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Vacaro, Azmarrah Rayanna


Bs Marketing – 3B

1. Discuss the challenges regarding corporate social responsibility that companies in the shoe
apparel industry face in their supply chains around the world.

One of the most sensitive industries to social responsibility concerns is the shoe apparel industry. The
issues the shoe apparel industries face in their supply chains around the world in terms of corporate
social responsibility are numerous. This is because the industry operates in a low-wage setting and is a
labor intensive. Also, anyone can create clothing which means that businesses must find a means to
keep their pricing competitive while simultaneously providing high quality products. We can see some
indication of what was going on in the Nike shoe factories in South Asia, in the given case problem. The
subcontractors of Nike are attempting to furnish Nike products as quickly as possible without giving
importance to the working conditions for employees. The foreign manufacturer is subject to little
inspection and control.

2. What does it mean to have an industry open-systems approach to social responsibility? What
parties are involved? Who are the stakeholders?

When it comes to social responsibility, an open-system approach indicates that the organization
considers the impact of its actions on the greater social system. The open-system approach assumes
that organizations are heavily influenced by their surroundings. Suppliers, regulators, investors, and
communities are the ones being considered by the company to be socially responsive to internal
stakeholders. The stakeholders are those who influence and are influenced by a company’s actions and

3. Is it possible to have “a compatibility of profits with people and planet”? (Refer to Triple
Bottom Line (TBL) Whose responsibility is it to achieve that state?

As a worldwide corporation, the triple bottom line promotes your longevity and sustainability, as well as
your reputation as a caring organization. It is feasible for a firm to achieve profit compatibility with
people and the environment. This is simpler to achieve if the company's owner is compassionate and
truly cares about the environment and society, not simply the company's bottom line. A corporation
that is solely focused on profit will not be successful in the long run. However, if the company makes
contributions to environmental health and social well-being, it will almost certainly succeed.
4. Research Nike’s CSR actions since this time frame and why it has earned the reputation as one
of the world’s foremost organizations in sustainability.

Nike believes that a decent society will lead to good profits, which will help to ensure the company's
long-term viability. To demonstrate this, Nike created a green life cycle in which they were able to
remove waste in manufacturing and dangerous ingredients while also ensuring that all of their products
were recyclable and re-usable. Furthermore, Nike took steps to improve labor conditions at its own
factories and subcontractors, as well as with industry competitors. With this, Nike has earned the
reputation to be one of the world’s foremost organizations in sustainability.


Open systems theory Michael N. Bastedo, University of Michigan. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2021,

Gupta, Megha, Ph.D.. corporate social responsibility ... - UNCG. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11,
2021, from

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