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Mobile Suit Data Turn Order

Mobile Suit Skirmish Suit: RGM-79(G) GM Ground Type Game Start

Mobile Suit Record Sheet 1. Roll for Initiative, winner chooses to
decide turn order or deployment order,
Movement Affiliation, Config, Year loser decides the other
Tactical 8 Earth Federation 2. Deploy units

Sprint 12 Bipedal Mech 3. Designate Commanders

Boost 8 UC 0079 Round Start

External Damage Tracker Internal Damage Tracker Equipment: (Inches) 1. Leadership Phase: Leaders accrue
Motivation and decide to deploy
Type DMG Effective Long reserves (if any).
100mm MG 15 4-16 17-24 2. Action Phase: The current side takes
their actions and leaders may perform
Beam Saber 20+1d6 0-4 - commands as a full action.
Shield (Left) 20/10 0-4 - 3. Upkeep Phase: Check for status,
weather, or environmental effects. Pass
Ammo Type: Rounds (Clip):
100mm 15 (5)
Reference Tables
Booster Fuel: Uses: Ranged Hit Locations (1d20)
Onboard 10 1d20 Roll Location
External - 17-20 Head
13-16 Torso
10-12 Right Arm
Pilot Data 7-9 Left Arm
Pilot Name: John Smith 4-6 Right Leg
Call sign: Close Combat Guy 1-3 Left Leg
Piloting Skill: +5

Gunnery Skill (2) Melee Hit Locations (1d6)

Miss Half Damage Full Damage 1d6 Roll Result
8 9-13 14+ 6 Shift 1 Up*
Close Combat Skill (4) 2-5 Chosen Location
Miss Half Damage Full Damage 1 Shift 1 Down*
*If at end of table shift 1 in opposite direction
6 7-11 12+
Damage Transfer Attack Modifiers
Actions Prone +2
Each unit may perform up to two "Half Actions" or Unsteady Footing -2
one "Full Action" per turn. Half Actions can be
performed in any order, including the same Half Movement
Action twice (if possible).
Tactical None
Free Actions Sprint -2
Critical Damage Table Communicate - May communicate with any number Boost -4
of nearby friendly units or attempt to communicate
Head with a foe. Combat Damage
Left Arm 1. Sensor Array Right Arm Block - Roll Piloting with a TN equal to the enemy's Arm -2 held weapons
to-hit roll. If successful change the hit location of
1. Left Arm Actuators 2. Communication Array 1. Right Arm Actuators an enemy hit to a new location of your choice. Sensors -5
2. Left Hand Actuators 3. <Empty> 2. Right Hand Actuators Evade - Roll Piloting with a TN equal to the enemy's
to-hit roll +5. If successful completely ignore enemy
3. Held Weapon 4. <Empty> 3. Held Weapon attack. Can use boosters to gain a +5 bonus to the Target
roll, consumes fuel as normal. As part of the action
4. <Empty> 5. <Empty> 4. <Empty> move 2" (4" if boosters were used) Range
5. <Empty> 6. <Empty> 5. <Empty> Half Actions Effective None
6. <Empty> 6. <Empty> Move - A unit can Move the value of their various Long -5
speeds in inches. A unit can move either their
Torso tactical, sprint, or boost speed with one action. Extreme -20
Left Leg 1. Ultracompact Fusion Reactor Right Leg Shoot - Attack with an equipped ranged weapon or Prone
a ranged weapon mounted on your mobile suit. Roll
1. Left Leg Actuators 2. Ultracompact Fusion Reactor 1. Right Leg Actuators 1d20 and consult your skill. 6 inches away +1
2. Left Foot Actuators 3. Ultracompact Fusion Reactor 2. Right Foot Actuators Strike - Attack with an equipped melee weapon or Further -2
a melee weapon mounted on your mobile suit. Roll
3. <Empty> 4. Life Support 3. <Empty> 1d20 and consult your skill.
4. <Empty> 5. Cockpit 4. <Empty> Reload - Reload a weapon.

5. <Empty> 6. <Empty> 5. <Empty> Draw Weapon - Draw/Swap a stowed weapon. Orders

6. <Empty> 6. <Empty> Spot - Use your unit's targeting instruments to gain (2) Double Time! - This turn all units may
accurate targeting data to transmit to an ally. move at their sprint, boost, or flank
Engine Hits 1 2 3 speed without any penalties to rolls.

Roll Modifer -2 -4 Dead Full Actions (*) Heads Down! - This turn all units gain
a bonus on Block and Evade rolls equal
Aimed Shot - Roll to hit normally but the attack deals to the amount of Motivation spent.
full damage as long as it hits and you may choose
the hit location instead of rolling for it randomly. (1) Resupply - Call a supply chopper up
Pilot Special Abilities Call fire support - Roll 1d20 + your rank modifier to
from the rear. One unit reloads ammo
and can swap weapons (if desired).
try and call either air support or artillery fire.
Swordsman - May use the block action to parry Difficulty is based on the availability of fire support. (3) Volley Fire - All units under the
blows when fighting with a melee weapon against You gain a +5 bonus on this roll if you spotted last Leader's command may roll twice on
another mobile suit. round. attack rolls this turn and take the better
Piercing Slash - Deal an extra 1d6 damage with Perform Order - Designated Leader uses result.
(3) We Need It Now! - Increase fire
bladed melee weapons. accumulated motivation to grant bonuses to his support availability. Sporadic (TN 20),
allies. Limited (TN 15), Priority (TN 10).

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