10
31/07/2017 Total Productive Maintenance

36. How often does a failure occur that leads to downtime in production, and how long does it
last until the failure is permanently eliminated? (if possible)
Mark only one oval.

>10 times
10 times
5 times
2 times
1 time

Autonomous Maintenance Plans

37. Do you feel that you are the owner of machine/s after TPM implementation?
Mark only one oval.


38. Are there cleaning and maintenance plans?

Mark only one oval.


39. Visual controls: Are the target values denoted on measuring equipment
Mark only one oval.


40. Is there a responsibility matrix, or are the responsibilities for the maintenance works
clearly regulated?
Mark only one oval.


Planned Maintenance 7/10
31/07/2017 Total Productive Maintenance

41. Are maintenance and repair works that have to be carried out in cases of facility downtime
conducted according to designated time intervals?
Mark only one oval.


42. Are condition analyses conducted for critical construction parts, and are these parts
replaced ahead of schedule when necessary?
Mark only one oval.


43. Is a maintenance and repair planning and control system in use in order to detect
disorders and to plan maintenance and repairs?
Mark only one oval.


44. Is a spare part management system in use so that all necessary spare parts are available
in a sufficient supply without overstocking?
Mark only one oval.



Maintenance Prevention
46. When procuring new production facilities, is attention given to easy maintenance and
repair possibilities?
Mark only one oval.


47. Are the employees from production included in the planning of new production facilities?
Mark only one oval.

No 8/10
31/07/2017 Total Productive Maintenance

48. Are the employees from maintenance and repairs included in the planning of production
Mark only one oval.


49. Are the employees responsible for maintenance and repairs included in the installation of
new facilities so that they become familiar with these facilities?
Mark only one oval.


50. What is the capacity of the Walk-In Freezer?

51. Is it possible to stack the inventory to occupy vertical space?

Mark only one oval.


52. What percentage of the Freezer is occupied on average?

Mark only one oval.


53. What is the electricity consumption/rating of the Walk-In on an average day?

Mark only one oval.

Option 1

54. Do you follow 5 STAR rating for the equipment?

Mark only one oval.


55. What is the production capacity of extruding

equipment? 9/10
31/07/2017 Total Productive Maintenance

56. What is the average Daily production on the

extruding equipment?

Powered by 10/10
31/07/2017 Takt Time - Kobetsu Kaizen

Takt Time - Kobetsu Kaizen

1. How do you define one SKU? (stock keeping


2. What are the available man-hours?

3. What is the average production demand?

(per month)

4. What is the average lead time? (from order

placement to delivery)

5. What is the average throughput time? (per

sausage) (including inspection and

6. What do you classify as 'one cycle' of


7. What is the average cycle time?

8. How long are the total planned stoppages in

a day? (minutes)

9. How long are the unplanned stoppages in a

day? (minutes)

10. What is the average total number of

sausages (SKU) manufactured in a day?

11. What is the average number of sausages

rejected in a day? 1/2
31/07/2017 Takt Time - Kobetsu Kaizen

Powered by 2/2
31/07/2017 Forecasting - Energy Sufficiency Kaizen

Forecasting - Energy Sufficiency Kaizen

1. What are the hours of work?

2. What is the duration of the lunch break?

Mark only one oval.

Option 1

3. Do all the employees go on a lunch break at the same time?

Mark only one oval.


4. Is there a dedicated team managing the Energy Portfolio?

Mark only one oval.


5. Who is your electricity provider?

6. Are you aware of the Tariff Rates at your current working hours?
Mark only one oval.


7. Are you aware of the Tariff Rates at off-peak hours?

Mark only one oval.


8. Are you aware of the benefits provided for switching to off-peak hours?
Mark only one oval.


9. Is there any energy production on-site? (solar/thermal)

Mark only one oval.

No 1/3
31/07/2017 Forecasting - Energy Sufficiency Kaizen

10. Are you aware of the costs associated with setting up solar energy panels at your site?
Mark only one oval.


11. Are you aware of the rebates/benefits/government subsidies provided to companies

setting up solar panels?
Mark only one oval.


12. Have you sought outside professional guidance regarding setting up your own solar
Mark only one oval.


13. Do you currently employ automatic switches for lights?

Mark only one oval.


14. If no, are you aware of the cost savings involved in employing automatic switches?
Mark only one oval.


15. Do you currently employ automatic switches for processing machinery?

Mark only one oval.


16. Do you emphasise the importance of turning off all electrical equipment when not in use?
Mark only one oval.

Never 2/3
31/07/2017 Forecasting - Energy Sufficiency Kaizen

17. How often would you say electrical equipment is left on when not in use?
Mark only one oval.


Powered by 3/3
31/07/2017 Customer Grievances - Six Sigma

Customer Grievances - Six Sigma

1. Do you have a system in place for receiving Customer grievances?

Mark only one oval.


2. Is there a dedicated employee who responds to customer grievances?

Mark only one oval.


3. What is the system that maintains these


4. How many complaints do you receive on

average per month?

5. What percentage of these complaints are from first time customers?

Mark only one oval.


6. Are you aware of your cost per customer?

Mark only one oval.


7. How many SKUs do you need to sell to find

your ROI ?

8. What percentage of these complaints are you able to rectify?

Mark only one oval.

>75% 1/3
31/07/2017 Customer Grievances - Six Sigma

9. How quickly are you able to rectify these complaints?

Mark only one oval.

1-12 hours
12-48 hours
upto 1 week
upto 3 weeks
>3 weeks

10. What percentage of complaints are regarding quality of product?

Mark only one oval.


11. What percentage of complaints are regarding delivery times of product?

Mark only one oval.


12. What percentage of complaints are regarding the condition of delivery of products?
Mark only one oval.


13. What percentage of complaints are regarding ease of doing business with your company?
Mark only one oval.


14. On an average, are you able to assign responsibility outside of your production for these
complaints? (on supplier for quality of food/ delivery service for quality of packages etc.)
Mark only one oval.

No 2/3
31/07/2017 Customer Grievances - Six Sigma

15. Do you fine suppliers if complaints are received regarding the product quality?
Mark only one oval.


16. Do you fine Delivery services for complaints received regarding quality of packaging?
Mark only one oval.


Powered by 3/3
02/08/2017 Customer Grievances - 2

Customer Grievances - 2

1. Do you believe Customer Surveys provide value to your company?

Mark only one oval.


2. Do you believe Customer Feedback is important for

Check all that apply.

Quality Maintenance
Quality Improvement
Product Innovation
Sales Targets
Increasing Customer Loyalty
Increasing Brand Recognition

3. Are you in regular feedback contact with your regular customers?

Mark only one oval.


4. When was the last time you conducted a

customer survey?

5. What was the size of the Customer Pool you


6. How did you engage clients for your Survey?

7. How did you target which clients to survey?

(e.g. - based on age/location/particular
product/ history of ordering etc.)

8. Have you used Customer Surveys to develop new products?

Mark only one oval.

No 1/2
02/08/2017 Customer Grievances - 2

9. Have you used Customer Surveys to alter existing products?

Mark only one oval.


10. If yes, how did you alter a product based on


11. Have you collaborated with retailers (Sainsbury's etc.) to monitor your sales, client
Mark only one oval.


12. How would you rate your

Mark only one oval per row.

Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent

Brand Recognition
Customer Loyalty

13. Have you received any Customer Complaints that you rejected?
Mark only one oval.

Comments :

Powered by 2/2
31/07/2017 Visual Kanban

Visual Kanban

1. What system do you use for maintaining

inventory control?

2. How often do you order raw materials?

3. Do you order raw materials based solely on the incoming order?

Mark only one oval.


4. Do you order raw materials at regular times during the week in pre-specified quantities?
Mark only one oval.


5. In what way do you transfer the order

information from office space to production

6. Do you believe visual cards for maintaining inventory are important?

Mark only one oval.


7. Do you employ any visual tools for inventory control?

Mark only one oval.


8. If yes, what are they?

9. If no, why not? 1/3
31/07/2017 Visual Kanban

10. Do you employ the card system before placing the next order for raw materials? (as in 2-
bin system)
Mark only one oval.


11. Have you painted any areas of the inventory space to indicate inventory levels?
Mark only one oval.


12. Have you considered employing visual red/green switches or a signal board to indicate
production requirements?
Mark only one oval.


13. Are there any 'trigger points' for ordering raw materials?
Mark only one oval.


14. If yes, what are they?

15. Do you believe in the 5S system to maintain quality of inventory control?

Mark only one oval.


16. Do 5S priority actions have to be carried out regularly in order to ensure cleanliness and
Mark only one oval.


17. Do you believe that 5S activities have helped you in maintaining the inventory?
Mark only one oval.


Powered by 2/3
31/07/2017 Visual Kanban 3/3
Appendix 2

02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0

1. Are you aware of Industry 4.0 and it's implications in digitising the work process?
Mark only one oval.

Extremely Aware
Moderately Aware
Somewhat Aware
Slightly Aware
Not at all Aware

2. How would you describe the implementation status of your Industry 4.0 strategy?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

No strategy exists Strategy implemented

3. How would you rate the contribution of digital features, products & services to the overall
value creation of your portfolio?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Main Contribution -
Value is mainly
generated by purely
digital products and
No Contribution - Value is
the licensing of
generated solely with the sales
Intellectual Property
of physical products and product-
(e. g. cloud-based
related services (e.g. traditional
solution, licenses for
3D-printing of

4. Which technologies do you use in your company?

Check all that apply.

Sensor technology
RFID (Radio-frequency identification uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify
and track tags attached to objects.)
Mobile end devices
Realtime location systems
Big data to store and evaluate real-time data
Cloud technologies as scalable IT infrastructure
Embedded IT systems
M2M communications (machine-to-machine, refers to wireless data communication
between machines.) 1/11
02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

5. To which degree is the average product in your portfolio digitised (e.g. RFID for
identification, sensors, IoT connection, smart products etc.)?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Not at all Completely

6. In which areas does your company have systematic technology and innovation
Check all that apply.

Production technology
Product development
Centralized, in integrative management
Do not have

7. To which degree can your customers individualise the products they order?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Completely -
Products can be
Not at all - Products allow for no completely defined
individualization at all (e.g. by customers (e.g.
standardised mass production) via configuration
tools for customers,
lot size 1)

8. How important is the usage and analysis of data (customer data, product or machine
generated data) for your business model?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Crucial - Data is
Insignificant - No data analytics are the main value
leveraged in the business model driver of the
business model 2/11
02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

9. How intense is your collaboration with partners, suppliers and clients for development of
products and services?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

collaboration -
development of
No Collaboration - Product products
development is done completely in- together with
house without any exchange of partners is
information with partners, suppliers or institutionalised
customers in value
networks that
are transparent
for the

10. To which extent do you use multiple integrated sales channels to sell your products to
your customers?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

One Multi-Channel (e.g. store, sales force, web-

channel shop, sales platforms etc.)

11. How far do you integrate multiple channels (website, blogs, forums, social media
platforms etc.) into your customer interactions for communicating news, receiving
feedback, managing claims etc.?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Interactive communication (e.g.

One-way integrating customers into product
communication development via social media

12. How advanced is the digital ability of your sales force (mobile devices, access to all
relevant system anywhere and anytime, full sales process possible at client site)?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Digital sales approach -

Sales force is supported
by digital devices and
Traditional sales approach - access to all relevant
Sales force works ‘offline’ processes and systems
without access to relevant at any time (real-time
systems (e.g. using centrally access to customer and
distributed paper product data, possibility
documents) to configure
personalised products &
dynamically create
orders etc.) 3/11
02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

13. How dynamic and customer-tailored is your pricing system (consideration of customer's
"willingness to pay“)?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Dynamic pricing - Automated

Fixed pricing - systems calculate prices,
Prices for all discounts etc. dynamically in real-
products and time (e.g. individual prices based
services are fixed on customer potential, history,
relevance of order etc.)

14. To which extent do you analyse customer data to increase customer insight (e. g.
personalised offers to customers based on their personal situation, preferences, location,
credit score; consideration of usage data for design & engineering etc.)?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

data usage -
Extensive data
collection at all
touch points
Trivial data usage - Information is kept that is fed into
decentralised and in an unsystematic integrated
way by single units and is not systems to
analysed further (e.g. sales orders in monitor,
excel sheets) review and
sales and

15. How far do you collaborate with partners regarding your approach of accessing
customers (exchange of customer insights, coordination of marketing activities etc.)?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

approach –
approach is
Not at all - No collaboration with completely
partners in approaching customers backed up
(e.g. separate customer databases and along with the
no coordination of marketing or sales partner
activities) network (e.g.
customer ID
with partners
and use of
partner data) 4/11
02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

16. How would you rate the degree of the digitisation of your vertical value chain (from
product development to production)?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

digitisation –
data flow
along the
No digitisation at all - No automated
vertical value
exchange of information along the
chain (e.g.
vertical value chain (e.g. manual
machine programming based on paper
controlling of
machines via
integration of
ERP and

17. To which extent do you have a real-time view on your production and can dynamically
react on changes in demand?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Factory –
view on
Not at all – Batch production for large lot
sizes without insight into production
status. No ability to react flexible on
changes in demand

18. To which degree do you have an end-to-end IT enabled planning and steering process
from sales forecasting, over production to warehouse planning and logistics?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Integrated end-
to-end planning
system –
Isolated planning processes – real-time
Neither IT-enabled nor integrated information
along the value chain (e.g. planning along the entire
based on past experiences) value chain
(e.g. sales
directly affect
production) 5/11
02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

19. How advanced is the digitisation of your production equipment (sensors, IoT connection;
digital monitoring, control, optimisation & automation)?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Fully digitised
factory –
Purely physical factory – Production
equipment is entirely cut off from IT
allows for IT-
systems and no real-time information
access and
can be gathered
information is
fed into a virtual
of the factory

20. How would you rate the degree of digitisation of your horizontal value chain (from
customer order over supplier, production and logistic to service)?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

digitisation –
data flow
No digitisation at all – No automated along the
exchange of information along the horizontal
horizontal value chain (e.g. no value chain
connection to supplier’s IT) (e.g.
integration of
logistic service
providers into
internal IT)

21. To which extend does your IT architecture address the overall requirements from
digitisation and Industry 4.0?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Completely –
All relevant
are explicitly
Not at all – The current architecture
considered in
neither considers I4.0 requirements
the IT
(IoT, analysis of production data etc.)
directly nor is it easily adaptable for
the roadmap
the new requirements
to meet future
needs 6/11
02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

22. Which of the following systems do you use? Does the system have an interface to the
leading system?
Check all that apply.

MES – manufacturing execution system

ERP – enterprise resource planning
PLM – product lifecycle management
PDM – product data management
PPS – production planning system
PDA – production data acquisition
MDC – machine data collection
SCM – supply chain management
CRM - customer relationship management

23. To which extend do you use a manufacturing execution system (MES) or similar to control
your manufacturing process?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Extensively – MES or similar

is used for short-term
Not at all – Production planning (capacities,
planning is done by utilisation, schedules etc.),
hand without support of system is highly integrated
a central IT system with ERP and shop floor
system to enable vertical

24. Are you already using cloud services?

Mark only one oval per row.

Yes No, but we’re planning to No

Cloud-based software
For data analysis
For data storage

25. How mature is your IT & data architecture to gather, aggregate and interpret real-time
manufacturing, product and client data?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

High maturity –
Advanced (near) real-
Low maturity - No central time analytic
system for data analytics, capabilities to service
analysis is done in island monitoring, controlling
solutions if at all and optimising
manufacturing and
smart devices 7/11
02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

26. How important are new technologies like social media, mobility, analytics and cloud
computing for enabling business operations?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Crucial -
Exploration and
exploitation of new
digital technologies
Insignificant – Only minor with the overall aim
investments in new technologies of enabling decisive
that are vaguely linked to business operations
business strategy (e.g. social (e.g. social media,
media presence because it is both internally and
perceived as 'the thing to do‘) externally, tracking
consumer moods
online and building
knowledge sharing
platforms internally)

27. To which extent is your IT organisation able to fulfill business requirements in the
requested time, quality and cost?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

are always
met – The IT
is able to
Expectations fall regularly short – react agile to
Implementation time and quality fail to new and
meet business expectations (e.g. long changing
lead times, inflexible IT processes etc.) requirements.
Business and
IT are

28. How advanced is your IT integration with customers, suppliers and fulfilment partners?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Full integration – Interfaces

for all relevant IT systems
No integration at all –
allowing seamless and
Encapsulated IT systems
secure data exchange (e.g.
allowing no access for
complete order tracking for
external parties
customers, inventory
insight for suppliers) 8/11
02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

29. How sophisticated is your digital compliance policy?

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

– Digital
Lowly sophisticated – No dedicated
policy is
compliance policy for digitisation in
defined for
place and processes of internal control
the complete
are for the most part non-digital
supported by
a digital ICS

30. How would you rate your capability to create value from data?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Mature –
approaches to
leverage data for
Limited – Large amounts of data
the optimisation of
are collected but structured
operations and the
approaches for utilising the data
fostering of new
to enable business models are
business models
are in place (e.g.
core analytics
team, data
scientists etc.)

31. How would you rate your capabilities and resources related to Industry 4.0 (e.g. data
analytics, IoT, CPS, HMI, production security, digital PLM etc.) in your organisation?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Mature –
Special units are
anchored in the
Limited – Lack of clarity on the organisation
presence or location of capabilities with overarching
and absence of or confused responsibilities
responsibilities regarding I 4.0 for I 4.0 topics
(e.g. a cross-
functional ‚digital
factory‘-unit) 9/11
02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

32. What level of involvement, support and expertise do executive and senior management
have in your organisation with regards to Industry 4.0?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

High leadership
involvement – All
management is
Low leadership involvement – fully knowledgeable
Senior management does not and aware of the
recognise the significance of importance,
Industry 4.0 and reveals almost workings and
no digital expertise implication of
Industry 4.0 (e.g.
board of directors
with a vision and

33. To what extent does your organisation institutionalise collaboration on Industry 4.0 topics
along with external partners such as academia, industry, suppliers or customers?
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

collaboration –
Industry 4.0
innovation is
No collaboration – Industry 4.0 fostered within
topics are, if any, mostly open platforms
investigated internally and designed for
outcomes are foreclosed towards cross-industry
external organisations research (e.g.
‘Smart Factory’
open laboratories
for customers)

34. How do you assess the skills of your employees when it comes to the future requirements
under Industry 4.0?
Mark only one oval per row.

Not Non- Existent ,but

relevant existent inadequate
IT infrastructure
Automation technology
Data analytics
Data security /
communications security
Development or application of
assistance systems
Collaboration software
Non-technical skills such as
systems thinking and process

35. Does your company already have use cases

in which the 'work-piece' guides itself
autonomously through production? 10/11
02/08/2017 Industry 4.0

36. Does your company have production

processes that respond
autonomously/automatically in real time to
changes in production conditions?

Powered by 11/11
Appendix 3

Appendix 3
Motivation Letter

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I, Ramsi Kalia, am writing this letter to express my interest in the possibility of conducting my
Dissertation within your Company’s premises. I am a student at the University of Exeter
currently pursuing my MSc. in Mechanical Engineering. The topic for my Dissertation is ‘Lean
Manufacturing Techniques in Food Processing to Reduce Food Wastage’. I am looking to study
the structure of Food Processing Techniques and identify areas wherein Lean Techniques have
been employed as well as looking to recognize and recommend areas where suitable Lean
Techniques can be introduced.

My Dissertation is guided by Mr. Richard Shepherd who has worked in the field of Sustainability
Issues in Food Manufacturing as well as Technology Transfer from University to Industry. I
believe that under his accomplished guidance I will have a positive value addition to your

Prior to my Master’s degree, I have worked professionally for 3 years in the capacity of Project
Manager at a Manufacturing Company producing core Engineering (Refrigeration and Air)
products where I have developed skills that will assist me during this Dissertation including self-
motivation and individual work. Working as a Project Manager, I was responsible for 15-20
individuals working directly under my supervision on any given project and was, at most times,
responsible for up to 5 projects at any given time. Along with this, I have also worked on
multiple individual projects to boost employee productivity by analyzing working strategies,
recommending and ultimately implementing desired changes within the work process.

In addition, I have also garnered a number of Technical Skills that shall ensure that my work is
well supplemented and of high quality. These skills include use of multiple Drawing Softwares
including AutoCAD and Solidworks; Planning Softwares such as Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) and Customer Relation Management (CRM); and Programming Languages.

Please see my attached resume for additional information on my skills and experience.

I am currently residing in Exeter and can be reached anytime via my cell phone, 07823828939,
or e-mail at . I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for
your time and consideration.


Ramsi Kalia
Address : Exeter , United Kingdom
Telephone : +44-78-238-28939
E-mail :
Passport : Indian

Mechanical Engineer with 3 years professional experience in Project Management and Leadership.Currently pursuing a
Master’s Degree (MSc.) in Mechanical Engineering.


 Team management and Project handling capabilities

 As a Project Manager at Mellcon Engineers Pvt. Ltd. was in-charge of 15-20 individuals from technicians to departmental managers on
different tasks to deliver projects of up-to 350,000 GBP to successful completion
 Led various in-house Workshops to train employees on the productive use of Microsoft Office
 Effective communicator with excellent commercial acumen, interpersonal & relationship management skills
 Proven Multi-Tasker; managed up-to 5 contracts concurrently
 Successful in motivating workforce and organizing team work on daily basis
 Experienced in customer service; as an Intern as NaukriNews(Job-Search Portal) successfully engaged with customers to sell product
and address grievances. In addition to this, working as a Project Manager at Mellcon, was the lead communicator between company and
customer at all times
 Languages: English(IELTS - 8.0), Hindi(Native), Sanskrit (Intermediate), Punjabi (Basic), German (Beginner)


 Computational
 Accomplished in Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, Access)
 Experienced in Programming Languages such as C, C++, C#, Python
 Trained in Simulation and Analysis Software such as MATLAB and Simulink, ANSYS, CREO
 Extensively worked on Drawing Software such as AutoCAD, ZWCAD, SolidWorks, ProE, CREO, SketchUp, and analysis of P&I
 Handled Website Design and Blog software such as WordPress and Joomla (Basic Knowledge)
 Efficient in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) softwares
 Capable in Back End Querying software such as SQL, .NET
 Proficient on Microsoft Windows, MAC OS and well versed in Linux

 Industrial
 Designing of equipment using standard International Codes and Guidelines, primarily ASME BPVC and ISO codes
 Administered appropriate Welding efficiency techniques and codes, primarily ASME Section IX
 Conversant in conducting Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) such as Hydrostatic Testing, Pneumatic Testing, Radiography
 Performed CNC Lathe machining, Welding, Soldering, Brazing, Woodworking


Mellcon Engineers Pvt. Ltd. June 2013 to July 2016

Job Title : Project Manager

 Managerial
 Communicating effectively the project requirements with customer in association with the Sales executives.
 Relating to the design team the requirements of customer.
 Worked with the different departments, sales, design, electrical, purchasing, manufacturing, customer service to ensure smoother
transitions of work, timely completion of tasks and delivery of final project.
 Successfully introduced creation of process plans for each project with time scale and ensured strict adherence to the time scale
while maintaining highest standards of production.
 Analysed welding technique and speed of each welder to improve upon efficiency and daily output by combining data gathered over a
period of 3 months while working on the shop floor.
 Responsible for maintaining a healthy work environment and open communication between the employees on shop floor and
executives, engineers, designers and purchase department, to reduce loss of time and efficiency.
 Technical
 Verification and validation of project design, P & I diagrams, electrical diagrams before passing onto the shop floor.
 Worked on the shop floor to understand, maintain and improve manufacturing practices including welding techniques, placement of
valves, sequence of machine erection and many more.
 Supervised creation of Quality Assurance Test Plans as well as Testing procedures, verified and validated product functioning in
accordance with specified test plan.

 Business Development
 Conceptualized and designed solar cell based hydrogen generation plants in collaboration with the Managing Director.
 Reorganisation and Development of Website.
 Upgrade and designing of Product Information Flyers and Business Brochures.

NaukriNews (Careerana) Job-Search Portal Summer 2011 and Summer 2012
Job Title : Intern – Customer Service Representative

 Responsible for achieving a weekly/monthly target by telesales

 Successful in addressing and solving a wide variety of customer complaints in a timely and courteous manner.
 Helping to connect individuals to jobs suited to their skill set.
 Worked on improving the website by identifying issues and relaying the same to the web-design team, as well as refinement and
further development of website.
 Worked on an in-house CRM software to update customer information or purchases, and follow up with respective teams (Resume
writing, Social Profile writing), to ensure timely delivery of products.


 As a freelance writer, wrote a number of articles for websites such as,, and
Handled the Social Media accounts for for a period of one month in March 2016. Moreover, built the entire
website for from scratch using WordPress.
 Master’s Dissertation Project -- Lean Manufacturing Techniques in Food SMEs in the UK. Bachelor’s Final Year Dissertation
Project – Development and Construction of a Six Stroke Engine (based on the work of Michael Beare).
 At University, completed numerous projects on topics of – Reverse Engineering, Concurrent Engineering, Pressure Vessel Design,
Design of Machine Elements comprising of Belt and Rope Drive, Design of a Gear Box, Sensor Technology - Nano-sensors, The Six
Sigma Approach and many more, individually as well as in groups.


University of Exeter, MSc. Mechanical Engineering Currently Pursuing 2016 - 2017

Maharashtra Institute of Technology, B.Eng. Mechanical Second Class 2008 - 2013
University of Pune
Modern School, Vasant Vihar C.B.S.E. 12th (AS Level equivalent) 82% avg. 2007 - 2008
New Delhi
C.B.S.E. 10th (GCSE equivalent) 82% avg. 2005 - 2006


 Active member of Exeter Student Volunteers (ESV). As part of ESV special projects, volunteered at the Christmas Gift Wrapping in
support of St. Loye’s.
 Active member of ESV project RESTORE, fund-raising committee, volunteered at Waffle Sale stall at the Annual Christmas Fair.
 Recent member of Animal Welfare Society; staunch supporter of Animal Rights and Welfare. Rescued and re-homed 4 dogs off the
streets of New Delhi, India. Strong supporter of ‘Adopt Don’t Shop’.
 Avid reader. Fiction.
 At University, organized and participated in various events including heading the sponsorship team by collecting the maximum funds
for Technical Festival AXLERATE 2012.
 At school level, won the prestigious Vinod Dixit Award for ‘Silent Killers – Diseases of Today’, in 2006, awarded by the Chief Minister
of New Delhi (in group of 3). Participated in the youth achievement award, Duke of Edinburgh Award and won the Bronze Level. Won
first prize in State-Level Painting competition in 2007 with over 100 schools participating (in group of 3).
Appendix 4

Form 2 - Project Proposal (ECMM164) Student Name: Ramsi Kalia

MSc Project Proposal


Title: Lean Manufacturing Techniques in Food

Processing to Reduce Food Wastage

Student Name: Ramsi Kalia

Programme: MSc. Mechanical Engineering
Student number: 660063724
Candidate number: 040670
MSc Programme Name: Mechanical

Supervisor: Richard Shepherd

Project Proposal (ECMM164) Student Name: Ramsi Kalia

With the globalisation of markets resulting in increased competition, organisations are under
continuous pressure to pursue operational excellence and improve performance in an effort to
reduce costs and provide products of higher quality with shorter lead times.World-wide studies
and evidence suggests that lean methods and tools have helped manufacturing organisations to
improve their operations and process.1,2

In The Machine that Changed the World, James Womack coined the term lean production to
describe profound revolution in manufacturing that was initiated by the Toyota Production
System (TPS), and which has been rapidly replacing mass production system. The TPS is an
ongoing evolution of solutions designed to achieve ‘lean’ ideal.3,4

Lean manufacturing is the systematic identification and steady elimination of wastage in a

manufacturing process. Another approach to lean manufacturing is focussed on improving the
flow of work and thereby eliminating any unevenness in the process.The advantage of this
approach is that it takes a system-wide perspective and any waste elimination is a natural result
of the implementation.
The original seven wastes(muda) are:
 Transport - moving products that are not actually required to perform the processing
 Inventory - all components, work in process, and finished product not being processed
 Motion - people or equipment moving or walking more than is required to perform the
 Waiting - waiting for the next production step, interruptions of production during shift change
 Overproduction - production ahead of demand
 Over Processing - resulting from poor tool or product design creating activity
 Defects - the effort involved in inspecting for and fixing defects 5

Lean manufacturing includes Kaizen (continuous improvement), Kanban (inventory control

system for supply chain), JIT (just-in-time manufacturing) and Lean Six Sigma (utilising DMAIC

To recognise, define, measure, analyse, improve and control wastage produced in a Food
Processing cycle in an industrial setting.

The objectives are as follows:
1. To collaborate with a company in the Food Processing Space
2. To Recognise one or more areas where Lean Manufacturing Techniques can be
employed in order to reduce food wastage
3. To measure and analyse the Waste produced currently, and predict a reduction in waste
by employing Lean Techniques
4. To implement planned changes, PDCA (plan-do-check-act)
5. Observe, analyse and report the reduction in Wastage

Project Proposal (ECMM164) Student Name: Ramsi Kalia

The approach for this dissertation would be quantitative in nature, specifically recognising the
points or areas where waste is created and comparing that to the reduction in wastage post
implementing Lean Manufacturing Techniques.
For the purpose of this project, we could apply lean manufacturing techniques to a variety of
situations, including but not limited to
1. Mechanical - Improving the functioning of process equipment and human interaction with
machines; reducing wasted electricity, heat, water; improving design of tools and product
2. Mechatronical - Improving advanced automated processes and techniques
3. Inventory Control - Implementing JIT, Kanban; recognising spheres for improvement in
raw material acquisition, storage; packaging, storage and delivery of finished product
4. Computational - Process engineering, thermal processes - heat transfer in food
preparation, packaging, freezing, storing; introducing AI in process chain - food sorting,
inventory control, preparation, cleaning, managing/sorting food waste for re-use etc.

Form 2 - Project Proposal (ECMM164) Student Name: Ramsi Kalia

Table 1 Time management scheme is provided in the form of a Gantt chart:


Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

General Reading Around The Topic

Formulating a Research Question

More Specific Background Reading

Drafting The Literature Review

Selecting The Methodological


Find Company To Partner With

Devising Final Problem Statement

Formulating Method To Tackle


Critiquing Method

Implementing Method

Data Collection

Data Analysis

Project Proposal (ECMM164) Student Name: Ramsi Kalia

Drafting The Findings Chapter(s)

Drafting The Discussion Chapter(s)

Editing Work

Final Tidying Up And Handing In

Final Work

Table 2 Project risk assessment template


ID Risk item Effect Cause Action to minimise risk

What is the effect on any

What action(s) will you take (and by
Describe the risk or all of the project What are the possible
L*S when) to prevent, reduce the impact of,
briefly deliverables if the cause cause(s) of this risk?
or transfer the risk of this occurring?
actually happens?
1 Inability to find a If this happens, the Unimpressive student In order to prevent this, I have
Company to partner project will be forced to profile resulting in approached my thesis advisor to help
with change, in essence company not me in finding a company that would be
resulting in a theoretical interested in working open to working with a student; time till
or qualitative dissertation with particular student mid-April has been allotted to finding an
only. or student’s ineptitude appropriate company or business.
in convincing a
company to allow
dissertation work
within their premises

Project Proposal (ECMM164) Student Name: Ramsi Kalia

2 Methodologies If this were to happen, it Methodologies are too To prevent this, 6 weeks have been
recommended are would derail the risky, new, difficult to allocated to devising a problem
rejected by the implementation and implement6 statement and finding a method to tackle
company analysis aspects of the the problem. The aim will be to find
project more than one area to work in so in
case one methodology is rejected,
another remains

Form 2 - Project Proposal (ECMM164) Student Name: Ramsi Kalia


1. Mahapatra S, Mohanty S. Lean Manufacturing in continuous process industry: An empirical

Study. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 2006;66:19-27
2. Belekoukias I, Garza-Reyes J, Kumar V. The impact of lean methods and tools on the
operational performance of manufacturing organisations. International Journal of Production
Research. 2014;52(18):5346-5366. doi:10.1080/00207543.2014.903348.
3. Womack J, Jones D, Roos D. The Machine That Changed The World. 1st ed. New York:
Free Press; 2007.
4. Liker J. Becoming Lean. 1st ed. New York, NY: Productivity Press; 2006.
5. Womack, James P.; Daniel T. Jones (2003). Lean Thinking. Free Press. p. 352.
6. Bhasin S. An appropriate change strategy for lean success. Management Decision.
2012;50(3):439-458. doi:10.1108/00251741211216223.

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