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Planning your Campaign

A campaign is a connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result. It is composed of
the following elements:

VISION - The vision is I just don’t want people of colour or Black people when having these
the idea of what you conversations. I want every colour and every race to be there. We can all
learn something out of this. It’s better if we all learn together so we can
want the world to be. grow together.
It is based on values
and is less specific than
the goal.

GOAL: The campaign goal The goal of my campaign is I want these students to come and be
is the concrete outcome educated about Black lives/POC lives. I want them to feel comfortable
talking about issues like this. I want to achieve more awareness about
you want to achieve that
racial profiling and more. My goal is to educte students on issues going on
would contribute to your in the world about Black lives and POC. I feel that it is very crucial right now
vision. The goal is not the to be learning about these things because of what has been going on in our
same thing as your world lately. I think it would be good for students to have the knowledge so
campaign “ask” but it is they are aware. They can also learn it and pass it down to others.
often connected.

TARGET: A target is the I want my target audience to be the students of St. Augustine. From grade
person(s) who has the 9-12 students. I want it to be specifically students from St. Augustine
because students need to be more educated on an issue like this. St.
authority or decision
Augustine is a diverse school filled with different people from different
making power to give you backgrounds and different cultures so this will be the perfect audience for
what you want - i.e. to my campaign.
grant your want.

ASK: The Ask is what you I am asking my target audience to show up every week on Thursdays to
are asking your target to participate in these conversation talking about POC lives, racial profiling,
and more. I want students from all grades to participate in the
do. It is very similar to
conversations, ask questions, answer questions, tell stories of their own,
the goal. and educate others around them,

TIME-BOUND: A For my campaign I plan on doing it for the entire month of February. Every
campaign is time bound week on Thursdays. It will begin on February 3, 2022 and will end February
24, 2022.
meaning it has a deadline.
This means that you know
when you have achieved
your campaign goal.
STRATEGY : A strategy - Questions are going to be asked
is a deliberate sequence - Teaching about racial profiling and how it can be stoped
- Talking about the trauma that comes from being racial profiled
of tactics to achieve your
- Talking about stories like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Sean
goal. Monterrosa, and more.
- Have the events weekly and chage them up every time so it’s not
the same thing

TACTIC: A tactic is any - Make it fun by adding videos and pictures

action you take to get - Have different topics
- Get to know you games
towards your goal.
- You will be receiving volunteer hours

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