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1. (a) (10 points) Consider a typical service process. Describe the process in detail. Tabulate as

Eliminating wasteful activities is one of the most important prerequisites for building a successful
company. Based on my observations and deep analysis, we can categorize the 7 types of waste (7
Mudas), which is very effective practice for cost reduction and optimizing resources.

I would like to emphasize the typical service in the Project Management Service

Description of Waste in the How to overcome this waste Remarks

1 Transportation – task Transport is moving materials Focused on
switching, interruptions, from one position to another. creating
unnecessary long The transport itself adds no customer value
marketing funnel value to the product, so through
minimizing these costs is relentless of
essential. removing
To overcome this, avoid movement.
excessive movement or
switching of individual task of
your product, your product
must be accessible to the
market as possible.
2 Inventory – purchased Inventory waste refers to the Understand
online tools that teams waste produced by customer value
rarely use, office supplies unprocessed inventory. and
that exceed needs. continuously
To overcome this, make a focused
simpler inventory plan, you increase it.
may use a software to track
real-time status of your tools
or product.
3 Motion – badly structured Wasteful motion is all of the Optimize entire
workspaces and lack of motion, whether by a person value streams
organizational paths, too or a machine, that could be that flow
many meetings, extra effort minimized. horizontally
to find information, and so across
on To overcome this, create a technology.
plan to arrange or restructure
your workspaces in a more
comfortable way. Meetings
and information should only
be happened in the most
important situation.
4 Waiting – waiting for Waiting refers to wasted time Eliminate waste
approval from higher because of slowed or halted along entire
management production in one step of the value streams.
production chain while a
previous step is completed.

To overcome this,
bureaucracy in each office
should be remove.
Documents should have a
rea-time tracker to trace
every approval.

5 Overproduction -filling The most serious of the Respond

unnecessary great amount wastes, overproduction can immediately to
of documents cause all other types of changing
wastes and results in excess customer
inventory. desires with
high variety of
To overcome this, by using quality , low
“Takt Time” is how often cost and a very
you should produce one fast throughput
part or product to meet the times.
customer requirements. It
is calculated by diving
the available working time
per day (excluding
scheduled breaks) by
customer demand rate per
day (in units).

6 Over-processing – multiple Over-processing refers to any Eliminate

levels of approval for small component of the process of overprocessing
tasks manufacture that is and could
unnecessary. improve clear
schedule &
To overcome this, Have a work plan.
clear schedule & work plan. Establish clear
Establish clear quality quality
standards & stick by them. standards &
Establish the “Final Critic” stick by them.
and move on.
7 Defects – an incorrect Defects refer to a product Eliminate
collection of data deviating from the standards defects because
of its design or from the information
customer’s expectation. management
becomes more
To overcome this, Identify the simpler and
best way and document it. more accurate.
Train the your workers on it
and standardize those
practices on your worksite to
create predictable results
every time.
(b) (10 points) List typical “wastes” while spending your time on internet on a typical day.

1. Constantly checking your emails.

2. Not automating your social media accounts.

3. Bulky to-do-lists.

4. Multitasking of unnecessary fostware.

5. Argue with people online

6. Unnecessary meetings google meet or zoom.

7. watching YouTube that is not relevant.

8. Always Watch funny cat videos

2. (20 points) Identify at least 2 processes in your academic institution. Identify wastes in each
process and propose lean solutions (lean tools and techniques) to reduce the identified wastes
and speed up the processes. (Multiple wastes can be identified in each process)
3. (10 points) In the context of your institution, describe and discuss the limitations and
disadvantages of implementing the concept of lean manufacturing/ lean management. Cite
some scenarios/ examples.


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