PROF - ED 8 - Assessment of Learning 1

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Caramoan, Camarines Sur

PROF.ED 8 – Assessment of Learning 1

Year & section : BEED 3RD YEAR Name of Student:____________________ Section:________


Lesson 3 Different Classifications of assessment

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Illustrate scenarios in the use of different classifications of assessment.
2. Rationalize the purpose of different forms of assessment: and
3. Decide on the kind of assessment to be used.

Answer the following questions in your own perceptions.
1. Differentiate speed test from power test.

2. Can a teacher-made test become a standardized test? How?


Write on the blank if the task requires paper-and-pencil or performance –based assessment.
__________ 1. Provide the appropriate verb in the sentence.
__________ 2. Solve systems of linear equations in two variables by the graphical method.
__________ 3. Draw the slope of a given equation.
__________ 4. Mount a plant specimen on a glass slide.
__________ 5. Deliver a speech to persuade people to donate for the orphanage.
__________ 6. Multiply and divide rational algebraic expression.
__________ 7. Observe the chemicals in the laboratory and list their hazards.
__________ 8. Classify substances according to their physical or chemical extrinsic or
intrinsic properties.
__________ 9. Cite evidence of chemical changes.
__________ 10. Present ways to prevent walls from easily cracking during earthquakes.

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Caramoan, Camarines Sur

When I construct assessment tools, I clarify with stakeholders the specific kind of test to
be used. There are differences when constructing tests that measure cognitive constructs and
psychological constructs. A specific example of a cognitive test would be teacher made tests.
In making their test they start by selecting the learning competencies or objective that have
been taught to the learners. Items distributed among the objectives as shown in a table of
specification. A standard curriculum is needed when constructing teacher made tests. Other
teachers classify the items according to cognitive skills using the Bloom’s Taxonomy. In
developing affective constructs, provide a selection of conceptual framework based on a
theory that will be used as a basis for writing the items. The theory defines the construct and
its underlying factors. The definition is used as a basis in writing the items. The items usually
refer to practices and behaviors within the confines of the definition.


Different Classifications of assessment
The different forms of assessment are classified according to purpose, form,
interpretation of learning, function, and kind of learning.

Classification Type
Kind of Learning
Interpretation of Learning

Educational and Psychological Assessments

Educational assessments are used in the school setting for the purpose of tracking the
growth of learners and grading their performance. This assessment in the educational
setting comes in the form of formative assessment and summative assessment. Formative
assessment is a continuous process of gathering information about students learning at the
beginning, during and after instruction so that the teacher can decide how to improve their
instruction until learners are able to meet the learning targets. When the learners are
provided with enough scaffold as indicated by the formative assessment, the summative
assessment conducted. The purpose of summative assessment is to determine the record
what the learners have learned. On the other hand, the purpose of formative assessment is
to track and monitor student learning and their progress toward the learning target.
Formative assessment can be any form of assessment (paper and pencil or performance-
based) that is conducted before, during and after instruction. Before instruction begins,
formative assessment serves as a diagnostic tool to determine whether learners already
know about the learning target.

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More specifically, formative assessment given at the start of the lesson determines
the following:
1. What learners know and do not know so that instruction can supplement what learners do
not know.
2. Misconceptions of learners so that they can be corrected.
3. Confusion of learners so that they can be clarified.
4. What learners can and cannot do so that enough practice can be given to perform the task.

Educational assessment during instruction is done where the teacher stops at certain parts
of the teaching episodes to ask learners questions, assign exercises, short essays, board work,
and other task. The teacher continuously provides a series of practice drills and exercises until
the learners are able meet the learning target. When the teacher observes that majority or all
of the learners are able to demonstrate the learning target, then the teacher can now conduct
the summative assessment.
Psychological assessment, such as tests and scales, are measures that determine the
learner’s cognitive and non-cognitive characteristics. Examples of cognitive tests are those that
measures ability, aptitude, intelligence, and critical thinking. Affective measures are for
personality, motivation, attitude, interest, and disposition. The results of these assessment are
used by the school’s guidance counselor to perform interventions on the learners academic,
career, and social and emotional development.

Paper-and-pencil and Performance –Based type of Assessment

Paper-and-pencil type of assessments are cognitive tasks that require a single correct
answer. They usually come in the form of test types, such as binary (true or false), short answer
(identification), matching type, and multiple choice. The items usually pertain to a specific
cognitive skill, such as recalling, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. On
the other hand performance-based type of assessments require learners to perform task, such
as demonstrations, arrive at a product, show strategies, and present information. The skills
applied are usually complex and require integrated skills to arrive at the target response.

Teacher-made Test from Standardized Test

Standardized tests have fixed directions for administering and scoring. They can be
purchased with test manuals, booklets, and answer sheets. When these tests were developed,
the items were sampled on a large number of target groups called the norm. The norm group’s
performance is used to compare the results of those who took the test.
Non-standardized or teacher-made tests are usually intended for classroom assessment.
Examples are quizzes, long tests and exams. Formative and summative assessments are usually
teacher made test.

Achievement and Aptitude Tests

Achievement tests measure what learners have learned after instruction or
after going through a specific curricular program. It provide information on what
learners can do and have acquired after training and instruction. Achievement is
a measure of what a person has learned within or up to a given time (Yaremko It is a measure of the accomplished skills and indicates what a person
can do at present (Atkinson 1995). Achievement can be reflected in the final
grades of learners within a quarter.
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Caramoan, Camarines Sur

According to Loghman (2005), aptitudes are the characteristics that influence a person’s
Behavior that aid goal attainment in a particular situation. Specifically, aptitude refers to the
degree of readiness to learn and perform well in a particular situation or domain.(Corno et

Speed Test and Power Test

Speed test consist of easy items that need to be completed within a time limit. Power test
consist of items with increasing level of difficulty, but time is sufficient to complete the whole

Norm-Referenced and Criterion- Referenced Test

Criterion-referenced test has a given set of standards, and the scores are compared to
the given criterion. For example, in a 50 item test: 40-50 is very high, 30-39 is high, 20-29 is
average and 10-19 is low, and 0-9 is very low. One approach in criterion-referenced
interpretation is that the score is compared to a specific cutoff.
The norm-referenced test interprets results using the distribution of scores of a sample
group. The mean and standard deviations are computed for the group. Standardized tests
usually interpret scores using a norm set from a large sample.


( Use separate sheet for your answer)

A. Create a graphic organizer for the different kinds of tests. You may represent your ideas inside a circle
and make connections among the ideas.
Check the ideas you have acquired about classifications of assessment.
1. Why are different kind of assessment classified?
2. How does the knowledge of the classifications of assessment help improve teaching?
3. How does the knowledge of the classifications of assessment help improve learning?
4. Which classification of assessment is commonly used in the classroom setting and why?
B. To know more about the different kinds of assessment, complete the table by providing other specific
examples of each kind of assessment. You may see other references.
Type Example

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C. The following are illustrative scenarios. Provide your answers to the questions based on the information
Case A.
A teacher in mathematics wanted to determine how well the learners have learned their lesson on
fraction. After two weeks of drills and exercises, the teacher wanted to record how well the learners have
learned about fractions. The specific learning competencies taught by the teacher are (1) adding similar
fractions and (2) solving word problems involving the addition of similar fractions. The school has an
available standardized test on mathematics, but it covers many topics aside from fractions.
What information does the math teacher want to
determine among the learners?
What is the specific learning target that the math
teacher wants to assess?
Is the math teacher assessing learning progress or
what learners have learned?
Given your specific learning target, which form of
assessment id appropriate?
How will the math teacher interpret the results if
the learners have learned?

Case B.
A school principal wanted to determine who among a group of applicants will be admitted to the
school. The principal wanted to determine if the learners have learned well in their present grade level. The
learners come from different schools, and it is assumed that they all learned the common standards as
indicated in the national curriculum. There is an available instrument in the school that determines the
important learning competencies based on the national curriculum.
What information does the principal want to
determine about the learners?
What are the specific learning targets that the
principal intends to assess?
Is there an available instrument to determine the
information that the principal wants to know
among the learners?
Given the available standardized instruments, does
the principal want to determine what the learners
have learned or their potential for future learning?
Is the principal after the learner’s maximum
Given that there is an available instrument, how
will the scores be presented? How will the school
principal decide who will be accepted in the

A. (use separate sheet for your answer)
Create your own case illustrating how you decided to use a particular kind of assessment.
Provide a plan by using the guide questions given and deduce the kind of assessment that is
appropriate to use. The kind of assessment is given but create an illustrative scenario for it. Include the
following in the illustrative scenario: 1. Purpose of the assessment, 2. Possible learning target, 3.
Description of the characteristics of the tool to be used and kind of items or tasks that will be included,
4. Justification for the appropriate kind of assessment used, and 5. Description of how the scores/
marks will be interpreted and used.

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Given: A teacher in English in a Grade 3 class wanted to use a summative assessment to
determine if the learners have learned enough on a lesson on vocabulary.

Illustrative scenario: The purpose of the English teacher is to determine if the Grade 3 learners have
learned their lesson on vocabulary (purpose of assessment). The learning target based on the
curriculum guide for grade 3 English is to provide the synonyms of words found in a sentence (learning
target). The teacher will create a vocabulary test composed of 10 items. Each item is composed of
sentences with one word underlined. The learners will provide the synonym of the underlined word in
each sentence (characteristic of the tool). The type of assessment is a teacher-made summative
assessment because the task was devised by the teacher based on the competency learned. It is
summative because the teacher wanted to determine how well the learners can provide synonyms of
the words as part of their vocabulary skills ( type of assessment and justification). The teacher will use
the grading system in the school system in the school for a 10-item test. The school grading system
indicates that the passing score is 5 (scoring).

A. Create an illustrative scenario using formative assessment on problem-solving involving converting

fractions to decimals and vice versa.
B. Create an illustrative scenario using a summative assessment for a performance-based task on
table-setting for a Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) class.
C. Create an illustrative scenario on using a standardized achievement test to decide on the
sectioning of learners.

B. Read each case and identify what kind of assessment is referred to.
Type of Assessment Situations
1. The science teacher at the end of the lesson on the phases
of matter provided a 20-item test to record how much
learners have learned. What kind of assessment is used?
2. The teacher in music required learners to demonstrate
how the ¾ beat is conducted. What kind of assessment is
3. A student got a score of 25 in a mathematics achievement
test, which is considered low compared with the scores
found in the test manual. What kind of interpretation is
4. A teacher in English raised three questions to determine if
learners understood the story read. The learners who
could not answer the questions will be further helped on
the skill needed. What kind of assessment is used?
5. A teacher made a 10 item spelling test where the word is
pronounced and the learners will write the correct
spelling. What kind of assessment is used?
6. A teacher in science tested learner’s familiarity with the
parts of the heart. An illustration of a heart is provided
and they need to label the parts. What is function of
7. A teacher used the Jackson’s Vocational Interest to
determine which track in senior high school the learners
can select. What assessment is used according to the

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8. A guidance counselor, as part of the career orientation of

grade 12 learners, administered a test to evaluate their
abstract reasoning, logic, and identification of missing
parts. What kind of test is used?
9. The learners who got perfect scores in the science
achievement test were invited to join the science club. In
this way, how was the score used?
10. The teacher in mathematics wanted to determine how
well the learners have learned about the mathematics
curriculum at the end of the school year. The lowa test for
basic skills on math was administered. What kind of
assessment was administered?


Assessment in learning 1
( First Edition ) copyright 2020
Dr. Adonis P. David Dr. Evangeline F. Golla
Dr. Carlos P. Magno Dr. Violeta C. Valladolid

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